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The many faces of glaucomatous

optic neuropathy

Algis J Vmgys PhD Background: Glaucoma manifests mostly in the elderly, who frequently have other
Department of Optometry and Vision ocular changes that frustrate clear visualisation of the optic nerve head or nerve fibre
Sciences, The University of Melbourne layer. In the past, a large or asymmetric cup/disc ratio has been used to indicate the
possibility of glaucoma. In this paper, I will argue that cup/disc ratios alone have
poor sensitivity to glaucoma, and a more sophisticated approach is needed to make
the earliest diagnosis.
Methods: This paper reviews the literature and describes the changes that occur at the
optic nerve head and in the peripapillary region as a consequence of glaucomatous
optic neuropathy (GON).
Results: The concept of ‘risk factors’ is developed to help screen for glaucoma.
Glaucoma suspects require a full clinical investigation (visual field, IOP, assessment
of anterior chamber, disc features and nerve fibres) and need to be monitored annu-
ally. For future reference, they should have their disc features recorded by instru-
mental methods o r with photography at an early age. As no single sign provides the
perfect diagnostic marker for the disease, clinicians need to examine for a group of
signs before making the diagnosis. A clinical logic is developed in this paper to
enhance the detection of glaucoma.
Conclusion:Adoption of a protocol similar to that detailed in this paper will enhance
the early and reliable detection of glaucoma.
Accepted for publication: 16 August 2000 (Clin Exp Optom 2000; 83: 3: 145-160)

Key words: cup/disc ratio, glaucoma, neuroretinal rim, optic disc haemorrhage, retinal nerve fibre layer

Optometrists have an obligation to detect ance of the disc a n d its surrounding miological data, assuming that the preva-
the presence of glaucoma, either by tissue can vary. lence of glaucoma is constant at younger
screening or looking for signs of the dis- Other than congenital cases, glaucoma- ages (up to 49 years) and increases sig-
ease. Both procedures entail different lev- tous optic neuropathy (CON) becomes nificantly beyond 60 years of age, imply-
els of responsibility and require different more prevalent with age.’-JThus, increas- ing that older patients warrant frequent
approaches for testing. In this paper, I ing age (older than 60 years) is a signifi- screening at two-year intervals to ensure
discuss the processes involved in screen- cant risk factor for glaucoma (Table 1 ) . early detection.
ing and detection. When detecting glau- Figure 1 shows the prevalence of glau- Screening involves assessing ‘risk fac-
coma, it must be remembered that, as sev- coma in an Australian p ~ p u l a t i o n This
.~ tors’ and needs to be differentiated from
eral mechanisms (intraocular pressure, gives some indication of the age at which detecting signs of the disease. Risk factors
vascular and neurotoxic) are thought to screening becomes important. The two- imply that individuals are more likely to
be responsible for the damage, the appear- line trend has been plotted to the epide- develop t h e condition, as they have

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vzngrys

Positive family history for glaucoma
Systemic hypertension, diabetes
Race (Afro-Americans, Australian Aborigines, Japanese for NTG)
Increasing age (> 60 years)
Myopia (> -2 D)

High IOP (> 21 mmHg if age less than 75,otherwise > 18 mmHg)
Large CDR (> 0.5) in a normal-sized eye
40 60 80 100
CDR asymmetry between eyes (> 0.2) in normal-sized eyes
Average age (years) Non-central insertion of CRA
Compromised anterior chamber: shadow test or material present (pigmenVexfoliative)
Figure 1. Prevalence of glaucoma in an Screening field loss
Australian population (after Wensor and
colleagues') as a function of average age of Table 1. Patient attributes that are known risk factors for glaucoma
the group. Atwo-line functionhas been fitted
by floating the parameters and minimising
the root-mean-squareerror term presuming Abnormal neuro-retinal rim (NRR) configuration: no ISNT or notches
a fixed prevalence below a certain age (49 Abnormal cup configuration: cup size for disc size, lamina pore slits
years) and an increasing prevalence above Blood vessel changes and compromise: kinking, baring, disc haemorrhage
this age. Peripapillary atrophy: halo, large pigment crescent
Retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) losses: diffuse or local
Functional loss typical of glaucoma

Table 2. Signs of glaucomatous optic neuropathy

attributes that place them at higher risk. Pattern ERG

These attributes have been established by Flicker perimetry, frequency doubling technology (FDT), short wavelength automated
epidemiological trials and the presence of perimetry (SWAP) and others*
any general risk factor (Table 1) should Afferent pupil defect
lead to testing of the ocular risk factors. Automated static (achromatic) perimetry (ASP)
However, risk factors say little about the
* Theories of selective loss or reduced redundancy explain why these tests are better
actual presence of the disease. Signs, if than ASP. As a consequence, motion thresholds, random dot motion or other test
reliable and multiple, are used to make paradigms may be just as useful for this purpose, but have not been included in this list
the diagnosis o r establish a differential due to their lack of general availability.
diagnosis. Their presence means that
glaucoma is most likely present, with some
Table 3. Functional tests known to be affectedby glaucoma listed in order of decreasing
signs being more reliable and specific
than others.
This paper develops a logical screening
protocol and reviews the changes that take glaucoma is defined by the changes at the sensitivity, so I have added these to the list
place at the optic nerve and its surround- optic disc or in the surrounding tissues. of signs (Table 2 ) .
ing tissue that indicate glaucoma. Scaled This logic is consistent with the position For its earliest diagnosis, GON requires
schematics and fundus photographs are adopted by many professional associa- the concurrent appearance of multiple
used to demonstrate each point under tions, for example, the American Acad- signs of optic nerve or nerve fibre dam-
discussion, as much has been learned emy of Ophthalmology. However, it is my age or a documented progression in one
from recent research (see Jonas and opinion that functional losses should of these signs. Table 2 lists the signs that
Budde" and Jonas, Budde a n d Panda- either precede or occur concurrently with indicate GON and Table 3 gives the func-
Jonass for particularly good reviews on this such change. The reason that they are not tional losses that can be produced by
topic). In this paper, primary open angle found most likely reflects a lack of test glaucoma. From Table 3, it is apparent

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vingrys

that automated static (achromatic)

perimetry (ASP) is least sensitive for early
GON, although it is often the mainstay for
decision-making in the diagnosis a n d
management of GON. ASP should be used
with all suspects and alternate methods
adopted only if the disc and fields d o not


Many practitioners may choose to screen

for glaucoma, rather than make the diag-
nosis or be involved in its management.
In doing so, they should adopt a strategy
that yields high sensitivity and specificity
Figure 2. Scaled schematic appearance of the optic nerve head for three sizes of scleral-disc
(greater than 0.90) by considering risk
openings:left panel, the scleral disc diameter is 33 per cent larger than normal opening CDR
factors. These have been listed in Table 1
= 0.71; central panel, the scleral disc has a normal opening CDR = 0.40; right panel, the scleral
under the headings General and Ocular.
disc diameter is 33 per cent smaller than normal CDR = 0.17 (cup hidden by blood vessels).
The presence of a single ocular risk fac-
The arrow in the central panel shows the scleral ring, which defines the insertion of the disc,
tor identifies glaucoma suspects, whereas
whereas the small arrow heads show the edges of the neuro-retinal rim that starts on the
the presence of multiple ocular risk
inside margin of the scleral ring and which may be distinct (left edge) or diffuse (right edge).
factors (two or more) warrants further
The central retinal artery has a normal insertion, the NRR shows the ISNT configuration (see
evaluation or referral due to the high like-
text) and circular lamina pores are visible in the left panel. The aperture in the lower part of
lihood for glaucoma. In this paper, I will
the right panel represents the light from an ophthalmoscope.
not consider any of the risk factors other
than those involving the optic nerve or its
adjacent region.

The role of cup/disc ratio (CDR)

The optic disc can be thought of as a g l a u ~ o m a , ' making
~ ~ ~ ' ~ both risk factors CLINICIAN-DEPENDENTFACTORS
doughnut. The neuro-retinal rim (NRR), for the disease. However, this finding AFFECTING CDR MEASURES
which represents the nerve fibre axons, is probably reflects the referral criteria used These involve recording and assaying
the doughnut ring and the cup, or cavity in these studies (large o r asymmetric factors such as reliability, precision and
internal to t h e NRR, represents t h e CDR), as it is now appreciated that large accuracy.
doughnut hole. In doughnut parlance, if CDRs have only a modest sensitivity for Accuracy describes how close a determi-
you have a large CDR for a fixed size GON (0.70) and that any cupping in a nation is to the true value. The difference
doughnut, you should buy your dough- small disc can indicate GON.4 However, between your average judgement and the
nuts elsewhere. CDR refers specifically to given that fewer than 15 per cent of a true value is sometimes called bias. Non-
the vertical cup-to-disc ratio, as this is the clinical population have small discs and expert clinicians have been shown to
most sensitive index of GON.5 glaucoma,' a large CDR (greater than make poorer judgements of CDR com-
The presence of a large cup/disc ratio 0.5) is a useful screening tool for the pared with expert clinicians (sensitivity
(CDR) is a n ocular risk factor for majority of people.','-" Disc asymmetry 0.54 for trained paramedics versus 0.95 for
GON.',3,6,7However, in isolation it should (greater than 0.2) is also a limited pre- ophthalmologists).' It must be recognised
not be taken as a sign of glaucoma, as dictor of GON as it is found in 24 per that in older eyes the neuro-retinal rim
GON can be present with small cups (CDR cent of diseased eyes and six per cent of becomes hard to define and the presence
= 0.2-0.5).' As such, the CDR can be in- normal eyes (sensitivity = 0.24, specificity of peripapillary atrophy can confound
terpreted only after evaluation of the size = 0.94).1° identification of the scleral edge of the
of the disc (Figure 2). The following dis- Many factors contribute to undermine disc margin.
cussion will develop these concepts. the reliability of CDR readings. These will To determine CDR, start by finding the
Epidemiological studies show that a be considered under two headings: those scleral rim of the disc (Figure 2, arrow)
large CDR (CDR greater than 0.5) or a that are clinician-dependent and those which is a white ring, about the size of a
large asymmetry in CDR between eyes that a r e not, being regulated by t h e small artery, and most visible on the nasal
(greater than 0.2) is more common in anatomy of the disc itself. and temporal margins. Make sure that you

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 Mdy-JUnt? 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma V i n p y

identify the scleral rim and not a zone of Clinicians vary in their capacity for con-
sclera visible due to peripapillary atrophy sistency in their measures, from being
(Figure 3 ) . Next, determine the inner rather poor to highly precise and reliable.
edge of the neuro-retinal rim (NRR), that Experience appears to have a major influ-
is, the outer limit of the cup. Identifica- ence on precision and reliability, with
tion of this feature is challenging and it is expert clinicians giving more precise and
best to use coloration or shading as your reliable outcomes.’
guide. In younger eyes, the NRR is orange- To promote accuracy, precision and re-
pink (least pink in the macula bundle) so liability, so that the earliest changes may
estimating the edge in these eyes is rela- be detected, I suggest that all suspects
tively easy, apart from the fact that they must be followed with some permanent
can show a large transition zone (rounded documentation (hard copy) of their disc.
e d g e ) . With age, t h e NRR becomes Photographs (colour or black and white)
sloped, its colour becomes yellow-grey or the scanning laser ophthalmoscope
from media changes and it loses the ‘flush (SLO) or other nerve head or nerve fibre
of youth’. In an elderly eye, expect a slow measuring methods are ideal for this Figure 3. The right eye of a 78-year-oldocular
change in shade (or tone of colour) as you purpose. hypertensive (24 mmHg, R and L) patient
look along the NRR, which indicates such who had been followed for the past 10 years.
sloping (Figure 3) caused by the natural DISC DEPENDENT FACTORS AFFECTING The disc shows a sloped NRR typical of age
attrition of nerve fibres (3,000 to 7,000 CDR MEASURES (small arrows), two notches in the NRR
p e r year) with age. However, slope The CDR can be influenced by many fac- (arrow heads), vessel bayonetting at the
changes can also be a sign of early glau- tors (Figures 2 and 3), and the size of the superior notch (upperyellow arrow),a zone
coma by way of temporal shelving (see scleral opening and age are just two of of peripapillary scleral atrophy (largearrows
below). In the elderly, the transition from them. The effect that age has on the at 3 o’clock) and a diffuse RNFL loss. The
a yellow-grey NRR to yellow-white cup appearance of the normal NRR has been visual field showed an absolute inferior
becomes difficult to recognise, but a red- discussed in the previous section. The fol- arcuate defect consistent with the superior
free filter can help by emphasising this lowing details the size effect, which is a notch and a variable relative superior arcuate
change in shading. more common cause for large (greater loss. The fellow eye was suspicious for early
These judgments are easier to appreci- than 0.5) or small (less than 0.5) CDRs damage.
ate and, in some cases, can be made only than is glaucoma.
through a dilated pupil with an indirect
lens (78 D or 90 D). Similarly, the abnor- SIZE OF SCLERAL OPENING
mally steepened slope of early glaucoma People vary in the size of their scleral
(temporal shelving) can be appreciated openings (Figure 2) just as they d o in the
only with indirect biomicroscopy by using size of any other physical dimension. The
a horizontal slit (about 1/8 disc diam- average disc has an opening dimension
e t e r ) . As practitioners become more of about five degrees by seven degrees (for related to the square of the radius (area =
skilled at slitlamp ophthalmoscopy, these refractions ranging from +5 D to -8 D) and m y ) ,we have a 77 per cent increase in disc
judgements can be made without dilation, has about 1.4 million nerve fibres ar- area due to the 33 per cent larger scleral
although they are more difficult through ranged in this a p e r t ~ r eThis
. ~ average disc opening, resulting in a CDR of 0.71. Note
small pupils. results in a CDR of 0.44 as shown in the that in this case (CDR = 0.71) this is still a
Although, CDR assays can be inaccurate, middle panel of Figure 2. What effect normal disc with a normal complement
ophthalmoscopic methods have been would increasing the scleral opening by of nerve fibres but these nerves are now
shown to yield small bias a n d inter- 33 per cent (7 degrees x10 degrees) have located in a larger scleral opening. In con-
observer errors (three to six per cent) if on the resultant CDR? The schematic trast, a halving of nerve fibres in a normal
performed This means that appearance of such discs is shown to scale sized disc results in about the same sized
well-trained clinicians should be able to in Figures 2 and 4. CDR as for the large opening (0.40 to
estimate CDRs to within 0.1, which is The schematics shown in Figures 2 and 4 0.63: 158 per cent increase). A similar loss
needed if early losses are to be detected presume that the nerve fibres retain the in a small disc yields large CDR changes
by screening. same size and number in each eye, that (Figure 4: 0.17 to 0.42: 247 per cent in-
Precision and reliability indicate how the area of the disc will determine the crease) and a vertical cupping (loss of the
closely you give the same outcome over a resultant CDR and that pathological cup- ISNT sign, to be discussed later). In fact,
short term (precision; standard deviation ping is more extensive vertically (see in the small disc, the number of optic
of readings) or long term (reliability). below). In Figure 2, left panel, as area is nerve fibres has to decrease to o n e

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vingrys

Figure 2 , left panel). Similarly, a small

disc occurs when the disc subtends 75 per
cent or less of the light aperture. Clini-
cians should record whether the disc is
large, normal or small and make CDR
measures in patients with normal-sized
openings. Adopting a grid (amblyo-
scope) can improve the accuracy of such
Epidemiological studies show that large
CDRs, as found in large scleral openings,
are at higher risk for glaucoma, perhaps
due to mechanical compromise of their
lamina.',g Such patients should be moni-
tored, but so should small cups in small
Figure 4. Schematic scaled appearance of change to the apparent cup size and resultant CDR disc openings. Large a n d small discs
for the small disc of Figure 2, right panel (redrawnhere in the left panel) as the NRR decreases should not be screened by using a simple
in nerve fibre count to 50 per cent (centre panel, CDR = 0.42) and 25 per cent (right panel, CDR ratio. The following discussion will
CDR = 0.65). Note the thinning of the NRR on the nasal margin and that the ISNT sign does identify conditions other than normal
not appear in the centre and right panels. variability, that can produce variations in
the size of the scleral opening and that
will limit CDR assays.


Any of the congenital optic nerve head
anomalies (tilted disc etcetera) will affect
the appearance of the disc limiting the
role that CDR measures have in these
cases. However, colobomatous changes
isolated to the optic nerve head will have
quarter of their normal complement for For the CDR assay to be considered sen- the most significant effect on disc size, giv-
the CDR to reach a similar magnitude sibly in patients, a determination of the ing the appearance of large CDRs. Typi-
(0.65 versus 0.71) as in a large disc. This size of the scleral opening is needed. cally, they will show an arterial pattern that
demonstrates that small discs can have There are many methods that can be used radiates like bicycle spokes from a hub
normal CDRs even with large losses of in making such estimate^"'^^^" but the (Figure 5 ) , whereas glaucoma will have a
nerve fibres and they will show marked direct ophthalmoscope method provides more normal arterial insertion.'" Colo-
relative changes in their CDR as early signs a simple yet reliable technique. Such an boma may be unilateral (Figure 5) and
of CON. a p p r o a c h was first suggested by may have associated visual field losses,
Although the above schematics and dis- Franceschetti and Bock17 but developed which manifest as generalised depressions
cussion have been based on mathemati- and quantified by Gross and Drance.8The with or without arcuate defects. The pres-
cal principles, they are supported by clini- principle of this m e t h o d is shown ence of arcuate loss challenges the diag-
cal observation. It has been reported that schematically in Figure 2. The horizontal nostic process because these large CDRs
the CDR varies among normal people, disc dimension is compared against the are more likely to get GON especially as a
being a function of disc size.14-16Large extent of the 5 degree aperture of the di- congenital glaucoma. However, the level
discs were called megalopapilla by rect ophthalmoscope (the 5 degree aper- of generalised or macula sensitivity reduc-
Franceschetti and Bock" and more re- ture should subtend a diameter of 5 cm tion is much greater in coloboma than
cently have been labelled as macrodiscs at 67 cm). Making this estimate is easier would be found in glaucoma and the
by Jonas and B ~ d d eSmall
. ~ openings (or if you place the aperture slightly below the arcuate losses are non-progressive.
microdiscs) will have no cup, so a small disc (Figure 2 ) and compare the horizon-
CDR (Figure 4) in these eyes can indicate tal dimension of the scleral opening and MYOPIC DISCS
glaucoma.18 Hence, the relationship the size of the light spot, concurrently. Any High myopia (6 D or more) is a risk factor
between disc size and the resultant cup disc that is larger than the aperture by 25 for glaucoma, especially with age, whereas
size makes a simple CDR measure a n per cent should be expected to have a moderate myopia (greater t h a n two
unreliable sign for GON.'3~'5~'8~19 large CDR (that is, light fills the cup only, dioptres) is known to be associated with a

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vzngrys

Figure 5. The appearance of a disc with optic 6a. There is peripapillaryhalo (pigment and 6b. The fellow eye had an absolute inferior
nerve head coloboma. Note the anomalous scleral crescents,arrow) and shallow cupping arcuate loss
blood vessel pattern, large CDR, peripap- with temporal shelving (arrow head). The
illary crescent and indistinct NRR. The visual visual field of the right eye showed a
field of this eye showed a general depression biarcuate defect.
and the acuity was 6/36. The fellow eye was
normal. In juvenile glaucoma, disc blood Figure 6. The appearance of the disc in a highly myopic 74year-old male (RE -9.00 DS,
vessels often show a radiating pattern LE -10.00/-1.50 x 175) who has been monitored for 10 years as a contact lens wearer. The IOP
consistentwith a coloboma. This might imply for this patient was 22 mmHg R and 21 mmHg L.
a common causative agent.

greater prevalence of glaucoma.'," Due to is compromised,22implying that ischaemic many glaucomatous eyes have small CDRs
this higher risk, patients with greater than insult might be the mechanism of myopic (approximately 15 per cent) .',I'
two dioptres of myopia should be investi- glaucoma. It is thought that the ischae- Harper and Reevesg report that visual
gated for glaucoma after 40 years of age mia results from vascular changes subse- field screening is the best single predic-
and at routine intervals (two-yearly o r quent to scleral stretching associated with tor of glaucoma, although it yields a lim-
more regularly depending on other risk the axial elongation.' ited diagnostic capacity in isolation (sen-
factors) thereafter. Although the glau- sitivity = 0.85, specificity = 0.91). These
coma in moderate myopia is similar to SUMMARY OF THE ROLE OF CDR authors showed that reasonable diagnos-
other CON, the neuropathy of highly MEASURES tic performance can be achieved by the
myopic patients is atypical. These discs are It is apparent that the CDR measure can testing of three factors (CDR, IOP, field
large, elongated (usually vertical) and vary between normal people and that it loss) in a serial manner. A failure at either
have a thinned nerve fibre layer. They can be affected by factors other than glau- CDR (greater than 0.4) o r IOP yields
require indirect viewing (78 D or 90 D coma. Hence, it provides a limited and suspects, who must then have fidd test-
lenses) for assessment and baseline visual unreliable sign of glaucoma, particuhrly ing to improve specificity.
fields and photographs for the detection in myopic eyes. When screening, the CDR However, such an approach will have
of' early changes. The glaucomatous dam- must be considered in conjunction with limitations. If we assume test accuracy of
age in high myopia tends to occur at a other factors and especially with an assay 0.95 (sensitivity = specificity), which is
lower IOP than might be considered ab- of disc size. In the absence of information better than reported in the literature for
normal (16 to 25 mmHg) and has a shal- on disc size a large CDR (greater than 0.6) such serial logic' and a prevalence of 3.5
low cupping making CDR an unreliable provides a modest sensitivity (0.70) and per cent for an average group of elderly
indc=x.45It is characterised by a substan- specificity (0.88) for g l a u c ~ r n a Even
.~ Australians,' serial screening should yield
tial ring of peripapillary atrophy, called a using a conservative CDR criterion for an approximately 60 per cent false posi-
halo (Figure 6). Studies have shown that failure (a CDR of greater than 0.4) returns tive rate and a miss rate of approximately
the vascular status in the region of the halo a sensitivity of only 0.88,9 indicating that eight per cent. Such performance does

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vingrys

Signls Sensltlvlty
Splinter haemorrhage 0.10
Notching 0.20
Large CDR 0.25
ISNT sign 0.45
RNFL defect 0.46
Large CDR t bayonetting 0.29
Large CDR t splinter haemorrhage 0.36
RNFL defect t large CDR 0.51
RNFL defect t splinter haemorrhage 0.67
3 or more of the above signs 0.80-1.O

Figure 7. Scaled schematic of the earliest disc changes due to glaucoma. Left panel: a normal Table 4. The diagnostic capacity of several
sized disc shows a loss of the ISNT configuration (CDR = 0.65). Centre panel: abnormal clinical signs for GON when taken in isolation
insertion of the central retinal artery (CDR = 0.50) and an abnormally thinned NRR opposite or together (modified after Okoshi and
the artery insertion should be evaluatedby comparing artery widths as indicated by the arrow colleaguesM)
(yellow).Note that the ISNT sign cannot be applied to such eyes. Right panel: penpapillary
atrophy (pigmented zone shown by arrows; scleral zone shown by arrow heads), lamina slits,
notch and baring of the superior circumlinear blood vessel (single arrow head) with a kink of
the superior arterioles in this region.

not yield a satisfactory clinical outcome with the downward displacement of the
in terms of detection although the high fovea, this means that the inferior pole has
false positive rate can be considered as a the greatest number of axons. Jonas and
conservative outcome for screening pur- As glaucoma can coexist with a small CDR Budde4 suggest that CON should be sus-
poses. It can be improved, if clinicians (less than 0.5) and large CDRs may be pected in people when the NRR becomes
were also to consider the size of the disc normal, clinicians need to record disc size of similar size in the temporal and verti-
opening and the level of asymmetry in (large, small, normal) and make their cal regions-for example I = S = T as
CDR between eyes: small or large discs diagnosis in eyes with small or large discs shown in Figures 4 and 7-and is defi-
should not be screened using a CDR in using the signs of glaucoma rather than nitely suspicious when the temporal mar-
isolation. the risk factors. The following discussion gin (macula bundle) becomes thicker than
In the next section, I will describe the will review these signs. either vertical pole. However, in seven per
signs of glaucomatous optic neuropathy cent of normal people the ISNT sign does
that can be used to diagnose the disease. Neuro-retinal rim (NRR or not exist,I6 due to a vertical alignment of
I recommend that clinicians use these doughnut ring) the cup (Figure 8) in these cases,4 thus
signs for the early detection and nianage- minimising the diagnostic capacity of the
ment of GON and that these should yield NRR CONFIGURATION-THE ISNT SIGN ISNT sign. In those normal eyes, where the
high capacity for early detection.” In some The NRR in a normal eye is known to pro- ISNT sign is missing, the eye will show sym-
cases, such as with large or small open- duce an ISNT configurationlfi with the metry in the same eye or between eyes. In
ings, high myopia o r coloboma, CDR inferior margin ( I ) being thickest, particular, early GON will produce an asym-
measures a n d screening cannot be followed by the superior (S), then the metry between the NRR thickness of the
applied. nasal (N) and the temporal (T) margins poles of a given eye with one pole being
(called the ISNT sign; Figure 2 ) . This thinner than the temporal margin. A GON
happens because the NRR produces a rela- prevalence typical of an aged Australian
tive crowding at the vertical poles and, population (3.5 per cent) means that the

Clinical and Experimental Optonietry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vzngrys

ISNT sign can be expected to yield a sen- bution and number) is not present. where that stereopsis cannot be used for
sitivity of 0.45 at a specificity of 0.93. Al- Although the ISNT sign is useful, de- such purpose^.'^ Dynamic evaluation by
though this might sound like a poor diag- termining the edge of the NRR in elderly scanning up and down the tissue can help
nostic capacity, it is quite reasonable people (older than 70 years) is a clinical expose the saucer-like nature of the shelv-
compared to other signs (see Table 4). challenge that can frustrate the apprecia- ing. It must be remembered that ageing
The ISNT sign becomes unreliable tion of this sign. In these cases, consider produces a greater slope in the NRR, so
with aberrant (congenital) blood vessel the shelving of the temporal NRR (slope sloping per se is not indicative of disease.
insertions. Here, the thickest NRR region of the rim) to help confirm the presence Rather, a saucer-like configuration must
is usually in the area of the insertion of the of neuropathy. In patients with an arteri- be elicited (Figure 8d). In cases in which
central retinal artery (Figure 7, central ole in this region, shelving may be appre- the light is angled correctly, a difference
panel). As an abnormal insertion of the ciated by the kinking of this vessel (Fig- in shade (glow o r shadow) becomes
central retinal artery is a risk factor for glau- ure 8c), although this is not a reliable apparent with saucer-like NRR margins.
coma4 (Table l ) , these patients should be indicator. In small to normal discs, shelv- With large scleral openings, the NRR is
closely monitored using other signs. In ing is best appreciated with a thin hori- naturally thinned and the ISNT sign may
addition, the ISNT sign may not be useful zontal slit over the temporal NRR surface. not exist. Hence, the clinician needs to
in cases of large scleral openings, myopia U n d e r these conditions, look for a develop a method of appraisal of the thick-
and coloboma. In these latter cases, the deviation in the slit as the NRR forms a ness of the rim plateau to detect NRR loss
cause of the ISNT configuration (size of depression. These judgments are chal- and thinning in large discs. NRR thick-
the scleral opening and nerve fibre distri- lenging to make, as we have shown else- ness can be estimated using the diameter

8a. A vertical cup in a normal sized scleral 8b. A large CDR (0.7)in a large scleral 8c. Alarge CDR (0.6) with a scleral rimvisible
opening. This large CDR (0.6) is in an opening (greater than 33 per cent) in an (arrow) in this58year-old female. The scleral
otherwise normal eye (IOP is 18 mmHg, otherwise normal eye (IOP is 14 mmHg opening is of a normal 'size, the ISNT sign is
R and L) in this 52-year-old female, who has R and L) of this young man (33 years). The missing (I = S = T) and the superior circum-
a family history of glaucoma. The fellow eye fellow eye had a similar configuration for its linear blood vessel is bared (arrow). The IOP
had a similar configuration for its cup (CDR cup (CDR 0.7). The NRR does not show the was normal (18 mmHg, R and L), as were
0.6). The NRR does not show the ISNT sign ISNT sign typical of large openings, but there visual fields. Is this a normal variant as per
(due to the vertical cup), but there are no are no other indicators for glaucoma. This Figure 8a or is this the earliest sign of CON?
other indicators for glaucoma in this eye. This person needs a photograph and routine The visual fields and optic nerve heads have
person needs a photograph and monitoring monitoring in the future as a low risk case remained unchanged over the past seven
in the future as a low-risk case. with careful attention to the NRR opposite years (since age 51 years) and the patient is
the arterial insertion and the circumlinear being monitored as at medium risk.
vessel at this margin (6 to 8 o'clock).

Figure 8. The appearance of several optic nerves with large vertical CDRs (greater than 0.5)

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May7June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vzngrys

of the first division of the central retinal be on the temporal side, near the hori- GON (predicted sensitivity of 0.20).
artery as a guide. The NRR should never zontal. When notches are found removed Pallor of the NRR is found with advanced
be thinner than one artery width, and an from the horizontal (Figure 8 d ) , they glaucoma only in the presence of near total
NRR of one to two artery widths should must be treated as suspicious because they NRR destruction. The nasal margin will
be considered as suspicious (Figure 7, can indicate a pathological cause of focal usually retain coloration until very late in
centre panel). This sign should be looked erosion. The closer a notch is found to the disease. The macula region of the NRR
for in the macula bundle for cases with the vertical poles, and the greater their in pigment dispersion eyes is paler than
diffuse loss (Figure 4, right panel) and number (for example, Figure 9 ) , the normal, but not consistent with the pallor
elsewhere for focal losses. However, the greater the level of suspicion. Although the of advanced atrophy. As a consequence,
thinnest margin of NRR should never be appearance of localised NRR curvature pallor is not a good sign for early glaucoma
found at the poles. As a person ages and disruptions (notches) are signs of localised and its presence suggests the possibility of
arterio-sclerosis ensues, the arterial com- neuropathy, they are not found often with other neuropathy (ischaemia, mass et
parison of NRR thickness may become less open angle glaucoma where diffuse losses cetera) ; clinicians should re-evaluate their
reliable, so the artery/vein (A/V) ratio tend to occur in the majority of cases (80 diagnosis in the presence of marked pal-
must be recorded and this index used only per cent).4,19Notches tend to occur more lor of the NRR (Figure 10).
when the A/V is close to 2/3 (Figure 3 often in cases of normal tension glaucoma
shows a small A/V ratio). where they can give the appearance of Cup configuration (doughnut hole)
Local thinning of NRR will produce a pseudo-pits, but the low prevalence limits Early glaucoma produces a vertical cup-
notch. In normal eyes, these should always their diagnostic role in other forms of ping compared with the normal horizon-

8d. The appearance of the optic nerve of a Figure 9. The appearance of a large disc with Figure 10. A large CDR (0.8) in a young
59-year-old hyperopic female, who has been a large CDR (0.75) from a 58-year-old woman woman, who has a large scleral opening and
monitored for narrow angles over the past with low-tension glaucoma (IOP 13 mmHg, normal IOPs (12 mmHg, Rand L). Note that
10 years. This eye has lost the ISNT sign, R and L). The arrow heads locate four the RNFL is visible in the superior and
there is baring of a superior blood vessel notches. The notch at the bottom of the disc inferior arcuate regions as a bright zone, but
(arrow head), the scleral rim (arrows) is very deep and shows lamina pores in its is thiined and dark in the macula bundle,
identifies a prominent temporal zone of base: this is called a pseudo pit. The patient’s which is about as dark as the nasal region (not
peripapillary scleral and pigmentary atrophy field showed a biarcuate defect with losses normal). Also note the marked optic atrophic
(arrow) with notches in the adjacent NRR near fixation. pallor on the nasal and temporal edges of the
(blue arrow heads). This eye also had a visual NRR. This woman has compression in the
field loss (courtesy T Fncke). region of her chiasm and not glaucoma
(courtesy N Mantzioros).

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vingrys

Figure 11. A large CDR (0.7) in a young 12a. In 1993, he had a large CDR (0.5) in a 12b. In 1995, the ISNT sign was definitely
woman (43 years) who has a normal scleral normal scleral opening, high IOPs (26 mmHg abnormal, the baring had become more
opening and high IOPs (24 mmHg, Rand L). R and 24 mmHg L) and a blood vessel bared pronounced (inferior arrow) and the NRR
Her disc has slit-like pores (inferior yellow (inferior arrow). The inferior rim was showed a marked generalised erosion along
arrow) compared to the circular pores thinned (abnormal ISNT sign), but the field the temporal margin. The superior margin
(superior arrow head). Note that all pores was normal. This person was followed as a had thinned and had a splinter haemorrhage
have a vertical orientation. Her visual field suspect, with yearly reviews. (arrow head). The field was still normal at
has an absolute superior arcuate scotoma and this time, although an arcuate field defect
she had narrow anterior angles. (CourtesyJJ developed about four years later. (Courtesy
Thimons) JJ Thimons)

Figure 12. The left eye of a 56-year-old male with a family history of glaucoma

tal or circular cup (compare Figures 2 orbital mass, ischaemic anterior optic neu- An interesting observation made by
and 7). This results in the loss of the ISNT ropathy (AION) or carotid insufficiency. Jonas and FernandezZ7is that the distance
sign. In some eyes with deep cups the configu- from the central retinal artery trunk
Studies also suggest that the deepest ration of the lamina pores can be seen (point of entry) to the disc margin is cor-
cups occur in glaucomatous conditions to alter. Miller and Quigley2$showed that related to the degree of glaucomatous
that have the highest IOPs (pressure the normal configuration of lamina pores neuropathy (Figure 7, centre panel). They
cause) and that the deeper the cup, the (small horizontal ovals) became more ver- argue that this might be due to mechani-
smaller the zone of peripapillary atrophy tically oriented and slit-like as the glauco- cal causes and propose that the vascular
(vascular cause, see below). This is par- matous damage progressed. This was con- structure strengthens the lamina i n the
ticularly true for juvenile onset glaucoma firmed more recently by Fontana and region of the vessel. Histological data from
and also has been found in the focal type colleagues"' with SLO methods. Although autopsy eyes that have glaucoma show an
of normal tension glaucoma..' In these the cause for this change is not clear, it has abnormal backward W-shaped bowing of
cases, very deep cupping can result, which been suggested that it may involve greater the lamina cribrosa, greatest in regions
gives the appearance of a pseudo-pit (Fig- visibility of normally invisible pore struc- removed from the central retinal artery,gx
ure 9) of the optic nerve, with the lamina tures following axonal death or that i t may which supports this theory. Hence, eyes
visible in the bottom of the pit, which is represent a fusion of the pores due to shear- with a displaced central retinal artery are
not seen in true pits. In contrast, most ing forces.'" Colobomata and large scleral more liable to GON in the region most
glaucomatous cupping produces a shallow openings can also produce slits, although distal to the point of blood vessel entry.
erosion of the NRR, resulting in a gradu- they tend to be horizontally oriented. Thus, Eyes with mislocated central retinal arter-
ally sloped or saucer-shaped rim rather the appearance of slits should be taken as ies should be considered to have a greater
than a steep-sided edge. Eyes that show indicating the need for further investiga- risk for GON in their distal rim, and be
gross asymmetry in the level of cupping tion. However, vertical slits are most likely iilonitored for signs of GON in this region.
with patent field loss and normal IOPs due to glaucoma and can be used as signs Photographs will help detect the earliest
should be considered for the presrnce of of this disease (Figure 1 1 ) . changes to their NRR.

(:linical and Experimental Optometry 89.3 May+ne 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vingry

Figure 13. A small CDR (0.3) in a woman (54 Figure 14. Schematic of retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL)light patterns. The left panel shows
years) who has a normal scleral opening and the configuration for a normal eye (macula is shown on the left in all panels). Here, the
normal IOPs (13 mmHg, R and L) and a brightest RNFL bands lie supero-temporal and infero-temporal, with the macula zone (M)
family history of GON. She shows a thin being slightly darker and the nasal zone being darkest. The typical appearance of the RNFL
superior NRR (abnormal ISNT), an adjacent should be judged in the regions of the circles, where it should give a bright-dark-bright (BDB)
zone of pigmentary disruption and local appearance as you move vertically downwards on the macula side. The central panel shows
arteriolar thinning (arrow head, thin; arrow, the effect of a generalised RNFL loss, in that the BDB pattern and ISNT sign are lost. The
thick) typical of either hypertension or GON. right panel shows a region of local RNFL loss (superior temporal) with a local notch.
At the time her blood pressure was normal
and her fields were normal. She is being
monitored as a medium risk suspect, with
annual reviews.

Blood vessel changes S-shaped bends in vessels lying o n the photographs for early detection (com-
same plane. pare Figures 12a and 12b). Figure 12
KINKING AND BARING Overpassing occurs as the NRR erodes demonstrates the importance of photo-
As the blood vessels within the papilla lie underneath the blood vessel, leaving it graphic documentation for the early
near the top of the nerve fibre layer, un- hanging like a bridge over the resultant detection of GON.
dermining or erosion of the NRR will re- cavity.
sult in changes either to the configuration Baring is seen when the NRR erodes at LOCAL OR DIFFUSE ARTERIAL CALIBRE
of these vessels or to their orientation. the edge of a blood vessel, leaving the CHANGES
Such changes are visible with ophthalmos- vessel distant from the neural tissue (Fig- Diffuse and localised narrowing of the
copy and can be used as indications of ures 8c and 12). This makes those blood arteries have been reported with optic
GON. Orientational changes result in vessels that track along the inner margin neuropathy and glaucoma, implying that
the appearance of kinking (bayonetting) of the NRR (circumlinear vessels) par- these signs are not specific for glaucoma
(Figure 3 ) , whereas configurational ticularly useful for showing baring in but can indicate any optic ne~ropathy.'~-''
changes will give baring or overpassing early GON (Figure 12). However, not Moreover, focal narrowing can be seen in
(Figure 7, right panel). everyone has such vessels, which limits patients with hypertension so its capacity
Kinking in blood vessels occurs after the general applicability of this sign, and to discriminate CON is limited. A recent
neural erosion produces different planes in many normal eyes, blood vessels can angiographic study has shown that the
along the vessel path, resulting in a kink appear bared to a small degree (usually localised arterial narrowing in peripapil-
as the vessel moves from one plane to the up to two arterial widths, using the same lary regions represents true stenosis.J' The
other (Figure 8c). These are reliable signs artery for width estimates). Baring that lack of specificity for glaucoma and the
of neural loss if a cavity (or notch) in the is greater than two arterial widths is most fact that the degree of focal narrowing
neural tissue can be visualised in the re- likely abnormal. Changes in baring are increases with age in normal eyes (prob-
gion of the blood vessel (using a 90 D particularly useful signs of progressive ably due to hypertensive and/or arterio-
lens), otherwise they might arise from CON erosion, although they require sclerotic effects), means that this sign has

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vingrys

limited use in the diagnosis of glaucoma

except to confirm the condition in the
presence of other signs (Figure 13). As
hypertension is a risk factor (Table 1) the
presence of arterial calibre changes
should alert the clinician to investigate

Flame and splinter haemorrhages at the
border of the disc (Figure 12) are a hall-
mark of CON and are more common in
normal tension c a ~ e s .Studies
~ ~ , ~ ~suggest
that they are more likely in the early to
middle stages of glaucoma and that they
indicate progression of the disease.g5How-
ever, as most persist for only six to eight 15a. Upper left. A colour photograph of a 15h. Upper right. Early localised RNFL losses
weeks, this means that many disc haemor- normal RNFL configuration showing the with three wedge defects (arrows). These
rhages are likely to go undetected. This typical bright-dark-brightlight reflex moving demonstrate how a local disruption to the
transient characteristic yields a relatively vertically from superior to inferior in the BDB pattern facilitates detection. (Courtesy
low prevalence in clinical practice (seven temporal region A Litwak)
to 10 per cent)'",'" meaning that they have
limited sensitivity for CON (0.1) even
though, when present, they have a high
specificity for the disease. In particular,
they are good indicators of disease pro-

Penpapillary crescents or halos

Glaucoma produces two types of change
in the peripapillary region (Figure 7 ,
right p a n e l ) , a pigmented crescent
(called zone alpha) and a scleral crescent
(called zone beta) .3H When a scleral cres-
cent is present (Figures 3, 6 and 8d), it
lies adjacent to the disc, whereas the
pigmented crescent can be removed from 15c. Lower left. The worn corduroy effect 15d. The panel on the lower right is a red-
the disc or it can be adjacent to the disc found in an early wedge defect. This effecl free colour photograph showing a small CDR
iffound in isolation (Figure 13). Pigmen- usually becomes evident o n higher (0.3) in a small scleral opening. There is
tary crescents can appear as local thin magnification (compare Figures 15b to 15c). marked loss of RNFL in the macula bundle
strips (Figure 6) or as thick regional dis- (Courtesy A Litwak) (yellow arrows) that makes this area darker
ruptions (Figure 8d, 7 to 9 o'clock, Fig- than the nasal region, with the blood vessels
ure 13, 9 to 11 o'clock). Histologically, prominent in relief. There is also a mild worn
the scleral crescent (zone beta) corre- corduroy effect in the inferior bundle (white
sponds to a loss of retinal pigment epi- arrows). This patient has a pronounced
thelium and photoreceptorsggand ap- glaucomatous field loss.
pears to be associated with a region of
deficient blood flow.'l The significance
Figure 15. The appearance of the RNFL in normal and glaucomatous eyes
of the scleral crescent is that it occurs fre-
quently in some forms of GON and rarely
in normal eyes." However, it must be
differentiated from the temporal cres-
cent of myopia, the scleral crescent of
tilted discs (often inferonasal) and the

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vzngrys

peripapillary crescent of highly myopic pattern that can be appreciated with a LOCAL RNFL DEFECTS: SLITS OR
eyes (greater than 8 D, usually a thin cres- 14 D or 20 D lens and indirect ophthalm- WEDGES
cent). In contrast, pigmentary crescents oscopy, or on fundus photography, as a A minority of CON (20 per cent) give
are often found in normal eyes (15 to 20 bright-dim-bright pattern (BDB) going localised RNFL defects. These appear as
per cent), so their presence has a low from the superior pole through t h e wedges that run to and touch the edge of
specificity for disease.'8 However, very macula to the inferior pole (Figure 14, left the optic disc (Figure 14, right panel; Fig-
large pigmented crescents (greater than panel). For this appreciation you do not ures 15b, 15c, 15d). The isolated spindles
thickness of a normal NRR) that have a have to visualise the RNFL, only the re- or slits are more likely to be Muller cell
mottled appearance or thin pigmented flections from it, and as the human eye end feet than RNFL losses. The presence
strips adjacent to scleral crescents, are in- can detect small variations in brightness, of local RNFL defects is best detected us-
frequently found in normal eyes. The this presents an easy task. For the purpose ing the global appraisal method described
variable appearance of these crescents in of these judgements, compare vertically above, although early loss needs high
both normal and glaucoma eyes makes aligned regions about one disc diameter magnification (90 D, 78 D ) for apprecia-
crescents an unreliable sign of GON in towards the macula (Figure 14, left panel tion. In these early cases, the wedge will
isolation, but good alerts for the clinician and Figure 15a). Such judgements can appear slightly dimmed and have a tex-
to undertake a more rigorous evaluation. also be made with a 90/78 D lens or with tured component that looks like worn
Figure 8d is a good example of crescents direct ophthalmoscopy, although the lack corduroy, with slit-like troughs and valleys
(pigmentary and scleral) that can be seen of simultaneous viewing from the re- running throughout, indicating a non-
in a glaucomatous eye. Here the crescents stricted field of view makes subtle differ- uniform loss of RNFL (Figures 15c and
were suggestive of GON in a case of creep- ences harder to detect using a brightness 15d). The nasal fibres first affected in
ing angle closure glaucoma."' In the comparison. glaucoma run deep in the nerve fibre layer
myopic form of glaucoma, the usual tem- Diffuse loss of RNFL is difficult to de- and these troughs are not regions of loss,
poral crescent gives way to a total circum- tect, but it is appreciated when the BDB but zones of collapse in the underlying
ferential scleral halo delimited by a pattern becomes aberrant. In fact, in fibres. They are usually found about six
pigmentary edge (Figure 6), which is as- early GON, one of the poles (superior or to eight weeks after a disc haemorrhage
sociated with a high risk for GON. Myopic inferior) will become darker and may be- and correlate well with local NRR abnor-
GON is a challenge to detect as it gives a come as dark as the macula bundle. In malities (notches). Typically, they can pre-
shallow cupping at normal, or near nor- advanced GON, all of these regions may cede visual field loss by up to five years.41
mal, IOP (16 to 25 mmHg) with general- become as dark as the nasal retina, which
ised NRR loss in an eye that has a thinned should always have the darkest appear-
nerve fibre layer. The presence of a field ance in a normal eye (Figure 14, centre ~ ~

loss helps the diagnosis. Peripapillary panel). Once the change in reflection is All presenting patients should be
crescents a r e less common in non- detected, a direct ophthalmoscopic view screened for the existence of general risk
glaucomatous atrophy, so their presence ( o r 90/78 D) of this same region will factors (Table 1). The presence of one or
is highly specific for GON.40 show that the blood vessels stand out in more general risk factors requires either
relief, as they lack the normal nerve fibres the testing of ocular risk factors or evalu-
Retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) running over them. This is particularly ation for signs of GON.
The RNFL can be visualised in most eyes evident with medium and small calibre
(90 to 95 per cent) although age, myo- vessels that run perpendicular to the gen- Screening
pia and large scleral openings make it eral direction of the nerve fibres. In nor- When screening, practitioners need to
less visible. Two patterns of loss of RNFL mal eyes these vessels are less distinct, as determine the level of ocular risk by pre-
are evident: a diffuse loss that affects the the nerve fibres partly bury them. In sus- forming the tests indicated by bold type
majority of glaucoma cases (80 per cent) pect cases, comparisons of the BDB pat- in Table 5 and field screening should be
and a localised loss (20 per cent). A red- terns between poles or eyes may be use- performed in patients who fail any of
free filter can be used to enhance the vis- ful, as GON typically affects one pole o r those tests. Patients with repeatable abnor-
ibility of the RNFL but this is not needed eye more than the other. Increasing age, malities in their fields should be fully
for t h e appreciation of diffuse loss light skin pigmentation and high myo- evaluated for the signs of glaucoma. It
(Figure 14). pia can frustrate the visualisation of the needs to be reiterated that large or small
RNFL but, with practice and a red-free scleral openings and eyes with high myo-
DIFFUSE LOSSES filter, it should be visible in 90 to 95 per pia (greater than 8 D), coloboma or other
The RNFL is thickest at the superior and cent of eyes. In those cases in which it is congenital optic nerve anomalies cannot
inferior poles of the disc, making these not visible, clinicians should consider the be screened reliably.
areas most easily visible (Figure 14 and possibility of a generalised thinning of The shadow test will identify narrow
15a). This yields a characteristic light the RNFL. anterior chambers and a shadow of greater

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vzngtys

Largelasymmetric CDR for the particular disc size

NRR does not show ISNT andlor has temporal shelving
Peripapillary scleral crescent or large pigment crescent (r NRR)
Anterior chamber depth assay RNFL loss (diffuse or local), notching
IOP measurement Slit-like lamina pores (especially vertical)
CDR evaluation Kinking or baring of the blood vessels andlor non-central artery insertion
Visual field screening Splinter disc haemorrhage, focal arterial narrowing

Table 5. Visual field screening should be Table 6. Optic disc characteristicswhich may indicate glaucoma. The first
performed if patients fail any of the other four items (bold) may be the earliest evidence which may occur prior to the
three tests. detection of field defects.

than 0.33 is cause for failure.'"' These establish that learning effects are not intervals for suspects (hypertensives,
patients will need to have the depth of present and that the defects are reproduc- high myopes, large or small srleral open-
their anterior chamber determined ible. A borderline result is when five to ings) should facilitate the early detection
(Smith test o r variant: see Fricke, 14 per cent of the points are abnormal of GON.
Mantzionis and Vingrys40) and a gonio- and this should be viewed in the light of At these reviews, a disc is judged as hav-
scopic evaluation. other findings. ing a moderate o r high probability of
The IOP measure should record a fail- Glaucoma screening should be con- GON, if it has one or more of the signs
ure if a patient's IOP is consistently greater ducted at the first visit over the age of 40 given in Table 6. The first four of these
than 21 mmHg. This criterion IOP drops years and continue at five-yearly intervals signs (in bold type) are taken as giving
to 18 mmHg for people older than 75 up to 60, at which time it should become the earliest evidence of GON, and can be
years of age. Patients with a single IOP a biennial event. The literature suggests solicited before any perimetric defects." A
greater than 29 mmHg must be consid- that patients who fail IOP or CDR or have documented change (photographs) in
ered as possible cases of angle closure and narrow chambers should be treated as any of these four signs is a definitive indi-
must have their angles gonioscopically glaucoma suspects and be evaluated for cation of disease.
examined. Patients who consistently show signs of the disease (see below). When The optic nerve evaluations should be
an IOP from 22 to 29, but have normal screening, all these tests must be per- made through dilated pupils at the first
signs, should be classified as ocular formed on the patient to yield a high sen- examination and non-dilated reviews at
hypertensive and therefore as glaucoma sitivity (0.94) at a moderate specificity every second visit. In addition, photogra-
suspects. (0.69). Subsequent field testing will im- phy (or other method) is needed for
A large (greater than 0.5) o r asymmet- prove the specificity to clinically accept- future management a n d t h e earliest
ric (greater than 0.2) CDR is also reason able levels.YHowever, it was noted previ- detection of progression. Note that for
for screening failure in a normal sized ously that this approach could be ophthalmoscopic purposes, the level of
disc. Clinicians must consider disc size associated with many false positives (about dilation does not have to be maximal and
(large, normal, or small) before undertak- 60 per cent) and some misses (about eight a four- to five-millimetre non-mobile pupil
ing screening. Any large or small discs per cent). Clinicians who choose to un- will usually suffice. A cocktail of 0.25 per
must be evaluated for signs of glaucoma dertake screening need to be aware of cent tropicamide and one per cent phe-
as a CDR measure is an unreliable sign of these limitations. nylephrine is good for this purpose.''
GON in these eyes. However, a larger pupil might be needed
Visual field screening should involve a Detecting early glaucoma for photography. Abnormal disc observa-
central visual field pattern of at least 26 A failure at screening, or an alternative tions should be confirmed with functional
optimally placed points"' and the use of a to screening, requires evaluation of the testing, although the existence of func-
three-zone logic or equivalent.9 A failure disc for signs of glaucomatous damage. tional loss is not needed for the diagnosis
is recorded if 15 per cent or more of test All glaucoma suspects should have their in cases of multiple signs, due to the high
points are defective (absolute or relative) discs photographed for future compari- diagnostic capability of such changes.
or if greater than one-third of these are son. Optic disc photographs (or docu- Clinical review periods will need to mir-
clustered together in one quadrant. Ini- mentation with other instrumental meth- ror the level of risk and should range from
tial failures must be retested (once or ods) at two-yearly intervals in low risk six to 24 months.
twice at two- to four-week intervals) to cases (one sign only), and at five-yearly

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 83.3 May-June 2000

Detecting the nerve head changes of glaucoma Vingrys

cumulative evidence provided by several elderly undiagnosed (50 per cent) glau-
different signs, as none is a perfect pre- coma sufferers in Au~tralia."."~
The diagnostic capability of the signs de- dictor of disease when taken in isolation.
scribed in the previous discussion has not Patients with one eye sign (Table 2) in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
been rigorously tested by prospective tri- the absence of a RNFL or ISNT defect and D Cockburn, A Anderson and S Pellizer
als, and there exists a need for such re- a normal field should be treated as glau- provided advice, encouragement and
search. However, in the absence of these coma suspects of low risk and reviewed at assistance in preparing this manuscript.
trials, aspects of the sign's diagnostic ca- one yearly intervals. Those with two signs T Fricke, JJ Thimons, N Mantzioros and
pacity can be appreciated from the details (in the absence of RNFL defects or ISNT) T Litwak kindly provided some of the
already given in this paper, along with a should be treated as moderate risk cases, clinical photographs.
recent study conducted in Japan. In that as should those with an RNFL defect or
study, 10,490 people (8,579 over 40 years) an absence of an ISNT sign in one eye. REFERENCES
had their optic nerves photographed dur- Moderate risk cases need review at six to 1. Buhrmann RR, Quigley HA, Barron Y, West
ing an unrelated health check.44The pho- 12-monthly intervals depending on other SK, Oliva MS. Mmbaga BBO. Prevalence of
glaucoma in a rural East African population.
tographs were evaluated for signs of a factors (age, IOP, other general risk signs).
Invrst Ophlhalmol Vis Sri 2000; 41: 40-48.
large CDR, NRR notching, vessel bayonet- Patients with two signs, including an 2. Hollows FC, Graham PA. Intra-ocular pres-
ting, splinter haemorrhages and RNFL RNFL defect or loss of ISNT (unilateral), sure, glaucoma and glaucoma suspects in a
defects. These were found in 309 eyes (3.5 should be considered for treatment. If defined population. Brit J Ophthalmol1966
per cent) of the original group who sub- treatment is delayed because the field is 50: 570-586.
3. Wensor MD, McCarty CA, Stanislavsky YL,
sequently undertook a clinical work-up normal, they should be reviewed at no
Livingston PM, Taylor HR. The prevalence
(ophthalmic examination plus Humphrey greater than six to 12 monthly intervals of glaucoma in the Melbourne Visual Im-
24-2 perimetric thresholds) to determine depending on age, IOP et cetera. Find- pairment Project. Ophthalmology 1998; 105:
the diagnosis. Twenty-four per cent of ing three or more signs in the same eye 733-739.
these eyes were found to have normal (not necessarily at the same visit) indicates 4. Jonas JB, Budde WM. Diagnosis a n d
the presence of CON and requires medi- pathogenesis of glaucomatous optic neu-
fields. This could imply that field loss
ropathy: morphological aspects. Prog Rdinal
might not have developed, or that other cal intervention, regardless of the status EyyeKrsenrrh 1999; 19: 1-40.
causes could give rise to the signs and so of the visual field. 5. Jonas J B , Budde WM, Panda-Jonas S.
lead to potential misdiagnoses. Neverthe- Once the diagnosis of CON is made, Ophthalmoscopic evaluation of the optic
less, the sensitivity and specificity of these patients must have their discs photo- nerve head. Sun: Ophthalmol2000; 43: 293-
signs were determined for cases that were graphed, anterior chambers evaluated, 320.
6. Tuulonen A, Airaksinen PJ. Initial glauco-
positively identified as having a glaucoma- IOPs measured and be subject to thresh-
matous optic disc and retinal nerve fiber
tous field defect. old visual field testing. A sensible recall layer abnormalities and the mode of their
The outcomes of this comparison have schedule and monitoring program should progression. AmJOlphthalmol1991; 111: 485-
been summarised in Table 4. This shows, be developed and implemented. Having 490.
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