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Davao del Norte State College

Panabo City, Philippines


Advanced Systematics

There are theories that support the origin of the Philippines:

1. Continental Drift Theory

 it supports the claim of Alfred Wegener (1912) that two (2) continents drifted some 200
million years ago: Laurasia to the northern hemisphere and Gondwanaland to the southern
 the Philippines is believed to have been part of the continent Laurasia
 according to Alfred Holmes (1944), the two continents drifted as a result of pressure caused
by volcanic eruptions in the ridges and in the center of the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean
 The Philippines sits on a sub-plate of the Eurasian Plate now called Philippine Plate
 Based on this theory, scientists believe that the Philippine archipelago was part of the Asian
continent and was only separated due to geological changes.

2. Pacific Theory
 it supports the claim of Dr. Bailey Willis that the Philippines was formed due to eruptions of
volcanoes in the periphery of the Pacific Basin of the Pacific Ocean as far as the eastern part
of Asia continent
 such eruption of underwater volcanoes is called volcanism
 the eruptions of underwater volcanoes some 200 million years ago resulted in the piling up of
extrusive or molten rocks causing the emergence of islands in the Pacific Ocean
 the continuing process of volcanism formed the structural foundation of the Philippines
 Pacific theory contends that a study of the nature of the rocks beneath the ocean and the
volcanic character of the archipelago made Dr. Bailey Willis conclude that the Philippines was
formed through the marginal and peripheral eruptions of the Pacific Basin. The eruptions of the
submarine volcanoes during the remote geologic past and the piling up of their extrusives
caused the emergence of the islands above the sea, giving rise to the Philippine Archipelago
(Salita, 1997).

 To prove their theory, scientists cited some evidences such as the elevation of Baguio City and
other nearby mountain areas where corals and old volcanic stocks (rocks formed under great
heat and pressure deep beneath the earth’s surface) are found.

3. Land Bridges Theory

 the formation of glacier in many parts of the world resulted in ice sheets to cover a great
portion of North America, Europe and Asia
 according to this theory, all the islands in the Philippines were connected to each other and
that others were even connected to nearby countries in Southeast Asia by land bridges
 They theorize that during the Ice Age or Pleistocene, about 250,000 years ago, the water
surrounding the Philippines receded to about 156 feet below its present level
 When the Earth got warmer and the icecaps began to melt, the water covered and submerged
the land bridges.
 when the ice melted, the land bridges went underwater, separating the islands from each other
and cutting the Philippines from the rest of Asia
 Scientists cite the similarity of the plants and animals in the Philippines to those of its
neighbors in Asia as evidences that prove their theory.
 These land bridges were between Borneo and Palawan; Borneo, Sulu and Mindanao; New
Guinea and Mindanao; and between Taiwan and Batanes
 As you can see in the map Batanes group of island looks like connected to Taiwan this where
part of Land Bridges before.
4. Asiatic Theory
 according to this theory, the Philippines was not part of the continental shelf of Asia
 it claims that two (2) processes of diastrophism namely, upfolding and upthrust faulting
caused the rising (or emergence) and formation of the Philippine archipelago, and all
mountains in the archipelago
 this occurred during the Paleozoic Era some 200 million years ago
 Asiatic holds view that the Philippines was once a part of the continental shelf of Asia. Dr.
Leopoldo Faustino (1928) stated that: The present land areas of the Philippines are merely the
higher portions of a partly submerged mountain mass…The outline of the Archipelago was first
marked at the close of the Paleozoic Era during the Permian Revolution when a movement of
the Asiatic land mass to the south caused the China Sea depression and crumpled the edge of
the continental platform. In other words the Philippine Islands formed the barrier that
separated the waters of the Pacific Ocean from the waters of the present China Sea.

 The present landforms of the Philippines have come about through the complex process of
diastrophism, vulcanism and gradation. These landforms are very much interrelated with the
origin of the Archipelago itself. The occurrence of tectonic earthquake is an effect of
diastrophism. The formation of elongated mountains such as the Sierra Madre and the
Cordillera is caused by diastrophism while the conical peaks are the result of vulcanism. Mt.
Apo, Mayon Volcano and Kanlaon Volcano are examples of volcanic mountains. The erosion
of the highlands and the consequent deposition of the sediments at the oceanic basin
comprise the process of gradation. It is gradation that generally causes the formation of minor
landforms, such as rivers, valley, lakes, deltas, hills, rapids, and falls. The deltas formed by
Pasig River and Pampanga River as they enter Manila Bay are the results of gradation
process (Salita, 1997).

 The location of Philippines on the western margin of the Pacific Ocean, which is comparatively
unstable segment of the earth’s crust may help explain the pattern of landform development.
The entire margin of the Pacific Basin from Japan to Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, and New
Zealand owes much of its development to the action of the forces of folding, faulting, and
volcanic activity. Geologists call this region as the “girdle of fire” or “ring of fire” because it is a
region of frequent volcanic activity (Salita, 1997).

 The geologic processes aforementioned resulted to the Philippines as an inverted Y-shaped

archipelago consisting of more than 7,000 islands and islets. These islands are commonly
grouped into three major divisions namely: Luzon; Visayas; and Mindanao. Its land surface is
crisscrossed by mountains and drained by small river systems.

Submitted by:

MST- Biology Student

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