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Memoirs of a Psychic Spy

Volume I

Copyright- © 2016 by Stasha Eriksen.
All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the author.

Cover Design - Saifur Rahman

Contributing Editor - Wilma Hollander

Layout Designer - Madness Marketing Inc

FIRST AND FOREMOST, I HAVE TO THANK GOD, for without him this book would
have never happened. When you tell people that you “talk to God” you are often laughed at,
ridiculed or even called crazy. But without my relationship to Him, I honestly do not know
where I would be. So yes, God…This one’s for you!

I cannot forget to include all of the special human beings that also made this book possible.
To my incredible husband who arrived in perfect time to complete our mission together. To my
extraordinary children, the lights of my life, you give me a reason to live. To my parents for their
open minds and open hearts. To my brother and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents;
our family might not be large, but our hearts and personalities are larger than life, thank you for
being in mine.

To the countless animal companions that I have had throughout my travels on this planet;
your unconditional love has calmed my nerves through many a storm. Thank you to everyone
who doubted me, and to all of those who believed in me.

This is the first book I have ever written, so I truly hope that you enjoy reading Sophia’s
memoir. Working as a professional psychic and spiritual guide for multiple years, I crossed paths
with Sophia and she eventually became my client. This sensitive girl shared her deepest fears
with me to conclude this story.

Unfortunately, I know that this book is based on actual events, as I myself have seen these
projects first hand, and have counseled numerous MK-Ultra victims over the past several years. I
worked with Sophia over an extended period of time to compile this short novel. She has asked
me to share her story in anticipation that others would come forward with their own accounts of
these government alliances.

Many of the facts, circumstances and government programs that Sophia encounters
throughout her diary can be difficult to believe and even harder to swallow. In aid of that, I have
referenced multiple topics at the end of this book, so that you can conduct similar research.

The truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

Stasha Eriksen
Table of Contents



CHAPTER 1 - The Awakening

CHAPTER 2 - Subterranean Worlds

CHAPTER 3 - Eve’s Curse

CHAPTER 4 - Sleeper Agents

CHAPTER 5 - The Hollywood Connection

CHAPTER 6 - Mind Control

CHAPTER 7 - The Missing Piece

CHAPTER 8 - Breaking the Code

CHAPTER 9 - Going Home

CHAPTER 10 - The Beginning of the Beginning

My name is Sophia Snow. I am the end result of a clandestine government experiment that
began during the Cold War and continues on today. My role in this project falls under several
titles: asset, psychic spy, remote viewer and sleeper agent. There are countless others like myself
who have been through this program; some are still living, while others have simply disappeared.

I believe that “we” outnumber “them” and that there are enough of us now to make a
difference if we all stand together in alliance. This may not make sense to you right now, you
will first need to read my story, do your own research, and then draw your own conclusion about
what you believe. I believe and that we are stronger than them, upon activation of our divine
purpose. The moment our missions begin.

The time has come for us to discuss the missions the government wanted us to forget, the
experiments they have conducted through our genetics and DNA, and the truth about how long
this has been going on. I cannot speak for the other assets at this time, but I will begin with my
personal story.

I have asked Mrs. Eriksen to kindly change my name, the location of my home and the
name of the man that I fell in love with on this journey. I have asked her to do this in order to
protect our privacy and peace of mind. I have requested that Stasha keep this diary as close to my
own words and actual entries as possible, as this is truly not a work of science fiction.

Everything will be revealed by the reference section at the end of this short novel. I took
extremely detailed notes along the way, and want to share them with all of you, in the precise
way that these clues were presented to me. If nothing else, I hope that this diary will educate,
inspire, enlighten and open your eyes to the truths that are hidden in plain sight.

Take an inside look into my personal diary. The events unfold through an accidental
recollection that I had been used as a psychic spy for numerous years. One important thing you
must keep in mind before reading my diary is that I never consciously chose to be involved with
this experiment…

They selected me from birth.

XO Sophia Snow

The Awakening

MAY 1ST, 2011

Dear Diary,

I am writing you today as a newer version of myself. I cannot describe what caused the
change, or how I know these things to be true, but a shift has happened to me suddenly, almost
overnight. I am highly aware of every single living, breathing thing around me. I feel as though I
have abruptly awoken from a spell, similar to the movie “Sleeping Beauty.”

My nerves and senses are on overdrive, everything is changing. My consciousness has

come alive! At this point, I swear that I can almost feel the reptilian part of my brain growing
rapidly inside of my skull. Every original neuron in my brain is reconnecting for the first time in
what feels like eons.

Infinite packets of knowledge from the universe were downloaded into my consciousness
last night and I feel unstoppable! However, before I go deep into the narration of my new
experience, it is exigent that I must slow down this diary entry to explain the precise event that
triggered this radical change in my being.

Everything started when I awoke from an incredibly frightening dream where I witnessed a
notorious foreign terrorist leader’s assassination. This man was no ordinary leader, he was the
mastermind blamed for the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City on September
11th, 2001. To be honest, I am too afraid to mention his name even right now, but I know who he

The entire world knows this man.

I am beginning to fear that this dream may have been far more than just a typical nightmare.
I woke suddenly out of this coma-like state I had been in and rushed to my television to see if
what I had seen in my dream was in fact true. I have had many prophetic visions before, but
never anything that felt this lucid. No dream I had ever experienced in my past had inspired me
to run to my television and confirm what I had just witnessed in my mind.

Everything seemed fictitious and phantasmal but it was true! To my amazement, this event
had occurred! There he was, standing at his podium, the President of the United States. Mr.
Barack Obama confirms that they have captured and killed Osama Bin Laden, assuring the
American people that our fears about acts of terrorism beyond our control, can now come to a

I began to sweat and shake profusely. An avalanche of questions competed for

consideration in my mind. Then I asked myself: Diary, why did I dream of it? Why did I see this
horrible murder? What did I have to do with this? What was so significant about this particular
day of May 1st? It feels immensely important, but I have no idea why.

I have so many questions that need answers, so this diary is going to get quite lengthy. I
have been replaying the dream in my mind and retracing the steps over and over again. I could
not explain it, but I knew I was there! What role did I play?

Was I somehow a part of this terrible assassination?

I can’t stop the rapidity of questions rushing into my mind. Whether or not a person is a
terrorist, I know that my soul never would condone murder. I want to believe that I was simply
an observer of this event and not connected, and yet…it felt as though I was there!

I am aware that I will not find answers in this diary, but there is no one else with whom I
can possibly share this information with at this stage. I am far too afraid, confused and unaware
of what this experience means. Paranoia is silently knocking on the back door of my mind,
constantly playing back memories of that nightmare like the rewind button on a video cassette

I only remember tiny fragments of the dream, but I do remember them referring to me as
“Asset Snow.” I recall one of the soldiers from this dream seemed vaguely familiar to me.
However, I do remember that I was not frightened when I saw him, yet I could not place his face.
I felt as though this soldier was there as an ally, or perhaps even someone from my team.

There was a patch on his jacket that had the word DELTA printed on it in bold letters.
There was a strange symbol printed in the center of this badge. It contained a triangle with a
sword and a bolt of lightning through the center. I have no idea what an asset is, what DELTA is,
or why I am having nightmares about the military, but I am going to get to the bottom of this. If
it’s the last thing that I do.

This is the beginning.

This is my awakening.

XO Sophia Snow.
MAY 2ND, 2011

Today is a new day, Diary.

My entire being has changed. I feel as though another new ability has been activated inside
of my brain last night. I feel that am somehow able to read others thoughts, to feel what they are
feeling. This has manifested in little ways today—finishing someone’s sentence or knowing the
phone is going to ring before it happens.

Telepathy is the word of the day.

It is also easier to see the darkness within the human beings around ne now. I look at the
people closest to me in a new way. I seem to know their fears, their sadness, and I know their
pain. I had no idea how many individuals walked around in loneliness and desperation each day.
I am overcome by sadness in their presence… Humans, that is.

Everything is changing…Everything has changed.

Both within myself and also reflected in the population around me. I am aware that I have
an ability to heal humanity now. Today, I ventured into a local shop and saw a woman who was
obviously in distress. She had difficulties moving, she looked hurt and confused.

I tested my theory by concentrating and focusing my mind in her direction with positive,
healing thoughts aligned with intention and positive energy. Within approximately one minute
after I started doing this, I watched as her color slowly returned to her face and she began to
move with more ease and grace.

I am starting to feel like a character from the X-Men.

When I returned from my family’s home I tried to continue some research on the
assassination of the terrorist leader that I had dreamt of. I was impatiently curious to unravel
some of the tightly woven mysteries surrounding the whole incident. Yet, every single time that I
attempt to search any key words related to the topic, my internet immediately kicks offline!

Is this another hint universe?

I wish I could just immediately move on with my research, but I am hitting road blocks all
along the way. I am constantly paranoid that someone is trying to stop my research, stop me
from finding out the truth. I have become exasperated and frustrated that this is continuously
happening to me.

Each move that I make to rectify the errors is compounding my anxiety. I need answers to a
plethora of questions that I have been asking myself. Instead of discovering a remedy for my
aching mind, I am asking myself further questions that no one is apparently available to answer
at the moment:

Did I witness his death…maybe play some kind of role in it? Could I possibly be involved
with an organization of which I have no memory? Who can I talk to about this? But I am awake
Dear Diary.



Answers are coming soon... I can feel it in my bones.

Till we meet again.

XO Sophia
MAY 3RD, 2011

Hello Diary,

Today was a much different day. I needed to venture out into the “real world” to grab a few
supplies for myself. Normally, it’s just an ordinary occurrence, one I would usually take for
granted. You know, running on “auto-pilot” mode.

Yet today things were totally different all around me. It was an unusual and rather esoteric
experience occasioned by unexplainable changes that had occurred in the environment that
surrounded me. The people I encountered in the store were acting differently.

Humans looked the same, but I could sense an eeriness beneath their words and actions.
Some of the individuals I came across frightened me beyond a slight sadness or melancholy. The
environment and everything enveloping my being felt spooky, mysterious and enigmatic.

Something darker and deeper was in the air on this day, I felt as if I had entered into a
parallel dimension of some sort. I could also somehow see beneath these people’s skin. Literally
underneath the skin of these human beings. What I saw under their skin is going to shock you as
much as it shocked me.

I then came to conclusion that not all human beings are human…Maybe not even half.

It seems as though they were wearing some type of suit fashioned out of artificial human
skin, perhaps it could even be created from holographic technology of some sort that is beyond
my current level of scientific understanding. Special effects makeup in movies and television
have also come a long way, so who knows?

I cannot explain what I have seen at this moment, but I know they were absolutely not
human beings!

I crave to know whether I am the one going crazy, hallucinating, losing my mind, or am I
simply wearing a completely different set of eyes? There was a movie I once watched starring
my favorite wrestler, Rowdy Roddy Piper. The movie was titled “They Live.” The main
character got a hold of a pair of glasses which allowed him to see people for what they truly

Underneath their skin, they resembled reptiles. At the time, I thought it was just a kooky
science fiction movie but seriously, I believe that this film was based on actual facts. My dream,
experience has actually proved the veracity of these imaginative events.

Science fiction is slowly approaching fact.

I have heard rumors around the internet about athletes having been genetically enhanced to
increase their performance in a variety of ways. I am wondering if this wrestler and I could
possibly have certain things in connection with each other. They say the truth is stranger than
fiction, so who knows?
Could I possibly be an experiment akin to these Olympic athletes? I have no athletic ability
of any kind, but perhaps my brain could be considered another story. The power of my heart is
unshakably strong also.

Combining a sharp mind with a powerful spirit, backed by good intentions would be a
dangerous weapon to evil, wouldn’t you think? It would be a lot easier to simply throw in the
towel and assume I have lost my mind, but that is entirely too easy. It is too passive to write this
off as lunacy. Something is up!

Where do I begin? I mean, technology has come a long way, but so has Big Brother. If I
start to ask people for help, who could I trust? I have too many questions for today, but Lord,
these beings were like nothing I have ever witnessed in my entire life.

They were strange, dangerous and unpredictable.

For now, I will rest and retreat.

Until we meet again.

XO Sophia Snow
MAY 4TH, 2011

Dear Diary,

Last night I had a horrible time falling to sleep. My mind simply would not shut off.
Looping thoughts are occupying my mind at all times. I kept replaying the day that I had healed
the woman in the local shop over and over again in my mind. What exactly did I do to heal her
and why was I suddenly able to sense everyone’s emotions and feelings?

I went online to see if anyone else had posted information where they had experienced
similar symptoms. I found a copious amount of information about a subject that I had never
heard of before. I later found out that what I was experiencing was the effects of what many
people refer to as being an Empath.

At this juncture, I need to explain what an empath is exactly?

Broadly, an Empath is someone who is affected by other people’s energies. Many empathic
people also have a unique ability to intuitively sense others emotions, intentions, and even read
their thoughts. Some Empath’s have the capacity to perceive physical ailments such as disease
and bodily injuries.

While this all sounds phenomenal, collecting these emotions and residual physical energies
can become quite taxing on the empath over their lifetime. Drained physical, emotional and
mental well-being can be another long-term side effect of empathy.

The worst part about all of the adverse side effects is that it can take its toll on the sensitive
person over the years, leading to symptoms similar to chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple
sclerosis, and even fibromyalgia. The unfortunate side of these effects is that these ailments
never originate from the empath themselves, it is always residual energy passed on from the
people and the environment around them.

We are like sponges for the karma, suffering and negative energy that stagnates around this
planet. Well, lucky me!

I just wonder if I signed up for this trait, or if this is just another side effect of the
experiment that the government has conducted on me. At least now I know what is happening to
me. I also know that I am not alone.

My name is Sophia Snow, and apparently… I am an empath.

XO Sophia Snow
MAY 5TH, 2011

Dear Diary,

I had been staying with my family during this time of my awakening, and it was time for
me to leave the safety of my surroundings and get back home to my own apartment. I’d been
away from my private home for weeks and the joy of going back was unquantifiable.

I was eager to see the beautiful home that I left behind. The serenity of the environment, the
coziness of the small compound, and the warmth of my room were a few among my many
expectations. However, the drive back was yet another peculiar experience.

Exiting the small town my parents lived, I stopped to get gasoline and cigarettes for my
long journey home. Entering the convenience store, I was overwhelmed with the eerie feeling of
being watched. No cashier was working at the register yet there was deafening Arabic music and
chanting playing from the back room.

I called out “Hello” to see if anyone was there and a very creepy man emerged from the
back. The cashier was wearing a dark blue turban and had black eyes, not brown… BLACK. He
was wearing the human skin suit that I had mentioned seeing before.

I just knew he was not human…

This man behaved highly strange towards me and seemed to stroke my hand longer than
necessary when I gave him the money for my gasoline. Suddenly I could understand the words
coming from the radio station he was listening to. It sounded familiar. It was passages from the

I had heard about the Qua-ran just recently in a documentary that I saw and knew there was
a dark side to Islam, but this particular music felt out of the ordinary. I immediately ran out of
the store as I felt this man reading my mind. I sped away from the shop and promised myself that
I would never return again.

The ride home was long and arduous. The scenery scattered with mountains and valleys
along the coast. While I was driving along, the radio station I was listening to suddenly changed
from a Hip-Hop music station to a Christian radio talk show.

The radio announcers seemed to be talking at first to each other; then it appeared to switch
to them speaking directly to me! They kept telling me that God was guiding me to a new phase
of my life. I had to find my purpose.

There were moments in the car that I would have a question in my mind, and the announcer
would seemingly answer back to me directly, yet again! The words they used were so personal;
they matched up with every peak, valley or freeway exit that I passed.

The next thing I knew my car had become enveloped in clouds. Usually, this would have
scared the life out of me, but something felt ominous about the clouds. I somehow felt safe and
protected by them. They even say that Jesus will reappear in the clouds one day, so who knows
what they truly represented?

I was driving directly through a famous mountain peak, near a very holy place that had
rumors of being an energetic vortex of some sort. The next word I heard on the radio was the
word “pyramid”. When I looked to my right, there it was… Pyramid Lake.

This place resembled nothing I had ever seen in my life. There were these strange Mayan-
like ruins all around a small private lake. These ruins were rugged rocks shaped similar to Aztec
pyramids with many graduated steps. It looked like a scene from the fall of Atlantis.

My heart started racing, and I immediately tried to pull into the freeway exit. However, the
highway exit was closed. The entire site was closed as a matter of fact, closed to the public.
There was a notice posted explaining that they were performing construction on the site, but I do
not see any work trucks here.

But why on God’s green earth would they close this site to the public? I knew that this
place was more than just a private lake, more than just an infamous mountain peak. It had an
eerie vibe; the air seemed stagnant, and I do not remember seeing or hearing any animals nor
wildlife of any kind nearby.

There are countless butterflies, bumblebees and other small critters swarming around lakes
all the time, why now would they simply disappear? There was a strange aura surrounding this
lake. Something was just plain “off” about it.

But for now, I have to leave this ominous place. I still have another 90 miles to drive before
I reach my apartment. I will look into this further when my mind is clear because this place
means something important, I can sense it.

God has got me on GPS.

XO Sophia
MAY 6TH, 2011

Dear Diary,

I have so much more to tell you before I get some well-deserved and much needed sleep.
When I arrived home to my apartment, everything changed yet again. I had multiple notices on
my front door, for the most random things that did not make any sense at all.

Packages were missing from my mailbox that should have arrived in the weeks before my
arrival home. I attempted to visit the management office of my apartment building, to inquire
about the location of my missing packages, then things got even weirder.

When I approached the door of the manager’s office, it was closed. This normally would
not have been particularly odd, except for the fact that there was a new sign on the door that
read: “Open 6 days a week, except Mondays, as we are closed for Church Services.”

What did this mean? Since when does my management office close on Mondays? Who has
church services on a Monday, anyway? Why would my rental office for my apartment hold
Church services? I am starting to feel like I am in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

I walked away, confused and defeated and headed towards my apartment. When I walked
into the front door, it seemed as though someone had been in my home. Small insignificant items
were moved around on my shelves, and the cushions on my couch had been tossed around.

Things looked the same, but they were slightly different, it felt like it was opposite day and
I was not let in on the joke. Someone was here recently…I could feel it.

I felt very unsafe, so I turned on the TV for some background noise to drown out the
thoughts in my chaotic mind. One of my favorite television programs about a hospital was on, in
fact, it was an episode I had already seen before. But things were slightly off about it.

The characters were not acting in their usual manner. The actors were using foul language,
and the entire tone of the show shifted to being extremely dark. They are not even allowed to
utter curse words on this television network, so something is definitely up.

I also felt as though they were talking directly to me at times, like the folks I had heard on
the Christian radio talk show. But this was neither comforting nor inspiring, this was frightening.
The whole tone of the show and people seemed evil.

That is the only word I can think to describe this situation, evil.

Once or twice in my past I thought the television was talking to me, but I always laughed it
off as paranoia. I know what you may be thinking, I am schizophrenic or crazy, right? I wish it
was that easy, but I see a pattern here of weird events that simply cannot be explained or
submissively passed off as insanity.

I turned off the TV. Now I am keeping the TV off for good.
This day was intense. I don’t know what is going on, but maybe after some sleep, I will
have some clarity. I hope that when I wake up, this was all simply a nightmare. However, I have
a feeling that this is the most awake I have been in my entire life.

Wish me luck.

XO Sophia Snow
Pyramid Lake, Earthworks.
Pyramid Lake, California.
Author- Craig Carter

Subterranean Worlds

MAY 8TH, 2011

Hey Diary,

I have had a few days to rest up and get some sleep. I had overworked my brain and for the
first time in a long time, I started feeling like a human being again. My search for knowledge and
insatiable quest to unravel the mystery surrounding humanity had launched me into an unending

However, the more research I conducted, the more I found myself fearing that I might not
be entirely human at all. I am beginning to sense that I have entered into a realm in which I
possibly do not belong.

I wonder if this information will totally disappear along with this diary at some point? The
Internet scares me like that sometimes. I pause each time I sit down in front of my computer, the
worry that it would be a wasted effort is ever present. But it keeps eating at me like a mantra I
simply cannot turn off.

I wanted to create something permanent that people could always make reference to later in
life. I was scared someone somewhere might be stalking me, attempting to obliterate what I had
documented. I was scared the Internet was not a safe environment for anyone with all the hackers
and stalkers that lurk all about cyber space.

I have decided to be practical, so I will have to back up this research on a few zip drives,
because I may never remember what is happening to me at the moment. One day that fear might
become my reality, and I must prepare for that. Once I have made these backup copies, I can
release a huge sigh of relief.

My thrust for knowledge continues to drive me forward, so I conducted further research on

the Pyramid Lake location where I had a spiritual experience on my drive home the other day. I
was disappointed when I was unable to find only a few facts, but it’s a start.

I discovered that the lake itself was actually a reservoir created by the Pyramid Lake dam.
The rock formations that eerily resemble Mayan Pyramids just so happen to be man-made
structures. Perhaps I should be more disappointed, but what good would that do?

There had to be more to this story…

The water that leads through Pyramid Lake comes directly from the Tehachapi Mountains.
It seems as though there would not be a connection of a spiritual nature at face value, but all I
knew was that I had to dig a little deeper. Then, I stumbled upon an eye-opening magazine
article from a guy called Val Valerian. [1]

The report stated that our military industrial complex had collaborated with an alien race at
some stage, supposedly in exchange for technology, secrets, and information. Several of the men
employed there have even allowed the alien beings to have unlimited access to their massive
underground network. They allegedly allow this in order to perform genetic experiments on

Could this be the clue that I was seeking?

It was tempting to believe it was more than just what it appeared to be on the surface. They
referenced this technology as the “Trojan Horse” and alongside this tech, they performed mind
control experiments on their human subjects. These networks are allegedly located all over the
state of California, underground, and commonly located near volcanic and mountainous areas.

Why would they select structures such as these?

The answers have yet to come to me, but I have understood one thing from my findings
thus far; nothing happens by accident. The people they choose to harass the most, tend to be
anyone who is a threat to their plan or has access to galactic technology that they cannot possess.
There is ostensibly a forty-two sublevel station, at least two miles down below the surface of
these mountains.

How is this even possible? How long ago were these structures created?

Was this another Area 51 that the world had yet to discover?

We as people would have noticed such construction underway, wouldn’t we?

Well, apparently we missed it- and it wasn’t clear when the world would be in on this
secret. I must include everything that I possibly can in this diary in hopes that one day I can share
my storybook of clues with the rest of planet Earth.

These tunnels must have been constructed before the emergence of our current civilization,
or else it wouldn’t be out of place to insinuate that our government must have been very sneaky
with their operations. The article further exclaimed that the sub levels all had tunnels leading to
additional ancient alien cavern domains (both natural and artificial), deep beneath the Earth.

I was seriously marveled at these controversial revelations that many humans were
oblivious of. This information alone was enough for me to freak out until I continued to read on.
Additional rumors stated that there were reportedly cloned humans with cybernetic minds and
assimilated reptilian alien DNA working underground with the government. Grey Aliens,
Reptilian Aliens, Military Industrial Black Ops, and others are also apparently setting up shop
down there, so we have a full house on our hands here, folks!

However, the real question is, why must they all hide underground?

He made reference to the fact that these beings can be found openly walking all over the
place, with free access to all underground tunnels. Some have been known to kill or abduct
anyone who has reported their presence in this facility. I wondered how Val was even able to
share this story considering the onslaught of trouble that could unfold after his foretelling.

I sincerely hope that he survived telling his truths.

To be honest, I hope I survive telling mine.

The main thing that scared me was that he mentioned that these aliens work inside our
government, this implies that they work alongside them too! I had long suspected that there was
a system of control within governments of our world, but for our government to come to such
means and implement them in this hidden manner was frightening beyond belief. The more I
attempted to comprehend these mysteries, the greater my state of confusion mounted.

It makes me wonder, who the real enemy is here, and who is the friend?

How far are they willing to go to propel themselves with control and unlimited power?

How much of our native world will they offer in exchange to these beings in the end?

How much of our personal power will we give up?

As I read on, my silent queries were slowly being answered one by one. These aliens carry
out their operations clandestinely. They are afraid of being discovered more than anything in the
world, and will go to great lengths to stop any truth agents or journalists from leaking
information about their existence.

They love to come even through New Age “Channelers” and alien abductees, representing
themselves as benevolent angels, protectors and spirit guides. Once we fail to react appropriately
to their advances, they immediately resort to intimidation and fear tactics as they are capable of
capitalizing on our weaknesses. Thereby controlling us through their well-developed
mechanisms of control.

Nevertheless, I sense they fear Divine Intervention of a spiritual nature, the supernatural
beings that we cannot see, but are working on the side of humanity. They work every day and
night advancing the course of mankind and protecting them from invisible attacks.

Although I am aware that the man who wrote the article could have fabricated his story for
publicity or even as a dis-info agent of some sort, but something rings true here. There are some
elements of plausibility in his account. People write for different reasons, either to distort our
normal perception to things, or to open our eyes to some realities around us that we may have
been blind to before.
I’ve come to discover that no one wants to write about things like this.

They are afraid of the aftermaths of daring to expose the secrets of these unfamiliar beings.
They work discreetly and would always prefer to operate underground without entertaining
interference from other creatures.

I feel that even speaking to you; I have already said too much, but nearly every single thing
the man said tugged at my heart strings. I have neither attempted to study the government or its
mind control experiments, nor alien races for that matter. But something tells me that there is
much more than I ever imagined happening on the inside of this planet. I am on to something

Who else could possibly know about this?

How many people have seen this article and have disregarded it so easily?

Did the government allow him to publish this article knowing that the masses would never
believe it?

Are they so relaxed that they do not think that one article or one man’s efforts could be
enough to topple them and their corruptive system? Perhaps the problem is that they do not think
at all. I have continued to research other subterranean worlds and have located information that
exceeds beyond just this one location in California.

I discovered an old conspiracy theory that the interior of our Earth was hollow. Although
this initially started as a hypothesis, many facts have been uncovered over the years that bring
this approach closer to fact than fiction. Hollow Earth theorists believe that there is a massive
interior structure inside our planet that contains rivers, mountains and quartz crystals the size of
skyscrapers. If this was indeed true, then there is far more of our Earth to be inhabited than we
ever thought possible.

Scientists have dismissed this notion since the eighteenth century, laughing off anyone who
proposed this theory to be fact. The scientific community often finds a way to discredit important
events that could change the perspective of humanity; seems like they have an agenda here.

I mean, when was the last time they even presented us with a legitimate photo of “space”?

I often see NASA offering artist renditions of our solar system, but where are the pictures?

At least, scientists should have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the existence of the
elements of our outer world by now. Can they not provide us with some level of authentic
graphic evidence?

Where does all the money go NASA? Just give us a bloody picture already!

That moon landing footage still has me scratching my head, big time! I have a feeling the
moon landing will come up again, but let’s get back to hollow Earth. Typically, the only time
you would hear about inner Earth would be about folklore, fantasy or fairy tales. I remember
reading “The Hobbit” as a child and thought that it would be so magical to live inside this hidden
fantasy world.

However, I also discovered some of the darker theories about the inner Earth. Dark indeed,
because they are the pillars of the major religions of the world as we know it. The truths about
them could send the world into a series of chaos that could last for a very long time if
misunderstood or delivered improperly.

In Greek, Norwegian, Christian and Jewish culture, many believed that the inner Earth was
an entrance to Hell. They had many names for their versions of Hell such as; The Greek
Underworld, The Nordic Svartálfaheimr, the Christian Hell, and the Jewish Sheol (with details
describing inner Earth in Kabbalistic literature, such as the Zohar and Hesed L’Avraham). The
idea of a subterranean realm is mentioned in Tibetan Buddhism belief. According to one story,
there is an ancient city called Shamballa, also located inside the Earth. [2]

It is clear that something is going on inside of this planet.

I have always said there is an element of truth to every fable; these religious beliefs have
further solidified my theories. I am becoming beyond convinced that I am part of this
government experiment. I feel as though I have seen the interiors of these bases.

Small fragments of dreams are now popping back into my fragmented mind. Sometimes I
wish I would just hit a dead end on my Internet searches, but alas...I have landed on far too many
clues at this point.

The main thing that disturbs me about the article Val Valerian wrote was his mention of the
alien races. If these alien beings are commonly just crawling around everywhere, could this mean
that they can easily just slip back down under the surface of our world, and harass us from
below? I believe this is now a possibility. But how could we ever prove something like this? No
wonder so many people have been labeled as “crazy” over the years, this is insanity! What is
going on here? My fears are beginning to get the best of me today, Diary.

I think what is best for me to do is simply turn off all of my electronic devices for the day
and grab my Holy Bible. I have never wanted to curl up with the comfort of Jesus Christ more in
my life. Perhaps the Savior we all know and love can grant my release from these fears.

As a matter of fact, I haven’t picked up this book in years.

Perhaps there are deeper answers in the Bible than I had initially thought. I’ll get back to
you after some much needed time with God. Thank you for listening to my mad ramblings today.
It’s been a rollercoaster of an afternoon.

XO Sophia
May 9th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I fell asleep reading the Bible last night. It was surprisingly soothing and relieving to my
weary soul. I felt immensely comforted and was able to enjoy a fantastic slumber. However, as
soon as I woke up today my mind could not stop thinking about Hollow Earth.

My mind kept imagining what the Hollow Earth looked like inside of its dark, mysterious
caverns. I longed to know more about it, but there is a limit to what an ordinary mind can
comprehend. However, it is apparent that my mind is beyond anything but ordinary at the

I am so blown away by the research that I found yesterday, all of the dots that I connected
in one simple theory. There have to be more connections to Hollow Earth that can provide
further answers to the questions that I have now.

The first time that I ever traveled to Europe was back in the nineteen-nineties when I was
married to my first husband, a preacher’s son. He had originated from Ireland, so we had gone on
holiday to meet his family and see his homeland.

I have to admit that the Irish countryside was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was
more beautiful in real life than it was in photographs or captured in home videos. Rolling green
hills and yellow fields of tulips decorated the entire island. It had a scenic and serene
environment, enormously blessed by nature and preserved by common human activities.

I thought that it was the most beautiful country I had ever seen, yet I could also sense a
darkness beneath the mossy green fields.

Although I was just eighteen years old at the time, I had pretty much always had what most
people would call psychic or intuitive abilities. I was able to sense everything from evil spirits to
protective angels. Yet, whenever I stepped foot on Irish soil, I felt the supernatural emanating all
around me. Many strange things happened every single time I would frequent this land. I could
not put my finger on it at the time, but many of the castles or ruins we visited felt evil.

The walls that the Vikings had built when they had raided these small villages remained,
and were even celebrated by the Irish people and preserved as historical landmarks. I wondered
if they realized that the Vikings destroyed their civilization, because perhaps then, they wouldn’t
be celebrating those walls at all, they would be tearing them down.

Who would want a reminder of being occupied and overthrown?

I could sense that these buildings and stones contained the residual energy of these previous
attacks. The walls, ruins and churches in Ireland all had a feeling of being “cursed.”

That is the only word I can think of to describe this land…cursed.

When I dug further into the Hollow Earth research that I found, of course, I found Ireland
on this list of connections. But what was the connection of Ireland to Hollow Earth? I racked my
brain trying to fathom the nexus between the two.

In Irish mythology, I found a cave the Irish referred to as the “Cruachan.” It was also
known as “Ireland’s Gate to Hell.” According to legend, this mythical ancient cave had unnatural
creatures emerging from it in time immemorial. These individuals were said to have been seen
on the surface of the Earth as well.

Medieval knights and saints took pilgrimages to another cave in Station Island, located in
County Donegal. This cave was supposed to take them on a journey to the land of purgatory.
Perhaps these missions were meant to strengthen their faith, or get them literally “closer to God”;
or maybe closer to another God?

There are a series of tunnels in County Down, Northern Ireland that are rumored to lead to
the subterranean land of the Tuatha Dé Danann. These were an ancient tribe of people who
apparently introduced Druidism to Ireland.

After they had taught Druidism to the human beings on the surface, they were rumored to
have gone back underground. So yeah, there are a lot of things going on with Ireland. I always
knew something was up with that country. I feel like someday I need to go back there and find
these caves, bring a huge bundle of California White Sage and burn the negative energy out of
that land.

However, I honestly feel that my heart is telling me never to return to that little green island
ever again. Only time will tell.

I have been thinking about the Bible and religion all over again now that I have read about
the connections to Ireland and these structures. Religion has a hidden key. It is time for me to go
back to the Bible!

Decoding time…

XO Sophia Snow
Chapel, Bell Tower and Penitential Beds on Station Island.
Author- E. Gardiner

Eve’s Curse

May 10th, 2011

Dear Diary,

It has been a tremendously significant day for me. In the biblical sense of “once I was blind,
but now I see.” I have reconnected my soul with the reality all around me, slowly but surely once
again. I’ve awakened, fully conscious of what goes on around me. I have to admit; I had not read
the Bible in a very long time.

Yet after I picked up the book, something reawakened in me instantly. Something that made
me feel like I was just awakening once again from a long slumber. What I stumbled upon in this
book was eye-opening, to say the least. Something caused a want, no, a need, inside of me to be
awakened. It was a requirement for me to know more about my past.

It was an unusual feeling to have towards the Bible, one as though I had been there when
these pages had been written. I felt as though I had observed the pages of this 66 book
compilation being edited before my very eyes…at the moment of its very conception. I felt as
though this tale as old as time itself was somehow connected to my own life. I had to get to the
bottom of this feeling of nostalgia I experienced when I picked up the pages of our past and
somehow find the meaning of it all.

When I was growing up, my parents were never very religious. I had never been to church
before I was a teenager. However, as a teenager, something drew me to a personal and very deep
connection with Jesus Christ. I had only heard in passing about the power of Jesus. About how
loving, powerful, and meek he was in his lifetime.

Jesus’s followers spoke of mercy and love that never ended. This seemed too good to be
true, because why would we, the human race, deserve mercy? Why would we be loved? Human
beings have not been a prime example of the good at heart, not if you look at the world around us
today. Yet, I began to open my mind to accommodate the teachings of the scripture. I had to
know this savior that everyone held so close to their hearts.

One day I just picked up the Bible and started reading…

As fascinating as the story of creation was to me, what really struck a chord within me was
the character of Eve. From Genesis Chapter two when she was created, to chapter three where
she had been cursed, the whole chain of events shook me to my very core; I felt her pain, I felt
her shame; but most importantly, I felt her blame!

The woman is a man’s ruin.

The eternal curse and cross we have had to bear since the beginning of time. The woman’s
compromise and susceptibility were the harbingers of all the anguish that every human had to
live with. Eve was to blame for all the troubles humanity faced, if not for more. She was only
human, like we all are. We are all susceptible to a negative influence, and we have all messed up
at one time or another. Why must Eve carry this burden?

Did Adam not eat of the same fruit? Yes, yes he did.

Why leave Eve in the garden in the first place? Lonely and vulnerable to face the serpent.

However, let’s all just keep blaming Eve, why don’t we?

At first, I got angry at the Bible and wanted to put it down once I saw the blatant
manipulation directed at Eve from the very first chapter, but something deep within me told me
to keep reading, so I continued digging into the biblical tome. By the time I got past the chapter
of Genesis, I could not put the book down. Then, once Jesus entered the scene, I was hooked!

This man’s soul resonated with mine in a parallel way, a way that I could not explain. But I
loved this man, in the deepest way imaginable. However, I had to ponder on the fact that many
Christian people I encountered throughout my life had honestly frightened me. Their lifestyles
and attitude did not seem to reflect the personality of the Jesus Christ that they claimed to follow
so intently.

Could there be something they were missing all along?

Was it the church itself that made them miss the whole point?

Or was it the Pastors, Bishops and other church leaders brainwashing these folks?

They told me I would go to Hell for various reasons when I met them along my travels.
They told me smoking cigarettes and having tattoos was enough to send me straight to Hell! I
mean, I thought that Jesus was supposed to be forgiving and caring. The Bible said he loved us
all unconditionally, so why are they not reflecting his behaviors and beliefs? A man who ate with
sinners and died with two thieves at his side while promising one paradise was not exactly who
these “Christians” portray in their messages.

They seemed so hypocritical to me. The church was made a museum of happy people. The
broken would not fit there… there was no place for the broken. But isn’t that what this Holy man
represented? Saving the broken? He spent a lot of time with sinners, prostitutes, thieves, and he
even saved a murderer from hell while he himself was on the verge of death!

It seems quite shallow to focus on things outside of ourselves as determining factors of

whether we get into Heaven or not. Isn’t the only genuine relationship with Jesus Christ located
inside of our hearts?

I must know more about this relationship with God; I have to take this journey further than
I had originally planned.

I’ve made a major decision. Tomorrow, I will start the journey to return to University and
begin a Bachelor’s degree in Theology. It is time to get to the bottom of my questions. Although
my research started in a government and alien deception course, I believe the origin of this
distraction, may have even begun with the Holy Bible. The plot thickens deeper every day…

I must go within this system, penetrate it from the inside. Think how the ministers and
pastors think, understand the Bible as intimately as humanly possible. I know this is God’s
message for me at this time. It is LOUD and CLEAR! Now I begin my mission.

There is truly no testament without a test.

Speak to you soon,

XO Sophia
June 1st, 2011

Dear Diary,

I am sorry that I haven’t been able to check in lately. It has been one month today since my
awakening started. I contacted a school that I had heard about on the radio during that mystical
drive down the coast I took last month. This school’s commercial kept repeating on the radio
throughout that day, but that I should pursue my mission there never really hit me until I decided
to look up the website of the University.

I needed more information than their website offered, so I decided to call their hotline
directly instead. When I contacted the school, I was delighted to learn that they did in fact, offer
a Bachelor’s Degree program in Theology. I want to connect to a source that can clarify all of my
confused thoughts. I want to restore order to my chaotic mind and restore balance to my lonely
scattered heart.

I want the promised peace to fill me, for mercy to be given, for love to heal all that is
wrong. So, needless to say, I accepted a place in the Theology program immediately. I am
starting school next week in a summer enrollment program. I have made this decision now, and
all that I have ever known about my relationship with God may be changed in merely a semester.

Or perhaps, it could get stronger than it ever has been?

Whatever the future holds, I look forward to finding answers to my many questions. I need
illumination on my dark path, and I am convinced that I am on the right path. You can bet I will
serve my professors with plenty of questions as well. It is time to take my soul seriously. The
soul is, after all, the only part of us that is immortal. We go around in our flesh prisons, not
realizing that who we are and what we are is so much bigger than this earth. A soul is precious
and to be revered.

I still have many questions about my connections to these government experiments. I am

not certain what they truly are, nor where they originate from, but I will get to the bottom of this
someday. However, I am afraid that if I keep looking in that direction at this time, I will become
consumed with paranoia.

Sometimes Big Brother is so close that I feel I may just be typing this diary directly to them.

Yet, I am no longer afraid. My resolve is strong as steel, and I will look Big Brother dead in
the face and dare him to come out from the shadows where he lurks.

Now I feel protected and have found my purpose.

Bring it on, Big Brother,

XO Sophia
June 2nd, 2011

Dear Diary,

I woke up today to the news of a technological giant being hacked by a yet unknown
syndicate, and learned that the company lost millions of dollars. However, I felt no remorse
when I heard the story. Something deep inside of me sensed that they were participants in my
growing theory of human genetic manipulation.

Did they have some connection to these experiments, cloaked in human skin suits? Who
else would benefit from this theft? I felt as though my own research may have exposed them in
some way. Does Big Brother read my little diary?

Technological companies have been doing the government’s bidding for their selfish
financial interests for years. Scientists have been foolishly indulging in life-threatening
experiments all in the name of science. Something is up here, and something has to change! I
cannot prove that this large tech company is tied to scientific experiments, but something is
giving me a case of déjà vu.

I cannot explain how or why I knew this company was involved, but I just KNEW.

I could see the logo of the company that was hacked changing before my eyes. I could have
sworn their logo did not have a dash in it before, but now it does? The spelling of the name even
seems a bit off to me; it is almost as though it has an extra letter or two. The more I reviewed
their logo design and company name, I was convinced that it had in fact changed.

I believe that my telepathic powers are going into overdrive again, and I can almost see
them conducting the experiments as I sit here now. I typically do not watch or even read news
articles anymore, but much like the day that I dreamt of Osama Bin Laden’s death, I felt as
though I was there!

I could see the company logo on the front of a huge building, with the company and logo
name unchanged in my mind. I watched as men walked into the building in corporate suits, but
when they came inside, they immediately changed into Doctor’s uniforms. I could see that this
entire technology company was a front for something much deeper and darker.

But how could I ever prove this?

I did not leave my house today, as I again have the feeling of being watched. I spent the
entire day within the walls of my home, pacing from one corner to another, trying to comprehend
some of the things that I had read about Jesus recently. He sacrificed everything for us!
Meanwhile, the government and scientists will not sacrifice anything, but human beings!

On that note, I am signing off for the day… Big Brother is close again; I can feel it.

XO Sophia Snow
June 3rd, 2011

Dear Diary,

I had another strange dream last night. This one was not frightening; it was rather
comforting. It was a dream that made me realize that I am loved by someone out there, and am
truly not alone. I was running through a vast yellow field of tulips when I tripped and fell to the
ground. I cannot recall what caused me to stumble, but I had already found myself rolling to the

Tumbling down the hill, I felt as though I would never stop rolling down the massive valley
I had been frolicking through. Just as I thought, I was going to fall completely off the edge of the
valley, there he was… Jesus Christ! He swooped me up into his strong arms, looked me in the
eyes with an intense, comforting gaze and said:

“Sophia, do not worry. I will never let you fall again. You are my bride, Sophia. I will
always protect you.”

I felt so safe, so warm, so protected and so loved for the first time in my life! But what did
this mean? As much as I was comforted by his sweet and soothing words, I was left with another
question I kept pondering over…

What did he mean by “You are my bride?”

Did Jesus intend to marry me or what? I was confused and really curious to find a
satisfactory answer to this. I rushed to my laptop so that I could research the meaning of this
dream. I was unable to find any reference directly relevant to my encounter, but I did find
something even more significant.

The Bride of Christ was an actual term that was often used by Christian people. These
words are found in the scriptures of the Holy Bible. Another related term is The Lamb’s Wife.
The Gospels, The Book of Revelation, The Epistles and other verses refer to Jesus and his bride.
I cannot believe that I have never heard this term before.

Did Jesus Christ have a wife?

That is not what I remember reading in the bible. Is this yet another clue manipulated within
the pages of the Holy Bible? Did Jesus have a wife or is this merely just a parable? The results I
found from my research indicate a great deal of conflicting answers about this topic. Many
Christians believe that his bride represents the Church while others think that the wife is
represented by “God, the Mother.”

The terminal theory that I discovered believes that the bride of Christ is represented by the
144,000 mentioned in the book of Revelation. So you see how this can get beyond confusing!
These were the clues that I discovered when researching what the Church believed, but what
about other theories of who the bride truly was? It got even deeper when I dug a bit further.
There was a religious sect of people known as the Gnostics. The Gnostics believed that
Jesus Christ had a living wife in his years on this planet. The Gnostic Gospels were a text from
the New Testament Apocrypha, which originated in the 3rdcentury. However, they were lost until
an Egyptian man rediscovered them by accident in Nag Hammadi.

In the Gnostic Gospels, it states that Jesus had a wife by the name of Mary Magdalene.
There were a lot of women with the name Mary in the Bible, but the common belief is that she
was the one who washed Jesus’ feet with her hair and tears. Many treasure hunters still seek the
alabaster jar that contained the perfume she used to anoint his feet with. It is considered to be
akin to the Holy Grail, due to her unconditional love for him.

The main reason that this theory had been dismissed is that if proven that Jesus was married
and had a wife, then perhaps they would have had children together. This argument would go
against the belief that the Christian Community holds dearest.

If Jesus were married and had a wife, then this would cause controversy in that he may not
have been “God in the flesh” or had “Risen again.” That would be a massive error on the part of
the church, if their entire theory about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection had also been tampered

I also discovered further theories that Jesus and Mary had indeed given birth to children,
after all, a daughter by the name of Sarah, and possibly a son named Judah. The story goes on to
say that Mary Magdalene and her children escaped the Roman Empire when the Romans came
after Jesus to crucify him.

She was said to have had some inside help from a group known as the Cathars. These were
a spiritual order of men, women, and children that were followers of Jesus and Mary and their
Gospel referred to as The book of Love.

They allegedly assisted Mary Magdalene and Sarah’s escape to the South of France, to an
area referred to as the Languedoc region. They were said to have hidden in the South of France
for multiple years and eventually left behind a bloodline and a family legacy that links directly to
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

So did Jesus have a wife or not?

Is the bride of Christ literal or does it represent the church and its followers?

Again, I have stumbled upon further mysteries and have more unanswered questions. I have
no idea what the dream meant, but it was DEEP! I am totally convinced now that I must take my
knowledge of the Holy Bible as far as I possibly can. I must have answers, so I will have to learn
from the inside, as I had recently planned. I will ensure that I pursue the real truth about the
reality of Jesus Christ with no heresy intended.

Could I have some connection to this Mary Magdalene woman?

Or is this simply Jesus’ way of telling me that I am going to Heaven?

I suppose only God knows, but it feels like another piece of this never-ending puzzle. I
must not allow myself to get distracted by too many questions, so I will approach these queries to
the professor at my new university instead. Perhaps this school’s curriculum will be structured in
a perfect way so that I can better answer this laundry list of questions.

My hope lies in the honesty of the professor, who has perhaps taken a historical look at the
Bible that severs his ties from Christianity. A new outlook might be just what I need. Over the
years, those in the educational field must have found a modern way to interpret these scriptures. I
hope and pray that the staff I encounter at this University will be able to understand why I
question such in-depth topics. If not, I hope that I can at least find another student who is as
enthusiastic about finding the truths that I seek.

Question everything, as they say!

These issues are relevant for a reason! People are being murdered and imprisoned and in
some regions even STONED to death over these misunderstood teachings. Some folks are even
losing their faith over these confusions in opinion and tainted doctrine. We have to get to the
bottom of this. We are here working for God, not the enemy! However, it is apparent that our
government does not understand this statement.

There is a spiritual war happening on this planet and in the heavenly realms that surround
us. We must fight the good fight before it is too late for the rest of humanity. The war seems
determined to let all hell break loose soon, and the majority of the population are clueless about
what is really happening here.

I still have no clue as to what is really going on in these government-funded underground

research facilities, but I will get answers! Small clues and dream fragments are emerging to the
surface of my mind on a minute by minute basis. I must keep recording them as they come. I am
sorry if I am all over the place…

It’s time to focus, time to be prepared for anything.

XO Sophia Snow
The Magdalene washing the feet of Jesus, surrounded by grisailles of other scenes from the life of the “composite
Author- Frans Francken II, 1637
June 23rd, 2011

Happy Summer Diary,

So much has changed since the last time I checked in. I have been so busy with college that
I have not had a chance immediately to write to you as often as I had hoped. However, things
have been magnificent. Interesting topics are being presented to me daily.

My professors have us reflecting on the Bible in ways I had never thought about before.
The truth of the Bible is now becoming clearer to me. Many of my questions have been answered
by both my professors and through my own personal discoveries.

I am now able to somehow “decode” the book that has caused confusion for centuries and
has dazed even the self-proclaimed bible scholars. I am also becoming aware by my outside
research, that there has been more manipulation of “The King James Bible” than the average
Christian may ever even know. I noticed that on the first page of my Holy Bible, there was a
dedication page to Queen Elizabeth. This makes me think that she is also involved in these
experiments on humanity. Who on Earth allowed her to remain on the first page of our Holy

Is this some kind of Holy TEST?

I’m afraid to present these findings to my classmates or my professor as they may consider
them blasphemous. But the evidence from history is there, and it cannot be denied any longer.
What will happen when I find the truth? Will I be able to tell the world? Or will I be forced to
remain silent? And if I refuse… will they find a way to silence me?

There was a Council of Nicea that included the infamous Emperor Constantine. Let’s just
say this council had a firm hand in re-writing and pre-selecting the final books and passages that
would be distributed to the “ordinary people” as their book of faith.

However, I believe these lads kept all of the legitimate books for themselves.

They kept the real knowledge within their secret circles.

These secret circles still exist even to this day.

The discovery of these societies has brought me back full circle yet again. They have
brought me back to the government. They are directly connected to these evil religious orders,
cloaked in faith for their own selfish benefit. They wish to control us all, to manipulate the way
we think and what we do. This is not new, nor is it headline news. I’ve known about Big Brother,
and not just the “1984” Orwellian myth. The proverbial “eye in the sky” who is always watching

I realize now that I have much more research to do into the intuitive feelings I have had
about my connection to these government experiments. My father and grandfathers were all in
the military, but they were such amazing men. They all had hearts of gold.
They couldn’t possibly be a part of something so dark and manipulative, could they?

The more I discover about the military, I believe that anyone who is involved, may never
truly know what they are getting themselves into.

So even if my family were aware of the shady side of the government, what chance would
they ever have to escape their grasp? The government seemingly owns everything, and anybody
working within their numerous organizations is just like a pawn in a large game of chess or a
puppet in the hand of the grand puppet master.

Who is to blame here, the soldiers themselves or the ones who train them to kill human
beings? Or is it even the ever demanding societal populace, always begging for higher systems of
security? Two seemingly unrelated topics like religion and the government, are more related than
I was ever prepared to discover.

What in the world will I uncover next?

I better strap on my seat belt!

XO Sophia Snow

Sleeper Agents

June 25th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I sat quietly with God tonight with an avalanche of thoughts competing for space in my
mind. In my solitary state, I asked him some pressing questions. The questions I’ve always
wanted to have answers proffered to. I cannot shake the thoughts I have deep inside my soul
about whether I am a willingly part of this whole government conspiracy somehow, some way.

I honestly do not know if these are just paranoid thoughts, because they feel so resonant
with my soul. So, I sat quietly with God tonight in the privacy and safety of my bedroom and
asked Him from the bottom of my heart about some of my deepest fears. The queries gushed out
of my mind like a torrential rainstorm from the heavens:

“What is my connection to the military? HOW am I connected to these government


Please tell me that I am not going crazy…What is going on with me, Heavenly Father?”

-Sleeper Agent.

The only two words that I heard in my head. But I heard them loud within my mind, and in
a voice that was so utterly paternal and loving that it could not be denied. The words echoed
within my heart and throughout my entire genetic makeup. I have seen one or two spy movies in
my life, and believe that I have heard the term “sleeper cell” before, but I must do some
additional research into this term so that I can totally absorb what this means.

I am going online to see what I can find, I hope that my Internet does not start acting up
again. I only searched for the words “sleeper” and “agent” online to see what I could uncover,
and boy did I ever find an intricate web of information. I had to know more about these two
words that initially appeared esoteric to me. Remember when I said I thought I heard this term in
a spy film? Well, look what we have here…

A sleeper agent is a form of a spy.

This spy is placed within a target country or an organization of influential individuals.

The agent is not meant to undertake a mission immediately, but to act as a potential asset
when and if they are needed. You are “asleep” until they “wake you up” to act on their behalf.

They are also known as a deep cover agent, with an identity and a job that will be useful
later, while they try to create the facade of living a normal life. When they are needed, some kind
of activation occurs. Sleeper agents are familiar plot devices in fiction, in particular, in espionage
fiction and science fiction. [3]

This is a lot to swallow…There is that word asset again too.

I have to find out more about these “activation” techniques. These techniques sound like
something I need protection from. What happens if one day my phone rings, some strange series
of tones plays into my ear, and I am activated on the spot?

The only way I feel safe right now is with my Bible. I believe this Holy Book is powerful
and beyond sufficient enough to protect me against any evil.

I still trust that the word of God will speak to me, and that it will guide me into what my
next course of action must be. So, I may have to put this sleeper agent topic on the shelf for now,
Diary. I am starting to get so unbelievably overwhelmed, and I don’t want to end up some crazy
conspiracy theory spiritualist.

I know that I keep going back and forth between the Holy Bible and the military, but I
cannot seem to get to the bottom of anything that I study. I can now understand why individual
scholars can research a topic or subject for numerous years without ever coming to a full
understanding or conclusion of their quest.

Dead-ends can be around every proverbial corner, or there can be more clues on the
horizon. I never quite know what will pop up next. My search for deeper meaning continues, my
search for my purpose on this Earth. Will it ever end, or am I simply going to repeat this pattern
of uncovering scattered clues forever? Something tells me that I have been on this planet and
have done this work before.

Oh no, yet another thing to ponder…

Time for sleep?

XO Sophia
June 26th, 2011

Hello Diary,

I am trying to stay focused on my studies, and luckily I am making straight As. But I have
to say that it is quite distracting with all of this other info coming to light. I still feel a great deal
safer only studying the Bible right now, but that is because I realize it has gone far beyond my
latest college degree. I have developed a new alliance with the Lord. It’s an entirely different
experience having an intimate relationship with Him.

I no longer fear my connections to God. In fact, I believe he has awakened these truths
within me for a reason. I have always felt in the back of my mind that I would somehow,
someday shepherd the people into a current state of mind, a new consciousness, a new beginning.

Yet I have no idea how this will all unfold…

But I do want to share some more information that I found about these “sleepers” I told you
about last night, or that God said to me, rather. This next section of information that I discovered
resonated so deeply within me that it gave me the chills. I discovered that sleeper agents are
often related to espionage of some sort.

In a case like this, the sleeper would have been infiltrated into a target country. The agent
will have “gone to sleep” for days, months and sometimes even years. They have restrained
access to their sponsor or handler and are not allowed to obtain any inside information. They are
simply one of the rest of us, one of the general public.

Happy little plastic people, living a facade that they are unaware they are even involved in.
This is serious business. These individuals appear to have a very low degree of self-awareness,
or their minds have been manipulated beyond repair.

Sometimes they can be referred to as “deep cover” agents who obtain jobs and new
identities that will be useful for future operations. They must attempt to live typical everyday
lives and blend in with the rest of society. Counter-espionage agencies in the target country
cannot, in practice, closely watch all of those who might have been recruited some time before.

It sounded to me like they are choosing specific individuals to travel to or even immigrate
to foreign countries, just to go to “sleep” until activated?

Like a walking, talking robo-human?

Meanwhile, this person may be 100% unaware of the actual reason they are visiting and
even living in that country? The fact that they live average lives and “fit in” scares me even
more. Who are the sleeper agents among us? Who are the ones endangering us all? Would it be
possible to tell them apart from each other?

Any human on the streets could be a sleeper and not even know it!
It’s like Derek Zoolander and that “Relax” record from the movie Zoolander; a single song
was his trigger! That’s all it took; the DJ played the album, and suddenly Derek became a trained
assassin. What happens if they get triggered within the country they have recently emigrated to?
Do they blend in, or do they become a victim of an attack?

If this person “goes to sleep” for many years, then who are the people that surround this
sleeper while in “off” mode? Could these people be placed there specifically so they can be
controlled remotely? Could they be our friends and family, or those we love and trust?

People we may have even known for years?

This is likely to cause paranoia in the simplest of minds. What if we were the sleeper
agents? What if we were sent to a place to be under deep cover and not even know it? One day
we are just randomly activated and we are left to our own devices.

It would be quite a careless operation if they allowed these agents to roam around freely
without any protection following them. They would work their way into your entire life, making
sure that you are activated when requested.

I can assume an early activation or trigger out of “time” could be extremely dangerous not
only for the subject, but for the whole of humanity. What if the person was an assassin, like
Zoolander was? Activations could be around any corner, waiting for their trigger. What if you or
your family fell victim to accidental activation?

This must be a multi-level operation. This takes the feeling of paranoia to an entirely new
level. I have so many separate points to make, but it’s time for me to study. Back to the Bible for
now. At least I can feel that book in my heart, even if it has been manipulated over time. This is
simply how this process is unfolding for me. This military mess is the only faith that I lack.

Not that I ever gave the military any authentic respect or credit for the simple fact that they
are in the business of training murderers. But their behavior is beyond what my human soul can
conceive of right now. Perhaps I will understand one day, perhaps the military have a separate
rulebook that applies only to them. Perhaps I will understand this later in my life, but for now, I

Fair winds Dear Diary, thank you for being my only friend.

You are the only one that I trust right now.

XO Sophia
July 1st, 2011

Dear Diary,

School work has been keeping me occupied, but I love it. I learn new things, then re-learn
what I knew before and unlearn obsolete knowledge I had acquired in the past. I make sure I
maximize every second, minute, hour and day of my life right now. My heart swiftly beats
whenever I pick up the Bible these days.

I love the feeling of the Bible beneath my hands, the Lord speaking to me through its pages,
opening my heart and mind to the messages he constantly sends to me. It is a powerful book
containing mysteries and great revelations. I must admit I am hooked.

I can read it with a new set of eyes. Decoding the deeper meanings of Jesus’ parables, plus
the countless other mysteries that lie within those pages have become my mission. The grey
areas in the Bible, too, have also become my mission. I find comfort in the open moments where
mystery resides, when actions speak louder than words.

They were trying to tell us something in that book; no wonder people have been fighting
and killing each other over it for centuries, and unfortunately still are. However, the war of ideas
may always continue, because there will always be those who try to defy and challenge the Holy
Bible and its infinite interpretations.

Only God knows what “they” have done to that book.

I still have miles more to learn before I can ever consider myself an expert in Christianity,
but at the rate I am processing this info, it won’t be long before I finish this degree. I am on the
edge of my seat each and every day, impatiently waiting for knowledge to be dropped upon me!

At some point, I can, at least, become an expert in the knowledge that the educational
institutions are distributing out in this field. In this society, it’s the only way to be taken seriously
anymore. Do you want to get to the bottom of something?

Better get a degree!

I have been studying more about the sleeper agents we discovered last entry. I found out
that the best sleeper agents are the ones that do not need to be paid by a sponsor or handler. They
prefer for the agent to be financially self-sufficient. I can only assume this removes the
possibility for a paper trail to emerge. If the agent is successful enough on their own, they can be
moved up a rank to something that is known as an “agent of influence.”[4]

This statement made me think about all of these people I have been running into in the
online spiritual community since I started school. Our professor has encouraged us to reach out
online to spiritual forums to offer guidance, support, religious education and more. So I began by
joining a few groups on social media.

This community seemed very harmless at first, the content and people, etc. However, over
time I have started sensing a darkness there. I have noticed a lot of these “guru” types with these
very successful followings lately. They make tons of money online for their services, but in the
public they pretend to live a life of poverty.

They claim that if you receive money for religious services of any kind, you are selfish and
coming from a place of greed. They seem not to realise that these people who receive money for
their religious services need to make a living, just like the rest of us, and more often than not the
money they get is very little, and they live modestly at best.

This topic reminded me of a powerful verse from scripture; I believe that this pretty much
sums up God’s perspective on this matter of money:

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because
God said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The
Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5-6)

Something is up here with these gurus.

It makes me wonder why these seemingly broke “wannabes” are so heavily followed, yet
also so heavily protected by the community who are blind to these self-proclaimed “prophets”
and their hypocrisies.

Could these guys be the “agents of influence” that I just discovered?

I’m unsure what to think of this, what to make of this…It’s a bit scary, to be honest, that
people could manipulate others by using their religious or “new age” conviction. Agents of
influence will often use his or her position to influence public opinion in some way, shape or
form. They tend to be involved in decision-making that will produce results beneficial to the
country whose intelligence service operates the agent.

Agents of influence are often difficult to detect, as there is usually little evidence that would
connect them to any particular foreign power. Because of this, they can be the most effective
means of influencing foreign opinion and actions as they hold considerable credibility among the
target audience.

Most commonly they serve the interests of a foreign power in one of three ways:

Either as a controlled agent directly recruited and controlled by a foreign power; as a

“trusted contact” that consciously collaborates to advance foreign interests, but are not directly
hired or controlled by a foreign power; or as a “useful idiot” that is completely unaware of how
their actions further the interests of a foreign power.

These are the people who sometimes choose to make our lives dangerous, who choose to lie
and steal from people. They are not only stealing material things, but trust...that one hurts the
most. They really know how to hit you where it hurts.

But who were these agents of influence? How many positions in our society could these
officials hold? Could these people be our politicians, preachers, and even our teachers? There is a
lot more under the surface here that meets the eye.

The term “agent of influence” is often used to describe both individuals and organizations
engaged in control operations. Individuals engaged in this type of influence operation may serve
in the fields of journalism, government, art, labor, academia, or a number of other professional
fields. They cover every area in our lives, every area that can make a difference and make people
feel safe.

This would cause mass hysteria if the world knew the truth about their agenda.

Cultural opinion makers, nationalists, and religious leaders have also been targeted to serve
as individual agents of influence. Also, front organizations can satisfy the interests of a foreign
power in this capacity. Some Cold War examples of front organizations serving as agents of
influence include:

The Christian Peace Conference, the International Organization of Journalists, the World
Federation of Scientific Workers, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the International
Institute for Peace, and the World Peace Council. When individuals join such organizations in
good faith but are in fact serving the interests of a foreign elite, their affiliation becomes
infiltration, and cumulatively, the group acts as an agent of influence.

So now do you see how deep this rabbit hole goes? Not only can we not trust the
government, but we cannot even trust spiritual gurus? The world has indeed been flipped upside
down! Many things are working in a reversed order, making it impossible to trust anyone at this

Perhaps the only way that I can influence humanity in a positive manner is to infiltrate this
community with good intentions and positive words. I will have to follow the leader here and
develop a video channel of my own to express my thoughts and beliefs. Perhaps I can take the
lead and become an agent of influence in a positive direction?

What started here as a small way for me to vent the crazy coincidences and insane thoughts
I was experiencing is turning into a full-time research project that I worry I may never reach the
end of. Maybe if I do, I will not like what I find.

I am starting to feel like Mulder from the X-Files.

XO Sophia Snow
July 2nd, 2011

Dear Diary,

I uploaded my first video to the channel I created the other day. It was intended to be an
expository video where clarifications would be made to some general misconceptions found in
the Bible. However, the response that I got was surprising indeed.

I discussed my thoughts about the portrayal of Eve being misunderstood in the Holy Bible,
and it was not well received. I discussed how this type of blame and judgment had been going on
since the beginning of time, and why I believe women have been suppressed over the years.

I assumed I would receive a few negative comments on the video, but the onslaught of
attacks that ensued was something I never expected. Several of the users who responded to my
video appeared to be coming from a “New Age” perspective.

They attacked me for various things, but mostly for mentioning Jesus’ name. They seemed
not to really have a proper understanding of Jesus. His reality was still too obscure for some of
them, I assume. I will share with you the comment that caused me to raise an eyebrow:

“You are crazy, you have been religiously programmed, Jesus was just an ascended master,
not God in the flesh, you have SOOOOO much to learn!”

Those were just a few of the reactions that I received initially. Being called crazy is nothing
new to me, I can swallow that one, and almost kind of expected that sort of reaction. But what
did they mean by religious programming?

This was quite strange and unexpected, as I had been forthcoming about my lack of
religious background at the onset of the video. Like I told you from the beginning of this diary, I
have never even been to church before, so how on Earth could I be deeply religiously

And who is this Ascended Master Jesus?

That is definitely a name I have never heard before. It sounds more to me like these “New
Agers” are the ones that are deeply programmed. But why are they so offended by Jesus Christ? I
mean, if I even mention his name I get attacked! Why are so many people angry about Jesus? My
video was about Eve, not Jesus!

The only other comment I received that I felt directly related to my video was a quote by
William Congreve that someone had posted;

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

Women may never receive the credit that they deserve in this patriarchal society. We are in
a society where social arrangements are intended to make women invisible. Their opinions are
hardly respected. Our languages are sexist, and unfair to women.
Women experience social relegation and aching emotions by the treatment they receive
from their male counterparts. I believe the society should be constructed on fairness, equity and

Despite the criticisms that trailed my video, I’ve made a decision that I will never give up
on exposing the lies that have been created about us. I want to make these secrets public, to make
the world aware of this patriarchal agenda.

Wake up world…It’s TRUTH TIME!

XO Sophia Snow
July 3rd, 2011

Dear Diary,

Last night I uploaded another video on my personal channel, and the barrage of rude
commentary immediately ensued once again. In this particular video, I spoke about religious
women in history and how they have never been taken seriously. I began the discussion with the
subject of Mary Magdalene, who according to my previous research, may have in fact been the
“Bride of Christ” that everyone keeps referring to.

When I mentioned my theory that Magdalene had been the true representation of this term,
my head was nearly ripped off at the neck by these commenters. Women have often been
misrepresented by religion, and the case of Mary Magdalene is no exception.

Women are unable to become priests and clergy, and any woman that displayed
supernatural powers of any kind (even if the powers were Godly in nature) were accused of
witchcraft. I am certain that if I had been present at the Salem trials in 1692, that my fate would
have also ended with a wooden stake, engulfed in flames.

I often think about the Bible and the message of peace that it truly represents to my heart,
and I cannot wrap my head around the fact that it is still so exponentially misinterpreted. It seems
to me that if a religious order or sect must stoop to the means of physically burning a woman
alive, then they are truly in fear of the strength that she represents. Power is strength in this
society, and they want to take power away from women, as often as humanly possible.

The comments, both positive and negative that I received, convinced me that I had landed
on a sensitive issue that deserved to be examined in detail. I struck a deep chord within the
Christian Community today, and there may be no recovery from this one. They accused me of
misunderstanding the Holy message, called me a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and even a heretic.

“How dare you spread these lies! Jesus and Mary Magdalene, a couple? Utter

The idea of Jesus kissing a woman is something that no one can seem to accept. It appears
as though they are trying to create a man who simply does not exist. They have created a lie so
deep and unattainable that this version of family cannot exist for mankind. It is natural for a man
and a woman to kiss! God created sexual union.

He asked us to be fruitful and multiply, did he not? Then why is it considered unnatural for
the man who created us, then came to us in the flesh, to not partake of the same natural human
emotions and expressions? It literally makes no sense to me, and this is how I know there is a
deception at play here.

However, this guise is not coming from my end, nor Mary Magdalene’s either for that
matter. This deception is coming directly from the Church itself.
I believe that our patriarchal society fears strong women and their potential roles on this
planet. Perhaps Christian people are simply just afraid of change? They are so seemingly set in
their structured belief systems; I am afraid they have lost all capacity to think outside of the box.

They must stop running around trying to “save” everyone, and start looking within
themselves. Let he who be without judgement cast the first stone, remember? Perhaps they have
forgotten what it truly means to be humble. Perhaps they have forgotten what it means to be

They believe that they have free will, but in fact, they only have free will to choose between
the lesser of two evils that are presented to them, nothing more…nothing less. No different than
any presidential campaign.

YOU must be the change you want to see in the world! You must stop waiting for others to
do it for you. Do you not think perhaps, that our Heavenly Father is up there waiting for us to
make a change down here and help their fellow brother?

I believe the ones that are truly lost, and need saving, ARE the Christian People. Sad…But

XO Sophia Snow
The Last Supper, depicted in this 16th-century painting.
Author- Juan de Juanes

The Hollywood Connection

July 4th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I have started to discover that there may be more personal connections to what has been
happening to me beyond my family’s previous connections to the military. This connection may
be linked to the location I have been working at for a very long time…

You see, for the past several years, I have been working in Hollywood, California.

Hollywood was not a comfortable place to lay roots, but I had grown up near the city and
had been destined to make my mark in Hollywood somehow, some way. I tried to work in front
of the camera, but I was too paranoid and awkward to be in the spotlight all the time. I felt like
my composure was taken away from me anytime the lights were shone in my direction. Plus, I
never had that burning desire for fame. I have always preferred small groups of people over
crowds, any day.

So I chose another route, I chose a career behind the scenes instead. I actually felt more
comfortable being behind the cameras, rather than in front. Call it my safe zone or comfort zone
and you would not be wrong. I felt as though I had more control, more influence from this
position. I thought this would keep me safe and protected. However, it brought me even closer to
the belly of the beast than I could have ever imagined.

I had often heard the infamous saying “I sold my soul to the Devil for fame.”

I always assumed that this was an exaggeration or a superstition until I started working in
Hollywood. Over the years of my career, I worked with virtually every A-List celebrity and
superstar you could imagine. From actors and actresses, music artists, television producers and
film directors, my list of the clientele was endless. I was a bit of an over-achiever at work, so my
services were often requested by high profile celebrities.

During this period, I would often notice a lot of the same similarities with these people.
When I would first meet them, when trying to be discovered, they were humble, kind and often
even gentle. They often seemed like good, little children who would obey every little command
that their handlers directed their way.

However, once these potential “stars” would “sign on the dotted line” something
immediately changed in their being. I noticed a difference in their body language, their physical
attributes and especially their personality. They would be a shadow of their former selves.
Arrogant, rude, and condescending are simply mild words to describe their newly discovered

My role in Hollywood wasn’t anywhere near as powerful as most who worked with me.

I had a lot of “morals” so I would often be left out of big decisions and especially was never
present when talent would sign a contract. I often wondered what went on behind closed doors, if
there was such a thing as selling your soul and if that was happening all around me.

I just thought, wouldn’t they let me in on their secret at some point? Looking back on
things, maybe I was never invited into these rooms for a reason. Maybe there was something that
asset Snow was not allowed to be included in.

But what was it? Why was I never included? What was going on?

These are some of the questions I would ask myself in my mind, but never aloud, for fear of
their rejection. Was it a real thing to sell your soul, and was I a part of it all along? I really didn’t
know what to think, but I shuddered at the mere thought that I might have been a part of it all
along if it really did, in fact, exist.

I always tried to protect the talent that I let through the gates of Hollywood, but once they
let go of my hand, I no longer had control of what happened to them. Not because I didn’t want
to help or guide them in the right direction. They would always grow wings and fly away, free as
a bird and there was nothing I could do about it, no matter how hard I tried.

Now “they” had control over them. My job was done.

I am now starting to find information about an organization called the Illuminati, and I feel
that I may have been working with “them” all along and never even knew it. Did I bring this
upon myself? Or was my career candidly chosen for me?

I have had a lot of strange characters follow me around while working in Hollywood. I have
been asked questions about my past lives and if I had a connection to Marilyn Monroe. One day
on set, I had a mysterious man even ask me if my real name was Isis, which I found particularly

I had only heard of the Egyptian Goddess before, could this be a connection?

At first contact, I thought all of these lads might have been on drugs or were just crazy
characters. But I have been doing a lot of research as of late on the Illuminati, and it seems they
have a lot more to do with the things these strange characters asked me about. But what did
reincarnation, Marilyn Monroe, and Isis all have to do with the Illuminati?

So many things, this entry will get far too long to explain in one diary.

I will continue with more tomorrow.

XO Sophia
July 5th, 2011

Dear Diary,

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, the Illuminati.

I had decided to go back over this diary and begin to answer some of the questions that I
was asking myself at the beginning of my awakening. I wanted to go back and respond to the
question as to why the date of my activation started on May 1st.

I did some research and discovered that the answer to this query would end up killing two
birds with one stone. May 1st, 1776 was the day that the Bavarian Illuminati had been founded.
There it was, the million-dollar connection! The Illuminati was known as an enlightenment
secret society that was originally formed in Germany. They are the infamous Illuminati I had
been referring to all along.

But wait, there’s more!

I discovered that this ancient order was affiliated with a lot of other factions, cloaked in
mystery. From the church of Satan to the Freemason’s, these groups mastered in ancient
symbolism and witchcraft. It was no surprise to me that “the all-seeing eye” was their primary
symbol. It’s that “eye in the sky” again. Big Brother sounds like a family member of the
Illuminati. Or perhaps, he is the man at the top of the pyramid?

Pictures I came across online, showed presidents from different countries around the world,
flaunting the Illuminati’s secret hand signals at various media and political events. Are these not
the same men who go to war against each other? It is obvious that they belong to the same
society. They must really think we are oblivious to the connection.

However, some of us humans have been ahead of their game. In fact, Nostradamus, the
French astrologer who lived until the late 15th century, wrote a book titled “The true prophecies
and prognostications of Michael Nostradamus” that was published in 1672.

In this book, he spoke of predictions about world events that were said to occur after his
death. He prophesied about Napoleon, Hitler and even the famous 9/11 world trade center
bombings that the terrorist leader who started my whole awakening process was blamed for
orchestrating. These events came to pass exactly as he predicted, and this has got me

Are we living on a world stage, directed by the Illuminati?

May 1st is not only the birthday of the Illuminati, but it is also an ancient Pagan holiday
known as “May Day” or “Beltane.” It is known as the highest date on the Druidic witches’
calendar. Human sacrifice was ordered on this day, making me think that the death I witnessed of
the terrorist leader on May 1st, 2011 was nothing more than a military driven sacrifice.

This rabbit hole is getting deeper and deeper.

My curiosity led me to a quest for notable events that also happened on May 1st and I came
across a funny coincidence, or perhaps it may be a clue. Phi Gamma Delta fraternity was also
founded on this same day in 1848. Was this just another coincidence? Are the members of this
fraternity in fact initiated into a bigger organization than they even realize? Maybe I am just
being paranoid, but that name “Delta” from my dream seems to be popping up in any research I

I do not want to get off topic again, so let me bring the focus back to Beltane. Beltane was
known as a two-day ceremony, and often the former thirteen days leading up to May 1st, were
when the sacrifices would begin. Research also shows that Adolf Hitler killed himself on April
30th, making the Beltane sacrifice time frame in perfect alignment with his suicide.

Hitler and Germany will come up again in this diary as I have uncovered more coincidences
with extra-terrestrials and Hitler, but we will get to that later. This celebration is all about
Goddess worship, one of the oldest traditions in Pagan culture. Bonfires are lit all over the world,
even the Royal House of Windsor lights a Balefire every single year.

I also discovered that the Maypole originated from this celebration. Connecting to our
current culture of stripper poles, can you believe that? Every time I have seen a Maypole
celebration on TV, it is always featuring small girls in little dresses, seems quite creepy
considering the holiday formed around such a sexual representation of the female Goddess, don’t
you think?

As a matter of fact, I think these Pagan ceremonies usually tie into Catholic holidays. That
might sound peculiar, but it is, in fact, true. I think this might probably be the reason my parents
never brought me to church even though they were both born Catholic. Perhaps there was
something that they were protecting me from all along?

When I reference back to the Illuminati, I see a great deal of similarities to Catholicism
rituals. They seem unquestionably dark and cryptic in nature. I mean eating Jesus’s body and
drinking his blood every week? Sounds like vampirism or borderline cannibalism to me. I don’t
think the Jesus that I know would want an idol of himself bloody and nailed to a cross for the rest
of our lives either.

Something tells me that is a day that Jesus would like to forget?!

I have a lot to ponder this evening. I want to get more into the Illuminati and their
connections to Hollywood because this will bring us full circle to our next case subject: Miss
Marilyn Monroe. This woman and I had more in common than I could have ever imagined…

XO Sophia Snow
The Owl of Minerva perched on a book was an emblem used by the Bavarian Illuminati in their “Minerval” degree.
Author- Public Record
July 6th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I think it is time to talk about another elephant in the room today.

It is time to discuss Marilyn Monroe.

I had mentioned to you before that once or twice people had asked me if I had a connection
to or if I was related to Marilyn Monroe, and I was never certain of why so many random people
had asked me this question. I never had any connection to Marilyn except for my childhood
memories and the discoveries I made about her through my own research.

The only thing I remembered about Miss Monroe, was that my mother had a lot of pictures
of her around our house when I was a child. My mom loved classic films and would often play a
Marilyn movie on Sunday afternoon. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was one of my favorites to
dance and sing along to.

Plus, who can forget the iconic “Happy Birthday Mr. President” number she did for JFK’s
birthday celebration?

But beyond that, I never had any connection to Marilyn. Why, then, did so many people tell
me that I resembled her, or ask if I was related to her? I personally felt that this was extremely
odd. In my curiosity, I started doing some digging into Marilyn’s life by reading one of her
biographies. Before I knew it, I had read several of her memoirs. Not a single day passed without
me reading numerous pages of facts about Marilyn.

There were so many synchronicities to myself and Marilyn’s life that I proceeded to
underline and highlight all of the parallel coincidences of my life and hers within the pages of
these memoirs. I devoted hours upon hours of research to uncover the perceived connections I
had with Marilyn, and if at all these connections were serious enough for me to consider them a
clue in my mission.

The books became so flooded with highlighted sections that I began to think I was losing
my mind again. “How could it be possible for myself and this woman who was dead before I was
even born to have so many things in common?” I keep asking myself repeatedly.

Could this possibly be why the indistinct characters asked me if I had a connection to
Marilyn Monroe in the same sentence they asked me about reincarnation? This could not be a
mere coincidence; I am beginning to believe that “coincidences” do not even exist at this point.
In spite of all the connections I had discovered, I still could barely see the resemblance in myself
and her, so could it even be possible that I had been her in a past life or something?

In fact, I don’t even know if I completely believe in reincarnation at this point, or how this
process would even work. So, I will put this theory on the shelf for now. As much as I didn’t
want to believe the “facts” that were before me, I had no choice as to see them as they really
were…the facts. Marilyn and I without a doubt had a connection of some sort.

However, I want to dig deeper into her links to JFK and the Illuminati and see if any further
connections existed. I started out by only searching Marilyn Monroe and the Illuminati, so many
search results came up that I got the chills yet again. The principal thing that I uncovered was a
list of the top ten Illuminati murders. Marilyn Monroe was #1 on this list.

But what did they mean by murder?

Didn’t Miss Monroe take an overdose of pills?

I mean, that is what the world thought to be true, was it not? If she had in fact been
murdered and this was covered up, could this be what God had been trying to show me all along?
What really was God trying to reveal to me? A government cover-up?

Marilyn Monroe died August 5th, 1962 at the age of 36. They discovered her naked body
face down in her bed at her Brentwood, California home. The events surrounding her death are
certainly a mystery. Many people’s stories changed about when they last saw her, who had last
spoken to her on the phone, and how long she had legitimately been dead.

Rumors began swirling around Hollywood and the White House that Marilyn was having
affairs not only with John F. Kennedy but also with his brother, Senator Robert Kennedy. Phone
records from Marilyn’s home were suddenly missing, along with her little black diary which she
had told friends held many secrets about the government.

But why were so many things lacking in this case?

Why were there so many inconsistent stories given by those who were closest to her? Could
this cover up have something to do with the President of the United States? What was in that
little black diary? Why was she suddenly dead at the age of only thirty-six? There were so many
questions coming up in my mind. It was so obvious that the facts just do not add up.

In the continuation of my research on Miss Monroe’s death, I stumbled upon a government

mind control program called MK Ultra. Prior to that time, I had never heard of such a program.
Sure, some movies had story lines surrounding the fact that the US government had some sort of
mind control program in existence but then, those movies were just Science Fiction, right?

Conspiracy theorists believe that Marilyn was used as a victim in this program. There are
several different code names for the human subjects that were part of this experiment. They had
nicknames like Monarchs, Betas, Deltas and Kittens; and even had what is known as a
Presidential Model.

Wait a minute, there is that word DELTA again! This cannot be a coincidence!

The presidential model was a mind controlled sex slave, primarily used for the President of
the United States. Kennedy was not the only one who had one of these sex slaves; many other
presidents have as well. This is happening in countries all over the world.
Queens, Kings, and even Crown Princes’ also have these slaves to be used and abused upon
their disposal. The Presidential Model slaves were also used a great deal to send messages to
political leaders and foreign enemies. Messages could be transmitted through the slaves in
various forms of code.

Some of the systems used were unnoticeable things like wearing diamonds, emeralds or
rubies on their gowns. A particular sex slave, dressed in a specific gemstone would represent an
encrypted “clue” for the intended receiver. This was an undetectable way to get their point
across. Meanwhile, the woman is clueless she is being used as a victim.

The handlers in charge of the woman would convince her that she was “special” or
“chosen” by the man in power, leading her to believe she had been summoned directly by him.

They were trained to think this was an honor or even a gift. Wow.

MK Ultra is not a conspiracy theory; it was a mind control program created by our
government. Bill Clinton had even given a speech about this during his term in office. He gave a
public apology, but wow, is “sorry” really enough? How many of those scientists and men of
medicine are still living today?

Do they live with the guilt of what they have done to small children and innocent women?
Or was it all just in the “name of science”? There have been multiple documents released via
public record about MK Ultra, which can be found online today. I warn you that what I learned
about this program, has scared me more than most horror movies ever have. I told you I was
afraid of our government, and this is just another reason why.

Mind control programs, sex slaves, presidential scandals, and Illuminati murders? Who
would have thought I would end up here with my research?

I was not ready for all of this.

XO Sophia
July 7th, 2011

Dear Diary,

Something has been bothering me since I connected the death of Marilyn Monroe with the
white house, and this was to find the true role of Marilyn Monroe in the MK Ultra Initiative. At
first, I thought she was just a presidential sex slave, but after thinking about it a little bit longer…
I knew she was so much more than this.

She seemed to be a very important pawn in their game…

The answer came to me when I went grocery shopping today. After I finished gathering
what I desired, I proceeded to the checkout counter to pay for my merchandise. The man in front
of me was purchasing some groceries and magazines, mostly fitness, sports and music
periodicals. But what caught my eye was the Playboy magazine he had hidden underneath his
left arm.

Immediately I remembered the history of Playboy and how it related to Marilyn Monroe.
You see, in 1953 Marilyn Monroe appeared as the first cover model for the debut issue of
Playboy magazine. This issue sold out in less than two weeks. But what very few people know,
is the fact that the advent of Playboy and its famous centerfold spreads, was just another tool in
the mind control program’s toolbox.

Before 1953, the standard for morality in America was still high. Dresses were fashionably
tasteful not as revealing as they are today. Women were known for more than being sex symbols,
and pornography was still seen as a taboo of sorts. But Marilyn Monroe changed everything. In
this day and age, nude photos are quite common with most female celebrities, considering it to
be something like a rite of passage, a status symbol of sorts.

You may even call it an initiation.

The main purpose of this tool was to change men’s perception of women, redefine beauty
and cause low self-esteem among women who weren’t up to the standards set by magazines.
Slowly men’s brains were being conditioned to consider this as the real meaning of what it meant
for a woman to express her sexuality. Their minds were slowly programmed to consider anything
less, as below their personal standard.

It also set off a downfall of morality in America and set up a standard by which we see
presented in films and music videos today. Nowadays, a film tends to be only as interesting as
the sex scenes it features, and the actresses only considered successful if they were willing to
bare it all. Women making money by virtually selling their bodies to the highest bidder, men
engaging in online sex chat rooms, the list goes on and on.

It is scary when you think how differently the world would be today if Playboy’s first issue
had not been such a success, considering Hugh did not even have the money to fund the second
issue in the first place. I am sure if the cover of that first issue was somebody other than Marilyn,
Mr. Hefner’s name would not be a household one like it is today. As a matter of fact, I stumbled
on a highly intriguing article about how Hugh even got the photos in the first place. It all came
from Marilyn’s Infamous first calendar shoot.

“How did you manage that piece of good luck?” a magazine called U.S. Camera asked
Hefner, in it’s April 1962 issue. “At that point, the MM calendar was very, very famous, but
almost no one had seen it,” he replied. “It had received all kinds of publicity, but it never
appeared anywhere.” He noticed, in a newspaper clipping, that the photos were owned by a
calendar company in the Chicago suburbs. “So I took a hop out there,” Hefner said, driving his
beat up ’41 Chevy.”

The pictures were taken more than five years before this time, at the request of John
Baumgarth, a Chicago calendar creator, shot by Hollywood photographer Tom Kelley. Monroe
was an unknown model and actress at the time.

“When he made the picture, it was just another picture of a girl. No one had heard of
Marilyn Monroe at that time,” Hefner said. “He paid about $500 for this and a number of
similar photographs.”

The calendar company was never planning to use them again. Hef got lucky!

“Thus from his point of view, he had gotten back all his initial expense in purchasing the
photographs,” said Hefner. “From my point of view, however, for $500 for the Marilyn Monroe
and for a year’s contract for $300 for 11 more.”

Hefner had his first year of centerfolds without talking one woman, never mind Miss
Marilyn Monroe, out of her clothes. But everything changed after that, didn’t it? But wait,
there’s more! Hugh apparently owns the burial plot next to Marilyn Monroe as well! Hefner
bought the crypt at L.A.’s Westwood Village cemetery in 1992 for $75,000, according to the
U.K.’s Guardian! This has gone beyond creepy…

In this case, I had to concede to the fact that the MK Ultra mind control program had
worked perfectly, successfully morphing the modern day perception of beauty and what is
morally right. It had taken the minds and hearts of our innocence and perverted it into sexual
lusts and obsessions over stars who have long since passed. Hollywood is literally painted with
Marilyn iconography on every block. Will her life ever be free from this blatant idolatry?

Only a miracle can free everyone from this subconscious domination now. I have to do my
part. As long as we can begin to see the signs that are laid right in front of our very eyes, then
humanity still has hope. I will never give up. However, I have to wonder what other mind control
schemes the government has cooked up in their past.

XO Sophia Snow
July 8th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I sat with God last night and asked him why he was bringing me all of this information
about MK Ultra and the Illuminati. I told him that I was scared and severely needed some
protection. I expressed to him my fears that I may be taken out like Marilyn and so many others

He explained to me that before I was born, I had agreed to come back to Earth and expose
truths that were hidden for centuries. He told me that my soul was ancient, and had been present
since the beginning of creation.

I asked him why I did this to myself. He told me that my eternal soul was limitless and that
I was strong enough to overcome these fears and turn the lies into truths. I had strength and
protection surrounding me that I simply could not see with my naked eye. He assured me that I
am never, ever alone.

God explained to me that I have a unique ability to teach others without them feeling like I
am being pushy or forcing my opinion upon them. This was the reason that I chose this route. He
told me that I am strong enough and that Marilyn Monroe and many others who have been taken
out by this organization are counting on me not to give up.

Perhaps I was secretly downloaded with Marilyn Monroe’s consciousness so that I would
be able to understand and sympathize with her situation? Whatever it all meant, I was chosen. I
was selected by myself and by God to tell these truths. So there is no turning back now. I am in
this for the long haul. Certainly, a lot depends on my success or failure.

I can’t afford to fail my creator in this very crucial assignment.

The most unsettling discovery on this journey has been learning about the MK Ultra mind
control program. I mean, how many people know that “mind control programs” even exist? What
was most disturbing was the fact that our government created these programs. I told you that we
couldn’t trust them. But man, this is super dark.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou
art with me; thy rod and thy staff shall comfort me.” – Psalm 23:4

XO Sophia Snow

Mind Control

July 9th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I have not been able to stop thinking about these mind control programs.

I cannot believe that our government, in alignment with science, would design such an
organization to control human beings. Many scientific experiments were conducted over the
years in which people would volunteer to be a test subject in a research study. However, testing
on humans without their knowledge is beyond intrusive. Scientific testing of this sort should be
against the law for heaven’s sake!

I feel it is paramount that I share more in this diary about these programs, as I think the
public needs to know that this is not a conspiracy theory or a joke of any kind. It is all happening
and has been going on for decades. So let’s talk about MK-Ultra in this next section, shall we?

Project MK-Ultra was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments made on
human subjects designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA). Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be
used in interrogations and torture, to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind

Organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA, the project coordinated
with the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps. [5] Ok, so the
programs were illegal, for goodness sakes, this is stressing me out! They are trying to say that
this program was created to force enemies to tell the truth?

Hmmm, seems fishy, so I kept on digging.

The program began in the early 1950s; it was officially sanctioned in 1953; then it was
reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. The program
engaged in many illegal activities, including the use of unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as
its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.

MK-Ultra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter
brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other
chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various
forms of torture.

So these experiments have been going on since the fifties? How utterly preposterous!

They not only picked on American subjects, but they also experimented on Canadians too?
I also have to think about the hippie movement that came out of the sixties, now that they have
mentioned LSD. What was the reasoning behind using LSD in the first place?

It is said that a scientist named Albert Hoffman, from Switzerland, was the first one to make
the synthesized drug in 1938. He was a pharmacist searching for a blood stimulant at the time.
Then it was presented in North America in the 1940’s and was instantly used by psychiatrists.
They had already confirmed in Switzerland that there was no actual benefit or medical use for
the drug, so why were they still using it!?

I mean, so many New Age philosophies were birthed out of this era, hypnosis and opening
your mind through psychedelics. Many of the people who survived the sixties were never quite
the same again in their minds. Were they ever actually opening anything, or was it simply
another way to hold everyone down?

Or perhaps, it was a way to let something “else” sneakily slip inside of them?

The scope of Project MK-Ultra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions,
including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical
companies. The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although
sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement.

As the US Supreme Court later noted, MK-ULTRA was:

“Concerned with “the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological
materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.” The
program consisted of some 149 subprojects which the Agency contracted out to various
universities, research foundations, and similar institutions. At least 80 institutions and 185
private researchers participated. Because the Agency funded MK-Ultra indirectly, many of the
participating individuals were unaware that they were dealing with the Agency.”

The amount of universities, hospitals, prisons and agencies that were involved in this, and
no one came forward about these horrible crimes? Not to mention, what if people actually DID
go to the police about this, or tried to get help for what was happening? No one would believe
them, or those involved would surely take you out! Who all was involved outside of the CIA?
These questions are all being asked because we have no answers, only more lies.

Sexual abuse, torture and sensory deprivation? Is this real life?

I can somewhat understand why they would develop these techniques to use on an enemy,
but small children? This information is just sickening; I mean, what could they possibly gain by
doing testing on innocent people? Sensory deprivation can have serious side effects if not
handled carefully. Not to mention, the abuse and torture will often mimic the symptoms of PTSD
and require life-long therapy. Do they even think about the children?

Did these scientists “pick and choose” who their test subjects were?

How would they feel if their family or children were the ones under these tests? It is
incredible that these tests and experiments even endured as long as they did. It is the utterly
insensible act on another human being that fills me up with so much rage, sadness, and

Project MK-Ultra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of
the U.S. Congress, and a Gerald Ford commission to investigate CIA activities within the United
States. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered
all MK-Ultra files destroyed in 1973.

The Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn
testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived
Helms’ destruction order. In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request uncovered a
cache of 20,000 documents relating to project MK-Ultra, which led to Senate hearings later that
same year. In July 2001, some surviving information regarding MK-Ultra was declassified.

If you are doing that math with me, that means there was about 23 years’ worth of evidence,
documents, and testing going on that the director was demanding to be destroyed! Of those 23
years, they found almost 20,000 documents relating to the program. Who knows how many more
lives were sacrificed in the name of science? We may never know. Now you see why I have to
provide so many detailed notes within this diary. The truth has gone beyond stranger than fiction;
it has become downright appalling!

I downloaded the declassified documents about MK-Ultra on the internet and could barely
read beyond the first few pages. Half of the remaining documents were totally blacked out with a
permanent marker; they obviously had a lot to hide within these pages.

The further I dug, I found photos of small children who were used and abused during these
experiments. They had these children strapped down to beds with their eyes taped open. There
were signs above the patient’s beds that stated: “Strain all urine.”

Where were the parents? Where were the mothers and fathers of these children? Were these
children kidnapped off of the streets, or were their parents undergoing the same types of tests
themselves? What if these children were part of the foster care system? Would they choose
children in situations like this, so that no one would “miss” them? It is unbelievable that they had
access to so many children in secret.

What in the world are they doing to these children?

I also saw photos of innocent young girls who had strange robotic antennae attached to the
top of their heads with a medieval-looking chin strap fastened to it. I am just sick to my stomach
now. How could anyone do this to a human being, let alone a small child?

My mind is completely blown.

There was a lot more than project MK-Ultra happening at this time, though. I also
discovered another program by the name of Operation Paperclip. This was a program that
recruited former Nazi scientists. Some of these scientists were added to the project during the
Nuremberg Trials.

Multiple side projects unfolded due to Operation Paperclip. There was Project Chatter,
which had been created in 1947, Project Bluebird, established in 1950, and Project Artichoke
founded in 1951. The purpose of these projects was to study mind-control, interrogation,
behavior modification and related topics.

Projects MK-Delta, MK-NAOMI and more exist under the blankets of these programs. The
list goes on and on. Oh wait a minute, didn’t I mention seeing a badge on that soldier’s jacket in
my dream? The badge said DELTA, did it not? Another dot is being connected here.

There is so much information about these programs I would have to write an entire research
novel to cover all of it. This has been going on for a very, very, long time. Drugs that force
people to tell the truth, and electrodes and microchips implanted into test subjects are some of
the many other torturous activities that these programs have given birth to.

I am finding connections to Marilyn Monroe again, as well as the Grateful Dead, JFK and
many others that were subjects of some of these techniques and approaches. No wonder all of
these people were labeled or perceived of as crazy. This is insane!

I feel that if I continue to research this topic of mind control any further than I am going to
find even more synchronicities to my life and these test patients. As a matter of fact, I did have
an eerie dream once where a microchip was implanted in my head. Had they already tagged me?
Was I already being controlled? Was it too late for me?

Perhaps the way I was able to have so much information downloaded into my brain, is that I
also have one of these chips already installed. Has my brain just been upgraded? Am I truly some
kind of super-human being now? The biggest question that I have right now is, who did this to

If the CIA created these programs to control people, then am I working with them? Or are
the CIA only trying to control me? In a way, I kind of wish they would just tell me what is going
on so that perhaps I can better assist them in some way!

I have to get to the bottom of this, but for now, I will sleep.

Thanks for listening, Diary.

XO Sophia Snow
July 11th, 2011

Dear Diary,

Now it’s becoming normal for me to wake up with a headache. Reading through these
barbaric, inhumane acts is enough to make anyone want to throw up. The more I dig, the messier
the subject matter gets. Why would anyone want to be in control of the minds of others?

This cruelty reminds me of George Orwell’s book 1984. This book predicted the rise of a
government which was interested only in enslaving the minds of its citizens. Though the
government claim to have put an end to the program, evidence continues to emerge daily proving

In an attempt to get to the bottom of the whole issue, I stumbled upon a series of rather
detailed accounts of victims of the MK Ultra Mind Control program. They were at first described
as “volunteers” but as I studied further, none knew what was going on until they had completely
and literally lost their minds.

Such was the case of Whitey Bulger, an infamous gangster who was arrested and
imprisoned in 1957 for a bank robbery conviction. He volunteered to undergo the mind control
program in exchange for a lighter sentence. He agreed, but he did not understand that he would
be made to take copious amounts of drugs in exchange. His life was never the same again.

Bulger was injected with LSD, (yes, that’s right… injected!) for what he assumed was an
effort to cure schizophrenia. He was haunted by thoughts of suicide, relentless insomnia,
nightmares and struggled with deep bouts of depression. He never knew the details of the
experiments they made him undergo.

He later learned that the experiments were actually part of the CIA’s so-called MKULTRA
program to develop a mind-control weapon carried out at dozens of universities and institutions
from 1953 to 1967, according to T.J. English, author of “Whitey’s Payback,” citing two of
Bulger’s associates.

“(Bulger) was enraged to learn how the covert program had destroyed so many lives,”
English wrote in The Daily Beast.

When he tried to get answers, he went on a quest for vengeance in search of the doctor who
spearheaded the operations in Atlanta. The program was under the supervision of Dr. Carl
Pfeiffer, and for 18 months, he was continually placed under the influence of LSD.

“According to (Bulger’s associate Kevin) Weeks, Bulger had even taken preliminary steps
to track down the overseer of the program, Dr. Carl Pfeiffer ... and assassinate him,” English

In 1977, it was revealed that Pfeiffer was one of the researchers involved in behavior
experiments for the Central Intelligence Agency. Between 1955 and 1964, under the project titled
MK-SEARCH; he administered LSD to inmates in the Atlanta penitentiary and in New Jersey
Bordentown Reformatory.

Carl Pfeiffer died at the age of 80 at the Princeton Brain Bio Center. He suffered a heart
attack. This seems to be a theme of anyone who becomes involved in one of these programs.
When they are finished with you… you are finished!

These tests were given with full informed consent and were focusing on mind control.
These were the tests that were later confirmed to have been conducted on Whitey Bulger. I mean,
wow… they even have the nerve to go after criminals? What if Whitey just snapped one day
while undergoing treatment? They would certainly have an even bigger mess on their already
bloody hands.

The CIA have strongly influenced and encouraged various institutions to carry out the MK-
Ultra mind control program. This singular fact opens our mind to endless possibilities of our how
much damage has already been done to humanity.

No one knew the extent of the program nor its limitations. I guess that was why it was
easier for Richard Helms to order the destruction of all related files so as to reduce the real effect
of the program.

Nice one, Richard.

XO Sophia
Declassified MK-Ultra documents.
Author- Public Domain, C.I.A.
July 17th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I started thinking long and hard about the possibility of physically implanting microchips
into the mind of millions of people. I know that chips are definitely being implanted, but I was
wondering if this is how they plan on controlling everyone in the end? Then it hit me, they did
not need to put a chip inside of all human beings. Just the ones that influence the masses.
Remember the agents of influence we discussed before? Bingo!

From politicians to pastors, musicians, actors, celebrities, etc. these are prime candidates for
a chip. The rest of the population they could control by means of passing subliminal messages
through television (they call it programming for a reason). These subliminal messages would
affect the way the subconscious mind thinks and reacts. Hence, controlling the decisions the
conscious mind makes.

This programming could change people’s opinions, choices, and even what they believe in
or do not believe in. Of course, I already knew this, with my background in television, but I had
no idea how far these tentacles of deceit stretched out!

Film directors have been known to use red lights instead of blue to induce a sense of danger
in their movies. Music with various tones and vibrations are played in the background of films to
control the emotions of the audience, as well. There are so many other tricks I have kind of lost
count at this stage.

All of this work, just to make you feel what they wanted you to feel at any particular point
in time. I also know that the same goes for music and books, but what has especially caught my
attention as of late are video games!

I have heard stories of kids orchestrating target practice after playing particularly violent
video games. This has gotten so out of hand that parents are advocating for a control on video
games by increasing the age limit of children allowed to play these games in the first place. They
instead advocated for non-violent games, free of bloodshed and violence.

Whatever happened to simple, logical board games that children use to build their

You see, the MK Ultra program has found a way to use seemingly harmless games to their
own selfish advantage. What most people don’t know is that the best way to plant a subliminal
message is not by forcing it into people’s head the way violent games do. This is often a hit and
miss, the human mind is designed to naturally oppose any intrusion. This is even why they say,
no one can be hypnotized to do anything that they don’t want to do.

The impulse must already be within that mind, or the trick will not work!

What they do, is keep up a steady stream of constant placid suggestions. The games are
designed in such a way that to pass each stage, one needs to carry out a sequence of instructions
that are actually subliminal messages. These messages change how the brain works. The amount
of time people now spend on video games daily is staggering.

Look around, and you will see the zombies, walking around their eyes fixated on their
phones everywhere they go. Their schedules and activities are now planned around these games.
I fear that one day, technology will attempt to merge with man. Man vs. machine is one thing,
but man in the machine? That’s an entirely different scenario, and one I fear may be just around
the corner.

This makes me think about those wrestlers I mentioned at the beginning of this diary. I take
a look at those guys in WWE, and I just have to wonder, “Does that guy have robotic legs?” Men
should not be able to take that much pain, nor land on their feet time after time! It seems that
their physical vessels can stretch beyond normal human limitations.

I wish that people would realize this truth and learn to see the real danger in things they
believe are not harmless. Maybe if people accept that they are being targeted for control, then
their subconscious mind would know how to fight this manipulative intrusion. But I am no
expert on how to reverse this type of control, so, for now, all I can do is learn more and stay
away from the numerous things that are attempting to control me.

Microchips, Robots and Video Games… are these really our only hope for the future?

I am going to pray on this one, perhaps God will know the answer.

XO Sophia Snow
July 22nd, 2011

Dear Diary,

Today I am writing to you with a heavy heart. I just awoke from a deep sleep to discover
that yet another tragedy has occurred. Last night I was reading about mind control into the early
morning hours, and I uncovered a section about Manchurian Candidates.

These are super soldiers that are created by our government by using these mind control
techniques on them over a particular period of time. Similar to a sleeper agent, but more so on
the level of an assassin that is activated when needed to carry out a crime, or to send a message
in secret code.

I haven’t told you much about my life, but my family originally comes from Norway. When
I logged onto my computer this morning, the first thing that I noticed was a headline about
another horrible series of murders that happened in my family’s hometown in Norway.

This time, a Norwegian Terrorist leader killed eight people by blowing up a van near the
Regjeringskvartalet in Oslo. He then shot and killed sixty-nine members of a Workers’ Youth
League at a summer camp on the island of Ut#toya.

My God, most of them were small children.

Copies of his militant manifesto entitled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence

were sent out electronically before this horrific event. This twisted man had been planning these
attacks for years. The more I dug into the killer’s background, he began sounding more and more
like a mind controlled assassin.

Moreover, I find it suspicious that he killed 69 people on the day of Cancer, as 69 is the
astrological number of Cancer. I figured out that the symbol of Cancer additionally leads back to
Freemasonry. In Freemasonic symbolism, the missing keystone or capstone in their royal arch of
Freemasonry is also the symbol for Cancer.

This guy may not only be a mind controlled assassin, but he may likewise be a Freemason,
which is an organization linked to the infamous Illuminati that I mentioned before. I wonder
what this man’s motive truly was? How on Earth could he murder all of those small children?

What could this sick human being possibly gain from killing children?

It seems that is a theme with these mind control programs, abusing innocent children. I
wonder if these people aren’t even human at all? I have read that dark magic and witchcraft
rituals seem to revolve around sacrificing children, remember Beltane?

Is there an underlying reason for children to be used so often? Like Stockholm syndrome?
Most child psychologists will confirm that the minds of children are often compared to clay or
putty. It is soft and moldable and can be turned and transformed into whatever habits the parents
(or in this case, handlers) do or teach them. So if someone wanted to have an army of mind
controlled serial killers he would most likely have to start the kids off young, right?

Perhaps these monsters are feeding off of the energy of the children that they torture, rape
or kill. Maybe this is food for the Reptilian soul? Something feels just so sick about this whole
thing. I think the best way for me to cope with this calamity is to reach out to one of my online
support groups. I believe I can find some comfort or answers there.

I feel that I am not the only one who has been affected by this despicable tragedy in
Norway today. Many other human souls are mourning; I can feel it. I know that it may just be a
coincidence that this catastrophe has happened in Norway, but it feels very personal. I mean,
Norwegian news never makes it to the United States news media.

This story was announced worldwide for a reason.

Perhaps they released this story along with his manifesto to instill fear in people across the
entire planet? What if this was only the “alarm” or the “secret code” for the rest of the mind
controlled men and women waiting to be activated? There is never worldwide news in Norway,
yet suddenly a mass killing becomes a reason to finally discuss Norwegian affairs?

Will it ever end? Or is it just the beginning?

The media have a funny way of dictating the state of mind of humanity.

There is a lot more to this story; I feel this is only the “tip of the iceberg.”

XO Sophia Snow

The Missing Piece

July 23rd, 2011

Dear Diary,

I spent the rest of the evening watching the news online about the tragedy in Norway.

This event had an immense influence on my mind. I scoured the Internet for more
information about the event and discovered several hypotheses as to why this man orchestrated
this terrible tragedy. I also stumbled upon a spiritual website that I had never seen before.

In this group, I found many people discussing the horrible tragedy in Oslo. This clipped my
attention, due to my native background. So many people were affected by it, that they started a
healing assembly to pray for the souls of the children who had lost their life yesterday.

I believe that we can never understand what another has experienced unless we have the
same experiences ourselves. We can never fathom the pain... the anguish. But here, I could
relate. I felt a sudden connection, and pushed by this, I joined the club and shared my personal
stories about my Norwegian family and how this had affected my family back home and here in
the United States.

At first, this group appeared to be nothing more than a chat room with others sharing their
thoughts and experiences about the bombing. But there was one particular man in the group who
I immediately had a connection with. A solid connection, which my mind was urging to connect
to, immediately.

His name was Bjorn Bauer, he is also from Norway, and he is living there currently. It
almost felt as though my mind was under the effect of some form of sorcery, as I was completely
spellbound by his presence. In the main group there was an option to have a private chat with
someone in the room, and before I knew it, Bjorn and I were talking alone.

I could not see his face, as the website was anonymous, but I could feel his energy as
though he was sitting right next to me. Poor Bjorn was so traumatized by this tragedy; I swear I
could even sense him welling up in tears on the other end of the chat box.

He and I were the only two people in the group that had a direct connection to Norway, so
we thought it was appropriate we took our discussion privately. The next thing we knew; we
were seeing each other face to face for the first time.
Albeit, via our webcams, but it was a start! This made our chat more intense and also more
intimate. I could read his facial expressions and reactions, and he could read mine. The main
reason that Bjorn was affected by this particular tragedy on this specified date was that yesterday
was Bjorn’s birthday.

Yes, this happened on his birthday and on that infamous day of Cancer.

The more Bjorn and I continued to speak, the more we realized that we had even more in
common. He told me that he too, had been going through a rapid spiritual awakening, and he also
felt that this attack had been personally directed at him. He thought he was alone in this, maybe
even paranoid, but still, he was certain. Just like me, he had enough conviction, even when in

“You may think I am crazy, Sophia, but I believe that this attack was personal. Why would
it happen on my birthday?” he asked.

“I don’t think that you are crazy at all Bjorn; I thought this was an attack exclusive to
myself too,” I told him to put his mind at ease.

I smiled inadvertently, quite pleased that someone else could relate. Then we continued to
share information about our lives and our families’ connections to Norway all night long. By the
time we had finished our chat, it was nearly four o’clock in the morning.

I must admit, he is unlike any man I have ever met before. His sharp Viking jawline and
enormous ocean blue eyes give him an air of godliness. In a way, I could say he is almost “too

Yet by the end of our exchange, I knew that Bjorn and I had not met merely by coincidence.
Maybe it was all preplanned... a match set by forces beyond our reason.

Maybe... just maybe... he was perfect… for me?

I will ponder this now, while I attempt to fall asleep…

XO Sophia Snow
July 24th, 2011

Dear Diary,

So much to update you with today!

Bjorn and I have continued to converse with each other in every possible moment that we
have. I am becoming dangerously attached to him. The only problem is that he is nine hours
ahead of me due to the time zone difference in Norway, so it has been a little bit difficult to stay
on his schedule. I’m staying up late and waking up earlier so that I can make additional time to
chat with him.

I have never deeply connected to someone in such a short period;

I honestly cannot explain this feeling.

The further we conversed, we began connecting continuous dots between my life and his.
We discovered that his entire family came from the same small town in Norway as mine. He also
told me that he had been a guard for the King of Norway for a couple of years. My grandfather
had also been a Kings Guard in Norway.

You cannot even write these type of coincidences; it would be impossible!

I mean, this man may quite literally be my other half, or else he is an agent that has been
assigned to monitor me. But that would be too easy; this is something deeper than someone
spying on me. My intuition is on-point right now; I cannot be deceived.

Our connection has gone beyond a few synchronistic events and is budding into an
overnight love story. My mind is getting addicted to his energy, and my heart is being filled with
intense emotional feelings for him. I wait impatiently to see his face daily, to catch his emotions.

To be perfectly honest the more I speak with Bjorn, the more I want to leave the Unites
States of America permanently. I remembered my mother reminiscing about her teenage years in
Norway and how the society and people were just so easy going and laid-back. Norway had
minimal crime and a more family oriented society.

I have always wanted to go back to the homeland of my people but never had a concrete
reason to return to my families home until I met him. Norway had minimal crime and a more
family oriented society. I have always wanted to go back to the homeland of my people but never
had a concrete reason to return to my families home until I met him. And now my mind is
searching for reasons to get closer to him.

I know that this may sound crazy, but I believe that God has sent Bjorn to me.

I believe our meeting was predestined, or at least, an addition to a script, following present
circumstances in my life. There is a level of healing I sense can be achieved if I can just connect
with another human being and share not only our life stories but our souls.
I have been single for an extended period, many years to be honest. Yet, meeting Bjorn has
mesmerized my soul. I had been married once at eighteen to the son of a preacher, the one from
Ireland that I mentioned before. This marriage did not end well, and I have been afraid of
marriage ever since. I cannot pinpoint the exact nature of my fear... but I know it is there.

I believe that because I had given up hope on love altogether, that this allowed me to open
up space for a new love to come into my life. When I least expected it, here he was… Not to
mention a Norwegian man, my mother will be thrilled beyond measure! God, I hope that our
connection is as genuine as it feels inside my heart and soul. Maybe this was God’s work,
rebuilding my trust for love once again.

I am experiencing a joy that can only be imagined in fairy tales. We only met just a couple
of days ago, but I know for a fact that I knew him before. Like he was a part of me in some way.
Remember when I said that I didn’t believe in reincarnation?

Well, I have to admit that I have changed my mind on this subject now…

Without a shadow of a doubt, I knew this man in my past life.

Perhaps even several of them.

XO Sophia
July 25th, 2011

Dear Diary,

Last night was an amazing experience.

Bjorn and I were talking all night again. We started discussing various meditation and
healing modalities. Bjorn has been studying a lot of the Hindu chants and meditation practices,
where I have had a background in Buddhist beliefs and traditions.

We thought it would be interesting if we attempted to do a meditation together and see what

transpired when our energies connected from afar. What happened after that, I actually can’t
explain. The moment we closed our eyes and set the intention to connect with each other’s
energy, a magnetic pulse started rushing through my entire body.

I felt parts of my energy body were being activated and healed in ways that I had never
experienced at any doctor, or even in an intense Chinese medicine treatment. It was like a current
was flowing throughout my nervous system and my entire body, activating each and every cell.
My blood was flowing, my circulation was pumping, but most importantly my heart was
overflowing! What was happening to my body?

Remember when I told you that I had a dream about a microchip implanted into my brain?

Well during this meditation with Bjorn, I could suddenly sense the microchip inside of my
head. He asked me if I felt something when he stroked his hands over the screen, and I did. I
could feel a magnetic energy coming from his hands; that seemed to be drawn directly to the
chip. He pulled with his energetic hands, and I could feel something loosening inside of my

Suddenly I felt something give way inside my head as if an organism had popped out!

I ran to the bathroom and what happened next was unbelievable. I could see a minuscule
piece of metal in the back of my throat. I violently coughed until it became dislodged from my
mouth. Right there on the sink, there was a miniature piece of a platinum colored metal that came
out of my throat. The shape of it was triangular, and it reflected almost like a hologram.

What on earth just came out of my body?

I ran back to Bjorn and exclaimed that I had gotten sick. He apologized profusely and asked
if I was feeling better now. I was too afraid to tell him about the chip at first until he continued to
speak. He somehow could tell that I was holding something back. Ever so gently, he pressed on.

He said, “Sophia, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I felt like there was something
inside of your brain.”

Then I knew he not only knew what had happened inside of me, was actually inside of me,
energetically. He was responsible for the miracle that had just happened. I began to break down
in tears and explained everything that I had experienced.

I told him about my dream, the microchip and even my fears that perhaps I was also a
victim of MK-Ultra. I just met this man and the last thing I want to do, would be to scare him
away. However, I felt that I could trust him with this information.

I felt that I could trust Bjorn with anything.

He immediately put my mind at ease and began to share his fears with me, and they were
very similar. Once again, I felt secure... I knew I was not alone anymore. This was someone who
understood me, completely. For now, we could share our pain in privacy.

I mean, he had been in the military too; so maybe they had also chipped Bjorn as well. He
was afraid, I was scared, but at least for now we have each other. Whatever the chip was, and
however he was able to remove it from my body remotely, I will never know.

However, I can now confirm that the chip is long gone!

I also know that I am not crazy.

I am now convinced that I am part of a government experiment.

I have no idea what I will do with this small piece of metal, but something tells me that my
only option is to destroy it. If this chip was tracking me somehow, or triggering me somehow, I
wanted it as far away from me as possible. I was not sure whether someone was watching my
every action or not, and I did not want to risk the outcome.

It felt as though the removal of the chip could have triggered something, some kind of
alarm perhaps. Was someone monitoring me? Bjorn was also caught between perplexed and
concerned, but confident. We knew we had defeated something. We were stronger together.

I was not sure what the chip was or where it came from... but I could guess, and I would be
correct. But I don’t care. So tonight I will just burn that creepy thing.

Bjorn has some amazing healing abilities. He explained to me that one night while he was
in deep meditation, a record-breaking lightning storm happened in Norway. While in his
meditation, the lightning struck his home and he felt an intense surge of electric energy pulse
through his entire nervous system. That night suddenly he realized that his hands had become

Yes, that’s right, I said magnetic hands.

That was a new beginning for him. He knew it was expedient to learn more about it. He has
no idea what this ability is or the exact origin of it. But as I mentioned before, I too have picked
up some exceptional healing abilities ever since I was activated.

Something is going on here; I feel like we really are some real-life comic book characters.
Together, perhaps we will be able to learn more and control our abilities better... expedite
processes as one.

I have so much more to share. But after an arduous evening and a microchip removal, it is
time for me to get some sleep.

Speak to you tomorrow.

XO Sophia Snow
Neural Dust System diagram showing the placement of an Ultrasonic Transceiver under the skull, the neural dust sensing
nodes dispersed throughout the brain, and an external transceiver.
Author- Dongjin Seo et al. Via:
July 26th, 2011

Dear Diary,

Since Bjorn and I last connected, something new activated in both of us. New abilities are
popping up every single day; I never knew what will be around each proverbial corner. Bjorn’s
magnetic healing hands have amplified in power, and my mind had opened up to new levels of
telepathy that I never imagined were possible. It’s like we are constantly enhancing each other’s

Because of this, I have encouraged Bjorn to start testing out his healing skills with friends,
family, and animals around him to see if others could sense the results as well as I did. I wanted
to know the extent of his abilities. I wanted to know if he could affect anyone, or just specific
people, or people in specific states.

Or... was I unique to this connection? Were his healing abilities made just for me?

On my end, my video channel is still going, although the comments and backlash have been
harsh, I can only just delete them if I feel attacked. Every day, I am sharing spiritual guidance
videos and conducting private readings for people to test and strengthen my telepathic healing
abilities. This is really helping, I feel like I’m getting more and more control over my abilities.

I have been recording less of the videos that discuss anything related to religion lately, as
the attacks have been so harsh. I cannot say that was unexpected, though. I do know that folks in
the New Age consider Jesus a “dirty word” for some reason, but it only makes me stronger in my
faith for Him. If these people have to laugh him off, belittle him and call him some kind of
“Ascended Master” than these people have an agenda for sure.

They either have never been capable of achieving that personal relationship with God in
their hearts or else they are coming from a demonic place and are afraid of His name for an
excellent reason. They try to ignore His existence as if ignorance is going to spare them.

Since I left my job in Hollywood, I have yet to start a new career path, as I have been too
afraid that I would fail at a new venture. So I must not fail at this video channel, this outlet must
be a way for people to receive the messages God is sending me. $

I must keep this channel going so that others can find their purpose!

I must do some good with what I have been given. I don’t mean to sound like a fictional
character, but I feel I am beginning to better understand the words “with great power comes great
responsibility.” However, I cannot deny the skills that I have received lately. My vision is crystal
clear. Ever since that microchip was removed, I feel like a block has been lifted from my eyes.
Like something that was obscuring my path has been shifted.

Was that chip put inside of me purposely for this reason? Did the chip help me or was it
preventing me from something?
I can see past the proverbial veil that many refer to in spirituality now. It is time to put my
skills to work and help as many others as possible. I will continue to research more of these
injustices to humanity, but I also have to start giving back.

I feel like it’s my responsibility to humanity to share the research that I have found. I must
guide them, and ensure that they are guided in the direction of hope. Today I received a new
comment on the video I did about Eve a while back. This comment seemed to be coming from a
divine source, as the words, emotions and response felt as if they came directly from Eve herself.
The comment exclaimed:

“Eve says she is ever-so-sorry. She has been forgiven, we ALL have. Do not sit in judgment,
especially those you believe are “evil” or “wrong”. These are the ones that need forgiveness
most of all. (You know who you are, and you know who I mean). Be the example to your
children, your family, your friends, but most importantly, your SELF! This is not selfish; this is
self-less behavior.

Do not complain about life’s hardships, pain or struggles. Focus on what you want. Here
and Now. For all we ever have, is this moment. No more questions, no more following, show the
way! Focus your intent. Be Free! YOU deserve it… WE all do! Hesitate before you judge
another, especially EVE! Ask yourself what you have done to improve the situation that you are
complaining about.

Ask yourself why you are imposing judgment upon her. Honestly, judgment should be a
word deleted and erased from your vocabulary entirely! However, if you find yourself in a
situation that you feel is “unfair” remember first to look within yourself. The “crooked finger”
always points three back at yourself.”

The commenters username was simply “Cali”. I don’t know who this person was, or where
her comment originated from, but it felt divine. It felt as though she was not directing the
negativity towards myself, but to adverse comments from the peanut gallery below.

Whoever this “Cali” was, I want to thank her for her comment. That was an immense
amount of feedback from just one video. I shall think on these words tonight as I sleep and see if
I can find something essential from this. I’m having strong feelings about this comment as this
may unveil something even deeper.

I will also be checking in with Bjorn soon, to see how his healing practices have been
going. After all of these mental exercises, a conversation with him will re-charge my soul. Every
day is another mystery, but I feel that I am getting closer to answers. I have a new way to express
myself and my abilities and express my thoughts, which is helping me a great deal. Between this
new level of expression that I have reached and finding Bjorn…

I feel as though I have found my missing piece.

XO Sophia

Breaking the Code

July 27th, 2011

Dear Diary,

Today I stumbled upon another new theory that relates to the symptoms both Bjorn and I
have received since our “activations.” This theory convinced my mind that the symptoms I have
been experiencing are coming from a Heavenly Source.

I discovered a reference to an anomaly known as being touched by “The Hand of God.”

It was hard to find the origin of this saying, but I did land on several clues that helped me
fill in the blanks, and I am convinced everything is connected now. We can be touched by the
hand of God in many ways, both literally and figuratively.

I believe what Bjorn and I experienced was in fact literal.

In my studies, I discovered several accounts of people claiming they had been hit by
lightning and received some type of supernatural powers. Many of the humans who have told
these stories, additionally made mention of a scar remaining after the experience.

So it was not only Bjorn that experienced being hit by a lightning strike, there has to be
more to this connection. Zeus comes to mind when I think about this, not to mention Lucifer. He
was supposed to have fallen to the Earth with a bolt of lightning. Gods certainly have a
connection to this lightning phenomenon.

These marks are given nicknames like “The Prophet Scar” and others similar to that name.
In the Harry Potter movie, he had a similar lightning strike shaped scar on his forehead. Wait, a
lightning bolt is coming up again? That symbol appears to be highly significant.

Perhaps it is a sign of the loss of ignorance, being shown the light or seeing the truth for the
first time in your life? Like your mind is illuminated, and away from the darkness of
unconsciousness. The lightning bolt can symbolize electricity as well, which connects to the
pulse we feel both inside and out during a thunderstorm.

Other accounts of being touched by this power have referred to their experience as being
“touched by the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost”, which people believe is the mark of Mother Mary or
the Virgin Mary in your presence. After touched by the hand of God, these people began having
prophetic dreams and visions. Several of these subjects were undergoing drastic bodily changes
as well. These changes were parallel in comparison to the shifts Bjorn has experienced.

These physical changes have been referred to as “ascension symptoms”.

Ascension symptoms are a result of the acceleration of vibrational energy and the expansion
of your awareness shifting your consciousness stream. When you raise your vibrational
frequency from a lower to a higher one, every level of your old self begins rapidly stripping
away. It’s like you have risen up to the next level.

This leaves room for new abilities and untapped potential of your brain and spirit to take
over. Many Saints were believed not to have actually “died” at all but were rumored to have
“ascended” up to Heaven in their physical flesh body. There is clearly some connection here to
whatever happened to Bjorn and myself and these accounts from history. The more that I
research, the more my mind is connecting dots with these historical events.

Perhaps God had chosen us for a reason, leaving our old selves behind and preparing our
souls for a new level of healing and knowledge. I have to admit, I was quite afraid of these
symptoms at first, but now I am starting to realize, that maybe these powers I have were directly
given to myself and Bjorn by God himself.

Whatever the origin of this power truly was, we were chosen. This helps to answer a few
small questions that I had, but there is far more to uncover. I will not quit until I uncover it all. I
still believe deep down that the reason Bjorn and I have been brought together is due to some
past life connection that we had. As I mentioned earlier, I felt an affection towards him as if I
have known him for ages.

I am going to reach out to him tomorrow and see if we can try to conduct a past life
meditation together. I have read that meditation can be dangerous if it is not performed properly.
But we should take the risk, it will be worth it in the end. Somehow, nothing scares me when
Bjorn is in my presence.

Some gurus believe that the only way you can see “through the veil” of reality, is to
meditate daily. However, I saw the effects of these daily practices and feel like many people are
abusing meditation. I stumbled upon a man online who was teaching young adults how to open
their pineal gland. This supposedly allows them to see primarily with their third eye.

How do they know they see through the eyes of something “divine”?

Could this opening of their third eye help them over time, or hinder them from ever seeing
“reality” the same way again, changing their vision eternally? The only meditation I feel safe
practicing right now is in regards to my past lives.

Perhaps this journey with Bjorn will be as successful as the microchip removal; I just need
to know why we have met each other at this time in our lives. I just can’t prevail myself that it
was just a mere coincidence. I will update you after our meditation. I’m looking forward to our
next session as I sense it will be a significant one.
I wonder what clues we will uncover next?

XO Sophia Snow
July 28th, 2011

Dear Diary,

Happy to connect with you again today, Diary.

The meditation Bjorn and I embarked upon last night was quite an adventure. I conducted
research on past life meditations and regressions and developed a plan of attack for our
adventure. We began by playing relaxing Tibetan Bowl Meditation music.

The tones of the crystal bowl seemingly opened up the vibration of the room and my soul
just drowned into the waves of its frequency. I felt the vibrational frequencies of our spirits rising

Both of us proceeded to lay down in a comfortable position and cleared our minds of any
distracting thoughts that raced into our heads so we can completely free ourselves. I instructed
Bjorn to breathe deeply and rhythmically only until we felt ourselves connect with each other’s
energy bodies. After a few moments, I felt a huge shift in my energy.

I whispered to Bjorn, “Do you feel that?”.

But Bjorn did not reply, as he was already gone; he had left his energy body entirely.
Before I knew it, I too had left the room. Blackness was all that I could sense at first; then it
seemed as though I was traveling underground at a rapid pace. It was like the rushing sensation
you experience when falling from a great height.

Frightening at first, but then I felt this huge rush come over me. I was accelerating in speed,
then suddenly… BOOM! I slammed to the ground with immense force! When I opened my eyes,
I still could only see blackness. But now, I had some surface between my two feet.

Then I suddenly had this feeling of breathlessness. I now realized where this feeling
originated from; I was trapped. I could feel some kind of structured walls around me. I could
smell dust and mold, and everything felt dark and damp around me. I was stuck in a confined
space, but what was it? I tried to feel it and then my mind collapsed when I understood.

Oh my, God, I am in a coffin… A golden coffin!

“Let me out of here!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

But no one was there. I was all alone. Inside the coffin, I could feel statues and treasures
and various trinkets buried with me. I saw some strange symbols on the inside of the coffin, and I
recognized them to be Egyptian hieroglyphs. Then I found the missing piece; there was a statue
of Isis inside of this coffin. Then it hit me; I was inside her coffin!

The Egyptian Goddess, Isis, I was her! Or was I?

I had this overwhelming feeling of anger and betrayal as I connected with the surroundings
around me. Tapping into her consciousness, I knew that there was something shady surrounding
the death of Isis. I had the feeling that she had been buried alive and hidden away. Something
happened to her, to this woman, to this Goddess. There was a sense of deception all around me.

Someone killed her; someone had placed her in that coffin; someone wanted Isis hidden far
away. They wanted her name and image to be forgotten from history. Erase any trace of her from
existence. Before I knew it, the room began to shift again, and suddenly I was accelerating at
warp speed back up through the ground where I had been.

It happened so fast, and I recall looking back over my shoulder as I left this tomb, and saw
where I had been hidden. In the distance, I saw… a pyramid! Oh my Lord, another pyramid?

Suddenly I was back in my apartment again. When I came to, I looked at my computer
screen to see if Bjorn had returned from his journey, and was curious to hear his experience and
if it would relate to mine. I had a sinking feeling that his story would mirror mine somehow. His
eyes slowly began to open, and I saw his energy return to his body again.

“Hello,” I said, “Are you back now, Bjorn?” He rubbed his eyes and let out a big stretch.

“Oh yes, I am back, Sophia, that was intense!”

I explained my experience to him in great detail; then I impatiently asked him to share his
experience with me. Bjorn had an experience all right, but it did not happen in Egypt or a
pyramid. His experience was surprisingly entirely different from my own.

When Bjorn reached the other end of his energy body, he woke up in a four-cornered space.
It felt medieval in its essence, but at the same time somehow futuristic and otherworldly. He
noticed a small brass candle holder on a wooden table in the chamber. The white candle had wax
that had melted down the side of the carrying ring. The amount of wax that had melted down
indicated to him that he had been there for a very long time.

There was only one window in this room; it had an arch shape on the top of it. Upon first
glance of the harsh terrain, it resembled a desert outside. In fact, Bjorn had an eerie inclination
that he might have been observing the planet Mars. He was frightened that he had somehow
accidentally space traveled all the way to Mars, and was afraid he may never be able to return to
himself or Earth again.

Slowly he approached the window, to take a closer peek at the conditions outside. Was he
in Sedona Arizona or on Mars? It was hard to tell the difference in these deserted conditions. His
curiosity grew stronger. When he approached the window, the scenery changed from a window
to a mirror. Suddenly he could see himself in the reflection.

His hair and beard were very long, and he was wearing a robe that resembled that of a
monk. Looking back at his reflection, he recognized this person. He believed this man in the
mirror was a higher version of himself.
Or else this man was the controller over the influence of his stream of consciousness. I felt
the same way about what I had experienced. This was either the driver over my modern
consciousness or my previous life whose actions are affecting my current incarnation.

Who and whatever we both witnessed, we had synchronistic revelations when we reflected
upon our meditation experience. This synchronization has comforted me, once again.

My body and mind are quite tired now, so I must get some sleep.

But wow, past lives are REAL.

I am now convinced.

XO Sophia
August 1st, 2011

Dear Diary,

Bjorn and I conversed about our theories of our meditation for the past few days. So many
questions and synchronicities have arisen that we now know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that
we are connected.

Over the course of the past few days, I had another peculiar dream. This dream was yet
another clue that he and I are connected. And not by mere coincidence. In this dream, Bjorn
entered my dream time for the first time.

We were on a vessel or ship of some sort and were involved in an intense round-table
discussion. It was some sort of military briefing, and we both seem to be involved somehow.
This discussion was getting heated, and I remember a military commander ordering us to go
undercover for a top-secret spy mission.

“Your names will no longer be Asset Bauer and Snow; you will now just be known as
Prometheus and Athena.

He continued:

“Athena will be in charge of the Hollywood territory, and Prometheus will be in charge of
the Antarctica division. When you return to your waking state, your knowledge of this
information will be inaccessible. Do not worry; your microchip will activate when this
information is needed for you to access. Now go back to sleep!”

His loud voice echoed in my mind until the dream came to an abrupt conclusion. When I
awoke from this dream, I was aware that Bjorn and I were in an alliance with each other. I
remembered that we had been on many of these missions together.

The majority of our missions happened in our sleep.

I believe the reason that we cannot recall them the next day is that the military who are
using us in this operation, wipe our memories clean. They could be doing this to us in numerous
ways; with the CIA drugs I had mentioned before, or with memory erase technology that is
beyond my scientific understanding.

But where on Earth were we at in this dream?

Or were we even on Earth at all?

I had to know what they meant by the Hollywood and Antarctica divisions. After a little
digging, I landed on the mother-load of information connecting the dots of my queries. I
stumbled upon yet another secret society known as the Vril.

This was one of the several secret orders that were founded after the end of the first world
war, leading into WWII. The Vril Society was also started in Germany, making this the second
time this country would enter the scene of this diary.

This order was directly connected to Hitler and extraterrestrial races. Hitler had formed a
group of psychics and mediums that would be there to guide and advise him on supernatural
matters. Hitler was a devout occultist and was highly superstitious.

The Vril Girls kept him going.

This tightly knit coven of women had an unusual appearance as well. They refused to cut
their hair, so most of the women had hair trailing down past their ankles. They believed that their
hair was akin to an antenna which assisted them in receiving messages from spirit. These women
met under a veil of mystery and secrecy.

They were not allowed public contact, so rumors spread about them and their proficiencies.
They were rumored to have discussed secret revelations, the coming of the new age, the Spear of
Destiny, the magical violet black stone, and making contact with ancient peoples and distant
worlds. [6]

Their source of power was the Black Sun, an infinite beam of light which, though invisible
to the human eye, exists in anti-matter. The emblem they chose to represent themselves, was
known as the Black Sun. This belief was a thousand-year-old secret philosophy that provided the
foundation on which the occult leaders of the future Third Reich would eventually build.

The Black Sun symbol is found in many Babylonian and Assyrian places of worship. They
depicted the Black Sun as the godhead’s inner light in the form or shape of a cross. This cross-
shaped sigil was similar in comparison to the German’s Knight’s Cross. To be honest, it
resembles a swastika immensely.

The women allegedly channeled information from aliens after which the Thule Society was
created. They went on to build something called the Vril Machine. It allegedly was a flying
saucer shaped interdimensional time travel machine. Their first flight was supposedly in 1934.

Thule Society members were reportedly the first group who attempted reverse-engineering
of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. A German writer, John Von Helsing, describes the discovery of
a crashed saucer in the Black Forest in 1936 and says that this technology was taken and
combined with the information the Vril Society had received through channeling information.

Later, this information was made into a further project called the Haunebu. German aircraft
historian Henry Stevens states:

“Haunebu 1 was allegedly the first large flying saucer developed in Germany. According to
plans allegedly obtained from classified German SS files, the Haunebu 1 was approximately
seventy-five feet in diameter and probably lifted off for the first time in August 1939, a few weeks
before the outbreak of World War II.”
Further research led me to other models of spacecraft they back-engineered. One of the
models was known as “Hollywood” and one was named “Odin.”

I also discovered an old novel titled The Coming Race (original title), also reprinted as Vril:
The Power of the Coming Race is a book published in 1870 by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. The
novel is an early example of science fiction, sometimes cited as the first of this genre. However,
many early readers believed that its account of a superior subterranean master race and the
energy-form called Vril was accurate, to the extent that theosophists accepted the book as truth.

The Theosophical Society was founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a mysterious

woman of the occult mysteries in 1875. Many Christian groups believed Blavatsky had evil
intentions with her work. But I, on the other hand, feel she had a bevy of secret knowledge that
stemmed from a place of truth.

Perhaps some of her methods inspired people to murmur awful things about her, but I
believe that this was nothing more than a case of jealousy. People are so afraid of what they do
not understand, that they would rather judge before opening up their minds. Stubbornness is a
thorn in the side of humanity.

Blavatsky authored mounds of reference novels on the topics of the Vril and even Hollow
Earth. She was quoted saying: “The chief difficulty which prevents men of science from
believing in divine as well as in nature Spirits is their materialism.” This sounds like the theme I
have been exclaiming throughout this diary. I also had an immense shock when I discovered the
title of her most infamous book.

Get ready for the Isis Connection…

Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and
Theology, was published in 1877. It is a book of esoteric philosophy and Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky’s first major work and a key text in her Theosophical movement. The work was
originally entitled The Veil of Isis, a title which remains on the heading of each page, but had to
be renamed once Blavatsky discovered that this title had already been used for an 1861
Rosicrucian work by W.W. Reade. So this makes me believe that Isis was, in fact wearing a veil.

Isis Unveiled is divided into two volumes. Volume I: The ‘Infallibility’ of Modern Science,
discusses Occult science and the hidden and unknown forces of nature, exploring such subjects
as forces, elementals, psychic phenomena, and the Inner and Outer Man. Volume II, Theology,
discusses the similarity of Christian scripture to Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism,
the Vedas, and Zoroastrianism.

This text follows the Renaissance notion of Prisca Theologia, in that all these religions
purportedly descend from a common source; the ancient “Wisdom-Religion”. Blavatsky writes
in the preface that Isis Unveiled is “a plea for the recognition of the Hermetic philosophy, the
anciently universal Wisdom-Religion, as the only possible key to the Absolute in science and
The work has often been criticized as a plagiarized occult work, with scholars noting how
Blavatsky extensively copied from a large number of sources popular among occultists at the
time. However, Isis Unveiled is nevertheless also understood by modern scholars to be a
milestone in the history of Western Esotericism. Unfortunately, this text is compiled of nearly
2,000 pages, so it may take me an extremely long time to finish it. Perhaps Helena and the
theosophists knew a great deal more than we could have ever imagined.

Now that we understand a bit more about Helena, let me bring the focus back to the Vril
Society. Since 1960, there is a conspiracy theory about a secret Vril-Society existing in current
times. To my surprise, this society had been documented since the 1800’s!

The origins of the Nazi version of the theory of the master race were in 19th-century racial
theories of Count Arthur de Gobineau, who argued that cultures degenerate when distinct races
mix. It was believed at this time that southern European peoples were racially mixed with non-
European Moors from across the Mediterranean Sea while Northern Europeans remained pure in
their bloodlines.

Nordic theorists further argued that Nordic peoples had developed innate toughness and
determination due to the harsh, challenging climate in which they evolved. Thus, the racial ideal
of these theorists was the tall, blond and blue-eyed Nordic human.

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was one of the earliest proponents of the
theory presenting a hierarchical race model of history, attributing civilizational primacy to the
“white races” who gained their sensitivity and intelligence by refinement in the rigorous North:

“The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Indians and Egyptians, are
found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or
race is fairer in color than the rest and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the
Brahmans, the Incas, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands.

All this is due to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention because those tribes that
emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white, had to develop all their
intellectual powers and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and
misery, which in their many forms were brought about by the climate. This they had to do to
make up for the parsimony of nature and out of it all came their high civilization.”

Adolf Hitler and most Nazi officials (not to mention most Germans at the time) had dark
hair and were somehow considered to be “Aryans.” The postulated superiority of these people
was said to make them born leaders or a “master race.” Other authors included Guido von List
(and his associate Lanz von Liebenfels) and the British racial theorist Houston Stewart

These men all felt that the white race and Germanic peoples were superior to others.
Continuing, that given the purification of the white race and German people from the races who
were “polluting” it, a new Millenarian age of Aryan god-men would arrive. The term Aryan
derives from the ancient peoples who lived in Iran and the Indus Valley.
Following the ideas of Gobineau and others, the Nazi theorist Alfred Rosenberg claimed
that these were a powerful warrior people who originated in northern climates, from which they
migrated south, eventually reaching India. They were supposed to be the ancestors of the ancient
Germanic tribes, who shared their warrior values. Building from Nietzsche who stated:

“It is quite in order that we possess no religion of oppressed Aryan races, for that is a
contradiction: a master race is either on top, or it is destroyed.”

(The Will to Power, page 145)

Rosenberg additionally claimed that Christianity was an alien Semitic slave-morality

inappropriate to the warrior Aryan master race and thus supported a variety of aspects of Vedic
and Zoroastrian teachings, along with pre-Christian European paganism, which he considered to
be distinctively Aryan in character.

To maintain the purity of the Germanic master race, eugenics was commonly practiced. To
eliminate “defective” citizens, the T-4 Euthanasia Program was administered by Karl Brandt to
rid the country of the mentally retarded.

Wow, how enormously kind of them… unbelievable!

They also performed these procedures to those born with genetic deficiencies, as well as
those deemed to be racially inferior. Additionally, a program of compulsory sterilization was
undertaken and resulted in the forced operations of hundreds of thousands of individuals. Many
of these policies are seen as being related to what eventually became known as the Holocaust.

The concepts involved in this theory of Germanic superiority is ruthlessly opposed. Most
modern scholars saw no connection between Indo-European population movements and alleged
“Nordic” racial characteristics. I, on the other hand, see an undeniable connection between these
underground people and the Nordic race.

At this point, if people don’t see the deeper agenda that Adolf Hitler was after, then we as
human beings are far blinder than I had initially assumed. I also now know that these men have
chipped Bjorn and that I have been marked by them also.

But in actuality, were we working with them or against them?

That is the question that has led me to this point in my research. It is the urge to find the
answer to my questions. Since, the very start of this mission, the question about whether I was
involved in all this? And in what way, I wonder.

That has yet to be revealed, and is the deepest question that I have at this time. Who knew
where a little more digging would lead me today? I am exhausted and overwhelmed by
processing all of this information. Especially all of this history, and connecting the dots within
all of their backgrounds has really drained my soul today.

I believe I will get some sleep now…

But wow, one dream leads to another.

Dreams really do open doors, don’t they?

XO Sophia Snow
August 2nd, 2011

Dear Diary,

I woke up late today, feeling weak because I was exhausted and overwhelmed by the
amount of information I retrieved yesterday during my research on the secret society known as
the Vril. My curiosity got the best of me, and I began to wonder…

Do I have a connection to this secret society?

My search for knowledge and insatiable quest to unravel the mystery surrounding the dream
I had, launched me into an unending research project once again. While researching about the
“Black Sun”, I discovered the phenomenal belief of the solar eclipse being connected secretly
with the apocalypse. In the Holy Bible, John’s Revelation claims that an eclipse of 3 days’ will
precede the end of the world. The three days of darkness that so many speak of.

I also found out that the infamous philosopher Nostradamus, whom we spoke about before,
predicted an eclipse of 3 days introducing the End Times. In this circumstance, the eclipse has
taken the role of heralding doom.

The symbol of “Black Sun” can be found as a wall-painting at a military bunker from
World War II at Hamburg below the statue of Bismarck. Thus it was concluded that the symbol
of the Black Sun was incorporated into the ideas of some sort of “occultist” movement/ideology
during the Third Reich. Yet another dot is connected.

I was unable able to find any substantial proof to verify this rumor, as the information
available on this subject is scarce and shady. I find it mostly overshadowed by prejudice against
the “pseudo-cultist activities” of the political elite of that time and the SS especially.

The symbolism of the Black Sun is the subject to fear for the powers of stasis since it
indicates drastic and terminal change. I found a book online written by Peter Moon, he talked
about the Vril Society on page 172 of his book “The Black Sun”. This has been going on forever.

The Vril Society began around the same time as the Thule Society when Karl Haushofer
founded the “Bruder des Lichts”, which means Brothers of the Light. This organization is
sometimes referred to at the Luminous Lodge. This reminds me of many of the “nicknames”
these online gurus were using. Galactic Federation of Light and the Brotherhood of light are
heavily highlighted in the New Age Community.

This group was eventually renamed the Vril-Gesellschaft as it rose in prominence and
united three major societies:

-The Lords of the Black Stone, having emerged from the Teutonic Order in 1917.

-The Black Knights of the Thule Society.

-The Black Sun, later identified as the elite of Heinrich Himmler’s SS.
Whereas the Thule Society ended up focusing primarily upon materialistic and political
agendas, the Vril Society put its attention on the “Other Side.” According to Peter Moon, a local
medium named Maria Orsic began getting messages in an unknown language and could not
transcribe them, so she began meeting with key members of these societies, along with another
medium named Sigrun.

Accordingly, the messages were coming from a being from the star Aldebaran, which has
two planets which form the ’Sumerian Empire’. In the Sumerian Empire were two classes of
people - the Aryan or Master race, and a subservient race which had developed in a negative
fashion as a result of mutation from climatic changes.

Peter Moon goes on to say:

“A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to
colonize our solar system as Aldebaran’s became uninhabitable. Marduk, existing in what is
today the asteroid belt, was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these
Aryans were known as the Sumerians.”

In Pythagorean teachings, the Earth itself geometrically unfolds from a void in the center.
This void has been recognized by many ancient groups, including the Sumerians, as the Black
Sun. In this sense, Thule is synonymous with this Black Sun.

I mentioned before about the Vril Girls sigil resembling a swastika, and I also felt this was
paramount to dig deeper into. I stumbled on the definition of the word “Swastika” which means
’source’, and represents an eternal cause or the fountain of creation.

Accordingly, the Thule Society used the swastika symbol in their log to represent this idea.
The Black Sun is an even more esoteric concept than that of Thule. So I was correct in this

Represented as the void of creation itself, it is the most senior archetype imaginable. Thus,
this namesake was reserved for the elite of the Thule Society. The Black Sun was actually a
secret society within the Thule Society. It was senior to other societies.

There is so much information on Vril, The Black Sun, and these secret societies, I will need
to do a full a research study in the future.

The only thought occupying my mind at the moment is how I will feel when I meet Bjorn
for the first time in Norway. I pray that it will be an unforgettable experience.

I cannot wait to share all of this information with Bjorn, he will be blown away!

Speak to you soon.

XO Sophia
Haunebu Vril Craft Blueprints.
Author- Public Record

Going Home
August 12th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I have made another important decision. I have decided to leave this country.

I simply cannot stay here alone in my apartment for another day, or I will completely lose
my mind. I need some sympathy, some compassion, a motivational force to align myself with.
Someone who can both listen to me and understand me. Someone who instead of being scared,
can relate to my situation and offer genuine support. I believe that Bjorn is the man for me, he
fills my heart with joy.

My mind, body, and soul are in the state of constant attachment with him.

I may be frightened by of all of the things that have happened to me since my activation,
but since I have found Bjorn, I feel protected. He has helped to heal my weakened soul and tired
mind to an immeasurable extent. I don’t know how, but he just… converted all of my dullness
into freshness again and filled me with a passion for looking beyond the veil.

In many ways, all signs lead to Bjorn being an agent too, perhaps even a handler or monitor
hired to spy on me. But I knew that he was not spying on me. I knew that whatever involvement
Bjorn and I had in these experiments; we were made the same.

We were cut from the same cloth.

Maybe we were even somehow created from the same DNA. I have often theorized about
human cloning and wonder if there is some measure of truth to this. However, I will leave this
theory off for today, as I have many exciting plans to undertake. Bjorn was kind enough to
extend an invitation for me to fly and meet him in Norway.

Since I have become more spiritual inside, I have been selling and giving away most of my
material possessions, along with my television and the majority of my clothes. I no longer have a
sense of purpose or meaning attached to anything of substantial value. I am explicitly stripping
away layers of my old self little by little.

Materialism has completely vacated from the space that it once occupied in my mind. I have
very few items left in this apartment, and after that day I returned home with the feeling of my
apartment being rummaged through, I really do not want to stay here another day.
I will miss my family a great deal, but I think they will understand that meeting a man from
Norway is more than just a coincidence. I have never been one to make knee-jerk decisions like
this, but I have also never been this version of myself either.

I have a new level of faith and can detect when God is sending me on a divine mission. I
purchased a one-way ticket to Norway, and I do not plan to return. I never thought I would be
planning a trip to Norway with anyone besides my family.

I also never thought I would hop on a plane to meet a complete stranger in a strange land.
But there is no looking back now. I have received my orders from God.

My mission begins…

XO Sophia Snow
August 25th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I am packing my bags as we speak, and I will soon be off on the journey I have been
waiting all of my life to embark upon. I have been continuing my research on several topics we
have discussed over the past few months. I never really got to the bottom of the Antarctica

Now that I am going to return to Norway, I think it is important we dig into this context a
bit further. Digging around the internet, I stumbled upon a man by the name of Admiral Richard
E. Byrd, an American Naval officer, set off on a journey to the inner earth.

Byrd specialized in feats of exploration. He was a recipient of the Medal of Honor, the
highest honor for valor given by the United States, and was a pioneering American aviator, polar
explorer, and organizer of polar logistics. Aircraft flights in which he served as a navigator and
expedition leader crossed the Atlantic Ocean, a segment of the Arctic Ocean, and a portion of the
Antarctic Plateau.

Byrd claimed that his expeditions had been the first to reach both the North Pole and the
South Pole by air. However, his claim to have reached the North Pole is disputed. In 1946,
Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal appointed Byrd as an officer in charge of Antarctic
Developments Project. Byrd’s fourth Antarctic expedition was code-named Operation High

It was the largest Antarctic expedition to date and was expected to last six to eight months.
A large naval force (designated Task Force 68) supported the team. Rear Admiral Richard H.
Cruzen commanded the task force. There were thirteen US Navy support ships (besides the
flagship USS Mount Olympus and the aircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea), six helicopters, six
flying boats, two seaplane tenders, and fifteen other planes.

The total number of personnel involved was over 4,000. The armada arrived in the Ross Sea
on December 31, 1946, and made aerial explorations of an area half the size of the United States,
recording ten new mountain ranges. The major area covered was the eastern coastline of
Antarctica from 150 degrees east to the Greenwich meridian.

So what was Admiral Byrd looking for, and why did he make so many repeated attempts to
return to Antarctica?

He must have found something on his journeys to the Arctic region.

Lee Van Atta of the International News Service interviewed Admiral Byrd aboard the
expedition’s command ship USS Mount Olympus. In the interview, he discussed the lessons
learned from the operation. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947, edition of
a Chilean newspaper titled “El Mercurio”, and read in part as follows:
“Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of
protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the
Polar Regions.

The admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in
the case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both
poles. He made this statement as part of a recapitulation of his polar experience, in an exclusive
interview with International News Service. Talking about the recently completed expedition,
Byrd said the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that
they have on the security of the United States.

The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking – recalled the admiral – is one of the
most important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration.

“I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge
in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a
guarantee of safety.” [7]

As part of the multinational collaboration for the International Geophysical Year (IGY)
1957–58, Byrd commanded the U.S. Navy Operation Deep Freeze I in 1955–56 which
established permanent Antarctic bases at McMurdo Sound, the Bay of Whales, and the South
Pole. This was Byrd’s last trip to Antarctica and marked the beginning of a permanent U.S.
military presence in Antarctica. Byrd only spent one week in the Antarctic and started his return
to the United States on February 3, 1956.

Byrd died in his sleep approximately one year later.

I wonder what mysteries he took to his grave. I wonder if there was any mystery
surrounding his death, like Marilyn Monroe all over again. Did he die a natural death, or was it
another Illuminati hit? After all, his heart and soul were full and heavy, like an ocean of secrets
and lies. These were no ordinary secrets either, but TOP secrets of international significance.

I guess if you know too much, they take you out.

Clearly, something is happening beneath the surface ice of Antarctica. I just know I have
something to do with it. I know I am somehow connected to this region. The dream that I had
with the military general and Bjorn, I could not get that out of my mind. Why was Bjorn
connected to Antarctica? Obviously, there is some connection to inner worlds and the Vril
society here too.

Perhaps Admiral Byrd met some of these underground beings and wanted to warn and
protect us from their real intentions. He did, of course, mention the threat that the United States
had from the pole areas. After that journey, he ensured that important steps were taken and
policies were made to strengthen the country’s defenses. Armed Forces also moved to that Artic
What he discovered there, we may never know. But I now understand the Antarctic
connection a bit more intimately. Perhaps Bjorn is simply connected to Admiral Byrd? Only time
will tell. However, I can now conceive of why Bjorn would be connected to this division. Being
that he is living near the North Pole, and so many of these expeditions are linked to these

And for myself, working in television all of those years, I would have some connection to
the territory referred to as “Hollywood”. So this explains and clarifies a bit more about the dream
where we both received orders about our missions together. I still do not know how deep these
connections will go in the end.

Maybe we were directly involved in something even bigger than my mind can imagine at
this stage. Maybe we have worked together on multiple missions in the past. Could he even have
been present at the dream where I awakened and first saw the terrorist being murdered?

Whatever it is, and wherever these connecting dots are going to lead to, there is no turning
back now. I will search as far as this fantastic journey will take me. But I am too close to finding
all of the answers that I have been seeking within my body, mind, and soul to give up now.

I will not stop until my soul is at peace and my mind can attain freedom. And most
importantly, until my heart feels the warmth and comfort of having true love in my life. God, I
hope this feeling never ends. God, I hope that I can honestly trust this man.

There is no going back now. No room for doubts.

I will continue to uncover mysteries, as long as they are presented. It is my most crucial
task on this mission. This is my objective. I just know, my heart will find it’s missing piece, the
other half, once I reach home. But for now, I will uncover the mystery of my heart.

I will soon embark on this journey to Norway.

In essence, I am simply going HOME.

XO Sophia Snow
August 26th, 2011

Dear Diary,

I cannot stop thinking about the Antarctica connection.

I am convinced that this connection is vital to my overall mission. I spoke with Bjorn about
it last night, and he said he also felt an insatiable pull to this region. He explained that he also
could not shake this continent from his mind yesterday, so he slipped into a deep meditation in
order to retrieve some answers. In this peaceful space, he intuitively sensed that I still had an
important role to play in this mission before he could get involved.

I was quite surprised when I heard this feedback, as I strongly thought that the connection
would be all Bjorn’s. However, I trust what he received in meditation, and now I must embark
upon my own meditation journey to confirm what he picked up on. However, this inner journey
was cut short, as my mind was immediately pulled in another direction.

While in deep meditation, I suddenly felt an immense urge to stop what I was doing and
jump onto the Internet. I saw the words Operation High Jump in my mind and saw a flash of an
online forum, similar to the one I had previously joined to meet Bjorn. I stopped everything and
ran to my computer once again, I keyed in the words “Operation High Jump” and was instantly
pulled to this popular online forum dedicated to Operation High Jump.

When I logged into the forum, I could only see one member online. So I proceeded to
introduce myself and asked this man if he had any information on the operation. He immediately
responded to my question in great detail. At first, the information that he provided me with were
things that I was already aware of. However, then he mentioned something that I had not heard
about before.

He explained that most of the ships that took part in the expedition have just simply
disappeared from records, some of them were even omitted from Naval Vessel Register. This
was an omission of huge proportions considering the importance of this ships to the expedition.
He also told me that an admiral on the expedition said he was still perplexed about the amount of
aircraft and rockets that were shot down during the expedition. He said the numbers did not add
up, too many ships were missing… far too many.

Seeing that he now had my attention, he proceeded to tell me that the military training was a
cover-up for what was the real truth. The United States were fighting for control of the Antarctic
region. At first, I was skeptical, but when I remembered that my meditation brought me to this
forum, I had to let faith take the wheel.

Perhaps I was seeing shapes where shadows lurked…

So I pressed on and continued to listen to what additional secrets he would share with me. I
was still reading his various points when suddenly the energy in the room and my entire body
shifted to a sense of darkness. Then like a bolt of lightning, I felt an energetic slap in my face! It
was as though someone threw a cold bucket of water over my head and I suddenly came to my
senses. I immediately became aware that someone attempted to occupy control of my mind by
activating some subliminal mental pathways that I was not aware of.

Something had grabbed hold of me and I felt as though I was being “fed” off of…

Without even contemplating it, I immediately logged out of the forum. I deleted my history,
cache and all of my cookies. I immediately tried to reach Bjorn, but due to the time difference, I
cannot reach him at all. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I tried to connect to God and got an
instant connection, of course.

He told me that this was a test, a test to not give away my power. He explained to me that
the instant I planned to meditate, that some darker forces were waiting on the sidelines. These
energetic parasites are similar to demons, as they do not have physical bodies. They love nothing
more than to distract those who are on a mission of truth.

“They distract you by pulling you in with a small bit of truth, and then hijack your mind and
latch on to your soul, Sophia.”

With a number of times that I connect to God and meditate each day, these beings must be
just waiting for me to connect all day long. They hop on and take a ride on a fantastic voyage of
my mind, and all the while I believe I am doing research. He continued:

“They do not have bodies, Sophia, so their only attack is to control your mind. They know
you are soon going to expose them, and they want to be one step ahead of you in the game. You
are vital to my plan, so I need you to stay focused! Stay alert for deceptions around every corner.
They are on to you, my child. Be careful, but stay strong, and most of all, stay vigilant.”

I thanked him for freeing me from the clutches of my attempted captor, and for opening my
eyes to the truth. With what had just occurred, I was more than convinced of the importance of
investigating the Antarctica connection further with Bjorn. Now my trip to Norway was starting
to have an even more concrete purpose, and I knew that this was another mystery I was meant to
unravel. But God’s intervention in my dilemma last night emboldened me and gave me courage
and confidence that I needed all along. No need to fear, as God is always walking steadily by my

It is now time to prepare for my OWN Northern Expedition. I pray that Bjorn and I can
complete the journey that was cut short for Admiral Byrd… Wish us luck!

XO Sophia Snow
Admiral Byrd’s First Antarctic expedition, 1928–1930
Author- Bundesarchiv, Bild

The Beginning of the Beginning

September 1st, 2011

Dear Diary,

Well, I have done it. I am on the plane to a country that I call “home” to meet Bjorn.

I have now taken my seat (a window seat, close to the front of the plane). I am realizing that
flying alone can be a frightening experience. I am strapped to a tiny chair, forbidden from using
my phone and expected to keep my mind at ease in the midst of all this calamity. To add to my
misery, the in-flight crew bombards me with information that seems trivial and quite frankly,
distracting at this juncture.

I can see a slight, sinister smile on the air hostesses’ face while she demonstrated how to
properly apply the oxygen mask to your face. This woman is starting to make me feel
uncomfortable, as though she is reading my mind. The in-flight crew began delivering
instructions on how to stay afloat if the plane were to land on water. The message about the life
jackets ‘supposedly’ under the seats, seemed like a deception to me. I was imagining that the
flotation devices had been tampered with.

The most disheartening of all, though, was hearing the captain of the flight talk to us over
the plane’s PA system. His voice was malevolent and sinister in nature. Maybe I am the only
person on board noticing this, but something wicked this comes way. I could sense that this crew
knew exactly who I was. They did not want me to land in Oslo.

I have a strong suspicion that if I sneaked into the cockpit somehow, I would find the pilot
chained down while an excited, wide-eyed; Vril Girl has taken over the aircraft. Confirming this
fear is probably the reason I have not attempted to move from my assigned seat. I just checked
the flight map and we are now just 10,000 meters up in the sky. If they do not take me a couple
of thousand meters up into the air soon, I am jumping off this plane.

“We are cruising at a speed of 850 kilometers per hour”.

The same air hostess passes by my seat yet again, this time, she calls me by the wrong
name. She looks me dead in the eye and asks me:

“Athena, would you like a cup of tea or coffee?”

I looked at her stone-faced, and rather than correct her for calling me by the wrong name, I
completely froze. What happened next I will never understand. The words rolled off my tongue
as though I had said this a million times:

“Nei takk. Jeg pr#tover å sove nå.” I said with confidence.

“Veldig bra. Jeg ville bare sjekke.” She replied.

What the hell just happened? I do not speak Norwegian! This is the second time today that
this has happened! I immediately was able to understand that I had told her no, I did not want a
drink that I was attempting to go to sleep. Her response was: “Very good. I just wanted to
check.” Something strange is afoot again. I must now explain what I meant by, this has happened

The journey up to this point had been quite exhausting, indeed. Not to mention that this
plane ride is extremely long and arduous, so I want to take a break and explain a bit more before
I fall asleep. Upon my initial arrival at the airport, I noticed a strange Nordic-looking fellow
following me around the terminal. If I took two steps to the left, he was there. If I took two steps
to the right, he was there.

He seemed to be watching my every move and reading my thoughts. He was wearing a

security badge that resembled a hospital identification card. I tried to get as close to him as
possible without him noticing, to read what his badge said. I was unable to see at first, so I
focused in with all of my concentration and willpower.

I have received so many untapped abilities, why not try adjusting my scope of vision?
Suddenly, I had binocular vision. I could read every little detail of the badge. The name on his
badge was Fridtjof Nansen, and the company name was Oslo Psychiatric Technology.

When he noticed I had spotted him, he quickly reached for his mobile phone and began
frantically calling someone. I could not hear the words at first, but then I focused in again. Using
the same amount of concentration and will, I suddenly had bionic hearing.

Not only could I hear him speak from across the noisy terminal, but I could understand
every word he said. Normally this would not have been odd, as I have been known to have a
supersonic hearing on occasion in the past. But the reason this occurrence was strange, was he
was speaking in Norwegian.

Why is this strange?

I do not speak Norwegian, yet I could translate the entire conversation into English.

“She is here; she has checked in. I cannot activate her chip yet, but once I can confirm she
is on the plane, she will be ours for a long time,” he whispered.

Ok, so someone is definitely following me.

In my research, I found several cases of microchips being placed into the brains of humans
for psychiatric research. Oslo was ranked first on the list in using this technology. Psychiatric
hospitals had primary control over this technology and had designed the brain electrode chips at
a scientific research facility lab in Oslo, Norway. I became aware that I should not make eye
contact with him.

They were tagging me, but this time, I felt they were tagging me “again.” There was an
intuition deep inside of my soul that told me I was being released from my Hollywood contract
and being grandfathered into the Norwegian division. But I am still not afraid.

I do not believe that Bjorn is connected to the man who followed me, but something is up.
No matter how many shady characters follow me, I am staying on this plane. I just wish I had the
Internet on this plane so that I could search for this person’s name and get to the bottom of this

But for now, I sleep.

I will arrive in Norway in just nine hours’ time and must stay focused for Bjorn’s sake, and
for the sake of my own sanity. I feel strongly that he has nothing to do with this man following
me, Bjorn is on my team. These folks were at the airport and also on the plane, they know who I
am. They are trying to frighten me. They are trying to throw me off my game.

I can keenly sense that there is something they want from me specifically. I have a key that
they want, and I have yet to decide whether I will offer it up to them freely or not. Only time will

See you in Oslo,

XO Sophia
September 2nd, 2011

Dear Diary,

Well, I have landed in Norge.

The moment that I stepped off of the plane, Bjorn was there, waiting for me with open
arms, and a huge smile! I rushed to him, practically sobbing, so relieved to see his face and I
melted into his arms. I have never kissed someone upon meeting them, but we embraced each
other and passionately kissed for what seemed like ten minutes. It felt as though our hearts were
connecting for the first time, in real time!

Do you believe in love at first sight? Well now, I do!

When we embraced, I knew that my heart belonged to him. When he kissed me, it was as if
he had awoken me from my spell. Similar to when Prince Florian placed “true love’s kiss” upon
Snow White. I knew that when I kissed him, he was mine. At that moment, our lips were no
longer separate, they were one. It was a magical moment for me. A moment that I will never
forget. The moment I was rescued.

I am here with Bjorn as we speak, and wow, it has been a wild ride already! I have been
dreaming of stepping foot on Norwegian soil since I was a small girl. Oslo is the capital and
most populous city in Norway. As I looked around, I saw infinite rows of trees, and massive
boulders surrounding the outskirts of the city. Oslo is built in a horseshoe shape on the shore of
the Oslo fjord and is limited in most directions by hills and forest. Any point within the city is
relatively close to the forest, it was simply breathtaking.

I felt like I was in a fairy tale.

By the time we arrived in the city center of Oslo, I was so jet-lagged from the plane ride, I
kept slipping in and out of sleep. I asked Bjorn to show me around the city before we embarked
upon the extended drive to his own home. I wanted to connect with the city that I had so longed
to explore.

First, he took me to the Royal Palace, which was a beautiful structure with over 172 rooms
inside. It was built in the 19th century as the Norwegian residence of French-born king Charles
III of Norway, who resigned as king of Norway and Sweden. I felt as though I had been here
before. De ja vu started kicking in hard at this point, so I asked Bjorn if we could go someplace

He immediately understood what I was getting at, so we left the royal palace. Then we went
to Frogner Park, this is the biggest and most infamous park in Norway, which was located just a
few minutes away from the center of the city. This park featured a large collection of sculptures.
I was amazed by the intricacy of the sculptures I saw at Frogner Park. Yet, there were also a few
statues that gave me a sense of fear.
One of the statues was a woman kneeling on all fours. There were two small children on her
back, gagging her and riding her like a horse. The woman looked as though she was in pain, and
that these little children were in control. What on Earth is this supposed to represent?

Behind this unnerving statue, there was an equally creepy statue overlooking this scene of
the woman and children. This statue featured a man completely naked, facing a small boy who
was also naked. This was not a natural looking scene, it resembled the darkness of pedophilia. I
turned away from the sculpture immediately and the next thing I noticed was another frightening

This statue was depicting a woman, but she had something large feeding off of her. This
“thing” resembled a reptile, and my mind suddenly knew the deeper meaning.

This park was a dark portal of some kind, and I was about to be hijacked, yet again.

I begged Bjorn to get me out of there immediately, and without hesitation, or asking me any
questions, we left. I was so jet-lagged from the plane ride and the tour around the city; I slept
almost the entire drive to Bjorn’s place, which took another several hours. I had forgotten to
mention to him about the man I met in the airport terminal, as I was just too tired and exhausted
at the time. However, when we reached his home, all of the strange moments at the airport came
back to me.

I told him about the peculiar man who was following me at the airport. I mentioned the
psychiatric hospital badge, the phone call he made, and the fact that I could suddenly understand
the entire Norwegian language. He was baffled at first, but then he started to ask me a few
questions of his own.

“What did you say the man’s name was, Sophia?” he asked.

“His name was Fridtjof Nansen,” I exclaimed.

“Wait a minute, did you say Fridtjof Nansen?

“That is impossible!” he shouted.

“What on Earth do you mean, impossible Bjorn? That is what his badge said, I would not
lie to you!” I repeated excitedly.

He went on to explain that Fridtjof Nansen was a man, who had died back in the 1930’s. I
ran to the computer to verify what Bjorn had told me and almost had a heart attack when I saw
Mr. Nansen’s face. It was him! It was the same man from the plane. Same eyes, same face, even
the same mustache! What the heck is going on here?! Bjorn’s face went white when he saw my
reaction. He could see I was genuinely frightened as if I had seen a ghost.

“Slow down and breathe, my angel. We are going to get to the bottom of this” He stated, to
set my mind at ease.
I wanted to put the computer away, but I simply could not. I had to know more about Mr.
Nansen and why he had followed me. Not to mention why a dead man had followed me onto an
airplane? Or was he even dead at all? I have a lot of theories about time travel that I have yet to
share with you. But let’s get back to Fridtjof, shall we?

Nansen was a Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat, humanitarian and Nobel Peace Prize
laureate. He won international fame after reaching a record northern latitude of 86° 14′ during his
North Pole expedition of 1893–96. Although he retired from exploration after his return to
Norway, his techniques for polar travel and his innovations in equipment and clothing influenced
a generation of subsequent Arctic and Antarctic expeditions. [8]

Oh my Lord, there it is again, Antarctica!

Firstly, he was invited by a group of Australians to lead an expedition to Antarctica but he

declined. Nansen believed that a North Pole conquest would better serve Norway’s interests. So
the North Pole was clearly his treasured destination. One day he suddenly died in his sleep,
leaving multiple unanswered questions for the scientific and exploration communities.

The information, awards, and accolades that Nansen received were so extensive that it
would take an entire novel to connect all of his dots. But this was yet another dot connected.
Something connected me to Antarctica. Something also connected me to Norway, and I believe
this connection had begun before I was ever born into this body.

Bjorn mentioned that there was a legend of a cave which was a hidden entrance to the inner
earth via Antarctica. I wanted to know more about this place. So, Bjorn and I have decided to
find out more about this opening into the inner surface. Did Mr. Nansen reach the inner earth
decades before Admiral Byrd?

If that was the case, then perhaps inner surface expeditions have been going on for a lot
longer than I had initially assumed. There has to be more than one entrance into our hollow
globe. Possibly there are multiple doorways at both the North Pole and Antarctica. Now I am
beginning to think that there are openings all over this entire globe. These thoughts scared me at
first, but I am always adapting and adjusting to the clues.

At least all of the crazy coincidences and experiences that I have been undertaking lead to
answers eventually. Albeit in a highly suspicious way, but I am without a doubt receiving perfect
answers to this never-ending list of questions.

Tomorrow we will get to the bottom of Antarctica.

XO Sophia Snow
Portrait of Fridtjof Nansen.
Author- Henry Van der Weyde
September 3rd, 2011

Dear Diary,

Bjorn and I have been researching to find the location of the hollow earth entrance in
Antarctica, and I believe we have found it! I kept digging and I eventually connected the
information I had uncovered about Hollow Earth back to the Nazis and Hitler. I told you that we
had not heard the last from him in this diary.

Multiple books and websites have stated that Hitler and the Nazi’s had indeed found a
location to inner earth using Antarctic region. The internal domain they supposedly reached
through this entrance was known as Agartha. The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that
there is a civilization of people living in this city in the center of the earth.

Buddhists, in their theology, fervently believe in it’s existence as well. They believe it to be
a race of supermen and women who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development
of the human race. They also believe that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and
many cities, and their capital is Shamballa.

This is one of the subterranean worlds that we spoke about in the beginning of this
adventure. There were also entrances to the inner earth in Egypt, Tibet, The Bermuda Triangle,
The Soviet Union, and Africa. Now I feel like a character from Lord of the Rings.

But, how on earth do we get to this location? That is the question...

Thank God, Bjorn is a bit of a natural navigator. Between the two of us, we were able to
find some excellent images on an aerial Earth map. In these pictures, you could clearly see an
entrance to one or possibly even two doorways into the hollow earth from Antarctica. These
openings appear to be an entry to an underground facility.

Perhaps these were the underground bases I had discovered previously in my research.

These caves might currently be occupied by extraterrestrials, or perhaps in the past by the
indigenous people from the region, due to the harsh conditions that Antarctica faces every day.
Whatever was down there, we had to get to the bottom of it, both literally and figuratively.

Bjorn used his high-tech navigation skills to locate the two entrance coordinates on our
electronic map of the Earth.

“These are the coordinates, Sophia. Are you ready for an adventure?”

Bjorn asked me with an excited grin on his face.

“I have been waiting for this adventure my whole life, Bjorn.”

I replied with tears welling up in my eyes.

Then, we grabbed our plane tickets and headed for the airport. The journey is longer and
more expensive than we had ever expected to travel on an intuitive whim, but Bjorn had some
savings in his account and decided the best way to spend his money was on a once in a lifetime

We had to research a great deal in order to get the full information on how to arrive at our
desired destination. First, we will have to take a long plane ride to the southern regions of this
planet. Upon arrival, we will promptly switch course and join a cruise ship, which will take us
along the Antarctic regions over the course of a seven-day period of time.

The cruise ship will then bring us to the cabin in which we will stay until we have reached
our destination. Our final destination may take us off track for an extended period, so we have
yet to book our flight back to Norway. I must admit, I am slightly afraid of getting stuck there
somehow, but another part of me is longing for this adventure. But, the fact of the matter is…

We have two tickets to Antarctica, and there is no turning back now!

XO Sophia & Bjorn

September 7th, 2011

Dear Diary,

We had an exciting flight on our way to Antarctica. It took a great deal longer than we had
initially expected. We had to take a variety of planes, buses, and boats to reach our final
destination, as I had mentioned previously.

We would notice repetitive numbers, signs, faces and symbols around each corner.
Everywhere we traveled, we had the sensation of being watched. Someone or something was
watching us at all times. Any sense of paranoia I had about Bjorn operating as an agent flew out
the window over the course of this journey.

It was undeniable that I was not the only paranoid one on this trip.

His bright blue eyes seemed to dim at times, mostly when in the presence of those I
believed to be wearing skin suits. I asked Bjorn if he could “see” them too, but he could not, at
least not in the way that I could. However, he was able to “feel” their presence. When this
happened, he would furl his brow as a measure of protection from them. He felt that protecting
his eyes was the safest way to protect his soul.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, so I believe this was his intuitive way of saving his own.
We tried to make as little eye contact and verbal communication with people as possible. I even
left behind my video camera, which never leaves my side. Something told me that whoever or
whatever we found on this adventure would not want us taking any pictures.

“Better to be safe than sorry,” as my mother always said.

Packing our items in Norway, we brought very few things with us. We both carried one
backpack filled with various camping supplies, and of course, I had to bring you, Diary! Bjorn
booked us a tiny little cabin that he found online, the one I told you about before. The cabin was
quite small and bright red in color, poorly insulated, but at the same time surprisingly cozy.

This house was located as close as possible to the entrances we were attempting to sneak
into. We would have a long trek on foot to arrive at our coordinates, but we were determined to
press on. We had to stay focused on the prize. That prize was the truth.

Bjorn had undergone extensive training in the military to learn how to withstand extreme
levels of heat and cold. This made me feel very safe, as I had no knowledge of how to survive in
these arctic conditions. I was profoundly baffled by the fact that the South Pole could be as hot
as it was cold, but this only added to the mysteries that already surrounded Antarctica.

The other passengers on the cruise ship had been making us feel extremely uncomfortable,
so we decided to break away from the cruise entirely and stay in our cabin longer than we had
previously planned. We did not trust anyone on that cruise ship. However, we did feel safe in our
little red cabin.
The next day, we left the comfort of our cabin, grabbed our GPS tools and headed for our
destination. The hike was so lengthy that several times I nearly fainted from the cold. At one
point, Bjorn had to carry me uphill as my legs simply could not take another stride. But he did it;
he took me in his arms. Then suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks.

“Sophia… We made it!” Bjorn exclaimed.

I rubbed the snow and sleep from my eyes and asked him to set me down on the ground, as
he had been carrying me for the last leg of the hike. I was shaking from both the cold and fear,
but Bjorn’s enthusiasm kept my spirits up.

“Let’s do it, baby! Let’s enter that cave!” I shouted with glee!

We kicked the snow off of our boots and grasped each other by the hand. One step at a time
we approached the entrance. Just before entering, we stopped and kissed each other passionately.

“Whatever happens in there, do NOT let go of my hand”! Bjorn stated firmly.

Then we did it; we took the leap!

The moment we stepped through the cave’s entrance, an enormous electric charge emanated
through the doorway! Bjorn and I were violently ripped through the door like being sucked into a
wormhole in outer space. I reached for his hand, but it was not there anymore. The shock and
strength of the vibrational force must have snatched me from his grasp! For a moment, it felt like
falling from a great height in slow motion.

“Bjorn! Bjorn! Bjorn”! I screamed repeatedly.

Suddenly, everything was pitch black… and then pop! I reached the other end of the
wormhole! I looked to my left and Bjorn was there all along! He was still holding my hand. He
had never left me. The two of us looked around, puzzled by the scenery. It was strange, it was
unique, and it was out of this world! Everything was different.

“Sophia, where are we”? Bjorn asked.

“Bjorn, I don’t think the question of where we are matters right now,” I replied in a shaky

“What do you mean by that Sophia”? He asked me again, looking perplexed.

I took a deep breath, gripping his hand firmly in mine, and I said the words I thought that I
would never say in my entire life:

“Bjorn, I think the real question here is when are we”?

Reference Material:
1. The Phoenix Liberator, July 1992; Val Valerian-

2. Hollow Earth- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-

3. Sleeper Agent- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-

4. Agent of influence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-

5. Project MK Ultra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-

6. The Vril Society- Retrieved via Crystal Links-

7. Admiral Richard E. Byrd- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-

8. Fridtjof Nansen- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-

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