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6/28/2019 The vital importance of the Vesica Piscis to the Grail mysteries, sacred sex rites and Sovereignty

x rites and Sovereignty | Stories in the Stars

OCTOBER 3, 2017

The vital importance of the Vesica Piscis to the Grail mysteries, sacred sex rites and Sovereignty

My book, The Grail Mysteries (

bookstores/), features the Vesica Piscis in a faery tale for adults about shamanic sex rites and Sovereignty
achieved through the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon. So I thought it might be useful to delve down deeper
into this symbol to show its metaphorical meaning.

The universe communicates with itself through pictures – colourful symbols and metaphors. Perhaps that’s why we
find, as shamans, that symbols  and metaphors are the main way in which the spirits talk to us, and we also use
symbols and metaphors to talk to them. A picture speaks a thousand words, as they say, and it utters those words
through the vibrational resonance of its sacred geometrical dimensions and colour and sound frequencies.

All of the above is also true of symbols used on heraldic devices – like royal coats of arms – which are often, in fact,
powerful and protective talismans. A talisman is a magical design of symbols that is charged with the force it is
intended to represent. In other words, sacred geometrical designs are used to represent the universal forces that are
in harmony with what their owners wish to attract. The more in harmony it is with those universal principles, found
in Nature, the easier it is to attract the force.

This means that for any enterprise or relationship to flourish, we need to use and abide by sacred geometrical
symbols which represent that force in Nature. We will need to talk to the universe, or Nature spirits, in a language
that they understand.

And at the heart of this language is the Vesica Piscis, so named in Latin by medieval scribes because they thought it
resembled the bladder of a fish.

Vesica Piscis

However, it so much more than a bladder of a fish: everything that has ever been, or that will ever be, has flowered,
flourished and fruited out of this initial seed of life,

The Vesica Piscis has been described as the womb from which all of the Creation is born, from the realms of spirit
into the realms of materiality. It is transcendent in nature because its shape spirals out into infinity in ever-
increasing circles, and it also spirals in, into infinity, in ever-decreasing circles.

To quote Nicholas Mann in Energy Secrets of Glastonbury Tor.

“The Vesica Piscis provides a simple way of arriving at the basic patterns and measures of sacred geometry,
especially the fundamental ratio of the Golden Section….. These are the ratios, proportions and harmonies found in
Nature, in the form of plants, animals, crystals and the human body. They are also present in music and
mathematics, and so form the underlying structures of creation.

“The Vesica Piscis is a powerful symbol of the creation and growth of forms in the natural world… It is possible to
imagine the progression created by the Vesica Piscis endlessly unfolding the inner dimensions of the Otherworld as it
endlessly unfolds in the external world. The symbol is the expression of the ideal proportions of the archetypal inner
world passing into visible manifestation, and the tangible proportions of the outer world returning into the world of
the external.”

Where the two circles of the Vesica Piscis intersect is known as the mandorla (the almond shape in the centre) and it
represents the womb where the Seed of Life is birthed into the duality and then eventually evolves into the trinity –
it is the seed bed of all trigonometry.

The most obvious example of the Vesica

Piscis fund in the natural world is seen in
the mitosis of cells, when they divide. From1/8
the mitosis of cells, when they divide. From
6/28/2019 The vital importance of the Vesica Piscis to the Grail mysteries, sacred sex rites and Sovereignty | Stories in the Stars
there, it is possible to find the square root
of 5, which leads us to the Golden
Proportion or phi. This proportion is
visible in many growing plants and fruits
and even sea shells.

Nautilus shell
showing the
dimensions of
the Golden
Proportion, or

The Vesica Piscis is the natural world, all

around us. It can be perceived in the
human body (the microcosm) and also in
outer space (the macrocosm). As above, so

Hubble “Hourglass” Nebula

The Vesica Piscis is found in ancient temples going back for at least, but before going into some of those, I’d like to
make what may be a controversial suggestion. Could it be that those all wide-hipped “Venus” figurines – some of
which go back about 25,000 years – are also based on the Vesica Piscis with the mandorlas mirroring their wombs?

You may find that a little far fetched – and I admit the realisation only came to me after studying the Vesica Piscis
for several weeks to the point where I was seeing them everywhere! But please take a look at a few of these pictures
anyway, and then I’ll get back to the more authoritative and authenticated stuff. 2/8
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  Venus of Willendorf

Venus of Dolne Vestonice 3/8
6/28/2019 The vital importance of the Vesica Piscis to the Grail mysteries, sacred sex rites and Sovereignty | Stories in the Stars

Venus of Laussel

We’re pretty sure that our ancestors during the Megalithic period built
their sacred sites with the Vesica Piscis as the seed. Prehistoric
quadrangles, derived from the Vesica Piscis, were discovered by Professor
Alexander Thom as bases for the ground-plans of many European stone
circles such as Avebury, Stonehenge and Carnac.

Scholars also believe that the Vesica Piscis was at the heart of pyramid
building. The exterior angle of the Great Pyramid of Giza can be
reproduced with the Vesica Piscis, and there are many other indications
that the pyramids were built on sacred geometrical lines, as we can see in
this diagram, where the Golden Mean of phi is represented in the
dimensions of the pyramid.

The alchemists of old referred to

this fundamental universal
principle as the Marriage of the
Sun and the Moon, where the
male solar force, represented by
one circle, fertilised the female
lunar force, represented by the
other circle. Between them, they
give birth to the Child of the
Conjunction, or the Child of the
Philosopher – otherwise known
as the Philosopher’s Stone or
Holy Grail. This is why in my book The Grail Mysteries
good-bookstores/), the Vesica Piscis comes into the story when Myrddin
(Merlin) and the Company of the Grail reach the Winter Solstice and the
Marriage of the Sun and the Moon takes places on several levels, including
the human one.

Norman and medieval churches

across Europe used the Vesica
Piscis as the heart seed of their
sacred architecture, and the
mandorla or Holy Grael also
frames much of Islamic art and
the Tarot.

Mandorla is the Italian word for

almond. The almond is an
ancient symbol for the closing up
of valuable contents in a hard,
almost impenetrable shell. It is a
mysterious image of
concentration upon the light that
shines from within. During
medieval times, the almond was
interpreted as a symbol of the
embryo enclosed in the uterus.

The Vesica Pisces was used to

design Glastonbury Abbey in the
12th century. The archaeologist and archaeologist Frederick Bligh Bond
must have realised this when excavating the Abbey, and it could be why he
designed the new lid of the Chalice Well with a stylised Vesica Piscis after
the First World War. 4/8
6/28/2019 The vital importance of the Vesica Piscis to the Grail mysteries, sacred sex rites and Sovereignty | Stories in the Stars

Lid of Chalice Well, Glastonbury,


We can also see the dimensions of the Vesica Piscis clearly in Wells Cathedral, with the mandorla above the arch
leading up to the High Altar.

Altar of Wells Cathedral, Wells, Somerset

Many of the ecclesiastical paintings of Christ or the Madonna and Child are framed in a mandorla shape, and I don’t
think this is a coincidence. Going back to at least the time of King Alfred the Great, we can see that all the power
regalia of the land – the geomancy, ceremonies, rituals, sacred art, architecture and heraldry –  was guided by
alchemists and seers who were aware of these natural geometrical principles.

They knew that to encase one’s vision in the mandorla of the seed of life is to create a talisman which sends out a
very loud message indeed to the universe. It is a prayer or intention for abundance, fruitfulness and prosperity of
your chosen object, which you depict therein.

In addition, any royal coats of arms or heraldic device that places an object inside the talismanic mandorla is asking
the spirits for that object to be protected and to flourish.

About me and my work

Hello, I’m Annie Dieu-Le-Veut and I write books on shamanism, Earth magic, the 5/8
, , g ,
6/28/2019 The vital Grail Mysteries,
importance of the Vesicathe spirit
Piscis of Sovereignty
to the Grail mysteries, sacredand sacred
sex rites sexuality.
and Sovereignty I also
| Stories in thedecode
ancient myths to show how they are actually the vessels or arks of our ancestors
sailing the seas of Time and containing, deep in their submarinal holds, precious
messages about our innate holographic relationship to eternal astrological and
alchemical cycles which drive each of us along our life’s path.

Once we understand the substance of the messages our ancestors left for us thousands
of years ago, we can realise the value and meaning of human life and finally know
what to do with it.

All my books are available on Amazon and all good online bookstores.

The Grail Mysteries:

( Sovereignty and

shamanic sex magic

The Bright World of the Gods: (

true-faery-tale-from-the-mists-of-avalon/) A real faery tale from the mists of Avalon

Reclaiming Sovereignty (

sovereignty/): (
Shamanic Earth magic

Stories in the Stars: (

amazon/)What our ancestors were trying to tell us. 

How to read my books

If you’re thinking of getting one or more of my books, can I give you a bit of a steer? There are two ways to
receive my teachings, and each augments the other.

If you wish to go down the fictional route, and become inspired in your dreams and imagination by the coded
magical keys, symbols and metaphors hidden in mytho-poetic romantic adventures, I suggest that you read The
Bright World of the Gods (
the-mists-of-avalon/) first, and then The Grail Mysteries (
out-now-in-most-good-bookstores/). They are actually the first two books of a trilogy, although they work great as
standalones too. I haven’t written the third in the series yet.

However, if you feel you need some help with unravelling the meanings of the symbols and metaphors found in
ancient myths, my theoretical works are straightforward accounts that explain these Mysteries teachings in plain

Reclaiming Sovereignty ( is

largely about the historical and mythological evidence, going back thousands of years, for the practice of shamanic
sex magic, otherwise known as the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon, which brought wisdom and enlightenment to
the newly-crowned king on the night of his coronation. There is also a step-by-step guide for practising it yourself.

In Stories in the Stars (

amazon/), you’ll learn that ancient myths are like Trojan horses carrying our ancestors’ voices and wisdom that they
hid in astrological and alchemical metaphors which, once I’ve taught you how to decode them, will help you to
transform and reincarnate into your own life today. 6/8
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Written by Annie Dieu-Le-Veut ( — Posted in High Magic

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