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Leadership Cycle 3

Classroom Context, Lesson, and Observation Template

Step 2: Plan
Classroom Context, Lesson, and Observation
Directions: Respond to the prompts below (up to 3 pages). Type your responses within the brackets following
each prompt. Do not delete or alter the prompts.

1. Classroom context, including:

a. topic of lesson, learning and instructional goals, students’ prior knowledge and what was
taught in the prior lesson
[The topic of the lesson is to use multiple tools and manipulatives when subtracting. The goal of
the lesson is for students to solve subtraction problems using different manipulatives,
understanding that there are multiple ways to solve subtraction problems, and being able to
explain to their answers to peers and parents. Mrs. Vaughn’s class prior knowledge of the
material included: watching a video demonstrating multiple ways to solve subtraction problems,
using illustrations and different manipulatives (i.e. I-Pads, white boards, blocks) to help solve
math problems, grouping numbers together by 5’s and 10’s, and using addition. During a pre-
assessment assignment given to students, Mrs. Vaugh evaluated how her students solved
addition and subtraction problems. During the assessment, students had to demonstrate their
knowledge by using illustrations or pictures to solve the problems.
b. classroom setting (face-to-face, online, or hybrid) and organization for learning (whole
class, small groups, individual practice, hybrid)
[The classroom is set up in small groups and receive face-to-face instruction. Each group has 4-
5 students to encourage collaboration between peers. Mrs. Vaughn enjoys using technology in
her classroom and uses online modules to teach objectives. She also uses the online “See-
Saw” program so students are able to share their work with their peers and share their work with
their families. Parents have access to the “See-Saw” program and allows them to see what their
child is learning at school. By doing so, there is an increase in parent involvement and parents
are also able to communicate any questions or concerns they may have about the material.
Mrs. Vaugh also gives students the opportunity to practice what they’ve learned and share their
expertise with the class. Students may use I-Pads to record themselves explaining their work
and answers. This increases student engagement and motivates student participation.]
c. description of students served and their assets and learning needs, academic and
affective (e.g., grade level, demographics, languages spoken, learning supports and
adaptations, funds of knowledge)
[The students in Mrs. Vaughn’s class consist of 98% Latino and use Spanish as their native
language. Mrs. Vaughn gives instruction in English and provides visual supports for her English
Language students. She also uses different technology such as videos to increase engagement
and to provide students with alternative forms of learning. The videos that are shown in the
classroom are online and are accessible to students outside of school. By giving students
access to the online videos, students may access the videos at any time to guide them with
homework assignments and this allows parents to view the videos as well and may help their
child complete assignments. Mrs. Vaughn also provides vocabulary with pictures and are in
both English and Spanish. She assesses her students’ academics each time a new lesson is

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1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 3 pages maximum
All rights reserved. V01
Leadership Cycle 3
Classroom Context, Lesson, and Observation Template

introduced by embedding “I do”; “We do”; and “You do” strategies. She uses technology with her
students and allows students to demonstrate their thinking and understanding of a lesson by
recording their work process. If Mrs. Vaughn notices that students are not grasping the material,
she reviews previous skills and will adjust lesson plans to meet her students’ needs so they may
be successful.]
d. educational technology and resources used during the lesson by the teacher or students
to enhance or extend learning
[Mrs. Vaugh will use a digital screen to demonstrate an online video module that students and
parents may access from home. She will also use the digital screen as a visual support in
demonstrating how to solve subtraction problems. She will give students access to I-Pads so
students may record themselves explaining their answers after the lesson. After students record
themselves, they may upload their videos to the “See-Saw” program which allows students to
share their problem-solving skills with their peers and families. Mrs. Vaughn will then pick 2
students to share their video with the class followed by a “debriefing” to enhance learning.
During the “debriefing”, peers will video and give “celebrations” which is giving their peer
positive feedback. After the “celebrations”, peers will give their advice on improving their
explanation for the “next time…”. By allowing students to teach their peers, students increase
their engagement and participation. This allows students to model for one another enhancing
student learning as well. By uploading student work on the “See Saw” program, parents have
accessibility at home which enhances their parent involvement.]
e. other relevant classroom context information (e.g., time of day for the lesson, time of
year, support staff that are in the room during the lesson, materials used, safety issues,
bell schedule, parent support)
[The lesson will take part in the morning on Friday November 16, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. The lesson
will take part right before Thanksgiving break to remind students to practice their skills over the
break. She does not have support staff in her classroom, but I will assist if needed. Mrs. Vaughn
requires white boards, dry eraser markers, rubric squares, a digital screen, I-Pads, and the See-
Saw program.]

Copyright © 2018 by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Page 2 of 2

1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 3 pages maximum
All rights reserved. V01

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