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3.6.Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 4.6.Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
informasi terkait dengan tingkah tingkah laku/tindakan/fungsi orang,
laku/tindakan/fungsi orang, binatang, benda, binatang, dan benda, dengan fungsi
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan kalimat kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
declarative, interrogative, simple present konteks.

Individual Activity 1
Listen to the speaker reading a descriptive text carefully. While listening, complete the following
text with the suitable words you have heard!
This is Tony. He is a (1)____________. He is old and little fat. He (2) ____________ at the school. He
teaches English.
Every day he gets up at (3)____________ six in the morning. He takes (4)____________ and puts on a
shirt and tie. Then he eats (5)____________ at seven o’clock. At quarter past seven, he rides his
(6)____________ to school.
Tony start work (7)____________ o’clock. He cleans the (8)____________. Then, he talks with his
student’s (9)____________. He starts teaching (10)____________ o’clock. At twelve o’clock, he has
lunch. He teaches again in (11)____________. He goes home at half past four.
In the evening, he feeds his (12)____________and he watches TV. He has (13)____________ at half past
six. Then he corrects studens’ (14)____________. At ten o’clock, he goes (15)____________

Individual Activity 2
Based on the text in individual activity 1, complete Mr. Tony’s profile below!
Name :___________________________________________
Occupation :___________________________________________
Place of work :___________________________________________
Mr. Tony’s everyday activities.
a. In the morning at home
b. In the morning at school
c. In the evening at school or at home
d. In the evening
Individual Activity 3
Listen to the speaker reading some words or phrases then repeat after him/her.
- My house - Small garden - Surfing the net
- Three bedrooms - Green curtains - Homework
- Two bathrooms - Blue carpet - Two armchairs
- Small kitchen - Window - Coffee table
- Large living room - Small table - No shower or bath

Group Activity 1
The speaker will read you a descriptive text about “a house” and you will listen to it carefully.
After that practice describing this text with your partner while your partner listen to you and vice

This is my house in Ciracas. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a small kitchen and a large
living room. There is alsoa small garden with flowers and trees.

My bedroom is white with green curtains and a blue carpet. My bed is next to the window.
There is a small table with a lamp and a clock next to my bed. In my room, there is a computer.

I like surfing the net after I do my homework. In my house, the living room is the biggest room.
It has three windows, a sofa and two armchairs. There is also a TV and a coffee table. The
bathroom is the smallest room. It has a basin and a toilet, no shower or bath.

Group Activity 2
After practicing describing a house above, now it is your turn to complete the table below about
the speaker’s house based on the text!
No Part of a house Descriptions
1 The speaker’s house
2 The speaker’s bedroom
3 The living room
4 The bathroom

Group Activity 2
In pair, read the description below then find out what animal it is!
Can you find out what I am?
1. I can climb trees. I eat insects. I have a long tongue.
: …………………………………………...................................
2. I am mammal. I live in the water. I have a duck’s bill.
: …………………………………………...................................
3. I have no legs. I can swim very well. I look like a snake.
: …………………………………………...................................

4. I live in the house. I am active at night. I eat insect. I can walk on the ceiling.
: …………………………………………...................................
5. I live in the sea. I am not a fish. You cannot eat me. I usually have five arms.
: …………………………………………...................................
6. I live in Africa. I have black spots. I am a predator. No one runs faster than me.
: …………………………………………...................................
7. I am a bird. I cannot fly. I am from New Zealand. A fruit has the same name.
: …………………………………………...................................
8. I am a mammal. I live in the ocean. I eat seals and fish. I am also called orca.
: …………………………………………...................................
9. I am a sea bird. I eat fish. I can swim and fly. I keep fish in my beak.
: …………………………………………...................................
10. I live in the garden. I eat vegetable. I am very slow. I carry my house on my back.
: …………………………………………...................................
11. I hunt small animals. I sometimes eat fish. I am a bird of prey. I am the symbol of the
: …………………………………………...................................
12. I live near the water. I have a long flat tail. I have sharp teeth. I build dams.
: …………………………………………...................................
Study the following explanation thoroughly!


Simple present tense is a form of verb to express facts, habits, or events that occur at this time.
(suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat
Berikut rumus simple present tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif.

Rumus Simple Present Tense Contoh Simple Present Tense

kalimat positif (+): She likes eating out

S + verb-1/be (am/is/are)
The children are naughty.

kalimat negatif (-): She doesn’t like eating out

 S + (do/does) + not + bare infinitive

The children aren’t naughty
 S + be (am/is/are) + not

kalimat interogatif (?): Does she like eating out?

 do/does + S + bare infinitive

 be (am/is/are) + S Are the children naughty?
Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

No Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense untuk menyatakan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan terjadi (frekuensi) atau habitual
action (kebiasaan). Time expression (keterangan waktu) yang sering digunakan yaitu adverbial of frequency.
adverb of frequency
 always (selalu)
 often (sering)
 usually (biasanya)
 sometimes (kadang-kadang)
 seldom (jarang)
 never (tidak pernah)
 3 days a week (3 hari per minggu)
 twice a month (dua kali sebulan)
 8 hours a day (8 jam per hari)
 every day (setiap hari)
 every month (setiap bulan)
 three times a week (tiga kali seminggu)

I always come on time.

He sometimes hears a ringing in his ears.

She never cries in front of us.

Many people work 8 hours a day.

They go to the gym every day.

I do the exercise three times a week to gain my muscle mass.

She sends much money to her parents in the village every month.
(Dia mengirimkan banyak uang kepada orangtuanya di desa setiap bulan.)

Factual (kebenaran umum/fakta yang tak terbantahkan)

2 The sun rises from the east and sets in the west.

Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius.

Simple present tense digunakan untuk membuat simple statement yang berlaku general (berlaku kapan saja)
maupun tidak general (menggunakan verb be).

I live in Jakarta.
She is so beautiful.

He’s angry.

*Kata kerja yang ditambahi (es) apabila huruf akhirnya adalah (sh, ch, o, ss, x,)
Wash, finish Washes, finishes
Watch, teach Watches, teaches
go Goes
Kiss, pass Kisses, passes
Box, fix Boxes, fixes
Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your
chosen answer!
1. She _____ her dog everyday
a. To feed
b. Feed
c. Feeds
d. Feeding
2. I ____ always ____ to the dentist
a. Do not, go
b. Does not, go
c. Do not, went
d. Does not, went

3. When __ you ____ a shower?

a. Do, took
b. Do, take
c. Do, taken
d. Do, taking

4. Q: Do you like to sing?

A: …
a. Yes, I likes to sing
b. Yes, I like to sing
c. Yes, I am liking to sing
d. Yes, I liked to sing

5. Tom and I ____ ____ together.

a. Do surfing
b. Don’t surfing
c. Do surfs
d. Don’t surf

6. I ___ breakfast every day at 7 AM

a. Eat
b. To eat
c. Ate
d. Eaten

7. Q: How do you go to school?

A: We ___ the bus to school
a. Rode
b. Ridden
c. Ride
d. Riding
8. Q: When do you do your homework?
A: …
a. I have did my homework at 6 PM
b. I did my homework at 6 PM
c. I do my homework at 6 PM
d. I am doing my homework at 6 PM
9. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park?
A: …
a. No, I doesn’t enjoy playing in the park
b. No, I no enjoy playing in the park
c. No, I don’t enjoy playing in the park
d. No, I don’t enjoys playing in the park

10. Q: Does he love his mother?

A: …
a. He love his mother
b. He loves his mother
c. He to love his mother
d. He is loving his mother

Fill the blanks in the sentences below with don’t or doesn’t!

1. Bill ….. play tennis everyday
2. We….. go to the park
3. Kate ….. like to eat fish
4. Sue ….. wear long dresses
5. I ….. like to gate up late
6. My brothers ….. like to drink milk
7. My cousin ….. know Arabic well
8. I ….. like to walk with my cat
9. Pam ….. go to the gym
10. They ….. understand this rule
11. We ….. often go to the movie
12. Liz ….. flowers in the garden
13. Timy ….. wear shorts at all
14. Tom and Siti ….. visit their friends in the afternoon
15. My brother ….. do this homework in the evening.

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