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Homeopathy for TYPHOID

FEVER | Hpathy Ezine, May, 2014 |
Typhoid fever is an illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. You
can get typhoid fever if you eat food or drink beverages that have been
handled by a person who is shedding S. Typhi or if sewage contaminated
with S. Typhi bacteria gets into the water you use for drinking or washing

Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

Persons with typhoid fever usually have a sustained fever as high as 103° to
104° F (39° to 40° C). They may also feel weak, or have stomach pains,
headache, or loss of appetite. In some cases, patients have a rash of flat, rose-
colored spots. The only way to know for sure if an illness is typhoid fever is
to have samples of stool or blood tested for the presence of S. Typhi.

Homeopathic Remedies &

Homeopathy Treatment for
Typhoid Fever
#Baptisia. [Bapt]
Perhaps no remedy presents a clearer picture of a typical case of typhoid
fever than Baptisia, yet it is far from being indicated in every case. Its
indication are pretty clearly marked, but it often needs careful distinguishing
from other remedies; thus it has a drowsy, stupid state, like Arnica, and it has
a black or brownish coated tongue, which is also found under Rhus. Like
Arnica, too the patient falls asleep while answering question, and the bed
feels too hard. It has to be especially distinguished from these two remedies.
It suits poisoned blood conditions, and is applicable to any stage of the
disease, unquestionably aborting the disease at times, and the typical
symptoms are these: a dull, dark besotted countenance, as if intoxicated; this
is very characteristic. The patient feels tired and bruised all over; again like
Arnica, he is restless, and tosses about the bed to find a soft spot, but his
restlessness is rather due to the mental than the physical condition. The eyes
are heavy and stupid. Delirium is often present, and here we find a peculiar
and very characteristic symptom, which is that the patient thinks he is
scattered about and this makes him toss about the bed to collect the pieces;
there is apt to be, also profound prostration; the tongue may have a brown
streak down the center, the teeth are covered with sordes and the breath is
foetid, and all exhalations and discharges from the patient are exceedingly
offensive. The temperature is high, and so is the pulse, and there is
tenderness in the ileo-caecal region. If the characteristic expression of
countenance, the characteristic mental condition and the characteristic
offensiveness of all discharges are taken into consideration, no mistakes can
be made in the indications for Baptisia. A certainty of death and despair of
cure is mentioned by Jahr as a prominent symptoms. It seems to have a
tranquilizing action on the brain. Mellon has shown conclusively its value by
its action on the blood.
Remember the trio:

1. Unusual foetidity.
2. Besotted expression.
3. Mental depression.

It is well to remember also that the best effects are not in variably had from
the tincture but from the 6th upwards.

#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]

Rhus in another remedy thoroughly suitable for the typhoid state. It comes in
when a putrid decomposition of fluids takes place. It corresponds to any early
stage as well. It has restlessness, brown tongue and muscular soreness, all of
which are found under Baptisia, but the restlessness of Rhus is to relieve the
muscular soreness. The characteristic triangular red tip to the tongue found
under this remedy is not found under Baptisia, and if there be a degree to the
offensiveness of the discharges it is less under Rhus than under Baptisia.

The mental symptoms of Rhus is this disease are a muttering delirium, and,
perhaps, refusal to take the medicine for fear of being poisoned. The
imagination is active, and the patients are disturbed its varied phases. There
is often headache and nosebleed, which relieves the headache. There is
diarrhea of yellowish-brown stools of offensive odor, and like Hyoscyamus,
may be involuntary. The abdomen is tympanitic and sensitive over the ileo-
caecal region. There are pains in the back and limbs. It is especially indicated
for backache that is severe., The spleen is also sensitive. There is apt to be,
when Rhus is indicated, some pulmonary congestion. The characteristic are
the restlessness, the red-tipped tongue, the offensive discharges the trembling
of the chin and involuntary stools.

Croton tiglium is one of our best remedies for the complication of diarrhea,
with colic preceding stool, with discharge gushing and with much gas. We
use the 6x.

#Bryonia. [Bry]
This is one of the great typhoid fever remedies, and is sooner or later,
indicated in a majority of cases of the disease. The characteristic symptoms
are these : great soreness over the body. Tired feeling. Every exertion
fatigues. He has a dread of all motion. A splitting ,agonizing frontal
headache,worse from motion. The face gets red towards evening. There is a
fullness of the head in the morning, which followed by nose bleed. The sleep
is troubled, and the patient dreams of business. There may also be a delirium
in which patient dreams of business. There may also be a delirium in which
the patient imagines he is away from home, and consequently wants to go
home. The patient drinks large quantities at long intervals. This thirst of
Bryonia, when present is characteristic. The bowels are generally
constipated; indeed some writers claim that Bryonia ceases to be of value
when diarrhea sets in; but soft, mushy stools may be present and yet not
contra-indicate the remedy. The best place for the remedy is early, before the
vitality is greatly lowered either by constipation or diarrhea. Given here,it
will soothe the gastric irritation, shown by the sensitiveness of the epigastric
region, moisten the tongue and bringing the whole condition to a favorable
turn. Jahr gave it as soon as heaviness of limbs was felt, headache, white
coated tongue, loss of appetite, etc. Bryonia may be confounded in the stages
of the disease with Belladonna, but the evidences of cerebral erethism are
much violent under Belladonna. Rhus and Bryonia are so different that no
comparison can be made. One point, however, should be remembered, Rhus
has usually diarrhea and Bryonia usually constipation.
#Arnica. [Arn]
Arnica frequently fits in this disease most usefully. As above stated, it has
many symptoms common to Baptisia and Rhus, yet its individual symptoms
are marked. It is a remedy that is not so likely to be indicated early as
Baptisia. There is a stupor, and indifference to everything, patients do not
know that they are sick, and care less; they go to sleep while answering
questions; the head is hot the body cool, and all over there is a bruised
feeling; the patient tosses about the bed to find a soft spot; the stools and
urine are in involuntary; there are ecchymoses and bed sores, petechiae
appear all over the body; finally a condition of stupor arrives characterized
by dropping of lower jaw. The three-legged stool of Arnica in this disease is:
1. The bruised, sore feeling all over the body.
2. The ecchymoses.
3. The involuntary stools and urine.

No other drug has this trio of characteristic.

Baehr places the remedy between Bryonia and Rhus.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
This is one of the remedies for typhoid fever when the case begins to looks
“bad”; but it is hardly ever indicated in the beginning of the disease, though
Dr. J. S. Mitchell advocates it even here, and many authors recommend it
from start to finish, but such routine practice is not Homoeopathy or even
sense. The terrible prostration so characteristic of the drug is accompanied by
an irritability and anxiety. The patient is faint and weak, exhausted, perhaps
with cold sweat and delirium; the mouth and teeth are covered with sordes;
the mouth is sore; there is a diarrhea of dark, offensive stools, intense fever
and the characteristic Arsenicum thirst. Like Rhus, there is restlessness, but it
is rather a “prostrated restlessness” than a “rheumatic restlessness.” All the
symptoms of Arsenicum are worse after midnight. An extremely red tongue
has always been a guiding and characteristic symptoms of this remedy. When
the thirst, the prostration, the red tongue, the picture of complete exhaustion,
the diarrhea and the prostrated restlessness are present in any given case
Arsenicum is the only remedy to be thought of.
#Cinchona [Chin]
Has some similarity to Arsenicum in its debility, and it has also a tympanitic
condition of the abdomen; and Colchicum should not be overlooked, as it
sometimes stand midway between Arsenicum and Cinchona, having the great
debility and restlessness of the former remedy and the tympany of the latter.
Preponderance of abdominal symptoms should suggest Cinchona. It is also
the remedy during convalescence.
#Carbo vegetabilis. [Carb-v]
This is another low down remedy; suitable when there is a giving out of vital
forces and the patient seems on the brink of dissolution and lies pulseless and
cold; feet and legs, especially below the knees, are cold. The discharges are
horribly offensive and colliquative. The characteristics are the great
prostration, the desire for air patient wants to be fanned all the time -and the
cold extremities, which are frequently covered with cold perspiration; the
sunken hippocratic face, cyanosis, ecchymoses and bed sores.
#Lachesis. [Lach]
This is a remedy also indicated in the later stages of typhoid, where the
patient is in a stuporous condition; lower haw dropped, perhaps a low
muttering or loquacious delirium; all showing a tendency to cerebral
paralysis; diarrhea is present, and, like the preceding remedy, is offensive.
The tongue is dry and catches on the teeth when it protrudes, also it trembles,
here being similar to Apis; and in the dropping of the lower jaw and
symptoms of paralysis of brain it should be distinguished from Opium, which
has in addition a dark red face and stertorous breathing, and from
Hyoscyamus, which is especially characterized by muscular twitchings. Nash
places Nux moschata alongside of Opium in the nervous and stupid varieties
of typhoid fever, giving as well known characteristics excessively dry mouth,
no thirst and a stupid, silent, immovable condition. Another indication for
Lachesis is haemorrhages; the blood from the bowels is dark; indeed,
haemorrhages may occur from any orifice of the body. The general
hypersensitiveness of the drug, if present, renders the choice certain.
#Muriatic acid. [Mur-ac]
Great weakness characterizes this remedy, great foetor of the breath, and
ulceration of the mucous membrane. Salivary glands tender and swollen,
mouth very sore. It corresponds th later stages, where putridity is prominent
and the weakness is expressed as being so marked that he slips down to the
foot of the bed. The tongue is so dry that it rattles in the moth. The diarrhea is
watery and often escapes while urinating; the heart is feeble, irregular and
intermits every third beat. Bed sores are prone to form; petechiae and oedema
of ankles.
Muriatic acid has many symptoms similar to Rhus; but decomposition is
much more evident than under Rhus, and the acid rather follows than
precedes Rhus.

Nitric acid and Millefolium occupy the first place in haemorrhages from the

Hamamelis is also a valuable remedy in the haemorrhage.

Terebinth and China also.

Trinks praises Muriatic acid in erethistic conditions too severe for Bryonia,
too asthenic for Rhus, and not cerebral enough for belladonna.
#Kali phosphoricum. [Kali-p]
Clinically, at least, this remedy deserves a place among the great typhoid
fever remedies. Provings of this drug thus far have been, to say the least,
uncertain, having been made mostly with fluxion potencies of uncertain
strength. A vast array of cases cured by this remedy. aside from the
Schuesslerian idea, would indicate the following as being good Kali
phosphoricum symptoms: a dry, brown tongue, foul and putrid diarrhea,
great debility, low pulse, offensive breath, sordes on teeth, with great mental
depression; delirium. Tine blood seems extremely vitiated and full of the
typhoid poison. All discharges are extremely offensive.
#Gelsemium. [Gels]
This is a remedy often indicated in the first stage, and especially in
comparatively mild cases. The patient feels sore and bruised all over, as if
pounded, there being also a dread of motion, headache, drowsiness, red face;
the nervous symptoms are predominant. Patient is characteristically dull and
apathetic, and looks and feels as if he were going to have a fit of sickness;
but he does not care much, he never worries over his condition. Drooping
eyelids in characteristic, it shows general languor and malaise. Trembling is
scarcely less prominent. There is chilliness, full and flowing pulse, not
resisting as in Aconite. Gelsemium usually precedes Baptisia, its symptoms
being similar but milder. Nash says Baptisia leads when soreness is most
prominent, and Gelsemium when prostration is most marked. The mind is
clouded with Baptisia, not so much so with Gelsemium. Dr. G. J. Jones
preferred Gelsemium to Baptisia, and he used the second dilution.
#Phosphoric acid. [Ph-ac]
Under this remedy we have characteristically sensorial depression,
indifference and perfect apathy, but out of this condition he is easily aroused
and is perfectly rational. There is apt to be nose bleed, and abdominal
symptoms are plentiful. The abdomen is distended and bloated; there is much
rumbling and gurgling and painless diarrhea, stools often containing
undigested matter. There may also be present intestinal haemorrhage. Like
Arsenic, Baptisia and Colchicum, the tongue is dry and the teeth covered
with sordes. With this remedy there is a characteristic aversion to
conversation and patient is apt to lie with a stupid, fixed, glassy stare.
Stramonium has the opposite of this-desire to talk and wild look.
Phosphorous has more sensorial excitement and more dryness of the tongue
than Phosphoric acid. It is to Phosphoric acid that Arsenic is to Rhus. It is
also the main remedy when pneumonia complicates.

#Hyoscyamus. [Hyos]
This remedy is quite likely to be required sooner or later in typhoid fever, for
some symptoms at least; that is, there are times when it will accord with
totality. In the early stage of the disease the delirium and the later the
symptoms of cerebral paralysis may call for Hyoscyamus. It the delirium be
furious or low and muttering, with picking at the bed clothes, and especially
if subsultus tendinum be present, then Hyoscyamus is the remedy. Still later
there may be dropping of the lower jaw, the patient being exceedingly weak
and tremulous, with muscular twitchings as a prominent symptoms. With
Hyoscyamus,too, we have involuntary stools. In the delirium there is much
similarity between evidences of blood poisoning than Belladonna. This fact
should be borne in mind in the treatment of typhoid fever, and drugs selected
according to the totality of the symptoms; but the pathological condition
should be taken into consideration in making up that totality.
Typhoid vaccine, whose use has been made officially obligatory in certain
quarters and which produces extreme malaise and fatigue, has been
employed with success by Waters in the Massachusetts Homoeopathic
Hospital in the higher potencies, as the lower provoke aggravations in
incipient cases. It has been declared convincing in its utility, both as
preventive and a remedy for the actual disease. There seems to be no
characteristic indicating feature, than that it is “good in Typhoid conditions”.
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