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Jesus & My City CDO Bible Study Module: Becoming God’s Heroes

Intro. & L. 1

Ice Breaker: Ask each one to draw their favorite superhero in a bond paper, and share what they admire about him/her,
without revealing the hero’s identity. Make the group guess who the mystery super hero is.

Series Introduction:

In today’s world where our concept of heroes usually revolves around what we see in movies and what we read
in books or comics, it is important to remember that there were real life heroes whom we can look up to, to be
examples of faith, courage and character in the Bible. More importantly, the Heroes of the Bible inspire us to follow
their example so that we can make a difference in our respective territories and also become worthy examples for
others to follow.

We are starting a new series for our Campus Life/Arrow/Family Life, entitled “Becoming God’s Heroes”. We will
journey through the Bible, and learn from the lives of the ordinary men and women who were just like you and I, but
were mightily used by God for His glory.

Topic 1- Abel: A Real Hero Honors God

Genesis 4:1-9


Unlike the superheroes we have drawn during our ice breakers, not all heroes have supernatural powers. In fact,
we too, can be heroes in God’s eyes. Just like a man in the Bible called Abel, who was one of the sons of Adam and Eve.
He is a hero because he genuinely honored God.

Read Genesis 4:1-9.

Abel and Cain were brothers. Abel was a shepherd and Cain was a farmer. One day both of them brought their
sacrifices to worship God. Cain offered fruits and vegetables, while Abel gave the best of his flocks. According to verse 4,
God accepted Abel’s offering of worship but did not accept Cain’s.

Today, we no longer bring offerings of animals or vegetable and fruits to worship God. Instead we go to church
to sing him songs and serve Him and His people through a ministry. But we also honor Him by what we do, whether as a
student, as a professional, as a parent, or child of our parents. Wherever we may be, and whatever it may be that we are
presently doing, it can be a way to honor God.

But as we have read from the scripture, there is a proper way to honor God. Today we will answer the question,
“What made Abel’s offering acceptable before God?”.

1. Obedience matters to God- Gen. 4:7. Abel did what was right. He followed God’s instructions on proper
worship. After Adam and eve sinned, God commanded his people to offer animal sacrifices. There should be a
blood offering. However, despite having known this, Cain still chose to offer vegetables and fruits which was in
direct disobedience to God’s command.
Jesus & My City CDO Bible Study Module: Becoming God’s Heroes
Intro. & L. 1

Inform the group that you can have a one-to-one Ladderized Bible study with them, so that they could further
understand why there was a need for an animal sacrifice. (For those who are willing, schedule the BS asap. Seize
this opportunity to share the Ladderized lessons.)

Application today: God wants us to honor him in the way we live our lives, by doing what is right. When we are
honest, kind, and when we live in integrity we honor God. If you are a student, God does not want us to cheat. If
we are professionals, God wants us to live rightly and with integrity in our offices. If we have families, God wants
us to love our families, serve them and be loyal to them. (Moderator can expound and add examples).

2. Excellence matters to God- Genesis 4:4. Abel did not just bring an animal. The Bible says that He brought the
best from his flock. He did not keep the best for himself, instead he gave it to God.

Application today: We are to not just simply do the things we do. We are to do whatever we do excellently.
That means we should give our best, whether as a student, professional or at home. God is an excellent God,
hence He deserves our excellence too. Colossians 3:23 says that whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Ask the group in what way can they be excellent in school/workplace/home?

3. Motive matters to God- Genesis 4:4. Abel brought his offering with a heart that wanted to please God. Although
it was not explicitly stated, it is clear that Abel’s heart was sincere in wanting to truly honor God that was why he
gave the best of what he owned. He did not keep the best for himself, but whole heartedly offered it to the one
who was more important than anything.

Application Today: Nothing is hidden from God. He sees our hearts. In fact, He does not need anything that we
offer Him. But God is pleased with whatever it is we offer Him when we offer them sincerely, with the right
heart and motive. When we do good, and when we give our best, we should always ask ourselves why? Are we
doing it just for others to see? Or are we doing it because we want to truly honor and worship the Lord?

Lastly, all these things mentioned above are also are applicable in our service to God through the church. We
should continually strive to diligently seek Him through His word and through prayer. Let us serve Him through
the different service teams with excellence and with the sincere heart.

Conclusion: A real hero is someone who honors God. If we honor God, then we are heroes too.

Verse to memorize: 1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory to God.

Question for discussion: In what way are you going to honor God as a student/ professional/ family life?

Challenge for the week: List down 5-10 practical ways you can give your best to God. Post the list somewhere you’ll see
it every day.

ajbo >^_^<

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