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Lesson 1.

UNDERSTANDING THE DOMAIN group whose members have developed

OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES organized patterns of relationships through
interaction with one another”
“man is a social animal.” –Greek
philosopher Aristotle
-“social” – refers to the interaction of
3 broad categories of the HUMAN individuals and groups as well as to the
KNOWLEDGE welfare of humans as members of society

 Natural sciences Science- pertains to “knowledge about or

 Social sciences study of the natural world based on facts
 Humanities learned through experiments and
observation” (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
Natural sciences- aims to explain and
predict various phenomena in nature, such -refers to various methods or modes of
as cellular composition, atomic particles, inquiry utilized in order to obtain that
weather conditions and earthquake knowledge
patterns. Different important characteristics of
Major disciplines under natural sciences: science

 Biology  Empirical- A phenomenon should be

 Chemistry observable using the different
 Earth sciences senses
 Physics  Propositional- Things are explained
in the form of statements or
Social sciences- belong to those subjects generalizations
that relate to the foundation,  Logical- Employs the rules of logic in
establishment, and growth of human order to validate inferences
society.  Public- Ideas are communicated
from one scientist to another
Major disciplines under Social Sciences:
 Problem-solving- Presents rational
 Anthropology explanations about unexplained
 Sociology observations
 Psychology  Continuous- Knowledge is built upon
 Economics by previous and future research on
 Political Science the subject

Humanities- comprised the different The scientific method

branches of knowledge that tend to
Scientific method as a means of obtaining
humanize humans as they express
knowledge is employed in the empirical
themselves in various forms
sciences, namely, the natural sciences and
 Art the social sciences.
 Art history
 By way of scientific method, we
 Literature
are able to generate knowledge
 Music
about the universe, earth,
Applied professions- involves a practical humans, plants, animals and all
application of knowledge drawn out from other life forms.
other branches
Hypothesis- a “shrewd guess or inference
Society- commonly defined as “ people in that is formulated and provisionally
general thought of living together in adopted to explain observed facts or
organized communities with shared laws, conditions and to guide in further
traditions, and values” (Merriam-Webster investigation”
dictionary 2014)
-it guides the researcher in his or her search
for evidence by limiting the area of
- It is “an enduring and cooperating social
investigation and providing a unifying Branches of Anthropology
 Physical or Biological anthropology-
*Hypothesis must be tested through further is the study of human biology within the
comparison with the data. milieu of evolution. It centers primarily on
human biological origins and the
variations in human species
Topic- the researchers selects a particular
Sub disciplines of Physical Anthropology
subject matter depending on his or her
interests; it could be purely accidental  Paleoanthropology- human
sometimes evolution; earlier hominids
 Genetics- gene structure; patterns of
Problem- The researcher defines the nature
inheritance of traits
of the problem where a theory can be
 Primatology- non-human primates
developed along the way; this is the most
 Osteology- skeletal remains
important phase of inquiry
 Paleopathology- traces of disease
Hypothesis- the researcher formulates a and injury in human skeletal remains
general statement of the problem that  Forensic Anthropology- analysis and
could give him or her an idea on what data identification of human remains
to gather or omit.  Cultural or Social Anthropology- the
study of comparative analysis of pre-
Methods of Inquiry/Data gathering- stage literate societies, including all aspects of
of empirical research involving the use of human behavior.
senses and/or precision instruments
Analysis- stage of classifying and organizing Ritual
data Myth
Technology Aspects of
Conclusion-a scientific theory after a
Gender roles human
thorough analysis of data
Kinship forms Culture
*Natural sciences are sometimes called the Economic and political structures
“hard sciences”. Music
*Social sciences are referred as the “soft
sciences”. Ethnography- means to study and record the
different ways of life of human societies
SCIENCES -provides descriptive accounts which form
the basis for comparative studies of many
Anthropology- is the study of humankind.
-derived from the Greek words anthropos
Sub disciplines of Cultural Anthropology
meaning “human” and logos meaning
“word” or “study of”  Urban Anthropology- issues of inner
cities such as poverty, immigration,
-This field of study is an amalgamation of a
and social stratification
branch of the natural sciences and the
 Medical Anthropology- relationship
social sciences
between culture and health or
*Anthropologists attempt to find answers diseases
on so many questions involving humans.  Economic Anthropology- distribution
of goods and resources within and
Nature of emergence: The rise of Western between cultures
imperialism in the 18th and 19th Centuries  Archeology- involves the study of earlier
prompted interest in the study of culture of cultures and ways of life by way of
the colonies retrieving and examining the material
remains of previous human societies.

*Archeologists attempt to reconstruct the Geography- is the study of the features of
everyday life and customs of early people. the earth and the location of living things
They also seek to explain the different on the planet
cultural changes that happened over time.
-term derived from the Greek word
 Linguistic anthropology or geographia, from geo meaning “earth” and
Anthropological linguistics- is the graphe meaning “to describe”. A literal
study of human speech and language translation would be “ to describe to earth”
as well as the various changes that
*Geographers also deal with human
have taken place over time.
activities. They examine where and how
groups of people live and what adaptations
 Historical linguistics- attempts to
they usually undertake in order to subsist in
explain how numerous languages
certain regions of the earth.
have changed in the past and their
possible links to one another. NATURE OF EMERGENCE: Geography
became an academic discipline in Europe
Economics- is a discipline that concentrates
during the 18th and 19th centuries while
on how a particular society solves its
many geographic societies were founded in
problem of scarcity of resources
the 19th century.
-from the Greek words oikos meaning
“house” and nomos meaning “custom” or
-the term oikonomia literally translates as  LOCATION
“management of a household.”  PLACE
*Economists seek to understand people’s  MOVEMENT
activities concerning production,
distribution and consumption of goods and BRANCHES OF GEOGRAPHY
 Physical geography- is geography from
*it is said that the ultimate goal of the perspective of earth sciences and as
economics is to develop better policies in a branch of the natural sciences.
order to minimize problems and maximize - it includes the study of soil,
the benefits of everyday work. landforms, water, vegetation,
minerals, and climate.
NATURE OF EMERGENCE: Economics  Human geography- focuses on the
became a separate discipline with the human aspect of geography that is
publication of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of marked by a strong commitment to the
Nations in 1776. concept of culture.
- It is interested in determining
humankind’s role in changing the
 Economic growth environment
 Economic freedom
History- is a branch of knowledge that
 Equitable distribution of income
attempts to ascertain, record, and explain
 Full employment
facts and events that happened in the past.
 Balance of trade
- Originated from the Greek word
historia meaning “inquiry”
 Macroeconomics- analyzes how the - One of the oldest social sciences
economy functions as a whole or its tracing its origin in the myths and
basic subdivisions, such as the traditions of early people
government or business sectors
 Microeconomics- focuses on the
the first writers of history and history is one
behavior of individual agents like
of the oldest of the social sciences
households, industries and firms.

BRANCHES OF HISTORY -the term is derived from the Latin word
socius meaning “companion” and from the
 Social history
Greek word logos meaning “word” or
 Cultural history
“study of”
 Political history
 Economic history -it concentrates on the social influences and
 Diplomatic history processes occurring within groups of people
 Military history rather than those forces affecting an
 History of religion individual.
 History of Women
*Sociologists attempt to unravel patterns in
 Environmental history
group behavior and not on specific
Linguistics- is a field of knowledge involving expressions of individual being.
the scientific study of language as a
universal and recognizable aspect of human
founded by Emile Durkheim during the late
behavior and capacity
19th century with the establishment of the
*Liguists study changes that have taken first sociology department in Europe
place on various languages over time as
well as their modern variations.
 General sociology- deals with the
properties and homogeneity
linguistics started to develop in the 18th
common to all social and cultural
century with philology reaching its zenith in
the 19th century.
- Its concern may include the
3 parts conditions, forms and forces of
human association
1. Morphology- the study of language
 Special sociology- focuses on specific
sociocultural phenomenon usually
2. Syntax- the study on how these
selected for further study, including
words are formed into phrases
socialization, interaction, conflict,
3. Phon1879ology- the study of sounds
and domination.
of language
Political science- include the study of
governments and the need for the  Social organization
institution, its form, and its processes  Social psychology
 Social change and Social
*Political scientists deal with both theory
and practice of politics, including analysis
 Human ecology
on public policies
 Population or Demography
NATURE OF EMERGENCE: Political science is  Sociological theory and Method
a relatively new field that was principally  Applied Sociology
worked on by American scholars in the 19th
Psychology- deals with the nature of human
and 20th centuries.
behaviors, and both internal and external
BRANCHES OF POLITICAL SCIENCE factors that affect these behaviors

 Comparative politics -from the Latin word psychologia combining

 Policy studies and analysis psych meaning “spirit” or “soul” and logia
 Political theory for “study of” psychology literally means
 Political economy “study of the soul.”
Sociology- is a field of study dealing with Wundt established the first psychological
the systematic study of patterns of human laboratory in Leipzig(Germany) thereby
interaction effectively making psychology as formal
field of study



 Describe
 Explain
 Predict
 Change



 Abnormal psychology
 Behavioral psychology
 Biopsychology
 Cognitive psychology
 Comparative psychology
 Cross-cultural psychology
 Developmental psychology
 Educational psychology
 Experimental psychology
 Forensic psychology
 Health psychology
 Personality psychology
 Social psychology

Demography- is the science and statistical

study of human populations

-term came from the French word

demographie derived from Greek demos
meaning “people” and French graphie.

*By investigating the three demographic

processes of (1) birth, (2) migration, and (3)
aging (including death), demographers
attempt to comprehend the mechanisms
behind human population

NATURE OF EMERGENCE: The 19th century

saw the emergence of demography when it
separated from statistics as a field of study.


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