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2nd edition

German Wordlist Level 3

3000 English Part of speech
* = yes
Starter unit
* afternoon (n)
* annoyed (adj)
ate (eat) (v)
bought (buy) (v)
cereal (n)
* chat (v)
* concert (n)
* cook (v)
* depend (v)
did (do) (v)
do my homework
earlier (adv)
* evening (n)
* excellent (adj)
* exhibition (n)
* festival (n)
* finish (v)
funfair (n)

gave (give) (v)

* get (v)
get home
get up
* go (v)
go shopping
go to bed
go to school
go to work
had (have) (v)
have breakfast
headphones (n pl)
* hear (v)
heard (v)
hip hop (n)
* improve (v)
* interview (n)
* last (adv)
* later (adv)
left (leave) (v)
listen to music
made (make) (v)
* meal (n)
* memory (n)
* morning (n)
* nervous (adj)
netball (n)
* once (adv)
online adv
parade (n)
professionally (adv)
* relax (v)
* remember (v)
rode (ride) (v)
* scared (adj)
* see (v)
smartphone (n)
spoke (speak) (v)
* straight (adv)
sunglasses (n pl)
taught (teach) (v)
tidy my room
toast (n)
tournament (n)
* twice (adv)
video game (n)
* wake up (v)
watch videos
weekday (n)
* weekend (n)
went (go) (v)
were (be) (v)
Unit 1
* accident (n)
action figure (n)
amazingly (adv)
app (n)
* apparently (adv)
* approximately (adv)
arcade game (n)
baggy (adj)
barrel (n)
best-selling (adj)

blouse (n)
* boot (n)
* chapter (n)
check out (phr v)
chopsticks (n pl)
colourful (adj)

comic (n)

* compete (v)
competitor (n)
* cool (adj)
craze (n)
* dark (adj)
* decade (n)
deck (n)
* downstairs (adv)
* dress (n)
excitedly (adv)
* expert (n)
* explore (v)
fad (n)
* fan (n)
* fashion (n)
* follow (v)
follower (n)
* fork (n)
* fresh (adj)
frisbee (n)
gadget (n)
games console (n)
* generally (adv)
handbag (n)
* hat (n)

* hero (n)

* hit (v)
hoodie (n)
hula hoop (n)
incredibly (adv)
* instruction (n)
* jacket (n)
* jeans (n pl)
journal (n)
* live (adj)

* obviously (adv)
* opinion (n)

patterned (adj)

* period (n)

* plain (adj)
playground (n)
* pole (n)
* popular (adj)
* post (v)
* product (n)
purse (n)
puzzle (n)
* quick (adj)
* rest (v)
* rock (n)
rock ‘n’ roll (n)
* share (v)
* shirt (n)
short-sleeved (adj)
shorts (n pl)
* sink (v)
* skirt (n)
* smart (adj)
smartphone (n)
social media (n)
socks (n)
* solve (v)
stomach ache (n)
* storm (n)
* strategy (n)
* style (n)
* suddenly (adv)
* suit (v)
* support (v)
* tight (adj)
* top (n)
* toy (n)

trainers (n)

tweet (n / v)
* valuable (adj)
* view (n)
viral (adj)
* worth (adj)
Unit 2
accordion (n)
activist (n)
alpaca (n)
* amazing (adj)
anosmia (n)
* artificial (adj)
audio book (n)
awesome (adj)
* awful (adj)
* belong (v)
* birth (n)
* blind (n)
* blood (n)
* bowling (n)
brainstorm (v)
can’t stand (v)
* closely (adv)
colour-blindness (n)
concert pianist (n)
* connection (n)
* deaf (adj)

delicious (adj)
destination (n)

* disgusting (adj)
* dried (adj)
durian (n)
* educate (v)
eel (n)
* exact (adj)
exhausted (adj)
* experienced (adj)
* extraordinary (adj)
* extreme (adj)
* fancy (v)
* fantastic (adj)
* fascinating (adj)
* feel (n/v)
* flavour (n)
* flute (n)
* forget (v)
fragrance (n)
* frightening (adj)
furious (adj)
have a ‘good ear’
* hearing (n)
* hold (v)
* identify (v)
* importance (n)
* impression (n)
incredible (adj)
* interesting (adj)
* listen (v)
* little (adj)
* look (n / v)
lose sensation
* loud (adj)
* material (n)

miserable (adj)
monument (n)
* nice (adj)
odour (n)

* organic (adj)

perfume (n)
perfumery (n)
prehistoric (adj)
raft (n)
* recently (adv)
recipe (n)
* remind (v)
* respond (v)
* result (n)
rollercoaster (n)
* rope (n)

scent (n)
sea salt (n)
seaweed (n)
sensation (n)
* sense (n)
sense of smell (n)
* seriously (adv)
sickroom (n)
* sight (n)
* slide (n)
* smell (n / v)
* smoked (adj)
* sound (n / v)
spectacular (adj)
sunset (n)

sunshine (n)

* superior (adj)
* taste (n / v)
tasteless (adj)

terrifying (adj)
tester (n)
* texture (n)
* theme park (n)
* tool (n)
* touch (n/v)
* visual (n)
* warmth (n)
* watch (v)
water-slide (n)
* weird (adj)
* wonderful (adj)
* wood (n)

World Heritage site (n)

Unit 3
* achievement (n)
* admire (v)
* alive (adj)
* attach (v)

* beach (n)

binoculars (n pl)
* board (n)
* borrow (v)
* break (v)
* busy (adj)
* calm (adj)
* carry on (phr v)

cave (n)
* celebrate (v)
* challenge (n)
* clearly (adj)
clif (n)
* climb (up) (v)
* cloth (n)
coasteering (n)
coconut (n)
* critic (n)

crystal clear (adj)

* cycle (down) (v)
* deep (adj)
* desert (n)
* distant (adj)
dive (of) (v)

dune (n)
* easily (adv)
* equipment (n)
exotic (adj)
(water)fall (n)
FAQ (frequently asked question) (n)
* feature (n)
* forest (n)
* gun (n)
hike (across) (v)
hiking (n)
* hill (n)
* ice (n)
inspirational (adj)
* inspire (v)
instructor (n)
* involve (v)
jeep (n)
* jump (out of) (v)
kayak (n)
kayaking (n)
* keen (on) (adj)
* kindness (n)
* lake (n)
leash (n)
* leave (behind) (v)
* lend (v)
lifejacket (n)
lobster (n)
* maintain (v)
monkey (n)
* mountain (n)
mountain climbing (n)
* ocean (n)
online community (n)
orienteering (n)
paddle (n)
parachute jump (n)
penguin (n)

* perfect (adj)
* point (n)
presenter (n)
* professor (n)

rainforest (n)
* river (n)
* sail (around) (v)
* sailing (n)
scuba-diving (n)
* sea (n)
* seed (n)
* set of (phr v)
shark (n)
* shy (adj)
* skill (n)
skydiving (n)
* slowly (adv)
* snow (n)
* stay (with) (v)

* stop of (phr v)

SUP (Stand Up Paddle-boarding) (n)

surf (on) (v)

surfing (n)
* technique (n)
* underground (adj)
* use (v)
* valley (n)
* volcano (n)
* wave (n)
* wildlife (n)
yacht (n)
yoga (n)

Unit 4
* ability (n)
* afect (v)
* aford (v)
* air (n)
aluminium (n)

* amount (n)
ant (n)
* automatic (adj)
* autumn (n)
* battery (n)
* bin (n)
* blow down (v)
* branch (n)
caterpillar (n)
* cause (v)
* concerned (adj)
* convince (v)
* create (v)
* damage (v)
* deal with (phr v)
* destroy (v)
* develop (v)
* digital (adj)
* earth (n)

ecological (adj)
* electronic (adj)
* exchange (v)
* extremely (adv)
falcon (n)
* farming (n)
* fix (v)
* foot (n)
* hi-tech (adj)
home-made (adj)
* increase (v)
intellect (n)
* it's a big deal (phr)
jackal (n)
* jewellery (n)
* knife (n)
* marine animal (n)
multi-functional (adj)
* nail (n)
* natural (adj)
* natural resource (n)
* noise (n)
* packet (n)
pendant (n)
* persuade (v)
* piece (n)
* planet (n)

* plant (n)

* plastic (n)
pollute (v)
* pollution (n)
* power (n)
* practical (adj)
* produce (v)
* protect (v)
* protein (n)
* provide (v)
* rating (n)
* recommend (v)
recycle (v)
recycled (adj)
recycling (n)
* reduce (v)
* regularly (adv)
* resource (n)
* review (n)
* rubbish (n)
* run out of (v)

* save (v)

second-hand (adj)
* several (adj)
* simple (adj)
* smart (adj)
* solar (adj)
* solution (n)
* source (n)
* space (n)
superfood (n)
Swiss army knife (n)
* throw away (v)
* tree house (n)
* useful (adj)
* useless (adj)
* waste (v)

waterproof (adj)
* weight (n)
wind-up (adj)
* world (n)
* worried (adj)
Unit 5
* adopt (v)
* age group (n)
agile (adj)
* ahead (adv)
ambitious (adj)
audition (n)
auto-zoom (n)

* average (adj)
* black belt (n)
catastrophe (n)
colonize (v)
computer coding (n)

* connected (adj)

* crowded (adj)
* definitely (adv)
* doubt (v)
* earn money
epidemic (n)
* executive (n)
* get a bank account
* get a boyfriend / girlfriend
* get a degree
* get a driving licence
* get a job
* get a new hobby
* get a pension
* get a phone
* get a social media account

* get involved with a charity

* get married
* get old
* get rich
* gravity (n)
* have a family
* hopefully (adv)
karate (n)
life expectancy (n)
* look after yourself
* make a million dollars
manipulate (v)
* miss (v)
* music festival (n)
optimistic (adj)

* process (n)

* retire young
robot (n)
* settle down

* simply (adj)

* spend some time abroad

* start up my own business

survivor (n)
swamp (n)
take some time out
* take up (phr v)
* tie yourself down
* travel around
* waste time

Unit 6
* alternative (adj/n)
* apply for a course
* apply for a job
* apply for a position
apprenticeship (n)
* attend college
* attend school
* attend university
* bay (n)
* behave (v)
* bell (n)
* boarding school (n)
* challenging (adj)
* chance (n)
* conclude (v)
* construction (n)
* court (n)
* creative (adj)
distracted (adj)
* do a course
* do a degree
do an apprenticeship
* do homework
* emergency (n)
* engineering (n)
enrol in (v)
* entertainment (n)
* fail exams
* farm (n)
* get a qualification
get a scholarship

* get good marks

* get into college

* get the right qualifications

* go to lessons
graffiti (n)
helicopter (n)
* historic (adj)
homeschooling (n)
* indoor (adj)
* institution (n)
* IT (n)
journalism (n)
kindergarten (n)
* law (n)
* located (adj)
* management
* matter (n)
* mixed school (n)
* nursing (n)
* obey rules
* old-fashioned (adj)
* ordinary (adj)
panic (v)
paramedic (n)
* pass exams
* passion (n)

* performing arts (n)

* pressure (n)
* primary school (n)
* procedure (n)
prohibited (adj)
* school holiday (n)
school leaver (n)
* school rule (n)
* school uniform (n)
* science (n)
* secondary school (n)

single-sex school (n)

sociable (adj)
* society (n)
* structured
* study engineering
* study management
* study science
* take classes
* teaching (n)
* train to be a lawyer
train to be a physicist
* train to be an engineer
* truth (n)
* turn down (phr v)
* unique (adj)

* variety (n)

* wide (adj)

Unit 7
* accuse (v)
* aim (n / v)
* ban (n / v)
* belief (n)
* believe (v)
boycott (n / v)
* brave (adj)
* campaign (n / v)
captivity (n)
* carefully (adv)
* clever (adj)
* confident (adj)
* consider (v)
* criminal (n)
* desperately (adv)
donate (v)
donation (n)
* due (adj)

eco-tour company (n)

* efort (n)
* encourage (v)
* end (v)
* equally (adv)
* fair (adj)
* favour (n)
* frightened (adj)
* generous (adj)
heroic (adj)
homeless (adj)
* honest (adj)
* introduce (v)
* junk food (n)
* kind (adj)

* likely (adv)

* lower (adj)

* main (adj)
* medical treatment (n)
* necessary (adj)
* opportunity (n)
* organized (adj)
* owner (n)
* patient (adj)
* personally (adv)
petition (n)
* power (n)
pirate (n)
* prevent (v)
* prison (n)
* progress (n)
* proposal (n)
* propose (v)
* protest (n)
* protest (v)
* raise (v)
* receive (v)
* reject (v)
* reward (n)
* safe (adj)
* serve (v)

sign (v)
* signature (n)
* soldier (n)

spontaneous (adj)
* spread (v)
* supporter (n)
* surgery (n)
* suspicious (adj)
* sympathetic (adj)
* tax (n)
thoughtful (adj)
* unemployed (adj)
* unfortunately (adv)
* victim (n)
volunteer (n)
* wallet (n)
Unit 8
* act (v)
* action (n / adj)
* actor (n)
* adapt (v)
adaptation (n)
* adventure (n / adj)
* amazed (adj)
animation (n / adj)
* anxiety (n)
awaken (v)
* award (n / v)
* bet (v)
* captain (n)
* classic (adj)
* comedy (n / adj)

contestant (n)
* crime (n / adj)
* direct (v)
* director (n)
* display (v)
* drama (n)
edible (adj)
* efect (n)
* entertaining (adj)
* episode (n)
* fantasy (n)
* genre (n)
gossip (n)
* graphic novel (n)
* horror (n/adj)
* humour (n)
* imagination (n)
* intelligence (n)
* issue (n)
* journey (n)

lifetime (n)

manga (n/adj)
* marry (v)
* missing (adj)
* mixture (n)
* moon (n)
* musical (n/adj)
* mystery (n)
nominate (v)

nomination (n)
* part (n)
premiere (n)
* prince (n)
* princess (n)
private detective (n)
* recover (v)
* release (v)
* role (n)
* romance (n)
* science fiction (n/adj)
* screen (n)
* separate (v)
* special efect (n)
* spy (n)
* star (n/v)
* sufer (v)
* terrible (adj)
thriller (n/adj)
trivia (n)
unbelievable (adj)

* viewer (n)
* winner (n)
* write (v)
* writer (n)
zombie (n)
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1
bargain (n)

button (n)

* design (n)

* fit (v)

fitting room (n)

* medium (adj)

* sale (n)

shop assistant (n)

shopping trip (n)

* size (n)

* sleeve (n)

* spot (n)
* stripe (n)

till (n)

Unit 2
* art gallery (n)

cart (n)

* cottage (n)

* countryside (n)

* depressing (adj)

* drawn (v)

foreground (n)

gloomy (adj)

haymaker (n)

* landscape (n)

meadow (n)

* modern art (n)

* original (adj)

* portrait (n)

* rural (adj)

* scene (n)

scenery (n)

* urban (adj)

Unit 3
* abroad (adj)
* accommodation (n)

coordinator (n)

* detail (n)

* dish (n)

* host family (n)

* mirror (n)

optional (adj)

vegetarian (adj)

wardrobe (n)

* water park (n)

Unit 4
* bar (n)

* bottle (n)

* box (n)

* can (n)

deodorant (n)

* headache (n)

light bulb (n)

painkiller (n)

paracetamol (n)

* sensitive (adj)

shampoo (n)
* soap (n)

toothpaste (n)

* tube (n)

* type (n)

washing-up liquid (n)

Unit 5
* join (v)

* member (n)

* perform (v)

selfie (n)

* show (n)

Unit 6
* catering (n)

* retail (n)

tourism (n)

Unit 7
campaigner (n)

* central (adj)

* innocent (adj)

* march (n)

organizer (n)

pacifist (n)

placard (n)
* unacceptable (adj)

Unit 8
* confusing (adj)

* enemy (n)

* fight (v)

superhero (n)

Curriculum extra
Unit 1
bamboo (n)
* comfortable (adj)

* cotton (n)
* delicate (adj)
* exist (v)

fabric (n)
fibre (n)
nylon (n)

polyester (n)
* silk (n)
* smooth (adj)
* soft (adj)
* suit (n)
* sweater (n)

synthetic (adj)
T-shirt (n)
textile (n)
tracksuit (n)
* warm (adj)
water-resistant (adj)
* wool (n)
Unit 2
* associate (v)
* bright (adj)
complementary (adj)

harmonious (adj)
* pale (adj)

* pastel (adj)

* primary (adj)
* secondary (adj)
vibrant (adj)
* wheel (n)
Unit 3
* above (adj)

* below (adj)

condense (v)

* constantly (adj)

* continuous (adj)

evaporate (v)
* flow (v)
* gas (n)
* gradually (adv)

* heat (v)
* liquid (n)
* movement (n)
precipitation (n)
rainfall (n)
* remain (v)

roam (v)

sleet (n)
* solid (n)
* state (n)
* stream (n)

* surface (n)

vapour (n)

Unit 4
cocoa (n)

* community (n)

* condition (n)

* extra (n)

fairtrade (n)
* hurt (adj)
* label (n)
pesticide (n)
plantation (n)
* price (n)
* profit (n)
slogan (n)
Unit 5
* alter (v)
* cell (n)
* characteristic (n)

* chemical (n)

* crop (n)

* determine (v)

* disease (n)
* doubt (n)
* gene (n)
* genetic engineering (n)
GMO (genetically modified organism) (n)

herbicide (n)

nutrient (n)
* oppose (v)
overuse (n)

* resistance (n)

* specific (adj)

weed (n)

Unit 6
badminton (n)

* benefit (v)

* competitive (adj)

* contrast (n)

cross-country (n)

* cycling (n)

* daily (adj)
diving (n)
endorphin (n)
* fair play (n)
gymnastics (n)

* individual (adj)

* jumping (n)
lifesaving (n)
lifestyle (n)
* mind (n)
moderate (adj)

* motivation (n)
overweight (adj)
push-up (n)

* respect (n)
rounders (n)
rugby (n)
* running (n)

* swimming (n)

vigorous (adj)

Unit 7
* accept (v)

* accurate (adj)
administrator (n)
* agree (v)

* ambition (n)

* citizen (n)

corrupt (v)

* democracy (n)

* elect (v)

foreigner (n)
* general (n)

greed (n)

lottery (n)
pebble (n)

* representative (n)

slave (n)
* system (n)

* take part (v)

* task (n)
* vote (n)

Unit 8
* alien (n)
* attack (v)
* author (n)
* background (n)
* bacteria (n)
* escape (v)
* influence (v)
invade (v)
legacy (n)
* narrator (n)
necessity (n)
Nobel Prize (n)
* orbit (n)
pessimistic (adj)
* plot (n)
* probe (n)
* publication (n)

* response (n)
robotic (adj)
* scientific research (n)
* situation (n)
* sympathy (n)
* theme (n)
Unit 1
afro (n)

* beard (n)

disco (n)
dye (n)

* extension (n)

hairstyle (n)
* layer (n)

Mohawk (n)

moustache (n)
mullet (n)
punk (n)
shave (v)
Unit 2
aroma (n)

coastline (n)

* location (n)

navigate (v)

* port (n)

* sand (n)

seaside (n)

upload (v)

* wind (n)
Unit 3
adventurous (adj)
* bronze (n)
expedition (n)
* gold (n)
* qualification (n)
* section (n)
* silver (n)
* special needs (n pl)
volcanic (adj)
Unit 4
* car boot sale (n)

* common (adj)
* habit (n)
* ideal (adj)
* item (n)
* negotiate (v)
* pick up (phr v)
queue (n)
* rid (adj)
* typically (adv)

unwanted (adj)

Unit 5
* bury (v)
capsule (n)
chalk (n)
* document (n)
logo (n)
* marble (n)
* official (adj)
slate (n)
* ton (n)
USB stick (n)
Unit 6
* argument (n)
* finance (n)
* manufacturer (n)

* marketing (n)

* media (n)

placement (n)

* work experience (n)

Unit 7
acceptance (n)
* contribution (n)

* culture (n)

founder (n)

hideaway (n)

* race (n)

* religion (n)

self-confidence (n)

tolerance (n)

* youth project (n)

Unit 8
bestseller (n)
bookworm (n)
* master (adj)
* novelist (n)
* oral (adj)

* romantic (adj)

storytelling (n)
* suitable (adj)
* translate (v)
* workshop (n)
Unit 2
* light (adj)
must-have (adj)
* quality (n)

Unit 4
* mainly (adj)
* summary (n)
* survey (n)
Unit 6
* bake (v)
food stall (n)
* profile (n)
Unit 8
bandmate (n)
* principal (n)
slacker (n)
* substitute (adj)
Unit 1
cute (adj)
Unit 3
parachuting (n)
Unit 5
charity (n)
Unit 7
* allow (v)
* careful (adj)
* flight (n)
* get rid of
hunger (n)
* rule (v)
* weapon (n)
nd edition


/eɪt/, /et/
/ˌduː ˌmaɪ ˈhəʊmwɜːk/
/ˌget ˈhəʊm/
/ˌget ˈʌp/
/ˌgəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/
/ˌgəʊ tə ˈbed/
/ˌgəʊ tə ˈskuːl/
/ˌgəʊ tə ˈwɜːk/
/ˌhæv ˈbrekfəst/
/ˈhɪp ˌhɒp/
/ˌlɪsn tə ˈmjuːzɪk/
/ˌtaɪdi ˌmaɪ ˈruːm/
/ˈvɪdiəʊ ˌgeɪm/
/ˌweɪk ˈʌp/
/ˌwɒʧ ˈvɪdiəʊz/
/wɜː(r), wə(r)/

/ˈækʃ(ə)n ˌfɪgə(r)/
/ɑːˈkeɪd ˌgeɪm/
/ˈbest ˌselɪŋ/
/ˈʧek ˌaʊt/



/ˈgeɪmz ˌkɒnsəʊl/


/ˈhuːlə ˌhuːp/



/ˌrɒk ən ˈrəʊl/
/ˌʃɔːt ˈsliːvd/
/ˌsəʊʃl ˈmiːdiə/
/ˈstʌmək ˌeɪk/



/ˈɔːdiəʊ ˌbʊk/
/ˌkɑːnt ˈstænd/
/ˈkʌlə ˌblaɪndnəs/
/ˌkɒnsət ˈpɪənɪst/

/ˌhæv ə ˌgʊd ˈɪə(r)/
/ˌluːz senˈseɪʃn/



/ˈsiː ˌsɔːlt, sɒlt/
/ˌsens əv ˈsmel/


/ˈθiːm ˌpɑːk/
/ˌtəʊn ˈdefnəs/
/ˈwɔːtə ˌslaɪd/

/ˌwɜːld ˈherɪtɪʤ ˌsaɪt/





/ˌkæri ˈɒn/
/ˌklaɪm (ˈʌp)/

/ˌkrɪstl ˈklɪə(r)/
/ˈsaɪkl (ˌdaʊn)/
/ˈdaɪv (ˌɒf)/
/ˌef ˌeɪ ˈkjuː (ˌfriːkwəntli
ˌɑːskt ˈkwesʧən/)
/ˈhaɪk (əˌkrɒs)/
/ˈʤʌmp (ˌaʊt əv)/
/ˈkiːn (ˌɒn)/
/ˌliːv (bɪˈhaɪnd)/
/ˈmaʊntən ˌklaɪmɪŋ/
/ɒnˌlaɪn kəˈmjuːnəti/
/ˈpærəʃuːt ˌʤʌmp/

/ˈseɪl (əˌraʊnd)/
/ˈskuːbə ˌdaɪvɪŋ/
/ˌset ˈɒf/
/ˈsteɪ (ˌwɪð)/

/stɒp ˈɒf/

/ˌes ˌjuː ˈpiː (ˌstænd ˌʌp

ˈpædl ˌbɔːdɪŋ/)
/ˈsɜːf (ˌɒn)/




/ˌbləʊ ˈdaʊn/
/ˈdiːl ˌwɪð/


/ˌhaɪ ˈtek/
/ˌhəʊm ˈmeɪd/
/ɪtsˌ ə bɪg ˈdi:l/
/məˈriːn ˌænɪml/
/ˌmʌlti ˈfʌŋkʃənl/
/ˌnæʧrəl rɪˈsɔːs, -ˈzɔːs/



/rɪˈsɔːs, -ˈzɔːs/
/ˌrʌn ˈaʊt əv/


/ˌsekənd ˈhænd/
/ˌswɪs ˈɑːmi ˌnaɪf/
/ˌθrəʊ əˈweɪ/
/ˈtriː ˌhaʊs/
/ˈwaɪnd ˌʌp/

/ˈeɪʤ ˌgruːp/
/ˈɔːtəʊ ˌzuːm/

/ˈblæk ˌbelt/
/kəmˈpjuːtə ˌkəʊdɪŋ/


/ˌɜːn ˈmʌni/
/ˌget ə ˈbæŋk əˌkaʊnt/
/ˌget ə ˈbɔɪfrend/
/ˌget ə dɪˈgriː/
/ˌget ə ˈdraɪvɪŋ ˌlaɪsns/
/ˌget ə ˈʤɒb/
/ˌget ə ˌnjuː ˈhɒbi/
/ˌget ə ˈpenʃn/
/ˌget ə ˈfəʊn/
/ˌget ə ˌsəʊʃl ˈmiːdiə ə
/ˌget ɪnˌvɒlvd wɪð ə
/ˌget ˈmærid/
/ˌget ˈəʊld/
/ˌget ˈrɪʧ/
/ˌhæv ə ˈfæməli/
/ˈlaɪf ɪkˌspektənsi/
/ˌlʊk ˈɑːftə jɔːˌself/
/ˌmeɪk ə ˌmɪljən ˈdɒləz/
/ˈmjuːzɪk ˌfestɪvl/


/rɪˌtaɪə ˈjʌŋ/
/ˌsetl ˈdaʊn/


/ˌspend səm ˌtaɪm ə

/ˌstɑːt ˌʌp ˌmaɪ ˌəʊn

/ˌteɪk səm ˌtaɪm ˈaʊt/
/ˈteɪk ˌʌp/
/ˌtaɪ jɔːˌself ˈdaʊn/
/ˌtrævl əˈraʊnd/

/ˌweɪst ˈtaɪm/

/əˌplaɪ fər ə ˈkɔːs/
/əˌplaɪ fər ə ˈʤɒb/
/əˌplaɪ fər ə pəˈzɪʃn/
/əˌtend ˈkɒlɪʤ/
/əˌtend ˈskuːl/
/əˌtend juːnɪˈvɜːsəti/
/ˈbɔːdɪŋ ˌskuːl/
/ˌduː ə ˈkɔːs/
/duː ə dɪˈgriː/
/ˌduː ən əˈprentɪsʃɪp/
/ˌduː ˈhəʊmwɜːk/
/ɪnˈrəʊl ˌɪn/
/ˌfeɪl ɪgˈzæmz/
/ˌget ə kwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/
/ˌget ə ˈskɒləʃɪp/

/ˌget ˌgʊd ˈmɑːks/

/ˌget ˌɪntə ˈkɒlɪʤ/

/ˌget ðə ˌraɪt kwɒlɪfɪ

/ˌgəʊ tə ˈlesnz/
/ˈhəʊm ˌskuːlɪŋ/
/ˌaɪ ˈtiː/
/ˈmɪkst ˌskuːl/
/əˌbeɪ ˈruːlz/
/ˌəʊld ˈfæʃnd/
/ˌpɑːs ɪgˈzæmz/

/pəˌfɔːmɪŋ ˈɑːts/
/ˈpraɪməri ˌskuːl/
/ˌskuːl ˈhɒlədeɪ/
/ˌskuːl ˈliːvə(r)/
/ˌskuːl ˈruːl/
/ˌskuːl ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/
/ˈsekəndri ˌskuːl/
/ˈsɪngl ˌseks ˌskuːl/


/ˌstʌdi enʤɪˈnɪərɪŋ/
/ˌstʌdi ˈmænɪʤmənt/
/ˌstʌdi ˈsaɪəns/
/ˌteɪk ˈklɑːsɪz/
/ˌtreɪn tə ˌbiː ə ˈlɔːjə(r)/
/ˌtreɪn tə ˌbiː ə ˈfɪzɪsɪst/
/ˌtreɪn tə ˌbiː ən enʤɪ
/ˌtɜːn ˈdaʊn/




/ˈiːkəʊ ˌtʊə ˌkʌmpəni/

/ˈʤʌŋk ˌfuːd/



/ˈmedɪkl ˌtriːtmənt/






/dəˈrekt, dɪ-, daɪ-/
/dəˈrektə(r), dɪ-, daɪ-/

/ˌgræfɪk ˈnɒvl/


/ˌpraɪvət dɪˈtektɪv/
/ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn/
/ˌspeʃl ɪˈfekt/






/ˈfɪtɪŋ ˌruːm/



/ˈʃɒp əˌsɪstənt/

/ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˌtrɪp/





/ˈɑːt ˌgæləri/











/ˌmɒdn ˈɑːt/











/ˌhəʊst ˈfæməli/





/ˈwɔːtə ˌpɑːk/







/ˈlaɪt ˌbʌlb/








/ˌwɒʃɪŋ ˈʌp ˌlɪkwɪd/























/ˈtiː ˌʃɜːt/
/ˈwɔːtə rɪˌzɪstənt/
























/ʤəˌnetɪk enʤɪˈnɪərɪŋ/
/ˌʤiː ˌem ˈəʊ (ʤəˌnetɪkli
ˌmɒdɪfaɪd ˈɔːgənɪz(ə)m)/









/ˌkrɒs ˈkʌntri/


/ˌfeə ˈpleɪ/



/ˈpʊʃ ˌʌp/















/ˌteɪk ˈpɑːt/

/ˌnəʊbel ˈpraɪz/


/saɪənˌtɪfɪk rɪˈsɜːʧ, ˈriː-/















/ˌspeʃl ˈniːdz/

/ˌkɑː ˈbuːt ˌseɪl/

/ˌpɪk ˈʌp/


/ˌjuː ˌes ˈbiː ˌstɪk/





/ˈwɜːk ɪkˌspɪəriəns/







/ˌself ˈkɒnfɪdəns/


/ˈjuːθ ˌprɒʤekt/




/ˈmʌst ˌhæv/


/ˈfuːd ˌstɔːl/





/ˌget ˈrɪd əv/

In the afternoon they went shopping.

I was really annoyed that I lost my sunglasses.
When was the last time that you ate in a restaurant?
Kyle bought the tickets.
I have some cereal or toast in the morning.
I also go on my laptop and chat online or watch videos.
I went to a concert with my friends to see my favourite singer.
Does someone tidy your room and cook your meals?
It depends.
When did you last go to a circus or a zoo?
I usually do my homework on Saturdays,
Sometimes I go to bed a bit earlier if I’m tired.
I like to do my homework, then I can relax in the evening.
Well done! You’ve got an excellent memory.
What was the last exhibition you went to?
Who told you about the festival?
When does the lesson finish?
The last event I went to was a funfair last September.
How many people gave you presents last New Year?
What mark did you get in your last English exam?
I like to do my homework when I get home.
What time do you get up?
Do you usually go home straight after school?
Do you always go shopping on Saturday mornings?
What time do you go to bed?
I have some cereal or toast, then I go to school.
When does your mum go to work?
When was the last time that you had a swim in the sea?
Did you have breakfast?
I see you’ve got some headphones.
Can you hear me?
What was the last music that you heard?
I like hip hop.
Not bad, but you could do more to improve your memory.
I would like to invite you for an interview.
When did you last wear sports clothes?
I get up later at the weekend.
Who did you speak to last before you left home this morning?
Do you listen to music?
Have you made some dinner?
Does someone tidy your room and cook your meals?
How good is your memory?
What are you doing in town this morning?
I wasn't scared, but I was nervous.
I've got a netball tournament tomorrow.
I check my emails once or twice a day.
I go on my laptop and chat online or watch videos.
The festival began with a parade.
She started to sing professionally when she was only six.
I like to relax in the evening.
How many things did you remember?
I rode a horse when I was seven years old.
I wasn't scared.
I didn't see you at the sports centre.
I bought an app for my smartphone last night.
Who spoke to you first at school today?
Do you usually go home straight after school?
I lost my sunglasses in the park last month.
Who taught you English at primary school?
I don’t often tidy my room.
I have some cereal or toast in the morning.
I've got a netball tournament tomorrow.
I eat an apple twice a day.
I played video games this morning.
I wake up early on weekdays.
I watch videos on my laptop.
I usually get up at seven o’clock on weekdays.
I get up later at the weekend.
I went to a football match last year.
How old were your parents on their last birthdays?

I saw an accident while I was cycling to school.

Comics and action figures can become quite valuable.
Amazingly, pole-sitting became a popular hobby.
Which is the best-selling game app of all time?
Apparently, he sold millions of pet rocks and became incredibly rich.
What’s the first Marvel comic worth now, approximately?
Which arcade game had a hungry yellow hero?
The trousers are a bit baggy.
They saw dogs, horses, and a lot of boxes and barrels.
Which is the best-selling game app of all time?
The girl was wearing a plain, baggy blouse and a colourful, patterned dress.
What do you think of these cool boots?
There are tips to help you in each chapter.
Check out this photo.
She was having problems with the chopsticks.
The girl was wearing a colourful dress.

What’s the first Marvel comic worth now?

People used to compete for prizes in competitions which lasted for weeks.
The competitors used to eat twelve times a day for energy.
This person is wearing a cool hoodie, red shorts and new trainers.
No one really knows what the next craze will be.
Suddenly the sky went dark.
The fifties was the decade when rock ‘n’ roll became popular.
Franz and his older brothers Hans and Ernst went below the deck.
Can we explore downstairs?
The girl was wearing a colourful dress.
‘We’re going to live in Australia,’ said Jenny Montrose, excitedly.
Miley Jones is an expert on the history of crazes.
Can we explore downstairs?
A fad or craze is an activity which becomes very popular for a short time.
I’m a big comics fan.
What’s in fashion at the moment?
Do you follow anyone on Instagram?
Which footballer was the first to get 100 million Facebook followers?
There weren’t any knives and forks.
The music of singers like Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly was fresh and exciting.
There were crazes for fun things, such as frisbees and hula hoops.
You can buy a lot of gadgets now.
Before games consoles, there were arcade games.
Crazes generally interest us when we’re young.
She wasn't looking at her handbag.
See the boy in the smart trousers, black hat and baggy shirt.

Which arcade game had a hungry yellow hero?

Big waves hit the ship noisily.

This person is wearing a cool hoodie, red shorts and new trainers.
There were crazes for fun things, such as frisbees and hula hoops.
Apparently, he sold millions of pet rocks and became incredibly rich.
Each pet rock came in a special box with instructions.
Boys used to wear jackets and smart trousers.
You can’t wear baggy jeans to an interview!
Father stopped writing his journal.
While their parents were at home, teenagers were out dancing to the live bands.

We see someone doing something fun and obviously we want to be part of the
A friend asks your opinion.
The girl was wearing a plain, baggy blouse and a colourful, patterned dress.

One company sold more than twenty-five million hula hoops in a four-month
period in 1958.

The girl was wearing a plain, baggy blouse and a colourful, patterned dress.
Crazes often start in the playground.
Alvin Kelly sat on a pole for thirteen hours.
Pole-sitting became a popular hobby.
We can post online games scores or photos immediately.
The website sells digital products.
A man stole her purse.
The fastest time to solve the puzzle is less than 5 seconds.

Be quick!
They rested for fifteen minutes every hour.
Did people really use to buy pet rocks?
The fifties was the decade when rock ‘n’ roll became popular.
I use social media to share photos.
They saw my Manchester United shirt.
I am wearing a short-sleeved shirt.
This person is wearing a cool hoodie, red shorts and new trainers.
The ship’s sinking.
Girls often used to wear long skirts and white socks.
Boys used to wear jackets and smart trousers.
People didn’t use to have smartphones.
I use social media to share photos.
Girls often used to wear long skirts and white socks.
The fastest time to solve the puzzle is less than 5 seconds.

I wasn’t eating that day because I had a bad stomach ache.

There’s going to be a storm.
Read the study strategy.
It’s not really my style.
Suddenly the sky went dark.
They really suit you.
You should support facts with examples.
They’re a bit tight.
You should wear the black top.
Things like toys and card-collecting used to be popular.

This person is wearing a cool hoodie, red shorts and new trainers.

Fans on social media look at their favourite celebrity tweets.

Comics and action figures can become quite valuable.
That photo got a lot of views.

In our digital age, things can go viral very quickly.

What’s the first Marvel comic worth now, approximately?

The sound of ten or twelve people playing accordions is really amazing.

Helen Keller was a famous activist for the deaf and blind.
Nina rode an alpaca when she was six years old.
What are the most amazing and most awful films you’ve seen this year?
Anosmia is when you can’t smell anything or taste very little.
Offices generally have artificial ligthing.
I prefer audio books or listening to stories.
Yes, it was awesome.
What are the most amazing and most awful films you’ve seen this year?
Brainstorm ideas and decide whether they belong in the paragraph.
Lucy hasn’t had a sense of smell since birth.
Helen Keller was a famous activist for the deaf and blind.
I can’t stand the sight of blood.
You’ve never been bowling?
Brainstorm ideas and decide whether they belong in the paragraph.
I can’t stand the sight of blood.
Look at it closely.
Colour-blindness is when you can’t see some colours.
You must train your sense of smell, like a concert pianist.
She says there’s a connection between smells and memory.
Helen Keller was deaf and blind.
I like the taste of a delicious meal.
They haven't decided on the next destination, but I’m hoping for a trip to
Name the two most delicious and the two most disgusting things that you’ve
ever eaten.
Dried seaweed is an Irish speciality.
A durian is a type of fruit.
She was educated in the US.
Smoked eel is an Irish speciality.
What were his exact words?
Have you ever felt totally exhausted?
I haven’t experienced anything like it since then.
She had an extraordinary sense of smell.
Which adjective is an extreme adjective.
What do you fancy doing?
She has bought a fantastic new bike.
Have you ever touched a weird or fascinating animal?
Is there anything which makes you feel really furious?
75–95% of the flavour of food comes from its smell,
The sound of ten or twelve people playing flutes is really amazing.
Don’t forget to try Irish specialities like sea salt ice cream.
She has never smelled the fragrance of a rose.
Have you seen a frightening film lately?
Is there anything which makes you feel really furious?
You have to have a ‘good ear’ to play musical instruments well.
Perhaps you prefer to use your sense of hearing and listen to things?
I like to hold books and smell them when they’re new.
Hellen Keller could identify people’s jobs by the odour on their clothes.
The text shows us the importance of smell.
When a person passes she gets a scent impression of where he has been.
That is an incredible story.
I’ve eaten a few interesting things since we’ve lived in Asia.
Perhaps you prefer to use your sense of hearing and listen to things?
Anosmia is when you can’t smell anything or taste very little.
Look at it closely.
You can lose sensation in your toes or fingers.
An Irish folk band can be very loud.
He learned to recognize about 2,800 synthetic and 140 natural materials by
Have you ever felt really miserable after an exam?
Newgrange is a prehistoric monument.
Did you have a nice time?
Hellen Keller could identify people’s jobs by the odour on their clothes.

He learned to recognize about 2,800 synthetic and 140 organic materials by


James Bell has worked for a perfume company for over twenty years.
The company sent him to study at a perfumery school in France.
Newgrange is a prehistoric monument.
The waves were big and their raft was very little.
Have you been anywhere interesting recently?
I really like recipe books.
It reminds me of holidays.
Listen to what your friend suggests instead and respond.
Compare your result with a partner.
You should go and try the rollercoaster there.
Father brought some tools and made the barrels into a raft with ropes and wood.

When a person passes she gets a scent impression of where he has been.
Don’t forget to try Irish specialities like sea salt ice cream.
Dried seaweed is an Irish speciality.
You can lose sensation in your toes or fingers.
How many senses are there?
Helen Keller had a good sense of smell.
You’ve seriously never been bowling?
I know if he has been in the kitchen, the garden, or the sickroom.
The sight of a beautiful sunset.
I get to try a lot of great water slides.
A smell can remind us of another time and place.
Smoked eel is an Irish speciality.
What are your favourite sounds?
The pyramids are spectacular.
The sight of a beautiful sunset.

Ireland has a lot of sunshine in the summer.

You start with a superior sense of smell, but you must train it, like a concert
Anosmia is when you can’t smell anything or taste very little.
She can feel the diferent textures of lasagne, steak or fish, but for her they’re all
quite tasteless.
Have you ever been on a really terrifying ride at a theme park?
Water-slide tester is the best job in the world!
She can feel the diferent textures of lasagne, steak or fish, but for her they’re all
quite tasteless.
Have you ever been on a really terrifying ride at a theme park?
Tone-deafness is when you can’t hear musical notes well.
Father brought some tools and made the barrels into a raft with ropes and wood.
Have you ever touched a weird or fascinating animal?
Are you a visual person, who likes looking at things?
You haven’t lived until you’ve felt the warmth of the Irish people.
Let’s watch a scary film after school.
Water-slide tester is the best job in the world!
Have you ever touched a weird or fascinating animal?
What’s the most wonderful place that you can remember?
Father brought some tools and made the barrels into a raft with ropes and

Newgrange is a prehistoric monument and a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Take a look at these amazing achievements.

I really admire Laura Dekker.
The animals were alive.
You need a leash which attaches to your ankle so that you don’t lose your board

You can surf some of the world’s biggest waves in the Atlantic ocean of the
beaches of Ireland and Portugal.
I haven’t used binoculars because they come very close.
It involves standing on a board and using a paddle to move.
I’ve already borrowed a surfboard.
What record did Éric Barone break?
You’ve got exams next week, so you’ve been busy, too.
When you’re learning, it’s best to find a place where there’s calm water.
She’s looking for some company on the boat to stay with her as she carries on
her journey around the world.
In Namibia, there is an enormous cave called ‘Dragon’s Breath’.
The team are celebrating because they won the race.
The race is part of a four-race desert challenge.
I remember it clearly.
Beautiful cliffs of ice are home to penguins in the Antarctic.

I’d rather climb up a mountain.

He put cloth from the ship over them.
Coasteering is a popular free time activity.
Near the river were tall coconut trees.
There are critics who say that all these teenagers were too young for the physical
and mental stress.

There are beautiful beaches, and there’s crystal clear water and perfect surf.
Éric Barone cycled down a mountain at 222 kilometres per hour.
The Grand Canyon is an enormous, deep valley.
The race is part of a four-race desert challenge.
Do you dream of trips to distant deserts and mountains?
Gary Hunt dove of a 27-metre-high clif into a lake.
In the Gobi March, competitors run 250 kilometres through the dunes of the
Gobi Desert.
‘Now they can swim easily behind us,’ he said.
What equipment do I need?
Do you dream of exotic places?
You can visit the spectacular falls at Iguazu.
Write an FAQ section for a website about an adventure sport.
Can you name two natural features that your country is famous for?
He’s walking through the forest.
They found seeds and guns.
It takes about six months to hike across the USA.
I’ve been hiking and camping this week.
From the hill, they could see most of the island.
Beautiful clifs of ice are home to penguins in the Antarctic.

I’ve been following her inspirational blog.

It feels so great to inspire others to live their dreams.
Instructors who were teaching surfers used to stand on their boards.
It involves standing on a board and using a paddle to move.
I’ve been sitting in a jeep for the last three hours.
I couldn’t jump out of a plane.
I bought a new kayak.
I went kayaking on the Zambezi River and I saw the Victoria Falls.
I’m not so keen on getting cold and wet!
The kindness of strangers helps her to keep going.
Gary Hunt dove of a 27-metre-high clif into a lake.
You need a leash which attaches to your ankle so that you don’t lose your board.
It was hard for Liz to leave behind her friends and family,
He ofered to lend her his yacht.
You need a lifejacket to help you float if you fall in the water.
Mother pulled a big lobster of Franz’s leg.
During the day, Liz sails, cooks and maintains the yacht.
Suddenly, the monkeys in the trees began throwing coconuts at them!
Kilimanjaro is a 6,000-metre mountain.
I enjoy mountain climbing.
Life on the ocean can be difficult.
Check out online communities for SUP events.
Orienteering is the sport of following a route across country on foot, as quickly
as possible, using a map and compass.
It involves standing on a board and using a paddle to move.
I’ve just done my first parachute jump.
Beautiful clifs of ice are home to penguins in the Antarctic.

There are beautiful beaches, and there’s crystal clear water and perfect surf.
Kilimanjaro is the highest point in Africa.
According to the presenter, which person has the most votes?
One day she met one of her old professors.
The Amazon rainforest is bigger than Western Europe.
You can SUP on a lake, a river or the sea.
How old was Laura Dekker when she finished sailing around the world?
I’ve just finished a sailing trip.
The Red Sea is a great place for scuba-diving.
You can SUP on a lake, a river or the sea.
They found seeds and guns.
In October 2005, she set off on her journey.
I saw a shark when I was diving.
The animals don’t seem shy.
You need to learn new skills.
Skydiving looks really scary .
They moved slowly through the water.
We’re covered in snow.
She’s looking for some company on the boat to stay with her as she carries on
her journey around the world.
Among other countries, she has stopped off in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama and
the Galapagos Islands.

SUP is short for Stand Up Paddle-boarding.

Tahiti is fantastic for surfing on huge waves.
Would you like to try surfing?
I watched a video which showed the best techniques.
The Dragon’s Breath cave holds the world’s biggest underground lake.
I haven’t used binoculars because they come very close.
The Grand Canyon is an enormous, deep valley.
Kilimanjaro is a 6,000-metre mountain which has a dormant volcano.
Tahiti is fantastic for surfing on huge waves.
You can watch the wildlife in the Amazon rainforest.
He ofered to lend her his yacht.
When she stops somewhere, she surfs, does yoga and writes her blog.

Do you have any special abilities?

Learn how your actions can affect the world we live in.
In some parts of the world, people can’t afford to buy food.
They won’t pollute the air, will they?
Recycling one aluminium can save enough energy to power a television for three

Having a shower instead of a bath reduces the amount of water we waste.

In Australia, they tasted honey ants.
Now, today we won’t be talking about automatic cars.
In the autumn, Mother made a garden with their seeds.
A water clock has no need for batteries.
A lot of food goes in the bin.
Our only problem was that it nearly blew down in the wind.
Father threw a rope over a branch.
They ate fried caterpillar in Tanzania.
What problem will that cause?
I’m quite concerned about our food.
Some governments are now trying to convince people to eat insects.
Take a little time to create a menu for the week.
Plastic bags damage the environment and kill marine animals.
How do we deal with it?
We’re running out of natural resources and destroying rainforests.
The Nordic Food Lab in Copenhagen, for example, developed the ‘Insect
Deliciousness’ project.
You don’t always need digital technology to solve a problem.
These are only a few of the hundreds of thousands of types of plants and
animals on Earth.
We’ll be looking at very special ecological shoes.
Now, today we won’t be talking about the latest electronic equipment.
We should exchange books with each other, shouldn't we?
It’s extremely light to carry.
Fritz saw a falcon in the sky.
This kind of farming is seriously damaging the environment.
You can use it to cut your nails, to open cans or to fix any machine that breaks.
And their animals stayed in their home at the foot of the tree.
That sounds a bit hi-tech.
That cake is home-made.
The population of the city will increase in the next ten years, won't it?
Check your eco-intellect!
Looking after the environment is a big deal.
All of the jackals ran away.
I’m looking for jewellery for my mum.
This knife has got every kind of tool possible.
Plastic bags damage the environment and kill marine animals.
Now, today we won’t be talking about multi-functional gadgets.
You can use it to cut your nails, to open cans or to fix any machine that breaks.
We need to protect the natural world.
We’re running out of natural resources and destroying rainforests.
That night, the family heard a noise, and looked out of the tent.
The whole bag is made with recycled packets.
What do you think of this pendant?
Will they persuade Europeans and Americans to take a bite from a caterpillar or
an ant?
I eat a piece of fruit every evening.
Are you worried about the planet?
Seventy-five per cent of the world’s food comes from only twelve types of plant
and five
types of animal.
Plastic bags damage the environment and kill marine animals.
They won’t pollute the air, will they?
Pollution is a huge problem, isn’t it?
It uses the power of the sun.
The shoes are practical and useful, but they aren’t waterproof.
The UK produces more than 100 million tonnes of rubbish every year.
We must protect our world.
Insects are a great source of protein.
In the next thirty years, we’ll need to provide enough protein for billions more
What is the star rating for that tent?
Will you recommend it?
You can recycle this phone, can't you?
The whole bag is made with recycled packets.
They have given families recycling bins.
Having a shower instead of a bath reduces the amount of water we waste.
So why don’t we eat insects regularly?
We’re running out of natural resources and destroying rainforests.
Jack is writing a review of his new tent.
The UK produces more than 100 million tonnes of rubbish every year.
We’re running out of natural resources and destroying rainforests.

Recycling one aluminium can save enough energy to power a television for three

The shoes are second-hand.

So, children can use them for several years, can’t they?
The shoes are very simple.
Now, today we won’t be talking about smart fabrics.
Now, today we won’t be talking about solar cars.
One solution is for us to eat insects.
Insects are a great source of protein.
Insects don’t need as much space or water as farm animals.
Insects are the superfood of the future.
The best Swiss army knife in the world!
How much rubbish does your family throw away each week?
When the winter came, the family stayed in their tree house.
The shoes are practical and useful, but they aren’t waterproof.
That sounds a bit useless.
Having a shower instead of a bath reduces the amount of water we waste.
The shoes are practical and useful, but they aren’t waterproof.
On average, each person in the UK throws away their own weight in rubbish
every seven weeks.
A wind-up clock has no need for batteries.
We must protect our world.
Are you worried about the planet?

In the UK, you can't adopt a child until you’re twenty-one.

What age group are you in?
They’ll become stronger, hairier and more agile.
I’ve got a busy day ahead.
Speaker 3 is ambitious.
The auditions start at ten.
Soldiers of the future might be part human, part machine, with super-strong
body parts, auto-zoom eyes and a brain connected by Wi-Fi to super computers.

In 1900, the average life expectancy in Europe was forty-three.

In two years, I hope that I’ll be doing my black belt, and I'll be happy.
Unless a catastrophe destroys the Earth, we’ll probably survive and continue to
If Earth gets too crowded, humans will colonize other planets.
I’ve been teaching myself computer coding.

Soldiers of the future might be part human, part machine, with super-strong
body parts, auto-zoom eyes and a brain connected by Wi-Fi to super computers.

If Earth gets too crowded, humans will colonize other planets.

I’m definitely going to take some time out before I go to university.
I doubt that we’ll look the same.
Where are you going to earn money to get to Australia?
If there’s a terrible war or an epidemic, survivors might leave the cities and live
in caves.
You’ve got a meeting this afternoon with the television executives.
My son is going to get a bank account next week.
James first got a girlfriend when he was seventeen.
When they have got a degree or finished their studies, people in their twenties
often get a job.
People usually get a driving licence when they are eighteen.
When they have got a degree or finished their studies, people in their twenties
often get a job.
I've just got a new hobby.
When people get a pension they often lead a quiet life
Around 78% of teenagers have got a phone.
How old do you usually need to be to get a social media account?

I’d like to get involved with a charity.

According to scientists, if you get married, you’ll probably live longer.
People are getting older.
I want to start up my own business and get rich fast.
If they adapt to a diferent atmosphere and gravity on another planet, they
won’t look the same as humans on Earth.
Then I’m going to get a good job, settle down and have a family.
Then I want to work hard with a good company and hopefully settle down.
I’ll take up a sport like karate or skydiving.
In 1900, the average life expectancy in Europe was forty-three.
it’s important to look after yourself.
I’m going to start up my own business, make a million dollars in two years, and
then I’ll retire young and travel the world.
What will happen if scientists manipulate human genes?
You'll miss the bus unless you get up now.
Then I'll visit the outdoor music festival next month to practise with other
I’m optimistic about the future.
If we continue to use computers and screens more and more, our eyes and
brains will
probably get bigger in order to process more information.
I’m going to start up my own business, make a million dollars in two years, and
then I’ll retire young and travel the world.
I suppose that robots will be doing more jobs in the future.
Then I want to work hard with a good company and hopefully settle down.

In the future, perhaps people won't die but simply buy new body parts as they
get older!
I’d like to get involved with a charity and spend some time abroad helping
I’m going to start up my own business, make a million dollars in two years, and
then I’ll retire young and travel the world.
If there’s a terrible war or an epidemic, survivors might leave the cities and live
in caves.
When he opened the door, their horse ran out into the swamp.
I’m definitely going to take some time out before I go to university.
I’ll take up a sport like karate or skydiving.
Why do people tie themselves down?
I’m going to travel around Australia and teach myself to surf.

Why waste time working all your life?

There are many alternatives to school.

I need to save a lot of money or get a scholarship before I can apply for a course.
I'm going to apply for a job.
I'm going to apply for a position.
Max has applied for an apprenticeship in computing.
Brian is going to attend college when he's finished school.
When you are young you have to attend school.
It's Anne's goal to attend university next year.
Fritz took his boat out across the bay to explore the island.
This teaches them how to behave in society and future jobs.
Students must arrive at school before the bell rings.
My parents sent me to boarding school because they have to travel a lot for
The school timetable is challenging.
Everyone has the chance to be part of this historic institution.
To conclude, students learn many things and in many ways at school.
I want to work in construction when I'm older.
Students can play basketball on the school court.
Are you looking for a secondary school with a creative atmosphere?
One of the advantages is that you don’t get distracted by noisy students.
You have to do a course that teaches you all the emergency procedures
I'm going to do a degree after I finish school.
I'm going to do an apprenticeship now.
It’s important to do homework.
You have to do a course that teaches you all the emergency procedures.
I’m really concerned about the engineering course I’m doing.
What kind of school do you decide to enrol yourself in?
There will be live entertainment at the party.
In your last year at school it's important to not fail exams.
Over many years, the family changed their garden into a little farm.
You need to pass exams so you can get a qualification and find a job.
I need to save a lot of money or get a scholarship before I can apply for a course.

If you get good marks at the school, you can get into college or university at the
same location.
If you get good marks at the school, you can get into college or university at the
same location.

If you get the right qualifications you can work anywhere you want to.
What hours do you choose to go to lessons?
I choose a school where I can take classes in graffiti art.
I want to train to be a paramedic helicopter pilot.
Everyone has the chance to be part of this historic institution.
I like the idea of homeschooling.
Students can swim in the indoor pool.
Everyone has the chance to be part of this historic institution.
I'm studying computer sciences so that I can work in IT.
I'd like to work in journalism for a big newspaper.
River Plate is unique, because it is the only sports institution in the world that’s
got its own kindergarten.
It’s the law that you must go to school until the age of sixteen.
The school is located in the stadium of one of South America's most important
football teams.
I'm going to work in management.
Is anything the matter?
Students at single-sex schools usually get better exam results than students at
mixed schools.
You are called a nurse if you work in nursing.
What happens if you don't obey rules at your school?
Homework is so old-fashioned.
However, they also do ordinary subjects, such as English, maths, science and
foreign languages.
Don’t panic.
I want to train to be a paramedic helicopter pilot.
You need to pass exams so you can get a qualification and find a job.
If you study hard and have a passion for performing arts, you won’t be able to
resist the BRIT School.
If you study hard and have a passion for performing arts, you won’t be able to
resist the BRIT School.
My parents and teachers are putting a lot of pressure on me to decide.
Primary school is for children from four to eleven years old.
You have to do a course that teaches you all the emergency procedures.
Running in the hallway is prohibited.
Students enjoy having long school holidays.
School leavers often have a big party at the end of the year.
You have to follow the school rules.
At my brother’s school they don’t have to wear a school uniform.
Do you want to study science?
Are you looking for a secondary school with a creative atmosphere?
Students at single-sex schools usually get better exam results than students at
mixed schools.
In school, students often have to work together, so they learn from each other
and become sociable.
This teaches them how to behave in society and future jobs.
Students have a structured day where they attend classes in a wide variety of
You have to study engineering to become an engineer.
I'm going to study management.
You have to study science to become an scientist.
I choose a school where I can take classes in graffiti art.
Teaching is a satisfying career.
I'm going to train to be a lawyer.
I'm going to train to be a physicist.
I'm going to train to be a engineer.
The truth is that homeschoolers can do whatever they like.
Turn the music down.
River Plate is unique, because it is the only sports institution in the world that’s
got its own kindergarten.
Students have a structured day where they attend classes in a wide variety of
Students have a structured day where they attend classes in a wide variety of

Anyone accused of cyberbullying must not be allowed to attend school.

We aim to send a clear message to the fashion industry.
We would like governments to ban the use of orcas for entertainment.
It is my belief that these intelligent, sociable animals should not be in captivity.
We believe we must recycle our rubbish.
We’d like people to boycott the shows and sign our petition.
He’s brave and heroic.
Please support our campaign.
It is my belief that these intelligent, sociable animals should not be in captivity.
Jake plans his daily routine carefully.
I really admire my cousin because he’s so clever.
This gives the children an opportunity to become more confident.
You have to consider all options.
The main reason I am for this is to make criminals less likely to commit crimes.
What would you do or say if you desperately needed help?
Daniel decided to donate all the money he had to the boy’s family.
Perhaps she will make a big donation to our charity.
Waitress Sarah Hoidahl bought lunch for two soldiers in her restaurant when she
heard they didn’t get paid due to government problems.
Now he has an eco-tour company which gives work to people and protects the
It might need a lot of work, but it’s definitely worth the effort.
You could encourage people to be kind to you.
Help us end food waste.
You should consider both opinions equally.
He is very fair and sympathetic.
I’m not in favour of people doing anything that could be dangerous.
People may feel frightened that they would be in danger if they tried to stop a
crime in progress.
He did something incredibly generous.
He’s brave and heroic.
Glen James was unemployed and homeless when he did something both honest
and kind.
Glen James was unemployed and homeless when he did something both honest
and kind.
I would introduce taxes on junk food.
I would introduce taxes on junk food.
Glen James was unemployed and homeless when he did something both honest
and kind.

The main reason I am for this is to make criminals less likely to commit crimes.

We propose that supermarkets sell ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables at a lower price.

The main reason I am for this is to make criminals less likely to commit crimes.
Daniel Black and the boy both got the medical treatment they needed.
We believe we must recycle our rubbish and we want the government to make it
necessary everywhere.
This gives the children an opportunity to become more confident.
He found organized and honest volunteers to collect and deliver the food.
He gave the bag to the police to return to its owner.
She’s a kind and patient woman.
You might not benefit personally, but you’ll feel good about yourself.
We’d like people to boycott the shows and sign our petition.
I would stop bullying in schools if I had the power.
Pirates came here last year.
Anybody can safely help to prevent a crime by calling the police when they see
something suspicious.
He helped to catch people selling baby gorillas and put them in prison.
People may feel frightened that they would be in danger if they tried to stop a
crime in progress.
The government have accepted the proposal.
We propose that supermarkets sell ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables at a lower price.
There’s no point in organizing a protest if nobody will support us.
We want to protest about magazines which never show real photos of real
The campaign raised an amazing $160,000.
Daniel received a special award at the Pride of Britain Awards.
Supermarkets reject 20–40% of fruit and vegetables because they aren’t
Ellen DeGeneres gave a reward to Sarah for her kindness.
The water is safe to drink.
Why can’t they serve healthy food at the school canteen?
We’d like people to boycott the shows and sign our petition.
Please add your signature to our petition.
Waitress Sarah Hoidahl bought lunch for two soldiers in her restaurant when she
heard they didn’t get paid due to government problems.

Sometimes a spontaneous act of kindness can change another person’s life.

When you spread a little kindness, you’ll feel good about yourself.
Please be a supporter of our campaign.
Doctors thought that with expensive surgery he might walk again.
Anybody can safely help to prevent a crime by calling the police when they see
something suspicious.
He is very fair and sympathetic.
I would introduce taxes on junk food.
He’s such a clever and thoughtful person!
Glen James was unemployed and homeless when he did something both honest
and kind.
Unfortunately, not everyone does, as people can choose not to recycle.
I think people should support victims more.
If I became a volunteer, would I have to work in the evening?
Peter left his wallet at home.

Have you ever acted?

You love watching action films.
Robert Downey Jr. was paid more than any other actor for his role as Iron Man.
Veronica Roth wrote a series of books that was adapted for films.
I didn't like the film adaptation.
I don’t fancy an adventure film.
I was amazed!
It’s an animation and a musical.
The book is about how she is bullied and sufers from anxiety.
Who was Star Wars: The Force Awakens directed by?
Titanic was awarded a total of eleven Oscars.
I bet you can’t guess which film has the record for the most tickets sold.
When they arrived, the captain met them.
Star Wars is a classic science fiction film.
It’s a mixture of comedy and romance.

A wrong answer means another contestant gets the chance to answer for five
It’s a crime novel and it’s very exciting.
Who was Star Wars: The Force Awakens directed by?
It was designed by the film’s director.
The latest books are made into cakes and are displayed at events all over the
Adventure and drama are your genres.
When was the Edible Book Festival started?
Next, I’m going to take a look at special effects.
It’s really original and entertaining.
Some of the most popular episodes were watched by over twenty million
viewers in the USA when they were first shown.
Mystery and fantasy are your favourite genres.
Mystery and fantasy are your favourite genres.
I like talking about gossip.
When was the first story in The Dark Knight graphic novel series published?
I’m not really into horror films.
I value a good sense of humour.
I have an active imagination.
I am of average intelligence.
I enjoyed it because it really makes you think about issues like anxiety and
It’s about a princess who goes on a long journey to find her sister.

I could spend a lifetime researching film records.

I enjoy reading manga books.

And I want to marry her, and go with her.
It’s about a missing woman.
It’s a mixture of comedy and romance.
I would love to travel to the moon.
It’s an animation and a musical.
Mystery and fantasy are your favourite genres.
Is the actor nominated for an award every year?
How many times has Robert Downey Jr. received an Oscar nomination for Best
He got the part in the movie.
The director always attends the premiere.
I like watching movies with princes and princesses.
I like watching movies with princes and princesses.
I'd like to be a private detective for a day.
It’s only when Audrey is introduced to her brother’s friend Linus that she really
begins to recover.
When was the first film in the Divergent series released?
Robert Downey Jr. was paid more than any other actor for his role as Iron Man.
It’s a mixture of comedy and romance.
Star Wars is a classic science fiction film.
Movies are better on a big screen.
In Divergent young people are separated into diferent groups at the age of
Next, I’m going to take a look at special effects.
The spy James Bond was played by which actor in Spectre?
These three stars have received Oscar nominations for Best Actor / Actress.
The book is about how she is bullied and suffers from anxiety.
I haven’t even seen it but it sounds terrible!
You enjoy reading thrillers.
I rather talk about film trivia than gossip.
One truly unbelievable film record was set by a man called Ashish Sharma.

Some of the most popular episodes were watched by over twenty million
viewers in the USA when they were first shown.
What is the name of the series that was a winner of many awards?
The Hunger Games books were written by Suzanne Collins.
J K Rowling is a famous writer.
I don't like watching movies with zombies.

It’s a real bargain!

Who doesn’t like the buttons on the jacket?

The design is unusual.

It doesn’t fit.

Where are the fitting rooms?

We have medium and large sizes.

Is this in the sale?

Have you seen the shop assistant?

This is the worst shopping trip ever!

What size do you take?

The sleeves are too short.

I love the spots, and it’s so cheap.

I quite like the yellow T-shirt with the stripes.

Over there, near the tills.

I’m going shopping ... to the art gallery.

I can see a cart in the foreground, and there is a cottage on the left, but where
are the haymakers?
I can see a cart in the foreground, and there is a cottage on the left, but where
are the haymakers?

Laura is buying a picture of the countryside.

That picture is dark and depressing.

There’s a large farm cart drawn by horses standing in the river.

I can see a cart in the foreground, and there is a cottage on the left, but where
are the haymakers?

I think it looks a bit gloomy and boring.

I can see a cart in the foreground, and there is a cottage on the left, but where
are the haymakers?

John Constable was an English landscape painter.

Across the meadow in the distance, on the right.

Laura’s aunt prefers modern art and unusual pictures.

Something more unusual and original like the colourful animal painting over

It’s a portrait of a beautiful woman with red hair.

It’s called The Hay Wain and it’s a rural scene.

It’s called The Hay Wain and it’s a rural scene.

The scenery is beautiful.

The Hay Wain is not a painting of an urban scene.

I have been abroad before.

How is your accommodation?

This is Mrs Megat, the coordinator for Study Abroad Holidays

Have you checked your flight details?

Would you like to try some traditional dishes?

I’m staying with a host family in Lyon.

There’s a single bed and a wardrobe with a mirror.

Have you looked at the optional activities on our website yet?

I’m vegetarian.

There’s a single bed and a wardrobe with a mirror.

Do you like the look of the water park?

I need a bar of soap.

Can you pass me the bottle of shampoo?

Remember to buy a box of light bulbs.

This can of deodorant is empty.

This can of deodorant is empty.

I need painkillers for my headache.

Remember to buy a box of light bulbs.

I need painkillers for my headache.

Do you have any paracetamol?

Do you need toothpaste for sensitive teeth?

Can you pass me the bottle of shampoo?

I need a bar of soap.

Do you need toothpaste for sensitive teeth?

I would like a tube of regular toothpaste.

Which type do you want?

That is a full bottle of washing-up liquid.

Can I join?

Lucy wants to be a member of the club.

Lucy suggests going to see her brother’s band perform.

It’s time for our first photography club selfie.

I think they’re doing a show this weekend.

I’d like to be able to work in catering.

He thinks I should get experience in retail.

I’d like to be able to work in tourism when I leave school.

Let’s talk to one of the campaigners.

Let’s go over to our reporter in central London and find out what’s going on.

If it carries on, more innocent people will die.

I’m joining in a march through the town centre.

We’re waiting for the organizers at the moment.

We’re pacifists, and we’re really unhappy about the war.

What does your placard say?

I think it’s unacceptable.

The plot was a bit confusing.

He plays Lex Luther, the enemy of Superman.

Batman goes to Metropolis to fight Superman.

Superman is a superhero.

Today, many people are wearing bamboo socks and sweaters.

Cotton’s main advantages are that it is strong, comfortable and not expensive.

Cotton’s main advantages are that it is strong, comfortable and not expensive.
Silk is a delicate fabric.
When your grandparents were young, many of the fabrics used in modern
clothes didn’t even exist.
Silk is a delicate fabric.
Natural fibres come either from plants or animals.
Synthetic fabrics like nylon and polyester didn’t become popular until the 1960s.

Synthetic fabrics like nylon and polyester didn’t become popular until the 1960s.
Silk is a delicate fabric.
It is smooth and soft, and also very comfortable to wear.
It is smooth and soft, and also very comfortable to wear.
Wool is used for warm clothes, such as suits and hats.
Today, many people are wearing bamboo socks and sweaters.
Synthetic fabrics like nylon and polyester didn’t become popular until the 1960s.
A good fabric for a T-shirt is cotton because it is comfortable.
Cotton is a popular textile.
A good fabric for a tracksuit is polyester because it is water-resistant.
Wool is used for warm clothes, such as suits and hats.
A good fabric for a tracksuit is polyester because it is water-resistant.
Wool is used for warm clothes, such as suits and hats.

What do you associate it with?

A vibrant colour is bright and strong.
Complementary colours are any two colours which are directly opposite each
Harmonious colours sit next to each other on the wheel.
A pastel colour is pale and soft.

A pastel colour is pale and soft.

Each secondary colour is created by mixing two primary colours.

Each secondary colour is created by mixing two primary colours.
A vibrant colour is bright and strong.
Harmonious colours sit next to each other on the wheel.

There is continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the
There is continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the

The water vapour then cools and condenses into small drops which form clouds.

The fact is that the quantity of water on the Earth remains the same over time
and it constantly goes through the water cycle.
There is continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the
The sun heats the water in the rivers, seas and oceans, and it evaporates into the
The water eventually flows back to the seas and oceans.
When water evaporates it turns into a gas.
Clouds gradually get heavier and heavier until they can't hold the water any
more, and it falls to Earth as rain, sleet or snow.
The sun heats the water in the rivers, seas and oceans, and it evaporates into the
Water can change state from liquid to vapour to solid during the cycle.
There is continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the
Any form of water that falls from the clouds is called precipitation.
There was a lot of rainfall last night.
The fact is that the quantity of water on the Earth remains the same over time
and it constantly goes through the water cycle.
That means that your glass of water was around when the first creatures swam in
the sea and when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
Clouds gradually get heavier and heavier until they can't hold the water any
more, and it falls to Earth as rain, sleet or snow.
Water can change state from liquid to vapour to solid during the cycle.
Water can change state from liquid to vapour to solid during the cycle.
When on Earth, some of the water runs into rivers, lakes and streams and
becomes surface water.
There is continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the

The water vapour then cools and condenses into small drops which form clouds.

Fairtrade products, which include items like bananas, cofee, sugar, cocoa, rice
and cotton, have a special label.
The farmers also receive some extra money, called a Fairtrade premium, to use in
their community.

First of all, check that everything you want to sell is clean and in good condition.

The farmers also receive some extra money, called a Fairtrade premium, to use
in their community.
Fairtrade products, which include items like bananas, cofee, sugar, cocoa, rice
and cotton, have a special label.
They can get hurt by dangerous pesticides.
Fairtrade products, which include items like bananas, cofee, sugar, cocoa, rice
and cotton, have a special label.
They can get hurt by dangerous pesticides.
Life isn’t easy on a banana plantation.
If enough people choose to buy Fairtrade goods, more companies will pay the
farmers a fair price.
The companies who buy bananas want to make big profits.
The company revealed a new slogan.

if you alter a plant gene, you can change a specific characteristic like colour,
shape or height.
Each cell in the human body contains about 25,000 to 35,000 genes .
if you alter a plant gene, you can change a specific characteristic like colour,
shape or height.
Farmers use herbicides to kill weeds, but these chemicals can also damage
Farmers use herbicides to kill weeds, but these chemicals can also damage
Your genes determine your eye colour, how tall you are, what skills you have,
and so on

GM crops can also have an engineered resistance to insects and diseases.

I have doubts about genetic engineering.
if you alter a plant gene, you can change a specific characteristic like colour,
shape or height.
I have doubts about genetic engineering.
Scientists believe that GMOs can help us in many ways.

Farmers use herbicides to kill weeds, but these chemicals can also damage
GM crops can produce more food which contains more nutrients.
Some governments oppose them.
These people are worried about the overuse of chemicals and the possible
efects of eating GMOs

GM crops can also have an engineered resistance to insects and diseases.

if you alter a plant gene, you can change a specific characteristic like colour,
shape or height.
Farmers use herbicides to kill weeds, but these chemicals can also damage

I like to play badminton with my friends.

Did you know that exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind?

Research in the UK shows that young people like competitive team sports such
as football and basketball, but they also enjoy individual sports like swimming
and cross-country running.

In contrast to what many people believe, it seems they do actually like sport.

Research in the UK shows that young people like competitive team sports such
as football and basketball, but they also enjoy individual sports like swimming
and cross-country running.
This should vary between moderate activity, such as walking and cycling, and
vigorous activity, like running and tennis.
Nearly 75% of teenagers do not get the recommended amount of daily activity
outside school.
Diving is my favourite water sport.
Physical exercise causes the body to produce endorphins.
Participating in sport teaches important lessons like teamwork, fair play, respect
and how to follow rules.
Have you tried gymnastics?
Research in the UK shows that young people like competitive team sports such
as football and basketball, but they also enjoy individual sports like swimming
and cross-country running.
On three days a week, they should do exercises to build strong muscles, such as
push-ups, and strong bones, such as jumping and running.
I'm going to spend the summer doing lifesaving.
It is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.
How does exercise benefit the mind?
This should vary between moderate activity, such as walking and cycling, and
vigorous activity, like running and tennis.
In the USA, young people say that the main motivation for doing sport is to have
In the UK 16–17% of young people aged twelve to fifteen are overweight.
On three days a week, they should do exercises to build strong muscles, such as
push-ups, and strong bones, such as jumping and running.
Participating in sport teaches important lessons like teamwork, fair play, respect
and how to follow rules.
Do we have enough players for a game of rounders?
Rugby isn't as popular as football.
On three days a week, they should do exercises to build strong muscles, such as
push-ups, and strong bones, such as jumping and running.
Research in the UK shows that young people like competitive team sports such
as football and basketball, but they also enjoy individual sports like swimming
and cross-country running.
This should vary between moderate activity, such as walking and cycling, and
vigorous activity, like running and tennis.

In Ancient Greece, each individual had the opportunity to propose a law and the
Assembly voted to accept or reject the proposal.
They introduced a pebbles system for when the votes needed to be very
Ancient Greece selected public administrators by a lottery system.
Each voter used a white pebble to agree with a proposal and a black pebble to

In democratic systems, where people are elected to public office, there is always
a concern that these people will be corrupted by ambition and greed

Not all citizens had the right qualities for the diferent tasks.

In democratic systems, where people are elected to public office, there is always
a concern that these people will be corrupted by ambition and greed.

The origin of the word ‘democracy’ is Greek.

In democratic systems, where people are elected to public office, there is always
a concern that these people will be corrupted by ambition and greed.

Younger men, women, slaves and foreigners couldn’t vote.

Generals of the army were elected.

In democratic systems, where people are elected to public office, there is always
a concern that these people will be corrupted by ambition and greed.

Ancient Greece selected public administrators by a lottery system.

They introduced a pebbles system for when the votes needed to be very

There were no representatives to make decisions for them like there are today.
Younger men, women, slaves and foreigners couldn’t vote.
They introduced a pebbles system for when the votes needed to be very
This early system wasn’t perfect, however, because only men over thirty could
take part.
Not all citizens had the right qualities for the diferent tasks.
They introduced a pebbles system for when the votes needed to be very

In The War of the Worlds, aliens from Mars invade Earth.

They land in England, where they build war machines to attack humans.
The British author H.G.Wells was born in Kent, England, in 1866.
The book explains the historical background to the war.
Eventually, the aliens are killed by bacteria in the Earth’s environment.
The narrator and his wife realize the danger they are in, so they escape and are
lucky to survive.
The novel has also influenced the work of scientists.
In The War of the Worlds, aliens from Mars invade Earth.
Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution and destruction.
The narrator and his wife realize the danger they are in, so they escape and are
lucky to survive.
The book is about technology and the necessity of scientific research.
He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature four times.
In 1894, Mars’ orbit brought it close to Earth.
The book can be seen as both optimistic and pessimistic.
What do you think about the plot?
His research eventually led to the landing of robotic probes on Mars.
About fifty years after its publication, The War of the Worlds was adapted for
The War of the Worlds was written in response to the historical events of the late
19th century
His research eventually led to the landing of robotic probes on Mars.
The book is about technology and the necessity of scientific research.
The book describes the situation after the Cold War.
The story ends with hope for a new beginning and a better world as the survivors
ofer kindness and sympathy to each other.
North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival.
Followers of the disco scene were more likely to wear big hair or have afros.

The long beard and curly moustache will be remembered as the look of the

Followers of the disco scene were more likely to wear big hair or have afros.
Not natural grey hair, but a dye to change the colour to silver grey.

Hair extensions were extremely popular in the 2000s.

Like fashion trends, hairstyles come and go.

Jennifer Aniston used to have medium-length hair that was cut in layers at the

For punks in the seventies and eighties, the favourite hairstyle was the Mohawk.

The long beard and curly moustache will be remembered as the look of the
The mullet hairstyle was short on the top and long at the back.
For punks in the seventies and eighties, the favourite hairstyle was the Mohawk.
Punks shaved their hair at the sides.

We would be able to smell the delicious aroma of fish and chips and feel the
sand running through our fingers.

In the summer of 2015, the British Library, the National Trust and the National
Trust for Scotland made a very special map of the UK coastline based on sound.

The project organizers asked members of the public to make short audio or video
recordings of their favourite seaside sounds and upload them to the map on
their website, with photos, a location and a description.

People use maps to help them explain and navigate their way through the world.

The organizers wanted a record of how diferent life is from place to place across
10,800 miles of Britain’s beaches, towns and ports.
We would be able to smell the delicious aroma of fish and chips and feel the
sand running through our fingers.
The project organizers asked members of the public to make short audio or video
recordings of their favourite seaside sounds and upload them to the map on
their website, with photos, a location and a description.
The project organizers asked members of the public to make short audio or video
recordings of their favourite seaside sounds and upload them to the map on
their website, with photos, a location and a description.

These sounds included noises like rain falling, children laughing, people on a
rollercoaster in England and the sound of the wind hitting boats in Scotland.
Ben is adventurous.
There are three levels: bronze, silver, and gold.
Before the expedition, we had to learn how to put up tents.
There are three levels: bronze, silver, and gold.
It’s an adventure qualification for fourteen to twenty-four-year-olds.
It involves four sections.
There are three levels: bronze, silver, and gold.
I’ve been working for a charity helping children with special needs.
My group have been studying volcanic rock.

Car boot sales are events where people can buy, sell, or exchange unwanted
Is it more common for people in your country to buy and sell second-hand goods
at markets or online?
Let's talk about your shopping habits.
Car boot sales are ideal places to pick up second-hand clothes.
Then decide on a minimum price you’re happy to accept for the items.
At car boot sales you can negotiate and ask the seller to reduce the price.
Car boot sales are ideal places to pick up second-hand clothes.
There are often long queues of cars waiting to get in.
How about making some money and getting rid of your old things?
They are called car boot sales because people typically drive to the location and
sell their things out of or in front of their cars.
Car boot sales are events where people can buy, sell, or exchange unwanted

That’s why they buried the Shiksha Time Capsule in India.

That’s why they buried the Shiksha Time Capsule in India.
The capsule contains slate and chalk.
All the documents in the time capsule are on a 16GB USB stick.
A capsule at the Institute of Technology Kanpur in India contains the logo from
the school jacket.
The capsule contains a box of marbles.
Hindi is one of the official languages of India.
The capsule contains slate and chalk.
The students buried their time capsule and put a ten-ton rock on top to show
where it is.
All the documents in the time capsule are on a 16GB USB stick.

Decide which group presented the best argument.

Other popular work experience placements are in teaching, marketing, media,
and finance.
If you want to study to be an engineer, you could do work experience with a car
Other popular work experience placements are in teaching, marketing, media,
and finance.
Other popular work experience placements are in teaching, marketing, media,
and finance.
Other popular work experience placements are in teaching, marketing, media,
and finance.
Other popular work experience placements are in teaching, marketing, media,
and finance.

The sessions promote acceptance and tolerance.

The organization aims to give young people a way of expressing
their opinions and making positive contributions to society.
Since opening in 1965, the project has helped thousands of
teenagers of different cultures, religions and races.
The founders of the Hideaway Youth Project wanted to provide a
safe place and support for young people
A ‘hideaway’ is a place where you can go to hide or to be away
from other people.
Since opening in 1965, the project has helped thousands of
teenagers of different cultures, religions and races.
Since opening in 1965, the project has helped thousands of
teenagers of different cultures, religions and races.
The sessions promote acceptance and tolerance, and help
participants to build self-confidence.
The sessions promote acceptance and tolerance, and help
participants to build self-confdence.
The founders of the Hideaway Youth Project wanted to provide
a safe place and support for young people

Harry Potter is a bestseller.

Then check out these perfect festivals for all bookworms!
Listen to fascinating stories told by master storytellers.
Agatha Christie is the bestselling novelist of all time.
Ireland is a nation of storytellers and the art of oral storytelling
goes back over a thousand years.
Since 1994, the Cape Clear festival has been allowing writers
from all over the world to share their romantic, terrifying,
amazing or horrible stories with hundreds of visitors.
Ireland is a nation of storytellers and the art of oral storytelling
goes back over a thousand years.
You like acting and want to attend a suitable workshop.
Her books are translated into over 100 languages,
You like acting and want to attend a suitable workshop.

The XG StyleSounds are so light that they’re comfortable even

for hours at a time.
They’re a must-have for teenagers who are serious about
For ten years, XG have been making headphones with the best
quality sound.

What do you mainly buy?

Write a short summary with conclusions about the results.
A survey about shopping habits.

Everyone bakes or cooks something delicious for the food stalls.

Everyone bakes or cooks something delicious for the food
I can write a school profile for a website.

His bandmates are tired of him, and they throw him out of the
Joan Cusack plays the principal of the school.
Dewey Finn is a ‘slacker'.
He pretends to be a substitute teacher.

You’re looking cute in your new fne suit.

One day, I went parachuting.

I’ll get involved with a charity to help young people.

I would allow everybody to have their pay.

We need to be careful and fair.
I would stop all flights.
I’d get rid of hunger.
I’d get rid of hunger.
If I ruled the world…
I would ban all weapons.

gegessen (essen)
gekauft (kaufen)
Getreide(flocken), Müsli
chatten, plaudern
von jd/etw abhängen
getan (tun)
Hausaufgaben machen/erledigen
enden, abschließen
Jahrmarkt, Kirmes
gegeben, geschenkt
nach Hause kommen
einkaufen gehen
zu Bett gehen
zur Schule gehen
zur Arbeit gehen
gehabt (haben)
Vorstellungsgespräch, Interview

zuletzt, das letzte Mal

(weg)gegangen ((weg)gehen, verlassen)
Musik hören
gemacht (machen)
Erinnerung, Gedächtnis
Parade, Umzug
professionell, etw. zum Beruf machen
(sich) erinnern
geritten (reiten)
verängstigt, erschreckt
gesprochen (sprechen)
gelehrt, unterrichtet (lehren, unterrichten)
mein Zimmer aufräumen
Videos schauen
Wochentag, Werktag
ging (gehen)
waren (sein)

erstaunlicherweise, verblüffenderweise
anscheinend, scheinbar
ausgebeult, schlotterig


angesagt, cool
Mode, Begeisterung, Wahn
Jahrzehnt, Dekade
Experte, Expertin
Anhänger(in), Follower
frisch, neu
Gerät, technische Spielerei
meistens, normalerweise

Held, Heldin

treffen, schlagen
Hula Hoop-Reifen
Anleitung, Anweisung
Jacke, Jackett

offensichtlich, selbstverständlich


schlicht, einfach
Stange, Pfahl
posten (online)
rasten, Pause machen
Hemd, Shirt
kurze Hose, Shorts
smart, chic, elegant
Social Media, soziale Medien
passen, jdm. (gut) stehen


Tweet, twittern
Aussicht, Betrachtung, Ansicht
viral, rasant verbreitet,

fantastisch, erstaunlich
Ideen sammeln
etw. nicht ausstehen können
Reiseziel, Bestimmungsort

widerlich, ekelhaft
mögen, auf etw. Lust haben
Gefühl, fühlen
Geschmack, Aroma
erschreckend, beängstigend
gutes Gehör
Gehör, Hören
identifizieren, erkennen
wenig, klein
schauen, Aussehen
Gefühl verlieren
Material, Inhaltsstoff
Monument, Denkmal
schön, gut

natürlich, organisch

Pafümerie, Parfümerie
kürzlich, in letzter Zeit
Ergebnis, Resultat

im Ernst, ernsthaft
Geruch, riechen
Geräusch, Klang, klingen
atemberaubend, spektakulär


überlegen, besser
Geschmack, schmecken
Tester(in), Prüfer(in)
Textur, Struktur, Konsistenz
Ton-Taubheit, Ton-Schwerhörigkeit
Berührung, berühren
visuell, optisch
schauen, gucken
seltsam, eigenartig

Weltkulturerbe, Welterbestätte

lebendig, am Leben (sein)
befestigen, anhängen


fortsetzen, weiterführen
Klippe, Felsen
hinaufsteigen, erklimmen
Kokosnuss, Kokos

weit entfernt
tauchen, springen
einfach, leicht
häufig gestellte Fragen
Besonderheit, Merkmal
Lehrer(in), Kursleiter(in)
Geländewagen, Jeep
Lust auf etw. haben
hinterlassen, zurücklassen
ausleihen, borgen
Rettungsweste, Schwimmweste
instand halten, warten
Internetgemeinschaft, Online-Community

Moderator(in), Präsentator(in)
aufbrechen, losgehen
bei jd. bleiben/wohnen


Stand Up Paddling, Stehpaddeln

Technik, Methode
benützen, brauchen

(sich etw.) leisten

umblasen, umwehen
Zweig, Ast
besorgt, beunruhigt
schaffen, erstellen
mit etw. umgehen, behandeln
extrem, äußerst
hausgemacht, selbst gemacht
ansteigen, wachsen
Intellekt, Verstand
Es ist (sehr) wichtig
Bodenschatz, natürliche Ressource(n)
Paket, Verpackung


Protein, Eiweiß
zur Verfügung stellen, versorgen
wiederverwerten, recyceln
wiederverwertet, recycelt
Wiederverwertung, Recycling
Ressource, Rohstoff


aus zweiter Hand, gebraucht

mehrere, einige
einfach, leicht
(Schweizer) Taschenmesser, Sackmesser

agil, wendig
Talentprobe, zur Probe Vorsprechen,
Probespiel, Audition
Autozoom, automatischer Zoom

schwarzer Gürtel
besiedeln, kolonisieren
Computer programmieren


voll, überfüllt
auf jeden Fall
Geld verdienen
Geschäftsleitung, Exekutive
ein Konto eröffnen
einen Freund/eine Freundin haben
einen Abschluss haben/machen
den Führerschein machen
Arbeit finden, Arbeit bekommen
ein neues Hobby entdecken
eine Rente erhalten
ein Telefon bekommen/haben
Social Media Account eröffnen

sich bei einer wohltätigen Organisation engagieren

alt/älter werden
reich werden
eine Familie haben
auf sich aufpassen, sich schonen, zu sich selber schauen
eine Million Dollar verdienen


früh in Rente gehen

sich (an einem Ort) niederlassen


Zeit im Ausland verbringen

meine eigene Firma gründen

eine Auszeit nehmen
aufnehmen, anfangen
sich auf etwas/einen Ort festlegen

Zeit vergeuden

alternativ, Alternative
sich für einen Kurs bewerben
sich für einen Job bewerben
sich für eine Stelle bewerben
Fachschule, Hochschule besuchen
Schule besuchen, zur Schule gehen
Universität besuchen, studieren
sich verhalten, sich benehmen
herausfordernd, anspruchsvoll
Chance, Möglichkeit
Baugewerbe, Bau
Hof, Spielfeld
einen Kurs machen
einen Hochschulabschluss machen
eine Lehre machen
Hausaufgaben machen
Maschinenbau, Ingenieurwesen
sich einschreiben
bei Prüfungen durchfallen
eine Qualifikation erwerben
ein Stipendium bekommen

gute Noten bekommen

es an die Hochschule schaffen

die richtigen Qualifikationen bekommen

zum Unterricht gehen
Helikopter, Hubschrauber
Homeschooling, Heimunterricht
im Gebäude, innen-
IT, Informationstechnik
ansässig, gelegen
Verwaltung, Management, Unternehmensleitung
Angelegenheit, Sache, Was ist los?
gemischte Schule
Regeln befolgen
in Panik geraten
Prüfungen bestehen
Leidenschaft, Passion

darstellende Künste
Prozedur, Maßnahme
getrenntgeschlechtliche Schule

Maschinenbau/Ingenieurwesen studieren
Unternehmensführung studieren
Wissenschaften studieren
Stunden besuchen
Lehren, Unterrichten
Ausbildung zum Anwalt/zur Anwältin machen
Ausbildung zum (zur) Physiker(in) machen
Ausbildung zum Ingenieur/zur Ingenieurin machen
runterdrehen, herunterdrehen, (Musik) leiser stellen

Auswahl , Vielfalt

weit, breit

Ziel, zielen
Bann, Verbot, verbannen, verbieten
Glaube, Überzeugung
Boykott, boykottieren
Kampagne, werben, Wahlkampf führen
gründlich, sorgfältig
in Erwägung ziehen
verzweifelt, dringend
fällig, wegen

gleich, gleichermaßen
gerecht, fair
Gunst, Gefallen
Angst haben, erschreckt
heldenhaft, heroisch
Junkfood, ungesundes Essen
nett, freundlich


tiefer, niedriger

hauptsächlich, Haupt-
medizinische Behandlung
notwendig, erforderlich
Gelegenheit, Chance
persönlich, selber
Petition, Unterschriftensammlung
Macht, Kraft
Fortschritt, im Gange
Geld sammeln, aufbringen
Auszeichnung, Preis

verbreiten, verteilen
Unterstützer(in), Befürworter(in)
nachdenklich, rücksichtsvoll

Action, Action-
anpassen, adaptieren
Adaption, , Bearbeitung
Abenteuer, Abenteuer-
Animation, Trickfilm
Angst, Angstzustand
wecken, erwachen
Auszeichnung, auszeichnen

Teilnehmer(in), Wettkämpfer(in)
Regie führen
anzeigen, zur Schau stellen
Episode, Folge
Fantasy, Fantasie
Horror, Horror-
Thema, Problem

Lebenszeit hier: ganzes Leben

Musical, musikalisch
Geheimnis, Mysterium, Mystery
Premiere, Uraufführung
sich erholen
veröffentlichen, herausbringen
Romanze, Liebesgeschichte, Romantik
Stern, Star
an etw. leiden
Thriller, Krimi
(belangloses) Allgemeinwissen, Kleinigkeit

Schriftsteller(in), Autor(in)






mittel(groß), durchschnittlich

Sonderangebot, Ausverkauf








Wagen, Karren, Leiterwagen

Häuschen, Cottage

Landschaft, Land




bedrückend, düster

Heumacher(in), Heuwender



moderne Kunst





Landschaft, Kulisse


im Ausland

Koordinator(in), Organisator(in)


Gericht, Speise



optional, fakultativ



Spaßbad, Wasserpark

Stück, Riegel, Stange


Schachtel, Packung








Haarwaschmitel, Shampoo



Sorte, Typ

Spülmittel, Geschirrspülmittel

beitreten, sich beteiligen


darbieten, spielen

Selfie, Selbstporträt

Show, Vorführung

Catering, Gastronomie



Kämpfer(in), Aktivist(in)

zentral, in der Mitte gelegen











empfindlich, fein
Stoff, Gewebe

synthetisch, künstlich
Stoff, Gewebe

verbinden, assoziieren
ergänzend, komplementär


sekundär, zweitrangig
leuchtend, lebhaft
Rad, Farbkreis




konstant, dauernd

kontinuierlich, stetig

allmählich, schrittweise

Regen, Niederschlag


Feststoff, Festkörper
Zustand, Status
Fluss, Bach






Extra, Zugabe

Schaden, Verletzung
Profit, Gewinn
Slogan, Motto



Ernte, Getreide


GVO (gentechnisch veränderte Organismen)

Herbizid, Unkrautvernichtungsmittel
ablehnen, sich widersetzen
Übernutzung, übermäßiger Gebrauch

Immunität, Resistenz, Widerstand

spezifisch, bestimmt



profitieren, zugutekommen

wettbewerbsfähig, kompetitiv

Kontrast, Gegensatz



Fairplay, Sportsgeist
Gymnastik, Kunstturnen

individuell, einzel-

Rettungsschwimmen, Lebensrettung
Geist, Verstand

Motivation, Beweggrund



kräftig, energisch

akzeptieren, annehmen

akkurat, präzise
Administrator(in), Verwalter(in)



korrumpieren, verderben



Fremde(r), Ausländer(in)



Abgeordnete(r), Vertreter(in)
Sklave, Sklavin

Stimme, Abstimmung, Wahl

eindringen, überfallen
Hinterlassenschaft, Erbe

Antwort, Reaktion
wissenschaftliche Forschung
Situation, Lage
Sympathie, Mitgefühl


Farbstoff, Färbemittel



Irokesenschnitt, Mohawk

Schnurrbart, Schnauz

Duft, Aroma








Qualifikation, Wettbewerb
Teil, Bereich
besondere Bedürfnisse, besonderer Förderbedarf

Kofferraumverkauf, Flohmarkt

ideal, perfekt
ergattern, erwerben
normalerweise, typischerweise


Logo, Emblem
offiziell, amtlich

Argument, Begründung

Marketing, Absatzstrategie


Platzierung, Vermittlung

Arbeitserfahrung, Praktikum










Bestseller, Erfolgsbuch
führend, meisterlich


Workshop, Seminar




Bandkollege, -kollegin
Faulenzer, Drückeberger

hübsch, niedlich


Wohltätigkeitsorganisation, karitative Einrichtung, Stiftung

beherrschen, regieren

Starter Unit, p.4

Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.7
Starter Unit, p.5
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.5
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.7
Starter Unit, p.7
Starter Unit, p.5

Starter Unit, p.7

Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6

Starter Unit, p.4

Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6

Starter Unit, p.4

Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.5
Starter Unit, p.5

Starter Unit, p.4

Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.7
Starter Unit, p.7
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.7
Starter Unit, p.7
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.6
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.5
Starter Unit, p.5
Starter Unit, p.7
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.4
Starter Unit, p.7
Starter Unit, p.6

Unit 1, p.13
Unit 1, p.8
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.8
Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.14
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.9

Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.14
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.13

Unit 1, p.8

Unit 1, p.11
Unit 1, p.11

Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.13
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.8
Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.8
Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.13
Unit 1, p.12

Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.16
Unit 1, p.17

Unit 1, p.15

Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.14

Unit 1, p.12

Unit 1, p.15

Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.10

Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.13

Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.11
Unit 1, p.11
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.16
Unit 1, p.13
Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.16
Unit 1, p.15

Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.14
Unit 1, p.17
Unit 1, p.16
Unit 1, p.15
Unit 1, p.14
Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.8

Unit 1, p.12
Unit 1, p.9
Unit 1, p.8

Unit 1, p.8
Unit 1, p.10
Unit 1, p.8

Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.23
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.21
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.19
Unit 2, p.24
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.19
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.20

Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.18

Unit 2, p.21

Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.21
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.23
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.24
Unit 2, p.21
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.21
Unit 2, p.23
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.20

Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.23
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.25

Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.20

Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.27
Unit 2, p.23
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.19
Unit 2, p.24
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.22

Unit 2, p.27

Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.24
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.21
Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.19
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.18

Unit 2, p.25

Unit 2, p.20
Unit 2, p.18

Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.21

Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.18

Unit 2, p.27
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.18
Unit 2, p.25
Unit 2, p.24
Unit 2, p.21
Unit 2, p.22
Unit 2, p.22

Unit 2, p.27

Unit 2, p.25

Unit 3, p.32
Unit 3, p.32
Unit 3, p.37

Unit 3, p.35

Unit 3, p.29
Unit 3, p.31
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.33
Unit 3, p.32

Unit 3, p.34
Unit 3, p.35

Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.33
Unit 3, p.29
Unit 3, p.31
Unit 3, p.29
Unit 3, p.32
Unit 3, p.37
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.37

Unit 3, p.32

Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.32
Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.29
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.32

Unit 3, p.29
Unit 3, p.37
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.28

Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.32
Unit 3, p.37
Unit 3, p.36
Unit 3, p.36
Unit 3, p.37

Unit 3, p.29
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.31
Unit 3, p.36
Unit 3, p.31
Unit 3, p.34
Unit 3, p.29
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.32

Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.37
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.37
Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.32
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.35

Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.33

Unit 3, p.29

Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.32
Unit 3, p.30

Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.32
Unit 3, p.33

Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.37
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.36
Unit 3, p.31
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.32
Unit 3, p.37
Unit 3, p.33

Unit 3, p.30

Unit 3, p.30

Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.36
Unit 3, p.29
Unit 3, p.35
Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.31
Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.36
Unit 3, p.28
Unit 3, p.30
Unit 3, p.28

Unit 4, p.43
Unit 4, p.38
Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.43

Unit 4, p.39

Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.47
Unit 4, p.44
Unit 4, p.41
Unit 4, p.45
Unit 4, p.47
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.41
Unit 4, p.38
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.39

Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.42

Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.43
Unit 4, p.45
Unit 4, p.47
Unit 4, p.40

Unit 4, p.45
Unit 4, p.47
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.43
Unit 4, p.38
Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.47
Unit 4, p.44
Unit 4, p.45
Unit 4, p.38
Unit 4, p.42

Unit 4, p.45
Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.47
Unit 4, p.43
Unit 4, p.44

Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.41
Unit 4, p.39

Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.38
Unit 4, p.43
Unit 4, p.43
Unit 4, p.46
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.38
Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.40

Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.45
Unit 4, p.45
Unit 4, p.43
Unit 4, p.43
Unit 4, p.46

Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.45
Unit 4, p.38
Unit 4, p.39

Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.43
Unit 4, p.41
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.40
Unit 4, p.45
Unit 4, p.41
Unit 4, p.47
Unit 4, p.42
Unit 4, p.42

Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.42

Unit 4, p.38
Unit 4, p.44
Unit 4, p.39
Unit 4, p.39

Unit 5, p.48
Unit 5, p.48
Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.54
Unit 5, p.52

Unit 5, p.54
Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.49
Unit 5, p.52

Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.52

Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.52

Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.54
Unit 5, p.48
Unit 5, p.48

Unit 5, p.48
Unit 5, p.48

Unit 5, p.48
Unit 5, p.48
Unit 5, p.49
Unit 5, p.48

Unit 5, p.48

Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.49
Unit 5, p.49
Unit 5, p.56

Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.52

Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.49
Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.51
Unit 5, p.51

Unit 5, p.53
Unit 5, p.55

Unit 5, p.50

Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.55

Unit 5, p.52

Unit 5, p.50

Unit 5, p.52

Unit 5, p.52

Unit 5, p.50
Unit 5, p.57
Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.52
Unit 5, p.52

Unit 5, p.52

Unit 6, p.65

Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.67
Unit 6, p.65
Unit 6, p.63
Unit 6, p.66
Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.65
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.59
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.58
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.64
Unit 6, p.58
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.59
Unit 6, p.67
Unit 6, p.59

Unit 6, p.62

Unit 6, p.60

Unit 6, p.60

Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.58
Unit 6, p.58
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.59
Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62

Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.66

Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.64
Unit 6, p.66
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.59
Unit 6, p.62

Unit 6, p.60
Unit 6, p.64
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.59

Unit 6, p.61

Unit 6, p.61
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.63
Unit 6, p.58
Unit 6, p.58
Unit 6, p.58
Unit 6, p.61
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.60

Unit 6, p.66

Unit 6, p.65
Unit 6, p.65

Unit 6, p.65
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.58
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.62

Unit 6, p.62
Unit 6, p.61

Unit 6, p.61
Unit 6, p.60

Unit 6, p.65

Unit 6, p.65

Unit 7, p.75
Unit 7, p.69
Unit 7, p.68

Unit 7, p.68
Unit 7, p.74
Unit 7, p.68
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.69

Unit 7, p.68
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.75

Unit 7, p.75
Unit 7, p.73
Unit 7, p.68
Unit 7, p.76

Unit 7, p.70

Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.74
Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.69
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.75

Unit 7, p.75
Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.72

Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.69
Unit 7, p.69

Unit 7, p.70

Unit 7, p.75

Unit 7, p.69

Unit 7, p.75
Unit 7, p.70

Unit 7, p.74
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.71
Unit 7, p.68
Unit 7, p.73
Unit 7, p.77

Unit 7, p.75
Unit 7, p.72

Unit 7, p.75
Unit 7, p.68

Unit 7, p.69
Unit 7, p.76

Unit 7, p.69
Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.70

Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.75
Unit 7, p.76

Unit 7, p.68
Unit 7, p.68
Unit 7, p.70

Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.68
Unit 7, p.70

Unit 7, p.75
Unit 7, p.72
Unit 7, p.69
Unit 7, p.72

Unit 7, p.70
Unit 7, p.74
Unit 7, p.69
Unit 7, p.73
Unit 7, p.72

Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.79

Unit 8, p.80
Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.84
Unit 8, p.80
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.85
Unit 8, p.83
Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.80
Unit 8, p.87
Unit 8, p.80

Unit 8, p.85

Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.83
Unit 8, p.80

Unit 8, p.83
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.83
Unit 8, p.80
Unit 8, p.79

Unit 8, p.81
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.80

Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.84
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.79

Unit 8, p.85
Unit 8, p.79

Unit 8, p.80
Unit 8, p.78
Unit 8, p.87
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.85
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.83

Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.81
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.79

Unit 8, p.85
Unit 8, p.82

Unit 8, p.80
Unit 8, p.85
Unit 8, p.80
Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.80
Unit 8, p.82

Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.85
Unit 8, p.80
Unit 8, p.79
Unit 8, p.80

Unit 8, p.80

Unit 8, p.81
Unit 8, p.82
Unit 8, p.86
Unit 8, p.85
Unit 8, p.79

Extra Listening and Speaking

Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 1, p.88

Extra Listening and Speaking

Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 2, p.89

Extra Listening and Speaking

Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 3, p.90

Extra Listening and Speaking

Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 4, p.91

Extra Listening and Speaking

Unit 5, p.92
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 5, p.92
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 5, p.92
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 5, p.92
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 5, p.92

Extra Listening and Speaking

Unit 6, p.93
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 6, p.93
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 6, p.93

Extra Listening and Speaking

Unit 7, p.94
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 7, p.94
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 7, p.94
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 7, p.94
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 7, p.94
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 7, p.94
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 7, p.94
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 7, p.94

Extra Listening and Speaking

Unit 8, p.95
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 8, p.95
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 8, p.95
Extra Listening and Speaking
Unit 8, p.95

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96
Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96
Curriculum extra 1, p.96
Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 1, p.96
Curriculum extra 1, p.96
Curriculum extra 1, p.96
Curriculum extra 1, p.96
Curriculum extra 1, p.96
Curriculum extra 1, p.96

Curriculum extra 2, p.97

Curriculum extra 2, p.97
Curriculum extra 2, p.97
Curriculum extra 2, p.97
Curriculum extra 2, p.97

Curriculum extra 2, p.97

Curriculum extra 2, p.97
Curriculum extra 2, p.97
Curriculum extra 2, p.97
Curriculum extra 2, p.97

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98
Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98
Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98
Curriculum extra 3, p.98
Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 3, p.98

Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 4, p.99
Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 4, p.99
Curriculum extra 4, p.99

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100
Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100
Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 5, p.100

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101
Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101
Curriculum extra 6, p.101
Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101
Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 6, p.101

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102
Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102
Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 7, p.102

Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103

Curriculum extra 8, p.103
Culture 1, p.104

Culture 1, p.104

Culture 1, p.104
Culture 1, p.104

Culture 1, p.104
Culture 1, p.104

Culture 1, p.104

Culture 1, p.104

Culture 1, p.104
Culture 1, p.104

Culture 1, p.104
Culture 1, p.104

Culture 2, p.105

Culture 2, p.105

Culture 2, p.105

Culture 2, p.105

Culture 2, p.105

Culture 2, p.105

Culture 2, p.105

Culture 2, p.105

Culture 2, p.105
Culture 3, p.106
Culture 3, p.106
Culture 3, p.106
Culture 3, p.106
Culture 3, p.106
Culture 3, p.106
Culture 3, p.106
Culture 3, p.106
Culture 3, p.106

Culture 4, p.107

Culture 4, p.107
Culture 4, p.107
Culture 4, p.107
Culture 4, p.107

Culture 4, p.107
Culture 4, p.107
Culture 4, p.107
Culture 4, p.107

Culture 4, p.107

Culture 4, p.107

Culture 5, p.108
Culture 5, p.108
Culture 5, p.108
Culture 5, p.108

Culture 5, p.108
Culture 5, p.108
Culture 5, p.108
Culture 5, p.108

Culture 5, p.108
Culture 5, p.108

Culture 6, p.109

Culture 6, p.109
Culture 6, p.109

Culture 6, p.109

Culture 6, p.109

Culture 6, p.109

Culture 6, p.109

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 7, p.110

Culture 8, p.111
Culture 8, p.111
Culture 8, p.111
Culture 8, p.111

Culture 8, p.111

Culture 8, p.111

Culture 8, p.111
Culture 8, p.111
Culture 8, p.111
Culture 8, p.111

Project 2, p.112
Project 2, p.112

Project 2, p.112

Project 4, p.113
Project 4, p.113
Project 4, p.113

Project 6, p.114
Project 6, p.114
Project 6, p.114

Project 8, p.115
Project 8, p.115
Project 8, p.115
Project 8, p.115

Songs 1, p.116

Songs 3, p.117

Songs 7, p.119
Songs 7, p.119
Songs 7, p.119
Songs 7, p.119
Songs 7, p.119
Songs 7, p.119
Songs 7, p.119

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