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God’s Not Dead 2, is about a teacher whose faith in God was challenged to grapple with the fact
that the freedom to express her faith is being criticized. In the movie, Grace was brought into
legal action for violating a law. It’s because she connected her faith in her history class which
was considered by the School Board as an inappropriate act for a history teacher to teach to her
students. This law is about the separation of Church and State, which means it is guaranteed by
law that speaks about the political distance in the relationship between religious organizations
and the nation state.

During the persecution of Grace Wesley, I was irritated at the people who ill-treated her because
she stood her faith in God. The School Board totally ignored her right- the basic right of the right
to believe and went up to that far by taking everything if she won’t admit that what she did was
wrong. I believe that, it is a bad thing to persecute someone just because you have different
beliefs in life. I was relieved when she won the case and made her opponent realized that God
really did exist.

“God is not dead. He is surely alive”, this was the last message that was shown in the movie
God’s Not Dead 2, and I totally agreed with this. Sometimes, during our hard times we might
feel that God is far from us, but that is not true. He was only testing our faith and prepares us for
a better future. “A teacher is silent when making a test”, said Walter Wesley to Grace when she
was losing hope. All we have to do is to stand our faith in God and everything will be fine,
because God is surely living within us, so He is the closest one who silently supports us.

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