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Causes of Domestic
Domestic violence is a type of behavior that involves the act of

aggressiveness between a family member, a spouse/intimate partner, or

someone living in the same home. It can be verbal, physical, or sexual abuse.

There have been several cases in the world about domestic violence.

It is important to know the causes of domestic violence so it can be

prevented. The causes of domestic violence have been researched and found

through several studies by scientists. Three of the many reasons why there is

domestic violence are the lack of self-control, trying to gain

power, and violence being socially acceptable.

This phenomena exists because there are many women going through

domestic violence, more than men, but men also suffer domestic violence.

There is a more serious and higher rate for violence between intimate

partners. Although
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rates of domestic violence have lowered, there are still several cases that show
that this phenomena is happening and people need to be aware of it and
the several causes that come along with it.
The most important cause of domestic violence is that individuals who
lack self-control
are more likely to commit violent acts due to anger that is uncontrollable. It is
very dangerous for people to be unable to have control over their anger
because no one can stop them from committing such harmful acts.
There are many people who are not able to control their anger.
Sometimes, individuals who are not disciplined may lack self-control and
later in life become more violent. Domestic violence can be caused by one’s
lack of self-control of one’s anger.
Pursuing this further, another reason why people may commit

domestic violent acts is due to the fact that they want to gain power.

There are many individuals who like to feel powerful and therefore they

want their spouse or intimate partner to know that they are the ones who are

in control.

Typically men like to feel more powerful than women and that is why it

leads to domestic violence because if a women doesn’t listen to her husband or

partner then he
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will abuse her since she is disobeying him. Individuals wanting to feel
more powerful and controlling over their partner often leads to domestic
Finally, another cause for domestic violence is that couples will support
violence in their
relationship because they believe through society that it is acceptable. There
are many acts in media that may give people the wrong idea into thinking
that violence is appropriate. For example, many young boys and girls play
several violent video games.
People who have a higher aggression level are more likely to be violent with
others. Therefore, violent video games can make a person think that
violence is acceptable. Many TV shows and movies influence the way
couples think about violence. An individual may develop a violent mind,
causing problems later in the future such as domestic violence.
A person who believes violence is okay through society such as social media,
video games, movies, their family/friends, etc, is a cause of domestic violence.
An alternative cause for this phenomenon is that individuals that have

been abused in the past will want to commit violent acts. Although this may

happen, there are several individuals who have been exposed to domestic

violence in the past but instead of looking for violence, they might be looking

for love. People who have been abused in the past know what it feels like and

know that it is not acceptable and therefore will not commit violent acts in the

future. Others may still be upset from their past and want to run away from

that problem by finding someone

who will give them comfort and peace instead of resorting to violence.
There are many causes of domestic violence but three of the most
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important ones are an individual’s lack of self-control, trying to gain power,

and believing it is socially acceptable.

Works Cited
Bressler, Allison. "Love And Death." Scientific American Mind 25.5 (2014):
38-48. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.
Finkel, Eli J., and Caitlin W. Duffy. "The Thin Line Between Love And
Wrath." Scientific American Mind 24.5 (2013): 50-55. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.
Hollingdale, Jack, and Tobias Greitemeyer. "The Effect Of Online Violent
Video Games On Levels Of Aggression." Plos ONE 9.11 (2014): 1-5.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 28

Apr. 2015.
Roth, Maddy. "[Interview] Jasmine Villegas Speaks About The Emotional
Message Behind 'Didn't Mean It'" Act. N.p., 26 July 2012. Web. 24
Mar. 2015.

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