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P1_Q2 The quality of a true friend

P1 1) Abraham Lincoln 曾经说过,< >

Abraham Lincoln once said, < 'The better part of one's life consists of his friendships.'>
2) 的确,朋友是生命里 重要的一部分。朋友 让生命变得美丽 和 让生活有了意义
Indeed, friends are an important part of life. Friends make life beautiful and worth living.
They add a certain kind of spark of life. We can talk to our friends about each and everything; share
our deepest secrets and even our stupid little everyday stories
4) 真正的朋友 让我们的生活 变得更好
True friends can make our life so much better.
5) 那么,我们 该如何 辨识出一个真正的朋友?{ 以我个人来看 },{ 以我的基本要求来看 },在一个
真正的朋友身上 可以找到 特定的品质。
So how do we recognize a true friend? ( Personally ), there are certain qualities which are found in a
true friend ( on the basis of my requirement ).

P2 6) 真正的朋友 的 其中一个品质 是 诚实。

One of the qualities of a true friend is honesty.
7) 表现得 坦率 和 诚实 对每一段友谊 是 重要的,因为 信任 建立在它们之上
Being open and honest is significant / essential to every friendship as trust is built upon these
8) 缺少了 信任,将不会有 真正的 和 持久的 友谊
Without trust, there can be no true and long-lasting friendship.
9) 诚实 不意味着 揭露 你的私生活
Being honest does not mean revealing everything about your private life.
10) 诚实 仅仅意味着 表现得 直率/爽直 和
Honesty simply means being straightforward and clear about one's intentions, and being truthful about
one's opinions.
11) 真正的朋友 不会欺骗我们 或者 隐藏他们 真实的 想法 和 感受
True friends would not lie to us or hide their true thoughts and feelings.
True friends are honest about who they are and welcome our honesty in return.

P3 13) 一个真诚的朋友 会陪在我们身边 同甘共苦 / 患难与共

A true friend is also one who stands by us through thick and thin.
 through thick and thin  If you support or stay with someone through thick and thin, you always support or
stay with them, even if there are problems or difficulties.
His wife stuck faithfully to him through thick and thin.

14) 在 一切安好 的时候,找朋友 不是 一件难事

When everything is going well, it is easy to find friends.

15) 当困难 出现在 我们眼前 而 我们需要 帮助的时候,那些 只是

When trouble comes (across our path) and we need help, however, fair-weather friends who are
only interested in having a good time are nowhere to be found.
17) A true friend cares about what happens to us and wants us to be happy.
18) Such friends will comfort and support us when we are undergoing hard time.
19) A dear friend's support gives us strength and courage to face our troubles.
20) Often, a true friend also does his or her best to help us overcome our problems.

P4 21) The third value that a true friend should possess is compassion.

22) Being compassionate means being able to understand others' suffering and being willing to help.
23) Compassionate people are kind-hearted and merciful. They care about others and do their best to help
anyone who is in trouble. This value helps to build a more caring society.

P5 24) Finally, true friends are forgiving. It is quite certain that relationships will go through difficult times.

25) Friends may not see eye to eye about everything all the time.
26) Disagreements are bound to happen. /// There may be misunderstandings.
27) A true friend is willing to forgive and forget. A true friend will not hold a grudge and try to get back at
us /// .
28) A true friend is also willing to apologize for his or her mistakes.

P6 29) In conclusion, a true friend is one who is honest, supportive and forgiving. I believe that no true
friendship is possible without these three qualities. Always remember that you should not only look for a
friend with these qualities but also strive to uphold these qualities yourself.

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