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Major world Religion

There are four main religion in the world they are. Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam
An account for 70, of the word’s population of remaining 15 is nonreligious, and 15 subscribe to one of
the smaller religions.
Definition; Religion is a difficult term to define at its most basic level, it embraces a set of strongly Held
beliefs and values by which to live.

1.Founder and Date; Hinduism has no specific founder and no specific date. Hinduism is thought to have
begun somewhere between 1800-1000 BC in India so it is generally thought of as the world’s oldest
organized religion.
It is approximately the third largest religion in the world ( behind Christianity and Islam).
Hinduism derives its name from the Persian word Hindu (Sanskrit Sindhu) which literally means “river”
referring to the people of the Valley, hence meaning “Indian”

2. Traditional location; heavily concentrated in India also present in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, Mauritius,
Nepal, Sri Lanka, Surinam, and Trinidad Now world wide.

3. Holy book ; Hinduism has many scriptures (Bible). The Vedas (knowledge) are the earliest and most
revered Hindu scriptures, and communicate spirit knowledge. Other scriptures include the Upanishads
and the Bhagavad- Gita.

4. God; Hindu’s believe that there are many gods (330 million) and Hinduism was polytheistic eventually,
three gods become preeminent: Brahma ( creator),Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (destroyer) behind the
many gods of Hinduism stands the one monistic reality of Brahman the universal soul. They believe that
Brahman is part of everything in the world, but is also higher than the world.

5. Jesus; Jesus attained God-realization and was thus an enlightened guru. He was a teacher. He was a
son of God as are others. His death did not atone for sins and He did not rise from the dead.

6. Humanity ; Every person possesses an undivided soul knows as at man that is extended from (and
“one with”) the universal soul (Brahman) much like drop of water in an ocean.

7. Sin; Humans are ignorant of their divine nature they have forgotten they are extended from Brahman.
For this reason, they have become subject to the law of karma.

8. Salvation ; Salvation comes when one realizes that one’s individual soul (at man) is identical with the
universal with the universal soul (Brahman). Through numerous deaths and rebirths (reincarnation) ,one
finally comes to and achieves absolute unity with Brahman.

9. The life after death ; Hinduism believes in reincarnation, which is based on the law of karma. It is
believed one will be born in a better status in the next life if one builds up good karma (by goal deeds),
one will be born in a worse status in the next life if one builds up bad karma. The ultimate good is to
escape the cycle of reincarnation achieve unity with Brahman.
10. Distinctive practices ; There are three paths to enlightened ;
(i) Karma marga ( the way of action and ritual)
(ii) Janna marga (the way of knowledge and meditation)
(iii) Bhatia marga ( the way of divotion).

Islam – Muslim
1.Founder and date; The word Islam means “submission to the will of Allah” Muslim means “one who
submits”. This religion was founded by Muhammad between ( A.D 570-635). Muhammad was
considered the greatest man who ever lived and the last of more than 124,000 prophets sent by Allah to

2. Traditional location ; Arabian and Peninsula, spreading the Middle East, North Africa, and beyond
Now world wide.

3. Holy book (Bible) ; Islam’s holy book is the Quran. Quran literally means “that which is to be read” it
contains one hundred fourteen suras ( chapter) and each chapter has verses (ayas). There are 6,6616
verses and 77,934 words. It is supersede all previous revelations. Quran was revealed to Muhammad by
the angel Gabriel. The book was revealed over an approximately 23 years period beginning on Dec. 22.
609 A.D. Muslim are challenged to memorize all of it and to recite it in the mosques and in daily prayers.

4. God ; Allah is the one true God he is an absolute unity and not a trinity.
 Allah has no children, no parents, no partners.
 Allah was not created by a being
 Allah are no equal, superior
 Allah is who created and rules everything
 Allah is eternal, omniscient, and omnipotent
 Allah has always existed and will always exist
 Allah has no shape and form
 Allah can’t be seen hard
 Allah is neither male or female
 Allah is just
 Allah rewards and punishes fairly, but Allah is also merciful.

5. Jesus; Jesus is neither God nor the son of God. But merely respected prophet Israel sent by Allah and
He was lesser prophet then Muhammad. He was sinless, a worker of miracles. He was not crucified or

6. Humanity ; Man is composed of body and soul, and basically has a good nature. His duty is to obey
and serve Allah. According to Muslim theology, mankind’s chief failing is pride and rebellion.

7. Sin; Man has lost his way. So long as man continues of follow his own mistaken ways, worshiping false
gods and neglecting Allah’s law’s his eternal destiny is imperiled.

8. Salvation; Salvation is found in complete surrender to Allah. ( This is in keeping with the meaning of
Islam – submission and Muslim – one who submits). Islam is a religion of salvation by works because it
combines man’s work with Allah’s work.
9. The life after death; Allah will resurrect all who have died he will judge all people on the scale of
absolute justice. Depending on how one fare one will end up either in heaven is a place of unimaginable
pleasure. Hell is a place of unimaginable suffering.
Distinctive practices’ there are five obligations in Islam.
1. Recite the Muslim creed
2. Pray five times daily
3. Give alms
4. Fast during the month of Ramadan
5. Take a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during one’s life

10. Division; The two largest Islamic sects are the Sunnis and the Shiites the Sunnis make up eighty
percent of all Muslims. Thing they follow the traditions of Islam.
 The shuts broke off from the main body of Muslim in the late seven century over a dispute
about the successor should, come through Muhammad bloodline.
 The Sunnis, by contrast, believes Islamic leadership should elect the leader.

1.Founder and Date; Buddhism has founded by the Buddha ( enlightened one) originally Gautama
Siddhartha (563-483 BC) the enlightened path the discovered was ( the middle way) a voiding the
extremes of indulgence and asceticism, focusing rather on meditation.

2. Traditional Location; Nepal and India, spreading to china, Japan, Korea, and beyond, now worldwide.

3. Holy Books ( Bible) ; The Buddhist Bible is the Pali Language Trip taka. Trip taka means three basket of
the law.
 The Abidharma partake contains philosophical doctrines.
 The vinay a partake contains laws and regulations.
 The sutta partake contains Parables and sermons of Gautama.

4. God; While the Buddha acknowledge the existence of impermanent gods, he discouraged their
worship he encouraged his followers to simply heed his teaching.

5.Jesus; Jesus- Jesus was an enlightened master

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