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- Go back to the goal

- Study psychographics and behavioral of youth
- Brightness or contrast feature
- Read the whole paper

- Red and youthful

Goal of the Campaign

The goal of the campaign, is to be able to expand the target market towards the youth,
by making their opinions and voices feel welcomed through The Economist, as a
platform for the youth to be more involved, heard, and empowered.

How do we make him money?

- Not really profit yung focus but about the advocacy… (backup always on goal, but if he
insists on making money, say rin were not focusing on all youth naman since not all are
capable to pay)
- Coupons
- Not paying for additional content, since we accept blog entries
- Not changing anything but adding features

Why will the youth buy if they don’t have own income?
- Coupons make them cheaper
- Not for all the youth,​ but for those who show high interest in socio-political affairs (refer
to psychographic and behavioral characteristics), and those who have the ability to pay

Why Asia?
- Youth bulge in Asia (refer to size of market)

Red Plug
- The red plug symbolizes the youth ​being heard​ by the world
- Red also for The Economist

Youth in Asia
- Coupons/Discounts
- The Economist gets their location to verify where they are
- Student ID verification

Why engage a new target market?

- Youth remains untouched by The Economist
- Doesn't mean that were scratching off the old target segment, but simply wanting a need
for a WIDER RANGE of target market
- Will continue to cater to usual market. The Economist Youth, and the whole campaign
itself, is a mere arm of The Economist to reach the youth.

How will we ensure that the youth will keep submitting blog entries?
- When the people who have submitted blog entries have them approved, they can
receive a 3-month or 6-month free subscription (for the first time) to The Economist,
depending on the number of entries that have been approved by the editors.
- Subsequent entries will not be qualified for the free subscription, instead, they can avail
of the discount coupons for students
- Publicity (The youth, generally being active users of social media and the internet, will
begin to take notice of the blog posts and share it through their peers, therefore
increasing the chances of the blog posts having a wider reach)
- The youth will always have opinions, especially in light of current events; The Economist
Youth functions as a platform for expressing their opinions

Psychographic + Behavioral
For the psychographic characteristics,

The youth, according to a political studies research by Doctors Keating

and Melis, are the​ fastest adapters to new technologies.

This comfortability goes hand-in-hand with them having a sense of empowerment,

which they get from social media, according to the World Economic Forum.

Moreover, the youth are likely to partake in forms of activism, which also includes
online activism, due to their heightened
concern for praxis.

With these psychographic characteristics, this embodies to the youth

as seen in their behavior.

According to Doctor Hawk and his team of researchers on their human behavioral study,
The youth have ​continuous social connectivity​, with self-expression as their major motivation
for social media engagement.

This engagement also includes political engagement, making the internet as their
platform to do so.

All-in-all, the youth generally thrive on the internet, are ​fond of expressing
themselves on social media, and are vocal with their socio-political opinions.

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