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I find this very interesting and would love to hear anyone’s thoughts on this.

Simple mathematics and the human population disproves evolution and the age of the

As of October 2018 the world population is 7.7 billion people.

In 1999 the world's population crossed over the 6 billion mark
In 1985 there were 5 billion people
In 1810 we had about 1 billion people on the planet (Merrill Earth Science pg 503).
In Jesus day it is estimated that there were about ¼ billion people on the earth.
Evolution teaches that humans have been here for a few million years. However,
taking the rate of population growth that we have observed and taking into account
natural deaths, wars, plagues and catastrophes that would mean that right now there
should be 150,000 people per square inch on the Earth!

In 1922 Berlin released a census on world population with the reported number of
1,804,187,000. The human race must double itself 30.75 times to make this number.
How do we know that? Very simple, at the beginning of the 1st period of doubling,
there would be only 2 people on the planet which starts us off with the lowest
possible ratio. In the second period of doubling we would have 4 people, the 3rd 8,
the 4th 16, the 10th 1024, the 20th 1,048,576, the 30th 1,073,741,824 and the 31st
By simple math we see that the population must be doubled more than 30 times but
less than 31 times to reach the numbers of the 1922 census. By logarithms we find
the actual number to be 30.75. After allowances for natural deaths, wars,
catastrophes and losses of all kinds, if the human race would double itself 30.75
times, we would have the stated population. To be incredibly and unrealistically
conservative, let’s pretend it takes 500 years for the human population to double
each period. (Looking at just my parents and a family of 3 siblings, we have over
quadrupled in just 37 years but again; we are being ridiculously conservative
here.) 500 times 30.75 = only 15,375 years to get 1922 population!
Using the theory that man evolved 250,000 years ago (a number that continues to
change for some reason, ie: it used to be 3 millions years ago) then take the
250,000 and divide it by 30.75 to see how long it would take on average to double
the population. It would take 8,130 years, which is of course very laughable and
completely impossible.
From 1810 till now, the human population has not doubled, tripled or quadrupled. It
has gone up over 7 times what it was in just over 200 years. Now of course the
numbers increase faster with more people, which would affect the rate. However,
this still leaves us with a big problem.
Lets just pretend monkey to man happened just 100,000 years ago and the population
doubled every 1612 years (random and ridiculous number just for fun). The present
population of the globe would be approximately 4,660,210,253,138,204,300! I’m not
even sure how to pronounce that number. Actual observable, testable and calculable
science tells us the facts. Monkey to man 250,000 years or 100,000 years or even
50,000 years ago isn’t possible. So impossible that it didn't even happen but I do
admire anyone’s faith that believes it did happen and I sincerely mean no
disrespect by that.

Pretending for a moment the flood never happened and we go back another few
thousand years to Adam, using the mathematical formula from just two people
starting out, the earth's population would be 29,559,799,808,000!!!
To go back 100,000 years makes this number too large to fit on this screen and yet
we have supposedly been here for millions of years.

Side note, it is said that the 20th century was the bloodiest century in history.
More people died from war in the 20th century then all the other centuries combined
and yet, even still, we see our population explode! Here is a list of a number of
the 20th century wars.
The First World War 1914–1918
The Russian Civil War, 1917–1922
The Irish War of Independence, 1919–1921
The Irish Civil War, 1922–1923
The Second World War, 1939–1945
The Korean War, 1950–1953
The Kenya Emergency, 1952–1960
The Suez Crisis, 1956
The Malayan Emergency, 1948–1960
First Sudanese Civil War, 1955-1972
The Vietnam War, 1955-1975
The Aden Emergency, 1963–1967
The Cambodian Civil War 1967-1975
The Troubles, 1968–1998
The Falkirk’s War 1982
The Gulf War, 1990–1991
The Bosnian War, 1992–1995
The Kosovo War, 1998–1999
The Second Sudanese Civil War 1983-2005
Despite all this bloodshed, we still went from 1.6 billion in the year 1900 to over
6 billion in 2000. Again, these numbers are impossible if we have been here for
even 100,000 years.

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