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Sample Paper – 2013

Class – IX

CSG: 110 MM-80 (TIME: 2 HOURS)


 Attempt all questions in Section A.
 Attempt any four questions in Section B.
 Maximum marks for each question is indicated in [ ] against each question.
 Give proper steps and working.
 Take the value of   unless otherwise mentioned in the question.
Section A (40 Marks)
(Attempt all questions)

1. Find a single discount equivalent to the discount series: 25%, 20% and 10%. [4]
6 3 3 6
3 4 9  2
7 7 7 7
2.Simplify : [4]
22  20  22
3.Solve : log (8x  3)  log 4  2
x x

4. Determine (8 x) x if 9x2  240  9x. [4]

5.In the following figure, AB = AC, D and E are point on BC such that BE = DC.
Prove that AD = AE.
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6. The following data have been arranged in ascending order: [4]
9, 12, 19, 23, 26, x, 35, 39, 40, 45.
If the median of the data is 30, find x.
In the above data, if 45 is replaced by 25, find the new median.
7. Factorize: 2(ab  cd )  a 2  b2  c2  d 2 . [4]

8. The difference between the exterior angle of a n sided regular polygon and an (n+1) sided regular
polygon is 120, find the value of n. [4]

9. Three cubes whose edges are x cm, 8 cm and 10 cm respectively are melted and recast into [4]
a single cube of edge 12 cm. Find x.
10. The sides of an equilateral triangle are (6 x  3 y) cm , (8x  9 y  5) cm and (10 x  12 y  8) cm
respectively. Find the length of each side. [4]

Section B (40 Marks)

(Attempt any four questions)

11.(a) A formula for changing temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees in Celsius(C) is [5]
given by F  C  32.
(i) Express C in term of F.
(ii) Find C if F = 50.
(iii) Is it possible for C and F to have the same value?
(b) Solve the following system of equations graphically: [5]
4 x  y  5; 5 y  4 x  7.
12. (a) An agricultural field is in the form of a rectangle of length 20m and width 14 m. [5]
A 10 m deep well of diameter 7 m is dug in a corner of the field and the earth taken out of
the well is spread evenly over the remaining part of the field. Find the rise in its level.
sec   tan 
(b) If 4 tan   3, find the value of . [5]
sec   tan 
13. (a) Evaluate: 4 tan 2 45  8cos2 60  sin 2 60  cos2 90  tan 30 [5]
(b) The scale of a map is 1:300000. A plot of land of area 90 km is to be represented on the [5]

map. Find:
(i) The number of km on the ground represented by 1 cm on the map.
(ii) The area in km2 that can be represented by 1 cm2.
(iii) The area on the map that represents the plot of land.

3 7 1
14. (a) If x  , find the value of 4x 2  2 . [3]
2 x
(b) By selling 90 ball pens for 160, a person loses 20%. How many ball pens should be sold for [3]
96, so as to have a profit of 20%.
(c) What sum will amount to 73810 in two years at 10% per annum compound interest? [4]

 1  3 1
15. (a) If  x    20 , find the value of x  3 . [4]
 x  x 

(b) Factorize: (i) a(a  3)  b(b  3) (ii) x6  26 x3  27. [6]

16. (a) In a triangle ABC, AD is a median and E is the mid- point of AD. BE is joined and produced to [5]
meet AC at F. Prove that AF  AC .

(b) Divide 36 into four parts so that if 2 is added to the first part, 2 is subtracted from the second part,
the third part is multiplied by 2, and the fourth part is divided by 2, then the resulting number is
the same in each case. [5]

17. (a) The heights of the boys in cm of a class are given below. If the mean height is 152.2 cm. Find
the value of p.

Heights ( in cm) 150 151 152 153 154 155

No. of boys. 3 6 p 2 4 2

(b) In the given figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB = BC, B  900  D, AD = 3 cm
and CD = 4 cm. Find AC and calculate the area of ABC . [5]


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