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Wind Pattern Recognition in Neural Fuzzy Wind Turbine Control System

Guangdian G. Wu Zhijie Dou

Geocontrol Systems, Inc. Department of Miilhematics, Physical Sciences
1720 NASA Road One and Engineering Technology
Houston. Texas 77058 West Texas A M University, WT Box 2043
Canyon, Texas 79016

A b s t r a c t - T h i s paper introduces a n e w by applying timely control if the wind condition is known

approach utilizing a fuzzy classifier and a to the controller in advance.
modular temporal neural network to predict wind In this paper, we introduce a fuzzy neural network
speed and direction for advanced wind turbine approach to deal with the wind pattern
control systems. The fuzzy classifier estimates recognitiodprediction problems. Since wind speed and
wind patterns and then assigns weights direction are two nonstationary chaotic time series, neural
accordingly to each module of the temporal networks are an appropriate tool to perform
neural network. The finite-duration impulse
response multiple-layer structure of the temporal
modelinglprediction tasks. To enhance accuracy and
network makes it possible that a static network reduce computationalcomplexity. fuzzy logic technique is
represents the underlying dynamics of physical suitable for pre-sorting wind measurements into specific
phenomena. Using previous wind measurements patterns.
and information given by the classifier, the
modular network trained by a standard back- 11. CHARACIERISTICS OF WIND FIEZDS
propagation algorithm predicts wind speed and
direction effectively. Meanwhile, the feedback The mathematical description of the wind pattern
from the network helps auto-tuning the mgnitionlprediction problem is to find an estimate i (1)
classifier. In general, the principle of this of the wind vector x ( t ) based on the previous n
approach is applicable to nonstationary time measurements x(t -Af). x(t -2At). . . . ,x(r -nAf), i.e.,
series modeling and prediction problems.
ii (0 =F[{x}l. (1)
I. INTRODUCIION { U } = {X(t), ~ ( t - A t ) ., . . ,X(t -nAt)}, (2)
The power-generatingemaency of a wind turbine can and At is the time interval between two measurements.
be significantly increased if the turbine's operation is and two estimates as well.
controlled based on the information of wind and wind It is found from the observations of the atmosphere
changes at the turbine location [l].However, this task is that the wind flow field is often irregular, either wavy or
difficult due to the fact that the wind and wind chauge turbulent, with the occasional occurrences of extreme
patterns vary from location to location,and from time to conditions such as hurricanes. Excluding the extreme
time. Different season and weather conditions also conditions. the wind vector x ( t ) is considered to be
contribute to this complication. For a specific turbine composed of a stationary wind u(t)plus fluctuations g(l)
location. the natural conditions having effects on the about stationary wind:
control system include wind intensity, wind direction, x(t) = u(4 + g(0. (3)
wind duration, wind gradient, diurnal and seasonal Both components are aerodynamic functions. It is noticed
changes, weather changes, and environmental that the average values of I&)l within a time period At are
uncertainties. Meanwhile, these elements are also coupled varying with value changes of At, while lu(t)l remains
with the turbine generator and COMected load conditions. independent of values of At. In the study of the energy
For conventional wind turbines. the control usually spectrum of wind speed fluctuationsin the atmosphere [2],
applies to their start/stop operation. For advanced it was found that the majority of the fluctuating energy is
turbines, such as pitch-regulated ones or variable speed contained at the macro- and micro-meteorological scales
ones,the control laws become sophisticated as more state with a region of low energy gap existing between them.
and control variables present. In general, to achieve Reference [3] suggests that the spectral gap for Af between
o p t i d or near-optimal control, i.e.. to maximize the 0.1 to 5 hours defines a convenient range for averaging
turbine efficiency and minimize the damage to the turbine period for which a stationary wind cau be referenced. This
hardware due to frequent starts and stops,the knowledge of implies that for an appropriately chosen A&,we have the
real-time in situ information of wind and operational approximation
conditions is a prerequisite. Furthermore. even the surface Z(f) Ti(& (4)
pressure and fatigue load on a turbine blade! can be reduced

0-7803-2125-1/94 $4.000 1994 IEEE 381

where the bar sign denotes the averaging over the time
period ( I - At, t).
For our recognitiodprediction purposes. we want to
choose a time interval At between two estimates such that
(i) a reasonable average value of x ( t ) can be found for that
interval; (ii) the fluctuation energy effects are averaged out
to the minimum extent; and (iii) the interval gives the
turbine control system enough time to adjust hardware
while avoiding high-frequency control maneuvers that
might cause hardware fatigue and control system Fig. 1. Fuzzy neural network
instability. Based on these consideration,we choose At =
5 minutes for the work described in this paper.
For clarity, we make a few simplifications: (i) the
wind vector x ( t ) will be replaced with a scalar x(t),
because a vector can be decomposed to its components;
(ii) wind speed measurement and wind direction IV. FUZZY PATTERN CLASSIFIER
measurement will be referred as wind data measurement Wind data measurements are a scalar time series
x(t), since they parallel in the mathematical description for denoted {x},
fuzzy neural network processing; (iii) only average values {x} = {x(t), x(t -At), . . . ,x(t -nAt)}. (6)
for both wind data x(t) and wind estimates j? (1) will be Easily, we can derive the changing rate of wind data from
used instead of instant values, therefore the bar sign will (6)as another time series {r},
be dropped, i.e., we denote {r} = {r(t). r(t -At), . . . ,r(t -nAt)), 0
X(l) =q t ) . (9 -
where r(t) = [x(t) x(t -At)] / At, and so on.
Based on the on-site measured wind data at a wind
turbine location. the fuzzy classifier first computes the
111. FUZZY N E W W O R K STRUCTURE total ranges of both {x} and {r}. Then, the total ranges are
As seen in (1). the wind pattern mgnitionlprediction scaled and divided into several categories such as NB,NS.
problem essentially is a nonstationary time series ZE. PS. PB. Thus, a fuzzy d e table can be formed.
prediction problem. The complexity of the wind pattern Each pair of wind and wind rate measurements will fall
recognition exists in two aspects, namely: (i) there is no into one of positions on the table, just as in fuzzy control
complete a priori wind information for a specific location. application cases.
Hence, the wind patterns are unknown in general; (ii) the
measurement information is accompanied by uncertainties. A. Time Averaging
The development in neural fuzzy technique provides us an As the first step of constructing the fuzzy classifier,
altemative and possibly better way to tackle this type of we decide the number of previous measurements to be
problems. used for recognitiodprediction by making a compromise
Fig. 1 is the schematic of the fuzzy neural network between computational complexity and prediction
for wind pattern recognition. The network consists of a accuracy. If the number is n , then we use the current
fuzzy classifier and a modular temporal neural network. measurement and n previous measurements:
The wind measurements are stored in a memory unit. {x} = {x(t). x(t -At), . . . ,x(t -nAt)}, (8)
Both the fuzzy pattern classifier and the modular neural {r} = {r(t). r(t -At), . . . ,r(t +At)}. (9)
network fetch previous measurements from the memory For the numerical experiments of this paper, n = 5.
unit. The fuzzy classifier estimates wind patterns from The average values of {x} and {r} are computed all the
the wind data and their rates and then assigns weights time as the input pair to the fuzzy pattern classifier.
accordingly to each module of the temporal neural Therefore, there is always a position in the fuzzy rule
network. Using previous measurements, each module in table corresponding to the input pair at each time instant.
the modular neural network predicts wind speed and
direction without communicating with each other. f i e n , B. Weight Vector Assignment and Initializatioti
their outputs are mediated by an integrating unit that uses The fuzzy rules the classifier takes are shown in Table
the weights given by the classifier. The underlying 1. The consequences corresponding to the antecedents are
consideration for using modular network is that a modular the weight vectors that are to be assigned to the modules
network conveniently utilizes wind pattern infomation to in the temporal neural network. A weight vector takes the
predict wind data more quickly and accurately. The form
network is featured by the finite-duration impulseresponse
(FIR) multiple-layer structure which makes it possible
Wi(O = [wil(Os wiZ(t).. . w i t r ~ ~ I ~ , (10)
where i ranges from 1 to m. the number of patterns. For
that a static network represents the underlying dynamics of the case of Table 1, m = 25. For example, if the average
physical phenomena. Meanwhile,the error feedback from values of the pair {x} and {r} fall into NS and PS
the modular network helps auto-tuning the classifier. respectively, the classifier takes w&) as its output.


NB WI w2 w3 w4 ws
NS w6 w7 w8 w9 WIO
ZE wll wl2 wl3 w14 WIS
PS w16 w17 wl8 wl9 w20
PB w21 w22 w23 w24 w25

For the initialization, we assign the ith element of Fig. 2. Structure of modular network
wi(0) to be 1. and all the other elements to be zero.

wi(O) = (0, . . ,O,

1.0. . . . (11)
ith A. Modular Network
The weight initialization implies that at the very Although a regular multiple-layer network can
beginning, each input pair of wind data is an independent conduct prediction job well in many cases, it is more
pattern connected to an independent componding module effective to use a modular network for the wind
in the modular neurai network. mgnitionlprediction task. The rationale for saying so is
twofold: (i) to exploit the pre-sorted pattern information
C. Auto-Tuning Algorithm given by the classifier, it is logical to assign an individual
The weight vectors are auto-tuned in the training module a prediction job in its IocaI "specialized" domain;
stage and during operations by using the information (U) a modular network takes less memory, requires shorter

contained in the error vector which is fed back from the learning time, and has better performance for this type of
modular network to the classifier. The error vector is prediction problems [4].
deflned a Fig. 2 is the structure of the modular neural network.

e(t) = [e,(t). %(t). . . . em(t)IT, (12) The input pair {x}, {r} is received by all the modules
simultaneously, and each module computes its estimate
2 i(t). The final estimate of the network is computed by
ei(t) = x(t) ii(t). i = 1, . . . ,m. (13)
Here, x(t) is the wind measurement averaged for time i(2) = Wi(t)T E (t). (14)
period (t -At, 2). i i(t) is the estimate for the same period Here, wi(t) is the weight vector corresponding to the
made by the ith module, and m is the total number of pattern found by the classifier, and ( t ) is the vector
modules in the network. whose components are estimates made by individual
Auto-tuning, i.e., the automatic adjustment of the modules.
weight vectors, can be achieved in a manner similar to
i (t) = [i !(t), i*(t). . . . , i,(t)lT. (15)
neural network learning. Different learning algorithms
can be applied leading to different utilization of modules.
For example, error COfTection learning changes a weight B. Spatio-TemporalNeuron Model
vector to let it have several nonzero elements (by In standard neural network analysis, a neuron is
normalizing, we always keep lwd = I), while competitive represented by a nonlinear model consisted of a summing
junction, an activation function, and a threshold. The
learning can only move the position of the element 1 model accounts for the spatial behavior of a neuron by
without producing more nonzero elements. incorporating a set of synaptic weights for its input
The fuzzy classifier auto-tuned on-line and in real signals. However, it is unable to be used effectively for
time performs the data preprocessing task, providing a temporal processing.
primitive pattern frame to the neural network. It also A finite-duration impulse response (FIR) neuron
suppresses the effects of wind fluctuation noise. model is used for the neural network here, as shown in
Fig. 3. Fig. 4 is its equivalent signal flow. The output
The center of this fuzzy neural approach is a modular YjO) = c~lvj(01, (16)
temporal neural network which ensures high accuracy and where cp[] is the activation function. and vj(t) is the
stable performance in wind prediction. As implied in its difference of the summed weighted input and the threshold
name, this network uses multiple modules to build ej,
models for different patterns, and applies time-delay P n
filtering technique to process time-varying signals. $2) =
hji (1AQ ui(t I&)& - 8j. (17)

Fig. 4. Signal flow in a FIR neuron

network becomes stable after initial training.

Fig. 3. Finite-duration impulse response neuron model Simplification can be conducted by letting them share the
same module to reduce the number of modules under
certain constraints.
Here,hji(t) is the impulse response filter. ~
from neuron i to neuron j . A t is the sampling period,
which we assume is equal to the time interval between Extensive numerical experiments havebeen d u c t e d
two estimates, p is the number of neurons in the input with both simulated wind data and real wind
side with respect to neuron j , and n is the number of measurements. For the sake of brevity, we present here
previous measurements we use for the neural network only the results of one step prediction i( t + At).
computation. Since nAf is a finite duration on which the The modular temporal neural network has 25 modules
spatio-temporal model behaves, the model is called finite- at the beginning, each module has two hidden layers with
duration impulse response (FIR) model [SI. the following properties:
We choose an exponential expression for the impulse (i) The input layer is just an input node;
response filter (ii) The first hidden layer consists of 10 neurons. and
each synaptic filter has 5 taps;
hji(t) = mji ,Lap(- $1. (18) (iii) The second hidden layer consists of 8 neurons,
where mji is the synaptic weight from neuron i to neuron and each synaptic filter has 3 taps;
j . andt is a time constant. (iv) The output layer has one output neuron which
C. FIR Network Structure The time interval for prediction is chosen to be 5
Using the finite-duration impulse response (FIR) minutes. The number of previous measurements used is
neuron model for all the neurons in the hidden and output 5. After the initial training, the number of modules
layers, we construct a FIR network which in turn is a usually converges to around 10 under certain appropriate
module in our modular network. The signal appearing at constraint conditions.
the ith synapse of neuron j is given by a linear Table 2 is a summary of the numerical results. It
combination of delayed values of the input signql as will be explained next.
shown by the convolution sum, as seen in (17).
A. Elperiments with Simulated Wind Data
D. Training and SimpliJhtion of the Network Tests were carried out using wind data generated by a
The network is trained by a standard back-propagation theoretical turbulent wind model described in [6]. Wind
algorithm. In the training process. we use both simulated speed is the combination of a stationary component and a
wind field data and real wind measurements as input- turbulence component simulated using the Monte Carlo
output pairs. The cost function at)to be minimized is method. The wind data last for ten days with the time
defined% interval At = 5 minutes.
Ut)= x(1) i(1). (19)
For median to severe turbulence. the fuzzy neural
network gives a prediction accuracy of 78.6 % for error E
It is interesting to notice that several wind patterns s 0.2 mls. and an accuracy of %.5 96 for E s 03 mls.
may have a great deal of properties in common,reflected
by the fac4 that they choose or assign similar weights to a B. Experiments with Real Wind Data
specific module in the network when the fuzzy neural Tests were carried out using wind data recocdedat the

TABLE 2 This approach is capable of conducting pattern
reoognition and parameter prediction for other weather and
E s 0.2mls E s 0.3 mls turbine operation conditions. In general, the principle of
Simulated wind speed 78.56% %SO% this approach is also applicable to nonstationary time
Real wind speed 83.07% 97.22% series modeling and prediction problems.

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