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Shachi Bhavsar · 9687534498

International Institute of Information Technology - Bangalore Bangalore
Mtech Information Technology GPA: 3.7/4.0 July 2016 - June 2018
Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad
BE Computer Engineering GPA: 8.27/10.0 July 2012 - June 2015
Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad
Diploma Computer Engineering GPA: 9.1/10.0 July 2009 - June 2012
Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Board Ahmedabad
S.S.C GPA: 89.54/100 June 2008 - April 2009
Telstra India Pvt Ltd Bangalore
IT Developer(Media Sports Team) July 2018 | Present
Building, testing and deployment of microservices for Australian Football League. Working on Java,
Spring Boot, Junit, Pact Tests, GIT, BitBucket, JIRA, Bamboo CI/CD pipeline.
Dataweave Pvt Ltd Bangalore
Full Stack Developer(Product Team) Jan 2018 | June 2018
Developed end-end application for internal use of the company.Build Config manager to resolve config
editor conflicts between multiple users and log parsing and alerting for crawling fails. Worked on
ReactJS, Redux, Javascript, Python(tornado), MongoDB, GitLab.
Technical Skills
Programming Languages: Java, C
Web Frameworks: Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, Redux, Spring Boot, Jersey
Database: MySQL, MongoDB
Deployment Tools: GIT, Bamboo CI/CD pipeline, BitBucket, JIRA
Config Manager: ReactJS, Redux, Python, MongoDB
JSON editor to resolve multiple update conflicts, able to apply same config settings to different
accounts by drag & drop instead of rewriting it.
Facebook Prototype: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Jersey(REST api), MySQL
Social networking application which provides functionalities like managing friends, creating posts,
events and groups, messaging, time line etc.
HITHAM Application: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React Native, Java, Jersey, MySQL
Developed music player for Autistic children. Analyzed child's actions and song choice to understand
their behavior. Special color scheme UI in place of text.
Heterogeneous Data Sink: HTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Jersey, MongoDB, XML, CSV, JSON
A web application which solves issues related to heterogeneous data: multi-source and multi-format. It
generates schema from heterogeneous data and centralizes into single persistent storage and allows
CRUD operations to increase availability.
Optical Music Recognition: Python, OpenCV, Numpy
Applied pattern recognition techniques on Indian Classical Music sheets, identified bhatkhande
notations and generated music out of that in MIDI format.
Extra Curricular
1st position in “on the sport painting competition” of 3rd youth festival of GTU
Best Performer of Batch 2012 in Diploma Computer Engineering
HackerRank: Gold medal in Week of code 35, Bronze medal in World CodeSprint 13


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