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A Thesis
Presented to
The faculty of the Senior High School Department
Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School

Fulfillment of the
Requirements For the Strand in Practical Research II
(Quantitative Research)

Klarc Cedrik Bejerano
Ma.Alicia Torres
Sem. Junel jeff Ando
March 2018


Approval Sheet……………………………………………………………………


Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………

List of Tables………………………………………………………………………

List of Figures……………………………………………………………………..



Background of the Study…………………………………………….. 1

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………..2

Significance of the Study………………………………………………3

Scope and Delimitation……………………………………….....…….4


Related Literature……………………………………………………….5

Related Studies…………………………………………………………6

Theoritical Framework………………………………………………….7

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………..….8


Operational Delimination…………………………………………...….10

Research Design…………………………………………………………11

Research Locale………………………………………………………....12

Population and sampling procedure…………………………………...13

Research instrument…………………………………………………….14

Validity and Reability of Research Instrument………………………..15

Data Gathering………..………………………………………………….16


Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………......….18


Profile of the SHS students……………………………………………..19

Significant difference in Child labor ……………………………..…….20


Summary of Findings……………………………………………………21




A. Permission Letter………………………………………………………...25

B. Requested Letter………………………………………………………....26

C. Survey Questionare…………………………...………………………....27

CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………….….28


Background of the study

Child labor is a very severe matter to define because of children that are

being abused , Maltreated in their very young age (ILO PHIL). According to

(DOLE) Child labor also refers to any work or economic activity performed by the

child undertaking this kind of jobs are under 15 years old. (ILO).

Child labor identified work that deprives children of their Childhood. Their

potential and their Dignity and children are exposed in hazardous experience

such as slavery prostitution for the girls and boys also are engaging in fishing,

mining and constructions . (ILO PHIL)

Child labors involve at least one of the following characteristic. Such

characteristic is violates a nation’s minimum laws, threatens intorable abuse,

such as child trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, or licit activity, and also

prevents child from going to school, and uses children to undermine labor

Statement of the Problem

This study attempted to determine the Prevalence Child labor of high

school students of Zamboanga city high school (MAIN ) on the first semester of

the school year 2017-2018

Specifically, it sought answer to the following questions:

1)what is the profiles of the students in terms of

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Ethnicity

1.4 Parents Socio Economic Status

1.5 Parents Educational Attainment

2.What is the Prevalence of Child labor Among high school Students?

3.What are the cause of Child Labor?

4. Do the profile of the students causes child labor?

Significance of the study

The study is considered important to the students ,teachers, parents ,and

(DSWD) officials because it gives them knowledge and understanding about

child labor and why They undergo work in this age.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is delimited to the prevalence of child labor among high school

students. It was conducted in Zamboanga city high school main School year

2017-2018. The respondents were the high school students.



This chapter discusses the works related to the study from various articles

and theories from different references that provides information about the topic

related ,that would explain the subjects further more in the frameworks and other

entries included in this section.

Related Literature

Child labor is any form of economic activity for at least one hour per week

and/or domestic chores for at least seven hours per week and/or School labor

for at least five hours per week. according to estimates , in developing countries

alone there are 250 million children in the age group of five to 17 years who are

toiling in economic activity. One out of every six children in the world today, in

absolute terms, it is Asia (excluding Philippines) that has the most child workers

(Approximately Percent of worlds total).A study done in pondicheery determined

that 15% of children in the urban school in Pondicherry were engaged in some

from of economic work. The policy appears to have little impact on the situation,

as poverty is deep rooted and compels children to work. Hence the complex

issues of child labor and its ramification is worth investigation. It was strongly felt

that children who work and attend to school, children who are not engaged in
work. So it was there for decided to carry out the present study in working

student to school, as it was felt that they may had special problems of having to

cope with burden of studies of work. Child labor is upsetting. The popular images

in the developed world are drawn from dickens and the dark, satanic mills of

industrial revolution on the one hand, and the sweatshops and street children of

the cities of the developing world on the other.

A common, and natural enough, reaction in developing countries has been

legislation to ban child labor, following the historical lead of the developed world

as it emerged from it’s period of industrialization. In fact, trade sanctions are

being recommended in some developed countries , against the exports of

developing countries that use child labor. Many, including developing country

government, see this as a thinly disguised protectionist device. Many others,

economist among them, have argued that child labor legislation, even if it could

be enforced, is not the only way, or necessarily the best way, of tackling the

Related Studies

The first related studies that found in the website of Wissen, written by

Julian ,recently this February 21 2017. this is the reasons and meaning of child

labor .this was identified by the international Labor Organization (ILO) That child

of children in soldiering and prostitution in the other hand, social scientist

identified child labor is not actually is illegal job; because those children they

would like people know that they want to be in school but they don’t have a

choice but to work.

According to Laurence Jeff Johnson, the director of ILO Philippines said

that the root of the child labor is the severe poverty, the parents , the parents of

this child are unemployed. Most of them are 18 below. 40% of the boys are

working in the manufactures ,construction, mining, hotels, and shops. 58.6% are

in Agriculture. 90% of girl are domestic helper.

In the survey of National Statistics Office (NSO) and ILO that the number of

Pilipino people who is working is atleast 5.5 million and 3 million are ingaging in

the dangerous jobs.

According to Grovani Solidad the project manager of Ellimination of child

for ILO in the Philippines, people must recognize that Child Labor is illegal and it

is very dangerous to the situation of the child. The Government and Non

Development Organization (NGO) to really impose the R.A 9231 in which we can

protect and secure there at the same time through and by it we can also help the
parents as well by: Increasing family income, Free education for children, Social

Services that offers medicine, health care for the good of the Filipino family.

Theoretical Framework

Economic Theory provides an outlet for research in all areas of economics

based on rigorous theoretical reasoning and on topics in mathematics that are

supported by the analysis of economic problems. Published articles contribute to

the understanding and solution of substantive economic problems , The causes

of child labor and the prevalence of child labor, is the profile of the students,

mainly is the economic status of there parents or simpy poverty. Poverty is when

they don’t have enough money or income for there necessity and needs, and

they cannot eat three times a day. Economic status of the respondents parents is

also considered to be in this study, because the main question Is why do does

children undergo laboring/working. The causes of child labor and the prevalence

of child labor, is the profile of the students, mainly is the economic status of their

parents or simply poverty. Poverty is when they don’t have enough money or

income for their necessity and needs, and they cannot eat three times a day.

Economic status of the respondents parents is also considered to be in this

study, because the main question Is why do does children undergo

laboring/working. How many of this children undergo laboring? Or the prevalence

of child labor, back then it is like slavery for people to work in a young age, even

now slavery is still happening.

Conceptual Framework

Profile of the Students


Prevalence of child labor

-parents socio economic


-parents educational

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

As shown in figure 1 the independent variable is the profile such as age,

gender, ethnicity, and parent’s socio-economic status and the dependent variable

is prevalence of child Labor.


Alternative Hypothesis

The profile of the student significantly cause child labor

Operational Definition of Variables

The following dependent and independent variables that were used

for the study is defined by the researchers as:

Age – one of the information asked in research which refers to age the junior

high school students from 15 to 19 and above

Ethnicity – the ethnic tribe of the respondents which is used to identify


Gender – refers to the biological sex of a junior high school student that could

either be male or female

Prevalence – defined as the quantity or measurement of such respondents

Profile – it refers to as the information of the junior high school students who are

the respondents of the research study, which asks the basic background such as

the grade level, age. gender, ethnicity, and parents socio economic status

Socio economic status – determine the salary of such person

Chapter III


This is the third part of the study which is entitled as the research

methodology ,where the researchers gather data to survey. This episode has

contents that consists of information that would determine the data for the


Research design

The study used the survey method . This design is deemed appropriate for

the study because according to Marthy Shuttleworth ,that the survey research

design is a very variable tool for assesing opinions and trends. Even in small

scale , such as local government or small business, judging with carefully

designed surveys can dramatically change the strategies.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Zamboanga City High School (ZCHS)

located at Don. Alfaro St Tetuan, Zamboanga City (2) kilometer away from the

city proper.
Population and sampling technique

The study population consist the senior high school students of the

Zamboanga city high school main with the total population of 6,873 in finding the

sample size the researchers account the Slovin’s formula to determine the

number of the respondents by using n = N /(1+N e2)to get the kth element(any

positive interger). This study used the stratified random sampling with the support

of Slovin’s formula to identify the sample size that used. According to (McCarthy,

1957) the stratified random sampling has a natural order in the population (Bokbo

Miller &tusing 2010)

Grade level N n

Grade 7 1,766 27

Grade 8 1,600 43

Grade 9 1,760 48

Grade 10 1,747 52

Total: 6,873 170

Research Instrument

Survey questionare was the instrument used in this study that consist of

two parts – Part I and II, The first part was the profile of the high school students

such as Age ,Ethnicity, Gender ,Parents socio economic status While the second

part was answer the Prevalence of Child labor among high school students there

will be 4 statements which will be describe into numbers : 5 -Strongly agree, 4 –

Agree , 3- Undecided ,2 – Disagree ,and 1- Strongly disagree.

Validity and Reability of the Research Instrument

This research instrument is a researcher made based on the specific

related literature and related studies. It was being presented to the panel of

expert for approval. The researchers accepted and interacted the

recommendation and conclusion for the research instrument.

After validation is completed by the researcher, they went to test some

random high school student in Zamboanga City High School Main for the correct

getting of data. There is no inconsistency in the instrument and so the

researchers went to gather data

Statistical treatment of data

1.Frequency and Percentage was used to determined the profile of the student

2. weighted mean was used to know the prevalence of child labor

3. Frequency and percentage was use to know the cause of child labor.

Data gathering and analysis

The researcher was able to seek permission through a letter for the

teachers and the respondents. The researcher will try to get the decision of the

teachers and the respondents whether they are willing or not to be part of

research process after which the research undergo schedule for the day they will

conduct the survey.


The general aim of this paper is to determine the prevalence of chlild labor

of the junior high school student in Zamboanga City High School Main. This

study used the survey method which identifies the prevalence of child labor of the

junior high school respondents regarding the issue. Survey questionnaire, the

researchers used frequency and percentage. The total number of junior high

school students in ZCHS is 6,873 and the number of students that are working is

170, the population of grade 7 is 1,766 and the respondents are 27, the

population of grade 8 is1600 and the respondents is 43, the total numberof grade

9 is 1760 and the respondents are 48 and the population of grade 10 is 1,747

and the respondents is 52

The purpose of this research is to find out the prevalence of child labor of

the junior high school students in using the survey method, and it helped the

researchers determine the prevalence of child labor

It has been studied by researcher that there are more male respondents

than of females, and males has the higher number of working students than

female, and most respondents came from the grade 10 students ages between

17 to 18 years old.
Chapter IV

Result and Discussion

This chapter presents the results of the analysis that the researcher

gathered. In which we will discussed through the interpretation of the tables,

according to the use precision of chapter 1.

Profile of the junior high school student

Table 1.profile of the junior high school students interms of age

Table 1 shows that the one with the highest frequency and percentage is

the age from 17 to 18 with the frequency of 86 and the percentage of 50.6% ,

while the age from 15 to 16 has the frequency of 27 and the percentage of

15.88%, and the frequency of age 19 and above is 57 and the percentage of


Table 2. profile of the junior high school students in terms of ethnicity

Table 2 shows that the most number of respondents is bisaya with the

frequency of 76 and the percentage of 44.70% and the least number of the

respondents were specified as other and are particularly the badjao and

Table 3.profile of the junior high school students interms of gender

Table 3 reveals that most number of respondents are male with the

frequency and percentage of 104 and 61.17% , while females has the frequency

of 66 and the percentage of 38.82%

In junior high school most of the working students are male, because there

are more faster and flexible than female.and it has shown that majority of student

(john Henry L.)

Table 4: profile of junior high school students interms of Parent socio economic


Table 4 shows the parents socio economic status of the respondents

parents, as the analysis show that all of the respondents parents has 4000 and

below salary.

Low economic status is cause by a low educational attainment, physical

disorder, and other reasons. The development of the nation starts in the family,

when parents have a good job and a normal or a high economic status children

would not undergo working in there early age, and will have lesser poverty,

formal education is the demonstration of such desires to effectively and

effieciently build a sound and strong economy. The child will suffer from the
effects of occupational status, socio economic status, home situation, and

parental attitude. (Dr.Anawinna De Corte Ed. D)

Table 5: Profile of junior high school student in terms of parents educational


Table 5 shows that highest number of frequency and percentage of

parents educational attainment is High School graduate with the frequency of 84

and the percentage of 49.41 percent and the least is the college graduate with

the frequency of 33 and the percentage of 19.41 percent.

It is just because we are a college graduate does not mean we’ll have a

high socio economic income, because even though we have our degree still it is

hard to find a dessent job, and dessent salary. People must work hard for them

to attain a good and normal socio economic status.

Table 6: Causes of child labor and it’s frequency and percentage

Table 6 shows that the most reasons of respondents is there low parents

socio economic status, is frequency is 96 and with the percentage of 56.47% and
the second most highest reasons is parents school attainment, two of the

respondents also states that their father is in jail percentage of 1.17%, some

other states other reasons, like they have no parents, their parents have already

passed away, and some are already a parent, it’s frequency is 25 with the

percentage of 14.70% .

This only shows that the profile of the student causes child labor this

answers the question do the profile of the student cause child labor, they states

all kinds of reason and the number one reason is their parent socio economic

status or income, also they state that it is because of their parents school

attainment, two of the respondents state that their father is in jail and some

stated other reason.



This is the final chapter of the paper, which has contents of the

researchers finding that helps them give a brief conclusion and what would

recommend for this study.

Summary of findings

The purpose of this research study was to find out the prevalence of child

labor using survey, it helped the researcher determine the cause of of child labor.

The questionnaire is consisted of a survey on the profile, the prevalence, and the

cause of child labor that the respondents must know the reason why they

undergo working.

The researchers disvcovered that there are 6,873 child laborer and there

are more males(61.17%) respondents thatn female(38.82%). The grade 10 age

of 17 to 18 has more respondents as of others, most respondents are bisaya in

ethnicity, as the result of alternative hypothesis.


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers have drawn the

following conclusion.

1. The majority of the respondents are males(61.17%) than

female(38.82%) The grade 10 age of 17 to 18(50.6%) has the majority of

respondents as of others and most respondents are bisaya(40.70%) in ethnicity

2. the majority of there reasons why they undergo work is there parents

economic status(56.47%)

3. The profile of the students causes child labor according to the data


A. Permission letter
Immaculate conception archdiocesan school
Senior High school Department
Natividad street Tetuan
Zamboanga city

Oct 2
Jesus C. Solon
School principal III
Tetuan Zamboanga City

Dear sir:

We , the senior high school students of Immaculate Conception

Archdiocesan school are presently working on our research paper “ The
Prevalence of child labor among high school students” in fulfillment of the
requirements in practical Research II.
In review thereof , we are seeking your permission to allow us to gather
data from the Junior high school students of your school ,These data used to
answer specific problem of the study ,Rest assured that identity of the students
will be kept confidential.
We look for your favorable on this request ,Thankyou

Respectfully yours
Klarc Cedrik Bejerano
Ma. Alicia Torres
Sem. Junel jeff Ando
Romeo J. Gabito

B. Request letter

Dear respondents,

We the senior high school students of Immaculate Conception

archdiocesan school are presently working on our research paper : The
prevalence of child labor among high school students ,in partial fulfillment of the
requirements in Practical research II.
You have been chosen as a respondents of the study because you are
presently enrolled in Zamboanga city high school main year 2017-2018 ,We are
requesting you to formally answer the items with all honestly , We guarantee that
your identity will certainly be kept with confidentially.
Thankyou very much.

Yours truly,

Torres, Ma.alicia

Bejerano ,Klarc cedrik

Ando, Sem . Junel jeff

c. survey questionare



Age: 15:16____17:18____19&above

Gender: Male____Female____

Ethnicity: Zamboangeno___Bisaya___Tausug___Others___

Parents Socio Economic Status:4000&below___5000:7000___8000&above___

Parents Educational Attainment: Elementary Graduate___High School

Graduate___College Graduate

Part III

Check Yes or No wether the statement is the possible reason/s that you are

working in an early age.

Reasons why they undergo Yes No

working in an early age

Low parents socio economic


Parents school attainment

Parents that are in jail

Other reason

Name: Torres Ma. Alicia

Address: Natividad st Tetuan Zamboanga City

Contact # : 09979349104

Email :


Elementary: Tetuan Central School

Junior high school : Zamboanga city high school main

Religion: Roman Catholic

Place of birth: Zamboanga City

Date of birth: September 15 ,2000

Age: 17

Number of siblings:2


Father: Rey Torres

Mother: Grace Fe Torres


Name: Bejerano ,Klarc Cedrik

Address: Perez sub ,Tugbungan Zamboanga City

Contact #:



Elementary: Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School

Junior high school: Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School

Religion: Roman Catholic

Place of birth: Zamboanga City

Date of birth: August 23 ,1998

Age: 18

Number of siblings: 2


Father: Ulysses Bejerano

Mother: Ma. Sherly Bejerano


Name: Ando , Sem. Junel jeff

Address: Pastor bonus seminary

Contact #:



Elementary : Don Gregorio Evangelista Memorial School

Junior high school: Zamboanga City High school (main)

Religion: Roman Catholic

Place of birth: Zamboanga City

Date of birth: September 5 ,1999

Age: 18

Number of siblings: 4


Father: Julius Ando

Mother: Rosenella Ando


The researcher would like to thank for the completion of this humble work

made possible because of the contribution and unceasing support of the

following individuals:

To the ever supportive parents who themselves provided them the

inspirations to continue pursuing their dreams ,the parents of Sem. Junel jeff

Ando , Julius Ando and Rosenella Ando ,The parents of Klarc cedrik Bejerano

Ma. Sherly Bejerano and Ulysses Bejerano ,And the parents of Ma. Alicia Torres

,Rey Torres and Grace Fe Torres who are beginning of all that they has


To their thesis adviser, Mr. Romeo J. Gabito ,Who really gave his precious

time , shared his skills and journeys with them , helping them do well in this

endeavor and whose contributions and suggestions greatly helped them in

enriching this book .To all faculty and staff of Senior high school department of

Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School (ICAS) ,to their inspirations, the

researchers has been mold in their intellectual formation.

Most of all ,to the almighty God , the foundation of all wisdom ,the source

of eternal guidance and devine inspiration for attaining the graces in order to

accomplish this work ,though the intercession of Mary for the love of her future


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