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Foldable_Rules:Layout 1 2/2/2013 2:15 PM Page 1

Example: if the player chooses a direction 3. resolve attacks received, by adding all Health track on the play mat. MOON (turn 10) and a SUN (turn 11).
with a destination number 3, he draws (one the aggression numbers of all the drawn Then, in the next phase, he moves the token,
Resting automatically occurs, when thep-
at a time) 3 cards, adding the Aggression card(s) and remove from the Health one more space (finishing the turn, on turn
layer (in the rest phase of the turn) is on
Numbers of all 3 cards, and resolving the Track on the play mat, that many heart 12, a MOON).
MOON symbol, on the Turn Track, on the
effects ONLY of the 3rd card. tokens
playmat. -:-:-:-
-:-:-:- 4. resolve card effects of the last drawn card
A player MAY wish to rest even when he is SET UP:
THE TURN SEQUENCE: 5. rest, automatically or voluntarily (if vol- on a SUN symbol, on the turn track, but this Shuffle the card deck, and place it, face
Each turn is a day or night in Middle earth, untarily, move the token on the turn track will cost him 2 turns. When this happens, down, on the play mat, in the Quest Deck
and the player has 25 turns to complete his by 2 spaces) move the token forward 2 spaces, in the place holder.
mission (keep track of the turns, by mov- turn track (hence, place the token on the
6. end the turn, by moving the token on the Place a token at the beginning of the Turn
ing the token, on the Turn Track on the play following SUN icon).
Turn Track by 1 space forward
Track, on the play mat.
mat This means that, if the player doesn't rest, at
The game ends, when one of the losing
the end of a turn (voluntarily or automati- Place 10 tokens, each on a Heart icon, as
Each turn is divided in 6 phases: conditions occur; or when the player draws
cally), the wounds he received in the turn, Wounds, on the play mat.
the last card from the quest deck.
1. choose a destination among the ones pro- carry on, to the following turn.
-:-:-:- Keep the rest of the tokens at hand reach.
vided by the card
Example: it is the end of turn 9 (with a SUN
RESTING: Chose a direction from the place holder for
2. draw as many cards as indicated by the icon), and the player decides to rest. The
When resting, the player resets all wounds the discard pile, in the playmat (1 or 3).
number shown on the destination you player restores all the wound tokens, and
chose received, by restoring all the tokens, on the moves the token forward 2 spaces (a Now, your journey can begin.
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GAME OVERVIEW: 1. He doesn't reach Mt.Doom within 25 you draw to get an Attack value which rep- BUT, doing so, will also bring the witch
The player is Frodo, who's aim is to reach turns (each turn corresponds to 1 day or resents the amount of wounds you have kings closer to you: any time you use the
Mordor and drop the RING in the lava of 1 night) sustained this turn. Ring, put a token on the the Witch King
Mt.Doom, avoiding to get killed by ene- Track, on the play mat.
Or At any time, if the total attack value is
mies or get cought by the Witch Kings. higher than Frodo's health points, the player The first time you use the ring, put token
2 His health points reach 0 (the player be- on the Ring symbol, on the play mat: this
-:-:-:- immediately loses the game. The Attack
gins with 10 life points). is a reminder that the ring has been used at
value will be the sum, of all aggression
GAME COMPONENTS: least once.
Or numbers, of cards drawn this turn.
The components provided are a 54 card
deck, 1 beginning card; a playmat. 3. He gets caught by the Witch Kings Example: if the player chooses directions While drawing or before drawing (depend-
(when 3 witch king markers are placed with a high destination number, which ing on the item, the player will have the
The player will have to add about 20tokens chance to use one item he is equipped with.
on the playmat). travel (up, left and/or right). The Directions makes him move faster, he will finish the
, (coins, cubes, etc. the color is not impor-
show numbers (which range from 1 to 5) mission within the preset time of 25 turns, The player can use only one item, per turn.
tant), to put on the playmat, to keep track -:-:-:-
and show how many cards need to be but will also increase the chances of getting
of health, turn, equipped items, etc. CARD ANATOMY: C. Card Effects can be good or bad, de-
drawn, in order to proceed with the quest. damaged, and killed.
The important information are the direc- pending on the card. A player resolves the
B. Each card shows an aggression number At any time, but before drawing cards from card effects ONLY of the last drawn card of
tions, the aggression number, and the card
WINNING CONDITIONS: the quest deck, you can use the RING the turn: hence, unless otherwise stated, the
effects (the rest is fluff). (ranging from 0 to 3) which represents the
The player wins the game when he reaches which will turn Frodo invisible and, there- ONLY thing the player should take into ac-
attacks you have received, while travelling.
the end of the 54 card deck, within 25 turns. A. Consider the card as a crossroad: there- fore, immune to all the attacks received count, while drawing the cards, is the ag-
The player loses the game if: fore you are given choices on where to Sum the aggression numbers of each card (consider all aggression numbers as 0). gression number).

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