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Web 2.

0 Tools

Spencer Hancock

IDT 3600

Dr. Townes

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is an example of a Web 2.0 Tool and is very beneficial way of teaching.

It is set up for the teacher to be able to create an activity in which the students use either

their mobile device or their laptop while participating. The teacher creates his or her own

“poll” by being in control of creating a title for it, the questions and the answers. There

are different types of Poll Everywhere’s. Some example for the students to respond is

through Multiple Choice, Short Answer, or where different answers are on the screen and

you must select the right answer. The teacher can use this tool as a way to keep students

more engaged as they are learning but also having fun by “racing” other students to

answer the quickest. A competitive student would love Poll Everywhere as it is more of a

quick pace activity and you can try to answer the fastest. Some advantage of this tool is it

is fast pace, it is easy as far as instructions go, and it can be used in many different ways.

The URL for this Web 2.0 tool is


Another Web 2.0 tool is called Conceptboard. This tool is similar to a white board, but

instead of it being on the wall in the classroom, it is on some type of technology. It allows

students to see information in a different way as it is organized and explained on one

page. Is can be used as a tool to provide different ideas, charts, and graphs. The teacher
can use this tool to help students understand how things connect and has it laid out for

them for organizational skills. The student can use this tool as a guide while studying for

quizzes and tests as it shows information clearly. Some advantages are it being easy to

access and it keeps the students organized. The link is

Story Bird

This is Web 2.0 tool that allows students to create visual stories by making it their own.

They can create these stories however they would like by using different tools to make it.

The teacher can use this tool to help get students involved, as they are to create their own

stories. The student can use this tool to show their creativity in an educational way. Some

advantages of this tool is how the student can create a visual in their own way and that

they can also comment on each other’s work as they is also beneficial for the teacher and

students. The link is


Loopy is another Web 2.0 tool that allows students to create their own simulation. The

student can make a simulation by using different tools to help them make it their own.

The teacher can use the tool in a positive way, which lets the students create their own

simulation based off the information they know about the topic their making it on. After a

student creates one, he or she can use it as a guide for future studying on the topic. Some

advantages of this tool is how it allows the students to create their own simulation and it

also can be used for studying. The link is

Voice Thread

This tool is very beneficial as it allows students to be involved by letting them comment

on images and videos through texts or podcasts. By letting students be interactive with
another how can there be a restriction on what they comment? Well, teachers have access

to make groups for the discussions and also they can moderate the comments. The

teacher can use this tool to make sure the students are engaged with one another and

participating by commenting. Students can use this tool as an opportunity to interact with

other students. Some advantages are how the teacher can moderate what the students

comment and how it involves every student. The link is

Link to Prezi

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