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Software Engineering [15CS42]-Question Bank

1. Introduction, Software Processes, Requirements Engineering

Sl. Appeared In VTU BT
Question CO
No QP Month/Year Level
Explain the need for requirements elicitation and
Dec 09/10
1 analysis? Explain the different process activities CO1 BT2

2 Explain Boehm’s spiral model[10M] Dec 09/10 CO1 BT2

With an example, explain the functional and non- Dec 09/10

3 CO1 BT4
functional requirements [10M] May/June 2010
Dec 10
Explain the requirements engineering process with
4 May/June CO1 BT3
a neat block diagram. [4,6,10,12M]
Describe 4 different types of non-functional
requirement, which may be placed, on the Dec 10
5 CO1 BT4
systems. Give examples of each of these types of July15
Describe the salient features of spiral model of Dec 10
6 CO1 BT3
software process, with an illustration diagram Jan15
What is requirement elicitation and analysis? Dec 10
7 CO1 BT2
Explain[4M] July16
8 Explain waterfall model[5M] June/July 2010,16 CO1 BT2
During the requirements validation process, what
are the different types of checks to be carried out
on the requirements in the requirements document.
9 June/July 2010 CO1 BT1
Also what are the requirements validation
techniques, which can be used in conjunction or
individually.[ 10M]
Why requirements need to be validated? Explain
10 May/June 2010 CO1 BT2
the check made in requirement validation[6M]
Explain the requirements elicitation and analysis
phase, with spiral diagram. Give reasons why is it
11 difficult phase in requirements engineering May/June 2010 CO1 BT3
process. [8M]

June/ July 13,16,

Explain the IEEE standard format for requirement
12 Dec 2010, Dec 13/ CO1 BT2
documentation [ 6,10,8M]
Jan 14,
13 Explain briefly the requirements discovery[10M] Dec 14/Jan 15 CO1 BT2
With appropriate block diagram, explain briefly
14 the requirement engineering process or Dec 14/Jan 15 CO1 BT3
software specification activities[6M]
Distinguish between functional and non-functional
15 June/July 15,16 CO1 BT4
requirements with example.[ 4,6M]

Mamatha E, Asst.Prof., Dept. of ISE, SVIT, Bengaluru Page 1

Software Engineering [15CS42]-Question Bank

Explain requirement validation. [10M]

16 Dec 13/ Jan 14 CO1 BT2
17 Write short notes on Ethnography[ 4M ] June/ July 2016 CO1 BT1
Distinguish between functional and non-functional
18 requirements. With a block diagram Dec 2012 CO1 BT4
Explain non-functional requirement types.[10M]
Explain the metrics for specifying non-functional
19 June/July 13 CO1 BT2
requirements [ 6M]
What are professional and ethical responsibility of
20 June 2012 CO1 BT1
software engineering[ 5M ]
Define software Engineering. Explain the different
21 June 2012 CO1 BT2
types of software products.[6M]
Answer the following frequently asked questions
about software engineering
1. Difference between software engineering
22 and system engineering June/July 2014 CO1 BT4
2. What is a software process model
3. What are key challenges facing software
engineering [6M]
What are the attributes of good software. Explain Dec 09/ Jan 10, Dec
23 CO1 BT2
[6M] 13/ Jan 14

Mamatha E, Asst.Prof., Dept. of ISE, SVIT, Bengaluru Page 2

Software Engineering [15CS42]-Question Bank

2. System Models, Design And Implementation

Sl. Appeared In VTU BT
Question CO
No QP Month/Year Level
Explain any 2 types of object models in
1 June / July 2015 CO2 BT2
Explain state machine model of microwave
2 oven[6M] June/ July 2015 CO2 BT2

Explain structured methods [10M]

3 Dec 13 / Jan 14 CO2 BT2
4 Give state diagram for weather station[10M] Dec 13 / Jan 14 CO2 BT3
Explain data flow model with an example of
5 June / July 16 CO2 BT3
insulin pump[ 8M]
Define object model and explain object
6 June / July 16 CO2 BT2
List the proposals made about how to identify
7 June / July 15 CO2 BT1
object classes[4M]
With figure explain the phases of RUP[5M]
June / July 15, May
8 CO2 BT3
/ June 2010
Write short notes on
Dec 2012
9 (i) Context models CO2 BT1
(ii) Structural models [10M]
Explain the terms:
(i) Unified Modeling language
10 Dec 2012 CO2 BT2
(ii) Sequence models [10M]

Describe rational unified process with a block

11 June / July 2013 CO2 BT3
diagram [9M ]
List and explain different types of system
12 June / July 2013 CO2 BT2
Draw and explain state diagram for a typical
13 weather station[10M] June / July 2013 CO2 BT3

Draw the state machine model of a microwave

14 June / July 2014 CO2 BT3
What is object aggregation? Write an example
15 June / July 2014 CO2 BT2
showing aggregation, with notation[4M]
What is a sequence model? Write the sequence
16 model of operations in collecting the data from a June / July 2014 CO2 BT4
weather station and explain [8M]

Mamatha E, Asst.Prof., Dept. of ISE, SVIT, Bengaluru Page 3

Software Engineering [15CS42]-Question Bank

What is data flow model? With an example show

17 Dec 09 / Jan 10 CO2 BT2
the notations used in data flow model[10M]
Draw and explain the sequence and state diagram
18 Dec 2010 CO2 BT3
for a typical weather station[10M]
Based on your experience with bank ATM, draw a
data flow diagram modelling thedata processing June / July 09
19 CO2 BT4
involved when a customer withdraws cash from a

Mamatha E, Asst.Prof., Dept. of ISE, SVIT, Bengaluru Page 4

Software Engineering [15CS42]-Question Bank

3. Software Testing, Software Evolution

Sl. Appeared In VTU BT
Question CO
No QP Month/Year Level
With appropriate block diagram, explain the
1 Dec 14 /Jan15 CO3 BT3
system evolution process[10M]
Explain activities involved in reengineering
2 June / July 15 CO3 BT2
process with figure[10M]
Dec 13 /Jan 14, 4m
3 Give Lehman’s laws [10M] CO3 BT1
June / July 16
4 Explain interface testing with neat diagram [8M] June / July 16 CO3 BT3
5 Explain component testing [10M] Dec 13 / Jan 14 CO3 BT2
6 List classes of interface errors[5M] June / July 15 CO3 BT1
Define “program evolution dynamics”. Describe
7 the Lehman’s laws for program evolution Dec 2012 CO3 BT2
Explain the different types of software
8 June 2012 CO3 BT2
maintenance [6M]
9 Explain the software evolution process[6M] June 2012 CO3 BT2
10 Explain the performance testing[6M] June 2012 CO3 BT2
Explain general model of testing with the help of a
11 June / July 13 CO3 BT3
block diagram [8M]
How software maintenance is carried out? Explain
12 June / July 14 CO3 BT2
briefly [8M ]
Distinguish between software inspection and
13 testing. What are the advantages of inspection Dec 09 / Jan 10 CO3 BT2
over testing[8M]
Explain with illustrations:
14 Dec 09 / Jan 10 CO3 BT3
(i) Integration testing (ii) release testing [6M]
What is verification and validation? Explain why
15 May / June 2010 CO3 BT2
validation is a particularly difficult process [5M]
16 Explain briefly software inspection process [6M] Dec 14 / Jan 15 CO3 BT2
What is partitioning testing? Briefly explain with
17 Dec 2012 CO3 BT2
an example[10M]

Mamatha E, Asst.Prof., Dept. of ISE, SVIT, Bengaluru Page 5

Software Engineering [15CS42]-Question Bank

4. Project Planning
Sl. Appeared In VTU BT
Question CO
No QP Month/Year Level
Name the factors affecting software engineering
1 Dec 13 / Jan14 CO4 BT1
productivity and cost estimation technique[10M]
Explain briefly the algorithmic cost modelling and
2 write the difficulties [6M ] June / July 16 CO4 BT2

Explain different section of project plan and define

3 June / July 16 CO4 BT2
milestones and deliverables[8M]
List and explain various COCOMO2 cost
4 Dec 2012 CO4 BT2
estimation models[10M]
Explain the various inspection checklists for
5 Dec 2012 CO4 BT2
software inspection process[10M]
Describe the cost estimation techniques with June 2012, 10m
6 CO4 BT2
relevant example[10M] June / July 13
7 Write a note on project duration and staffing [6M] June / July 2014 CO4 BT1
Name the type of metrics used to estimate
8 June / July 2014 CO4 BT1
What are the factors affecting software pricing?
Dec 09/ Jan 10
9 What are the two types of metrics used? CO4 BT2
Differentiate between deliverables and milestones
10 June / July 15 CO4 BT4
[2M ]
For the set of tasks shown below, draw the project
scheduling using,
(i) Activity chart (ii) staff allocation vs time
chart (Assuming start date of project as 01
NOV 2014) [ 10M]

Dec 14 / Jan 15
11 CO4 BT6

Following table shows number of activities,

durations and dependencies and milestones. Draw June / July 2014
12 CO4 BT6
an activity chart and a bar chart showing the
critical path for the project schedule[10M]

Mamatha E, Asst.Prof., Dept. of ISE, SVIT, Bengaluru Page 6

Software Engineering [15CS42]-Question Bank

Refer table below for task durations and


13 May / June 2010 CO4 BT6

(i) Draw activity network (ii) find and

highlight critical path [8M]

Mamatha E, Asst.Prof., Dept. of ISE, SVIT, Bengaluru Page 7

Software Engineering [15CS42]-Question Bank

5. Agile Software Development

Sl. Appeared In VTU BT
Question CO
No QP Month/Year Level
What is pair programming? Write its advantages June / July 15, 6m
1 CO5 BT1
[4M] Dec 2010
What is extreme programming? List principles of June / July 15, 6m
2 C05 BT1
agile method [ 6M] June / July 13
3 Explain extreme programming [10M] Dec 13 / Jan 14 CO5 BT2
What are agile methods? Describe the principles
4 June / July 16 BT2
of agile method[6M]]
List and explain the principles of agile methods.
5 Also explain the problems with agile methods Dec 2012 CO5 BT2
Explain the difficulties with iterative development
6 June / July 14 CO5 BT2
and incremental delivery[ 6M ]
Briefly describe the extreme programming release
7 June / July 14 CO5 BT3
cycle with a neat diagram [6M]
With a figure, explain the process of prototype
8 development. What are the benefits of using May/ June 2010 CO5 BT3
prototyping? [7M ]
What are the practices followed in extreme
9 May/ June 2010 CO5 BT1
programming. [6M ]
10 Explain the structure of software test plan [7M] Dec 2010 CO5 BT2

Mamatha E, Asst.Prof., Dept. of ISE, SVIT, Bengaluru Page 8

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