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Laboratory Plan

Experiment 3:
Reactions of Alkyl Halides

I. Conceptual Overview

Organic halides are organic compounds containing halogen atom bonded to a carbon atom.
Flourine, chlorine, bromine and iodine are all types of halogen atoms. If the carbon atom is part
of the chain of carbon atoms it is referred to as alkyl halide.

Qualitative tests for alkyl halides are useful in deciding whether the compound tested is a
primary, secondary or tertiary halide.

The Beilstein test is quick preliminary check for presence of halogens. It is the simplest
method for establishing presence of a halogen.

The alcoholic silver nitrate reaction involves a compound containing halogen (alkyl halide)
allowed to react with alcoholic silver nitrate. Such reaction will be of the SN1 type. Differing rates
of silver halide precipitation would be expected from halogen in each of these environment.

II. Objective

To be able to detect reactions of alkyl halides and determine the mechanism of

the reactions that they undergo.

III. Materials and Reagents

A. Materials

Quantity Description Specification

1 Copper wire 120 mm(length)
1 Bunsen burner
1 Crucible tong
1 Rubber tube
1 Dropper
3 Test tube
1 Pipette 1mL
1 Test tube holder small
1 Testtube rack
1 Beaker 250mL
1 Volumetric flask 100mL
1 Spatula
1 Beaker 100mL
1 Funnel
1 Watchglass 50mm

B. Reagents

Quantity Description Specification

2g Silver nitrate solid

100mL Ethanol liquid

IV. Procedures
A. Preparation Alcoholic Silver Nitrate (2% wt/vol)
Laboratory Plan
Experiment 3:
Reactions of Alkyl Halides

1. Dissolve 2g of silver nirate in a beaker with amount of ethanol as the solvent. Stir until
all solids were dissolved.
2. Transfer the solution in a 100mL volumetric flask then dilute to 100mL mark.

B. Beilstein Test for Halogen

1. A small loop on a piece of copper wire 120 mm in length will be made.

2. The loop will be heated until no green color is detected while hot dip in some copper
oxide powder and will be reheated until the oxide adheres into the loop.
3. A small of amount of sample to be tested will be placed on the copper oxide and will
be heated in the non-luminous flame of a burner-first in the inner zone, then in the
outer zone near the lower edge. The color of the flame produced will be observed
and results will be tabulated.

C. Reaction with Alcoholic Silver Nitrate

1. To a 1mL of alcoholic silver nitrate, 1-2 drops of the alkyl halide will be added. If
no precipitate appeared after 5 minutes with occasional shaking, it will be heated in a
boiling water bath.
2. The condition and time interval at which an appreciable amount of the precipitate
appeared will be noted.

V. Presentation of Data

A. Beilstein Test

Sample Observation (color change)

B. Alcoholic Silver Nitrate Reaction

Sample Time (precipitate appeared in solution)

VI. Calculation

2% wt/vol alcoholic silver nitrate solution

2% = 𝑥 100
100𝑚𝑙 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
Laboratory Plan
Experiment 3:
Reactions of Alkyl Halides

𝑋 = 2𝑔 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒


Name Assigned Materials Task

Baranquil ,Fatima Match Beilstein test
Basilla, Juan Vicente Dishwashing liquid and Preparation of reagents
Berces, Ruemhel None Checking and returning
lab materials
Berces, Mark (2) 120mm Copper wire Alcoholic silver nitrate
reaction test
Berzuela ,Jay Ar None Lab plan & tabulator of
results during experiment

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