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The difference between "wish" and "hope"

How to use "wish"

 Wish is most commonly used in hypothetical (or imagined/unreal) situations:

I wish (that) you were here. (Unfortunately, you're not, and I miss you.)
 Sometimes wish is used in greeting and expressions of goodwill:
We wish you a "Merry Christmas."
 Wish is most commonly used in hypothetical (or imagined) situations:
 I wish that I had a dog. (I don't really have a dog, but if I did, I would be happy.)
I wish (that) you were here. (Unfortunately, you're not, and I miss you.)
 Sometimes wish is used in greeting and expressions of goodwill:

We wish you a "Merry Christmas."

They wished him "Happy Birthday."
Wish me luck.

How to use "hope"

 Hope can also be used in expressions of goodwill, but the grammar is slightly different:
I hope (that) you have a Merry Christmas. (some time in the future)
I hope (that) you had a nice Birthday. (some time in the past)
 Hope can be used to specify a desired outcome. For future hopes, the possibilities remain
open, but for past hopes, the outcome has usually been determined already.
I hope you can come to the party on Saturday.(future possibility)
I was hoping that you would come to the party.(but you didn't)
I had hoped to see you at the party on Saturday. (but I didn't)

Other ways to express hope

You can also express hope in the following ways:

 I would like to have a car.

 I really want to have a car
 What I really want is to have a car.

Use :
I hope..............
I wish............... with V 2 (for present situation)

to express our hope or expectation. If we agree with someone's hope or wish, we say : I hope so, I wish so.
If we agree with someone's hope that is negative, We say I hope not.
Hope is also used to express Want/abition.
I want to be a teacher
I hope to be a teacher.
because I like waorking with children.

Read the situation and then write a sentence with:

I wish + S would + verb +/be + Adj + ...........

Example :
people are very noisy and you're trying to concentrate. What do you say ?
 I wish they would be quite.

 If you want to use "I hope" and "I wish" correctly,

you just need to memorizethese two phrases:
 I hope I can...

 I wish I could...

 You may be wondering: why do English speakers

use the present tense for "hope" and the past
tense for "wish"?

 The secret is that "could" is not really past tense.

It looks like past tense, but it's secretly
something different. It's the "unreal" aspect. In
other words, it expresses something that's not
really true, or not very likely.

 We use "wish" to talk about things that are

impossible, or things that probably won't happen:
 I wish I could fly.

 I wish there were more hours in the day.

 I wish I'd studied something a little more practical.

 On the other hand, we use "I hope..." when

there's a good chance that something might
happen. You can use it to say what you want to
happen in the future:
 I hope this cake turns out OK.
 I hope we can still be friends.

 The grammar of "wish" and

 Here's how "wish" and "hope" look in present,
past, and future.

 Present
 I hope this is the last mistake.

 I wish my phone worked here.

 Past
 I hope Antonio got home safely.*

 I wish you'd told me sooner.

 You can't use "hope" to talk about something in

the past, unless you don't know what happened
yet. In this example, you haven't heard whther
Antonio got home safely.

 Future
 I hope it stops raining soon.*

 I wish it would stop raining.

You follow "hope" with the present tense of a verb, even when you're talking about the future. So you
say "I hope it stops" instead of "I hope it will stop."
Hopedigunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau akan mungkin terjadi. Namun sebaliknya, Wishdigunakan
untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang pasti tidak terjadi atau tidak akan mungkin terjadi. Hope dapat diikuti oleh verb dalam bermacam-
macam tenses sedangkan Wishtidak dapat diikuti oleh verb dalam simple present tense atau modal auxiliary simple present tense.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, anda dapat menyimak contoh kalimat yang bisa untuk memahami perbedaan Hope & Wish.

·We wish that they could come early. (kita berharap bahwa mereka bisa datang lebih awal). Faktanya adalah: they come late (mereka
datang terlambat)
(Di sini, we sudah tahu bahwa they tidak bisa datang)

We hope they can come early.(kita berharap bahwa mereka bisa datang lebih awal)
(Dalam kalimat ini subject we tidak tahu apakah they bisa datang atau tidak. Tetapi, ada kemungkinan bahwa they bisa datang)

·I wish that they had come yesterday. (saya berharap bahwa mereka datang kemarin). Di sini, Faktanya adalah: they didn’t come
(Isudah tahu bahwamereka tida datang kemarin)

I hope that they cameyesterday. (saya berharap kamu datang kemarin).

(Di sini, I tidak tahu apakah they datang atau tidak kemarin).

Wish digunakan dengan situasi yang tidak nyata, jadi seperti semua situasi yang tidak nyata dalam bahasa Inggris kalimat
menggunakan bentuk waktu yang mundur satu tenses ke masa lampau. Jika kalimat menggunakan present tense, maka kita
menggunakan wish dengan Past tense. Contoh:

 I want more time now →I wish I had more time.

 It’s too hot now→I wish it wasn’t so hot.

Dan jika kalimat menggunakan past tense, kita memakai wish dengan past perfect tense. Contoh:

 I wanted more time →I wish I had had more time.

 It’s too hot now →I wish it hadn’t been so hot.


Wish...would digunakan untuk mengungkapkan keluhan tentang situasi sekarang.


 I wish he would speak louder.

 Don’t you wish countries could stop fighting?
 I wish it would stop raining.

Wish...would hanya digunakan untuk tindakan-tindakan, tidak untuk keadaan atau situasi. Contoh:

 I wish I would at home. (Salah)

 I wish I was at home / I wish I were at home (Benar)

Subjunctive (bentuk pengandaian)

Subjunctive sekarang ini tidak lagi banyak digunakan dalam frase bahasa Inggris. Dalam subjunctive, dengan if dan wish, kita bisa
menggunakan were bersama dengan I/he/she/it. Bentuk ini khususnya umum dengan pronoun "I". Contoh:

 I wish I was a rich man.

 I wish I were a rich man.
 If I was a rich man...
 If I were a rich man...

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