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Music is an incredible universe, in which, we can find an infinity of emotions, feelings,

something that perhaps we can not describe the time of listening or interpreting it, but it
moves every fiber of our body; confidence, pleasure, euphoria, calm, memories of moments
and places. These are just some of the varied and intense emotions and sensations that
music provokes in ours; our relationship with her is so great, that it is capable of altering
our emotional state, changing our mood, which is why it plays an important role in our life.
Music has been an important part of every human culture, both past or present. It can play
a part in brain development, learning, mood, and even our health. There used to be a
popular belief that music is processed in the right hemisphere of our brain, along with art
and other creative activities. However recent findings show us that music is distributed
throughout the brain. Through studies of people with brain damage, We have seen people
who have lost the ability to read a newspaper, but can still read music. Or individual who
can play the piano, but lack motor coordination to button their own sweater.

Today we know that music listening and performance engage nearly every area of the brain
that we have so far identified.
 One of the most common affects music has, is that it can alter our mood and
feelings, by stimulating the formation of certain brain chemicals.
Films director use music to tell us how to feel about scenes that otherwise might be unclear,
or to elevate our feelings at particularly dramatic moments. Think of a typical fight or
romantic scene in a film, it is the music that truly makes the scene epic. Also, our brains
respond differently to happy and sad melodies. One study showed that after hearing a short
piece of sad music, participants were more likely to interpret a neutral expression as a sad.
And if the melody was happy, the neutral expression was perceived as a happy one. Now
when we listen to music that we like, our brain releases a neurotransmitter called
DOPAMINE: Is chemical which causes feeling of satisfaction.
When you listening your favorite part of the song you get the same sort of pleasure that
you experience when eating food, so basically music makes us feel good. If you are having
a particular good day , listening to some of your favorite upbeat music can actually amplify
that feeling of happiness.
 One interesting thing is that when someone is sad, they often reach for sad music
and they find that it helps to feel better.
Why would they do that?
Why wouldn’t a sad person listen to happy music?
The reason is that when you are sad or depressed you usually feel misunderstood. Like the
people around you don’t understand you. If you would listen to happy music in this state. It
would only contribute to this feeling of detachment. However, if you put on the right piece
of das music you say to yourself That’s how I feel, this musician understands me! So the sad
music turns out to be soothing, un like to happy music when you feeling down.

 Can affect our exercise regime. As our bodies realizes that we are tired and wants
to stop exercising and relaxing. Listening to music competes for ours brains
attention, and can help us override those signals of fatigue and use our energy more

 Another interest point is that when someone listen to music the multiple regions of
the brain light up but what is more interesting is what happen in the musician’s
brains while playing an instrument, the whole brain lit up like sky with fireworks,
musicians have different brains than non-musicians. People who play an instrument
have bigger, better connected, more sensitive brains.
Like few other activities, the music involves the use of the whole brain. It improves memory,
attention, physical coordination and mental development. The classical music stimulates the
regeneration of brain cells.

Certain music improves the mood, intelligence, and concentration. It also improves the quality
of life and aids in physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. It helps in the treatment of
autism, dementia, Alzheimer’s, chronic pain, emotional trauma, mental disorders, and
depression. Music decreases anxiety, anger, stress, and frustration.

A study showed that children who had a least three years of instrumental music training
performed better than their non musical counterparts

How Does Music Affect Our Lives?

There have been many studies attempting to figure out just how music affects the human mind.
For example, why do different people like different kinds of music, what parts of the brain are
activated and if said parts are affected more or less by different kinds of music, and others.

Some of these questions have remained unanswered, and might stay that way for a while. One
thing, however, is for certain: music does affect our daily lives.

Just look at the simple facts. Most people listen to music. If someone doesn’t, they’re sometimes
viewed in a strange way. How could you not listen to music?

Music affects our emotions. When we listen to sad songs, we tend to feel a decline in mood. When
we listen to happy songs, we feel happier. Upbeat songs with energetic riffs and fast-paced
rhythms (such as those we hear at sporting events) tend to make us excited and pumped up.

Like few other activities, the music involves the use of the whole brain. It improves memory,
attention, physical coordination and mental development. The classical music stimulates the
regeneration of brain cells.

Certain music improves the mood, intelligence, and concentration. It also improves the quality
of life and aids in physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. It helps in the treatment of
autism, dementia, Alzheimer’s, chronic pain, emotional trauma, mental disorders, and
depression. Music decreases anxiety, anger, stress, and frustration.
Where do you think music came from?

When do you think it was started?

What type of music were first performated and notated?

I goin to talk about a short history if music?

What is the music for you?

I could answer that music for me is all, if some one ask me that question I said music is make us
feel alive, is rhytm melody and harmony, emoticon, heart

Have you ever asked what is the effect that music causes

How does the music affect you brain?

Music, a universe of emotions

Music is an incredible universe, in which we can find an infinity of emotions, feelings, something
that perhaps we can not describe at the time of listening or interpreting it, but it moves every fiber
of our body; confidence, pleasure, euphoria, tranquility, memories of moments and places ...
These are just some of the varied and intense emotions and sensations that music provokes in
human beings; our relationship with her is so great, that it is capable of altering our emotional
state, changing our mood, which is why it plays an important role in our life.

Have you ever wondered what is the effect of music on our brain?
The effects of music on behavior have been evident since the beginning of humanity. Throughout
history, the life of man has been complemented and influenced by music. Music has been and is a
means of non-verbal expression and communication, which due to its emotional and motivational
effects has been used as an instrument to manipulate and control behavior.

Music makes us cry, laugh and fall in love ... Unlike spoken words, music connects directly with
our subconscious, with the most primitive side of our brain, and is able to cause it to generate
endorphins, adrenaline or modify our serotonin levels. Music has had a preponderant role, at the
evolutionary level, in the sense that it is a universal language, which helps us to express what we
feel, and has always been a socializing element and present in all kinds of acts, rituals, ceremonies
or celebrations.

The pleasure of all these activities, including music, is 'fault' of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that
is secreted by the brain. It is part of the "reward system" that reinforces indispensable behaviors
for survival (looking for food), or that plays a role in motivation (getting money) and addiction
(consuming drugs).

Music can also produce this intense pleasure. Listen again to a song that we have not heard for a
long time, live intensely a concert, discover a new theme in the soundtrack of our lives. Behind this
feeling caused by something as abstract as music is also dopamine. There are studies that suggest
that our dopamine levels are up to 10% higher when we listen to music that we like. This shows
that people get pleasure from music, an abstract reward, which is comparable to what we achieve
with more basic biological stimuli.

’ve been thinking a lot to the purpose of music lately. I started reflecting on what music
means to me and its role it plays in my life. This role has changed in different moments
in life, but it’s a good reminder as to how people relate to music. It’s especially a good
reminder as an educator as to what music means to my students. This post is going to
touch that line of corny touchy feely garbage that as a man I avoid. For a moment I’m
going not worry about coming across as cheesy in an effort to reflect on the role music
has on the individual.

I asked my students the question “What does music mean to you?” The responses to
me were very mature and observant answers. I think music can be so hard to describe
and define, but it’s easy to describe how it affects us. Here’s a list of their responses.
“Music is one of, if not the most important aspect of my life.”
“Music is how I relate myself to the world.”
“Music means the world to me. It makes me think about how it relates to life and I love
the beats.”
“Music is a way to express yourself, keep you company while you’re alone, and always
give you something to do.”
“Music is everything, without music there is no purpose to a lot of stuff.”
“Music is a way to express yourself and your feelings. It’s something that I can go to
whenever I need it.”
“Music is a way to express feelings that might be hard to express otherwise.”
“Music to me is a source of stress relief. It helps me calm down or just to relax, on a
bad day. But on a good day, music just helps me get through the day.”
“Music is a way of expressing me and being able to relate to other people.”
“It can personify emotions in life if written well.”
“Music is a source of inspiration and expression.”
“Music wakes me up, gets me going, and is a way to add some more awesomeness to
every day.”
“Music means a lot to me. It is a way to express and release emotions. I love music that
on top of the fun beats, it can carry a message that is relative to real life situations.”
“Music is a nice thing you can listen to when you want to get out and just go into your
own world.”
“Music is my way to escape from the real world and just listen and let myself go.”
“Music is freedom. It’s everything. Music connects the world!”
“It is the expression of deep emotions and feelings.”
“Music calms me down, lifts me up and always makes me feel a certain way.”
“Explains things when words fail; Music speaks.”
“Music means something that’s inspiring and can match your moods”
“Music helps me connect to life.”

Again these responses are very insightful to me. It really shows the importance music
plays in their life. For some people music is the most important thing in their life. For
others it’s one of the ways they express their emotions. While looking at this list I
thought it would be interesting to simplify this list as to what I infer the students were
trying to say in its simplest form. Here’s what I came up with:

Music is ones identity

Music is ones world
Music is a drug
Music is a therapist
Music is how one shows the world what I’m feeling
Music is how one socially interact with humans
Music is entertainment
Music is inspirational
Music is a friend
Music is life

Some of these responses to me aren’t healthy. Making music your world isn’t
necessarily a good thing. I’m not questioning the moral values one places on music, but
on the importance music plays on society and the individual. As I look at my list I can
easily share example after example of how this has been true in my life during different
stages. It reminds me as I teach how important music is to our culture. It makes it
exciting to be a music teacher, while at the same time gives me a responsibility to show
the benefits of music in their life.

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