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Lesson Plan in Health Optimizing Physical Education III

Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate understanding of dance in optimizing one’s
health as a habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment
performance, and as a career opportunity.
Performance Standard:
Leads dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
Learning Competencies and Code:
Describes how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved
performance PE12FH-Ib-c-2
Quarter: First Week: 2 Day: 2

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the learners are expected to:
a. Describes how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved
b. Execute the dance with energies, bodily and group shapes,
c. Internalize the different elements of dance to improve the performance.

II. Content

Subject Matter: Elements of Dance

Integration: Science: Body Movements/ Body Parts
Strategies: Dance, Skill Demonstration, Group Activities
Materials: SANAY Guro 2014 National Training Dance handbook
References: PE and Health II. Aparado R. Zyra Ruth .. Rex Printing
Company INC


III. Learning Tasks

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management (fix your chair, check your jogging pants and t shirt,
 Checking of Attendance
 How are you today? Did you eat your lunch already?
Review of Previous Lesson
Ask the students about their previous lesson
A. Activity

Show a video clips about dance

B. Analysis

What are the movements you observed from the video?

Why body movements are fundamentals in dancing?
Differentiate Loco motor and Non loco motor movement
Enumerate loco motor and non-loco motor movements?
Let the learners execute the loco motor and non-loco motor movements.
Process the activity….

NOTE: Ask LOTS and HOTS questions...

Don’t forget to process their answers

C. Abstraction. Video Showing

Elements of Dance
If possible download:

The human body is living in time and space, and it exhibits some effort. Thus, all
Movements occur in time, through space, and with effort. Since dance entails a lot of
Zmovements, it uses the very same elements, space, time and energy. these elements
are beneficial to anyone interested in recognizing, analyzing or creating movement.
The acronyms BASTE helps students remember the elements:


The renowned dance critic Walter Terry wrote, "No paints nor brushes, marbles nor
chisels, pianos or violins are needed to make this art, for we are the stuff that dance is
made of. It is born in our body, exists in our body and dies in our body. Dance, then,
is the most personal of all the arts . . . it springs from the very breath of life." *

In dance, the body is the mobile figure or shape, felt by the dancer, seen by others.
The body is sometimes relatively still and sometimes changing as the dancer moves in
place or travels through the dance area. Dancers may emphasize specific parts of their
body in a dance phrase or use their whole body all at once
Action is any human movement included in the act of dancing— it can include dance
steps, facial movements, partner lifts, gestures, and even everyday movements such as
walking. Dance is made up of streams of movement and pauses, so action refers not
only to steps and sequences, but also to pauses and moments of relative stillness.

Dancers may use movements that have been choreographed or traditional dances
taught by others who know the dances. Depending on the dance style or the
choreographer's decision, dancers may also revise or embellish movement they have
learned from others.

Movement can also be improvised, meaning that the dancers make it up "on the spot"
as they spontaneously dance. Movement that travels through space is broadly called
loco motor movement in contrast to axial movement, which occurs in one spot.

This is the area the performers occupy and where to move. It can be divided into four
different aspects, also known as spacial elements.
a. direction
b. size
c. level
d. focus

The movements in timing may be executed in varying tempo. Performers move with
the tempo of an underlying sound, known as beat or pulse. The timing can be varied
by moving faster or slower than the normal beat. When a sequence of a movement or
group of phrases is done in varying tempos, they generate rhythmic patterns.
Energy is about how the movement happens. Choices about energy include variations
in movement flow and the use of force, tension, and weight. An arm gesture might be
free flowing or easily stopped, and it may be powerful or gentle, tight or loose, heavy
or light. A dancer may step into an arabesque position with a sharp, percussive attack
or with light, flowing ease. Energy may change in an instant, and several types of
energy may be concurrently in play.

D. Application
Group Activities

Divide the class into 5 groups, Let them pick a simple movement of their choice such
as arm raising or bending. Explore the 5 elements of dance by doing exercise. Give
them 5 minutes to practice.
IV. Assessment/Evaluation

How you are going to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved
performance? Explain
5 4 3 2
Beginning Satisfactory Proficient Excellent MA
Effort Participates only Participates in Participates in Participates in
with strong dance. dance with a dance with
encouragement. Frequent positive attitude.enthusiasm and
Is easily reminders are Needs to be encourages
distracted and needed to reminded to others to
finds it difficult maintain focus focus at times. participate.
to maintain on the dance. Can stay focused Is consistently
focus. May and follows focused and on
distract others. instruction well. task and
others to remain
Level Uses little of the Uses some of the Attempts to use Uses all space
and space possible space provided. most of the provided,
Space for movements. Movement is space provided. vertically as well
Student limited to only At times uses as horizontally.
movement two levels. varied levels Uses all levels
experiences only within their within their
one level. movement exploration of
experience. movement.
Pattern Pathways and Uses one or two Attempts various Uses an
s and patterns are not pathways and pathways in extensive variety
Pathwa apparent in the patterns in their their movement. of pathways in
ys dance dance. Basic patterns their movement.
composition. are included in Incorporates
their dance well-defined
composition. patterns in their
Creativi Uses common Adapts some Explores a Explores
ty and and stereotypical options from variety of numerous
Interpre patterns others in their creative options. creative options.
tation borrowed from movement Takes some risks Willing to take
others. Goes beyond the in their risks in their
Uses familiar familiar to take a exploration. exploration.
patterns and small risk. Movements Movements are
movements. Movements show unusual highly original
Re-uses a simple repeat limited patterns and fair and carried out
pattern borrowed common variety. well.
from others or patterns and Movements
media. themes. highlight the
music in an
interesting way.
V. Assignment/Enrichment
Next meeting please read in advance about Dance Composition and Appreciation

A. No. of learners achieve 80%:
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation:
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson:
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation:
F. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did this work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me
H. What motivation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teacher?
I. No. of learners achieve 80%:

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