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Good at problem solving



Always want to get the best outcome

Great Listeners

Awesome advice givers

(Anyone seem that meme that reads 'We all have that one friend who gives
great relationship advice but is always single?')

We are understanding of your dilemmas

Servants of the greater good

Reasonably good judgement

We fight for it

Some of these cons have been listed as pros. Explanation to follow



We fight for it

Servants of the greater good

Struggle to accept help


May come across as cold

May judge other people more rather than ourselves

Easy to point out other's faults but hard to accept if they do it to us

Hurt easily

Socially awkward (just me?)

Extremely high standards for ourselves and others

Despise weakness

Struggling to chill

Absolutely hard as shit to open up

Struggle with names and faces

Struggle to forgive

Probe to short tempers

We're 'always right'

Now as you saw and as I previously said there are points listed in both
Pro's and Con's. Our being so insightful and intuitive is a wonderful
combination but often leads us to figure and/or notice stuff which we would
rather have preferred to not know. We are also known for our large inability
to be able to stop fighting for a friendship or something we believe in. If we
commit to you it's 100 or zilch, nada, zero, nil. This becomes negative if the
person we commit to is toxic and does nothing for the friendship, which
may lead to the notorious INFJ DOOR SLAM. (Will be discussed in part 4)

Our being the servants of doing good things to others is sometimes very
bad as we may try to force others who are bad boys to change their ways,
causing strenuous times in ourselves and between our friends. 

So in short, the INFJ has its ups and downs. But we are still people, even
though we may be alien like.

The INFJ Door Slam

If you have not yet heard of this thingamajick then this is the place to be
(and if you have heard of it please read further to learn what it actually is.)

The INFJ door slam is not something we do lightly. And no we don't close a
heavy door on your nose. I'm speaking in a figuratively.

When an INFJ door slams you it means that they have decided to
completely remove your presence from their lives. This often happens after
months or years of emotional pain caused in a friendship or relationship
between someone and an INFJ. The door slam means that we have had
either had enough of the issues that were being presented, or that we have
realised we can not continue with a friendship or relationship that
influences us negatively. Note that I said after months or years of emotional
pain. We are a persistent bunch of people who dedicate their  lives to the
enrichment and enhancement of the lives of the people around us. If we
decide to door slam someone we are usually found calm whilst doing it. If
we are found showing emotions of anger, regret or sadness there is still
hope to save that friendship. If we door slam you it might be a surprise to
you, but know that we have given you warning signs beforehand(sorry we
don't tell you in person, we just expect you to be as intuitive as we are on
these things. And to feel what we feel)

If you want to avoid a door slam follow this one rule: Don't screw up. Follow
this and you will find yourself in an extremely satisfying friendship with
someone who will give you everything they've got.

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