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Special Edition

Workbook without key
with DVD-ROM

Liz and John Soars

with writing micro-skills
by Gary Pathare

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UNIT 1 UNIT 3 Pronunciation
Auxiliary verbs Past Simple and Past Continuous 10 Correcting wrong information  30
1 The forms of be, do, and have  5 1 A sad story  18 Phrasal verbs
2 Full verb or auxiliary verb?  6 2 Correcting facts  19 11 Separable or inseparable?  30
3 Contracted forms  6 3 Past Simple or Past Continuous?  19
4 My computer’s gone wrong!   6 4 A holiday in Florida  19
5 Making questions  7 5 What was he doing? What did
6 Replying with questions  7 he do?  20 Future forms 1
7 Negatives and short answers  8 1 will or going to?  31
Grammar revision 2 Where are they going?  32
Grammar revision 6 while, during, and for  20
3 I’m sure they’ll …  32
8 have / have got   8
Past Perfect 4 Making offers  32
Vocabulary 7 Regular and irregular verbs  21
Future forms 2
9 Word formation  9 8 Choosing the correct tense  21
5 Making arrangements  33
10 Words that go together  10 9 Sentence completion  21
6 Choosing the correct form  33
11 Grammar words  10 10 had or would ?   21
Grammar revision
Pronunciation Past Simple active and passive 7 somebody, nobody, anybody,
12 Word stress  10 11 Biographies  22
everybody  34
13 Weak sounds  11 12 Past passive  23
13 was, were, did, or had?  23 Vocabulary
Prepositions 8 make or do?  35
14 Verb + preposition  11 Vocabulary
14 Adverbs  23 Pronunciation
9 Vowel sounds and spelling  36
UNIT 2 Pronunciation
Present Simple 15 Words that sound the same  24 Prepositions revision
10 in, at, on for place  36
1 Lives around the world  12 Prepositions revision
2 Sentence completion  13 16 in, at, on for time  24
3 Questions  13 UNIT 6
4 Negatives  13 like
Pronunciation revision have to / don’t have to
1 Questions with like  37
5 -s at the end of a word  14 2 like or would like?  38
1 What do they have to do?   25
Present states and actions 2 Forms of have to  26 Grammar revision
6 Present Simple and Present 3 like and as  39
can and be allowed to
Continuous  14 Verb patterns
3 Who says?  26
7 Present Simple or Present 4 Choosing the correct form  40
4 Conversations asking
Continuous?  15 5 -ing forms  40
permission  27
8 Adverbs of frequency  16 6 Infinitive or -ing form?  40
Present passive 5 Giving advice  27
7 Using a dictionary  41
9 Past participles  16 Vocabulary
10 Active or passive?  16 must and have to 8 Antonyms and synonyms  41
6 must or have to?  28
Vocabulary 7 mustn’t or don’t have to?  28 Pronunciation
11 Opposite adjectives  17 9 Sentence stress 1  42
8 Talking about obligation  28
Phrasal verbs Vocabulary Phrasal verbs
12 look and be  17 10 Phrasal verb + object  42
9 Word formation  29
Present Perfect Modal verbs of probability in Indirect questions
1 How many did he ...? How many the present 1 Yes / No questions  68
has he ...?  43 1 Matching  56 2 Wh- questions  68
2 Choosing the correct tense  44 2 Why is he late?   57 3 Do you know where ...?   69
3 Conversations  44 3 The continuous infinitive  57 4 Newspaper headlines  69
4 been or gone?  45 5 Visiting a city  70
Modal verbs of probability in
5 Time expressions  45
the past Grammar revision
6 Talking about you  46
4 must have, might have, 6 Questions with a preposition at the
7 Correcting mistakes  46
may have  58 end  71
Tense review 5 Changing sentences  58
Question tags
8 Curriculum vitae  46 6 What do you think happened?  59
7 Complete the tag  72
7 Conversations  59
Present Perfect passive 8 What do you say?   72
9 Active or passive?  47 Vocabulary 9 Conversations  72
10 Two newspaper stories  48 8 Word formation  60
Vocabulary Pronunciation 10 Sentence stress 2  73
11 Words with more than one 9 Connected speech  60
Phrasal verbs
meaning  49 10 Shifting stress  61
11 Common phrasal verbs  73
Pronunciation Prepositions
12 Word stress  49 11 Adjective + preposition  61 UNIT 12
Prepositions Reported statements and questions
13 Noun + preposition  49 UNIT 10
1 An argument  74
Present Perfect Continuous 2 But you said ...   75
UNIT 8 1 Present Perfect Simple or 3 Reporting words and thoughts  75
Continuous?  62
Conditionals 1 and time clauses Reported commands
2 Replying with questions  63
1 Matching  50 4 He advised me to ...   77
2 Conversations  50 Simple and Continuous revision 5 ask and tell  77
3 Zero conditional  51 3 Matching  63 6 Other reporting verbs  78
4 Time clauses  51 4 Simple or Continuous?  64 7 speak and talk  78
Conditionals 2 Time expressions Vocabulary
5 Second conditional  52 5 When Richard met Helena  64 8 Adjectives that describe
6 First or second conditional?  52 character  79
7 Correcting mistakes  53
6 Suffixes and prefixes  66 Pronunciation
8 I’d rather ...  53
9 Word stress  80
Vocabulary 7 Diphthongs  67
10 had or would?  80
9 Money  54
Prepositions Phrasal verbs
Pronunciation 8 Prepositions of time  67
11 Phrasal verbs with two particles  80
10 Ways of pronouncing oo  54
11 Ways of pronouncing ou  55 Writing micro-skills  82
Phrasal verbs Revision  106
12 Phrasal verbs with more than one Tapescripts  114
meaning  55 Phonetic symbols 124
Auxiliary verbs
1 The forms of be, do, and have
Auxiliary verbs  •  have / have got
Word formation  •  Words that go together
Prepositions – verb + preposition
It’s a wonderful world!

Present Simple
1 I like skiing.
I snowboarding.
T 1.1 Read the sentences.
you  ?
Present Simple
I speak Italian. My father  .
I don’t speak Spanish. My mother  .
Do you speak Italian? your father  ?
My father speaks Italian.
My mother doesn’t speak Italian.
Does your father speak Italian? Present Continuous
2 I’m studying English.
Continue these sentences in the same way.

Past Simple
3 I saw the Empire State Building.
 the Statue of Liberty.

Present Perfect
4 I’ve met Muhammad Ali.

Unit 1  .  It’s a wonderful world! 5

2 Full verb or auxiliary verb? 4 My computer’s gone wrong!
Read the sentences. Is the verb in bold an auxiliary
verb (A) or a full verb (F)? 1 T 1.2 Complete the telephone conversation with
auxiliary verbs. Use contractions where possible.
1 A Have you ever been to Dubai?
2 F We had a lovely meal at Angie’s. D Good afternoon, Computer Helpline, Damian speaking. How
3 Did anyone phone last night? can I help you?
P Oh, at last! Hello, Damian. I (1) got a real problem
4 We did the washing-up before we went to bed.
with my computer. It (2) (not) working at all!
5 She has coffee for breakfast every morning.
D OK, OK. Tell me your name and your company name and
6 We weren’t using your laptop, honestly!
describe what (3) happened.
7 Where were Adel and Nawaf at lunchtime?
P My name’s Phil Evans. I (4) (not) work for a company,
8 Philippa never does her homework.
I’m self-employed. I work at home, and I (5) trying to
9 What have you done with my pen?
meet an important deadline at the moment. This morning I
10 Why are you looking so sad?
(6) working away happily, when suddenly everything
11 We’ve got a new computer at home.
stopped and a message came up on the screen. Then the screen
12 We have a new computer at home.
went blank.
D OK Phil, (7) (not) worry! What (8) the
3 Contracted forms
Rewrite the sentences with contractions where possible.
message say?
1 I do not know where the post office is. P I can’t remember exactly, because I (9) (not)
I don’t know where the post office is. understand it, but I think it said something about ‘not enough
2 She has got two brothers and she does not get on
with either of them. D It’s OK, Phil. I think I know what the problem is. Tell me, Phil,
 (10) you switched the computer off?
3 He has no brothers and sisters – he is an only child. P No, I (11) (not). It’s still on.
 D Fine, Phil. Now do exactly what I say. Go to your computer,
4 We were not happy with the hotel so we did not stay OK? Can you see a ‘W’ in the top right-hand corner? Click on
there for long. that ‘W’ with the
 mouse. What
5 He did not go to school because he had a cold. (12)
 it say? Can
6 They are getting married when they have saved you read it
enough money. to me?
 P There’s a list
7 Saud is not sure where Miteb is. of three things.
 First it says ...
8 He is parking the car. It is always difficult in our

9 I do not want them to know who I am.

10 Do you not understand what I am saying?

6 Unit 1  .  It’s a wonderful world!

2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions about 6 Replying with questions
the conversation. Then answer the questions.
T 1.3 Reply to these statements with a suitable
1 Phil / the / is / why / Computer Helpline / ringing question.
2 work / for / Phil / does / company / which
3 doing / when / computer / he / his / was / what / stopped
4 Phil / why / remember / message / the / can’t
5 switched / computer / he / has / his / off

5 Making questions
Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then
answer them about you.
1 parents / where / were / your / born
Where were your parents born ?
1 Jon’s writing an email.
They were born in ...
Who’s he writing to ?
2 moment / what / you / at / are / the / wearing
2 David speaks four languages.

3 I got some lovely wedding presents.
3 play / any / the / at / sports / weekend / you / do
4 Eric and Joy paid a lot of money for their house.

4 up / time / morning / what / did / get / this / you  ?
 ? 5 Bob’s cat has just had kittens.
5 person / famous / ever / a / have / met / you 6 Jamal’s going to the museum on Thursday.
 ?  ?
 7 Marco’s going shopping.
6 father / look / your / you / like / do  ?
 ? 8 We had a wonderful holiday.
7 go / you / where / holiday / were / did / child / when / 9 My job’s really interesting.
you / on / a  ?
 ? 10 Talal’s talking on the phone.
Unit 1  .  It’s a wonderful world! 7
7 Negatives and short answers Grammar revision
1 Complete the sentences with the correct auxiliary in the 8 have / have got
positive or negative.
! 1 Have and have got are both used for
possession. Have got refers to the present
and to all time, even though it looks like the
Present Perfect.
I’ve got two sisters. 
I have two sisters.
She has black hair. 
She’s got black hair.
2 There are two forms for the question, the
negative, and the short answer.
Have you got any money? Yes, I have.
Do you have any money? Yes, I do.
He hasn’t got a car.
He doesn’t have a car.
3 In all other tenses and verb forms, we use
have, not have got.
1 Lizzie likes sushi, but Mark doesn’t .
I had a bike when I was ten.
2 I don’t like chocolate, but Lama does . I didn’t have a car until I was twenty-five.
3 I’ve been to Korea, but Hassan . I’ve had a headache all morning.
4 Sara isn’t going to college, but I I’ll have a steak, please.
I love having a cat.
5 Ziyad loves diving, but we . I’d like to have another cat.
6 I heard the news last night, but my father . 4 Have, not have got, is used for many actions
7 Noor hasn’t finished her work, but we . and experiences.
8 I don’t want to go to the mall, but they . have breakfast / a cup of tea / a break /
9 They didn’t write to me, but you .
have a bath / a shower / a rest
10 Your English is really improving, but mine . have a swim / a good time / a holiday
have a chat / a row / a bad dream
2 Answer the questions about you with a short answer and
some more information. have a look at something / a word with
1 Do you speak three languages? have a baby
Yes, I do. I speak French, Arabic and Russian. / 5 Have got is more informal. We use it more in
No, I don’t. I only speak two, French and Arabic. spoken English. We use have more in written
English. Have with do / does is more common
2 Are you having a holiday soon?
in American English.

3 Did you have a good holiday last year?

4 Have you ever been to Dubai?

5 Do you often travel abroad?

6 Does your best friend sometimes go on holiday with you?

8 Unit 1  .  It’s a wonderful world!

T 1.4 Complete the sentences with the
correct form of have or have got.
9 Word formation
1 Excuse me! Do you have / Have you got the time, 1 Look at these noun and adjective suffixes.
nouns -ance -ation -ion -ition -ment -ness
2 I’m starving. I didn’t have anything to eat last
night. adjectives -al -ful -tific -ly -ous -y

3 Peter, coul d you help me? I a Complete the charts.

problem, and I don’t know what to do.
Adjective Noun Noun Verb
4 A Why’s Ann taking some aspirin?
B Because she a headache. friendly friend   invitation invite  
5 A Would you like tea or coffee?      education achievement     
B I a cup of tea, please.      science      compete
happy      discussion     
6 A Can you lend me two euros?
     greed      organize
B Sorry. I any money on me
     danger      appear
at all.
wonderful      exploration     
7 Maria her baby. It’s a girl.
They’re calling her Lily. 2 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1.
8 We a picnic next weekend. 1 Children can learn things from computer games. Some of
Would you like to come? them are very       .
2 I’m having some friends over this weekend and I’d like to
9 David! Can I a word with you
for a moment?
3 My favourite       of the natural world is the
10 How was the wedding last week?
Niagara Falls, without a doubt.
you a good time?
4 One of the most important       achievements is the
11 A any brothers and sisters? discovery of penicillin.
B Yes, I have two older brothers. 5 Rock climbing is a       sport.
12 A What time she usually 6 When we had a       about the book, we realized
lunch? that nobody had enjoyed it.
B About 1.00. 7 Our cat wants to eat all the time – I don’t know why he’s so
8 The Red Crescent is a medical       .
9 Majda entered a       in a magazine and won a
holiday for two.
10 I’ve never been to Cairo before. Let’s go out and

Unit 1  .  It’s a wonderful world! 9

10 Words that go together Pronunciation
Match a word in A with a line in B.
12 Word stress
A B T 1.5 Put these words from Unit 1 of the
1 pay e a lives Student’s Book in the correct stress box.

2 sports    b a coat wonderful language Japan

3 drive    c star Olympics information breakfast
afford believe penicillin
4 mobile    d abroad business computer president
5 save    e the bill politician happiness important
6 text    f an email
7 try on    g dangerously A ● ••
8 send    h job
9 travel    i phone
10 part-time    j my friends

B ●•
11 Grammar words
Match the words in A with a grammar term in B. language

1 write, want f a preposition (prep)
2 she, him    b adjective (adj)
C •●
3 car, tree    c adverb (adv)
4 can, must    d modal auxiliary verb Japan
5 slowly, always    e pronoun (pron)
6 nice, happy    f full verb
7 bigger, older    g countable noun (C)
8 to like    h uncountable noun (U) D •●•
9 a    i comparative adjective (comp adj) Olympics
10 on, at, under    j superlative adjective (superl adj)
11 hoping, living    k infinitive with to (infin with to)
12 the    l -ing form of the verb (-ing form)
13 fastest, hottest    m past participle (pp) E •• ● •
14 done, broken    n definite article (def art)
15 rice, weather    o indefinite article (indef art)

10 Unit 1  .  It’s a wonderful world!

13 Weak sounds Prepositions
1 The unstressed syllables in words are often pronounced as the
weak sound /ə/.
14 Verb + preposition
Complete the sentences with a preposition
This is the most common vowel sound in spoken English. from the box.
/ə/ /ə/ /ə/ /ə/ /ə/
global policeman performance of about to in
with for on
T 1.6   Listen and repeat.

2 T 1.7  Listen to these words. Write in the /ə/ sounds. 1 I think you’re wrong. I don’t agree
    you at all.
/ə/ /ə/
conversation politeness banana attention 2 I’m not interested     what you
think of modern architecture.
sociable preparation apartment international 3 You aren’t concentrating on your work.
What are you thinking     ?
customer personal intelligent surprising
4 What are you listening     ?
T 1.7   Listen again and repeat. 5 If you have a problem, talk     
3 Complete the sentences with another form of the word in bold. the teacher.
Mark the /ə/ sound in both words. 6 A What did you talk     ?
B Oh, this and that.
7 We might have a picnic tomorrow. It
depends     the weather.
8 A What do you think     Saad?
B I really like him.
9 Where’s the cash desk? I’d like to pay
    this book.
10 A I’ve lost your pen. Sorry.
B It’s all right. Don’t worry     it.
/ə/ /ə/ /ə/ /ə/
1 I love his photographs. He’s definitely my favourite photographer. 11 A What are you looking     ?
2 Dave studied politics at university, but he never wanted to B My coat! Have you seen it?

become a 12 A Bye. I’m off to that new restaurant.

B Lucky you. Who are you going
3 Technology advances so quickly these days. It’s impossible to
imagine what changes there will be in the next
20 years.

4 Bill doesn’t seem to like vegetables. I can’t understand why he’s

a  .
5 The role of employment agencies is to help to find
suitable workers.
6 I know anything’s possible in football, but do you think England
winning the World Cup again is a real  ?
T 1.8   Listen and check. Repeat the sentences, paying attention to
the /ə/ sounds in both words.

Unit 1  .  It’s a wonderful world! 11

Present Simple
1 Lives around the world
Present Simple • Present Continuous • Passive
Opposite adjectives • Phrasal verbs – look and be
The working week

Match the paragraphs with the people and put them in order.

Maria Vichai Uma and Sanjit

Thirteen-year-old Maria Vichai is 18. He lives in a Uma Singh and her husband
Hernandez lives with her town house with his family in Sanjit run a small corner shop
family in Tuluca, Mexico. Bangkok, Thailand. in a suburb of New York.

1 His older sister also lives at 4 ‘Shops like these are like 7 ‘I go to school from Monday
home. Their house is near the community meeting places. to Friday. Classes start at
university, where he is in the People come here to drink 8 a.m. and go on until 2 p.m.
second year of an engineering coffee, buy a newspaper or Our teachers speak Spanish
course. Lessons start at eight pass on messages. We even and English. My school
in the morning and go on until cash cheques for those people doesn’t provide lunch so
three in the afternoon, Monday who don’t have time to go to everybody brings a packed
till Friday. When he graduates, the bank.’ lunch. Sometimes I don’t like
he wants to be a civil engineer. school, but I have to study
5 It takes her about 20 minutes to hard because I want to be an
2 ‘My father works in a car factory walk to school, but she usually architect one day.’
and my mother is a housewife. goes by bus. Her school has a
I’m the youngest of three lot of students, with 30 or 40 8 It sells all sorts of food
children. We live in a small block girls in each class. and household goods from
of flats with five other families in sandwiches to washing-up
the old part of town.’ 6 At the weekend he earns some liquid, from magazines to coffee
extra money teaching computer and nails. ‘We offer a huge
3 ‘I usually have boiled rice for studies at a private computer range of products. It’s like three
breakfast. Then at lunchtime school. He enjoys playing or four shops rolled into one.’
I have chicken with fried rice or takraw, a Thai game played
a bowl of noodles. I have lunch with a light ball made of rattan, 9 The hours are very long. The
in the university cafeteria. In which you can hit with your shop opens at 6 a.m. and
the evening I always eat with foot, knee, elbow or heel, but doesn’t close until 11 p.m.,
my family. My mother cooks. not your hand. He loves living except on Sunday when it’s
Her food’s the best in the in Bangkok, but he hates the open from 8.30 a.m. until
whole world!’ traffic jams, which get worse 5 p.m. Their whole lives are
every year. controlled by the shop. ‘There
are a lot of things we can’t do
any more. We don’t go out to
restaurants and we don’t visit
our friends at the weekend. But
it’s the long hours that make
the money.’

12 Unit 2  .  The working week

2 Sentence completion 3 Questions
Complete the sentences about the people in
exercise 1. 1 T 2.1 Look at the answers to some questions about the people
in exercise 1. Write the questions.
Uma and Sanjit 1 ?
1 Uma and Sanjit run a shop. All sorts of food and household goods.
2 They all sorts of food and 2 ?
household goods. Six o’clock in the morning.
3 Most days the shop until 11 p.m. 3 Why restaurants any more?
4 They their friends any more. Because they work such long hours.
4 ?

Maria In a car factory.

5 Maria one brother and one sister. 5 ?

6 It her 20 minutes to walk to In a small block of flats.

school. 6 ?

7 She school at 2 p.m. Thirty to forty.

8 Her school lunch. 7 ?

Spanish and English.
8 ?
By bus.
9 ‘When I ,I to be a
9 ?
civil engineer.’
She wants to be an architect.
10 ‘I lunch in the university
10 Who live ?
With his parents and sister.
11 ‘I extra money teaching
11 ?
computer studies.’
12 ‘I the traffic in Bangkok.’
12 ?
Yes, he loves it, but he hates the traffic.

4 Negatives
Complete the sentences with a negative form of a verb plus the
words in brackets.
1 Vegetarians don’t eat meat . (meat)
2 Electric cars . (petrol)
3 In Britain, police officers . (guns)
4 Selfish people . (other people)
5 The Saudi Arabian football team . (red)
6 I’m unemployed. I . (job)
7 My father’s bald. He . (hair)
8 They’re penniless. . (money)
9 Kangaroos . (Mexico)

Unit 2  .  The working week 13

Pronunciation revision Present states and actions
5 -s at the end of a word 6 Present Simple and Present Continuous
Read about Liam. Then complete the texts about Rob, and
! T 2.2 Remember the rules for the Graham and Sally.
pronunciation of -s at the end of a word. This
applies to the third person singular in the
Present Simple and to plural nouns. At work
1 If the word ends in /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, or /dʒ/, Liam is a flight attendant. He sometimes works on short-haul flights in
the final -s is pronounced /ɪz/. Europe, and sometimes goes to America and Asia on long-haul flights.
misses buses chooses He often spends the night in other countries, but he doesn’t see very
sizes washes dishes
watches matches manages much, because he has to be back on the plane early in the morning.
2 If the word ends in /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, or /θ/,
the final -s is pronounced /s/. Now
stops ships hits
At the moment he isn’t working. He’s relaxing at home. He’s wearing
pets attacks bricks
laughs coughs maths jeans and a T-shirt and drinking coffee. He’s reading a book about
3 If the word ends in /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /ð/, /l/, South America because he wants to have a holiday there.
/m/, /n/, /ŋ/, or any vowel sound, the final
-s is pronounced /z/.
stabs hands bags
leaves breathes hills At work
trams earns goes Rob is a basketball coach. He (work) with a youth team.
news wears
They (train) hard and (practise) moves.
He (wear) a tracksuit and trainers.
T 2.3 The words in the box all appeared in
the text about the people in exercise 1. Put
them in the correct column.

cheques girls places Now

boys lives hours
earns products loves At the moment he (not work) and he’s in his kitchen.
minutes closes graduates He (wear) a shirt and trousers. He (make)
lessons wants messages dinner for his children.
hates cooks sandwiches

/s/ /z/ /ɪz/ At work

Graham and his wife, Sally, are farmers. They (get up)
cheques girls places
very early and (work) in the fields most days. They
(grow) vegetables and (raise) chickens on
their farm. They (wear) boots and old clothes.

At the moment they (work). They’re on holiday in the
Caribbean. They (sunbathe) on the beach and they
(have) a cold drink. They (wear) shirts and

14 Unit 2  .  The working week

7 Present Simple or Present Continuous?
1 Is the verb form in the sentences correct (✔) or incorrect (✘)?
Correct the wrong sentences.
1 I’m thinking you should go to the dentist.
Liam, flight attendent 2 What are you thinking of doing on Thursday?
At work
3 Why do you leave so early? Don’t you enjoy the match?
4 Nobody is ever laughing at my husband’s jokes. It’s so
5 I don’t believe a word he says. He always tells lies.
6 We’re seeing our bank manager at half past two.
7 I’m not seeing how I can help you.
8 Does this train stop at Oxford?
9 He’s never knowing the answer.

2 T 2.4 Put the verbs in the correct form, Present Simple or Present
Now Conversation 1
Rob, basketball coach A What (1) (that man/do) over there?
At work
B He (2) (wait) for the bank to open.
A But the banks (3) (not open) on Thursday afternoons.
B (4) (you/think) he’s a bank robber? Watch out! He
(5) (take) something out of his pocket. He
(6) (walk) towards us!
C Excuse me. Could you tell me the time, please?
Conversation 2
A What (7) (you/do)?
B I (8) (pack) my suitcase. I (9) (leave) in
an hour.
Now A But I (10) (not/understand). Where (11)
Graham and Sally, farmers (you/go)?
At work B To Frankfurt – on a business trip. Mr Johnson (12)
(meet) me at the airport at six o’clock. I (13)
(not/know) when I’ll be back.

3 Complete the pairs of sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the
Present Simple for one and the Present Continuous for the other.
1 I (think) of learning French.
I (think) that’s a great idea!
2 you (see) what I mean?
What time you (see) the doctor?
3 They (have) a fantastic house.
They (have) a fantastic holiday.

Unit 2  .  The working week 15

8 Adverbs of frequency 10  Active or passive?
Are the adverbs of frequency in the correct (✔) or
incorrect (✘) places? Correct the wrong sentences. T 2.5 Complete the text with the correct form of the
verbs, Present Simple active or passive.
1 ✘ Do usually you sit here?

Do you usually sit here?
2 I have always liked Peter.

a plane
3 Never I have anything to eat in the morning.
4 I usually take my daughter to school.

5 I go sometimes abroad on business.
6 I have never enough money.
7 We often have tests in class. When you (1)
8 Our teacher gives us always too much (arrive) at an airport, you
homework. should go straight to the check-
9 Sonja always is late for class.
in desk where your ticket and

luggage (2)    (check).
Present passive You (3)  (keep) your
9 Past participles hand luggage with you but your
Rewrite the sentences in the passive. suitcases (4) (take)
1 They speak Arabic here. to the plane on a conveyor belt.
Arabic is spoken here. You can now go to the departure lounge.
2 They produce Nokia phones in Finland.
If you are on an international flight, your passport

(5)  (check), and then your bags
3 They include service in the bill.
(6) (x-ray) by security cameras;

sometimes you (7)  (give) a body
4 We are redecorating our kitchen at the moment.
search and your luggage (8) (search)


5 They eat Shawarma in the Middle East. by a security officer. You
(9) (wait) in the
6 Another company is taking over our company. departure lounge until your flight
(10) (call) and you
7 The company employs about 1,000 people. (11) (tell) which
gate number to go to. Finally, you
8 We grow dates in Saudi Arabia. (12) (board) your plane and you

(13)  (show) to your seat by a flight
9 They are pulling down that block of flats
because it is unsafe. attendant.


10 They deliver our newspapers before breakfast.

16 Unit 2  .  The working week

Vocabulary 2 Complete the sentences using a phrasal verb with look
in the correct tense.
11  Opposite adjectives
Complete the chart. Use a prefix (un-, in-, im-) in 1 If I don’t know the meaning of a word, I look it up
the first column and a word from the box in the in the dictionary.
second column.
2 I’m my glasses. Have you seen them?
sad casual cheap arrogant 3 ! That glass is going to fall!
cruel rude wrong strange/rare
boring stupid ugly out-of-date 4 I to seeing you next week.
5 A Do you know Kim’s phone number?
Adjective Opposite Opposite B Sorry, I don’t. You should it in
(prefix + (different
adjective) word) the phone book.
6 Babysitters the children when the
1 happy unhappy sad
parents go out.
2 polite
3 expensive 3 The verb to be is often followed by a particle to form a
phrasal verb.
4 interesting Bye! I’m off to Egypt for three weeks. (= I’m going …)
5 correct Complete the sentences with a particle from the box.
6 attractive Some are used more than once.

7 fashionable on   up   in   up to   off   away

8 intelligent 1 A Hello. Can I speak to Mr Al Ghamdi, please?
9 usual B I’m sorry. He isn’t at the moment. Can I
10 kind take a message?
11 formal 2 A Hello. Can I speak to Ms Richards, please?
12 modest B I’m sorry. She’s on holiday at the
3 A I feel like watching TV.
Phrasal verbs B Good idea! What’s at the moment?
12   look and be 4 I think this milk’s . It smells horrid.
1 Look at the dictionary extracts of some phrasal verbs
with look. 5 A Where shall we go for dinner?
B It’s you. You choose.
sb = somebody sth = something
6 Come on, kids! Aren’t you yet? Breakfast’s
on the table.
look after (sb/sth) to be responsible for or take care of
sb/sth: I want to go back to work if I can find somebody to look after
7 I wonder why they aren’t answering the door.
the children. There must be someone . All the lights
look for (sb/sth) to try to find (sb/sth): We looked for you
everywhere. Where were you? look forward to sth/doing are .
sth to wait with pleasure for sth to happen (because you 8 I must be soon. I want to get to the mall
expect to enjoy it): We’re really looking forward to our holiday.
look out to be careful or to pay attention to sth dangerous, before it closes.
etc: Look out! There’s a car coming! look sth up to search for 9 A Why isn’t my computer working?
information in a book: to look up the times for trains to London.
B Because the screen’s . That’s why.
10 A You’re crying. What’s ?
B I’m just a bit sad. That’s all.

Unit 2  .  The working week 17

1 A sad story
Past Simple and Past Continuous
Past tenses  •  while, during, and for  •  Past Perfect
Passive • Adverbs • Prepositions – in, at, on for time
Telling tales

Past Simple
ran up
Past Continuous
was waiting
1 Match the picture numbers with the verbs in the box. killed was watering the plants
arrived were leaving
1 2
put up 1 was playing
called were having tea
ran him over
couldn’t get down
4 invited them in for tea
3 tried to tempt him down

2 T 3.1 Complete the story with the phrases from the box.

Yesterday evening, Mr Taylor (1) was watering the plants

5 6 in his garden, while his cat, Billy, (2) near
him. Suddenly, Billy (3) a tree. Mr Taylor
(4) to Billy, but he (5) ,
so he (6) the fire brigade. While he
(7) for them to arrive, he
(8) with some fish. The
8 fire brigade eventually (9) ,
(10) their ladder and (11)
Billy. Mr Taylor was so pleased that he (12) .
While they (13) , they didn’t see Billy
go outside again, and ten minutes later as they
(14) , they (15) and
unfortunately they (16) him.

18 Unit 3  .  Telling tales

2 Correcting facts 4 A holiday in Florida
Correct these false statements about the story.
T 3.2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs,
1 The story happened last month. Past Simple or Past Continuous.
The story didn’t happen last month.
It happened yesterday evening.
2 Mr Taylor was cutting the grass.

3 Billy was sleeping in the garden.

Last February, I (1) decided (decide) to go on holiday
4 Billy jumped over the wall.
to Florida. The day I (2) (leave) England it

(3) (rain), but when I (4) (land) in
5 Mr Taylor rang the police. Florida, the sun (5) (shine) and a lovely, warm

breeze (6) (blow) from the sea. I

6 The fire brigade used a rope to get Billy down. (7) (take) a taxi to my hotel. As I

(8) (check in), someone (9) (tap)

me on the shoulder. I (10) (can not) believe

3 Past Simple or Past Continuous? my eyes! It was my old classmate. He (11)

Choose the correct form of the verb. (stay) at the same hotel. The next day, we (12)
1 They met / were meeting when they worked /
were working in Rome. (go) snorkelling and (13) (see) hundreds of
2 She read / was reading quietly in her room
beautiful fish. It (14) (get) dark when we
when suddenly the lights went / were going out
and she heard / was hearing a scream. (15) (return) to our hotel after a wonderful
3 He stood / was standing up, walked / was
walking across the room, and closed / was day. We also (16) (spend) a couple of days
closing the window.
sightseeing together.
4 A young woman walked / was walking into the
office. She carried / was carrying a baby. It was very enjoyable.
5 Didn’t you meet / Weren’t you meeting your
wife while you lived / were living in Jeddah? I (17)
6 I saw / was seeing you in the park yesterday. (feel) very
You sat / were sitting with your cousin Tom.
7 As soon as I walked / was walking into the sad when
room, she handed / was handing me the letter.
the holiday
8 His father was really angry with him because he
listened / was listening to the radio while he (18)
did / was doing his homework.
9 Why didn’t they visit / weren’t they visiting me (end).
when they stayed / were staying in Dubai?
10 What did you write / were you writing when
your computer crashed / was crashing ?

Unit 3  .  Telling tales 19

5 What was he doing? What did he do? Grammar revision
Read the newspaper stories and answer the questions.
6 while, during, and for
! 1 While is a conjunction, and is followed by a
Hero saves man’s life clause.
Jack Easton, 38, was driving home from work While I was getting ready, I listened to
at around 6.30 in the evening when he saw a the radio.
yellow VW van, driven by Ken Sharpe, crash I met my wife while I was at university.
into a tree. Without thinking of his own safety, 2 During is a preposition, and is followed by a
he pulled the young man out of the van and noun. It tells us when something happened.
It means at some point in a period of time.
took him straight to hospital. The doctors say
Ken will make a complete recovery. We had to call a doctor during the night.
Can I speak to you during the break?
1 What was Jack Easton doing when he saw the accident? We cannot use during with a period of time.
He was driving home from work. *We talked during five minutes.
*We’re on holiday during six weeks.
2 What did Jack Easton do when he saw the accident? 3 For is a preposition, and is followed by a
noun. It tells us how long something lasts.
We talked for five minutes.
We’re going on holiday for six weeks.
Annie Phillips, wife of £1,000,000 quiz show Complete the sentences with while, during,
winner John Phillips, was in hospital today. She or for.
was watching husband John on the TV quiz 1 My uncle died during the night.
show ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ when he
answered the question which won him the top 2 The phone rang I was
prize. In her excitement, she jumped up, fell over having supper.
the rug and broke her leg. John says they won’t
3 I lived in Paris several years.
celebrate until she has recovered.
4 I was in Paris I made a
3 What was Annie doing when she broke her leg? lot of friends.
5 I was in hospital three weeks.
4 What did Annie do when John answered the final 6 my stay in hospital, the nurses
question correctly? looked after me very well.
7 A football match lasts ninety
Customers in the
Shock for Whitehall Savings Bank 8 I hurt my arm I was playing
bank received a terrible shock squash yesterday.
customers yesterday. People were 9 I hurt my leg the second half
standing in queues chatting to each other
of the match.
when two masked robbers burst into the
bank. Sixty-year-old Martin Webb suffered 10 Traffic is always bad the rush hour.
a heart attack and was taken to hospital. 11 Last week I was held up three
The robbers escaped with £500,000. hours because of the traffic.
5 What was happening in the bank when the robbers burst in? 12 Khalid came round we were eating.
13 Khalid came round the meal.
6 What happened to Martin Webb when the robbers burst in?

20 Unit 3  .  Telling tales
Past Perfect
7 Regular and irregular verbs 9 Sentence completion
Complete the chart with the missing verb forms.
T 3.4 Complete the sentences with the words in
Infinitive Past Simple Past participle brackets. Use the Past Perfect.
grow grew grown 1 I was broke because I had spent all my money on
fallen clothes . (spend / money / clothes)
find 2 Jane was furious because she
sold . (oversleep / miss the bus)
feel 3 Mary was very disappointed with her son. He
driven .
fly (not study enough / fail exams)
left 4 Before his accident, Peter
travel . (be / best player / team)
lie (not tell 5 I was very nervous as I waited in the departure
the truth)
lounge. I .
won (never / fly / before)
spent 6 Jack wanted a new challenge in his work. He
8 Choosing the correct tense (do / same job / ten years)
T 3.3 Choose the correct tense in the story. 7 I didn’t know his name, but the face was familiar. I

A Busy Day was sure

(see / somewhere / before)

I t was ten o’clock in the evening. Peter (1) sat / had sat 8 When I got home, I was starving. I
  down on his sofa and thought about the day. What a busy .
day it (2) was / had been. This was his first night in his own flat.
(not have / anything to eat / all day)
He (3) lived / had lived his entire life in the family home, and
now for the first time, he (4) was / had been on his own. 10 had or would?
He sat surrounded by boxes that they (5) didn’t manage / Read the sentences. Does ’d mean had or would?
hadn’t managed to unpack during the day. It (6) took / had taken
1 I’d like a cup of coffee. would
months to get all his things together. His mother (7) was / had
2 I knew I’d read the book before. had
been very generous, buying him things like towels and mugs.
He (8) went / had gone into the kitchen and (9) made /
3 You must try golf! You’d love it!
had made a sandwich. He suddenly (10) felt / had felt very tired 4 She said she’d give her a job.
and yawned. No wonder he (11) was / had been tired! 5 She said she’d given her a job.
He (12) was / had been up since six o’clock in the morning. He 6 I was tired because I’d been up since six.
(13) decided / had decided to eat his sandwich and go to bed. 7 I told you we’d arrive on time!
But he didn’t get there … 8 I told you they’d bought a house!
9 I didn’t realize he’d already been there.
10 I’d give him a ring, if I were you.

Unit 3  .  Telling tales 21

Past Simple active and passive
11 Biographies
T 3.5 Complete the texts with the verbs in the boxes.

a successful writer,
Helen Keller who was deaf and blind
(American, 1880–1968)

Charles Blondin
the world’s most famous
didn’t know toured were caused had tightrope walker
were told taught was made came (French, 1824–1897)
was offered found
became died fell wasn’t killed
Helen Keller’s deafness and walked was born was put was taught
blindness (1) were caused watched were carried
by a severe illness when she
was a baby. Her parents (2) Charles Blondin (1) was born into a circus family. He (2)
what to do, and to walk on a tightrope when he was five.In
they 1859, he (3) very famous when a high wire
(3) it difficult to (4) above the Niagara Falls between
control their growing America and Canada and he (5) across it.
daughter. One day they Thousands of people (6) him do it.
(4) about a Afterwards, many of them (7) across the
brilliant young teacher water on his back. Blondin sometimes (8)
from the high wire but he (9)
called Anne Sullivan. She  ; he
(5) to work with Helen and, very firmly (10) peacefully in bed in his sleep!
and patiently, (6) her that every object
(7) a name. Eventually, Helen
(8) a place at university. After this, she
(9) the world helping people like herself.
The story of her life (10) into a
programme, The Miracle Worker.

the first woman pilot

Amy Johnson to fly to Australia
(English, 1903–1941)

disappeared held was introduced joined

didn’t succeed returned were  married tried
was taught was awarded

Amy Johnson (1) joined the London Aeroplane Club when

she was still a schoolgirl. There, she (2) how to
service planes and she (3) to a pilot called Jim
Mollison, who (4) the record for a flight to Australia. In 1929, she (5) her pilot's licence and,
the following year, Amy (6) to beat Jim's record. She (7) , but she was still the first woman to
fly to Australia. When she (8) , she and Jim Mollison (9) . Amy was very popular but her
death is still a mystery. During the war, in 1941, she and her aeroplane (10) into the sea.

22 Unit 3  .  Telling tales

12 Past passive Vocabulary
Rewrite the sentences using the passive.
14 Adverbs
1 Somebody broke my glasses. Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentences.
My glasses were broken . Sometimes more than one place is possible.
2 Nobody asked him to come. 1 The meal was good. quite
He wasn’t asked to come .
3 Somebody left the lights on. 2 I phoned the police. immediately
The lights .
4 Somebody told me about it yesterday. 3 I got up late this morning, but I just 
managed to catch the bus. fortunately
I .
5 Nobody invited her to the wedding. 4 ‘Hi, Pete. How are you?’ actually
She . ‘My name’s John, but don’t worry.’
6 Somebody took us to the hospital.
5 In the middle of the picnic it suddenly
We .
began to rain.
7 Nobody gave them any information.
They . 6 I saw Mary at the meeting. only
8 Did anybody find the missing child? I didn’t see anyone else.
Was ?
7 I gave a present to John, not to only
9 Did anything disturb you in the night?
anyone else.
Were ?
8 Jane and I have been friends. We even
13 was, were, did, or had? went to school. We were born in together
Complete the sentences with was, were, did, or the same hospital. always
1 The flight delayed because of bad 9 ‘I didn’t like it.’ either
weather. ‘I didn’t like it.’
2 you do much sightseeing when you
visited Damascus? 10 ‘I like it.’ too
‘I like it.’
3 They leaving for the bus station when I
last saw them.
These sentences don’t make sense
4 I forgotten to set my alarm clock, so I without an adverb.
was late for work.
11 Everybody in our family loves really
5 it raining when you left college?
ice-cream, me. especially
6 The workers told last night that the
factory was closing. 12 The traffic to the airport was bad nearly
7 The police found the money which that we missed the plane. so
been stolen from the bank.
13 I’m tall to be a policeman, but I enough
8 The fire caused by an electrical problem.
haven’t got qualifications. enough
9 She was surprised he knew her name. She
never met him before.
10 How many times your passports
checked before you got on the plane?
Unit 3  .  Telling tales 23
Pronunciation Prepositions revision
15 Words that sound the same 16 in, at, on for time
T 3.6 In each sentence there are two words in
phonetic script. They have the same pronunciation but
! 1 We use at for times and certain expressions.
at 8.00 at midnight
different meanings and spellings. Write the words. at lunchtime at the weekend
at New Year at the same time
1 You can /siː/ see the /siː/ sea from here! at the moment at the age of nine
2 We use on for days and dates.
2 She /θruː/ the ring /θruː/ on Friday on Friday morning
the window. on 12 September on Saturday evening
3 We use in for longer periods such as months,
3 The soldiers /wɔː/ khaki uniforms years, and seasons.
when they went to /wɔː/ . in April in 2002
in summer in the nineteenth century
4 I must /wɔːn/ you that ties must be We say at night but in the evening/afternoon.
We also say I’ll see you in the morning,
/wɔːn/ at the Ritz.
but I’ll see you tomorrow morning.
5 The police /kɔːt/ the burglar and he 4 There is no preposition before last, next, or this.
What did you do last Thursday?
ended up in /kɔːt/ in front of Judge I’ll see you next week.
Jordan. We’re going to the beach this weekend.

6 I /bluː/ up six red balloons and ten

Complete the sentences with in, at, on, or — .
/bluː/ ones.
1 A I’m meeting Alan — this evening.
7 We /njuː/ that Jim and Sue had
B What time?
bought a /njuː/ car.
A At six.
8 I /sɔː/ Jack at the doctor’s. He had a 2 A What did you do the weekend?
/sɔː/  throat. B  Thursday evening we went to a restaurant.
9 The book I /red/ on the train had a We slept in late Friday morning, and then
/red/ cover. the afternoon we went for a walk.
7.00, some friends came round for tea. We didn’t
10 We /rəʊd/ our horses along the
do anything after that. What about you?
narrow /rəʊd/ .
3 The weather in England is unreliable.
summer it can be hot, but it often rains April
and June. last year the summer was awful.
The best English weather is usually spring
and autumn.
4 I learnt to drive 1999 the age of 17.
My brother learnt the same time as me, but I
passed my test first.
5 I’ll phone you next week. Thursday,
maybe. the afternoon. about 3.00. OK?
6 I don’t see my parents much. New Year,
usually, and the holidays.

24 Unit 3  .  Telling tales

have to / don’t have to
1 What do they have to do?
1 Match the statements with the people.
Modal verbs 1 – obligation and permission • Word formation
Phrasal verbs – separable or inseparable?
Doing the right thing

a Rod, the retired man

b Jack, the teenager

c Liam, the businessman

2 T 4.1 Write the questions using the statements from exercise 1.

1 Why do you have to wear smart suits ?
Because I have to meet a lot of important people.
2 Why ?
1 c ‘I have to wear smart suits.’ Because I work for an international company.
2 ‘I always have to be home before 3 Why ?
Because my parents say that I have to.
3 ‘My dad usually has to work in 4 Why ?
the evenings.’
Because I don’t have to catch the 7.32 a.m. train to work.
4 ‘I don’t have to get up at 6.30 a.m.
any more.’ 5 Why ?
5 ‘My wife has to take our Because he’s a teacher and he has to mark homework.
children to school every morning.’ 6 Why ?
6 ‘My wife has to go to hospital Because she broke her arm and she has to have physiotherapy.
every week.’
7 Why ?
7 ‘I have to get good marks in my Because my mum says that she is still too young.
8 Why ?
8 ‘My little sister doesn’t have to
help with the housework.’ Because I start work very early.
9 9 Why ?
‘I often have to travel overseas.’
Because I want to go to a good university.

Unit 4  .  Doing the right thing 25

2 Forms of have to can and be allowed to
Complete the sentences with a suitable 3 Who says?
form of have to.
1 Who says these sentences? Where are the people?
1 I ’m having to work very hard at the
moment because I have an exam 1 ‘You can’t park there. I’ll give you a parking ticket.’
next week.
A traffic warden in the street
2 You won’t have to work hard after your
2 ‘I’m sorry, sir, but you can’t get on the plane without a passport.’
exam. You can have a holiday.
3 My cousin’s a police officer so he
wear a uniform at work, 3 ‘You aren’t allowed to look at your notes during the exam.’
but my uncle’s a taxi driver so he
wear one. 4 ‘Shh. You can’t talk in here. People are studying.’
4 When I was a teenager, we

be home by nine o’clock. But we
5 ‘You can take your seat belt off now and walk around, but you
take as many exams as
aren’t allowed to use personal computers or mobile phones.’
teenagers nowadays.
5 My teeth hurt when I drink something
cold. I think I see the 6 ‘We’re allowed to make one phone call a week, and we can go to
dentist soon. the library, but we spend most of the time in our cells.’
6 Nobody enjoys get up at
five o’clock in the morning.
2 Write sentences about these places. Use can or allowed to.
7 your grandfather start
work when he was only fourteen? 1 a restaurant
8 You speak Arabic to travel You aren’t allowed to play tennis in a restaurant.
around the Gulf countries, but it helps! You can have a meal or drink coffee.
9 If you lose your job, we 2 a hospital
sell the car?

we have fish for

supper again?
3 a museum

4 a swimming pool

26 Unit 4  .  Doing the right thing

4 Conversations asking permission should
T 4.2 Read the two jumbled conversations between 5 Giving advice
Tom and his father, Jack, and Sam, a businessman, 1 Read the sentences and give advice. Use should.
and his boss Andy. Match the lines of the
conversations with the correct person and put them
in order.

14 Tom
Jack 1 My son never wants to go out, he just plays
Tom computer games all day!
You should take his games console away sometimes.
10 Sam 2 My car keeps breaking down.
Sam 3 I’m not sleeping very well these days.
4 Since my mother died, my father doesn’t know what
to do with himself.

Sam 5 I just don’t know what to do with my hair. It looks
1 But I’m taking Dave to see his grandmother in hospital!
2 Yes, what is it?
3 I told you. I need it. 2 Complete the questions with should and a suitable verb.
4 Well, it’s not a very convenient time at the moment. 1 My brother has invited me to go skiing, but I’ve
We’re very busy.
never done it before. Should I go with him?
5 You know my father is having problems with his legs and
he can’t walk. Well, he needs to go into hospital next 2 I’ve been offered a place at Oxford and Cambridge.
week, and I was wondering if I could have the day off. Which university ?
6 Thanks a lot, Dad. I won’t be back late. 3 Everything on the menu looks wonderful! What
7 Oh, please! He won’t be able to go if I don’t give him a
8 That’s very kind. Thank you very much. I’m very grateful. 4 I want to tell Mike that he has bad breath, but I’m
9 No, you can’t. I need it. afraid of hurting his feelings.
10 Andy? Have you got a minute? Can I have a word? or not?
11 I know we’re busy, but he won’t be able to get to the 5 I’ve got a terrible headache, and I can’t read the
hospital if I don’t take him. instructions on this aspirin bottle. How many
12 All right. I suppose I can walk. The exercise will do me
13 Well, if that’s the case then you must take him, of course. 6 My aunt has invited me to her picnic, but I don’t
14 Dad, can I have the car tonight? want to go. What to her?

Unit 4  .  Doing the right thing 27

must and have to 8 Talking about obligation
Complete the sentences with must, have to, mustn’t, or
6 must or have to? don’t have to.
Match the pairs of sentences with their meanings.
1 I must have a drink of water. b 1
I have to drink lots of water. a You must be
a  The doctor told me so. home by 11.00.
b  I’m really thirsty.
2 I must do my homework tonight.
I have to do my homework tonight.
a  I’m telling myself it’s important.
b  This is why I can’t come out with you tonight.
3 We must go to Malaysia sometime.
We have to go to Malaysia next week.
a  Another boring business trip. Yawn. Bye! I have to be
b  It would be really nice. home by 11.00.
4 I must wear something nice to go shopping.
Men have to wear a shirt and tie to go into a 2
posh restaurant.
stay in bed for
a  I want to look good. a few days.
b  It’s the house rule.
5 I must water the plants today.
You have to water the plants daily.
a  I haven’t done them for ages.
b  They need lots and lots of water. I
stay in bed for
7 mustn’t or don’t have to? a few days.
Choose the correct verb form.
1 We have a lot of work tomorrow. You mustn’t / don’t
have to be late.
2 You mustn’t / don’t have to tell Mary what I told
you. It’s a secret. 3
3 The museum is free. You mustn’t / don’t have to pay I
to get in. wash the car
4 Children mustn’t / don’t have to tell lies. It’s very today.
5 Terry’s a millionaire. He mustn’t / doesn’t have to go
to work.
6 I mustn’t / don’t have to do my washing. My mother
does it for me.
7 We mustn’t / don’t have to rush. We’ve got plenty of Oh no! I
time. clean
8 You mustn’t / don’t have to play with matches. all those shoes.
They’re dangerous.
9 This is my favourite pen. You can borrow it, but you
mustn’t / don’t have to lose it.
10 A  Shall I come with you?
B  You can if you want, but you mustn’t / don’t have to.

28 Unit 4  .  Doing the right thing

9 Word formation
T 4.3 Complete the chart and add the stress.
4 You
talk during the exam. Noun Verb

1 beˈhaviour beˈhave
2 advise
3 introduce
4 invitation
5 meet
I’ve finally 6 relaxation
passed! I 7 discuss
a maths exam 8 refusal
ever again. 9 feeling
10 gift
5 11 bow
I go and 12 prayer
see the doctor.
13 invent
14 choose

Noun Adjective

Sorry. I can’t come on Friday. 15 national

I go to the 16 tradition
doctor’s at 3.00.
17 profession
18 ill
19 value
20 truth
6 You 21 different
draw if you don’t 22 free
want to. 23 culture
24 responsibility
25 necessary


draw on the

Unit 4  .  Doing the right thing 29

Pronunciation Phrasal verbs
10 Correcting wrong information 11 Separable or inseparable?
1 T 4.4 Read the telephone conversation between ! A dictionary shows you whether a phrasal verb
Ms Maddox and the bank manager, Mr Sanders. When can be separated by an object.
Ms Maddox corrects Mr Sanders, circle the stressed words.
turn sth on to move the switch, etc. on a piece
of machinery, etc. to start it working: Turn the
Mr S  Good morning, Mrs Maddox. lights on!
Ms M  It’s Ms Maddox, actually. The preposition on comes after sth. This means
the verb and the preposition can be separated.
Mr S  Oh yes. Ms Mary Maddox of ... Turn the light on. Turn on the light.
Ms M  Ms Maureen Maddox. If the object is a pronoun (it, him, her, me, them,
us, you), it must come before the preposition.
Mr S  Yes, of course. Now, Ms Maddox. I believe you want
Turn it on.
to borrow five hundred pounds. NOT Turn on it.
Ms M  No, in fact, I want to borrow five thousand pounds. look for sb/sth to try to find sb/sth: We
looked for you everywhere. Where were you?
Haven’t you got my loan application?
Mr S  No, I’m afraid not. But I understand you want to open a The preposition for comes before sb/sth. This
means that the verb and the preposition cannot
bookshop for your son. be separated.
Ms M  No, I want to open a flower shop for my daughter. I’ll look for John later. I’ll look for him.
NOT I’ll look him for.
Don’t you think you should read my loan application,
Mr Sanders?
Mr S  A flower shop for your daughter. Well, I’ll send you a T 4.5 Complete the sentences with the word it
in the correct place. Use your dictionary for help.
form today ...
1 You must be very hot with your coat on. Why
Ms M  But you sent me a form last week, and I’m ringing
don’t you take it off ?
because I have some queries about it.
2 Your shirt is filthy! Just look at !
Mr S  Oh, so you’ve filled in the form ... 3 I haven’t read the newspaper yet. Don’t throw
Ms M  No, I haven’t filled in the form. I can’t fill it in because I away .
don’t understand it. That’s why I’m ringing. 4 The TV is too loud! Turn down !
Mr S  Oh I see! You want to ask me some questions about 5 It’ll be a great trip! I’m really looking forward
the form. to .
Ms M  Not any more. I don’t want to ask you questions about 6 Is that story about Ali true, or did you make
anything!! Goodbye! up ?
7 I saw a lovely sweater today. I tried on
but it was too small.
2 Practise reading the conversation aloud.
8 Don’t drop your litter in the street! Pick
up !
9 You can borrow my camera, but you must
look after .
10 You can’t have my dictionary. Give back
to me!

30 Unit 4  .  Doing the right thing

Future forms 1
1 will or going to?
5 Future forms  •  somebody, nobody, anybody, everybody
make or do? • Prepositions – in, at, on for place
On the move

6 A Who do you think

World Cup?
B Spain
(win) the

(win), of course!
T 5.1 Complete the conversations with will or going
to and the verb in brackets. Careful! Sometimes both 7 A You’ve still got my tennis racket. Have you
forms are possible. forgotten?
B I’m sorry. Yes, I’d forgotten. I
(fetch) it now.

8 A Dad, can you lend me some money, please?

I (give) it back tomorrow.
B I don’t know. What you
A I (buy) a new coursebook
for college.
1 A Why are you wearing your old clothes? 9 A Your exams start in two weeks’ time. When
B Because I ’m going to wash (wash) the car. you
(start) revising? You haven’t done any revision yet.
2 A I’ve got a headache. Have you got any aspirin?
B I know. I (do) some tonight.
B Yes, they’re in the bathroom. I
(get) some for you. A You’re going out tonight.
B I (start) tomorrow night, then.
3 A Don’t forget to tell me if I can help you.
B Thank you. I (give) you a 10 A Can you take me to Harrods, please?
ring if I think of anything. B Yes, jump in.

4 A Why are you making sandwiches? A How long it

B Because we (have) a picnic
on the beach. A About ten minutes.

A What a lovely idea! I (get) 11 A Do you like the shirt I bought Peter for his
the towels and the swimming costumes. graduation?

5 A I’m going now! Bye! B Mmm. I’m sure he (like) it,

too. What you
B What time you
(do) after his graduation?
(be) back tonight?
B We’re going out for a meal.
A I don’t know. I (call) you later.
Unit 5  .  On the move 31
2 Where are they going?
Look at the pictures. Where are the people going? Write questions and answers with going + verb + -ing.

1 Where’s he going? 2 3
He’s going swimming.

4 5 6

3 I’m sure they ’ll … 4 Making offers

Complete the sentences. Use will or won’t.
T 5.2 Make offers with I’ll for these situations.
1 Nadia’s been studying very hard for her exams.
1 A It’s so hot in this room!
I’m sure she’ll pass the exams easily .
B I’ll open the window.
2 If you don’t feel well, go to bed and rest. I’m sure
2 A I’m so thirsty!
you soon.
3 Ask John if you have problems with your
3 A There’s someone at the door.
homework. I’m sure you.
4 I’ll ask Jane to come with us, but I know she
4 A I don’t have any money.
. She’s very busy.
5 You don’t need your umbrella today. I don’t think
5 A I need to be at the bus station in ten minutes.
6 Don’t sit in the sun for too long. You
6 A My suitcases are so heavy!
7 Don’t go to that new restaurant. I’m sure you

32 Unit 5  .  On the move

Future forms 2
5 Making arrangements
B A surprise dinner! That’ll be difficult to arrange
T 5.3 Complete the conversation with the Present
Continuous form of the verbs in the box. without her knowing. Who (2) you
invite drive have make stay
get bring give travel deliver A Everybody. All our friends, her colleagues from
work, and all her family, even her two cousins
from Scotland. They (3) down at
the weekend and they (4) their
children with them.
B What about the food? Where (5)
you that from?
A It’s all arranged. Marcello’s restaurant
(6) all kinds of food on Saturday
afternoon, and their chef (7) even
a special cake.
B Excellent! And what (8) you

Can you keep a secret? Rosa for her retirement? Have you
got her a good present?
Richard talks to his sister, Ann, about his plans for
A Oh yes! I’ve booked a special holiday. A week for
his wife’s retirement.
two in Paris. We (9) first class and
A Can you keep a secret? (10) in a five-star hotel.
B Yes, of course. What is it? B That’s a great idea! I can see that you’re going
A I (1) ’m having a surprise dinner for Rosa next to enjoy her retirement, too! Am I invited to this
Saturday. She’s retiring on Friday, after thirty years dinner?
as a teacher. A Of course. But keep it a secret!

6 Choosing the correct form 5 A I haven’t got enough money to pay for my ticket.
Choose the correct form of the verb. B It’s OK. I ’m going to lend / ’ll lend you some.
1 A Have you got toothache again? 6 A You two look really shocked. What’s the matter?
B Oooh! It’s agony! But I see / ’m seeing the dentist B We’ve just learnt that we ’ll have / ’re going to
this afternoon. have twins!
2 A Have you booked your holiday? 7 A I thought you had just bought a new dishwasher.
B Yes, we have. We ’re going / ’ll go to Lebanon. B Yes, that’s right. It ’s being delivered / will be
3 A What a beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky! delivered tomorrow.
B Ah, but the weather forecast says it ’s raining / 8 A Can you meet me after work?
’s going to rain. B I’d love to, but my husband ’s taking / ’ll take me
4 A Please don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret. out for dinner tonight.
B Don’t worry. We won’t tell / ’re not telling anybody.

Unit 5  .  On the move 33

Grammar revision Complete the sentences with a compound word.
7 somebody, nobody, anybody, everybody 1 Does anyone want a game of tennis?
2 What’s that smell? Can you smell something burning?
! 1 Look at the sentences from the text about Kevin 3 I asked if wanted an ice-cream,
Saunder’s job on p43 of the Student’s Book.
My ideal holiday has a little bit of everything. but did, so I just bought one for myself.
… I need to do something. 4 Did phone me while I was out?
2 Look at the compounds that can be formed. 5 Your face looks terribly familiar. Haven’t I seen you
some one
any body
} before?
6 She left the room without saying .
no thing
every where 7 This doesn’t look like a very nice restaurant. Can we go
3 In general, we use some in positive sentences and else?
any in negatives and questions, but not always. 8 I have more to say to you. Goodbye.
In offers and requests, we usually use some.
9 A Where do you want to go on holiday?
Would you like something to eat?
Can I have something to drink? B  with a beach. I don’t care where it is
We use some when we expect the answer ‘yes’. as long as it’s sunny and has got a nice beach!
Is there somebody I can speak to?
Can we go somewhere quiet? 10 I felt so embarrassed. I was sure that was
4 We generally use any after if. looking at me.
If you need anything, just ask. 11 A What do you want for supper?
5 Any has another meaning. It can mean: It doesn’t
matter who/where/what ... B . I don’t mind.
Come and see me anytime you want. I don’t 12 It was night, and the town was deserted. was
in the streets, and was open.
Help yourself to food. You can have anything
you want. 13 A Who came to visit you in hospital?
Anyone will tell you that two and two is four.
B  . Pete and Anna, James and Kathy, all the
Smiths, Sally Beams, and Sally Rogers.
14 I have never been more beautiful than Scotland.

34 Unit 5  .  On the move

8 make or do?
1 Which expressions go with make, and which go with do? Write them in the correct columns.

a mistake make do
my homework
up your mind a mistake my homework
the shopping
a decision
a mess
a complaint
someone a favour
sure that
the housework
my bed
my best
a speech
a profit
a noise
a phone call
friends with
the washing-up

2 Complete the sentences using the expressions from 7 We have an agreement in our house. I cook dinner
exercise 1 in the correct form. every evening and afterwards James .
1 First he said yes, then he said no, but in the end he 8 Could you please? Could you give
to accept the job offer. me a lift to the airport?
2 I like to keep fit, so I every day. 9 When I got married, my father stood up and
3 I love weekends! I can lie on the sofa all day and where he thanked everybody for
. coming and making the day so special.
4 Ssh! You mustn’t . The baby’s
10 We have some lovely new neighbours. We’ve already
5 My teacher says I must work harder, but I can’t
11 Is there a public call box near here? I have to
work any harder, I’m .
6 We asked to see the manager and we
about the terrible service in the 12 Before you go on holiday you should
restaurant. all the doors and windows are locked.

Unit 5  .  On the move 35

Pronunciation Prepositions revision
9 Vowel sounds and spelling 10 in, at, on for place
1 T 5.4 Circle the symbol that matches the sound in the ! 1 In is used to express a position inside a place.
underlined letters. They are all single vowel sounds. It suggests three dimensions.
He works in an office in London.
1 word /ʌ/ /ɜː/ /ɔː/ He lives in the south of England.
2 weather /e/ /iː/ /æ/ He potters in the garden.
There are lots of shops in the airport.
3 sugar /uː/ /ʊ/ /ʌ/
2 At is used to express a location at a point. It suggests
4 woman /ɒ/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ two dimensions.
5 women /ɒ/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ Lucinda’s at home. Justin’s at Ben’s house.
6 uncle /ʌ/ /æ/ /ʊ/ I’ll see you at the shopping mall at 11.00.
I’ve left my case at the office.
7 half /ɑː/ /æ/ /ɔː/ We arrived at the airport with time to spare.
3 On is used to talk about position on a surface.
2 T 5.5 Cross out the word which does not contain the This exercise is on page 36.
vowel sound. We drive on the left.
There are no pictures on the wall.
1 /ɪ/ build field fill women Our flat is on the third floor.
2 /e/ leather friend break bread
3 /ʌ/ front rough won’t country Complete the sentences with in, at, or on.
4 /ɒ/ clock wonder want wash 1 I met Nick Italy. He was a shop, buying
5 /æ/ angry hungry fax salmon pasta. I was the queue, waiting to buy some
6 /iː/ cheese breath meal breathe bread.
7 /uː/ spoon wooden zoo souvenir 2 Last night when I was the kitchen, I couldn’t
8 /ɔː/ warm walk store work find my glasses. I looked all the shelves and
9 /ɜː/ world ferry early journalist all the cupboards. I thought I’d put them
one of the drawers, but they weren’t there. They
3 T 5.6 Transcribe these words from the article on p43 certainly weren’t the table or the floor.
of the Student’s Book.
Had I left them work? Were they the car?

1 /biːtʃ/ beach Then I realized where they were. They were top

2 /ɪkˈsplɔrɪŋ/ of my head!

3 /mjuːˈziːəmz/ 3 A Where were you at two o’clock yesterday?

4 /ˈrestrɒnts/ B the beach.

5 /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ C work.

6 /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ D Manchester.

7 /ˈdɪfrənt/ E Sally’s house doing my homework.

8 /ˈpʒːfjuːmz/  F the bath.

9 /ˈskʌlptʃəz/ G home.

10 /ˈdʒuːəlri/ H a boat.

36 Unit 5  .  On the move

1 Questions with like
like • Verb patterns • Antonyms and synonyms
Phrasal verbs – phrasal verb + object
I just love it!

2 Write questions using the phrases in the box.

Do … like …?
1 Answer the questions about yourself. What … like?
Would … like …?
What/Who … look like?
How …?

1 What’s the weather like ?

It’s raining again!
2 Do you like cooking ?
No, I don’t. I can’t even boil an egg!
3  ?
Well, it’s pressured and the hours are so
long. But it pays well, I suppose.
4  in your family?
Well, everybody says I look like my mother
but I think I look more like my father.
5  as a child?
I looked quite funny. I was very tall and thin.
My nickname was ‘The Pencil’!
6  ?
1 What do you like doing most in your English class? Coffee, please. I don’t like tea.
 7  tennis?
2 Do you like working alone or with a partner? Yes, I love it. I play every weekend in summer.
 8  ?
3 Would you like to have more or less homework after class? I’d love to. What time does the match start?
 9  ?
4 What’s your classroom like? Well, it’s quite old, but with a modern
 kitchen, and it has a lovely garden.
5 What are your classmates like? 10  ?
 Mum’s in New York at the moment. But
they’re both very well, thank you. I’ll tell
6 What is your spoken English like?
them you asked about them.

7 Would you like to speak more or write more in class?

Unit 6  .  I just love it! 37

3 T 6.1 Read the conversation between two friends. Complete it with questions.

A  I’m applying for a job in East Africa.

B  Are you? I used to live there. In Tanzania. I was there about ten years ago.
A  Really! (1) What ?
B  It was really interesting. I was there for two years. I liked everything except the climate.
A  Why? (2) that ?
B  Well, I was on the coast, in Dar es Salaam, so it was very hot and humid all of the time.
A  And the people, (3) ?
B  Very nice. Very kind. And of course the Masai people look wonderful.
A  (4) ?
B  Well, they’re very tall and they wear the most amazing coloured beads, in their hair, round their necks, on their arms and legs. And
the unmarried men put red mud in their hair. They’re a magnificent sight.
A  I suppose you went on safari when you were there. (5) that ?
B  I loved it. It was very exciting. I went to the Serengeti Plain and the Ngoro Ngoro Crater.
A  (6) Which animals best?
B  Actually, I think it was the giraffes. They were so graceful, so elegant – but I liked all the animals.
(7) What to see if you go there?
A  The lions, of course. Especially those that live in the trees. I hope I get the job. It’s been great
talking to you.
B  And you. Give me a ring and let me know what happens.

2 like or would like?

1 Match a sentence in A with a sentence in B.

1 I like brown bread. e a I’d love one. I’m very thirsty.
2 Would you like a lift? b I hate it.
3 Would you like some more apple pie? c I’d love to. That’s very kind.
4 Would you like a cold drink? d I’d love some. It’s delicious.
5 Don’t you like football? e I don’t. I can’t stand it.
6 I don’t like kahwa. f Neither would I.
7 I wouldn’t like to live in a city. g Nothing.
8 Would you like to come for a picnic with us? h Really? I love it.
9 What do you like doing at weekends? i It’s OK. I think I’ll walk.

38 Unit 6  .  I just love it!

Grammar revision
3 like and as
! 1 When like is used as a preposition, it is always followed by
a noun. It means similar to / the same as.
I look like my mother.
They have so many animals. Their house is like a zoo.
‘How old are you?’ ‘I’m 21, like you.’
‘You’re funny.’ ‘Why do you say things like that?’
2 We use as in comparisons.
My daughter is as tall as me.
She works in the same office as me.
3 When as is used as a conjunction, it is followed by a subject
and a verb.
Do as I say and sit down.
2 T 6.2 Tick the correct question.
Don’t eat and speak at the same time, as my mother
1 A ✓ Where do you like going on holiday? used to say.
As you know, we’re leaving tomorrow at 10.00.
Where would you like to go on holiday?
4 Notice the use of as in as usual.
B We usually go skiing in the winter, then
Pat and Peter arrived late, as usual.
somewhere hot in the summer.
2 A What do you like to do this evening? Complete the sentences with as or like.
What would you like to do this evening? 1 Dave eats like a horse. I’ve never seen anyone eat

B Something a bit different. I feel like as much as him!
a change. 2 This sauce tastes vinegar!
3 A Where do you like going on holiday? 3 I’ve known Andy for years. He went to the same school
Where would you like to go on holiday? I did.
B Somewhere hot! I want to get brown. 4 My sister’s a teacher, me.
4 A Do you like ice-cream? 5 A We had a new teacher today called Mary.

Would you like an ice-cream? B What was she ?
B No, thanks. 6 Who do I look , my mother or my father?
5 A What kind of books do you like 7 She really annoys me. I can’t stand people her.
reading? 8 I’ll see you tomorrow at 11.00, usual.
What kind of books would you like to 9 It’s July and the weather’s awful! It’s winter!
read? 10 I need to buy all sorts of things socks, shirts,
B Science Fiction, usually. and trousers.
6 A Do you like swimming? 11 I’ll be back in touch soon possible.
Would you like to go swimming? 12 My brother has a car yours.
B It’s OK, but I get bored. 13 Don’t touch anything. Leave everything it is.
7 A Do you like swimming? 14 It’s freezing. My feet are blocks of ice.
Would you like to go swimming?
B Great! Let’s go.
8 A Would you like to be a teacher?
Do you like your teacher?
B I couldn’t stand it!

Unit 6  .  I just love it! 39

Verb patterns 6 Infinitive or -ing form?
Complete the sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of
4 Choosing the correct form the verbs in the box. Write your answers in the puzzle.
The vertical words spell what we all like to eat (9, 4)!
T 6.3 Choose the correct form of the verb.
1 I want you be / you to be / that you are more count invite touch pull fill find wish
complain speak wash feed defrost stand
careful with your homework in the future.
2 I stopped to play / play / playing tennis when I 1 s t a n d i n g
was 35. 2 s p e a k
3 Why did I promise help / to help / helping with
the painting? I hate it!
4 I tried tell / to tell / telling you that you were
making a mistake, but you wouldn’t listen.
5 I’m looking forward go / to go / to going to Sydney
next year. 7

6 My father let me having / to have / have driving 8

lessons when I was seventeen. 9

7 Mike invited me to his picnic, but I wasn’t 10
allowed go / to go / going. 11
8 I finished watching / to watch / watch TV and
then I went to bed.

5 -ing forms
1 I hate standing in a queue. It’s such a waste of time.
Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the
verbs in the box. 2 My baby daughter is just learning to speak . She can
say two words – ‘Mama’ and ‘Daddy’.
walk give up hear mend work
help wake up find watch live 3 Can you remember to up the car with petrol?
It’s nearly empty.
1 I’m tired of hearing nothing but bad news. 4 I’d love to Dave and Maggie round for a meal
2 too much TV is bad for your eyes. some time.
3 I’ll repair your watch for you. I’m good at 5 The diet is based on calories.
things. 6 My jeans need . They’re filthy.
4 a good job these days is really difficult. 7 The customer tried to about the service in the
5 My children are afraid of in the dark restaurant, but the waiter refused to listen.
now, so we keep a light on at night. 8 Stop my hair! It hurts!
6 Did you know that is one of the best 9 I just want to you luck in your exams.
forms of exercise? 10 Would you mind our cat while we’re away
7 Thank you for me. I really appreciate it. on holiday?
8 in a big city can be very stressful. 11 When you go round a museum, you aren’t allowed to
9 eating chocolate is easy. I’ve done it anything.
hundreds of times! 12 Don’t forget to the chicken before you cook it.
10 I earned a lot of money by overtime. 13 Did you manage to what you were looking for?

40 Unit 6  .  I just love it!

7 Using a dictionary Vocabulary
Look at the extracts from the Oxford Wordpower
Dictionary. They show you all the possible verb patterns. 8 Antonyms and synonyms
Is the verb pattern correct (✓) or incorrect (✗)? Rewrite 1 Write the opposite.
the incorrect ones.

like1 /laɪk/ verb [T] (not in the continuous tenses) 1 to find sb/sth
pleasant; to be fond of sb/sth: He’s nice. I like him a lot. • Do you like
their new flat? • I like my coffee with milk. • I like playing tennis.
• She didn’t like it when I shouted at her. ➤ opposite dislike.
➤ When like means ‘have the habit of…’ or ‘think it’s a good
thing to…’, it is followed by the infinitive: I like to get up early so
that I can go for a run before breakfast.
..➤ Look at likes and dislikes. 2 to want: Do what you like. I don’t care.
➤ Would like is a more polite way to say ‘want’: Would you like
to come to lunch on Sunday? • I would like some more cake, please. • I’d
like to speak to the manager. Would like is always followed by the
infinitive, never by the -ing form.

3 (in negative sentences) to be unwilling to do sth: I didn’t like to

1 an old man a young man
disturb you while you were eating.
an old house a new house
like 2 a single person
1 ✓ We like walking by the river at weekends. a single ticket
2 Would you like coming round to our house for 3 a light colour
dinner? a light suitcase
3 I like it that you laugh at my jokes. 4 a hard test
4 I like to go to the gym three times a week. a hard pillow
5 I’d like to order a taxi. 5 a short novel
6 I’m afraid I dislike my new boss. a short man
6 a hot curry
agree /əˈgriː/ verb 1 [I,T] agree (with sb/sth); agree (that…) to a hot drink
have the same opinion as sb/sth: ‘I think we should talk to the man-
ager about this.’ ‘Yes, I agree.’ •  I agree with Paul. •  Do you agree that 7 dark hair
we should travel by train? •  I’m afraid I don’t agree. ➤ Look at dis- a dark room
agree. 2 [T] agree (to sth) to say yes to sth: I asked if I could go
home early and she agreed. •  Andrew has agreed to lend me his car
for the weekend. ➤ Look at refuse. 3 [I,T] agree (to do sth);
2 Write another adjective with a similar meaning.
agree (on sth) to make an arrangement or agreement with sb:
They agreed to meet again the following day. •  Can we agree on a
1 a rich woman a wealthy woman
price? We agreed a price of £500. 4 [I] agree with sth to think that
sth is right: I don’t agree with experiments on animals. 5 [I] to be the 2 a funny story an amusing story
same as sth: The two accounts of the accident do not agree.
3 an untidy room
4 accurate information
5 friendly people
7 Alan thinks it’s too expensive, and I’m agree.
8 a silly person
8 She thinks she’s right, but I’m not agree.
9 a clever person
9 I don’t agree with you.
8 a wonderful idea
10 All doctors agree that smoking is bad for
9 awful news
your health.
10 horrible weather
11 She thought we should go, and I agreed it.
12 They agreed talking about it again tomorrow.

Unit 6  .  I just love it! 41

Pronunciation Phrasal verbs
9 Sentence stress 1 10 Phrasal verb + object
1 Match a verb in A with an object in B.
T 6.4 What did A say? Look at the stressed
words in B’s reply and complete A’s A B
statement or question. 1 sort out d a clothes in a shop

1 A Jack is very short . 2 put out b children
B No, he isn’t. Jack’s very tall. 3 fill in c the answer
4 find out d a problem
2 A Anna’s got  .
5 try on e the television
B No, she hasn’t. Anna’s got short, blonde
6 try out f toys in the cupboard
7 bring up g a form
3 A  ? 8 clear up h something you don’t want to a shop
B No, I don’t. I want a return ticket. 9 take back i a new idea
10 work out j a fire
4 A  .
11 put away k information
B No, she doesn’t. Liz likes expensive
12 turn off l a mess

5 A  ? 2 Complete the sentences with one of the phrasal verbs in its

correct form.
B No, he didn’t say that. He said the
lecture was interesting. 1 I’ll dry the dishes if you put them away . I don’t know
where they go.
6 A  ?
2 A Can you the time of the next train to London?
B No, they don’t. Jane and Paul hate going B OK. I’ll phone the station.
for walks. 3 A What should I do with this form?
7 A  ? B Just it and give it to the receptionist.
B No, thanks. I’d like a cold drink, please. 4 A Oh, dear! The washing machine isn’t working, I haven’t got
any clean clothes, and I’ve got to go to work. What am I
8 A  ? going to do?
B No, I haven’t. I’ve got a stomach ache. B Don’t worry. I’ll it all . Just go to work.
5 The fire was so intense that it took the firemen three hours to
9 A  .
it .
B Well, I hated school when I was a child.
6 The government wants to a new scheme to
encourage people to start their own businesses.
7 A Can I these jeans , please?
B Sure. The changing rooms are over there.
8 That maths exam was really hard. It took me ages to
some of the answers.
9 I don’t mind you baking a cake, but just make sure you
everything when you’ve finished.
10 A Look at these shoes! They’re brand new, and the
heel’s fallen off already.
B them and change them, then.
42 Unit 6  .  I just love it!
Present Perfect
1 How many did he …? How many has he …?
Present Perfect active and passive
Tense review • Words with more than one meaning
Prepositions – noun + preposition
Just the job!

1 Complete the questions with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

Explorers Writers

Ranulph Fiennes 1944– Ibn Battuta 1304–1369 Alice Walker 1944– Jane Austen 1775–1817
a How many expeditions b How many expeditions c How many books d How many books
has he been on ? did he go on ? ? ?

Footballers Inventors

Lionel Messi 1987– George Best 1946–2005 Shunpei Yamazaki 1942– Thomas Edison 1847–1931
e How many goals f How many goals g How many things h How many things
? ? ? ?

2 Match the sentences and the people. 3 Ask questions about the first four sentences in
exercise 2.
1 c She has won many awards for her writing.
2 His first invention was a new computer chip 1 When did she write  The Colour Purple?
design. 2 When the world’s
3 He has travelled to both the North and South Poles. most successful inventor since Edison?
4 He has been the top goal scorer in the Champion’s
3 How old became
League for three successive years.
the oldest British person to climb Mount
5 She never married. Everest?
6 He played for Manchester United.
4 When his first
7 He travelled further than any other person until
international game for Argentina?
modern times.
8 He invented the electric light bulb.

Unit 7  .  Just the job! 43

2 Choosing the correct tense
Tick (✓) the correct form of the verb.

The life of 3 At the age of 11 he   7 In 2007 he a goal that was

Lionel Messi with a growth problem. very similar to Maradona’s famous
diagnosed 1986 World Cup goal (the ‘Goal
of the Century’).
has been diagnosed
was scored
was diagnosed scored
has scored
4 His family to
Barcelona in 2000, when FC   8 After the game, his team mate
Barcelona offered to pay for Deco said, ‘It was the best goal
Lionel’s medical treatment. I in my life.’
moved have ever seen
have moved ever saw
has moved ever see
1 Lionel (‘Leo’) Messi in  9 Messi the Leo Messi
1987 in Rosario, the third largest 5 He his first game for Foundation in 2007 to pay for
city in Argentina. FC Barcelona when he was 16. medical treatment for Argentinian
born has played children in need.
is born played was established
was born plays established
has established
2 He for football clubs since 6 He to Maradona, the
he was five. 10 He as a goodwill
other great Argentinian player.
ambassador for UNICEF since 2010.
played was often compared works
plays has often compared worked
has played has often been compared has worked

3 Conversations
T 7.1 Write the conversations using the cues.

1 A You / be / brown! Where / you / be? 2 A What / you / do / to your finger?

You’re brown! Where have you been? 
B We / be / on holiday. B I / cut / myself.
A Where / you / go? A How / you / do that?
B We / go / Spain. B I / cook / and the knife / slip.
A When / you / get back? A you / put / anything on it?
B Last night. The plane / land / 6.00 in the evening. B No. It’s not that bad.

44 Unit 7  .  Just the job!

4 been or gone? 3 Write sentences for the situations with the verb in brackets
Complete the sentences with been or gone. and just, already, or yet.

1 A Where’s Mum? 1 You’re having a coffee in a café. You stop drinking for a
minute and the waiter tries to take your mug away.
B She’s to the post office.
2 Where have you ? You’re so late! You say: Excuse me!

3 A Are you going to the library today? . (not finish)

B No, I’ve already . I went yesterday. 2 You had a cup of coffee. Your sister comes in and offers
4 If anyone phones, tell them I’ve to lunch. you another cup.
I’ll be back at two. You say: No, thanks.
5 We’ve never to Japan, but we’d like to go. . (have one)

6 A When are you going on holiday?
3 Henri went out two minutes ago. The phone rings.
B We’ve already . We went to Florida. It’s someone for Henri.
7 A What happened to your neighbours? You say: . (go out)
B Didn’t you know? They’ve to live in
4 You rush home to see the World Cup final on TV.
Abu Dhabi.
You want to know if you’ve missed the beginning.

5 Time expressions You ask: ? (start)

1 Do the time expression and the preposition / adverb 5 You fed the cat at eight o’clock. At nine o’clock, your
go together (✓) or not (✗)? sister starts to feed the cat again.
Past Present You say: . (feed her)
Simple Perfect
1 for 6 You’re doing your homework. Your friend calls round to
✓ ✓
invite you out for the evening.
2 since ✗ ✗
3 in (1960)
You say: . (not do)
4 ago
5 at (two o’clock)
6 just
7 before
8 yet
9 already
10 never

2 Put the word in brackets in the correct place in

the sentences.
1 I’ve heard about your accident. (just)

2 Have you had breakfast? (yet)

3 I’ve finished my exams. (already)

4 Have you been to Morocco? (ever)

5 I haven’t read that book. (yet)

Unit 7  .  Just the job! 45
6 Talking about you

T 7.2 Answer the questions about you.

1 Have you been shopping recently? Tense review

 8 Curriculum vitae

1 T 7.3 Read Steven’s curriculum vitae. Then complete the job
2 What did you buy? interview below.
 I Where do you live ?
 S In Newton, near Swansea.
3 How much have you spent today? I you to university?
 S Yes, I have. I to Bristol University from 2000
 to 2003.
4 Have you had a busy day? I What subjects ?
 S and .
 I any languages?
5 Have you read any good books recently? S Yes, I do. I fluently.
 I you ever in Spain?
 S Yes, I .I and in
6 What lessons have you had today? Barcelona for a year.
 I What kind of work you there?
 S I .
I What now?
7 Correcting mistakes
S I near Exeter.
Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
I How long there?
1 How long do you know your best friend?
S Since .

 2 Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple, the Past
Simple, or the Present Perfect.
2 This is the first time I eat Thai food.
 1 He in the village of Newton near Swansea.
 2 He English and Sociology at university.
3 What have you done last night? 3 He Spanish when he
 in Barcelona.
 4 He in a junior school since April 2003.
4 I study English for four years. 5 He climbing and playing tennis in his
 free time.
 6 When he was at school he in
5 When have you got your hair cut? a bookshop at weekends.

6 I have seen Nour yesterday.

46 Unit 7  .  Just the job!

Name Steven Marcham

78 Bryn Lane
South Wales
Telephone 01792 34651 Present Perfect passive
Date of birth 15 September 1981 9 Active or passive?
Choose the correct form of the verb in
Education these sentences.
1990–1999 Kingsmead School, Swansea 1 Angela ’s just promoted / ’s just been
2000–2003 Bristol University promoted to area manager of
BA (Hons) English and Sociology Eastern Europe.
Languages Fluent Spanish 2 I ’ve applied / ’ve been applied for a
Computing skills Microsoft Word, Excel job.
3 How many times have you injured /
Work experience have you been injured playing
April 2003– football?
English teacher at Ferndale Junior
present 4 Bob’s wife has just lost / has just
School in Roundhay, near Exeter.
been lost her job.
2001–2002 Secretary of
the university climbing club.
5 My sister has passed / has been
Led a team to the Alps.
passed her final exams.
July 1999– Lived in Barcelona. Worked as a
6 My brother has given / has been
May 2000 teaching assi
stant in a school. given tickets to the Grand Prix.
Acquired excellent Spanish langua
ge 7 The population of our city has risen /
has been risen to nearly a million.
October 1997– Worked at weekends in a booksh
op. 8 A strike has called / has been called
June 1999
by the air traffic controllers.
Interests 9 They haven’t offered / haven’t been
 offered more money by the
Travel, tennis, working with chil
dren, climbing. management.
10 How much money have you saved /
have you been saved for your
round-the-world trip?

Unit 7  .  Just the job! 47

10 Two newspaper stories
1 Complete the newspaper stories with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Perfect or Past Simple, active or passive.

The Loch Ness Wallet

Fourteen years ago Spanish tourist It (5)  (discover) last
Gaspar Sanchez (1)  Sunday on the bed of the loch by some
(drop) his wallet into the waters scientists in a submarine looking for
of Loch Ness in Scotland. His passport, the Loch Ness monster!’
his car keys, his business card, and his
money (2)  (lose) in Señor Sanchez said, ‘The whole thing
150 m of water. This week is absolutely amazing. Apparently
the phone (3)  (ring) my wallet and its contents
in Señor Sanchez’s Barcelona flat and (6)  (put) in the post to
a Scottish policeman told him, ‘Sir, me already. I should get them
your wallet (4)  (find)! tomorrow. I can’t believe it!’

On June 16, two thieves (11)  (steal) a rhino
head from the Liege Natural History Museum, but
(12)  (catch) by police at a roadblock as they

head stolen from drove away.

Rhinos are often killed for their horns, which are sold

Brussels museum on the black market for medicinal purposes, particularly

in Asia. The missing rhino head (13) 
(value) at 3,000 euros.
Belgian museum officials (7)     just     
(announce) that a rhinoceros head (8)       
(steal) from the Natural History Museum in Brussels. 2 Write the questions. Use the information in the
newspaper stories.
‘At closing time on Tuesday, the head of a black
1 When did Gaspar Sanchez lose his wallet ?
rhinoceros (9) (take) by three people,’ Fourteen years ago.
a spokesperson for the museum said in a statement. 2  ?
It is the second Last Sunday.
time in the last 3  ?
month that a A rhinoceros head.
rhinoceros head 4  ?
(10) On Tuesday.
(steal). 5  ?
Two times.
6  ?
3,000 euros.

48 Unit 7  .  Just the job!

Vocabulary 2 In these sentences the words in italics have more than one
meaning. What is the correct definition here? Find one
11 Words with more than one meaning other meaning. Use your dictionary if necessary.
1 Look at the dictionary entry for course. How many
meanings do you know? 1 You’ve got a dirty mark on your shirt. Did you spill your
course /kɔːs/ noun 1 [C] a course (in/on sth) a complete series
2 How many branches does the bank have?
of lessons: I’ve enrolled on an English course. • A course in self- 3 Everyone has the right to live in peace.
defence. 2 [C] one of the parts of a meal: a three-course lunch •
4 The train leaves from platform 5.
I had chicken for the main course. 3 [C] an area where golf is
played or where certain types of race take place: a golf course 5 You gave her ten pounds, but you only gave me five.
• a racecourse 4 [C] a course (of sth) a series of medical treat- That’s not fair!
ments: the doctor put her on a course of radiation therapy. 5 [C, 6 It was mean of him not to help you change your tyre.
U] the route or direction that sth, especially an aeroplane,
ship, or river takes: We changed course and sailed toward land. 7 I’ll put the picture up if you give me a hammer and a nail.
• to be on/off course (= going in the right/wrong direc- 8 Who holds the world record for the high jump?
tion) (figurative) I’m on course (= making the right amount of
9 It’s common to tip waiters and taxi drivers ten per cent.
progress) to finish this work by the end of the week.
10 My brother works for a law firm.

Pronunciation Prepositions
12 Word stress 13 Noun + preposition
Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box.
T 7.4 Put the words in the box in the correct Some are used more than once.
with for between on to
business degree absolutely out of in of about
applicant Argentina behaviour
competition discover editor
1 I had a crash this morning. Fortunately I didn’t do much
experience fluent foreign
interesting interpreter Japan damage to my car.
journalist political publication 2 Samir isn’t here this week. He’s     holiday.
resign pollution career 3 We’re     coffee. Could you go to the shop and get
A  ● • B  • ● C  ● ••
4 This morning I got a cheque in the post     £100.
business degree 
5 You’re really annoying me. You’re doing it    
purpose, aren’t you?
   6 Can you tell the difference     butter and margarine?
  7 There have been a lot of complaints     your
D  • ● • E  •• ● • F  • ● ••
8 The trouble     you is that you don’t listen to anybody.
   9 I’m tired of cooking. Let’s eat out     a change.
   10 How much do you spend a week     average?
   11 Be careful when you talk to the boss. He’s     a
 terrible mood today.
12 Have you got any photos     your family?

Unit 7  .  Just the job! 49

Conditionals 1 and time clauses
1 Matching
Time clauses • Money
Phrasal verbs – phrasal verbs with more than one meaning
Just imagine!

Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C.

1 If you go to Paris, we’ll be late for school. She might not be home until 9.00.
2 If we can afford it, we’ll be late for school. The views are fantastic.
3 If I don’t hear from you today, we’ll be late for school. The one we have now is very unreliable.
4 If the radio is too loud,  again. I don’t mind.
5 If we don’t leave soon, we’ll buy a new car soon. It’ll be the second time this week.
6 If there’s nothing interesting in she’ll phone you from the office. He really hurt my feelings.
the window you can turn it down. I need to talk to you about something.
7 If she has to work late, you must go to the top of the You might find something you like.
8 If Daniel rings,   Eiffel Tower.
I’ll phone you tomorrow.

2 Conversations
T 8.1 Here are two conversations mixed up. Tom and Lisa are talking about shopping, and Jody and Pete are
planning a barbecue. Match the lines with the correct person and put them in order.

Shopping 1 That’s a good idea. Let’s do that. Barbecue

2 OK. If I see some, I’ll get them for you. What colour do you want?
3 I want them to match my coat, so they should be dark brown.
4 I’m going to the shops. Do you want anything?
5 Erm … I’ll try to find a pair of dark brown gloves, but I’m not very
good with colours.
6 OK. I’ll make an apple pie.
4 Tom 7 No, I don’t think so. Oh, hang on. I need some warm gloves. 12 Jody
Lisa 8 She likes most things, I think. Meat, fish … Pete
Tom 9 OK. I won’t. Jody
Lisa 10 And another thing. Could you get some stamps? Pete
Tom 11 If I do the main course, will you do the dessert?
12 What shall we make for dinner when your sister comes?
Lisa Pete
What does she eat?
Tom 13 Don’t worry. If you’re not sure, don’t buy them. Jody
Lisa 14 If the weather’s good, we could have a barbecue.
Tom 15 OK. I’ll go to the post office.
16 And I’ll do burgers and some green salad.

50 Unit 8  .  Just imagine!

3 Zero conditional
Complete the sentences with some advice.
1 If you have a headache, take some aspirin.
2 If you can’t get to sleep, 

3 If you get sunburned, 

4 If you want to lose weight, 

5 If you have a problem at school, 

6 If you can’t wake up in the mornings, 
2 Choose the time expression which best completes the
1 Before / If / When we get to our holiday resort, we’ll
4 Time clauses
1 Combine the sentences with the time expressions in send you a postcard.
brackets. Use the Present Simple. 2 Don’t worry, we won’t get lost. But if / until / when
1 I’ll cook supper. I’ll come home. (as soon as) we do, we’ll call you on our mobile.
I’ll cook supper as soon as I come home. 3 Laura, please wash the dishes until / after / while
2 I want to finish my work. We’re going out. (before) you’ve finished your meal.
 4 As soon as / If / Before we get to London, we’ll go
3 She’s going to look after the cat. I’ll be away on straight to see Big Ben and the Houses of
holiday. (while) Parliament.
 5 Could you please get your hair cut while / before /
4 I’ll email you. I’ll arrive. (as soon as) until you go to your sister’s wedding?
 6 I’ll wait until / when / as soon as you finish.
5 We’ll find a hotel. We’ll arrive in Paris. (when) 7 Before / Until / As soon as you’ve finished your
 homework, you can go out with your friends.
6 She won’t speak to him. He’ll say sorry. (until) 8 Until / If / Before you find out Emma’s exam
 results, will you please let me know?
7 Drink your coffee. It’ll get cold. (before) 9 You tidy the garage while / as soon as / until I wash
 the car. That’ll be quickest.
8 Don’t cross the road. You’ll see the green man. 10 I’ll come round to your house after / while / before
I’ve finished tidying my bedroom.
 11 Can you wake me up when / if / before you get up
9 I’ll give you a ring. We’ll get back from holiday.
(after) tomorrow morning?
12 If / As soon as / Until they offer me the job, I’ll take

10 Are you going to stay with Paola? You’ll be in Italy. it. But I don’t think they will.

Unit 8  .  Just imagine! 51

Conditionals 2
5 Second conditional 6 First or second conditional?
Complete the sentences with the correct
T 8.2 Rewrite the sentences with the second conditional. form of the verb in brackets.
1 I can’t take you to the airport because I haven’t got a car. 1 If it     (rain) this weekend,
If I had a car, I could take you to the airport. we       (not be able) to
2 I’ve got a headache. I’m not going swimming. play tennis.
 2 Give me Waleed’s letter. If I    
3 I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you. (pass) a letter box, I     (post)
 it for you.
4 We won’t have a holiday this year because we haven’t got 3 I work about 80 hours a week, so I’m
any money. very busy. If I     (have) any spare
 time, I       (take up) a sport
5 I haven’t got any spare time so I won’t learn Russian. like golf.
 4 If I     (be) shorter and lighter, I
6 We haven’t got a big house. We can’t invite friends to stay.     (can) be a jockey!
 5 Please start your meal. If you    
7 There aren’t any eggs, so I won’t make a cake. (not have) your soup now, it    
 (go) cold.
8 I’m not very clever, so I won’t be a doctor. 6 A  I think we have a mouse in the kitchen.
 B  If you     (have) a cat,
9 I haven’t got a mobile, so you can’t call me. it     soon     (disappear).
 7 If you     (need) any help, let me
10 He can’t win the race. He never trains. know and I     (come) and help
 you straight away.
11 Francis works very hard. He has no time to spend with 8 You’re a brilliant cook! If I    
his family. (can) cook as well as you, I    
 (open) a restaurant.
12 We’ve got three children, so we won’t take a year off and 9 If there     (be) any tickets left for
travel the world. the football match,     you
     (buy) two for me and Tom?
10 What noisy neighbours you’ve got! If my
neighbours     (be) as bad as
yours, I     (go) crazy.

52 Unit 8  .  Just imagine!

7 Correcting mistakes 8 I’d rather ...
Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1 I’ll make some tea when everyone will arrive.
! I’d rather (= I would rather) + infinitive means the same
as I’d prefer to.
I’ll make some tea when everyone arrives. I don’t like studying. I’d rather be outside playing
2 If I could go anywhere in the world, I’ll go to Dubai.

3 If I’ll see Jane, I’ll tell her to phone you.

4 If I have lots of money, I’d buy an aeroplane.

5 When I’ll go back to university, I’ll email you.

6 If you would know my brother, you’d know what I
mean! Say what you would rather do in these situations.
 1 If you had to choose between going snowboarding
 or going sailing, which would you choose?
7 If you would come from my city, you would I’d rather go 
recognize the street names. 2 If you’re thirsty, would you rather have a coffee or a
 cold drink?
8 If you don’t be careful, you’ll lose your bag. 3 If you could choose between travelling by plane or
 by train, which would you rather do?
4 You have to choose between fizzy mineral water or
still mineral water.

5 What do you want to watch on TV, the news or a
quiz show?

6 Which would you rather have as a pet, a cat or a bird?

7 If you had to choose between being rich or being
famous, which would you choose?

8 In a restaurant you have to choose between boiled
potatoes and french fries.

Unit 8  .  Just imagine! 53

Vocabulary Pronunciation
9 Money 10 Ways of pronouncing oo
1 Put the words from the box in the correct columns. Some words
can go in more than one place. ! T 8.3 The letters oo are pronounced
in different ways.
currency wealthy safe broke /ʊ/ book
/uː/ soon
accountant bankrupt waste win /ʌ/ flood
millionaire economy earn save
cash machine credit card loan will
windfall economic salary coins T 8.4 Put the words in italics in the
penniless savings invest cheque correct column, A, B, or C.
spending spree cashier wages 1 Have you read the ‘Good Food’ guide
economical fortune to London?
2 The best cooks use a wooden spoon to
stir the sauce.
3 Look! There’s a pool of blood on the
Noun Verb Adjective carpet!
loan loan broke 4 They played football on a flood-lit pitch.
5 We foolishly booked a room at the hotel
without asking the price.
6 I wear a woollen sweater when it’s cool.
7 He stood on a stool and climbed onto
the roof.

/ʊ/ book /uː/ soon /ʌ/ flood

good food

2 Choose the correct words.
1 My aunt keeps all her money in a cash dispenser / safe under
her bed.
2 I’m bankrupt / broke. Can you lend me ten pounds until the

3 The president said that the economic / economical situation was
very serious.
4 She has wasted / invested all her money in government bonds.
5 What’s the coin / currency of Saudi Arabia?
6 My uncle’s an accountant / a millionaire, he helps me look after
my finances.
7 There’s a cash machine / credit card at the bank if you need
8 Alan’s parents are penniless / wealthy. They’ve just bought him
a car.
9 My salary is / wages are paid into my bank account every
10 When my grandfather died, I found he had left me some money
in his will / savings.

54 Unit 8  .  Just imagine!

11 Ways of pronouncing ou Phrasal verbs
! T 8.5 The letters ou are also pronounced in many 12 Phrasal verbs with more than one meaning
different ways. For example: Rewrite the sentences with a phrasal verb from the box
/ɔː/ four in place of the words in italics. Careful! Each verb is
/uː/ group used twice with a different meaning.

make up get over hang on

1 T 8.6 Underline the word with the different work out put out go on
1 I’m trying to calculate how much you owe me.
1 would should shoulder could
I’m trying to work out how much you owe me. 
2 your sour court pour
2 She goes to the gym twice a week to exercise.
3 accountant country count fountain

4 though ought bought thought
3 A Can I speak to Martin?
5 enough tough rough cough
B Wait a moment. I’ll go and get him.
6 anonymous mouse enormous furious
B  . I’ll go and get him.
7 trouble double doubt country
8 through group though soup 4 Hold on tight! We’re going to crash into the car
in front!

2 T 8.7 Transcribe the words in phonetic script.
5 Can you hear all that noise outside? I wonder what’s
1 It’s the /θɔːt/         that /kaʊnts/ happening.
2 There’s an /ɪˈnɔːməs/         /maʊs/ 6 A Are you listening to me?
        in the kitchen. B Yes, of course, dear. Continue speaking. I’m
3 I have no /daʊt/         that my boss listening to every word.
will be /ˈfjʊəriəs/         . B 

4 You /ɔːt/         to do something 7 The police publicly announced a warning about the
about that /kɒf/         . escaped prisoner.
5 I have a lot of /ˈtrʌbl/         with 
noisy /ˈneɪbəz/         . 8 If you want a sweet, extend your hand and I’ll give
you one.

9 How are we going to climb over the wall?

10 He’s really angry now, but he’ll recover from it.

11 Is that a true story, or did you invent it?

12 Do you want to come with me or not? You’ve got
to decide.
 your mind.

Unit 8  .  Just imagine! 55

Modal verbs of probability in the present
1 Matching
Modal verbs 2 – Probability
Continuous infinitive  •  Word formation
Prepositions – adjective + preposition
Making connections

Match a line in A with a line in B.

1 He can’t enjoy skydiving. e  a She can’t stand him.
2 You can’t be hungry    b It’s already after midnight.
3 She must be out.    c They look so similar.
4 He can’t be English    d She isn’t answering the phone.
5 You must be very pleased    e It’s so dangerous!
6 They must be very thirsty.    f I’d never jump out of a plane!
7 They must be sisters.    g with your excellent exam results.
8 He can’t be coming tonight.    h after such a huge meal.
9 You must be joking!    i They’ve already drunk the water I gave them.
10 They can’t be getting married!    j with a name like Heinrich.

56 Unit 9  .  Making connections

2 Why is he late? 3 The continuous infinitive
1 Enrique is always on time for class but today he is late.
Suggest reasons using must, might, could, or may. ! 1 The continuous infinitive is used after a modal verb of
probability to express a possible activity in progress at
the moment.
His office light’s on. He must be working late.
It’s only 9.10. They can’t be having a break yet.

T 9.1 Complete the conversations with suitable verbs

in the continuous infinitive.
1 A Do you know where Ben is?
B I’m not sure. He may be playing    games on
the computer.
1 Is he still asleep? (might)
2 A Where’s Miteb?
He might still be asleep.
B He’s upstairs. He must        to the radio
2 Is he ill? (must)
in his room.

A He’s not in his room.
3 Is he in the coffee shop? (might)
B Try the bathroom. He might       

a shower.
4 Does he have a doctor’s appointment? (could)
3 A I can’t find the thing that changes the TV channel.

B The remote control? Stand up. You could
5 Is he stuck in a traffic jam? (may)
       on it.

4 A Have you seen the newspaper?
6 Is his bus late? (might)
B I think James picked it up. He may  it.

5 A What’s that noise?
7 Does he want to miss the test? (must)
B It sounds like an ambulance. They must

       someone to hospital.
2 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 with can’t. Then give 6 A Look over there! It’s Harry and Faye outside the
a reason.
estate agent’s.
1 He can’t still be asleep because he always gets up  B They can’t        again. They only
very early.  moved to their new flat six months ago.

2  A Let’s go over and ask them.
 7 A What’s happening outside?
3  B It sounds like workmen. They must
        up the road outside.
A What for?

B I don’t know. They could        a broken
water pipe.



Unit 9  .  Making connections 57
Modal verbs of probability in the past
4 must have, might have, may have
Look at the pictures. What must have happened? What might have happened? Write sentences.

1 He must have locked himself out. 2  3 

He might have lost his key.  

4  5  6 

5 Changing sentences
Rewrite these sentences using the modal verb in brackets.
1 I’m sure she’s had a holiday. (must) 5 I’m sure he hasn’t bought another new car. (can’t)
She must have had a holiday. 
2 I’m sure you didn’t work hard for your exams. (can’t) 6 He has probably been on a diet. (must)
3 I think they’ve gone to the bus station. (could) 7 It’s possible that they changed their minds. (could)
4 Perhaps I left my mobile in the Internet café. (might) 8 Perhaps he called while we were out. (may)

58 Unit 9  .  Making connections

6 What do you think happened? 7 Conversations
Write sentences for each of the eight situations below, T 9.2 Complete the conversations, putting the verbs
using the information in the box. in brackets into the correct form.

missed in her exam.

gone recently.
must have gone home the match.
might have arrived home in the taxi
could have enjoyed the bus.
can’t have cleaned it without me.
left it by now.
got good marks to France.

1 I don’t know why Tom is so late.

1 A Oh no! My white shirt has turned pink!
2 Leila can’t find her mobile phone.
B You (1)        (must/wash) it with

something red.
3 Janet looks very unhappy. A Yes, look at that! How did that red sock get in
B That’s my sock. I (2)       
(must/leave) it in the washing machine. Sorry!
2 A I wonder how the thief got into our apartment.
B He (3)        (can/use) the fire escape.
A Yes, or he (4)        (might/climb up)
that tree.
B No, he (5)        (can’t/do) that. The
tree’s too far from the window.
3 A Bill told me that his new car cost £10,000, but he
(6)        (can’t/spend) that much!
He only earns £15,000 a year.
4 Everyone’s smiling as they leave the stadium. B I think you (7)        (must/mishear)

5 Karl’s flat is so untidy! 4 A It’s six thirty. Mum and Dad’s plane

 (8)        (must/land) by now. Why

haven’t they called or texted?
6 Amber and Sally left ages ago.
B Let’s check their flight on the Internet. It

(9)        (can/be delayed).
7 Paul and Jamil promised to wait for me, but I can’t 5 A Your face is very red. What happened?
see them. B I (10)        (must/fall) asleep in
 the sun.
8 I’m not sure where Omar’s gone on holiday. A And you (11)        (can’t/put on)
 any suncream. It looks painful.

Unit 9  .  Making connections 59

Vocabulary Pronunciation
8 Word formation 9 Connected speech
1 Complete the chart. Make nouns from the character adjectives
using the suffixes in the box. Use your dictionary if necessary. ! T 9.3 Notice how the consonant sounds are
linked to the vowel sounds that follow:
-n  -ism  -ness  -ity He must have eaten all of Ann’s oranges.
˘ ˘ ˘˘˘ ˘
She can’t have asked Al’s aunt.
Adjective Noun
˘ ˘ ˘ ˘
1 T 9.4 Mark the linked words in these sentences.
optimistic 1 She must have eaten the cheese.
reliable 2 You can’t have seen him.
ambitious 3 He can’t have arrived early.
4 He might have gone out for a cup of coffee.
generous 5 She might have been angry.
tidy 6 They can’t have been in trouble.
7 They might have written it down.
8 He must have been to Africa.
2 Complete the sentences using words from exercise 1.
1 Karen’s really        these days. You never know
if she’s going to be cheerful or bad-tempered.
2 My best friend suffered from terrible        at
school. She went red every time somebody spoke to her.
3 I’m surprised she was late for the meeting. She’s normally
so        .
4 He doesn’t show much        . I think he’s more
interested in having a good time than getting a better job.
5 I tried to apologize to Anna after the argument, but I’m not       
that we’ll ever be best friends again.
6 Look at the fabulous present Noor gave me. I can’t believe 2 T 9.5 Say these sentences in phonetic script
aloud. Notice the linked words.
her        !
7 Are you sure you want to share a flat with Nicole? You’re so 1 /hiː kʊd əv gɒn əbrɔːd/
messy, but she’s famous for her        . 2 /ðeɪ maɪt əv ɪːtən ɪt ɔːl/
8 Get up off that sofa and help me with the preparations for
3 /ʃiː meɪ bi əraɪvɪŋ ðis iːvnɪŋ/
dinner! Your        is beginning to annoy me.
4 /ðeɪ mʌs bi kʌmɪŋ suːn/

5 /ðeɪ kɑːnt nəʊ hɪm ət ɔːl/

60 Unit 9  .  Making connections

10 Shifting stress Prepositions
T 9.6 Read the conversations. Circle the words that 11 Adjective + preposition
B stressed. Complete the sentences with a preposition from the

for at about with

to in of from

1 Oman is famous for   its beaches.

2 A I’m very angry     you.
B Why? What have I done?
3 Are you any good     maths? I’m hopeless.
4 Jenny’s getting married     Matt. Did you know?
5 My sister’s very different     me. I’m blonde
but she’s brunette.
1 A Mr Harper must have left the black bag in the taxi. 6 I haven’t heard from my brother for ages. I’m a bit
B Did you say Mr Harper must have left the blue worried     him.
bag in the taxi? 7 I’m tired     painting this wall. I need a break.

2 A Mr Harper must have left the black bag in the taxi. 8 I feel very sorry     Jenny. She’s had a lot of
bad luck recently.
B Did you say Mr Harper must have left the black
suitcase in the taxi? 9 Teenagers are sometimes rude     their parents.
10 You passed your exams! I’m so proud     you.
3 A Mr Harper must have left the black bag in the taxi. 11 Some children like to keep a light on at night
B Did you say Mrs Harper must have left the black because they’re afraid     the dark.
bag in the taxi? 12 Many dentists say that chewing sugar-free gum is
4 A Mr Harper must have left the black bag in the taxi. good     your teeth.
B Did you say Mr Harper must have put the black 13 Bill is intelligent, witty, and charming. I’m very
bag in the taxi? jealous     him!
14 A I told him I thought he was too slow.
5 A Mr Harper must have left the black bag in the taxi.
B That wasn’t very kind     you.
B Did you say Mr Harper must have left the black
15 Are you interested     going to the museum
bag in the train?
this weekend? There’s a good exhibition on.
6 A Mr Harper must have left the black bag in the taxi. 16 His email was full     spelling mistakes. He
B Did you say Mr Harper must have left a black bag should be more careful when he types.
in the taxi? 17 A What are you so excited     ?
7 A Mr Harper must have left the black bag in the taxi. B We’re going on holiday tomorrow!
18 A The plane leaves at eight o’clock.
B Did you say Mr Harper might have left the black
bag in the taxi? B Are you sure     that?
19 When you leave home, you’re responsible    
8 A Mr Harper must have left the black bag in the taxi.
B Did you say Mr Harper can’t have left the black
20 I’m fed up     this weather! Where’s the
bag in the taxi?
sunshine gone?

Unit 9  .  Making connections 61

Present Perfect Continuous
1 Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?
Present Perfect Continuous  •  Time expressions
Suffixes  •  Prepositions of time
Special interests

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the verb in brackets, Present Perfect Simple
or Continuous.
T 10.1 Underline the correct form of the verb. 1 I’m exhausted! I ’ve been working  (work) all
day, and I haven’t finished  (not finish) yet.
2 He         (have) a lot of jobs
over the past few years.
3 Someone  (move) my car
keys. I         (look) for them
for ages, but I         (not find)
them yet.
4 I         (shop) all morning, but
I         (not buy) anything.
5 That’s one of the best jokes I     ever
1 I’ve had / been having an accident with your car, Harry.
6 A You’re really dirty! What     you
I’m really sorry.
2 I don’t believe it! Somebody has eaten / been eating my
B I  (work) in the garden.
chocolates! They’ve nearly all gone!
7 Everything’s white! It         
3 I’ve waited / been waiting for you for ages! Where have
you been?
8 I         (listen) to you for the
4 I’ve broken / been breaking a glass. I’m awfully sorry.
past half an hour, but I’m afraid I
5 How many biscuits have you eaten / been eating today?
        (not understand) a
6 A Why is your face so red?
single word.
B I’ve run / been running.
9 A Are you all right?
7 I have never met / been meeting a nicer person in my life.
B No, I         (work) on the
8 How long have you known / been knowing Charles and
computer for hours, and I’ve got a
9 He’s written / been writing a book for nearly a year. It’ll be
10 I         (try) to lose weight
finished soon.
for ages. I         (lose) five
10 He’s written / been writing a book. I saw it in the bookshop.
kilos so far.
11 The children are very quiet. They’ve watched / been
watching TV all morning.
12 They’ve watched / been watching five programmes already.
62 Unit 10  .  Special interests
4 A At last! You said you’d be here ages ago.
B I’m sorry. How long  ?
5 A Joan is getting married to Andy next week.
B How many  invited to
the wedding?
How long  known Andy?
6 A What a surprise! I haven’t seen you for years.
What  doing all this time?
2 Replying with questions B I’ve been abroad, actually.
Complete the questions. A Where  been?
1 A James is a Formula One racing driver. 7 A Ghada has been to the States several times.
B How long has he been a racing driver ? B How many times  ?
How many championships has he won ? 8 A I’m moving to Mexico in a few months.
2 A I’m learning to drive. B Have you  to learn
B How long  ? Spanish yet?
 bought a car yet? 9 A My grandmother is on holiday at the moment.
3 A Jamal is a teacher. B Where  ?
B How long  ? 10 A She always goes to Tunisia for her holidays.
How many schools  ? B How many years  ?

Simple and Continuous revision

3 Matching
Match a line in A with a line in B.
1 I think a  a you’re very clever.
I’m thinking b  b of moving to New York.
2 I get the bus to work.    a My car’s broken down.
I’m getting the bus to work today.    b It’s difficult to park near my office.
3 She might study    a German when she goes to university.
She might be studying    b in her room. The light’s on.
4 He has    a a difficult time at work.

He’s having    b a very big family.
5 She cut    a her foot on a broken bottle.

She was cutting    b the grass when it started to rain.
6 She must be washing    a her hair. I can hear the water running.
She must wash    b her hair every single day!
7 I’ve written    a this email since lunchtime.
I’ve been writing    b three emails since lunchtime.
8 Farouk’s gone    a to English lessons for over a year.

Farouk’s been going    b to England to study medicine.

Unit 10  .  Special interests 63

4 Simple or Continuous? Time expressions
Complete the sentences with the correct form of 5 When Richard met Helena
the verb in brackets, Simple or Continuous. Look at
the verb form or tense at the end for help. Look at the information about Richard and his wife
Helena. Complete the questions and answers.
1 We were doing  (do) the washing-up when Julia
phoned  (phone). Past
2 Julia         (come) from Wales.
Present (all time)
3 She         (come) to see us  0 Born 1974 in Oxford, England
tomorrow. Future arrangement 11 Went to Cherwell School for six years
4 She         (work) for an advertising 18 Went to Bath University for three years
company. Present (all time)
5 She         (work) for the same
19 Met Helena
company for a year. Present Perfect 22 Went to work in Madrid Feb–July 1996
6 She         (have) the same boss for 23 Married Helena, 17 November 1997
six months. Present Perfect 24 Got a job in a bookshop
7 She         (have) a row with her
28 Promoted to manager of the bookshop,
boss again yesterday. Past autumn 2002
8 So now Helen         (want) to
change her job. Present
29 Bought a house in Woodstock
9 She         (think) of working now
abroad. Present
10 Her parents         (not think) this is
a good idea. Present
11 She’d like         (find) a job in the
tourist industry. Infinitive  0 Born 1972 in Melbourne, Australia
12 She should         (work) now, but 11 Joined a book group. Start of a life-long
she isn’t. She’s daydreaming. Infinitive passion for literature
13 She         (go) to bed very late last 18 Came to live in Britain, summer 1990
night. Past
19 Trained as an English teacher for three
14 When she         (wake) up this
morning, it         (rain). Past
15 She         (take) some aspirin now
23 Taught in Hungary for two years
because she         (have) a 25 Married Richard, November 1997
headache. Present 27 Had a daughter, Joanne, born 13 May 1999
16 She wants         (go) home.
29 Had a son, William, born 24 June 2001
17 If she were at home, she would
31 Started teaching in a school in Oxford,
Sept 2003
        (sit) in her kitchen having a
cup of coffee. Infinitive

64 Unit 10  .  Special interests

1 When ? In 1974.

2 How long at Cherwell School?

Until .

3 How long ? Three years.

4 How old Helena? Nineteen.

5 How long in Madrid? .

6 How long in the bookshop? Since .

7 How long manager? Since .

8 When ? 17 November 1997.

9 How long they in Woodstock?

Since .

10 How long Helena in

Australia? she was eighteen.

11 How long interested in literature?

she was eleven.

12 How long in Hungary? Two years.

13 How old she married Richard? .

14 When Joanne ? .

15 How long married to Richard? Since


16 How long in the school in Oxford?

Since .

Unit 10  .  Special interests 65

Vocabulary 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word
in brackets.
6 Suffixes and prefixes
1 Make at least one new word with each base word 1 The school bully was very unpopular  with all of his
using the suffixes and/or prefixes. Use your classmates. (popular)
dictionary to help. Sometimes you will need to
change the spelling a little. 2 The situation was       . Nobody could do
Prefix Base word Suffix anything to help. (hope)
1 possible
3 Rudeness won’t get you anywhere.       always
2 thought -ful
un- 3 agree pays! (polite)
4 care
5 hope -less 4 Thank you very much for the information. You’ve been
in- 6 conscious very       . (help)
7 human -able
8 success 5 His plan to become a millionaire by the age of thirty
im- 9 polite
10 help -ness wasn’t very       . His business went bankrupt last
11 understand week. (success)
dis- 12 taste
13 legal 6 She’s very sweet and polite,       her brother who
14 logical
mis- is very rude. (like)
15 stress -ity
16 popular
17 use 7 Don’t       me. I really want to come to your
18 like wedding, but I can’t. (understand)

8 I don’t understand. I’m really       about what

1 impossible    possibility    impossibility
I eat and I’ve been doing exercise for weeks but it’s all
totally       . I’m still overweight! (care, use)
4  9 The boss caused her a lot of       with that
5        comment about her desk being untidy.
6  (stress, thought)
10 My husband and I usually get on really well. We only ever
have       about where to go on holiday. (agree)

66 Unit 10  .  Special interests

Pronunciation Prepositions
7 Diphthongs 8 Prepositions of time
Put the correct preposition of time into each gap.
! Diphthongs are two vowel sounds which run together.
near /nɪə/
= /ɪ/+ /ə/ = diphthong /ɪə/
here /hɪə/
hair /heə/
= /e/+ /ə/ = diphthong /eə/
share /ʃeə/

1 T 10.2 Write the words from the box next to the

correct diphthong. There are two more words for each

where clear stay shy

weigh know sure now
phone bear high enjoy
poor here noise aloud

1 /ɪ/ + /ə/ = /ɪə/ near        

2 /e/ + /ə/ = /eə/ hair        

3 /e/ + /ɪ/ = /eɪ/ pay        

4 /ə/ + /ʊ/ = /əʊ/ go        

5 /a/ + /ɪ/ = /aɪ/ my        

6 /ɔː/ + /ɪ/ = /ɔɪ/ boy        

7 /a/ + /ʊ/ = /aʊ/ how        
  1 Rafael Nadal started playing tennis     a very
8 /ʊ/ + /ə/ = /ʊə/ tour        
  young age.
2 T 10.3 Transcribe the words in the sentences in 2 I lived in Egypt     six years,     1995
phonetic script. They are all diphthongs.
1 We caught the /pleɪn/     to the
3 We never see our cat. He sleeps     the day,
/saʊθ/     of /speɪn/     .
and he goes out     night.
2 The /bɔɪ/     in the red /kəʊt/    
ˌ 4 I don’t usually go out     the evening, except
said that he /ɪn dʒɔɪd/     the journey.
ˌ     Monday evening.
3 I’ve /nəʊn/     Sally for / nɪəli/    
5 A How long are you in Edinburgh for?
/faɪv/     years.
B     six months.
4 She’s /ˈweərɪŋ/     a red /rəʊz/     in
6 A How much longer are you staying?
her /heə/     .
B     the end of the month. Then I have to
5 He /laɪks/     to /raɪd/     a big black
go home.
/ˈməʊtəbaɪk/     .
7 I’m just going out to get some lunch. If anyone
rings, tell them I’ll be back     half an hour.
8 Generations of my family have lived in this town
9 Are you going away     the weekend?
10 I met my husband in Wales.     the time I was
working in a school.

Unit 10  .  Special interests 67

Indirect questions
1 Yes / No questions
11 Indirect questions  •  Question tags
Idioms  •  Phrasal verbs – common phrasal verbs
If you ask me, …

2 Wh- questions
1 Complete the questions with the correct form of do, 1 Complete the questions with what, when, where, who,
be, and have. or which.

Quiz 1 Quiz 2
1 Is the Gobi desert in Asia? 1 Which countries have a coastline on the Black Sea?
2 all fish lay eggs? 2 is measured by the Richter Scale?
3 dinosaurs lay eggs? 3 does the word ‘alphabet’ come from?
4 John F. Kennedy the youngest American 4 was the first man in space?
president? 5 does NASA stand for?
5 there ever been a female president of the USA? 6 won the football World Cup in 2010?
6 the Olympic Games ever been held in the 7 did Nelson Mandela become President
same city more than once? of South Africa?
7 Japan have a president? 8 country did Umm Kalthoum come from?
8 Einstein ever live in Switzerland?

2 Now answer the questions. If you aren’t sure, use these 2 Now answer the questions. If you aren’t sure, use these
phrases. phrases.

I don’t know if … I’ve no idea if …  I don’t know … I’ve no idea … 

I’m not sure if …  I can’t remember if … I’m not sure …  I can’t remember …

1 I’ve no idea if the Gobi desert is in Asia.  1 I’m not sure which countries have a coastline on the Black
2  Sea.
3  2 
4  3 
5  4 
6  5 
7  6 
8  7 

68 Unit 11  .  If you ask me, …

3 Do you know where ...?
Complete the sentences. 6 A Whose coat is this?
1 A Where’s the library? B I’ve no idea  .
B I’m afraid I don’t know where the library is . 7 A Are you going on the rollercoaster?
2 A Could you tell me  ? B I’m not sure  .
B I’m sorry, I haven’t got a watch. 8 A Do you know     our new teacher  ?
3 A Where have I put my keys? B Yes, her name’s Jenny Carter. She’s over there.
B You’re always forgetting  ! 9 A How much did Frankie’s trainers cost?
4 A What are you giving Tim for his graduation B I haven’t a clue  .
present? 10 A Where does Hatem get all his money from?
B I haven’t decided  yet. B No idea. I’d love to know      his job
5 A Did you post my letter?       .
B I can’t remember  or not.

4 Newspaper headlines
Write indirect questions about the newspaper headlines. Writer finishes
novel no 73
Man makes millions
from new invention 6 know / didn’t / she’d / many / I / written / so / novels

7 if / wonder / I / this / last / be / will / one / the
1 he’ll / away / wonder / give / I / if / any / it / of

I wonder if he’ll give any of it away. 

Shock defeat for

Tennis Star in record
Grand Slam Victory Brazilian football team
8 know / what / like / to / the / I’d / score / was
2 many / don’t / how / he / we / won / times / has

9 doesn’t / headline / the / say / were / they / against /
3 celebrate / wonder / going / I / how / he’s / to
playing / who

Bank robber 10-year-old boy gets

escapes from prison medical degree
4 managed / how / get / nobody / out / he / knows / to 10 wonder / how / I / graduated / quickly / he / so
5 helped / escape / wonder / who / I / to / him 11 wonder / I / he / doctor / if / a / good / is

Unit 11  .  If you ask me, … 69

5 Visiting a city
1 Read about Montreal. Then complete the questions below.

that require French writing in public wonderful mix of old and new –
places to be twice as large as ancient stone buildings alongside
English. modern glass and steel.
Montreal is situated on the Saint The climate is one of extremes:
Montreal in Canada is the largest Lawrence Seaway and is a vital port summers are hot, 27°C, but winter
French-speaking city in the world for ships travelling to the Great temperatures average only -10°C
next to Paris. It has a population of Lakes and the Atlantic. It lies below and winter lasts four to five months.
2.8 million, of which two thirds have Mount Royal, the ancient volcano However, in order that you don’t
French ancestry. French is the official after which the city is named. It was have to suffer such cold, they have
language, but English is almost as “discovered” in 1535 by the French built an underground city called ‘La
common. There are language laws explorer Jacques Cartier and is a Ville Souterraine’. This is one of
Montreal’s most amazing sights with
nearly 20 miles of walkways below
street level. You can shop, have
lunch, and enter a hotel without ever
going outside!
The city is the gourmet capital
of North America. Not only can
you find some of the world’s finest
restaurants (over 5,000), but on
nearly every street corner you can
buy ‘poutine’, a delicious dish of
French fries served with hot cheese
and brown gravy.
All-in-all Montreal has much
to offer. It is one of the most
interesting cities in North America.

2 T 11.1 Complete the questions about Montreal. 6 A I wonder what like.

1 A Can you tell me what the population of Montreal is ? B They are a wonderful mix of ancient and modern.
B 2.8 million. 7 A Could you tell me how long ?
2 A I’ve no idea how many . B About four or five months.
B Two thirds. 8 A Do you know why ?
3 A Do you know what ? B So that you can shop and keep warm in winter.
B French. 9 A I don’t know if eat.
4 A I’m not sure exactly where . B  There are thousands. You can find some of the
On the Saint Lawrence Seaway, below Mount Royal. world’s finest restaurants in Montreal.
5 A I haven’t a clue who . 10 A Have you any idea where ?
B The French explorer, Jacques Cartier, in 1535. B It’s sold on nearly every street corner.

70 Unit 11  .  If you ask me, …

Grammar revision
6 Questions with a preposition at the end 2 T 11.2 Complete the conversations with a
short question.
! 1 Many verbs have dependent prepositions.
1 A Althea’s getting married.
speak to talk about look for
play with think about point at B Who to  ?
2 When we ask a question about the object of the sentence, the
preposition usually comes at the end. 2 A Come here! I want to talk to you!
What did you talk about? B  ?
What were you looking for?
Who did she go with? 3 A I’d like a taxi, please.
What are you pointing at?
B  ?
What are you thinking about?
4 A Give me a cloth! Quick!
1 Make questions from the statements, asking about the words in italics.
B  ?
1 A Who are you looking at ?
5 A I had lunch at Le Bistro yesterday.
B I’m looking at that man.
B  ?
2 A  ?
6 A My parents were absolutely furious
B He’s waiting for his sisters.
with me!
3 A  ? B  ?
B He works for Saudi Arabian Airlines.
7 A Ssh! I’m thinking!
4 A  ? B  ?
B We’re talking about where to go on holiday.
8 A Don’t you think you should
5 A  ? apologize to her?
B I stayed with some friends. B  ?
6 A  ? 9 A Pat and I had an argument, as usual.
B That bike belongs to me. B  ?
7 A  ? A Eat your lunch.
B The letter is from the electricity company. B  ?
8 A  ? I haven’t got a knife and fork!
B He died of old age.
9 A  ?
B I’m worried about the exams.
10 A  ?
B I’m writing to my friend in Egypt.
11 A  ?
B I’m staring at the mess you’ve made in the kitchen.

Unit 11  .  If you ask me, … 71

Question tags
7 Complete the tag 2 T 11.4 Ask people to do things, or ask for information,
Add the correct question tag. with negative question tags.
1 Montreal’s in Canada, isn’t it    ? 1 It’s raining, and you need to go to the station. Pete
has a car. Perhaps he could give you a lift.
2 You don’t like dates,       ?
Pete, you couldn’t give me a lift to the station, could you ?
3 You’re going to university,       ?
2 You’re broke. Maybe Sue could lend you some
4 We had a lovely holiday,       ?
5 It’s hot today,       ?
Sue,  ?
6 You can’t use a computer,       ?
3 You’ve lost your sunglasses. Perhaps Noor knows
7 You won’t forget,       ? where they are.
8 We don’t have to go yet,       ? Noor,  ?
9 You haven’t met my parents,       ? 4 You need a red pen. Perhaps Ravi’s got one.
10 They didn’t enjoy the meal,       ?
Ravi,  ?
5 You’re looking for Bill. Maybe Sarah has seen him.
8 What do you say?
Sarah,  ?
1 T 11.3 Write a sentence for each situation with the 6 You need change for a twenty-euro note. Maybe the
verb in brackets and a question tag. newspaper seller could change it for you.
1 You’re in a restaurant. Your daughter is playing with
Excuse me, you  ?
her food. You can tell she isn’t happy. (like)
You don’t like your food, do you ? 3 In exercise 1, do the question tags go up or down?
What about the question tags in exercise 2?
2 You and your friend are going to a wedding
reception. He doesn’t like weddings and looks
miserable. (want) 9 Conversations
T 11.5 Write the question tags.
3 You went to a restaurant with your brother. He had 1 A I can’t do this exercise. It’s very difficult, isn’t it ?
three desserts. After dinner he looks ill. (eat)
B Don’t worry. I’m here to help you.
A I’ll be able to do it if I practise, won’t I  ?
4 You’re out shopping. Your friend sees a dress that is B Of course. It took me ages to learn.
absolutely beautiful, so she tries it on. (is lovely)
? 2 A The Browns are really wealthy,     ?

B I know. They’re always going on holiday.
5 You go to a football match. It’s brilliant. What
do you say to your friend as you’re leaving? A I don’t know where they get their money from.
(was exciting) B Still, we’re happy with what we’ve got,     ?
 ? 3 A You aren’t going out dressed like that,     ?
6 You’re watching TV. Your friend isn’t enjoying the B Why not? I can wear what I want,     ?
programme because it’s very scary. (enjoy) A That depends. You’re wearing my jacket,  ?
 ? B No, I’m not. I bought this yesterday.
4 A Callum’s new car is cool,     ?
B Yes, it’s true. But he drives much too fast,  ?
A You wouldn’t want one like that,     ?
B Yes, I would. I’ve always wanted a car like that!

72 Unit 11  .  If you ask me, …

Pronunciation Phrasal verbs
10 Sentence stress 2 11 Common phrasal verbs
1 The main stress in a sentence is on the words that give 1 What do these phrasal verbs mean? Use your dictionary
key (important) information. to help you.

T 11.6   Listen to the beginning of a conversation in a take up (time) let sb down set off
menswear department. go on (= happen) put up with Come on!
keep on (doing sth) come across pick sb up
A Can I help you? fall out with sb

C Yes, please. I’m looking for a jumper. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
A What size are you? phrasal verbs from the box. Use the definition in
brackets to help.
1 There’s a terrible noise outside. What’s  ?
T 11.7   We understand the message with just the (happen)
key words.
2 I’m going to bed. I have to be at the airport by
A Help? seven o’clock tomorrow morning, so I need to
C Yes. Jumper.       early. (begin a journey)
A Size? 3 I was tidying the attic the other day, and I
      some old photographs of when I was
2 Read the conversation and underline the words that a baby. (find by accident)
give key information. (The number in brackets shows
how many words to underline in each line.) 4 My teenage daughters are driving me crazy. I can’t
      their moods, and their constant
A Can I help you? (1) 
demands for money any more. (tolerate)
C Yes, please. I’m looking for a jumper. (2)
5 I’m going to give up tennis. I love it, but it
A What size are you? (1)        so much time, and I’m so busy at the
C I usually take a large. (1) moment. (fill or occupy)

A And what colour are you looking for? (1)  6 Sam is broke, so he has to       working,

C Some kind of green. (1) even when he’s ill. (continue)

A What about this one? Do you like this? (2)  7 I’ll     you     at your house at 7.00 and
we’ll go to the restaurant. Make sure you’re ready.
C No, I think the style is nice, but it’s too bright. (5)
(collect in a car)
A Well what about this one then? It’s a much darker green. (3) 
8 I’m relying on you to be there tomorrow to help me.
C Oh, yes, I like that one much better. Is it made of cotton? (4) Don’t     me     . (disappoint)
A Yes, and it’s machine-washable. (3)  9 Nadia’s       her brother again. He broke
C That’s great. Can I try it on? (3) her camera yesterday, and she was furious. (have an

A Of course. The changing rooms are over there. (5)  argument)

10 ‘       , Michael! We need one more goal to
3 T 11.8   Listen to the conversation. Notice the stress win this match!’ (said to encourage sb to try harder)
on the key words. Listen and repeat.

Unit 11  .  If you ask me, … 73

Reported statements and questions
1 An argument
Reported speech  •  Reporting verbs
Adjectives that describe character
Phrasal verbs – phrasal verbs with two particles
Telling it how it is

Tom and his wife Karen have just returned from their
honeymoon in Mexico. They had a terrible time 24 Sunday
and they have just had their first big argument. Tom and I had our fir
st big row last night
our honeymoon, of co – all about
T 12.1 Read the report of the argument in Karen’s urse. It was horrible!
diary. Then write the actual words of the argument shouted at each othe We
below. He told me that it wa
s my fault that we’d
Mexico and that the gone to
holiday had cost a fo
had been the worst rt une and
holiday he had ever ha
I said that there was
nothing wrong with M
was very beautiful, bu exico, it
t the travel agency we
blame. Their brochure re to
had promised all kinds
things about the hote of
l and it had all been lie
him that he had no rig s. I told
ht to blame me and I
crying. started
Tom said he was sorr
y and that he knew th
wasn’t my fault reall at it
y. He said that he wo
the travel agent first uld go to
thing in the morning
he would tell them ab an d that
out everything that
wrong. I said that I wo had gone
uld go, too, because
going to ask for our I was
money back or anothe
r holiday.
Let’s see what happ
ens tomorrow!!
Tom It’s your fault that we went to Mexico.
The holiday 
and it 
Karen There’s 
The travel agency 

Tom I’m 
I know 
 I’ll  and

Karen I’ll        because 

74 Unit 12  .  Telling it how it is

2 But you said ...
T 12.2 Read the holiday brochure and complete the
conversation between Tom, Karen, and the travel agent.

TA Good morning. It’s Mr and Mrs

The holiday of your dreams Sandford, isn’t it? Did you have a good
honeymoon time in Cancun?
s Location
are our T No, we did not! Where shall we begin?
speciality • The hotel is twenty
The transfer from the airport. Why did
minutes from the
airport. your brochure say that the hotel (1) was
only twenty minutes from the airport and
• It has four acres of
tropical gardens. that it (2)       large tropical
gardens? Not true! The drive from the
Facilities airport took an hour, and where are the

• Your room will have gardens? Your brochure said that these
wonderful views over gardens (3)       directly onto the

the the sea. beach, but we couldn’t see any tropical

p a
• The beautiful gardens gardens, not even one palm tree! The next

C o eO r
lead directly onto the hotel had them but not ours! And you said

beach. there (4)       swimming pools

• There are two and tennis courts – not in our hotel!
swimming pools and K And the rooms! You said that we
three tennis courts. (5)       wonderful views over the
sea, but we couldn’t see the sea. Only the
weather was good! It was a miserable
Cancun, Mexico honeymoon!

3 Reporting words and thoughts 6 ‘I think it’s a stupid idea, and it won’t work.’
1 Report the statements. She said 
1 ‘I’ll miss you very much,’ she said to her.  .
Her mother told her that she’d miss her very much . 7 ‘The banks are closed on Saturdays.’
2 ‘I’m going to Berlin soon.’ The tour guide explained 
She said  .  .
3 ‘The book will be interesting.’ 8 ‘We had terrible weather on holiday.’
I thought  . He complained 
4 ‘I can’t help you because I have too much to do.’  .
She said  . 9 ‘We’ve never been to Brazil,’ they said to me.
5 ‘Daniel has bought the tickets.’ They told  .
I was told  .

Unit 12  .  Telling it how it is 75

2 T 12.3 Report the questions. 3 T 12.4 Write the bank manager’s direct questions.
1 ‘What are you doing?’ A Come and sit down, Mr Smith. Now, you want to borrow
some money.
She asked me what I was doing .
(1) How much money do you want to borrow ?
2 ‘Do you want to go out for a walk?’
B Five thousand pounds.
She asked me
A (2) ?
B Because I want to buy a car.
3 ‘Why are you crying?’ he asked her.
A I see. Could you give me some personal details?
He wondered
(3) ?
B I’m a graphic designer.
4 ‘Can I borrow your car?’ A And (4) ?
He asked me B Thirty thousand pounds a year.
A (5) ?
5 ‘Where have you come from?’ B Yes, I am. I’ve been married for six years.
The customs officer asked me A (6) ?
 . B Yes, we’ve got two children.
6 ‘How long are you going to be at the gym?’ A I see you live in a flat.
She wanted to know (7) ?
 . B We’ve lived there for three years.
7 ‘Did you buy any milk?’ A Well, that seems fine. I don’t think there’ll be any problems.
Trudi wondered (8) ?
 . B I’d like it as soon as possible, actually.
8 ‘Will you be back early?’ A All right. Let’s see what we can do.
She asked us
4 Report the bank manager’s questions.
1 First he asked Mr Smith how much money he wanted to borrow .
9 ‘When do you have to go to work?’
She asked me 2 Then he wanted to know
 . .
3 He needed to know
4 Mr Smith had to tell him
5 Then he asked
6 For some reason, he wanted to know
7 He asked Mr Smith
8 Finally, he wondered

76 Unit 12  .  Telling it how it is

Reported commands 5 ask and tell
4 She advised me to ... ! 1 Remember that ask can be used to report questions
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using the and commands, and tell can be used to report
verbs in the box. statements and commands, but the form is different.
persuade order ask advise tell She asked me where I lived.
encourage invite beg remind She asked me if I wanted a lift.
He told me he was very unhappy.
He told his wife that he loved her.
He asked me to turn the radio down.
She told him to go away.
2 Notice the negative command.
They asked me not to tell anyone.
She told her son not to worry.

Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using ask or tell.

1 ‘Leave me alone!’ she said to him.
She told him to leave her alone. 
1 ‘If I were you, I’d go to Casualty,’ he said to me. 2 ‘Please don’t go,’ he asked her.
He advised me to go to Casualty.  
2 ‘Could you cook dinner?’ he asked Sue.
3 ‘I’m going to bed now,’ he said to Debra.

3 ‘Hand in your homework on Monday,’ the teacher
told the class. 4 ‘How much do you earn, Dad?’ asked Jeremy.
 5 ‘Turn to page 34,’ the teacher said to the class.
4 ‘Don’t forget to post the letter,’ my wife said to me. 
 6 ‘Can you call back later, Miss Fulton?’ asked the
5 ‘Come and have dinner with us,’ Matthew said to Paul.

6 ‘You must pay a fine of two hundred pounds,’ the 
judge said to Edward Fox. 7 ‘You did very well in the test,’ said the teacher to
 the class.

7 ‘Buy the black shoes, not the brown ones,’ Flora said 
to Emily. ‘They’re much, much nicer.’ 8 ‘Don’t run across the road!’ the police officer told
‘Mmm ... I’m not sure. OK, I’ll buy the black ones. the children.
You’re right!’ said Emily. 

8 ‘You should play tennis professionally,’ Marco said
9 ‘Are you going to the library?’ May asked Rasha.
to Anthony. ‘You’re really good at it.’

9 ‘Please, please don’t tell my father,’ she said to me. 10 ‘It’s time to get up!’ Harry said to his daughters.

Unit 12  .  Telling it how it is 77

6 Other reporting verbs 7 speak and talk
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using
the verbs in the boxes. ! 1 In British English, we usually use the preposition to with the
verbs speak and talk. American English prefers with.
complain refuse Can I speak to you for a minute?
admit offer Come and talk to me when you’re free.
to do …
deny that … agree 2 Talk suggests that two or more people are having a
suggest promise conversation. It is more common than speak.
boast We stayed up all night talking.
3 Speak suggests something serious or more formal.
1 ‘I think it would be a very good idea for you I have a complaint. I’d like to speak to the manager.
to go to bed,’ the doctor said to Paul. The doctor spoke to them about the dangers of smoking.
The doctor suggested that Paul went to bed. Professor Smith is going to speak at the conference.
2 ‘Yes, okay. I’ll lend you ten pounds but I’ll 4 Talk usually suggests the idea of a conversation. Speak can
need it back on Saturday,’ Jo said to Matt. refer just to the use of words.
I’ve lost my voice. I can’t speak.

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs
3 ‘Yes, it was me. I broke your camera,’ said in the box. Careful! Some verbs are used more than once.
say  tell  explain  speak  talk   reply  ask

4 ‘I didn’t eat all the biscuits,’ said Timmy.
I was walking in town the other day when I met old Mr Brown,
so we stopped and (1) talked for a while. He (2)
me that his wife, Jenny, had been taken into hospital. I

5 ‘I can speak eleven languages, all perfectly,’ (3) him how Jenny was, and he (4) that
said the professor.
she was getting better. I (5) Mr Brown to give Jenny

my regards. He wondered why I hadn’t been to the tennis club

recently, so I (6) that I’d been very busy and just
6 ‘If you finish all your homework, I’ll buy you
a pizza!’ said Jessica’s dad. hadn’t had time.
‘There’s something you must (7) me,’ Mr Brown
suddenly said. ‘How many languages does your son
7 ‘Excuse me! There’s a fly in my salad,’ said
(8) ?’
‘Four,’ I (9) . ‘Why (10) you
8 ‘I’m sorry. I can’t lend you any money ‘Well, I know your son has some very funny stories to
because I don’t trust you,’ Sam said to Adrian.
(11) about his trips abroad and his language learning.

We’re having a meeting of the Travellers’ Club next week, and I’d

9 ‘I’ll cook supper if you like,’ Amanda said to like him to come along and (12) to us.’
Duncan. I (13) that I would (14) to my son

about it, and I promised to get back in touch with him.

Then we (15) goodbye and went our separate ways.

78 Unit 12  .  Telling it how it is

8 Adjectives that describe character
1 Match a description in A with an adjective in B.

1 g She likes being with people and is good fun. a generous
2 She always has to get everything she wants. b optimistic
3 He always gives fantastic presents. c kind
4 She cares about people and wants to make them happy. d shy
5 She wants to do really well in life. e eccentric
6 He only ever thinks of himself. f rude
7 She always looks on the bright side of things. g sociable
8 He hates meeting people and having to talk to them. h spoilt
9 She has some very strange ideas. i ambitious
10 He never does any work at all. j lazy
11 You never know how he’s going to be, happy or sad. k moody
12 He always says things to upset and annoy people. l selfish

2 Match these adjectives with 3 Complete the sentences with an adjective from Exercise 2.
their opposites in Exercise 1.
1 The Japanese have a reputation for being polite  
1 a mean 2 He’s so       – he never buys anyone a drink.
2 hard-working 3 I’m afraid I’m pretty       at conferences. I hate making small talk
3 unselfish with people.
4 cheerful 4 She always thinks the worst is going to happen. She’s very       .
5 confident 5 He’s so       . He’s always the first to arrive in the office
6 unsociable and the last to leave.
7 polite 6 She’s totally       . There’s nothing in life she wants
to do, and nowhere she wants to go.
8 unkind
7 Jane’s always happy and smiling. She’s a       person.
9 pessimistic
8 Children with lots of brothers and sisters are usually more      
10 unambitious than only children.
9 Henry’s so sure about himself and what he can do. He’s very       .
10 We have to invite Paula. It would be so       to invite her
husband and not her.

Unit 12  .  Telling it how it is 79

Pronunciation Phrasal verbs
9 Word stress 11 Phrasal verbs with two particles
Complete the sentences with a phrasal verb
T 12.5 All these words appear in Unit 12 of the Student’s Book. from the box. Careful! Some are used more
Put them in the correct columns. than once.
article computer newspaper back on away from out of
message discovered accident forward to on with down on
careful mistake criticize up with

mystery password reported

accuse annoying persuade 1 We’ve run out of  sugar. Could you buy
surprise manager invite some more?

2 We must try to cut       the

A B C D amount of  money we spend. We’re
● •• ●• • ●• •● always broke.

3 Please don’t let me disturb you. Carry

      your work.
4 Keep  me! I’ve got a terrible
cold, and I don’t want you to catch it.

5 How do you get       your
parents? OK?

6 I don’t know how you put      

10 had or would? such noisy brothers. It would drive me
1 T 12.6 Read the sentences. Does ’d mean had or would? crazy.

1 We’d love to meet your mother. would  7 When I look       my

2 They asked if we’d give them a lift.     childhood, I realize how unhappy I was.
3 They asked if we’d given her the present yet.    
8 I’m really looking       our
4 We asked when they’d met each other.    
holidays next week. I’m so excited!
5 We asked when they’d see each other again.    
6 After my accident, the doctor said I’d never ski again.     9 Children grow       their
clothes so quickly. It costs a fortune!
2 T 12.7 Transcribe these sentences. Does ’d mean had or would ?
1 /ʃiː sed ðət ʃiːd siːn hɪm/    
2 /ʃiː sed ðət ʃiːd siː hɪm suːn/    

80 Unit 12  .  Telling it how it is

Writing micro-skills
Unit 1

Letters & Words

1 T 1.9   Listen and complete the names and countries.
1  Alberto Brazil
P p Gg
M m B b N n
2    a  riel   olan 
3    omin  o S  ai 
4    a  ria   ahrai 
5    e  a    ian   en  ar 

2 T 1.10   Listen and write the words you hear.

1 have      3 
       5        7         9       
2        4        6        8        10       

3 Underline the contractions. Write the word that is contracted.
1 He’s got two new T-shirts. has 4 I wasn’t at college yesterday.
2 They’ve never been there. 5 Who’s Sara’s teacher?
3 She’s working at home today. 6 He didn’t know Ali’s cousin.

4 Rewrite the sentences using contractions if possible.

1 They do not want to go to the shops. 4 He does not know where I am.
They don’t want to go to the shops.
2 She is asking where Jackie is. 5 Do you not need to leave now?

3 Where is he going to meet us? 6 Have you got any idea where he is?

5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Add full stops, question marks,
and commas where necessary.
1 Ivor / cooked / for us / a fantastic meal / has 4 Selma / to go out / like / this afternoon / would
Ivor has cooked a fantastic meal for us. Selma
2 They / last year / didn’t / a holiday / have 5 She / but / decided / he has / hasn’t / yet
They She
3 Have / time to / you / look at / this / got 6 Your / is / computer / mine isn’t / but / really fast
Have Your

82 Writing micro-skills
6 Read the topic sentence. Choose five sentences from the box to build a paragraph (the sentences have
no punctuation). There are two sentences you do not need.
Laila is a college student in Abu Dhabi.
     a for example she makes breakfast for the family
     b however there isnt an airport
 1   c Laila has a very busy day starting at seven o’clock
     d she also sometimes helps her father with his business letters
     e she gets up at this time because she has some jobs to do before she goes to college
     f the first time she saw it she decided to buy it
     g when she finishes these jobs she goes to college by bus

7 Order the sentences in exercise 6 and write the complete paragraph. Add capital letters and punctuation.

T 1.11   Listen and check.

8 Match the sentences to the types of text they come from.
1 Add the chopped onion to the pan with the butter and oil. a formal email
2 can u meet me at 5?? b informal email
3 He was born in Doha in 1973. c text message
4 It’s really great here – I’ve attached a couple of photos. d newspaper article
5 Two people were injured in the accident, and police and ambulances were called. e cookery book
6 We have attached the document for you to sign and return at your convenience. f online encyclopaedia

9 Match the descriptions to the examples.

Description Example
picture Put in the water for one minute.
title They’ve already called.
short form My Favourite Day
links to other information

10 Match the types of texts in exercise 8 to the descriptions in exercise 9. Write a–f next to the descriptions in the table.
There can be more than one correct answer.
instruction  e (cookery book)
Bring it together A capital letters ■✓
11 Choose two of the types of texts in exercise 8. Write a short paragraph (around 50 words) . full stops ■✓
for each type of text. Include the different things you find in each type of text, for ’ apostrophes ■✓
example, titles and pictures. Use the checklist to help.
? question marks ■✓
Writing micro-skills 83
Unit 2

Letters & Words
1 T 2.6   Listen and write the words you hear.
1 usually  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 


2 Complete the past participles.

1 m a d e 3  g r   w n 5  w r   t t   n 7    n c l   d   d 9 g   v   n
2    m p l   y   d 4 t   k   n 6      t   n 8    r r   v   d 10 k   p t

are making
is made
T 2.7   Listen and check.

3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Add full stops and commas where necessary.
1 The / Tuesday / books / delivered / are / every 4 Most / are / made / Japan / in / cars
The books are delivered every Tuesday. Most
2 Exams / by / are / the teachers / given 5 A / is / lot of / by farmers / the world’s / water / used
Exams A
3 Arabic / people / spoken / of / is / by / millions 6 Tennis / played / over / the world / all / is
Arabic Tennis

4 Make the verbs in exercise 3 active. Who does the action in each sentence?
1 The books are delivered every Tuesday.
Active: deliver
Who delivers? We don’t know.

5 Read sentences a–h and match them to topic sentences 1 and 2. There are two sentences you do not need.

1 Nadar is from Jordan, but he lives in the UAE.

2 Nadar’s parents come to visit him twice a year.

a His father is a retired policeman, and his mother works part-time for a library.
b He is a receptionist for a large hotel in the centre of Dubai.
c A lot of people visit Australia on holiday in the winter.
d He is not married yet, but he is engaged and he is planning to get married next year.
e Cars are very expensive there.
f It is a well-paid job and he really enjoys it.
g They also love Dubai, because they enjoy camping in the desert and shopping in the malls.
h They don’t have any other children, and they love spending time with Nadar.

6 Number the sentences in order in the two paragraphs.

84 Writing micro-skills
7 What would be a good topic for the next paragraph about Nadar?
a  animals in Dubai b  Nadar’s hobbies c  daily life in Jordan
Read the third paragraph and check.

nadar has two main interests his main hobby is fishing he has a boat, and at the weekend he
goes out on it with his friends they catch ‘hammour’, a local fish, and he cooks it on a barbecue
his other interest is sport he watches football, basketball, and ice hockey on television he used
to play football but he hurt his back, so he can’t play any more

8 Add capital letters and full stops to the paragraph in exercise 7. There are seven sentences in total.

9 Read the email and answer the questions.
1 What is the relationship between the writer and reader?
a family b friends c colleagues
2 How well do they know each other?
a  not very well b  very well c  a little
3 Why is the person writing?
a  to explain some good news b  to tell the person some bad news c  to share general news about his life
4 Have they seen each other in the last month?
a yes b no c  we don’t know
5 Is the writer’s life the same as before?
a  some things are the same b  yes, everything is the same c  nothing is the same

Hi Antonio,
How are you? Sorry I haven’t written for so long – I have been very busy for the last three months.
I am still working for ABS plastics, but I was promoted and now I am a manager. It is a good job but
very hard. I also moved house.
The children are fine, and my wife is still working from home. We really miss seeing you and your
family – we are always talking about the good times we had when we were neighbours! We should
try to meet up again soon – how about in the summer holidays? We could all go to a hotel in
Thailand or somewhere. What do you think?
I have to go now – my wife is calling.
Bye for now.
Your friend as always,

Bring it together
10 Write an email telling someone about your life at the moment.
Think about the questions in exercise 9 and include information about: A capital letters ■✓
•  what you usually do . full stops ■✓
•  what you’re doing at the moment
•  what’s changed
’ apostrophes ■✓
Use the checklist to help.
? question marks ■✓
Writing micro-skills 85
Unit 3

Letters & Words

1 T 3.7   Listen and write the words you hear.
1 called  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 

2 Find and write the 15 verbs (infinitive, Past Simple, and past participle).
1 grow  4   7   10 
2  5   8   11 

3  6   9   12   15 

T 3.8   Listen and check.

3 Complete the table with the Past Simple form of the verbs. There are three verbs for each column.

call  carry  chat  invite  stop  live study  stay jump  tap  try  like

+ ed +d y i + ed consonant x 2 + ed

4 Rewrite the sentences using full stops, apostrophes, and commas where necessary.
1 Yesterday evening he watched TV for two hours 4 Last week she visited her family each afternoon
Yesterday evening, he watched TV for two hours.
2 I didnt want to go but my friend did 5 During the day he studied for his exams

3 When they get here Id like to see them 6 When they got to Jumas house they had dinner

5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Add full stops.
1 Yesterday / English / for / he / two hours / studied Yesterday he studied English for two hours.
2 This morning / raining / it / woke up / was / when she 
3 Last night / his friend / while / eating / dinner / called / he was 
4 Yesterday / chatted / they / more than / online / an hour / for 
5 Yesterday / during / he / a film / the day / watched 
6 You / used / you were / while / this exercise / a dictionary / doing 

6 Tick (✓) the sentences in exercise 5 that are true for you. Put a cross (✗) next to the sentences that are not.
Rewrite the sentences with crosses to make them true for you.
1 Yesterday he studied English for two hours. ✗
Yesterday I didn’t study English for two hours. / Yesterday I studied English for one hour. 
86 Writing micro-skills
7 Read the paragraph. Write the verbs 1–5 in the correct tense. Then add the phrases a–e to the gaps.
a and the police are studying the film c in a white van e and got in
b the high-street DVD store d and called the police

Yesterday morning there (1) was (be) a robbery in Oscars,   .  Two men entered the shop wearing face
masks. They (2)   (drive) there   and parked outside the shop. They locked the shop door and
they (3)   (fill) their bags with DVDs. T   hen they went outside to the van   . Unfortunately
for them, while they (4)   (be) in the shop a woman had seen them   . The police arrived and
stopped them before they could drive away.  Next, they were taken to the police station and charged with robbery.
During the robbery, cameras in the shop (5)   (film) the men,   .

8 Look at the text in exercise 9. Where is it from?
a  a daily newspaper b  a blog about families c  an advertisement

9 Complete the text with when, while, during, or for. Then underline the verbs in the text.

Stories from the past ↑↓

Everyone knows a story about an interesting family member from the past. Share your stories in our online community.

My uncle Mike was born in India in 1934. He went to England (1) when  he was a teenager,
because his father had made a lot of money in business and wanted to spend it on an
English education for his children. (2)     he finished school, uncle Mike trained to be a
pilot. (3)     he was studying, he met my aunt Joyce, and they got married and had two
children. They stayed in England (4)     one year and then they all went to live in France
in 1960. Uncle Mike had learned French at school and liked it, and Joyce had lived in France
(5)     she was a child. (6)     this time, I often visited them.
(7)     the next ten years, uncle Mike worked as a pilot for the national airline. The
children went to a local school and learned to speak French. (8)     he was working, my
aunt Joyce opened a clothes shop in Paris, which became very successful. Now they are
both retired, and they live back in India in the town where uncle Mike was born.

10 Number the events in the order they happened.

  Mike and Joyce moved to India.   Mike finished school.   The children learned French.
 1 Mike’s father made a lot of money.   Mike and Joyce retired.   Mike went to England.
  Mike and Joyce went to live in France.   Mike trained to be a pilot.

Bring it together
11 Write a story about a family member for the Stories from the past website. Checklist
Follow the steps.
1 Make a list of events that happened. A capital letters ■✓
2 Think about the verb tenses you will use for the events. . full stops ■✓
3 Use while, during, for + in, at, and on. ’ apostrophes ■✓
Use the checklist to help. ? question marks ■✓
Writing micro-skills 87
Unit 4

Letters & Words

1 T 4.6   Listen and write the words you hear.
1 can  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 

2 T 4.7   Listen to the words and complete them with the missing letters: a, e, i, o, u, and y.

1  e v e n  i  n g 3    n j     5    m p   r t   n t 7 r   s p   n s   b l  
2      r l   4    d v   c   6    n t   r n   t     n   l 8    n t r   d   c  

3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Add full stops, apostrophes, and commas where necessary.
1 You / until / have / get up / to / seven oclock / dont
You don’t have to get up until seven o’clock.
2 They / in class / arent / to use / allowed / their phones didn’t have to
3 You / when the film / mustn’t / in the cinema / talk / has started
You had to
4 She / in front of / park / her house / shouldnt / her car

have got to
5 He / allowed / is / class / to / five minutes / get to / late
6 We / have / tell / dont / our family / to / are going / where we

4 Tick (✓) the sentences in exercise 3 that are true for you. Put a cross (✗) next to the sentences that are not.
Rewrite the sentences with crosses to make them true for you.
1 You don’t have to get up until seven o’clock. ✗
I have to get up at six o’clock. / I’m not allowed to get up at seven o’clock.

5 Number the sentences in order to make a paragraph.
Going to university
    a Another advantage is that you will learn about many things, not only your subject.
    b Finally, going to university is a time when you can learn about yourself.
    c For example, you can get a Bachelor’s degree, which means you can get a good job.
    d In the library, for example, you can read books on different subjects and talk to people about them.
    e It is a time when you can think about your life and your goals, and learn to be independent.
    f Secondly, going to university means that you will meet a lot of interesting people.
    g The first advantage is that you will get a useful qualification.
    h These may be students or teachers.

T 4.8   Listen and check.

88 Writing micro-skills
6 Read the essay. Match the labels to the paragraphs and underline the phrases that helped you to decide.
a advantages c introduction
b conclusion d disadvantages

(1)   Nowadays, many people read more on computer screens than in books. There are several
advantages of this, but also some disadvantages.
(2)   One advantage is that books are big and heavy, but a computer can store thousands of
them. This means that you don’t have to carry or store large items. Another advantage is
that it is easy to share articles with lots of people, just by sending them.
(3)   However, there are also disadvantages. One disadvantage is that computers can crash,
losing the files. Another problem is that reading from a screen for a long time can hurt your
(4)   In conclusion, reading from a screen is a very good way of reading, but it has some
problems. For this reason, I think that there will always be people who prefer books.

7 Write one more sentence each for the advantages and disadvantages paragraphs.

8 Read the first three paragraphs of the essay again, then write your own conclusion.
In conclusion, …

Bring it together
9 Write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of using public transport. Follow the steps.
1 Write a list of different ways of travelling. For example, car, bus …
2 Tick the things on your list which are public transport. For example, bus
3 Complete the table with the advantages and disadvantages of public transport. Add examples.
Advantages Disadvantages
•  cheap – everyone can afford the bus •  slow – much faster to go in your own car
• •
• •
• •
• •
4 Make a plan: number the ideas in the table in the order you will write about them.
5 Write the essay. Use the checklist to help. Checklist

A capital letters ■✓
. full stops ■✓
’ apostrophes ■✓
? question marks ■✓

Writing micro-skills 89
Unit 5

Letters & Words

1 T 5.7   Listen and write the words you hear. Some of them need an apostrophe.
1 will
 10  jogging
2 Complete the table with the -ing form of the verbs. There are five verbs for each column.

drive chat cook write swim go make stop bring open invite take stay travel run

+ ing
e + ing consonant x 2 + ing
T 5.8   Listen and check.

Sentences chewing
3 Write F next to the sentences used in formal emails and I next to the sentences used in informal emails.
1 I am writing to inform you about the situation. F 4 I look forward to receiving your reply.  
2 I’m really looking forward to seeing you again!   5 Have you heard the news?  
3 I would like to reserve two rooms.   6 I’m so happy about the news.  

4 Underline the subjects in the sentences.

1 The meal we ate last night was absolutely delicious. 5 The University of Sharjah is located in a beautiful
2 My sister and I are very similar. area.
3 The manager of the hotel is from Egypt. 6 All the animals in the zoo come from Africa and
4 The biggest room in the house is the living room. Asia.

5 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 4 using a pronoun for the underlined subject.
1 The meal we ate last night was absolutely delicious. It was absolutely delicious. 

6 Read the paragraphs from three different emails. Match the topic sentences to the paragraphs.
a I am writing to enquire about the classes you offer at your school.
b I would like to reserve a room at your hotel.
c I am writing to inform you of a decision I have made.

(1)    We are arriving on 30 May and we would like to stay for two nights. We would prefer a room with a view
of the sea, and a terrace, if possible. Could you let me know if you have a room available?
(2)    I have decided I would like to close an account I have with you. Since I have moved, I no longer need
this account. Please could you let me know what I need to do in order to close the account?
(3)    I am interested in improving my English, and I would like to attend between two and four classes
every week. Could you let me know if your school offers this?

7 What is the purpose of each email in exercise 6? Match the purposes to the emails.
a to stop something b to ask about something c to book something
90 Writing micro-skills
8 Correct the paragraph. You need to:
•  add four full stops and one question mark   •  correct five spelling mistakes   •  correct five verb forms

I am write to enquire aboute a mobile phone I have lost I stayed at your hotel for tow nights, and I check out this
morning. Since arriving home, I have discovered that I do not have my phon with me Please could you checking to
see if someone has taken the phone to reception I was stayed in Room 24, and I had dinner and brakefast in the hotel
restaurant The last time I remembering seeing my phone was yesterday evning at the dinner table

9 The paragraph in exercise 8 is from a formal email. What is the purpose of the email?
a to book something b to pay for something c to say you lost something

10 Read the email and answer the questions.
1 Who is it from? Who is it to?
2 What is the purpose of each paragraph? Write a, b, c, or d in the gaps. There is one option you do not need to use.
a to find out how much the classes cost c to say you are interested in studying
b to get more information about classes d to say you need the information

Dear Ms Carter,
(1)    I want to apply to study at your language school next month. I have read through the information on the
website, and you must give me a few more details.
(2)    I am interested in taking English classes, and I really, really need to improve my French. Could you tell me
if it is possible to take ten hours of English and two hours of French every week? How many different levels
of French do you offer? I have a good level of English, but my French is not quite as good.
(3)    I would be very grateful if you could reply soon, because I need to organize my trip. That’s great – thanks!
Can’t wait to get your answer!
Yours sincerely,

11 Rewrite the email in exercise 10. Replace the underlined phrases with the sentences a–e.
a Thank you very much for your time. d I would be very grateful if you could …
b I look forward to hearing from you. e I would like to …
c I would also like to …

Bring it together
12 Write a formal email. Follow the steps. Checklist
1 Choose a purpose and a place.
A capital letters ✓

Purpose to book something   to ask for information . full stops ✓

to say you lost something   to apply for something
Place hotel  shop  office  college
’ apostrophes ✓

? question mark ✓

2 Think of the details and plan the order of your points.
3 Write the email. Use the checklist to help.
4 Exchange your email with another student and write a reply to their email.

Writing micro-skills 91
Unit 6

be like
Letters & Words
1 T 6.5   Listen and write the words you hear.
1 like  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 

would like
2 T 6.6   Listen and complete the sentences with vowels: a, e, i, o, and u.
1 Y o u l     k l   k   h   r .
2 H   ’ s g     d   t d     n g t h   t .
3 W     l d y     l   k     n   ?
4 I s t   r t e d d r   v   n g l   s t y     r .
5 S h   ’ s   s t   l l   s t h   m .
6 W h   t   r   t h   y l   k   ? look like
3 Use the table to write six sentences that are true for you or people you know.
playing … My friend looks like my cousin.
I watching … 
My friend talking about … 
My friends my cousin.
would like 
My brother my mother.
look like 
My sister to play …
looks like 
My teacher to watch …
to talk about…

4 Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined words with a pronoun.

1 We live next door to an old man, but we don’t see the old man very often.
We live next door to an old man, but we don’t see him very often.
2 I like oranges, so I eat oranges every day.

3 There are two men, and the men work in an office.

4 When I saw my mother this morning, my mother was sleeping on the sofa.

5 His brother is tall, and his brother is very nice.

6 My friend and I like swimming, so my friend and I go to the beach every weekend.

92 Writing micro-skills
5 Read the topic sentence. Match the beginning and end of the sentences to build a paragraph.
My favourite room in our apartment is the living room.
1 The living room is the place where a … such as the route to his school.
2 My family sit in the living room in the afternoons b … there are a lot of books and magazines and a
and evenings, comfortable sofa.
3  The living room is a good room for reading because c … they like the pictures that we have on the walls.
4 When guests come to visit, d … watching television or reading.
5 Guests usually tell us that e … we always invite them into the living room.
6 The pictures were mostly painted by my grandfather, f … who was a very good artist.
7 The pictures are scenes from my grandfather’s childhood, g … I spend most time with my family.

6 What is the purpose of the paragraph in exercise 5?

a to sell someone an apartment b to tell someone about a home c to ask someone to visit a hotel

7 Copy out the complete paragraph in exercise 5. Replace the underlined subjects with pronouns.

8 Read the text. Complete the writer’s plan by adding information from the text.

My language school is in a new building in the centre of the city. It opened PLAN
about five years ago, and I have been going to lessons there for the last three
paragraph 1: location 
years. It is a good place for a school, because it is a quiet, safe neighbourhood
where a lot of people live.
new building  five years old
When you enter the school, the first place you come to is the reception area.
There is a desk where the school secretary sits, and five or six modern chairs
which guests can use while they are waiting. There is also a bookcase where paragraph 2: downstairs 
the language books are kept, and a coffee machine where you can get free first place – reception
coffee. Next to the reception area are three classrooms, and there is a small
teachers’ room where teachers prepare lessons.
My favourite place in the school is the self-study room, which is upstairs. paragraph 3: my favourite place
It is a great place to study or read. There are lots of books, and some
computers, and there is sometimes a teacher in there who can help students.

Bring it together
9 Write about a place where you have studied English. Follow the steps. Checklist
1 Underline words and phrases in the text in exercise 8 which you want to use.
2 Make a similar plan to the one in exercise 8. A capital letters ■✓
3 Write the text. Use the checklist to help. . full stops ■✓
’ apostrophes ■✓
? question marks ■✓

Writing micro-skills 93
Unit 7

Letters & Words

1 T 7.5   Listen and write the ten words you hear.
We’ve eaten
1 for  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 

2 Find the ten verbs. Then write the past participle of each verb.
w rit em akehavecutfinis hlives eestud ybuy sp e n d I’ve been told
1 write   written  6   
2  7 

They ate
3    8   
4    9   
5    10 

She’s been caught

T 7.6   Listen and check.

3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Add full stops.
1 the same / since / She’s / in / house / 2005 / lived 4 school / He / five / left / ago / years
She’s lived in the same house since 2005.
2 We / yet / breakfast / today / had / haven’t 5 finished / She / already / homework / has / her

3 to Europe / They / three / been / times / have 6 college / They / September / in / started

4 Tick (✓) the sentences in exercise 3 that are true for you. Put a cross (✗) next to the sentences that are not.
Rewrite the sentences with crosses to make them true for you.
She’s lived in the same house since 2005. ✗
I haven’t lived in the same house since 2005. / I’ve lived in the same house since 2009. 

5 Read the topic sentence. What type of text is it from?
As you will see from the attached CV, I studied business at college.

6 Choose the four best sentences to complete the paragraph. Number the sentences in order.
    a I look forward to hearing from you.
    b The first was a small, local company.
    c I love skiing and playing basketball.
1   d In addition to this course, I completed two levels of extra English classes.
    e Since then, I have worked for two different companies.
    f I graduated from college three years ago.

7 Write the complete paragraph in exercise 6. Use your ideas to write one more sentence for the end of the paragraph.
94 Writing micro-skills
8 Read the email and the job advert. Tick the skills and qualifications in the job advert that the person has.

Dear Mr Johnson,
Job Advert
(1) e your advertisement in the July edition of Holiday Magazine for a
travel agent.
Travel agent wanted
(2)   my attached CV, I have seven years of experience in similar jobs. I Have you got:
graduated from Southern University in 2004, and since then I have worked • a university degree
for two travel companies. (3)   , I am Senior Sales Manager in charge • e xperience working for
of the Paris and Rome offices. (4)   , I speak three languages (French, travel companies
Italian, and Arabic) and I have excellent computing skills too.
• a driving licence
(5)   a good candidate for this job because I am hard-working and
• f our languages
friendly, and I can meet deadlines.
(including English)
• good IT skills
Yours sincerely,
Asia Kennedy • good presentation skills

9 Add the phrases to the correct place in the email.

a As you can see from … d I look forward to hearing from you.
b I believe I am … e I am writing in response to …
c In my current job … f As well as English …

Bring it together
10 Think about a job you would
like and write an advert for it.
Job Advert
Job title:




11 Write an email to apply for the job in your advert. Use phrases from exercise 9 Checklist
and the checklist to help.
A capital letters ■✓
. full stops ■✓
’ apostrophes ■✓

? question marks ■✓

Writing micro-skills 95
Unit 8

Letters & Words Would you go if …?

1 T 8.8   Listen and complete the words with vowels: a, e, i, o, and u.
1 w o u l d 3    s s     n   s 5 r   t h   r 7  s h     l d 9 m   s t
2  w h   n 4 c     l d 6 c     n t r y 8 m   g h t 10 c     n t

2 T 8.9   Listen and write the words you hear. I’ll wait until …
1 until  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 

Sentences When he arrives, we’ll …

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Add punctuation where necessary.
1 If he a lot of money he would buy a sports car (have) 4 She would be very angry if you her (tell)
If he had a lot of money, he would buy a sports car. 
2 If they worked as hard as me they in the top class (be) 5 As soon as we hear something we you a message (send)
3 They you when they get to the hotel (call) 6 If I worked in the city I to work on the metro (travel)

4 Use the table to write six sentences. Add your own subject.
  ’ll call you He’ll call you before she gets here.
  ’ll get here he goes out.

  ’ll buy a new phone until she gets here.

  ’ll have lunch as soon as you call me.
  ’ll travel round before they are in London. 
Europe when we finish college. 
  ’ll visit some while I have dinner. 
museums after he goes shopping.
  ’ll read a book she does her homework.
  ’ll use the computer

Paragraphs If I knew, I’d …

5 Order the sentences to make a paragraph about Richard’s day.
  a Richard knew that Richard would be late for work, so he called his boss, Mrs Patel.

  b When Richard woke up, Richard saw that it was ten o’clock.

  c Richard’s boss reminded Richard that Richard had sold his car the week before.

  Richard’s boss then told Richard that Richard’s boss wanted to see him in Mrs Patel’s
office as soon as he arrived at work.
    e Richard told his boss that he couldn’t come to work because his car had broken down.
1    f Yesterday, Richard didn’t wake up on time because Richard’s alarm clock didn’t go off.

6 Replace the nouns in bold in exercise 5 with pronouns or possessive adjectives.

96 Writing micro-skills
7 T 8.10   Listen and check. Then copy out the complete paragraph.

8 Read the text. Divide it into three paragraphs.

My terrible holiday
I am going to tell you about my worst holiday. (1) It was last year.  My father
decided we would go to India. [A] (2) He bought tickets for a cheap airline
to save money.  As soon as we arrived at the airport, our problems started.
First of all, they told (3) us the plane was full and we would have to wait for
the next plane, (4) which didn’t leave for seven hours. W   hile we waited, my
brother ate a burger [B] (5) which made (6) him sick.  As soon as the plane
was ready to board we went to the gate, (7) where they told us that we
didn’t have the correct visa, so we couldn’t go. T   hey said we could get a visa,
but (8) it wouldn’t arrive for 24 hours. In the end, we all talked about what
to do. W
  e finally decided to go home and cancel the trip. [C] My brother
was still ill, and we were all tired. Before we left the airport, I noticed that
(9) one of our bags was missing. [D] (10) It had all my best clothes and my
camera in it. It was probably stolen while we were talking. W   hen I got
home, I decided to stay at home in the future.

9 Underline the linking words in the text.

10 Look at the words in bold in the text. What do they refer to?
1 It holiday 3 us 5 which 7 where  9 one
2 He 4 which 6 him 8 it 10 It

11 Read the text again. Match the questions to A, B, C, and D in the text.
1 What did the bag look like?
2 Where was the burger from?
3 How did everyone in the family feel about cancelling it?
4 Where in India did he want to go to?

12 Answer the questions in exercise 11 using your own ideas to add more detail to the text.

Bring it together
13 Write about something that has happened to you or someone you know. Checklist
Follow the steps.
1 Choose the event.
A capital letters ✓

2 Think about the order. What happens first? What happens next?
. full stops ✓

3 Plan three paragraphs. ’ apostrophes ✓

4 Write your story and check your English. Use the checklist to help. ? question mark ✓

5 Share your story with other students.

Writing micro-skills 97
Unit 9

Letters & Words

1 Complete the table by changing the adjectives to nouns, using the suffixes.

happy reliable tidy friendly generous sad sensitive possible

-ness -ity
You must be joking.
They must have seen you.
T 9.7   Listen and check. He must know the
2 T 9.8   Listen and write the words you hear.
1 must  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 


3 Divide the words into two sentences. Add the preposition in brackets to the correct place in one of the sentences.
1 I got home very late yesterday you must have been angry me. (with)
I got home very late yesterday. You must have been angry with me.
2 It was very kind you to help you must be tired now. (of)

3 He might be nervous lots of people are afraid flying. (of)

4 It must have been terrible I feel very sorry them. (for)

5 You shouldn’t be worried them they’re only half an hour late. (about)

6 You can’t buy the same bag as me you should get something different mine. (from)

4 Read the paragraph and underline all of the subjects.

My cousin Jamie
My cousin Jamie is my best friend. He is the same age as me, 20, and he lives in the same town. My cousin and I see
each other every weekend, and we also go on holiday together. I usually visit his house, because it is nicer than mine.
The house he lives in belongs to his parents, but they don’t live there because they have another house nearby. He has
a collection of model cars, because he loves cars. The car he drives is a Japanese sports car – it’s amazing. He sometimes
lets me drive it too. Jamie also loves football. Real Madrid is his favourite team, and he gets angry when they lose.

98 Writing micro-skills
5 Complete the table with the subjects you underlined in exercise 4. For the pronouns, say who or what they refer to.
People Things
My cousin Jamie it house

6 Read the text about someone’s friend. Match the paragraph numbers with the three main sections of the mind map.

(1) Lana is a student at my college. She is a tall, thin woman, with long, dark hair and green eyes. She wears glasses
and she looks older than she is, because she has a serious expression.
(2) She loves her subject, mathematics, and she is always reading books about it. She also likes riding horses, and she
is in the college riding team. She lives with her family on a farm, and they have their own horses. She plays chess,
but not very well: I can beat her!
(3) Lana isn’t my best friend, but she is someone I like to have coffee with and discuss work with while I am at college.
She is intelligent and hard-working, but always friendly, and she never talks badly about anyone. I think she is a
good person and I try to be like her.

My friend Lana
serious face
opinion of this physical
person   description  1
thin green eyes
dark hair


7 Complete the mind map for the second and third paragraphs.

Bring it together
8 Write a description of one of your friends. Follow the steps. Checklist
1 Draw a mind map and complete it. Follow the model in exercise 6.
A capital letters ■✓
2 Number the three main sections of the mind map in the order you
are going to write about them.
. full stops ■✓
3 Number the information in each section in the order you will include
’ apostrophes ■✓
it in the paragraph. ? question marks ■✓
4 Write the description. Use the checklist to help.
Writing micro-skills 99
Unit 10

Letters & Words

1 T 10.4   Listen and write the words you hear.
during the film
1 while  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 

while he was
2 Complete the words with a prefix from the box.

un- in- im- dis- mis-
1  im possible
2    popular
T 10.5   Listen and check.

3 Complete the words with a suffix from the box. five minutes ago
-ful -able -ity
1 hope ful 3 understand   5 care   7 legal  
2 like   4 popular   6 agree   8 success  

T 10.6   Listen and check.

4 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs (Present Perfect Simple or Continuous).
Add capital letters and punctuation.
1 he wait for his friend to call all morning 4 I move home four times in my life
He has been waiting for his friend to call all morning. 
2 they not watch TV at all today 5 she not study very hard for her exams this week

3 we go to the same place for our holiday for years 6 you read the same book for two months

5 Tick (✓) the sentences in exercise 4 that are true for you. Put a cross (✗) next to the sentences that are not.
Rewrite the sentences with crosses to make them true for you.
1 He has been waiting for his friend to call all morning. ✗
I haven’t been waiting for my friend to call all morning. / I have been waiting for my friend to call for two hours.

6 Read the paragraph and add the prepositions to the correct places.
since for at until or then
My friend Hans is from Germany, but he left his country (1) at  a very young age. His father is an engineer and
they travelled a lot. Hans lived in Egypt (2)    three years, and then he lived in South Africa (3)    five years.
His family stayed there (4)    Hans was 11 and (5)    they moved to Oman. They have lived here (6)    2001.

100 Writing micro-skills

7 Look at the plan and then read the text. Tick the information in the plan when you find it in the text.

Paragraph 1 – school and childhood
•  Uncle Hussain
•  has lived – three different continents
•  born – Holland
•  speaks Dutch, English, and Arabic
•  likes – science
•  studied physics at university
Paragraph 2 –

Paragraph 3 –

Paragraph 4 – when I met Hussain

•  last Eid – Juma’s house
•  Hussain – great advice about studying
•  Hussain – very good at football!

My friend Juma has an interesting uncle, Hussain, who has lived on three different continents. Hussain was born in Holland,
because Juma’s grandfather, who was from Bahrain, worked for a company in the capital, Amsterdam. Hussain went to
school in Holland, where he learned Dutch and English, but he spoke Arabic at home, so he speaks three languages perfectly.
At school he was brilliant at science, so later he went to university to study physics.
After university, Hussain went to America to work on an important project. He quickly became team leader, and later he
was promoted to general manager. When that job finished, he went back to Bahrain and started his own company. He soon
employed over 300 people, drilling and mining in the desert areas.
In Bahrain, he got married and had four children: two boys and two girls. His wife is also a scientist, but she looks after
the children now. Juma visits Hussain at Eid and other holidays, and he gets on very well with the children. Most of all, he
likes to talk to Hussain, who has lots of interesting stories about life in Holland.

8 Complete the plan for paragraphs 2 and 3.

9 Use the notes in the plan and your own ideas to write paragraph 4.

Bring it together
10 Write the life story of a friend or someone in your family. Follow the steps.
1 Choose the person. A capital letters ■✓
2 Write a list of interesting things in their life. . full stops ■✓
3 Decide the number of paragraphs. ’ apostrophes ■✓
4 Make notes for each paragraph.
5 Write the text. Use the checklist to help.
? question marks ■✓
Writing micro-skills 101
Unit 11

Letters & Words

1 T 11.9   Listen and write the words you hear.
hasn’t done
1 does  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 

2 Read the sentences. Can you complete the words?

1 I enjoy wr i t i ng emails in   ngl   sh.
2 She’s online, cha     ing with her fr     nds.
3 W     ld you l   k   tea or coffee?
is laughing
4 They sh     ld stop talking n     .
5 He sto     ed work at six o’clo     .
6 They stud     d all d     in the library.
7 Wh       have you b     n all week?
weren’t invited
8 He’s g       away for three m     ths.
9 It’s c     d so you need to wear a h     .
10 I h   t   summer because it’s t     hot. aren’t allowed to
T 11.10   Listen and check.

3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Add question marks.
1 How / here / have / long / been / you / living 4 When / studying / start / did / English / you
How long have you been living here? When 
2 Where / born / you / were 5 Would / to live / like / you / a different country / in
Where Would 
3 How / been / you / long / sitting there / have 6 What / you / to do / are / this evening / going
How What 

4 Match the answers to the questions in exercise 3.

6 a  Play football.   c  In 2008.   e  For half an hour.
  b  Yes, I’d love to.   d  In Muscat.   f  For five years.

5 Write long answers to the questions in exercise 3 that are true for you.
I’ve been living here for ten years.
1 4 
2 5 
3 6 

102 Writing micro-skills

6 Divide the paragraph into six sentences. Add capital letters and full stops.

Learning English can seem difficult, but it is possible if you practise regularly and really want to learn the most
important thing, in my opinion, is to read in English as much as possible reading helps your English improve in many
ways you also need to focus on vocabulary, and try to use the new vocabulary you learn spelling is another important
thing when you learn English, because English spelling is different from other languages and you need to practise it it
is also very useful to practise writing as often as possible, for example by writing emails to your teacher or friends

7 Add two more sentences to the paragraph. Write about how to practise listening or speaking.

8 Read the email. What is its purpose?
a  to apply for the job of English teacher
b  to encourage a friend to learn English
c  to teach someone how to write English

Hi Marlene,
Thanks for your email. You asked me about my experience of learning English. I will tell you all about it.
Well, you probably think it is very difficult. (1)        , it isn’t, if you follow some simple steps.
First of all, I think you should get some lessons, like I did. (2)        , you will probably have to
pay for these, but it will be more fun if you are in class and you will learn faster if you have a teacher.
(3)        , you will only learn if you work hard! I also found that it helps to be organized –
buy some good notebooks and pens, make a good plan of what you need to learn, and so on.
(4)        , that’s enough about how to do it – actually, the most important thing is that you
want to learn. I keep reminding myself how important English is for my future career!
I have to go to class now.

9 Fill in the gaps in the email with the words in the box.

Anyway Actually Of course Unfortunately

10 Divide the email into three paragraphs.

Bring it together
11 Write to a friend and tell them about your experience of learning English. Checklist
Follow the steps.
1 Make notes on at least five of the following things: A capital letters ✓

•  how many years •  what you write •  what you enjoy . full stops ✓

•  how many classes a week •  what you listen to •  what is difficult ’ apostrophes ✓

•  how much homework •  what you say
•  what you read •  what vocabulary you learn ? question mark ✓

2 Number the things in the order you are going to write about them.
3 Decide where your three paragraphs will start and finish and write a topic sentence
for each one. Use the checklist to help.
Writing micro-skills 103
Unit 12

Letters & Words Have you heard?

1 T 12.8   Listen and write the words you hear.
1 while  3   5   7    9 
2  4   6   8   10 

2 Read the sentences. Can you complete the words?

1 My b r o ther’s not   s tall   s me.
s h e b e e n e le c t e d ?
2 W     se mobile ph       is th   t?
3 Thes   cars w       m   d   in Korea.
4 That’s   bs   l   t   ly f   nt   st   c news.
5 That c     ’t h       been the pr       em.
6 W   ’   e been w     ting since t     o’clock. Have you
T 12.9   Listen and check. been cooking?
3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Add question marks.
1 live / do / Where / you
Where do you live?
h a t ’s Pa r i s l i ke?

do / in your family / you / look / Who / the most / like


studying / How / have / you / long / English / been

Who do you

Have / ever / country / you / an English-speaking / visited

look like?
5 If / study / language / didn’t / English, / you / would you / what / study

What would
you do?
6 you / advice / given / the best / Who / has / in your life

4 Ask someone the questions in exercise 3 and write complete sentences for their answers.
Where do you live? I live in Doha.
1  4 
2  5 
3  6 

5 Report the answers from exercise 4.

I live in Doha. Aamina said she lived in Doha.
1  4 
2  5 
3  6 
104 Writing micro-skills
6 Number the sentences in the best order to make a paragraph.
1  a I really enjoyed learning English this year.
  b He gave us some great advice about how to improve.
  c He said he had learned to speak Arabic in the same way.
  d I had two classes a week with a teacher called Tom from Canada.
  e For example, he showed us how to organize new vocabulary and how to practise it.

7 Write a paragraph about your own experience. Use the same sentences, but replace the
highlighted words if you need to.

8 Read the text. What is its main purpose?
a reporting the answers from a survey
b asking questions for a survey
c explaining what a survey is

A class survey
I asked students in my class about learning English and here are the answers they gave. [A] 4  Most people said
they enjoyed the extra writing practice. One or two people said they liked the speaking classes best. Everyone said
the grammar was very useful, but some people found it difficult!
Next, I asked people what they were planning to do next year to improve their English. Almost everyone said they
would continue English classes. One student said he was going to study in the UK for two months. [B]   Everyone
said they would watch more films in English and they would read more books.
I think everyone’s plans for the future are good. [C]   However, I know it is not always easy to find the time.
I would also love to go to the UK to study. [D]   However, maybe one day in the future it will be possible.

9 Match the sentences to A, B, C, and D in the text.

1 I know it is a good idea to read and watch as much English as possible.
2 He said he hoped to improve very quickly by doing this.
3 I can’t next year because of college.
4 First I asked them what they liked the most this year in class.

Bring it together
10 Design a survey to find out what people think about learning English, and report Checklist
the information. Follow the steps.
1 Write two questions about learning English. A capital letters ✓

2 Write two questions about future plans for English. . full stops ✓

3 Ask at least four people the questions. ’ apostrophes ✓

4 Write a three-paragraph text. Follow the model in exercise 8. Use the checklist
to help.
? question mark ✓

Writing micro-skills 105

Tenses and verb forms

1 Naming the tenses
Match the sentences in A with the tenses in B. 7 does mean? What ‘perform’
1 d Do elephants eat meat? 8 you a lunch? Did for have sandwich
2 People haven’t been using the Internet for
thirty years.
3 I’ve had this book for a week. 9 learning you English? Do enjoy
4 Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.
5 The Egyptians built the Pyramids. Write true short answers for 8 and 9.
6 What were you doing an hour ago?
7 When was the book David Copperfield
8 If you are looking at the Burj al Arab, which
city are you standing in?
B Present tenses
a Past Simple 1 Present Simple or Present Continuous?
b Present Continuous Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, Present
c Present Simple passive Simple or Present Continuous.
d Present Simple
e Past Continuous 1 She plays  (play) golf with her husband.
f Past Simple passive 2 I      (not eat) lunch today.
g Present Perfect simple
h Present Perfect continuous 3 Some birds      (fly) to warm countries in the
2 Questions and negatives 4 We never      (go) on holiday in summer.
Put the words in the correct order to make a question 5 Why      she     (do) the washing-up?
or a negative. Is it her turn?
1 move. The doesn’t sun 6 Our cousins      (not visit) us very often.
The sun doesn’t move. 7      you      (fix) computers?
2 Egypt? Fairouz been to Has 8      (be) they always late for meetings?
9 Wear your boots. It      (snow).
3 French doing not a exercise. I’m 10 We      (have) dinner together next Monday.
11 No, I      (not live) in Jeddah, I     
4 wasn’t president 1984. He in (live) in Riyadh.
12 He      (work) for an international company
5 haven’t any got children. They so he      (travel) a lot in his job.
13 We      (study) very hard at the moment.
6 after Where going you the are lesson? 14 Next week she     (go) to Madrid on business.

106 Revision
2 State verbs 2 A She        (not look) very happy this
Read the pairs of sentences. Tick the correct ones. morning.
1 a Who is this coat belonging to?
B She        (not be)! Someone
b Who does this coat belong to?  ✓
2 a They have ten grandchildren.        (phone) while she
b They are having ten grandchildren.        (sleep).
3 a Do you enjoy the book? 3 A        you        (watch)
b Are you enjoying the book?
the football last night?
4 a I’m going to the dentist’s before work, so I’ll be late.
b I go to the dentist’s before work, so I’ll be late. B Yes, I        (see) it while I
5 a I always take the bus to work.        (do) the ironing.
b I’m always taking the bus to work.
4 A        you        (look) for
6 a This fish smells bad.
b This fish is smelling bad. me earlier?
7 a They are having a baby in June. B Yes, I        (want) to ask you something.
b They have a baby in June. 5 A I        (start) skiing when I
       (live) in Austria last year.
3 Present passive
Complete the passive sentences. B I        (not know) you’d lived there.

1 A lot of people in Canada play ice hockey.

2 Past Simple or Past Perfect?
A lot of ice hockey is played  in Canada. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the
2 They keep the results on a computer. Past Perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.
The results      on a computer. 1 He bought  (buy) her a ring after he had known 
3 Her mother is helping her to do her homework. (know) her for a week.
She      by her mother. 2 I     (not ring) him because I     
4 The invitation says ‘arrive at 12.30’. (forgot) to take his number with me.
Guests      to arrive at 12.30. 3 He     (not pass) his driving test when he
5 They pay me on the first day of the month.     (drive) from San Francisco to LA!
I      on the first day of the month. 4 When I     (get) home, I     (remember)
6 Their grandparents are taking them on holiday. that I     (leave) my umbrella in the shop.
They      on holiday by their grandparents. 5 He     (not know) how the cat     
7 They’re building 400 new houses there. (walk) 100 kilometres to its old home.
400 new houses      there. 6 She only     (hear) about the interview three
8 They throw unsold sandwiches away each day. months after she     (apply) for the job.
Unsold sandwiches      away each day. 7 When he first     (go) to Moscow he
    (never travel) abroad before.
Past tenses 8 They     (not enjoy) the programme because
1 Past Simple or Past Continuous? they     (see) it before.
Complete the conversations with the Past Simple or 9 That’s a surprise! I     (not know) you two
the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.     (meet) already.
1 A Sorry I didn’t meet  (not meet) you at the railway 10 They     (be) married for five years when
station – I was waiting  (wait) at the bus station. they     (have) their first child.
B That’s OK. I       (wait) for fifteen
minutes then I       (take) a taxi.

Revision 107
3 A short story Modal verbs 1
Complete the story with the Past Simple, Past
Continuous or Past Perfect form of the verb in 1 Questions and negatives
brackets. Read the sentences. Write (1) the negative, (2) the
question and (3) the third person singular.
They had lived  (live) in the village for over three years
1 I can use his car.
but they (1)         (never meet) the man
I can’t use his car. 
who (2)        (own) the house on the corner.

A large tree (3)        (stand) outside the
3 He/She 
front door and the curtains (4)        
2 I should write to them.
(be) always drawn. Nobody (5)        

(know) much about him – even the postman, who

(6)        (seem) to know everything about
3 He/She 
everyone! One day, though, when they
4 I must phone them.
(7)        (walk) past his house, they

(8)        (notice) that the front door

(9)        (be) open and so they
3 He/She 
(10)        (decide) to see if everything
(11)        (be) OK. As they 2 Signs
(12)        (walk) up the path, they Read the signs. Match them with the meanings.
(13)        (can) hear a noise. A man 1 No parking at any time c
(14)        (cry). They (15)        
(go) inside and (16)        (find) the man.
He (17)        (lie) in the hallway. He 3 Please take all your belongings with you  

(18)        (fall) ill and (19)        4 NO VISITORS BEYOND THIS POINT  
(manage) to open the door. He (20)         5 Please help yourself to tea or coffee  
(be) very pleased to see them!
6 You are invited to join the
organizers for a pre-conference
4 Past passive discussion
Complete the sentences with the Past Simple passive
a You can have a free hot drink.
form of the verb in brackets.
b You have to keep your luggage with you.
1 The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai was opened  in c You must put your car in another place.
1999. d You mustn’t go any further.
e You don’t have to go to the meeting.
2 Television        (invent) by John Logie f You shouldn’t leave anything behind.
3 Hemingway        (send) to France
during the First World War.
4 Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities
       (write) by Charles Dickens.
5 He        (not bring) up in Paris.
6 A lot of young writers        (help) by
Gertrude Stein.

108 Revision
Future forms 3 A conversation
Read the conversation. Underline the correct
1 Correcting mistakes future forms.
In each of these sentences there is a mistake with a
A I’m going / ’ll go to town. Do you want anything?
future form. Find it and correct it.
B Are you going / Will you go to the post office? I need
1 I going to see her tomorrow. forty stamps.
I’m going to see her tomorrow. A Yes, I am. I will apply / am applying for a new
driving licence so I’ll get you the stamps at the same
2 Greg will helping you move the computer.
 B Thanks.
3 Don’t ask Al, he isn’t help you. A Why do you need forty stamps? You always send
B Well I’m having / ’ll have a big picnic, so I want to
4 Kate catch the bus at 3.30 this afternoon. send invitations to everybody.
 A If you want me to, I’m buying / ’ll buy the invitations
5 They don’t visit us next summer. too.
B Thanks, but I’m getting / ’ll get them printed at work.

It’s already arranged.
6 Are you go meet them at the airport? A OK. I’ll see / ’m seeing you later! Bye.

2 Choosing the correct form Questions with like

Choose the correct answers. Choosing the correct question
1 What are you doing this evening? Choose the correct questions.
a I’ll go to the library. 1 A a What does he look like?  ✓
b I’m going to the library. ✓ b What’s he like?
2 Are you going to the bank? B He’s tall with brown hair.
a Yes, I’ll go there to talk to the manager. 2 A a What would you like to do?
b Yes, I’m going there to talk to the manager. b What do you like doing?
3 Have you got plans for the weekend? B I’d like to go out for lunch.
a I’m playing golf with Chris. 3 A a What are Hemingway’s books like?
b I’ll play golf with Chris. b Do you like Hemingway’s books?
4 This lesson is so boring. B Yes, I do.
a Don’t worry. It’s finished soon. 4 A a What’s she like?
b Don’t worry, it’ll finish soon. b What does she like doing?
5 Where are you going for your holiday? B She’s quiet but friendly.
a I’m not sure – I think I’ll stay here. 5 A a What do you like doing at the weekends?
b I’m not sure – I’m staying here. b What was your weekend like?
6 I’ve booked the tickets but I can’t collect them. B It was a bit boring. I had to stay at home because
a It’s OK, I’m going into town so I’ll collect them. I was ill.
b It’s OK, I’m going into town so I am collecting 6 A a What kind of food do you like?
them. b What kind of food would you like?
7 Have you seen Tom yet? B Let’s go for a Chinese meal.
a No, he’s arriving on the 6 o’clock bus.
b No, he’ll arrive on the 6 o’clock bus.
8 Look at those dark clouds!
a Oh dear, it’ll rain.
b Oh dear, it’s going to rain.

Revision 109
Verb patterns 2 Present Perfect or Past Simple?
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
-ing or infinitive? verb in brackets.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verb in brackets. 1 Ana hasn’t been  (not go) on holiday yet this

1 The garage promised to have  the car ready at 4.30. summer.

2 He asked the student in the next 2 Daisy and Jane        (not receive) their

room        (turn) her TV down. exam results last week.

3 We all enjoy        (spend) money. 3 I        (learn) to swim when I was a child.

4 My boss asked me        (train) the new 4 I        (work) in Tokyo in 2001.

office assistant. 5 Leon        (go) to school in Dublin until

5 We decided        (wait) for another hour. he was twelve.

6 She starts        (work) here next week. 6 Ute        (live) in this house since she

7 I’d love        (go) to Spain with you. was a baby.

8 I remember        (speak) to him at the 7 We        (be) married since last autumn.

meeting. 8        you ever        (win)

9 I can’t stand        (wait)! anything in a competition?

10 He said he hoped        (arrive) at 10.00. 9 She        (not speak) to him since their
10 Waleed        (not go) abroad since a
Present Perfect business trip in 1998.
1 Form and short answers
Complete the conversation with the Present Perfect 3 Present Perfect active and passive
form of the verbs in brackets and short answers. Complete the news with verbs from the box in the
A How long have you been  (be) in Paris? Present Perfect, active or passive.
B For two weeks. sink  put  leave  cause  award  arrive  arrest
A      you      (start) your new job?
B No, I haven’t  . I start next week. Here are the news headlines.
A      you      (find) somewhere to live? The Spanish Prime Minister (1) has arrived  in
B No, I      . I      (see) a few apartments London for two days of talks with the British
but I haven’t found the right one yet. government.
A      you      (visit) any of the sights? An oil tanker (2)        off the north coast
B Yes, I      . I      (go) to the Eiffel of France.
Tower but I      (not go) to the Arc de High winds and heavy rain (3)        
Triomphe yet. serious damage to coastal areas in the south. Four
A And what about your French lessons?      hundred people (4)        their homes
your course      (start) yet? and (5)        in emergency
B Oh yes, it      . It’s a really nice class. accommodation.
A Well, good luck. I hope the job goes well and that Footballer Keith Waites (6)        after a
you find a flat soon. fight in Barcelona.
And finally – the prize for Best Wildlife Documentary
(7)        to David Attenborough.

110 Revision
Conditionals 3 Zero, first or second conditional?
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
1 First conditional verb in brackets.
There is one mistake in each sentence. Find it and
correct it. 1 If you cook, I ’ll wash up  (wash up).

1 Where do you live if you can’t find a flat? 2 If you go to the restaurant before 6 p.m., the

Where will you live if you can’t find a flat? main courses       (be) cheaper.

2 If you will run, you’ll catch the bus. 3 I’d be very angry if you       (forget) my

4 If I see her, I       (tell) her.

3 I won’t ring you, unless I’ll be late. 5 If I saw a beautiful sunset, I       (take) a

 photograph of it.
6 I       (not run) into a house if it were on

4 If it be sunny, we’ll go to the beach. fire.

 7 Use the stairs if there       (be) a fire.

8 We       (be) late if we don’t go now.

5 I won’t go to the football match if Messi can’t 9 If I       (have) his address, I’d write him a
playing. letter.

 Modal verbs 2
6 She will be very unhappy if he won’t ring her.
 Match the sentences in A and B.

2 Second conditional 1 h They must be best friends.
Complete the second conditional sentences so they are 2 She couldn’t have gone home.
true for you. 3 They can’t have paid the bill.
4 I didn’t receive the flowers.
1 If a friend gave me a horrible present, I ’d just smile 5 This letter has been returned.
and say thank you. 6 I might not be able to see you on Wednesday.
7 She often works late on a Monday.
2 I’d be very surprised if  8 He can’t be in New York.
3 My best friend would be very angry if  9 Lend you my car?
4 If I saw a bank robbery, I  a The shop could have sent them to the wrong
b They must have moved house.
5 If I found an expensive watch, I  c Her house keys are here.
 d I saw him ten minutes ago.
6 If I won €2 million, I  e You must be joking!
f She might still be at the office.
 g Their phone’s been cut off.
7 If I could go anywhere in the world, I  h They are always together.
 i I might have to babysit.
8 I would never go to an English class again if 

Revision 111
Present Perfect Simple or Indirect questions
Continuous? 1 An interview
1 Choosing the correct form Think of a famous person. You are going to interview
them. Write indirect questions.
Underline the correct verb in each sentence.
Use I’d like to know … I wonder … Could you tell me …?
1 I wish they’d arrive – I’ve been waiting / ’ve waited
for more than hour. 1 when he/she was born
2 Look at all that water! It’s been raining / ’s rained I’d like to know when you were born.
very hard. 2 where he/she went to school
3 I’ve been cleaning / ’ve cleaned the car this week. 
4 Wow! You’ve cooked / ’ve been cooking dinner! Let’s
3 when he/she started … (writing/playing football,
eat now.
5 He’s been buying / ’s bought some flowers for his etc.)
mum and now he’s looking for a card. 
6 I’ve been cleaning / ’ve cleaned all day. I’ve been 4 if he/she is married
doing / ’ve done the bedrooms and now I’m doing
the bathroom. 
7 She has been sleeping / has slept downstairs because 5 if he/she has any children
she has broken her leg. 
8 We have looked / have been looking for a hotel for 6 if he/she enjoys being famous
two hours.

2 Sentence completion 7 what plans he/she has
Complete the sentences with suitable words. 
8 your question
1 Where have you been ? You’re over half an hour late.

2 He’s been      for a flat for months but he still
     found one. 2 Correcting mistakes
3 Tom’s been      in London for the last few In each of the following sentences there is a mistake.
months, but he hasn’t      whether to stay Find it and correct it.
there. 1 I’m sorry but I don’t know what time is it.
4 How long have you been      here? Do you I’m sorry but I don’t know what time it is. 
2 I’ve no idea where does he live.
like your job?

5 What have you      ? There is glass on the
3 Do you happen to know when did he arrive?

6 ‘Have you      James?’ ‘No, I think he’s
4 I wonder where has he been all day.

7 I’ve been      at this computer all morning
5 Oh dear! I’ve completely forgotten what was I doing.
and I have only      one letter.

8 She’s been      to make a phone call for half
6 That’s strange! I wonder where has he put it.
an hour but she still hasn’t      through.

9 I haven’t      reading the book yet. In fact,
7 I haven’t a clue what does he think.
I’ve only      the first three chapters.

10 Have you      the news? United have
8 Could you let me know when are you ready?
     the match. 

112 Revision
Question tags 2 Reporting verbs
Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the
Complete the questions with the correct question tag. verb in the box.
1 She can swim, can’t she    ? advise  ask  invite  order  refuse  remind  tell
2 The food isn’t very good,        ?
3 You haven’t seen my glasses,        ? 1 ‘Please come to our wedding.’
4 He’s coming to class,        ? They invited  me to their wedding.
5 I didn’t send you an invitation,        ? 2 ‘You should save some money.’
6 You’ve got your keys,        ? The bank manager  me to save some money.
7 That was a stupid thing to do,        ? 3 ‘No, I’m sorry but I won’t work late this evening.’
8 You won’t be late,        ? I  to stay late at the office on Friday evening.
9 He lives near you,        ? 4 ‘Get out of your car.’
10 He hadn’t heard the news,        ? The police officer  me to get out of my car.
5 ‘Can you tell me what the time is?’
He      me what the time was.
Reported speech 6 ‘Don’t forget to feed the cat.’
1 Reported statements and questions She      me to feed the cat.
Report the sentences.
7 ‘Put the letters on the table, please.’
1 ‘I’m going to the station.’ She      him to put the letters on the table.
He said he was going to the station  .
2 ‘We’ve got some lemonade in the fridge.’
She said they  .
3 ‘I saw him yesterday.’
He said he  .
4 ‘I don’t know the answer.’
He told me he  .
5 ‘We lived in London a long time ago.’
She said they  .
6 ‘I haven’t known him long.’
She said she  .
7 ‘What is your cousin’s name?’
I asked him  .
8 ‘Which school did you go to?’
I asked her  .
9 ‘Have you seen the news today?’
I asked him  that day.
10 ‘Where does your friend work?’
I asked her  .
11 ‘How long are you staying?’
She asked them  .
12 ‘What time does it begin?’
I asked him  .

Revision 113
UNIT 1 4 Eric and Joy paid a lot of money for their T 1.7
How much did they pay? sociable
T 1.1 5 Bob’s cat has just had kittens. customer
I speak Italian. How many kittens did she have? politeness
I don’t speak Spanish. 6 Jamal’s going to the museum on preparation
Do you speak Italian? Thursday. personal
My father speaks Italian. What exhibition is he going to see? banana
My mother doesn’t speak Italian. 7 Marco’s going shopping. apartment
Does your father speak Italian? What’s he going to buy? intelligent
8 We had a wonderful holiday. attention
T 1.2 international
Where did you go?
D = Damian, P = Phil 9 My job’s really interesting. surprising
D Good afternoon, Computer Helpline, What do you do? T 1.8
Damian speaking. How can I help you? 10 Talal’s talking on the phone.
P Oh, at last! Hello, Damian. I’ve got a Who’s he talking to? 1 I love his photographs. He’s definitely my
real problem with my computer. It’s not favourite photographer.
working at all! T 1.4 2 Dave studies politics at university, but he
D OK, OK. Tell me your name and your 1 Excuse me! Have you got the time, never wanted to become a politician.
company name and describe what’s please? 3 Technology advances so quickly these
happened. 2 I’m starving. I didn’t have anything to eat days. It’s impossible to imagine what
P My name’s Phil Evans. I don’t work for last night. technological changes there will be in the
a company; I’m self-employed. I work 3 Peter, could you help me? I’ve got a next 20 years.
at home, and I’m trying to meet an problem, and I don’t know what to do. 4 Bill doesn’t seem to like vegetables. I can’t
important deadline at the moment. This 4 A Why’s Ann taking some aspirin? understand why he’s a vegetarian.
morning I was working away happily, B Because she’s got a headache. 5 The role of employment agencies is to
when suddenly everything stopped and a 5 A Would you like tea or coffee? help employers to find suitable workers.
message came up on the screen. Then the B I’ll have a cup of tea, please. 6 I know anything’s possible in football,
screen went blank. 6 A Can you lend me €2? but do you think that England winning
D OK Phil, don’t worry! What did the B Sorry. I haven’t got any money on me the World Cup again is a real possibility?
message say? at all. T 1.9
P I can’t remember exactly, because I 7 Maria’s had her baby. It’s a girl. They’re
didn’t understand it, but I think it said calling her Lily. 1 This is Alberto – that’s capital
something about ‘not enough memory’. 8 We’re having a picnic next weekend. A – l – b – e – r – t – o.
D It’s OK, Phil. I think I know what the Would you like to come? Alberto’s from Brazil – that’s capital
problem is. Tell me, Phil, have you 9 David! Can I have a word with you for a B – r – a – z – i – l.
switched the computer off? moment? 2 This is Gabriel – that’s capital
P No, I haven’t. It’s still on. 10 How was the wedding last week? Did you G –a – b – r – i – e – l.
D Fine, Phil. Now do exactly what I say. have a good time? Gabriel’s from Poland – that’s capital
Go to your computer, OK? Can you see 11 A Have you got any brothers or sisters? P – o – l – a – n – d.
a ‘W’ in the top right-hand corner? Click B Yes. I have two older brothers. 3 This is Domingo – that’s capital
on that ‘W’ with the mouse. What does it 12 A What time does she usually have D – o – m – i – n – g – o.
say? Can you read it to me? lunch? Domingo’s from Spain – that’s capital
P There’s a list of three things. First it B About 1.00. S – p – a – i – n.
says ... 4 This is Badria – that’s capital
T 1.5 B – a – d – r – i – a.
T 1.3 wonderful language Japan Badria’s from Bahrain – that’s capital
1 Jon’s writing an email. Olympics information breakfast B – a – h – r – a – i – n.
Who’s he writing to? afford believe penicillin 5 This is Sebastian – that’s capital
2 David speaks four languages. business computer president S – e – b – a – s – t – i – a – n.
Which languages does he speak? politician happiness important Sebastian’s from Denmark – that’s capital
3 I got some lovely wedding presents. D – e – n – m – a – r – k.
What did you get? T 1.6
global policeman performance

114 Tapescripts
T 1.10 T 2.2 searched by a security officer. You wait in the
departure lounge until your flight is called
1 have – have Remember the rules for the pronunciation and you are told which gate number to go
Have you seen Tim this morning? of -s at the end of a word. This applies to the to. Finally, you board your plane and you are
2 hasn’t – hasn’t third person singular in the Present Simple shown to your seat by a flight attendant.
She hasn’t been to Rome yet. and to plural nouns.
3 does – does 1 If the word ends in /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, or T 2.6
Does your mother speak Chinese? /dʒ/, the final -s is pronounced /ɪz/. 1 usually – usually
4 doesn’t – doesn’t misses buses chooses sizes She usually goes on holiday in July.
My father doesn’t like music. washes dishes watches matches 2 always – always
5 don’t – don’t manages badges I always relax in the afternoon.
We don’t eat out very often. 2 If the word ends in /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, or /θ/, 3 never – never
6 did – did the final -s is pronounced /s/. He never comes to visit us.
What time did you get up? stops ships hits pets 4 sometimes – sometimes
7 was – was attacks bricks laughs coughs My father sometimes watches TV.
The story was written 50 years ago. maths 5 often – often
8 wasn’t – wasn’t 3 If the word ends in /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /d/, Tom often writes emails to his mother.
He wasn’t born in India. /l/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, or any vowel sound, the 6 speak – speak
9 were – were final -s is pronounced /z/. Do you speak Arabic at home?
Our rooms were painted last summer. stabs hands bags leaves 7 speaks – speaks
10 weren’t – weren’t breathes hills trams earns My sister speaks three languages.
They weren’t told about it until it was goes news wears 8 speaking – speaking
too late. What language are those people
T 2.3
T 1.11 speaking?
cheques girls places boys 9 spoke – spoke
Laila has a very busy day, starting at seven lives hours earns products I spoke to my friend yesterday.
o’clock. She gets up at this time because loves minutes closes graduates 10 spoken – spoken
she has some jobs to do before she goes to lessons wants messages hates English is spoken in many countries.
college. For example, she makes breakfast cooks sandwiches things
for the family. She also sometimes helps her T 2.7
father with his business letters. When she
T 2.4
1 made – made – m – a – d – e
finishes these jobs, she goes to college by bus. Conversation 1 2 employed – employed –
A What’s that man doing over there? e–m–p–l–o–y–e–d
UNIT 2 B He’s waiting for the bank to open. 3 grown – grown – g – r – o – w – n
A But the banks don’t open on Thursday 4 taken – taken – t – a – k – e – n
afternoons. 5 written – written – w – r – i – t – t – e – n
T 2.1 B Do you think he’s a bank robber? Watch 6 eaten – eaten – e – a – t – e – n
1 What does the corner shop sell? out! He’s taking something out of his 7 included – included –
All sorts of food and household goods. pocket. He’s walking towards us! i–n–c–l–u–d–e–d
2 What time does it open? C Excuse me. Could you tell me the time, 8 arrived – arrived – a – r – r – i – v – e – d
Six o’clock in the morning. please? 9 given – given – g – i – v – e – n
3 Why don’t Uma and Sanjit go out to Conversation 2 10 kept – kept – k – e – p – t
restaurants any more? A What are you doing?
Because they work such long hours.
4 Where does Maria’s father work?
B I’m packing my suitcase. I’m leaving in UNIT 3
an hour.
In a car factory. A But I don’t understand. Where are you
5 Where does she live? T 3.1
In a small block of flats. B To Frankfurt – on a business trip. Mr Yesterday evening, Mr Taylor was watering
6 How many students are in each class at Johnson is meeting me at the airport the plants in his garden, while his cat, Billy,
her school? at six o’clock. I don’t know when I’ll be was playing near him. Suddenly, Billy ran
Thirty to forty. back. up a tree. Mr Taylor called to Billy, but
7 What languages do her teachers speak? he couldn’t get down, so he rang the Fire
Spanish and English. T 2.5 Brigade. While he was waiting for them to
8 How does she usually go to school? When you arrive at an airport, you should arrive, he tried to tempt him down with
By bus. go straight to the check-in desk where some fish. The Fire Brigade eventually
9 What does she want to do when she your ticket and luggage are checked. You arrived, put up their ladder and rescued Billy.
finishes school? keep your hand luggage with you but Mr Taylor was so pleased that he invited
She wants to be an architect. your suitcases are taken to the plane on a them in for tea. While they were having tea,
10 Who does Vichai live with? conveyor belt. they didn’t see Billy go outside again, and ten
With his parents and sister. minutes later as they were leaving, they ran
You can now go to the departure lounge.
11 What does he enjoy playing? him over and unfortunately they killed him.
If you are on an international flight, your
passport is checked, and then your bags are
12 Does he like living in Bangkok?
x-rayed by security cameras; sometimes you
Yes, he loves it, but he hates the traffic.
are given a body search and your luggage is

Tapescripts 115
T 3.2 growing daughter. One day they were told 3 ran – ran
about a brilliant young teacher called Anne The children ran all the way to the shops.
Last February, I decided to go on holiday Sullivan. She came to work with Helen and, 4 invited – invited
to Florida. The day I left England it was very firmly and patiently, taught her that I have invited my friend for dinner.
raining, but when I landed in Florida, the every object had a name. Eventually, Helen 5 could – could
sun was shining and a lovely, warm breeze was offered a place at university. After this, I could swim when I was four years old.
was blowing from the sea. I took a taxi to my she toured the world helping people like 6 put – put
hotel. As I was checking in, someone tapped herself. The story of her life was made into a Where did you put my shoes?
me on the shoulder. I couldn’t believe my programme, The Miracle Worker. 7 tried – tried
eyes! It was my old classmate. He was staying They tried to win the match.
Charles Blondin
at the same hotel. The next day, we went 8 met – met
Charles Blondin was born into a circus
snorkelling and saw hundreds of beautiful I met my friend in a café yesterday.
family. He was taught to walk on a tightrope
fish. It was getting dark when we returned 9 read – read
when he was five. In 1859, he became very
to our hotel after a wonderful day. We also Have you read this magazine?
famous when a high wire was put above the
spent a couple of days sightseeing together. It 10 sat – sat
Niagara Falls between America and Canada
was very enjoyable. I felt very sad when the We sat on a sofa and talked.
and he walked across it. Thousands of people
holiday ended.
watched him do it. Afterwards, many of T 3.8
T 3.3 them were carried across the water on his
back. Blondin sometimes fell from the high 1 grow 9 flown
It was ten o’clock in the evening. Peter sat 2 grew 10 write
down on his sofa and thought about the day. wire but he wasn’t killed; he died peacefully
in bed in his sleep! 3 grown 11 wrote
What a busy day it had been. This was his 4 drive 12 written
first night in his own flat. He had lived his Amy Johnson 5 drove 13 fall
entire life in the family home, and now for Amy Johnson joined the London Aeroplane 6 driven 14 fell
the first time, he was on his own. Club when she was still a schoolgirl. There, 7 fly 15 fallen
she was taught how to service planes and she 8 flew
He sat surrounded by boxes that they hadn’t was introduced to a pilot called Jim Mollison,
managed to unpack during the day. It had who held the record for a flight to Australia.
taken months to get all his things together. In 1929, she was awarded her pilot’s licence, UNIT 4
His mother had been very generous, buying and the following year Amy tried to beat his
him things like towels and mugs. record. She didn’t succeed, but she was still T 4.1
He went into the kitchen and made a the first woman to fly to Australia. When
she returned, she and Jim Mollison were 1 Why do you have to wear smart suits?
sandwich. He suddenly felt very tired and
married. Amy was very popular, but her Because I have to meet a lot of important
yawned. No wonder he was tired! He had
death is a mystery. During the war, in 1941, people.
been up since six o’clock in the morning. He
she and her aeroplane disappeared 2 Why do you often have to travel
decided to eat his sandwich and go to bed.
into the sea. overseas?
But he didn’t get there …
Because I work for an international
T 3.4 T 3.6 company.
1 I was broke because I had spent all my 1 You can see the sea from here. 3 Why do you always have to be home
money on clothes. 2 She threw the ring through the window. before midnight?
2 Jane was furious because she had 3 The soldiers wore khaki uniforms when Because my parents say that I have to.
overslept and had missed the bus. they went to war. 4 Why don’t you have to get up at 6.30 a.m.
3 Mary was very disappointed with her 4 I must warn you that ties must be worn any more?
son. He hadn’t studied enough and had at the Ritz. Because I don’t have to catch the 7.32 a.m.
failed his exams. 5 The police caught the burglar and he train to work.
4 Before his accident, Peter had been the ended up in court in front of Judge 5 Why does your dad usually have to work
best player in the team. Jordan. in the evenings?
5 I was very nervous as I waited in the 6 I blew up six red balloons and ten blue Because he’s a teacher and he has to mark
departure lounge. I had never flown ones. homework.
before. 7 We knew that Jim and Sue had bought a 6 Why does your wife have to go to the
6 Jack wanted a new challenge in his work. new car. hospital every week?
He had done the same job for ten years. 8 I saw Jack at the doctor’s. He had a sore Because she broke her arm and she has to
7 I didn’t know his name, but the face throat. have physiotherapy.
was familiar. I was sure I had seen him 9 The book I read on the train had a red 7 Why doesn’t your sister have to help with
somewhere before. cover. the housework?
8 When I got home, I was starving. I hadn’t 10 We rode our horses along the narrow Because my mum says that she’s still too
had anything to eat all day. road. young.
8 Why does your wife have to take
T 3.5 T 3.7 the children to school every morning?
Helen Keller 1 called – called Because I start work very early.
Helen Keller’s deafness and blindness were My cat is called Jo. 9 Why do you have to get good marks in
caused by a severe illness when she was a 2 rang – rang your exams?
baby. Her parents didn’t know what to do, My father rang the doorbell. Because I want to go to a good university.
and they found it difficult to control their

116 Tapescripts
T 4.2 Ms M No, in fact, I want to borrow £5,000. 8 couldn’t – couldn’t
Haven’t you got my loan application? The teacher couldn’t come to class
Tom Dad, can I have the car tonight? Mr S No, I’m afraid not. But I understand yesterday.
Jack No, you can’t. I need it. you want to open a book shop for 9 for – for
Tom But I’m taking Dave to see his your son. She worked in Oman for three years.
grandmother in hospital! Ms M No, I want to open a flower shop for 10 against – against
Jack I told you. I need it. my daughter. Don’t you think you My team is playing against the
Tom Oh, please! He won’t be able to go if I should read my loan application, Mr champions.
don’t give him a lift. Sanders?
Jack All right. I suppose I can walk. The Mr S A flower shop for your daughter.
T 4.7
exercise will do me good. Well, I’ll send you a form today ... 1 evening – evening –
Tom Thanks a lot, Dad. I won’t be back Ms M But you sent me a form last week, e–v–e–n–i–n–g
late. and I’m ringing because I have some 2 early – early – e – a – r – l – y
S = Sam, A = Andy queries about it. 3 enjoy – enjoy – e – n – j – o – y
S Andy? Have you got a minute? Can I Mr S Oh, so you’ve filled in the form ... 4 advice – advice – a – d – v – i – c – e
have a word? Ms M No, I haven’t filled in the form. 5 important – important –
A Yes, what is it? I can’t fill it in because I don’t i–m–p–o–r–t–a–n–t
S You know my father is having problems understand it. That’s why I’m 6 international – international – i – n – t –
with his legs and he can’t walk. Well, he ringing. e–r–n–a–t–i–o–n–a–l
needs to go into hospital next week, and I Mr S Oh I see! You want to ask me some 7 responsible – responsible –
was wondering if I could have the day off. questions about the form. r–e–s–p–o–n–s–i–b–l–e
A Well, it’s not a very convenient time at Ms M Not any more. I don’t want to ask 8 introduce – introduce –
the moment. We’re very busy. you questions about anything!! i–n–t–r–o–d–u–c–e
S I know we’re busy, but he won’t be able to Goodbye! T 4.8
get to the hospital if I don’t take him. T 4.5
A Well, if that’s the case then you must take Going to university
him, of course. 1 You must be very hot with your coat on. The first advantage is that you will get a
S That’s very kind. Thank you very much. Why don’t you take it off? useful qualification. For example, you can
I’m very grateful. 2 Your shirt is filthy! Just look at it! get a Bachelor’s degree, which means you can
3 I haven’t read the newspaper yet. Don’t get a good job. Secondly, going to university
T 4.3 throw it away. means that you will meet a lot of interesting
1 behaviour behave 4 The TV is too loud! Turn it down! people. These may be students or teachers.
2 advice advise 5 It’ll be a great trip! I’m really looking Another advantage is that you will learn
3 introduction introduce forward to it. about many things, not only your subject.
4 invitation invite 6 Is that story about Ali true, or did you In the library, for example, you can read
5 meeting meet make it up? books on different subjects and talk to people
6 relaxation relax 7 I saw a lovely sweater today. I tried it on about them. Finally, going to university is a
7 discussion discuss but it was too small. time when you can learn about yourself. It
8 refusal refuse 8 Don’t drop your litter in the street! Pick is a time when you can think about your life
9 feeling feel it up! and your goals, and learn to be independent.
10 gift give 9 You can borrow my camera, but you
11 bow bow must look after it. UNIT 5
12 prayer pray 10 You can’t have my dictionary. Give it
13 invention invent back to me!
T 5.1
14 choice choose
T 4.6 1 A Why are you wearing your old
15 nationality national
16 tradition traditional 1 can – can clothes?
17 profession professional I can play tennis very well. B Because I’m going to wash the car.
18 illness ill 2 could – could 2 A I’ve got a headache. Have you got any
19 value valuable She could speak French when she was aspirin?
20 truth true a child. B Yes, they’re in the bathroom. I’ll get
21 difference different 3 must – must some for you.
22 freedom free You must call your mother on the 3 A Don’t forget to tell me if I can help
23 culture cultural phone tonight. you.
24 responsibility responsible 4 have to – have to B Thank you. I’ll give you a ring if I
25 necessity necessary Do we have to do any homework? think of anything.
5 allowed to – allowed to 4 A Why are you making sandwiches?
T 4.4 We are not allowed to smoke at work. B Because we’re going to have a picnic
Mr S Good morning, Mrs Maddox. 6 mustn’t – mustn’t on the beach.
Ms M It’s Ms Maddox, actually. You mustn’t use your mobile phone A What a lovely idea! I’ll get the towels
Mr S Oh yes. Ms Mary Maddox ... in class. and the swimming costumes.
Ms M Ms Maureen Maddox. 7 can’t – can’t 5 A I’m going now! Bye!
Mr S Yes, of course. Now, Ms Maddox. I I can’t hear you. B What time will you be back tonight?
believe you want to borrow £500. A I don’t know. I’ll call you later.

Tapescripts 117
6 A Who do you think will win the World afternoon, and their chef is even making 9 she’ll – she’ll
Cup? a special cake. She’ll buy some apples at the shop.
B Spain will win, of course! B Excellent! And what are you giving Rosa 10 I’ll – I’ll
7 A You’ve still got my tennis racket. Have for her retirement? Have you got her a I’ll see you tomorrow.
you forgotten? good present?
B I’m sorry. Yes, I’d forgotten. I’ll fetch it
T 5.8
A Oh yes! I’ve booked a special holiday. A
now. week for two in Paris! We’re travelling plus i – n – g
8 A Dad, can you lend me some money, first class and we’re staying in a five-star going
please? hotel. cooking
I’ll give it back tomorrow. B That’s a great idea. I can see that you’re staying
B I don’t know. What you are you going going to enjoy her retirement, too! Am I bringing
to do? invited to this dinner? opening
A I’m going to buy a new coursebook for A Of course. But keep it a secret! without e, plus i – n – g
college. driving
T 5.4
9 A Your exams start in two weeks’ time. inviting
When are you going to start revising? 1 word making
You haven’t done any revision yet. 2 weather taking
B I know. I’ll do some tonight. 3 sugar writing
A You’re going out tonight. 4 woman
double the consonant, plus i – n – g
B I’ll start tomorrow night, then. 5 women
10 A Can you take me to Harrods, please? 6 uncle
B Yes, jump in. 7 half
A How long it will it take? T 5.5 swimming
B About ten minutes. running
11 A Do you like the shirt I bought Peter build field fill women
for his graduation? leather friend break bread
B Mmm. I’m sure he’ll like it, too. front rough won’t country UNIT 6
A What are you going to do after his clock wonder want wash
graduation? angry hungry fax salmon T 6.1
B We’re going for a meal. cheese breath meal breathe
spoon wooden zoo souvenir A I’m applying for a job in East Africa.
T 5.2 warm walk store work B Are you? I used to live there. In Tanzania.
1 A It’s so hot in this room! world ferry early journalist I was there about ten years ago.
B I’ll open the window. A Really! What was it like?
T 5.6 B It was really interesting. I was there for
2 A I’m so thirsty!
B I’ll get you some water. 1 beach two years. I liked everything except the
3 A There’s someone at the door. 2 exploring climate.
B I’ll answer it for you. 3 museums A Why? What was that like?
4 A I don’t have any money. 4 restaurants B Well, I was on the coast, in Dar es Salaam,
B I’ll lend you some. 5 favourite so it was very hot and humid all of the
5 A I need to be at the bus station in ten 6 delicious time.
minutes. 7 different A And the people, what were they like?
B I’ll give you a lift. 8 perfumes B Very nice. Very kind. And of course the
6 A My suitcases are so heavy! 9 sculptures Masai people look wonderful.
B I’ll help you carry them. 10 jewellery A What do they look like?
B Well, they’re very tall and they wear the
T 5.3 T 5.7 most amazing coloured beads, in their
A Can you keep a secret? 1 will – will hair, round their necks, on their arms
B Yes, of course. What is it? What time will she call? and legs. And the unmarried men put red
A I’m having a surprise dinner for Rosa 2 going to – going to mud in their hair. They’re a magnificent
next Saturday. She’s retiring on Friday, What time are you going to leave? sight.
after 30 years as a teacher. 3 somebody – somebody A I suppose you went on safari when you
B A surprise dinner! That’ll be difficult to My father is somebody that were there. What was that like?
arrange without her knowing. Who are everyone knows. B I loved it. It was very exciting. I went to
you inviting? 4 nobody – nobody the Serengeti Plain and the Ngoro Ngoro
A Everybody. All our friends, her Nobody tells me what the problem is. Crater.
colleagues from work, all her family, even 5 anybody – anybody A Which animals did you like best?
her two cousins from Scotland. They’re Does anybody want some more coffee? B Actually, I think it was the giraffes. They
driving down at the weekend and they’re 6 everybody – everybody were so graceful, so elegant – but I liked
bringing their children with them. Is everybody happy? all the animals. What would you like to
B What about the food? Where are you 7 they’ll – they’ll see if you go there?
getting that from? I think they’ll be here in five minutes. A The lions, of course. Especially those that
A It’s all arranged. Marcello’s restaurant is 8 he’ll – he’ll live in the trees. I hope I get the job. It’s
delivering all kinds of food on Saturday I hope he’ll visit us next year. been great talking to you.
B And you. Give me a ring and let me
know what happens.
118 Tapescripts
T 6.2 T 6.5 S Yes, I have. I went to Bristol University
from 2000 to 2003.
1 A Where do you like going on holiday? 1 like – like I What subjects did you study?
B We usually go skiing in the winter, I like your new car. S English and sociology.
then somewhere hot in the summer. 2 would – would I Do you speak any languages?
2 A What would you like to do this Would you like a cup of tea? S Yes, I do. I speak Spanish fluently.
evening? 3 as good as – as good as I Have you ever lived in Spain?
B Something a bit different. I feel like a Mike isn’t as good as his brother S Yes, I have. I lived and worked in
change. at tennis. Barcelona for a year.
3 A Where would you like to go on 4 food – food I What kind of work did you do there?
holiday? The supermarket sells food and drinks. S I worked as a teaching assistant in a
B Somewhere hot! I want to get brown. 5 city – city school.
4 A Would you like an ice-cream? They live in a big city. I What are you doing now?
B No, thanks. 6 people – people S I’m an English teacher at a junior school
5 A What kind of books do you like Some people enjoy sports but near Exeter.
reading? others don’t. I How long have you been working there?
B Science Fiction, usually. 7 which – which S Since April 2003.
6 A Do you like swimming? This is the computer which I use
B It’s OK, but I get bored. for work. T 7.4
7 A Would you like to go swimming? 8 who – who business degree absolutely
B Great! Let’s go. I don’t know who that man is. applicant Argentina behaviour
8 A Would you like to be a teacher? 9 where – where competition discover editor
B I couldn’t stand it! Do you know where Ali lives? experience fluent foreign
10 whose – whose interesting interpreter Japan
T 6.3 I want to know whose shoes they are. journalist political publication
1 I want you to be more careful with your resign pollution career
homework in the future. T 6.6
2 I stopped playing tennis when I was 35. 1 You look like her. T 7.5
3 Why did I promise to help with the 2 He’s good at doing that. 1 for – for
painting? I hate it! 3 Would you like one? I have lived here for ten years.
4 I tried to tell you that you were making a 4 I started driving last year. 2 since – since
mistake, but you wouldn’t listen. 5 She’s as tall as them. We have worked here since last month.
5 I’m looking forward to going to Sydney 6 What are they like? 3 ago – ago
next year. He left five minutes ago.
6 My father let me have driving lessons 4 just – just
when I was 17.
UNIT 7 We have just finished lunch.
7 Mike invited me to his picnic, but I 5 before – before
wasn’t allowed to go. T 7.1 Have you been here before?
8 I finished watching TV and then I went 1 A You’re brown! Where have you been? 6 yet – yet
to bed. B We’ve been on holiday. My father hasn’t arrived yet.
A Where did you go? 7 already – already
T 6.4
B We went to Spain. I have already sent the email.
1 A Jack is very short. A When did you get back? 8 never – never
B No, he isn’t. Jack’s very tall. B Last night. The plane landed at 6.00 in She has never eaten pizza before.
2 A Anna’s got long blonde hair. the evening. 9 been – been
B No, she hasn’t. Anna’s got short, 2 A What have you done to your finger? Have you ever been to Abu Dhabi?
blonde hair. B I’ve cut myself. 10 gone – gone
3 A Do you want a single ticket? A How did you do that? My brother has gone to work.
B No, I don’t. I want a return ticket. B I was cooking and the knife slipped.
4 A Liz likes cheap jewellery. A Have you put anything on it? T 7.6
B No, she doesn’t. Liz likes expensive B No. It’s not that bad. 1 write – written –
jewellery. w – r – i – double t – e – n
5 A Did he say that the lecture was boring? T 7.2 2 make – made – m – a – d – e
B No, he didn’t say that. He said the 1 Have you been shopping recently? 3 have – had – h – a – d
lecture was interesting. 2 What did you buy? 4 cut – cut – c – u – t
6 A Do Jane and Paul like going for walks? 3 How much have you spent today? 5 finish – finished –
B No, they don’t. Jane and Paul hate 4 Have you had a busy day? f–i–n–i–s–h–e–d
going for walks. 5 Have you read any good books recently? 6 live – lived – l – i – v – e – d
7 A Would you like a hot drink? 6 What lessons have you had today? 7 see – seen – s – e – e – n
B No, thanks. I’d like a cold drink, please. 8 study – studied – s – t – u – d – i – e – d
8 A Have you got a headache?
T 7.3
9 buy – bought – b – o – u – g – h – t
B No, I haven’t. I’ve got a stomach ache. I = Interviewer, S = Steven 10 spend – spent – s – p – e – n – t
9 A I liked school when I was a child. I Where do you live?
B Well, I hated school when I was a S In Newton, near Swansea.
child. I Have you been to university?

Tapescripts 119
UNIT 8 T 8.4 4 while – while
You can talk to me while I cook.
1 Have you read the ‘Good Food’ guide to 5 however – however
T 8.1 London? However, I don’t like football.
Tom and Lisa 2 The best cooks use a wooden spoon to stir 6 immediately – immediately
T I’m going to the shops. Do you want the sauce. You should go and see him immediately.
anything? 3 Look! There’s a pool of blood on the 7 although – although
L No, I don’t think so. Oh, hang on. I need carpet! Although I haven’t met him, I know
some warm gloves. 4 They played football on a flood-lit pitch. about his life.
T OK. If I see some, I’ll get them for you. 5 We foolishly booked a room at the hotel 8 really – really
What colour do you want? without asking the price. My family really loves travelling.
L I want them to match my coat, so they 6 I wear a woollen sweater when it’s cool. 9 suddenly – suddenly
should be dark brown. 7 He stood on a stool and climbed onto the The child suddenly started crying.
T Erm … I’ll try to find a pair of dark roof. 10 nearly – nearly
brown gloves, but I’m not very good with T 8.5 I have nearly finished this book.
L Don’t worry. If you’re not sure, don’t buy The letters ou are also pronounced in many T 8.10
them. different ways. For example: Yesterday, Richard didn’t wake up on time
T OK. I won’t. /ɔː/ four because his alarm clock didn’t go off. When
L And another thing. Could you get some /uː/ group Richard woke up, he saw that it was ten
stamps? T 8.6 o’clock. Richard knew that he would be late
T OK. I’ll go to the post office. for work, so he called his boss, Mrs Patel.
1 would should shoulder could Richard told her that he couldn’t come to
Jody and Pete 2 your sour court pour
J What shall we make for dinner when work because his car had broken down.
3 accountant country count fountain Richard’s boss reminded Richard that he had
your sister comes? What does she eat? 4 though ought bought thought
P She likes most things, I think. Meat, sold his car the week before. She then told
5 enough tough rough cough Richard that she wanted to see him in her
fish … 6 anonymous mouse enormous furious
J If the weather’s good, we could have a office as soon as he arrived at work.
7 trouble double doubt country
barbecue. 8 through group though soup
P That’s a good idea. Let’s do that.
T 8.7
J If I do the main course, will you do the
dessert? 1 It’s the thought that counts. T 9.1
P OK. I’ll make an apple pie. 2 There’s an enormous mouse in the
J And I’ll do burgers and some green salad. 1 A Do you know where Ben is?
kitchen. B I’m not sure. He may be playing games
T 8.2 3 I have no doubt that my boss will be on the computer.
furious. 2 A Where’s Miteb?
1 If I had a car, I could take you to the 4 You ought to do something about that
airport. B He’s upstairs. He must be listening to
cough. the radio in his room.
2 If I didn’t have a headache, I’d go 5 I have a lot of trouble with noisy
swimming. A He’s not in his room.
neighbours. B Try the bathroom. He might be
3 If I knew the answer, I’d tell you.
4 If we had any money, we’d have a holiday T 8.8 having a shower.
this year. 3 A I can’t find the thing that changes the
1 would – would – w – o – u – l – d
5 If I had some spare time, I’d learn TV channel.
2 when – when – w – h – e – n
Russian. B The remote control? Stand up. You
3 as soon as – as soon as –
6 If we had a big house, we could invite could be sitting on it.
friends to stay. 4 A Have you seen the newspaper?
4 could – could – c – o – u – l – d
7 If there were some eggs, I’d make a cake. B I think James picked it up. He may be
5 rather – rather – r – a – t – h – e – r
8 If I were cleverer, I’d be a doctor. reading it.
6 country – country –
9 If I had a mobile, you could call me. 5 A What’s that noise?
10 He could win the race if he trained. B It sounds like an ambulance. They
7 should – should – s – h – o – u – l – d
11 If Francis didn’t work so hard, he would must be taking someone to hospital.
8 might – might – m – i – g – h – t
have time to spend with his family. 6 A Look over there! It’s Harry and Faye
9 must – must – m – u – s – t
12 If we didn’t have three children, we’d take outside the estate agent’s.
10 count – count – c – o – u – n – t
a year off and travel the world. B They can’t be moving again. They only
T 8.9 moved to their new flat six months
T 8.3 ago.
1 until – until
The letters double o are pronounced in I didn’t see the car until it was too late. A Let’s go over and ask them.
different ways. 2 before – before 7 A What’s happening outside?
/ʊ/ book I had never seen anything like it before. B It sounds like workmen. They must be
/uː/ soon 3 after – after digging up the road outside.
/ʌ/ flood My friend likes to go for a walk A What for?
after dinner. B I don’t know. They could be mending
a broken water pipe.

120 Tapescripts
T 9.2 3 A Mr Harper must have left the black 10 can’t have been – can’t have been
bag in the taxi. It can’t have been my brother: he’s
1 A Oh no! My white shirt has turned B Did you say Mrs Harper must have in Italy.
pink! left the black bag in the taxi?
B You must have washed it with 4 A Mr Harper must have left the black
something red. bag in the taxi.
A Yes, look at that! How did that red B Did you say Mr Harper must have put
sock get in there? the black bag in the taxi? T 10.1
B That’s my sock. I must have left it in 5 A Mr Harper must have left the black 1 I’ve had an accident with your car, Harry.
the washing machine. Sorry! bag in the taxi. I’m really sorry.
2 A I wonder how the thief got into our B Did you say Mr Harper must have left 2 I don’t believe it! Somebody has been
apartment. the black bag in the train? eating my chocolates! They’ve nearly all
B He could have used the fire escape. 6 A Mr Harper must have left the black gone!
A Yes, or he might have climbed up that bag in the taxi. 3 I’ve been waiting for you for ages! Where
tree. B Did you say Mr Harper must have left have you been?
B No, he couldn’t have done that. The a black bag in the taxi? 4 I’ve broken a glass. I’m awfully sorry.
tree’s too far from the window. 7 A Mr Harper must have left the black 5 How many biscuits have you eaten today?
3 A Bill told me that his new car cost bag in the taxi. 6 A Why is your face so red?
£10,000, but he couldn’t have spent B Did you say Mr Harper might have B I’ve been running.
that much! He only earns £15,000 a left the black bag in the taxi? 7 I have never met a nicer person in my
year. 8 A Mr Harper must have left the black life.
B I think you must have misheard him. bag in the taxi. 8 How long have you known Charles and
4 A It’s 6.30. Mum and Dad’s plane must B Did you say Mr Harper can’t have left Lisa?
have landed by now. Why haven’t they the black bag in the taxi? 9 He’s been writing a book for nearly a
called or texted? year. It’ll be finished soon.
B Let’s check their flight on the Internet. T 9.7
10 He’s written a book. I saw it in the
It could have been delayed. with the suffix -ness bookshop.
5 A Your face is very red. What happened? happiness – 11 The children are very quiet. They’ve been
B I must have fallen asleep in the sun. h – a – double p – i – n – e – double s watching TV all morning.
A And you can’t have put on any tidiness – t – i – d – i – n – e – double s 12 They’ve watched five programmes
suncream. It looks painful. friendliness – f – r – i – e – n – d – l – i – already.
T 9.3 n – e – double s
sadness – s – a – d – n – e – double s T 10.2
Notice how the consonant sounds are linked where clear stay shy
with the suffix -ity
to the vowel sounds that follow: weigh know sure now
reliability –
He must have eaten all of Ann’s oranges. phone bear high enjoy
She can’t have asked Al’s aunt. poor here noise aloud
generosity – g – e – n – e – r – o – s – i – t – y
T 9.4 sensitivity – T 10.3
1 She must have eaten the cheese. s–e–n–s–i–t–i–v–i–t–y
possibility – 1 We caught the plane to the south of
2 You can’t have seen him. Spain.
3 He can’t have arrived early. p – o – double s – i – b – i – l – i – t – y
2 The boy in the red coat said that he
4 He might have gone out for a cup of T 9.8 enjoyed the journey.
coffee. 3 I’ve known Sally for nearly five years.
1 must – must
5 She might have been angry. 4 She’s wearing a red rose in her hair.
You must do your homework.
6 They can’t have been in trouble. 5 He likes to ride a big black motorbike.
2 could – could
7 They might have written it down.
Could you please help me? T 10.4
8 He must have been to Africa.
3 couldn’t – couldn’t
T 9.5 My brother couldn’t swim until last year. 1 while – while
4 might – might I helped my child while he was learning
1 He could have gone abroad. to swim.
2 They might have eaten it all. We might go to the park later.
5 can’t – can’t 2 after – after
3 She may be arriving this evening. Can you phone me after lunch?
4 They must be coming soon. You can’t enter the building after ten
o’clock. 3 until – until
5 They can’t know him at all. She will be staying with us until May.
6 have to – have to
T 9.6 You have to pay to watch the match. 4 since – since
7 should – should My father has worked since he was 15.
1 A Mr Harper must have left the black 5 between – between
bag in the taxi. People should drive carefully near
schools. There is a table between the two
B Did you say Mr Harper must have left armchairs.
the blue bag in the taxi? 8 shall – shall
What time shall I call? 6 fortunately – fortunately
2 A Mr Harper must have left the black Fortunately, the weather was perfect.
bag in the taxi. 9 must have been – must have been
It must have been great to win. 7 last – last
B Did you say Mr Harper must have left We went to Portugal last year.
the black suitcase in the taxi?

Tapescripts 121
8 once – once 10 A Have you any idea where ‘poutine’ is 3 A You aren’t going out dressed like that,
She came to class once and then stopped. sold? are you?
9 for – for B It’s sold on nearly every street corner. B Why not? I can wear what I want,
They are going to Oman for their holiday. can’t I?
10 over – over
T 11.2 A That depends. You’re wearing my
There are over a hundred cars in the 1 A Althea’s getting married. jacket, aren’t you?
car park. B Who to? B No, I’m not. I bought this yesterday.
2 A Come here! I want to talk to you! 4 A Callum’s new car is cool, isn’t it?
T 10.5 B What about? B Yes, it’s true. But he drives much too
1 impossible – prefix im- 3 A I’d like a taxi, please. fast, doesn’t he?
2 unpopular – prefix un- B Where to? A You wouldn’t want one like that,
3 misuse – prefix mis- 4 A Give me a cloth! Quick! would you?
4 dislike – prefix dis- B What for? B Yes, I would. I’ve always wanted a car
5 disagree – prefix dis- 5 A I had lunch at Le Bistro yesterday. like that!
6 unhelpful – prefix un- B Who with?
7 misunderstand – prefix mis- 6 A My parents were absolutely furious T 11.6
8 impolite – prefix im- with me! A Can I help you?
B What about? B Yes, please. I’m looking for a jumper.
T 10.6 7 A Ssh! I’m thinking! A What size are you?
1 hopeful – suffix -ful B What about?
2 likeable – suffix -able 8 A Don’t you think you should apologize
T 11.7
3 understandable – suffix -able to her? A Help?
4 popularity – suffix -ity B What for? B Yes. Jumper.
5 careful – suffix -ful 9 A Pat and I had an argument, as usual. A Size?
6 agreeable – suffix -able B What about?
7 legality ­– suffix -ity
T 11.8
10 A Eat your lunch.
8 successful – suffix -ful B What with? I haven’t got a knife and A Can I help you?
fork! B Yes, please. I’m looking for a jumper.
A What size are you?
UNIT 11 T 11.3 B I usually take a large.
1 You don’t like your food, do you? A And what colour are you looking for?
T 11.1 2 You don’t want to go to the wedding B Some kind of green.
1 A Can you tell me what the population reception, do you? A What about this one? Do you like this?
of Montreal is? 3 You ate too much, didn’t you? B No, I think the style is nice, but it’s too
B 2.8 million. 4 That dress is lovely, isn’t it? bright.
2 A I’ve no idea how many have French 5 That football match was exciting, wasn’t it? A Well what about this one then? It’s a
ancestry. 6 You aren’t enjoying the programme, are much darker green.
B Two thirds. you? B Oh, yes. I like that one much better. Is it
3 A Do you know what the official made of cotton?
T 11.4 A Yes, and it’s machine-washable.
language is?
B French. 1 Pete, you couldn’t give me a lift to the B That’s great. Can I try it on?
4 A I’m not sure exactly where Montreal is station, could you? A Of course. The changing rooms are over
situated. 2 Sue, you couldn’t lend me £5, could you? there.
B On the Saint Lawrence Seaway, below 3 Noor, you don’t know where my
sunglasses are, do you?
T 11.9
Mount Royal.
5 A I haven’t a clue who discovered 4 Ravi, you haven’t got a red pen, have you? 1 does – does
Montreal. 5 Sarah, you haven’t seen Bill, have you? Does your father speak Spanish?
B The French explorer, Jacques Cartier, 6 Excuse me, you haven’t got change for a 2 were – were
in 1535. twenty-euro note, have you? Where were you this morning?
6 A I wonder what the buildings are like. 3 often – often
T 11.5 We often have lunch in the garden.
B They are a wonderful mix of ancient
and modern. 1 A I can’t do this exercise. It’s very 4 usually – usually
7 A Could you tell me how long winter difficult, isn’t it? I usually buy my mother flowers as
lasts? B Don’t worry. I’m here to help you. a present.
B About four or five months. A I’ll be able to do it if I practise, won’t I? 5 always – always
8 A Do you know why they have built an B Of course. It took me ages to learn. Salem always goes to Turkey on holiday.
underground city? 2 A The Browns are really wealthy, aren’t 6 could – could
B So that you can shop and keep warm they? Could you please hurry up?
in winter. B I know. They’re always going on 7 must – must
9 A I don’t know if there are any good holiday. Your son must go to the dentist
places to eat. A I don’t know where they get their immediately.
B There are thousands. You can find money from. 8 have to – have to
some of the world’s finest restaurants B Still, we’re happy with what we’ve got, Do we have to go to the meeting?
in Montreal. aren’t we? 9 going to – going to
Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day.

122 Tapescripts
10 will – will K And the rooms! You said that we would T 12.6
What time will you be home tonight? have wonderful views over the sea,
but we couldn’t see the sea. Only the 1 We’d love to meet your mother.
T 11.10 weather was good! It was a miserable 2 They asked if we’d give them a lift.
1 writing – w – r – i – t – i – n – g honeymoon! 3 They asked if we’d given her the present
English – capital E – n – g – l – i – s – h yet.
2 chatting – c – h – a – double t – i – n – g T 12.3 4 We asked when they’d met each other.
friends – f – r – i – e – n – d – s 1 ‘What are you doing?’ 5 We asked when they’d see each other
3 Would – capital W – o – u – l – d She asked me what I was doing. again.
like – l – i – k – e 2 ‘Do you want to go out for a walk?’ 6 After my accident, the doctor said I’d
4 should – s – h – o – u – l – d She asked me if I wanted to go out for a never ski again.
now – n – o – w walk. T 12.7
5 stopped – s – t – o – double p – e – d 3 ‘Why are you crying?’ he asked her.
o’clock – o – apostrophe – c – l – o – c – k He wondered why she was crying. 1 She said that she’d seen him.
6 studied – s – t – u – d – i – e – d 4 ‘Can I borrow your car?’ 2 She said that she’d see him soon.
day – d – a – y He asked me if he could borrow my car. T 12.8
7 Where – capital W – h – e – r – e 5 ‘Where have you come from?’
been – b – double e – n The customs officer asked me where I’d 1 while – while
8 gone – g – o – n – e come from. They met while they were living in China.
months – m – o – n – t – h – s 6 ‘How long are you going to be at the 2 until – until
9 cold – c – o – l – d gym?’ We won’t see each other until next year.
hat – h – a – t She wanted to know how long I’d be at 3 since – since
10 hate – h – a – t – e the gym. Pat has been ill since Friday.
too – t – double o 7 ‘Did you buy any milk?’ 4 might – might
Trudi wondered if I’d bought any milk. I might look for a new job next year.
8 ‘Will you be back early?’ 5 couldn’t – couldn’t
UNIT 12 She asked us if we’d be back early. Fatima couldn’t find her mobile phone.
9 ‘When do you have to go to work?’ 6 however – however
T 12.1 She asked me when I had to go to work. However, we will try to fix the problem
T = Tom, K = Karen for you.
T 12.4 7 which – which
T It’s your fault that we went to Mexico.
A Come and sit down, Mr Smith. Now, you I’m not sure which one to choose.
The holiday cost a fortune and it was the
want to borrow some money. 8 although – although
worst I’ve ever had.
How much money do you want to Although I studied, I didn’t pass the exam.
K There’s nothing wrong with Mexico – it’s
borrow? 9 already – already
very beautiful. The travel agency are to
B Five thousand pounds. I started the book today but I am already
blame. Their brochure promised all kinds
A And why do you need it? on page 200.
of things about the hotel. And they were
B Because I want to buy a car. 10 where – where
all lies. You’ve no right to blame me.
A I see. Could you give me some personal I don’t know where you live.
T I’m sorry, Karen. I know it’s not really
your fault. I’ll go to the travel agent first details? What do you do? T 12.9
thing in the morning and I’ll tell them B I’m a graphic designer.
A And how much do you earn? 1 brother – b – r – o – t – h – e – r
everything that went wrong. as – a – s
K I’ll come too because I’m going to ask for B Thirty thousand pounds a year.
A Are you married? as – a – s
our money back or another holiday. 2 Whose – capital W – h – o – s – e
B Yes, I am. I’ve been married for six years.
T 12.2 A Have you got any children? phone – p – h – o – n – e
B Yes, we’ve got two children. that – t – h – a – t
TA = Travel Agent, T = Tom, K = Karen
A I see you live in a flat. How long have you 3 These – capital T – h – e – s – e
TA Good morning. It’s Mr and Mrs were – w – e – r – e
Sandford, isn’t it? Did you have a good lived there?
B We’ve lived there for three years. made – m – a – d – e
time in Cancun? 4 absolutely –
T No, we did not! Where shall we begin? A Well, that seems fine. I don’t think there’ll
be any problems. When would you like a –b – s – o – l – u – t – e – l – y
The transfer from the airport. Why did fantastic – f – a – n – t – a – s – t – i – c
your brochure say that the hotel was the money?
B I’d like it as soon as possible, actually. 5 can’t – c – a – n – apostrophe – t
only 20 minutes from the airport and have – h – a – v – e
that it had large tropical gardens? Not A All right. Let’s see what we can do.
problem – p – r – o – b – l – e – m
true! The drive from the airport took T 12.5 6 We’ve – capital W – e – apostrophe – v – e
an hour, and where are the gardens? waiting – w – a – i – t – i – n – g
article computer newspaper
Your brochure said that these gardens two – t – w – o
message discovered accident
led directly onto the beach, but we
careful mistake criticize
couldn’t see any tropical gardens, not
mystery password reported
even one palm tree! The next hotel
accuse annoying persuade
had them, but not ours! And you said
surprise manager invite
there were swimming pools and tennis
courts – not in our hotel!

Tapescripts 123
Phonetic symbols
Consonants Vowels
 1 /p/ as in pen /pen/ 25 /iː/ as in see /siː/
 2 /b/ as in big /bɪg/ 26 /ɪ/ as in his /hɪz/
 3 /t/ as in tea /tiː/ 27 /i/ as in twenty /ˈtwenti/
 4 /d/ as in do /duː/ 28 /e/ as in ten /ten/
 5 /k/ as in cat /kæt/ 29 /æ/ as in bag /bæg/
 6 /g/ as in go /gəʊ/ 30 /ɑː/ as in father /ˈfɑːðə/
 7 /f/ as in four /fɔː/ 31 /ɒ/ as in hot /hɒt/
 8 /v/ as in very /ˈveri/ 32 /ɔː/ as in morning /ˈmɔːnɪŋ/
 9 /s/ as in son /sʌn/ 33 /ʊ/ as in football /ˈfʊtbɔːl/
10 /z/ as in zoo /zuː/ 34 /uː/ as in you /juː/
11 /l/ as in live /lɪv/ 35 /ʌ/ as in sun /sʌn/
12 /m/ as in my /maɪ/ 36 /ɜː/ as in learn /lɜːn/
13 /n/ as in now /naʊ/ 37 /ə/ as in letter /ˈletə/
14 /h/ as in happy /ˈhæpi/
15 /r/ as in red /red/
16 /j/ as in yes /jes/ Diphthongs (two vowels together)
17 /w/ as in want /wɒnt/ 38 /eɪ/ as in name /neɪm/
18 /θ/ as in thanks /θæŋks/ 39 /əʊ/ as in no /nəʊ/
19 /ð/ as in the /ðə/ 40 /aɪ/ as in my /maɪ/
20 /ʃ/ as in she /ʃiː/ 41 /aʊ/ as in how /haʊ/
21 /ʒ/ as in television /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/ 42 /ɔɪ/ as in boy /bɔɪ/
22 /tʃ/ as in child /tʃaɪld/ 43 /ɪə/ as in hear /hɪə/
23 /dʒ/ as in German /ˈdʒɜːmən/ 44 /eə/ as in where /weə/
24 /ŋ/ as in English /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ 45 /ʊə/ as in tour /tʊə/

124 Phonetic symbols


Notes 125
126 Notes
Notes 127
128 Notes

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