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Wednesday, l7 July 2019

Daily Tribune

A House united
A house divided has yet to be chosen)
(( cannot k--,
against itself, and Rep. Mike Defensor
-Appropriati0ns, \4bys and Means, and
llnv ls stand,n said Abraham GffitiiiiltE$ mentioned of text Another oucial position is the
oftlo Lincolnwhenheaccept€d ffi{Cffi| messagesallegedlyfrom Minority I€ader A decision p,oint here
wr,& the Republican Party's WqlffiS;dj the camp of Davao Mayor is whether the 18th Congress shall
tdtL tLz nomination to be its S$ryi{$. FJg Sara Dutefte not to elect have a comparry union minoriry leader
candidate in the Illinois W;,TRS Cayetano - something or a pure Jiscalizer whose purpose is
State Senator elections O \;$Sffi
vehemen y denied by to debate on key legislative measures
oftlW in 858, which he lost. 2] t$,a Mayor Sara. But all browht to the floor. Both may haye
fulnnhip, Ilowever, the publicity f , {'31} th€se are n€cessary its pros and cons, and whoeyer the
and of his unsuccessftrl * ffi consequences of huge Minority Leader will be shall have a
the nalian tur lllinois senator was QUO UADIS ;;iil;;i;i;h f;; huge effect in the political lantlscape
iE bountl so widespread thar it Daffgn M. de JgSuS reaching consequences. of ihe House. hpectedly some House
with the fopelled his carnpaign At the end of the day, members have exfessed their int€rcst
for tlle presidency which he ron in ihe ElId ofihe President carries with in this kW leadership posiiion.
of ho
1860. the famous line finds its origins it tfte veight of an €ntire nation, and Time is of
in no less than the Bible, particulaxly in must be strongly considered by the with
the essence 6J
1W7 Mark 3:25, in which,Iesus was quoted Houso members in making their vote the" matter of Sendor Koko
Conttfufion in saying "And if a house be divided for Speaker. the Speakership, ?trnaDte,
against itseu, thathouse camot Sand.' Senator Kofto pinentel correc y ard the nation b conec,thr
Now, another iteration of thjs line said that Calrtano must sUI vrork for bound with, the
was stated by presumptive House the House Speake$hip, aid Cayetano the "o;4
Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano after all has heeded this call. Marathon
-t9&7 ^

the diyjsiveness in what turned out to meetings haye been held in the dals that a Speaker Mld
be a contest€d Spea,keNhip mce. In after the presidential end0Nement, in mffilsslpseng1 urolft
a gatherjng of House membe$ from wNch organizational proposals xrere the third Ittunday /or tfte
different paf,ties that included Reps. done to fina[y build the lineup of the ofJuV. With this, Ilonse
Martin Rornualdez and Lord Allan House leadership inthe Eth Congress. the nation has b
Velasco, alTarged by Ener$/
Al Cusi, Cayetaio said:
Secretaxy Among tlose agreed upon were p"t_fr.rtt rd Sbmlcenhin
'A llouse the retention of 14 Depuw Speaker conluence rn the
, divided wil fall. We will be reaping positions, but having cedain Depuw President
his L@lm
onv what we have sown.n Speakers specialize on specific endorsements. h$ hcedcd
this is a iimely statement with matters, not just on geographical ihough h; tifu cail
only a few days before the actual locations. For instance, Rep. Boyet backtracked a
election of the Speaker for the 18th Gonzales wa.s amounced to be the bit when he offered these as mere
Congress. To note, President Rodrigo Deputy Speaker for Internal Affairs. suggestions, what remains is his
Dutede may have endo$ed the term- From what I pleyiously gathered, amouncements uere arrived at afier
sharing ageement, aka the "Magellan Gonzales was expected to be the careful deliberation and discussion with
formula,' bet],veen Cayetano and Mqjority trloor Iaader of Cayetano but the contenders for the SpeakeNhip. As
Velasso, and for Romualdez to be withthe endomement ofthe president. such, this writer sees no cleax obstacle
Mqiorfty noor L,ea-der, but this is by no Romauldez insbead {'ill take this role. in the election of Cayetano as Speaker,
means iinal As I have wdtten before in With this arrangement, Gonzales will ard aJter such ahrmultuous and colorful
this colurnn, it is the 1987 Constitution still assist CayJtano and Romualdez, Speakership mce,. for tlrc sake of the
that requLes an election among House and share his expertise, haYing boen nation and the relfare of its citizens, it
members to rec0gnize who sllall be the a Mqjority f'loor Leader dudng the is rightful frr the llouse to lmite behind
prinars dnlar pues, iime of Speaker Sonny Belmonte. him as the presumptive ard putative
A few days alter the presidential Other positioru hare yet 0o be decided Speaker ofthe 18th Congess.
endoBement, Rep. Paolo Duterte upon, particula,rly the other Depuw
pointed ollt the probabiiity of a coup Speakers and the chairmaiships of
Emnil; d,arren. d,ejesus @ g mail.
(which is impossible since no Spea\er the 'juicf' House steering conunittees com or tweet kim @d,arrend,ejem,s.

\ /oAge - A'/,t

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