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Mythology (from the Greek mythos for story-of-the-people, and logos for word or
speech, so the spoken story of a people) is the study and interpretation of often sacred
tales or fables of a culture known as myths or the collection of such stories which deal
with various aspects of the human condition: good and evil; the meaning of suffering;
human origins; the origin of place-names, animals, cultural values, and traditions; the
meaning of life and death; the afterlife; and the gods or a god. Myths express the beliefs
and values about these subjects held by a certain culture.8
2. Greek mythology is the body of myths originally told by the ancient Greeks. These
stories concern the origin and the nature of the world, the lives and activities
of deities, heroes, and mythological creatures, and the origins and significance of the
ancient Greeks' own cult and ritual practices.
Identify the Greek god or goddess described in each item.
3. She was best known as the goddess of wisdom. She sprang full grown out
of Zeus’s head. She is considered the most favorite child of Zeus.
4. He was the god of the sea. He was also the god of earthquakes and horses.
5. He was the messenger god. He wore a winged hat and winged sandals,
and he carried a magic wand.
6. He was the god of war.
7. He was the king of the gods. He ruled the earth and the sky. He
controlled the weather, causing wind and rain. He also caused thunder
and lightning. He threw his thunderbolt like a spear.
8. She was the goddess of love and beauty. She was married to Hephaestus,
the god of the forge, but not at all happily. She was really in love with
9. She was the queen of the gods and the protector of women. She was also
the goddess of marriage.
10. She was the god Apollo’s twin sister. She was goddess of the moon and of
the hunt.
11. He ruled the Underworld, the world of the dead. He was married to
Persephone whom he abducted.
12. He was the twin brother of Artemis. He was the god of wisdom, poetry,
and music.
13. He was the god of fire. He was a blacksmith whose forge was in a
volcano. He was married to the goddess of beauty.
14. She was the goddess of home and family.
15. Greek mythology had its origins. The most common gods and goddesses were known
as______________________ because they believed to be residing in Mount Olympus.
16. He was a legendary hero in Greek mythology, king of the island of Ithaca and the main
protagonist of Homer's epic, the “Odyssey.” Homer portrayed him as a man of
outstanding wisdom and shrewdness, eloquence, resourcefulness, courage, and
17. She was the wife of Odysseus, who is known for her fidelity to Odysseus while he was
absent, despite having many suitors. Thus, she was regarded as “the faithful wife.”
18. He was the son of Odysseus and Penelope, and a central character in Homer's Odyssey
19. He is Odysseus' divine antagonist. He despises him for blinding his son, the Cyclops
Polyphemus, and constantly hampers his journey home.
20. It was waged against the city of Troy by the Achaeans (Greeks) after Paris of Troy
took Helen from her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta.
21. He was the son of Peleus and Thetis, was the greatest of all Greek heroes who took
part in the Trojan War. Knowing that her child was destined to either die the death of a
glorious warrior or live a long life in obscurity, Thetis bathed him as an infant in the
waters of the River Styx, thus making him all but immortal: only the heel by which she
held him remained vulnerable.
22. He was regarded as the greatest warrior of the Trojans who was killed by the mighty Achilles
after he killed Achilles' cousin, Patroclus.
23. It is regarded as the tragic flaw of Achilles which was shot by Paris with his bow and arrow. It is
now widely used as an idiomatic expression which means anyone's greatest weakness.
24. She was said to have been the most beautiful woman in the world. She was married to
King Menelaus of Sparta but was abducted by Prince Paris of Troy after the
goddess Aphrodite promised her to him in the Judgement of Paris. This resulted in
the Trojan War when the Achaeans set out to reclaim her.
25. “The face that launched a thousand ships” pertains to her in Greek mythology.
26. Homer's epic which title is actually from the phrase Ilias poiesis, meaning ''poem of
Ilion.'' Ilion is the ancient name for the city of Troy. So literally, The this means ''poem
of Troy.''
27. This is a subterfuge horse that the Greeks cleverly used to penetrate the walls of Troy, and
eventually win the war against them. It is believed to have been thought by the cunning
28. It is also known as Germanic mythology is a not just a myth, it is a religion and it was
practiced by the Vikings who lived in the Scandinavian countries in the Viking age,
but it was also practiced by the Germanic people. s also known as Germanic
mythology is a not just a myth, it is a religion and it was practiced by the Vikings who
lived in the Scandinavian countries in the Viking age, but it was also practiced by the
Germanic people.
29. The Aesir gods and goddesses, the main tribe of deities. They live in the celestial
fortress ___________________ and maintain the order of the cosmos.
30. In Norse mythology, group of gods associated with fertility, wisdom, and the
ability to see the future.
31. King of the Æsir. He wasalsothe god of war and death. The
most important God in Norse mythology. He had 2 ravens, Hugin
and Munin, which told him what was happening in the world. He
only had one eye because he sacrificed the other to drink from
the fountain of wisdom. He gives his name to the weekday
32. Goddess of motherhood, marriage and domesticity. She
was the wife of Odin. She had the power of prophecy (seeing
into the future).
33. The God of mischief and trickery. Also known as the Lord
of Lies because of his ability to shapeshift.
34. The God of thunder and a guardian of Asgard. Famous for
causing thunderclaps using his hammer, Mjolnir.
35. The Goddess of love, beauty and fertility in Norse
36. A literary figure whose name means “a skilled worker.”
37. The son of Daedalus who was overwhelmed with the
ecstasy of flight that eventually caused his death.
38. One of Daedalus' greatest inventions where the Minautor
was imprisoned.
39. The queen of Crete who gave birth to the Minautor
because of Poseidon's curse.
40. The king of Crete who imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus.
41. What is the theme of “Daedalus and Icarus?”
42. He is well known in Greek mythology as the hero who
beheaded Medussa, one of the Gorgons. He is the son of Zeus
and Danae.
43. Give the three things that Perseus used in his quest.
44. She became the wife of Perseus after he rescued her from
45. What was the prophecy that King Acrisius received from
46. How the prophecy was fulfilled?
47. What is the theme of “The Gorgon's Head?”
48. He was the son of Apollo and one of the Nine Muses. He

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