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Assignment: Philippine History

Pedro, Pauline S.

Learning that one of the first people who have stepped foot and inhabited the
Philippines were Austronesian people, explained the reasons why we have similar
physical attributes and languages with our neighboring Asian countries like Indonesia,
Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and even Madagascar. I have also come to know that
they were the source of our traditions and cultures that some Filipinos continue to do
up until today like the use of pottery, tattooing, dental modification, architecture, music
and dance that we share with other Asian countries. I hope that someday or years later
these commonalities we have will make us unite and bring peace to other countries.

I saw that Filipinos were very innovative and creative ever since that time. I’ve realized
that we had a rich way of life and our ancestors had greatly contributed to who we are
today. As we were colonized by the Spaniards and Americans, most of our inherited
cultures and traditions from Austronesians-speaking people were changed and some
were lost.

For me, it is important to look back and know our history as Filipinos because in this
way we can appreciate our own country, our fellow Filipinos and we can easily and
strongly identify ourselves with our country. I also hope that us, Filipinos, continue to
value and treasure our history so that our future generation will always remember and
cherish it.

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