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Training Effectiveness Assessment

Employee Id: Date:

Employee Name: Technology: Coding Standards and Best

Project: Level:

A. Go through the below the code snippets and check whether the coding standards are
followed or not. If not rewrite the codes based on coding conventions and coding standards
and give the reason for correcting the specific code.

1. Code Snippet

public class clientactivity

public void clearstatistics()
public void calculatestatistics()


Corrected Code:

2. Code Snippet:

public class UserLog

public void Add(LogEvent LogEvent)
int ItemCount = LogEvent.Items.Count;
// ...

Corrected Code:

3. Code snippet:

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Training Effectiveness Assessment
int iCounter;
string strName;


Corrected Code:

4. Code snippet:

if (role == "Customer")
bCustomer = true;
else if (role == "Branch")
bIsBranch = true;


Corrected Code:

5. Code Snippet :

UserGroup usrGrp;
Assignment empAssignment;

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Corrected Code:

6. Code Snippet :

string str =


Corrected Code:

7. Code Snippet :

String firstName;
Int32 lastIndex;
Boolean isSaved;


Corrected Code:

8. Code Snippet

public class Account


public string Number {get; set;}

public DateTime DateOpened {get; set;}

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Training Effectiveness Assessment
public DateTime DateClosed {get; set;}
public decimal Balance {get; set;}
public static string BankName;
public static decimal Reserves;

// Constructor
public Account()
// ...


Corrected Code:

9. Code snippet :

//Populate empId from database which is not a not null column.

int employeeId= reader["employeeid"];


Corrected Code:

B. Go through the below code snippets and Apply Best Practices and give reason.

10. Code snippet :

// Save address and send an email to the supervisor to inform that

// the address is updated.
SaveAddress ( address, email );

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void SaveAddress ( string address, string email )
// Job 1.
// Save the address.
// ...

// Job 2.
// Send an email to inform the supervisor that the address is changed.
// ...


Best Practice:

11. Code Snippet :

If ( memberType == eMemberTypes.Registered )
// Registered user… do something…
// Guest user... do something…

// we introduce another user type in future


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Best Practice:

12. Code Snippet :

If ( name == “” )
// do something


Best Practice:

13. Code Snippet:

void SendMail (string message, string mailType)

switch ( mailType )
case "Html":
// Do something
case "PlainText":
// Do something
case "Attachment":
// Do something
// Do something

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Best Practice:

14. Code Snippet :

public string ComposeMessage (string[] lines)

string message = String.Empty;

for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)

message += lines [i];

return message;


Best Practice:

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15. Code Snippet:

void ReadFromFile ( string fileName )
// read from file.
catch (Exception ex)
return "";


Best Practice:

16. Which among the following loop usage is the best practice?

a. // loop 1
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (!found(a[i]))

result = a[i];

b. // loop 2
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (found(a[i]))
result = a[i];

c. // loop 3
for(int i = 0; !resultFound && i < a.length; i++)
if (found(a[i]))
result = a[i];
resultFound = true;

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17. What is the difference between .tostring() and Convert.tostring()?

a. Convert.ToString(variable) handles NULL values even if variable value become null but
“variable.ToString()” will not handle NULL values it will throw a NULL reference
exception error.
b. “variable.ToString()”handles NULL values even if variable value become null but
Convert.ToString(variable)” will not handle NULL values it will throw a NULL reference
exception error
c. As a good coding practice using “variable.ToString()”is always safe.
d. All the above

18. Which among the following is true about The int.TryParse method?

a. It converts string into int

b. It never throws an exception—even on invalid input and null.
c. The method returns true if it succeeds, and false if it doesn't.
d. All the above

19. Which of the following is incorrect about System.Text.StringBuilder and System.String?

a. StringBuilder is more efficient when there is a large amount of string manipulation.

b. Strings are immutable, so each time a string is changed, a new instance in memory is

c. StringBuilder is mutable; when you modify an instance of the StringBuilder class, you
modify the actual string, not a copy

d. Strings are mutable in .Net

20. Which are the standard prefixes for the Button and RadioButtonList controls respectively?

a. btn and rblst

b. btn and rbl
c. cmd and rblst
d. cmd and rbl


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Correct Answers: Evaluated By:



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