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09/05/2017 VMWare

Last updated: May 02, 2017

A virtual machine instance, ideally running Ubuntu, with at least 1 core, 2 GB memory,
and 2 GB disk space (for logs)
Proxy address and credentials (if necessary, the proxy address should be prepended by
The Aggregator requires TCP access to both these resources: at port 443
vSphere host at port 443 le, which is downloaded at the end of Step 2: Con gure

and Download VMware Aggregator.
Credentials for a read-only account that can access vSphere API.

Step 1: Install JRE on Virtual Machine Instance

Log into the virtual machine instance and run this command.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless

Note: apt-get is Ubuntu-speci c. Use the install script speci c to your Linux
environment to install openjdk-7-jre-headless. As an alternative, you can also install
and use openjdk-8-headless instead of openjdk-7.

The following output indicates that the JRE installation was successful.

update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java to

provide /usr/bin/java (java) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/keytool to
provide /usr/bin/keytool (keytool) in auto mode

If this output does not appear, run this command.

sudo update-java-alternatives -s openjdk-7-jre-headless

Step 2: Con gure and Download VMware Aggregator

VMware environments tend to be set up in a private data center that is behind corporate
rewalls. Provide the CloudHealth platform visibility into your data center assets by
con guring a VMWare aggregator. For more information, see VMWare Aggregator. 1/5
09/05/2017 VMWare

1. Login to the CloudHealth platform, and from the left menu, select Setup > Data
Collection > Aggregators. Then click New Aggregator.

The Aggregator con guration page appears.

2. In the Name eld, enter a friendly name for the aggregator. Retain the default values
for the remaining elds and leave the Upgrade To eld blank. Then, click Save

3. The new aggregator appears on the Setup > Data Collection > Aggregators page.
Click the View button next to the aggregator.

4. On the Aggregator View page, click New Installer to download the installer. 2/5
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The installer le downloads to your machine.

Note: Every time you click New Installer, a new script is generated with a new
install token, which is only active for 60 min. If you attempt an installation after 60
min, an “Expired Token” error appears. If you see this error, download the script
again and install it within 60 min.

Step 3: Install VMWare Aggregator on Virtual Machine

1. Copy to the virtual machine.
2. Change permissions for the le as follows.

chmod 700

Note: The installer requires your proxy address and other related information. You
can enter this information manually after running the installer. Alternately, you can
specify the information as environment variables that the installer picks up without
prompting you. See Supported Environment Variables.

3. Run the installer as a regular user or root depending on these conditions.

If installing in your home folder, not as a service, do not use sudo.
If installing outside your home folder, for example, in /opt, run using sudo.

4. When prompted, provide the proxy address broken up as hostname and port number.
For example, if you proxy address is,
enter the information as follows.
Port number: 3128

If the proxy requires authentication, provide a username and password as well. 3/5
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5. Install directory: Enter a directory path, or press Enter to retain the default path.

Instructions for installing the Aggregator as a service appear. Enter Y to install, unless
you intend to install manually.

Supported Environment Variables

Variable name Description Format Required?

Hostname for proxy

PROXY_HOST server, e.g.: URL No

Port number for proxy

PROXY_PORT Integer Only if proxy hostname is provided

No speci c
Username for proxy
PROXY_USER format; provide No
as is

No speci c
Password for proxy
PROXY_PASS format; provide Only if proxy username is provided.
as is

Directory where No. The Aggregator uses the

Absolute UNIX
INSTALL_FOLDER aggregator should be default directory under the home
installed folder.

Step 4: Setup VMWare Account in CloudHealth Platform

1. In the CloudHealth platform, select Setup > Accounts > VMWare. Then click New
Account. 4/5
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2. Enter the following information in the setup form.

Name: Friendly name for the account.
Description: Description for the account.
Host Name: Hostname or IP address of the vSphere server.
Username: Name of read-only user to connect to the vSphere API.
Password: Password for read-only user.
Aggregator: Aggregator that you con gured and installed.

3. Click Save Account.

Next Steps
Allocate and Analyze Data Center VM Costs

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