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Verbal Communication and Non-verbal communication affects

the Emotion of the Grade 12 students in Psychological and


Dionezza Mae B. Marquez

Miguel Ojera

Chapter 1

Introduction of the Study

This chapter contains five parts: (1) Background and

Theoretical Framework of the Study, (2) Statement of the

problem, (3) Significance of the Study, (4) Definition of

Terms and (5) Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background and the Theoretical Framework of

the Study, discusses the circumstances affecting the

problem, presents theoretical framework which serves as the

backbone of the study, and presents the conceptual

framework, which discusses important concepts and the

interrelationships among the variables considered in the

Part Two, Statement of the Problem, states the general

and specific objectives for the study.

Part Three, Significance of the Study, identifies the

possible beneficiaries of the study and discusses the

benefits of each beneficiary that they could get from the


Part Four, Definition of Terms, introduces the

conceptual and operational definition of terms used in the


Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, specifies the

limits as well as the boundaries of the research in terms

of variable, participants, instruments and statistical

tools in the study.

Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

Communication is the transmission of message from the

sender to the receiver. This is the medium that we use in

order to share our thoughts and feelings. In communication

there are two types: Verbal communication and non-verbal

Verbal communication is an all-encompassing term for

communication involving words-whether they are spoken,

written or signed. We use verbal communication to inform,

whether it is to inform others of our needs or to impart


Clarification is a key component of verbal

communication. Often, we do not articulate ourselves

clearly and our words even actions are misconstrued. Verbal

communication helps to clarify misunderstandings and

provides missing information. Verbal communication can be

used to correct a wrong, where powerful words are more

effective than an action. It can be also used as a tool of

persuasion and creates opportunity for debate, stimulates

thought and creativity and deepens, and creates new


While non-verbal communication is body language,

gestures, our voice (tone, pitch, volume, facial expression

and even eye contact. This communication used to

communicate of those persons who prefer to hide their

messages. It is also helpful for those who are keeping a

secret and especially to those deaf people. This type of

communication speaks the loudest. Your facial expression,

gestures, posture, tone of voice and level of eye contact

are powerful communication. They can put people at ease,

build trust, and draw others towards you, or they can

offend you, confuse, and undermine what you are trying to

convey. By improving how you understand and use non-verbal

communication, you can express what you really mean,

connect better with others, and build stronger, more

rewarding relationships.

With these, the researcher is motivated to find out on

how verbal and non-verbal communication affects the grade

12 students of Filamer Christian University emotionally and


Figure 1 below shows the conceptual framework of the

study where the independent variables are verbal

communication in psychological and emotional, and non-

verbal communication in psychological and emotional and the

dependent variable is affects the emotion of the Grade 12


Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Verbal communication

Affects emotionally
Figure 1. A schematic diagram showing emotionally and

psychologically affects by verbal and non-verbal


Statement of the Problem

This study conducted to determine the verbal and non-

verbal communication affects emotionally and

psychologically the Grade 12 students of Filamer Christian

University for the school year 2018-2019.

This study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of verbal communication of the

Grade 12 students in psychological and emotional?

2. What is the level of non-verbal communication of

the Grade 12 students in psychological and


3. Is there a significant relationship between

Verbal communication in psychological and

emotional categories to Non-verbal communication

in the same categories?

Based from the above mentioned statement of the

problem the following hypotheses are forwarded:

1. There is a significant difference between the

verbal communication in psychological and

emotional categories and non-verbal

communication in the same categories that

affects the emotions of the Grade 12 students

in Filamer Christian University.

Significance of the Study

This study was undertaken because it bore importance

to the following stakeholders: students/friends, parents/

guardians, teachers, and future researchers.

Teachers. That the final result of the study would

make the teachers improve their teaching approach to their

students in order to decrease the alarming issue of suicide

and depression of the students. It will also enlighten the

teacher’s responsible for their actions and words.

Parents/Guardians. That the final result of the study

would make the parents/guardians of every student more

aware on what is their child’s emotions in every action

they make and words that comes out to their mouth. They

will also know that emotion level of their children and how

they cooperate with them.

Students/Friends. That the final result of the study

would make the students or their friend to determine what

is right and wrong in every action they commit and words

that comes through their mouth and on how they will be

responsible and to determine their friend’s feeling in

every aspects.

Future Researchers. This study would also be very

beneficial on the part of the future researchers who would

opt to study along this line. The findings would provide

them pertinent data in understanding better the nature of

the research endeavor that they are interested to work on.

Through this study, more extensive and broader studies may

be conducted in the future for this may be used as a

reference for future research endeavors.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were theoretically and

operationally defined for clearer understanding of details

of the study.

Teacher – refers to one who teaches, especially one

hired to teach.

Verbal communication – refers to the sharing of

information between individuals by using speech.

Individuals working within a business need to effectively

use verbal communication that employs readily understood

spoken words, as well as ensuring that the enunciation,

stress and tone of voice with which the words are expressed

is appropriate.

Non-verbal communication – refers to the behaviour and

elements of speech aside from the words themselves that

transmit meaning. Non-verbal communication includes pitch,

speed, tone and volume of voice, gestures and facial

expressions, body posture, stance, and proximity to the

listener, eye movements and contact, and dress and

Friends - refers to the person whom one knows, likes,

and trusts.

Family – refers to the fundamental social group in

society typically consisting of one or two parents and

their children.

Emotional – refers to of or relating to emotion: an

emotional illness; emotional crises.

Psychological – refers to mental or emotional as

opposed to physical in nature of or relating to or

determined by psychology.

Delimitation of the Study

The survey research attempted to determine the verbal

and non-verbal communication affects the Grade 12 students

of Filamer Christian University school year 2018-2019

The research instrument that is used in the study is

the survey questionnaire with the socio-demographic profile

of the respondents.

The survey questionnaires were also composed of 2

categories and 3 classified aspects.

The researcher selected One hundred (100) respondents

by using purposive sampling technique.

Purposive sampling technique is a sampling technique

in which the researcher relies on his or her own judgment

when choosing the members of population to participate in

the study.

The independent variables are verbal communication in

psychological and emotional, and non-verbal communication

in psychological and emotional and the dependent variable

is affects the emotion of the Grade 12 students.

This study used the following statistical tools for

the data analysis such as mean, Standard Deviation, T-test.

All inferential test were set at 0.05 alpha.

Chapter 2

Review in Related Literature

This chapter presents a review of related literature

and studies, which serve as guides in the conduct of this

study. This will give the researcher enough background in

understanding the study.

Chapter 2 is divided into 3 parts: (1) Verbal

Communication, (2) Nonverbal Communication, and (3)



The research described above is very beneficial for this

thesis, due to the fact that it contains the much needed

information for verbal communication and non verbal

communication. Also it describes a bit of psychology that

will help later on the results of the questionnaire. The

research relevance will also serve as a guide to this

thesis to get the much needed result.

Chapter 3

Methods and Procedure Used in Gathering the Data

The study was conducted on how verbal and non-verbal

communication affects the Grade 12 students of Filamer

Christian University. The focus of the study is to know how

responsive they are in terms of psychological and emotional

category by answering some question regarding the verbal

and non-verbal communication of teachers, friends and


In order to gather the necessary data, the researcher

utilized the descriptive method, using qualitative


Purpose of the study and Research Design

The purpose of the study is to determine the verbal

and non-verbal communication affects the emotional and

psychological of the grade 12 students of Filamer Christian

University S.Y 2018-2019.

The data needed for the study were obtained through

surveyed-questionaire. Where in the respondents answered

the questions. The questionnaire is composed of 2

categories, the verbal and non-verbal communications in

emotional and psychologically in teachers, friends and


This study utilized the purposive-sampling method of

research. A survey is a type of descriptive research that

aims at finding out answers to questions such as who, what,

when, where and how. This kind of research aims to describe

the current status or situation of the participants

involved in the study.

On the other hand, Purposive sampling is a non-

probability sampling method and it occurs when “elements

selected for the sample are chosen by the judgment of the

researcher. Researchers often believe that they can obtain

a representative sample by using a sound judgment, which

will result in saving time and money”.

The students every section who have been chosen in

this study accomplished a survey questionnaire to evaluate

their emotions both in verbal and non-verbal communication

in psychological and emotional category. The results of the

survey were then processed by computing the weighted mean

of each survey item.

This study used descriptive statistics such as mean,

Standard Deviation, T-test. All inferential test were set

at 0.05 alpha.



A total of One Hundred (100) Grade 12 students of

Filamer Christian University school year 2018-2019 as

participants. They were classified according to their

designated sections.

In determining the participants, they underwent a

stage sampling. This means that the total number of Grade

12 students enrolled in Filamer Christian University school

year 2018-2019 was taken from the office of the Senior High

School Department. The stage sampling wherein 10 students

represented in each grade 12 sections.

Data gathering instruments

Surveyed-questionnaires. A set of questions used in a

survey. The survey questionnaire is a type of data

gathering method that is utilized to collect, analyze and

interpret the different views of a group of people from a

particular population.

To interpret the result, the following scale was utilized.

Scale Description
15.21-19.00 Highly Effective
11.41-15.20 Effective
7.61-11.40 Moderately Effective
3.81-7.60 Less Effective
0.01-3.80 Least Effective

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure

The data which were gathered from the inquiry

were subjected to computer-processed Statistical Package

for Social Science (SPSS) software mean.

Mean. This was utilized to determine the levels of

verbal and non-verbal communication affects the emotions

and psychological of the respondents

Standard Deviation. Standard deviation was utilized to

determine the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the variances

in terms of verbal and non-verbal communication affects

emotionally and psychologically the respondents.

T – test for Independent Samples. This test was set at

0.05 alpha level and was used to determine the significance

of the difference between two compared groups of student-


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