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पंडित यडि पढ़ी गुडि मूये गुरु डििा डमलै ि ज्ञािा ज्ञाि डििा िहीं मुक्ति है सप्त
शब्द परमाि ||

अताा थ – िड़े िड़े डिद्वाि शास्त्रं कर पढ़ और गुिकर ज्ञािी हरिे का िम भरते

है , परन्तु गुरु के डििा उन्हें ज्ञाि िहीं डमलता और ज्ञाि के डििा
मुक्ति िहीं डमलती|

Very Rightly Said

A Very Good Morning to all of you present here as we all have

gathered here on the auspicious occasion of guru purnima . Today
I Piyush Agarwal and I Bhumika kulshreshta will be your host for
today’s special assembly . Before starting the assembly we
would like to welcome the backbone of our institution and the
founder of gayatri public school our very loving jiji ma’am and
our very respected principal ma’am in today’s assembly . In
order to start today’s assembly kindly join your hands and close
your eyes for the gayatri mantra

O creator of the universe we meditate upon thy supreme

splendor may thy radiant power illuminate our intellince destroy
our sins and guide us in the right direction

A Guru plays an important role in moulding the life of a

student. A Blessed student is one who has received the
blessings of his guru . In order to express the gratitude towards
our teachers and enlighten us by their importance . I would like
to call harsh tiwari for a short speech .

Thank you
मािि मि में , व्याप्त िुराई रुपी डिष कर िू र करिे में गुरु का
डिशेष यरगिाि है | िीडत कुशल गु रु डिष्णु शमाा िे , राजा
अमरशक्ति के, तीिर अज्ञािी पुत्रर कर, ज्ञािी ििा डिया | स्वामी
डििेकािंि कर , उिके गुरु परमहं स की कृपा से आत्मसाक्षात्कार हर
सका | डिलकुल इसी प्रकार से , हम अिरध िालक भी , अपिे
पूज्यिीय गुरु िे ि जी के मागािशाि की सहायता से , अपिे जीिि कर
सफल ििा सके , यही कामिा है |

Next in the series we would like to call Hemang Nagpal to

enlighten and brighten us with the life history of Guru dev.

Thank you Bhaiya

There can’t be any knowledge without a guru , there won’t be

any salvation without a guru , there won’t be any realization of
truth without a guru and there won’t be any removal of flaws
without a guru

अि हमारे कुछ सहपाठी गुरु मडहमा से ओत प्ररत एक गीत आपके

समक्ष प्रस्तुत करिे आ रहे है

“This is Worship” audience can we have a huge round of

applause for them.

Thank you everyone

यहााँ ति डिष की िेलरी गुरु अमृत की खाि सीश डियर जर गुरु डमले
तर भी सस्ता जाि

गुरु की मडहमा कर शब्दरं में डलखा ही िहीं जा सकता है |

He is the ultimate hero ! A hero who is above all . In order to
embibe some more positivity from our teachers and to
understand the real importance of our guru’s . We would like to
invite respected jiji ma’am to please come on the stage and
speak few lines .

Thank you ma’am your were a great source of wisdom .

“Dance is the significance of the soul .” When we dance we feel

touched by something sacred अपिी इस गुरु िंििा की श्ृंखला कर
आगे िढाते हुए | Next we are going to have a soulful dance
performance as a tribute to all the guru’s who burn themselves
to enlighten their disciples .

What a soulfull dance performance it was !

Thank you everyone

गुरु हमारे जीिि रुपी िैया कर खेिे िाला केिट है , जर अपिी

अथक साधिा द्वारा कमाई हुई पुंजी कर हमारे ऊपर डिछािर कर िे ते
है | जीिि में गुरु का पिापाण हरते ही सारे , संिेह, संशय, मरह ि
अंधकार िू र हर जाते है | हमारे जीिि की डिशा ही पररिडतात हर
जाती है | हमें हमारे लक्ष्य तक पहुचिे िाली सीढ़ी है गुरु |

सच ही कहा गया है –

गुरु डिि भिडिडध तरै ि करई ,

जर डिरं डच संकर सम हरई ||

तर डलडजए प्रस्तुत है भािमय प्रस्तुडत के साथ ये चौपाइया

Thank you Sonakshi .

With this we come to the end of today’s special assembly . Once
again a hearteous tribute to our pujaniya guru dev . May you
always be our guiding light and brighten our lives and lead us
to a direction of wisdom and help us to become a responsible
citizen not just of our country but even of our society .

Thank you everyone .

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