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I. Physical appearance 4. PERSONALITY QUIZ

1.Listen to the conversation between two people and ARE YOU CUT OUT TO BE AN
write the missing words for describing Toby and ASTRONAUT?
Sam. Answer yes or no.

Girl: Sorry I can’t come to the airport but Sam, my 1.I find it difficult to be on time.
brother, will be there. He’s quite tall and he’s gotE dificil să fiu punctual.
straight 1…………. hair- quite thick and long. He’s 2.I often try new and foreign foods.
got 2……… eyes and he wears 3…….......... Deseori încerc mâncăruri noi și exotice.
Boy: OK. Shouldn’t be too difficult to spot him. Tell
3. I often find it hard to make up my mind.
Sam I’ve got dark curly hair- it’s quite 4…………- E dificil să ma hotărăsc.
and 5…………eyes. I’m quite 6……………….slim 4.I don’t like to do things differently from how I
and not very tall. normally do them.
Nu-mi place să fac lucrurile diferit de cum le fac de
2. Personality adjectives p. 49 obicei.
Match each positive adjective below with a negative 5.I usually prefer to do things alone.
adjective. Prefer sa lucrez singur.
6. I enjoy sorting out problems and playing with
Positive adjectives Negative adjectives ideas.
1. happy a. dishonest Îmi place să rezolv problem și să mă joc cu idei.
7.I often feel inferior to others.
2. relaxed b. unsociable Mă simt inferior celorlalți.
3. stable c. unreliable 8. Poetry has little or no effect on me.
4. honest d. depressed Poezia nu are nici un effect asupra mea.
5. committed e. indecisive 9.I try to be humble.
Încerc să fiu modest.
6. sociable f. arrogant
10. Being honest is a bad way of doing business.
7. organised g. unpleasant A fi onest e un mod nepotrivit de a face afaceri.
8. decisive h. lazy 11.Play is more important than work.
9. humble i. disorganized Distracția e mai importantă decât munca.
10.efficient j. inefficient 12.I am efficient and effective at my work.
Sunt efficient în munca mea.
11.effective k. uncommitted 13.I often worry that things might go wrong.
12. strong l. ineffective Mă ingrijorez deseori că s-ar putea întâmpla ceva
13. reliable m. anxious rău.
14.pleasant n. unstable 14. I like to be where the action is.
Îmi place să fiu unde este acțiunea.
15.hardworking o. weak 15. I am often afraid to say what I think.
Mă tem să spun ceea ce gandesc.

3. Match a word from list A with one or more words from list B which have opposite meanings.
A. 1. aggressive 8. amusing B. a. shy h. unenthusiastic
2. good fun 9. good-tempered b.boring i. quiet
3. enthusiastic 10. easy-going c.passive j. cold
4. happy 11. romantic d. dull k. distant
5. interesting 12. warm e. bad-tempered l. moody
6. outgoing 13. reserved f. absent m. serious
7.relaxed 14. loud g. outspoken n. tense

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