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version of applicatin:

verified by name:
module name: Registration Page
Test id Test description
check whether we can oppen the reddif site
Redd_ RP_01

check whether all fields are present in the site as per

the SRS document note
Redd_ RP_02

check whether user name field accepts charecters

check whether user name field accepts white
Redd_RP_04 spaces

Redd_RP_05 check whether user name field accepts numbers

check whether we can select the reddif ID field

Redd_RP_06 by single click
Redd_RP_07 check whether reddif ID field accepts ID
check whether ID field accepts numbers and
Redd_RP_08 charecters

check whether the ID field accepts special characters

check whether we can select the reddif password
Redd_RP_10 field by single click
Redd_RP_11 check whether password field accepts numbers
check whether password field accepts atleast one
Redd_RP_12 character
check whether password field accepts atleast one
Redd_RP_13 special character

check whether we can select password re -enter

Redd_RP_14 field by single click
check whether password re enter field accepts
Redd_RP_15 same password that is previously enter
check whether the validation message is displayedif
Redd_RP_16 we enter two diferent password
check whether the password is encrypted form
Redd_RP_17 when it enterd

Redd_RP_18 check whether the password limit exeeds the limit

check whether we can select alternative email
Redd_RP_19 address field by single click

Redd_RP_20 check whether this field accepts alternate email ID

check whether we can mark the box if any one don’t
Redd_RP_21 have alternate email ID by right click
check whether alternate fields come or not while
Redd_RP_22 clicking the box
check whether we can select the security question
Redd_RP_23 drop down box by single click
check whether the security question drop down box
Redd_RP_24 contain enough questions

Redd_RP_25 check whether we can select any security question

check whether we ca open answer field by single
Redd_RP_26 click
check whether answer enterig field accepts
Redd_RP_27 characters
check whether answer enterig field accepts numbers
Redd_RP_28 and special characters
check whether we can select mothers maiden field
Redd_RP_29 by single click
check whether the mothers maiden field accepts
Redd_RP_30 charaters
check whether mothers maiden field accepts white
Redd_RP_31 spaces
check whether mothers maiden field accepts
Redd_RP_32 numbers and special charecters
check whether we can select country code drop
Redd_RP_33 down box by single click
check whether country code box contain enough
Redd_RP_34 data
check whether we can select one of the country code
Redd_RP_35 among them by single click
check whether we can select mobile number field by
Redd_RP_36 single click

Redd_RP_37 check whether phone number field accepts numbers

check whether phone number field accepts
Redd_RP_38 characters and special characters
check whether we can open the 'day' drop down box
Redd_RP_39 by single click
check whether ' day ' drop down box contain dates 1
Redd_RP_40 to 31
check whether we can select one of the date among
Redd_RP_41 1 to 31 by single click
check whether we can open ' month ' drop down box
Redd_RP_42 by single click
check whether the 'month ' drop down box contain
Redd_RP_43 12 months
check whether we can select one of the month by
Redd_RP_44 single click
check whether we can select 'year' drop down box by
Redd_RP_45 single click
check whether 'year' drop down box contain enough
Redd_RP_46 data
check whether we can select one of the year by
Redd_RP_47 single click
check whether we can select the gender radio
Redd_RP_48 buttons by single click
check whether we can select gender radio button
Redd_RP_49 together
check whether we can open'country ' drop down box
Redd_RP_50 by single click
check whether 'country'drop down box contain
Redd_RP_51 enough data
check whether we can select one of the country by
Redd_RP_52 single click
check whether we can open the 'city ' drop down by
Redd_RP_53 single click
check whether the 'city' drop down box contain
Redd_RP_54 enough data
check whether the we can select one of the city by
Redd_RP_55 single click
Redd_RP_56 check whether the captcha is present
check whether the captcha is changed or not when
Redd_RP_57 refreshing
check whether we can select captcha entering field
Redd_RP_58 by single click
check whether captcha field accepts characters and
Redd_RP_59 numbers
Redd_RP_60 check whether the submitt button work or not
check whether the enter or tab key work as a
Redd_RP_61 substitute button
check whether all the required /mandatory fields are
Redd_RP_62 marked with * against the field

check whether the system generate a validation

message when clicking on submitt button without
Redd_RP_63 filling all the mandatory field
check whether we can open the terms and
Redd_RP_64 conditions button

Redd_RP_65 check whether all required fields displayed properly

module name: Registration Page
Test procedure Test data

1.enter the site address

compare SRS document

1. Type the charecters ABCDEFG

1. type the charecters with ABC DEFG

1. type the number's 12345 1. 12345

1. single click the field

1. enter the ID ABCDEFG 1.ABCDEFG

1.enter the ID ABCDEFG123 1. ABCDEFG123

1. enter the ID ABCDEFG!$# 1.ABCDEFG!$#

1.single click the field

1.enter password 1234567 1.1234567

1.enter password with character 1234567a 1.1234567a

1.enter password with special charecter 123456A$ 1.123456A$

1.single click the field

1.type the same password previosly enterd
123456A$ 1.123456A$

1. type two diferent password on field

1. type password with more than 12 charecters 1.1234567890ABCD

1.single click on the field

1.type alternate email ID 1.

1.right click on the field

1. right click on the field

1.single click the drop down box

1.single click on the drop down box one of the security question

1. select the field by single click

1. enter the characters ASDFG 1.ASDFG

1. enter number and special characters 1234!@# 1.1234!@#

1. select the field by single click

1. enter the characters ASDFG 1.ASDFG

1. enter the character with white space ASD FG 1.ASD FG

1.enter the numbers and special charater 123!@# 1.123!@#

1. single click on the country code box

1. single click on the country code box and ceck it

1. single click on one of the country code

1.single click on the field

1. enter the phone number 987654321 1. 987654321

1. enter character and special charater ABCD!@# 1.ABCD!@# the ' day' drop down box by single click the ' day' drop down box and check the date by single click

1.single click on the field

1.single click on the field and check it

1. select one of the month by single click

1.single click on the field

1.single click on the field and check it

1. select one of the year by single click one of the radio button gender radio buttons together the field by single click

1.single click on the field and check it one of the country by single click the field by single click the field by single click and check it the city by single click on the refreshing button

1.single click on the field

1. type characters and numbers a1b2c3 1.a1b2c3 on create an account button enter/tab key as a substitute for the
submitt button on terms and condition button
presented by name:

Expected result Actual Result Status

should be open the reddif site

should be present all fields

should be accept character

should be accept character with white space

should not accepts numbers

should be open the field

should be accepts ID

should be accepts ID with number

should not accepts the specal charectors

should be open the the field

should be accepts numbers
should be accepts password with atleast 1
should be accepts password with atleast 1
special character

should be open the field

should be accepts the password

should be display validation message

should be encrypted

should not accepts more than twelve character

sould be open the field

shold be accepts alternate email ID

should be markable

should be come the alternate field

should be open the drop down box

should be cantain enough security questions

should be selectable

should be open

should be accepts charaters

should not accepts numbers and special

should be open the field

should be accepts characters

shuld be accepts white spaces

should not accepts numbers and special

should be open the box

sould be contain enough data

should be selectable one of the code

should be selectable

should be acceptable

should not accept

should be open

shuld be contain the dates 1 to 31

should be selectable

should be open

should be contain enough data

should be selectable

should be open

should be contain enough data

should be selectable

should be selectable

should not selectable

should be open

should be contain enough data

should be selectable

should be open

should be contain enough data

should be selectable
should be present

should be change

should be selectable

should be accept
should be work

should be work

should be marked

should be generate validation message

should be open

should be displayed proerly

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