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Oxford Louise Academy of Dasma., Inc.

Government Recognition: PRE ELEMENTARY k-062 s 2004, COMPLETE ELEMENTARY E-016 s 2005, COMPLETE SECONDARY s-047 s 2013
P. Campos Avenue corner Emerald Crest Village San Jose, City of Dasmarinas, Cavite Philippines
TEL. NO. Admin (046) 416-3287; Registrar (046) 431-0171


Unit Topic:

A. Guidelines and Criteria in the Selection and Evaluation of:

(July 1 & 8 - 10 Eagle )
(July 5 & 12 - 10 Falcon)

1. Health information
2. Health products
3. Health services

Health Service Providers

1. health professionals
2. health facilities;
3. health care plans and financing systems (PhilHealth, Health Maintenance
Organization, private health insurance)

B. Quackery (July 15, 22, & 29 - 10 Eagle)

(July 18, 25 & Aug 1 - 10 Falcon)

Types (medical, nutrition, device) and Harmful Physical and Psychological


D. Complementary and Alternative Healthcare Modalities (July 22-23)

Herbal medicine (medicinal plants approved by the Department of Health)

1. Acupuncture
2. Ventosa massage cupping therapy
3. Reflexology
4. Naturopathy

E. Consumer welfare and protection (July 25-26)

1. Consumer law
2. Consumer protection agencies and organizations
Performance Standard:

demonstrates critical thinking and decisionmaking skills in the selection,

evaluation and utilization of health information, products and services.

Learning Competencies:

1. differentiates reliable from unreliable health information, products and services;

2. explains the guidelines and criteria in the selection and evaluation of health
information, products and services;
3. discusses the various forms of health service providers and healthcare plans;
4. selects health professionals, specialists and health care services wisely;
5. explains the nature and dangers of quackery;
6. reports fraudulent health services
7. explains the different kinds of complementary and alternative health care
8. explains the importance of consumer laws to protect public health
9. identifies national and international government agencies and private
organizations that implement programs for consumer protection
10. participates in programs for consumer welfare and protection

Transfer Goal:
Aims to develop a person’s ability to evaluate and utilize health information,
products, and services wisely and effectively.

Essential Questions:

What do I already know?

What can I already do?
What do I value?

Enduring Understanding:

The Learner’s Material is about knowing the products or services first. Be meticulous with sales talk
or marketing gimmicks. Never sacrifice quality from quantity and most importantly Consult the
authorities when in doubt.

Are you ready?

Activity 1


Activity A: Identify the concepts being described in each item. Fill in the missing letters to
complete the crossword puzzle.

3. Sale of products that are not scientifically proven to be effective; fraudulent advertisement or

4. Healthcare practitioner who specializes in problems of the teeth

5. Allied health professional who provides healthcare to patients in hospitals

6. Public health insurance mandated by Philippine law


1. Doctor who specializes in the disorders of the respiratory system

2. Alternative medicine practice where needles are inserted in some specific of the body

4. Form of quackery that uses equipment believed to cure illness

7. Health maintenance organization; form of healthcare provider that makes use of prepaid
money to cover medical expenses

Learning Targets

 Explain the concept of Health Information, Products & Services

 Apply knowledge acquired with respect to personal and environmental health in the
purchase of personal goods and services.

 Different kinds of consumer

Activity 2.


Read the health information below. Draw a cross on the GO column if it is scientifically true and proven,
and draw a cross on the STOP column if it is not.
III. Deepen

Activity 3. Guided Generalization

Essential Question:

1. Why are there misleading health information? Who spreads them?

2. Who are the sources of health information?

3. What are other examples of myths (superstitions) and/or misconceptions that you hear in your


Common Ideas :

Enduring Understanding:

The message has already been revealed, and discussed the relevance of correct and
misleading health information. Aside from health information, people also consume health
products. Health products are food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, etc. In
which these products may be purchased from various places like supermarkets, pharmacies,
and hospitals.

IV. Summary Test

- Summative Assessment
Performance Assessment: GRASPS

When constructing performance assessment tasks, it helps to use the acronym GRASPS:

G Goal - Aims to develop a person’s ability to evaluate and utilize health information,
products, and services wisely and effectively.

R Role - understand that real danger of acquiring misleading health information and
superstitious beliefs.

A Audience - Teacher, Classmates

S Situation -- Reliable and Unreliable - Identify reliable and unreliable sources of health
information and products.

P Products or Performances - People acquire health information and products from

various sources like people, media, and technology. It is important to identify the
reliability of these sources.

S Standards - Reliable sources of health information and products are licensed

professionals who took up specialized and intensive studies in the field. They are the
ones who have the qualified educational background and can give scientific
explanation to validate information.

Prepared by: Wilmar G. Relox

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