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Chapter 12

Satellite Planets

The main Planets are nine. These are seen in three groups, namely:
(a) The Luminary Planets: Sun and Moon
(b) The Star-like (Taraka) Planets: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
(c) The Shadow (Chaya) Planets: Rahu and Ketu
Rahu and Ketu have no physical mass and are not visible to the eye and senses.
These are the points of intersection of the orbits of Sun and Moon; these nodes are
dependant on Sun and Moon. They have not been assigned any ownership of the
Zodiac signs. They do not have clear signs of exaltation, Moolatrikona, own or

In addition, there are certain invisible planets in astrological science, called

Satellite Planets in Western Astrology or Upagrahas in Vedic Astrology [PSTU, 2000].
They are powerful and responsible for adverse influence and effects on astrological
results. These Satellites were elaborated and accounted, vis-à-vis their effects, and
results are given in astrological literature, e.g., Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra [Murty,
1993], Phaldipika [Rao, 1993], Uttarakalamrutam [Ramamurti, 1992], and Jataka
Parijatam [Rao, 1993]. Amazing results are obtained, when these aspectsa re
examined. The influence of these Satellites is found in detemining auspicious time
for journeys, purchase of vehicles, money matters, progeny matters, and science of
horary astrology. These Satellites have evil influences in the houses they occupy,
and do not act in the interest of the person in the bhavas they denote.


Sage Mantreswara narrated nine Satellites in Phaladipika, as listed in Table
12.1. These have been related to main nine Planets as their Amsas. These positions
are identified from Sun’s Longitude as below:
(1) Add 4 Signs and 1320’ or 13320’ to Sun’s Longitude to locate DOOMA;
(2) Subtract 12 Signs or 360 to DOOMA to locate VYATIPATA;
(3) Add 6 Signs to VYATIPATA to locate PARIVESHA;
(4) Subtract 12 Signs from PARIVESHA gives INDRACHAPA;
(5) Add 1640’ to INDRACHAPA to locate UPAKETU;
As proof, if 1 Sign is added to UPAKETU, it gives Sun’s Longitude again.
Jataka Mani Manjusha

Table 12.1: List of Satellite Planets

S.No. Satellite Planet Related Main Planet

1 MANDI Saturn

Classical astrological literature, Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra and

Uttarakalamrutam, do not distinguish between Mandi and Gulika. In fact, Brihat
Parasara Hora Sastra states Mandi is a different name to Gulika, and hence both are
same. Uttarakalamrutam indicates only the calculation of Gulika, even though the
heading of is Mandi, Gulika Calculation. It is silent about calculation of Mandi to
assume that noth Gulika and Mandi are one and the same. Whereas Sage Kalidasa
said in Uttarakalamrutam that according to Sage Mandavaya these two are sons of
Saturn and hence shown as separate Satellites. Their calculation is given separately
at Section 2.3.8, as per Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra. The part ruled by the Sun is called
Kala (Kalavela), that by Jupiter Yamakanta, that by Mars Mrityu, and that by Mercury


The duration from sunrise to sunset is to be divided into 8 equal parts on each
day, Sunday to Saturday. These parts are counted from the Lord of that particular
day. For seven divisions, seven Lords are identified: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The weekdays are named after them. There is no Lord of
the 8th division; this 8th part is called as no-master division. The counting starts from
the 5th day from the day the division takes place. Herein,
(1) Saturn part of the day becomes Gulika,
(2) Sun part of the day becomes Kalavela,
(3) Mars part of the day becomes Mrityu,
(4) Mercury part of the day becomes Ardhaprahara, and
(5) Jupiter part of the day becomes Yamakanta.

Chapter 12: Satellite Planets

While computing the above divisions, first the duration of both day and
night should be calculated accurately. The Lords of the days from Sunday to
Saturday are known. For determining Gulika, it will be the Saturn part of the
divisions from the Lord of that day. If it is night time, the count shall start from the
Lord of the 5th day from the counting day. If the desired day is Thursday, then the
daytime counting starts from Jupiter and nighttime counting from the Lord of the
5th House, i.e., Moon.

12.3.1 Another Method

This is a procedure to know the Satellites from the 30 Ghatikas of the
duration of the day. The method is:
(1) Mandi: 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6 and 2 Ghatikas from sunrise on Sunday to Saturday,
respectively, and 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 and 14 Ghatikas from sunset on Sunday to
Saturday, respectively;
(2) Yamakanta: 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26 and 22 Ghatikas from sunrise on Sunday to
Saturday, respectively;
(3) Ardhaprahara: 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, 22 and 18 Ghatikas from sunrise on Sunday to
Saturday, respectively; and
(4) Kalavelam: 2, 26, 22, 18, 14, 10 and 6 Ghatikas from Sunrise on Sunday to Saturday,
When the length of the day and night vary, the above is arrived at by obeying the
rule of three (i.e., Trirasika).

Gulika starts at the beginning of Saturn part. As mentioned before, Mandi

and Gulika are sons of Saturn, and hence Gulika exists in the last division of Saturn
part. If the durations of day and night are both 30 Ghatikas each, Mandi and Gulika
appear as per Table 12.2. Location of Mandi and Gulika can be ascertained with the
local timings of Ascendants.

Table 12.2: Determination of Mandi and Gulika

Day Day Time from Sunrise (Ghatikas) Night Time from Sunset (Ghatikas)
Mandi Gulika Mandi Gulika
Sunday 26 26 – 15 10 11 – 15
Monday 22 22 – 30 6 07 – 30
Tuesday 18 18 – 45 2 03 – 45
Wednesday 14 15 – 00 26 26 – 15
Thursday 10 11 – 15 22 22 – 30
Friday 6 07 – 30 18 18 – 45
Saturday 2 03 – 45 14 15 – 00

Jataka Mani Manjusha

12.3.2 Calculation of Pranapada Lagna

From the time of sunrise till time of birth, the Ghatikas and Vighatikas are
converted into Vighatikas and divided by 15. The product is kept aside as Signs,
Degrees and Minutes. After that,
(1) If Sun is in a movable Sign, then the product is added to Sun;
(2) If Sun is in a fixed Sign, then the product is added to ninth true place of Bhava
from Sun; and
(3) If Sun is in a dual Sign, then the product is added to 5th Bhava from Sun.
From the strengths of Pranapada Lagna, Mandi Lagna and Chandra Lagna, the
correctness of Janma Lagna could be decided.


Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra states that Satellites are most inauspicious and
deadly. Sage Parasara did not differentiate Gulika from Mandi; at places, he used
Mandi for Gulika. These Satellites in combinations with Sun, Moon or Ascendant are
said to cause destruction of the family, longevity and wisdom. Gulika acts as any
other natural malefic Planet would. It is malefic in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th
Houses, while benefic in 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Houses. Major Planets associated with
Gulika are said to produce malefic benefits.

Gulika with Yoga-giving Planets tends to taint the karakatwa much in the
same manner as any other malefic Planet would. Gulika is said to represent all that
is vulgar, base, sorid and disgusting. Therefore, its association with any Planet, may
bring out these qualities in the relationship or situation. In short, Gulika acts as a
mean malefic Planet. Regarding aspecting, Mandi or Gulika is said to aspect 2nd, 7th
and 12th Houses from the sign of occupation.

There are several references on the classical texts, especially on timing of

death. Death can occur when:
(1) Saturn transmits the Sign held by Mandi or its trines (1, 5 and 9 positions) for
birth during the day; and
(2) Saturn transmits the 7th Sign from Mandi or its trines (1, 5 and 9 positions)for
birth during the night.

The qualities of a person for Dhooma, Vyatipata, Parivesha, Indrachapa,

Upaketu, Gulika and Mandi, and Pranapada in the 12 houses are given in Tables 12.3,
12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8 and 12.9, respectively. The qualities of a person with Gulika
and Mandi associated with the Planets are given in Table 12.10.

Chapter 12: Satellite Planets

Table 12.3: Qualities of Dhooma in the 12 Houses

S.No. Bhava Qualities of Dhooma

1 Ascendant Heroism; stupidity; indiscriminate irritation
2 2nd Bhava Ill; physically handicapped; power monger; impotent
3 3rd Bhava Self-prestige; apt profession; wealth; pleasing conversation
4 4th Bhava Happy married life; internal grief; attempt thirst for knowledge
5 5th Bhava Limited progeny; poverty; teacher; deserted by friends; cannibal
6 6th Bhava Strength; victory over enemies; greatness; fame; resistance against
7 7th Bhava Utmost poverty; lustfulness; desires of ladies; loss of brilliance
8 8th Bhava Loss of powers; undesirous; harsh talk
9 9th Bhava Progeny; health; wealth; prestige; liking for kindred and relations
10 10th Bhava Happiness; comforts; resourceful mind
11 11th Bhava Wealth; farm produce; gold; beautiful; artistic; morale
12 12th Bhava Bad deeds; lustful; grievances; cunning

Table 12.4: Qualities of Vyatipata in the 12 Houses

S.No. Bhava Qualities of Vyatipata

1 Ascendant Unhappiness; cruelty; wickedness; animal teasing; stupidity; envious
of relatives
2 2nd Bhava Cunning; unkind; brutality; sinful deeds
3 3rd Bhava Firm; intelligent; war monger; philanthropist; commanding
4 4th Bhava Imprisonment; indispositions; loss of progeny and spouse
5 5th Bhava Poverty; problems of phlegm, bile and strebilis; unshameful
6 6th Bhava Skillful in weapons; dividing enemies
7 7th Bhava Wealth; dividing wisdom and sons; unhappiness; comfort;
unshameful; friendly relations
8 8th Bhava Ugly; impeachments; blood diseases
9 9th Bhava Business; love for women; friends; pleasing talk
10 10th Bhava Wealth; peace; charitable; wisdom
11 11th Bhava Prestige; expert in arts
12 12th Bhava Anger; physically handicapped; enviousness; abusing nights with
immoral activity

Jataka Mani Manjusha

Table 12.5: Qualities of Parivesha in the 12 Houses

S.No. Bhava Qualities of Parivesha

1 Ascendant All sorts of comforts
2 2nd Bhava Luxurious
3 3rd Bhava Liking everybody
4 4th Bhava Good nature; artistic skill
5 5th Bhava Lovable personality
6 6th Bhava Scholarship; kind
7 7th Bhava Unhappiness; harsh talk
8 8th Bhava Staunch monoist; spiritual
9 9th Bhava Happy family life in moral way; contended with less
10 10th Bhava Enjoyment; all-round knowledge
11 11th Bhava Enjoys women; wisdom
12 12th Bhava Alround unhappiness

Table 12.6: Qualities of Indrachapa in the 12 Houses

S.No. Bhava Qualities of Indrachapa

1 Ascendant Money; land; kind-hearted
2 2nd Bhava Boasting; moral
3 3rd Bhava Helping nature; expertise in arts
4 4th Bhava Comforts; honours
5 5th Bhava Thinking power; handsome; personality
6 6th Bhava Comforts
7 7th Bhava All-round skills
8 8th Bhava Cruelty; handicapped
9 9th Bhava Reknowned
10 10th Bhava Wealthy
11 11th Bhava Profit from women
12 12th Bhava Wickedness; lustful

Chapter 12: Satellite Planets

Table 12.7: Qualities of Upaketu in the 12 Houses

S.No. Bhava Qualities of Upaketu

1 Ascendant Early death
2 2nd Bhava Ugly
3 3rd Bhava Miserly
4 4th Bhava Grief
5 5th Bhava Loss of progeny
6 6th Bhava Uneasiness
7 7th Bhava Impotency
8 8th Bhava Death due to bad character
9 9th Bhava Opposes righteousness
10 10th Bhava Fond of wandering
11 11th Bhava Profits forever
12 12th Bhava Bad man

Table 12.8: Qualities of Gulika and Mandi in the 12 Houses

S.No. Bhava Qualities of Gulika and Mandi

1 Ascendant Cruel; stubborn; foolish; lustful; bribery
2 2nd Bhava Harsh talk; poverty; fickle-minded; bad habits; stupidity; no
property; foolish; no brothers or sisters
3 3rd Bhava Lonely life; no brothers and sisters; bad habits
4 4th Bhava No property
5 5th Bhava Instability
6 6th Bhava Destruction of enemies
7 7th Bhava Famous, but quarrelsome
8 8th Bhava Ugly
9 9th Bhava Far away from family
10 10th Bhava Charitable
11 11th Bhava Beautiful; happy
12 12th Bhava Poverty

Jataka Mani Manjusha

Table 12.9: Qualities of Pranapada in the 12 Houses

S.No. Bhava Qualities of Pranapada

1 Ascendant Deterioration; ill-health; madness
2 2nd Bhava Wealth; progeny; beautiful personaility
3 3rd Bhava Fond of torture; proud; harsh talk; cruel mind
4 4th Bhava Happiness; peace; truth; fond of other women
5 5th Bhava Good deeds; all desires
6 6th Bhava Unkind; bad; money; short life
7 7th Bhava Envy; lust; frightful body; crooked mind
8 8th Bhava Diseases; grief from others
9 9th Bhava Progeny; wealth; beautiful personality; good character; value
10 10th Bhava Skill in administration
11 11th Bhava Fame; qualities; wealth; luxury
12 12th Bhava Scoundrel; physically handicapped; enimity; coward relatives; eye

Table 12.10: Qualities of Gulika or Mandi associated with Planets

S.No. Planet Qualities of Gulika and Mandi

1 Sun Murderer of father
2 Moon Brings grief to mother
3 Mars Loss of brothers
4 Mercury Mad
5 Jupiter Unbeliever; ignoramous
6 Venus Lives with low caste women
7 Saturn Leper
8 Rahu Virus prone for diseases
9 Ketu Fire accident
10 Rasi If Gulika is posted in a Rasi, when Lord of that Rasi is
exalted, own house, moola trikona, in kendra or kona houses of
friends, the person would achieve fame and honour, and causes
utmost good.

Chapter 12: Satellite Planets


In arriving at the correct results granted by Planets in Signs in which they
are situated, the following have to be considered:
(1) Lords of Bhavas, who are supposed to grant results;
(2) Results granted by Satellites;
(3) Aspects and relative aspects of Planets; and
(4) Strengths of Planets.
At times, one Planet cannot give good results, but there is another Planet that is
ready to give auspicious results. In these circumstances, the position of the
favourable Planet should be considered to arrive at the results. While concluding
the results from the Horoscope, the Satellites must be considered pertinently.

The writers of classical texts have not given much importance to Mandi and
Gulika. These two Satellites seem to exchange and even show their roles. Normally,
these two Satellites are considered while examining a horoscope. When problems
are not solved by general principles of astrology, Mandi and Gulikai provide some
clues; these Satellites are considered to narrow down the clues given by the other
Planets, especially in cases related to afflictions caused by spiritual or psychological
assault, and mental and physical problems. Mandi and Gulika play specific roles in
horoscopes of all vulgar and shady characters, and victims of such persons. This is a
research area, where statistical studies need to be undertaken.

Jataka Mani Manjusha


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