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King Salman: The Term 'Wahhabi' Was Coined by

Saudi Arabia's Enemies! We are Not Wahhabis,
Rather we are Salafis! (April 2010)
Following the 9/11 2001 attacks, in which 15 Saudis
participated, Saudi Arabia came under criticism from western
media outlets because of the so called “Wahhabi” religios
ideology prevailing in the country. “Wahhabism” is derogatory
used for the 18th-century Salafist Orthdox Islamic Cleric
Muhammad ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab. It should be noted that since
the world began to take an interest in Saudi religious circles,
which believed to have spawned several major terrorists, there
has been sparring between the Saudi establishment of Salafism and the Muslim
Brotherhood’s Ikhwanism Qutbism, but if carefully examined you will find the origin of
the jihadi Terror trend in Saudi Arabia was inititaed by non other than the radical
Islamist works of Sayyid Qutb and his brother Muhamamd Qutb, the prominent
thinkers of the Radical wing, Qutubism of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Following the criticism upon so called “Wahhabism” and rather in fact “Saudi
Rulership & their adherence to Salafism” the Saudi Rulership initiated efforts to
differentiate itself from the extremist streams of Ikhwanist Qutbists in the country and
claimed that these streams had distorted the original intent of Islam and were rooted
in Muslim Brotherhood and that the "Wahhabi" label had been slapped on Saudi
Arabia in order to slander it.

King Salman bin 'Abd Al-'Aziz, then prince & the governor of the Riyadh region
came out publicly on the matter, denying a connection between the term "Wahhabi"
and Jihadist Radicalism, which he called derogatory, and Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab's
views. He said that Muhammad Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab and those who followed in his
footsteps were simply Salafis who adhered to the original Islam of the Prophet
Muhammad and his Companions, but that the term Wahhabi was coined in order to
tarnish them and to imply that they had established a new and separate school of
religious thought, and added:

King Salmaan: ‫ ألن أساس تلن التسمٌة فً الغال انطلك‬،‫والمول بأن وصفها بالوهابٌة هو شًء طبٌعً لٌس صحٌحا‬
‫““ ألجل التشوٌه واإلساءة‬It is a mistake to claim that calling it Wahhabism is natural, because
[this term is used] primarily to slander and tarnish [Saudi Arabia]..” ‫هات ما تجده عندنا مخالفا‬
‫“ ألهل السنة والجماعة‬Give us what you find (in his books, and letters) that opposed the

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Ahuluh Sunnah Wal-Jama’”"...I defy anyone to find even a single letter in the letters
and books of Sheikh [Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab ]... contradicting the Quran or the Sunna."
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), March 17, 2010.

King Salman's remarks prompted several articles in the London daily Al-Hayat; in
response, he himself penned an article for the paper, reiterating his claim that there is
no such thing as Wahhabism.

Saudi News writer Khalil Al-Khalil wrote on Al-Hayat (London) 15

April 2010: The Wahhabi Movement Needs Internal Reform
Among those who responded to Prince Salman's initial remarks was Saudi news
writer Khalid Al-Khalil; he wrote that the use of the term Wahhabi is legitimate, but
that the Wahhabi movement needed internal reform: "It is important to amend from
within the messages and practices of Salafism, founded by Sheikh Muhammad ibn
'Abd Al-Wahhab, so that this religious stream will be able to deal with the challenges
[it faces today].”

To answer this response and others, and to further clarify his position, King Salman
reiterated, in an article in Al-Hayat, that Wahhabism does not exist, and added that
there is no need for amending the ideology prevailing in Saudi Arabia in the following
article by King Salman;

King Salman: How Can We Demand Amendment to Messages that

Are Identical to the Messages of the Quran and the Sunna?
He wrote: "We have been made aware of [the articles in Al-Hayat about Wahhabism].
These articles touched on why the preaching of Sheikh Muhammad ibn 'Abd Al-
Wahhab was called Wahhabism... and I therefore saw fit to clarify that some of the
articles confuse Wahhabism with other terms, on the supposition that the matter is
purely one of terminology. But the truth is that the da'wa of Sheikh Muhammad ibn
'Abd Al-Wahhab, which was supported by Muhammad bin Saud, the founder [of the
Saudi state], and to which bin Saud's sons and descendants adhere to this day, is
merely preaching to return to the principles of the religion of Islam as it was
[originally] presented in the Quran and the Sunna.”

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‫ لٌتبٌّن له عدم وجود جدٌد فً تلن الدعوة‬،‫وبإمكان أي منصف أن ٌطلع على رسائل الشٌخ دمحم بن عبدالوهاب وكتاباته‬
‫ وما هً إال دعوة إلى العودة إلى األصول الصحٌحة للعمٌدة اإلسالمٌة‬،‫ٌخالف الكتاب والسنة وٌخالف من هج السلف‬
.‫الصافٌة التً هً أساسها ومنطلمها‬

“Any person of integrity who familiarizes himself with the letters and books of Sheikh
Muhammad ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab will discover that this preaching contains nothing
new that is contrary to the Quran and the Sunna or that opposes the practices of our
ancestors “Salaf”. [Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab's preaching] is nothing but preaching to return
to the correct roots of the pure Islamic faith, which are its foundation and its starting

‫ ألن أساس تلن التسمٌة فً الغالب انطلك ألجل التشوٌه‬،ً‫والمول بأن وصفها بالوهابٌة هو شًء طبٌعً لٌس صحٌحا‬
.‫“ واإلساءة‬It is a mistake to claim that calling it Wahhabism is natural, because [this term
is used] primarily to slander and tarnish [Saudi Arabia]...”

،‫ فهذا فً رأًٌ غٌر صحٌح‬،‫أما ما ذكره الكاتب خلٌل الخلٌل من أن مصطلح"الوهابٌة"ٌماثل ما نُسب إلى المذاهب األربعة‬
‫ كما أن الشٌخ ٌستند فً فتاواه وآرائه على المذاهب‬،‫ألن المول بهذا األمر هو المول بأن ما جاء به الشٌخ هو مذهب جدٌد‬

"It is also a mistake to claim that the term Wahhabi resembles [the names of] the four
schools [of Sunni Islam, namely Hanafi, Maliki, Hanbali, and Shafi'i, all named after
their founders], because this implies that the sheikh founded a new school, when in
fact he relied on fatwas and religious opinions given by all four schools [of Islam].”

King Salmaan: Salafism is the way of life of our righteous ancestors

‫ ألن السلفٌة الصحٌحة هً ما كان‬،ً‫وما ذكره الكاتب من أن"الوهابٌة" أصبحت وجها ً آخر للسلفٌة فهذا غٌر صحٌح أٌضا‬
‫ ودعوة الشٌخ دمحم بن عبدالوهاب هً عودة إلى ذلن المنهج ولم‬،‫علٌه السلف الصالح من منهج ملتزم بالكتاب والسنة‬
‫ لألسف الشدٌد‬،‫تستخدم السلفٌة ألغراض حزبٌة أو اسمٌة كما شاع فً عصرنا الحدٌث‬

“Even the claim that Wahhabism has become another facet of Salafism is wrong,
because the correct Salafism is the way of life of our righteous ancestors, who
were committed to the Quran and the Sunna. Sheikh Muhammad ibn 'Abd Al-
Wahhab preached a return to this way of life. Contrary to the view that is
unfortunately widely held in the modern age, his preaching did not use Salafism for
political aims.”

ް ީ‫ސލާމްދ‬
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‫كما ألحم الكاتب خلٌل الخلٌل فً تعمٌبه لضاٌا أخرى مثل رأٌه أن هنان حاجةً إلى إصالح مضامٌن وممارسات السلفٌة‬
،‫التً أساسها دعوة الشٌخ دمحم بن عبدالوهاب من الداخل‬

"The writer Khalil Al-Khalil called for reforming the messages and practices of
Salafism, which was founded according to the da'wa of Sheikh Muhammad bin 'Abd

‫ كٌف نطالب بإصالح مضامٌن الدعوة وهً تلن المضامٌن التً نادى بها المرآن الكرٌم والسنة النبوٌة؟‬:‫وهنا نتساءل‬

“We ask: How can we demand amendment to messages that are identical to the
messages of the Quran and the Sunna?”

ً‫ وأكرر هنا المناداة بأن من ٌستطٌع أن ٌجد ف‬،ً‫إن دعوة الشٌخ دمحم بن عبدالوهاب لٌست منهجا ً جدٌدا ً ولٌست فكراً جدٌدا‬
‫كتابات ا لشٌخ ورسائله أي خروج على الكتاب والسنة وأعمال السلف الصالح فعلٌه أن ٌبرزه وٌواجهنا به‬.

"Sheikh Muhammad bin 'Abd Al-Wahhab's preaching is neither a new method nor a
new idea, and I again challenge anyone who can find in the sheikh's writings or
letters any deviation whatsoever from the holy writings or from the deeds and actions
of our righteous ancestors to bring them to us.”

‫لذا أدعو ال ُكتّاب والباحثٌن إلى عدم االنسٌاق وراء من ٌنادي بالولوع فً فخ مصطلح"الوهابٌة"وأنه مجرد مصطلح بٌنما‬
‫ٌتناسى هؤالء الهدف الح مٌمً من وراء نشر هذا المصطلح لإلساءة إلى دعوة سلفٌة صحٌحة ونمٌة لٌس فٌها مضامٌن‬
‫ بخاصة أن هذا التشوٌه جاء من جهات متعددة ال ٌروق لها ما‬،‫تختلف عما جاء فً المرآن الكرٌم وما أمر به نبٌه دمحم ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص‬
‫ وما أدت إلٌه من لٌام دولة إسالمٌة تموم على الدٌن أوالً وتحفظ حموق الناس وتخدم‬،‫تموم به تلن الدعوة الصافٌة من جهة‬
‫ ألنها‬،‫ وهً الدولة السعودٌة التً مكنها هللا فً هذه البالد لتخدم المسلمٌن جمٌعا ً وتحافظ على هذا الدٌن‬،‫الحرمٌن الشرٌفٌن‬
‫لامت على أساسه وال تزال‬.

I call on writers and researchers not to be carried away by those who claim that [there
is nothing wrong with] using the term Wahhabism [and it] is only a matter of
terminology. These people are forgetting that the real aim of spreading this term is to
sully the correct and pure Salafism, which has no messages that contradict those
presented in the Koran and the commandments of the Prophet Muhammad ‫صلى هللا علٌه‬
‫وسلم‬. Furthermore, such sullying is being done by various elements who do not like
either [Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab's] preaching or what it led to, that is, the establishment of
an Islamic state founded primarily on [Islam], which guards people's rights and serves
the two holy places, namely the Saudi state…" Al-Hayat (London), April 28, 2010.

(The article written by king Salman himself on Al-Hayat Al-Hayat, London)‫الوهابٌة‬-‫مصطلح‬-‫فخ‬-‫من‬-‫الباحثون‬-‫فلٌحذر‬-nbsp

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