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Develop charisma
2. Charisma gets you inside the door, credibility will keep you there.
3. It is the character and the credibility that will keep you in the leadership position

4. Manipulation is different from motivation

 Move them to their advantage

 Move people for everyone’s advantage

5. Leadership means moving people

6. Hear the principle and see my heart

7. The leadership in your life is the lid upon your life.

8. Leadership determines the size of your ministry

9. It’s the leadership that determines the size of the organization

10. The moment you develop your leadership your organization will grow

11. Everything rises and falls on leadership

12. When it has a good leader it grows, when it has a bad leader if falls.

13. Non growing organization are a result of non-growing leaders

14. All your organization is a mirror of how you lead people

15. Make a commitment to learning how to lead

16. Leadership is a process, not an event

Events are good for decisions, but process are good for change.

It does not happen in one moment package

17. It is a process. A life long journey

18. All organization stops growing when the cost is too high

Like a change of personality

A learning of leadership
Remove some departments, add some departments
Change sometimes

There is always a price to be paid

19. Start leading

20. Interests people, impresses people, influences people

21. Leadership that impacts people


23. Equipper
It is only when we develop others that we finally succeed

24. Success is a daily thing, not a destination

25. Do not devalue the moment – today

26. Do not overvalue the destination

27. The secret of success is determined by your daily agenda

28. Today matters

29. We make decisions, and we manage decision

30. It is not the decision makes you, you have to manage the decision you made

31. What you want to be tomorrow, you have to do today

32. You visualize tomorrow, but you value today

33. What you do everyday must be getting you closer to your goal, or farther away from it
34. Either you are repairing or preparing

35. Spend time preparing, not repairing

36. We repair when we fail to manage the decisions that we made

37. Our foot prints to success are really footprints of success

38. Every step that is made and taken, based upon the goals in your life, and you managed those
goals correctly, each step is a progressive realization of success of your life.

39. Getting the diploma – you did not arrive at success

We will never learn everything we need to learn

We should learn
We have to live until we die

40. Success is not diploma

41. Success is your everyday decision

42. We make and manage decision

43. Getting the diploma is only recognizing that you are a success

44. Success does not happen overnight

45. You’ve been good a long time, you had just been recognized that day

46. Someday you will become the person you want to become

47. Take the journey with someone else.

48. Make and manage your decisions

49. Climbing the ladder, but once your top, you see it leaning at the wrong building

50. What is your passion, what is your strength

51. Discover your passion, and you will never work another day of your life
52. Stay right in your strength zone

53. Discover your strength and stay with your strength

54. In the area of your skill, don’t work on your weaknesses

Reason is: you are weak in your weaknesses

55. A in your math, C in your language

56. 2 the to a 4

57. People do not pay for average

58. Excel and distinguish yourself

59. Nobody will not have what you have

60. People stand up on line for a 9

61. Sometimes you love to do it, but you are not good at it.

62. Do something you are good at

63. People will not pay for it, if you are an average

64. In the area of skill, do not work on your weakness. Work on your strength. People do not pay
for average

65. Practice does not make perfect, it makes permanent

66. Successful peopl




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