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Echerichia coli bacteria


A large group of unicellular and simple multicellular organisms, lacking chlorophyll, which multiply through cell fission.

Until recently, all bacteria were grouped into a single kingdom of prokaryotes, Monera, which included both eubacteria and archaebacteria.
Eubacteria are distinguished by having very strong cell walls containing peptidoglycan. Archaebacteria lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls and
their genes are more similar to those found in eukaryotes than are those of eubacteria. The differences are so great that most biologists now
agree that archaebacteria and eubacteria should be assigned to separate kingdoms. In the new taxonomic scheme, eubacteria,
includingcyanobacteria, make up the Kingdom Monera, while archaebacteria, redesignated archaea, comprise the Kingdom Archaea (see life,

Shapes of bacteria

Types of bacteria: (1) cocci, (2) diplococci, (3) streptococci, (5) bacilli. Some bacteria possess hairlike flagella, for example (6) flagellate rods or (7)
flagellate spirilla. At (4) a bacillus is shown undergoing reproduction by binary fission.


The shape of bacterial cells is of fundamental importance in the classification and identification of bacteria. The majority of bacterial cells come
in three basic shapes: round, rod shaped, or spiral. However, they display a remarkable variety of forms when viewed microscopically:

Round (spherical) bacteria are referred to as cocci (singular: coccus).

Elongated or rod-shaped cells are known as bacilli (singular: bacillus).

Ovoid cells are something in between cocci and bacilli. These are known as coccobacilli (singular coccobacillus).

Spiral shaped cells can be one of two types: either rigid called spirilla (singular spirillum) or flexible called spirochaetes (singular spirochaete).
Spiral-shaped bacteria are distinguished by their length, the number and size of the spirals, and direction of the coil. Short segments or
incomplete spirals are common, as the comma-shaped Vibrios. The spirochetes of syphilis are typical spiral bacteria. Diseases caused by
spirochaetes include the following: syphilis, yaws, leptosporosis, and Lyme disease.

Square bacteria are flat and box-like, but can vary in their angular shape.

There are also fungal bacteria, known as actinomycetes, which grow like fine threads, called hyphae (singular hypha). A mass or group of these is
known as 'mycelium'. One example is Actinomyces scabies, which resembles fungal mycelia. Specialized reproductive elements produce conidia
(functioning similar to spores) that are eventually released into the air.

Bacterial cell walls

The vast majority of bacteria have a cell wall containing a special polymer called peptidoglycan. The cell wall lies outside the cell membrane, and
the rigid peptidoglycan is important in defining the shape of the cell, and giving the cell mechanical strength.

The bacterial cell wall is a unique biopolymer in that it contains both D- and L-amino acids. Its basic structure is a carbohydrate backbone of
alternating units of N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetyl muramic acid. The NAM residues are cross-linked with oligopeptides. The terminal peptide
is D-alanine although other amino acids are present as D-isomers. This is the only biological molecule that contains D-amino acids and it is the
target of numerous antibacterial antibiotics.
The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria (see Gram's stain) lies beyond the cell membrane and is largely made up of pepidoglycan. There may be
up to 40 layers of this polymer, conferring enormous mechanical strength on the cell wall. Other polymers including teichoic and teichuronic
acids also lie in the cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria. These act as surface antigens.

Properties associated with bacterial cell walls

Bacteria may be conveniently divided into two further groups, depending upon their ability to retain a crystal violet-iodine dye complex when
cells are treated with acetone or alcohol. This reaction is referred to as the Gram reaction: named after Christian Gram, who developed the
staining protocol in 1884. It may seem an arbitrary basis on which to build one's classification system. This reaction, however, reveals
fundamental differences in the structure of bacteria. Electron microscopy shows that Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria have
fundamentally different structures, related to the composition of the cell wall, amongst other things.

Cells with many layers of peptidoglycan can retain a crystal violet-iodine complex when treated with acetone. These are called Gram-positive
bacteria and appear blue-black or purple when stained using Gram's method. Gram-negative bacteria have only one or two layers of
peptidoglycan and cannot retain the crystal violet-iodine complex. These need counterstaining with another dye to be seen using Gram's
method. A red dye such as dilute carbol fuchsin is often used.

The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria lies beyond the cell membrane and is largely made up of pepidoglycan. There may be up to 40 layers of
this polymer, conferring enormous mechanical strength on the cell wall. Other polymers including teichoic and teichuronic acids also lie in the
cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria. These act as surface antigens.

In contrast to Gram-positive cells, the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria is complex. Above the cell membrane is a periplasm. This area is
full of proteins including enzymes. One or two layers of peptidoglycan lie beyond the periplasm. Gram-negative bacteria are thus mechanically
much weaker than Gram-positive cells. Beyond the peptidoglycan of the Gram-negative cell wall lies an outer membrane. This has protein
channels – porins – through which some molecules may pass easily. The outer side of the Gram-negative outer membrane contains
lipopolysaccharide. This provides the antigenic structure of the surface of Gram-negative bacteria and also acts as endotoxin. It is this that is
responsible for eliciting the symptoms of Gram-negative shock if it gains access to the bloodstream. Porins and Outer Membrane Proteins (OMPs)
act as transporters through the outer membrane.
























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Benefits of Bacteria

• Benefits > Science & Tech > Benefits of Bacteria |

Benefits Of

Benefits of Bacteria

Friendly bacteria are also referred to as probiotic s and they are found in the digestive system of human beings including the mouth, stomach and
esophagus. These bacteria mostly reside in both the small and large intestines. It is essential that you understand that the cleansing as well as the
protection of the human body is due to their metabolism. Friendly bacteria assist in regulating other harmful bacteria and fungi. If there are
more dangerous bacteria than beneficial in the body, then it will lead to the reduced production of enzymes and vitamins as well as the toxin
level. If these toxins increase, then it could possibly lead to kidney and liver diseases, artery disease, poor immune system and cancer. The
following are the benefits of bacteria.

1. Regulates bowel movement

Bacteria provide great assistance in the processing of the human body wastes. In fact, they reduce the total time taken by waste products to pass
through the body and thus assist in relieving constipation.
2. Helps in formation of vitamins

These bacteria assist in the formation of certain vitamins such as pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin, biotin and vitamin K among others.

3. Enhances the immune system

Friendly bacteria increase the production of antibodies. This is very important since these antibodies are responsible for fighting the dangerous
fungi and bacteria. This reduces the likelihood of getting certain infections and diseases.

4. Regulates hormone levels

The lack of beneficial bacteria in the body could possibly result in unbalanced and unregulated hormone levels. This can lead to prostate trouble,
irregular fat distribution, breast enlargement and hair loss.

5. Controls cholesterol levels

Bacteria assist in decreasing the cholesterol deposits in the bloodstream and also assist in the elimination of cholesterol through the bowels.
Without the assistance of probiotics, the cholesterol levels would rise and accumulate in the bloodstreams leading to further complications.

On the other hand, bacteria can be harmful in certain conditions. For instance, if someone is critically ill, then the bacteria might do more harm
than good in such a situation.

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