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9225 A. Introduction

The significance of various coliform organisms in water has with acid and/or gas formation within 48 h at 35°C. However,
long been a subject of considerable study. Collectively, coliform there are also slow-growing and anaerogenic (non gas-produc-
bacteria (also called total coliforms) are considered indicators of ing) lactose-fermenting strains of Escherichia coli and coliforms.
possible inadequate sanitation, fecal contamination, and/or A new definition of coliform bacteria— based on enzyme-
pathogenic and opportunistic pathogenic bacteria. However, substrate tests—includes those that produce the enzyme ␤-D-
completely and accurately differentiating coliform bacteria re- galactopyranosidase to hydrolyze chromogenic substrates, such
mains a challenge. as ortho-nitrophenyl-␤-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) or chloro-
Until recently, the definition of coliform bacteria did not phenol red-␤-D-galactopyranoside (CPRG). This reaction gener-
include the genera and species of Enterobacteriaceae. The tra- ally occurs within 24 ⫾ 2 h or less at 35°C. When using
ditional definition of coliform bacteria, based on lactose fermen- chromogenic media, E. coli are defined as coliform bacteria with
tation with the production of gas, excluded some strains of the enzyme ␤-glucuronidase, which hydrolyzes 4-methyl-umbel-
Escherichia coli and included some strains of enteric pathogens liferyl-␤-D-glucuronide (MUG) to 4-methylum-belliferone, a
(e.g., Salmonella and Shigella).1 However, as a result of DNA fluorescent compound.‡
hybridization tests and other molecular methods, researchers A few coliform bacteria can grow under elevated temperature
now classify many species of Enterobacteriaceae as coliform conditions (e.g., 44.5°C), but up to 10% of E. coli cannot grow
bacteria.1– 4 There are 18 Enterobacteriaceae genera with spe- at an elevated temperature.5 However, many commercial and
cies or distinct biogroups that ferment lactose and produce gas traditional microfiltration methods incubate cultures at 35°C
during fermentation. Sixty-eight of the 134 named Enterobacte- with various enzyme/substrates to differentiate E. coli from other
riaceae (59%) are coliforms.2 These must be considered along coliforms. So, a requirement for thermophilic incubation would
with traditional coliforms (e.g., Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Esch- both be problematic and challenge the specificity of these meth-
erichia, and Klebsiella) during coliform differentiation. Informa- ods, many of which have been subjected to extensive validation.
tion on nomenclature, classifications, original literature citations,
and detailed information for genera and species in the family
Enterobacteriaceae and newly identified species, with their pub- 2. References
lication date, is available.†
Users must decide whether a coliform culture requires a pre- 1. FARMER, J.J. III, K.D. BOATWRIGHT & J.M. JANDA. 2007. Enterobac-
cise taxonomical identification due to safety, public health, or a teriaceae: Introduction and Identification. In Manual of Clinical
Microbiology, 9th ed., Chapter 42. Amer. Soc. Microbiol. Press,
regulatory requirement. This is not a normal practice in the
Washington, D.C.
standard water-testing laboratory.
2. BRENNER, D.J. & J.J. FARMER III. 2005. Family 1. Enterobacteriaceae.
A history of coliform bacteria identification and differentiation In Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd ed., Vol. 2: The
can be found in the literature.3,4 Other recent reviews1,2,4 detail Proteobacteria, Part B: The Gammaproteobacteria. Springer, Secau-
coliform differentiation and identification, and discuss the many cus, N.J.
variables involved. 3. FARMER, J.J. III, M.K. FARMER & B. HOLMES. 2005. The Enterobac-
Completely and accurately identifying coliform bacteria is a teriaceae: General Characteristics. In Topley & Wilson’s Microbi-
daunting task; an Enterobacteriaceae reference laboratory may ology and Microbial Infections, 10th ed., Vol. 2: Bacteriology, Chap-
be needed. A practical solution for a water laboratory is to ter 51. Hodder Arnold, London, U.K.
consider several coliform-differentiation methods, to word re- 4. JANDA, J.M. & S.L. ABBOTT. 2006. The Enterobacteria, 2nd ed. Amer.
Soc. Microbiol. Press, Washington, D.C.
ports precisely, and to include comments qualifying the reported
5. EDBERG, S.C., M.J. ALLEN & D.B. SMITH. 1994. Comparison of the
results (see 9225E for examples). Calilert® Method and Standard Fecal Coliform Methods, Report No.
In the following sections, both cited references and a biblio- 90647. AWWA Research Foundation & American Water Works
graphy are available for further information. Association, Denver, Colo.

1. Definition
3. Bibliography
Total coliforms are historically defined as facultative anaero-
bic, gram-negative, non-spore-forming rods that ferment lactose Topley & Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial Infections. 2006. 10th
ed., Wiley-Blackwell, New York, N.Y.

* Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 2011.

Joint Task Group: Margo E. Hunt (chair), Michael H. Brodsky, Archie J. Degnan,
Gil Dichter, J.J. Farmer, III, Peter Feng. ‡ E. coli may be confirmed via broth media (e.g., Sections 9221F and 9222G) or
† See Accessed September 2011. media incubated at elevated temperatures.


9225 B. Culture Purification

1. Procedure 9221B). Also, determine that the culture is oxidase-negative, as

noted in Section 9222.
A pure culture is essential for accurate identification. “Pre- If the colony yields an unusual or “unidentified” result, a
sumptive positive” tests for coliforms occur either in a broth contaminating organism may be present and the resulting bio-
culture tube (acid and/or gas production) or a lactose-positive chemical profile will not be useful.
colony on a membrane filter. For enzyme substrate tests, use a
test broth, which is positive. Both broth and membrane filter 2. Bibliography
cultures are often mixed—not pure— cultures. Streak a loopful PTAK, D.J., W. GINSBURG & B.F. WILLEY. 1974. Aeromonas, the great
of the liquid sample (or a colony) onto a plate containing a masquerader. In Proc. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conf.,
suitable growth medium (e.g., MacConkey agar) to obtain 50 to Dec. 2–3, 1974, Dallas, Tex., p. V-1. American Water Works
100 isolated colonies. Alternatively, produce a pour or spread Assoc., Denver, Colo.
plate with the culture to obtain 50 to 100 isolates (for details, VAN DER KOOJ, D. 1988. Properties of aeromonads and their occurrence
and hygienic significance in drinking water. Zentralbl. Bacteriol.
review Sections 9215B and C). MacConkey agar is ideal because
Hyg. B 187:1.
it is commercially available and causes colonies that ferment HARTMAN, P.A., B. SWAMINATHAN, M.S. CURIALE, R. FIRSTENBERG-EDEN,
lactose rapidly to turn red-pink, while lactose-negative colonies A.N. SHARPE, N.A. COX, D.Y.C. FUNG & M.C. GOLDSCHMIDT. 1992.
remain colorless. However, colonies of gram-positive and even Rapid methods and automation. In C. Vanderzant & D.F.
anaerobic organisms may be mixed with or underneath the Splittstoesser, eds., Compendium of Methods for the Microbiolog-
lactose-fermenting colony. After an appropriate incubation per- ical Examination of Foods, 3rd. ed., p. 665. American Public Health
iod (generally 35 ⫾ 0.5°C for at least 24 h), use a sterile needle Assoc., Washington, D.C.
STAGER, C.E. & J.R. DAVIS. 1992. Automated systems for identification
or loop to gently pick up a well-isolated target colony and streak
of microorganisms. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 5:302.
it on another medium (e.g., MacConkey, tryptic soy, or nutrient RICE, E.W., M.J. ALLEN, T.C. COVERT, J. LANGEWIS & J. STANDRIDGE.
agar plate) to ensure that the isolated colony is a pure culture. 1993. Identifying Escherichia species with biochemical test kits
Test one well-isolated colony via gram stain to confirm that and standard bacteriological tests. J. Amer. Water Works Assoc.
only gram-negative, non-spore-forming rods are present (Section 85(2):74.

9225 C. Identification

1. Approaches and many reference and public health laboratories still do.2
Although some laboratories prepare their own media from com-
There are many ways to identify strains of Enterobacteriaceae mercial dehydrated powders, most of the commonly used media
that are coliforms.1– 4 The most practical options for water lab- are available in commercially prepared, ready-to-inoculate glass
oratories seem to be screening tests, biochemical “tube tests,” tubes. Such tubes are recommended for QC purposes. The test
validated commercial identification methods (“identification typically involves inoculating each tube with one colony’s
kits”), and molecular methods. Each has advantages and disad- growth, incubating it at 35°C, and reading the results at 24 and
vantages. 48 h. In many reference laboratories, analysts often keep the
First, confirm that the presumptive coliform culture is a mem- tubes for 7 d to detect delayed reactions. Unfortunately, the
ber of the Enterobacteriaceae family. The dyes, bile salts, and media and tests are not completely standardized, and few labo-
other ingredients in agars and broths are selective when isolating ratories use the exact same formulations or procedures. The
bacteria. Ensure that the culture is gram-negative, oxidase- results for 68 “potential coliform bacteria” of Enterobacteri-
negative, and facultative anaerobic. Doing so will eliminate aceae in 47 tests can be found in the literature.2
species that could be confused with Enterobacteriaceae, such as Analysts then compare the culture’s biochemical reactions
Bacillus, Aeromonas, and Vibrio species that can ferment lactose results to charts or tables1–5—such as Table 9260:I—to deter-
with gas production. The following approaches ensure quality mine which Enterobacteriaceae species are compatible with the
control (QC) of the media and testing conditions (e.g., use results.
known positive and negative culture controls). The next step could be a computer software and database
analyses of the coliform culture’s biochemical profile. Computer
analysis can be a useful supplement to manual analysis because
2. Traditional Biochemical Tests, Computer Analysis, and of the “potential coliform species” in the Enterobacteriaceae
Screening Tests family. PIBWin* is a free identification program that can be

Many of the most commonly used biochemical tests for dif-

ferentiating coliforms are shown in Table 9225:I. All microbi- * See Accessed September
ology laboratories used to perform biochemical testing in tubes, 2011.



Percentage Isolates Positive in 1 to 2 Days†

Ornithine Decarboxylase

Cellobiose Fermentation

Yellow Pigment, 25oC

Lysine Decarboxylase

Sorbitol Fermentation
Lactose Fermentation

Simmons’s Citrate
ONPG Hydrolysis

Motility, 35–37°C
Indole Production

Methyl Red
Citrobacter diversus 35 96 99 100 0 99 99 0 99 99 95 0
Citrobacter freundii 50 95 5 100 0 95 20 0 98 55 95 0
Enterobacter aerogenes 95 100 0 5 98 95 98 98 100 100 97 0
Enterobacter agglomerans 40 90 20 50 70 50 0 0 30 55 85 75
Enterobacter cloacae 93 99 0 5 100 100 96 0 95 99 95 0
Escherichia coli 95 95 98 99 0 1 65 90 94 2 95 0
Escherichia coli, variant 25 45 80 95 0 1 20 40 75 2 5 0
Escherichia fergusonii 0 83 98 100 0 17 100 95 0 96 93 0
Escherichia hermannii 45 98 99 100 0 1 100 6 0 97 99 98
Escherichia vulneris 15 100 0 100 0 0 0 85 1 100 100 50
Hafnia alvei 5 90 0 40 85 10 98 100 0 15 85 0
Klebsiella oxytoca 100 100 99 20 95 95 0 99 99 100 0 1
Klebsiella ozaenae 30 80 0 98 0 30 3 40 65 92 0 0
Klebsiella pneumoniae 98 99 0 10 98 98 0 98 99 98 0 0
Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 0
Serratia fonticola 97 100 0 100 9 91 97 100 100 6 91 0
Serratia marcescens 2 95 1 20 98 98 99 99 99 5 97 0
* Modified after Farmer, J.J. III, 1985. Clinical identification of new species and biogroups of Enterobacteriaceae. J. Clin. Microbiol. 21:46. This list is not all inclusive.
† Reactions that become positive after 2 d are not considered.

downloaded and used with the “Colindale data matrix of Entero- preting results (sometimes read via machine with simultaneous
bacteriaceae”6 (a current option in the program). Although the computer analysis). Many of these miniaturized biochemical
matrix is now outdated, it still contains the most common coli- tests are AOAC International-validated. Most clinical and food
form organisms found in water. The Centers for Disease Control microbiology laboratories now use miniaturized identification
and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Enterobacteriaceae data matrix, kits to identify common Enterobacteriaceae cultures, including
which includes the more recently described species, will be coliform cultures isolated from water, but these assays may be
added to PIBWin in the future. less accurate for newly described species. Check the instruction
Screening tests can differentiate coliforms or confirm an iden- manual to determine which organisms are included in the data-
tification made via a commercial identification system or molec- base and the number of strains used to define each organism.
ular method. Table 9225:I lists useful screening tests, key reac- The main problem with identification kits is that the test panels
tions, and the properties of some of the most common coliform used (usually about 20) are insufficient to differentiate all of the
bacteria. Additional Enterobacteriaceae screening tests that may relevant Enterobacteriaceae species. (This is also becoming a
be useful for differentiating coliforms are available and de- problem with conventional tube tests, even when 40 to 50 tests
scribed elsewhere.2 are done.) Unusual or “unidentified” results may be tested with
another kit, which may have similar limitations. Alternatively,
3. Commercial Media, Reagents, and Test Kits the culture may be sent to a reference laboratory for identifica-
tion using molecular tests or 16S rRNA sequencing.
There are many commercial products (e.g., dehydrated media, When using identification kits to differentiate coliforms, keep
ready-to-use media, and reagents) and commercial identification in mind that their databases may not include some coliform
products (identification kits) for differentiating Enterobacteri- bacteria likely to occur in water. These kits and databases were
aceae and similar bacteria.7,8 Identification kits typically consist originally developed for use in clinical microbiology, hence may
of a plastic strip that contains a set of miniaturized biochemical not include all the coliform bacteria isolated from water.8 Note
tests, often those traditionally used for identification (indole that some semi-automated and automated identification kits are
production, Voges-Proskauer, citrate utilization, lactose fermen- now being developed for environmental samples.†
tation, etc.). The approach is similar to biochemical testing in
glass tubes, with the main differences being in miniaturization,
simplicity, ease of use, speed of analysis, number of tests avail- † Vitek, bioMérieux Inc., Durham, NC; MicroLog Micro station, Biolog, Bremen,
able, suspending medium, and the method of reading and inter- Germany; or equivalent.

DIFFERENTIATION OF COLIFORM BACTERIA (9225)/Media, Reagents, and Procedures

4. Molecular Methods Microbiology, 9th ed., Chapter 42. Amer. Soc. Microbiol. Press,
Washington, D.C.
Molecular methods can be used for taxonomic identification of 3. FARMER, J.J. III, M.K. FARMER & B. HOLMES. 2005. The Enterobac-
a coliform, including family, genus, species, serotype, clone, and teriaceae: General Characteristics. In Topley & Wilson’s Microbi-
strain and even potential virulence. These methods are imprac- ology and Microbial Infections, 10th ed., Vol. 2: Bacteriology, Chap-
ter 51. Hodder Arnold, London, U.K.
tical for routine coliform differentiation, but can be extremely
4. JANDA, J.M. & S.L. ABBOTT. 2006. The Enterobacteria, 2nd ed. Amer.
useful in research projects, epidemiological studies, or when a Soc. Microbiol. Press, Washington, DC.
definitive identification is required. 5. FARMER, J.J. III, M.A. ASBURY, E.W. HICKMAN, D.J. BRENNER & THE
One of the most accurate methods for identifying a coliform ENTEROBACTERIACEAE STUDY GROUP. 1980. Enterobacter sakazakii: A
isolate is a complete or partial 16S rRNA gene sequence that can new species of “Enterobacteriaceae” isolated from clinical speci-
be done by fee-for-service laboratories, which will provide stra- mens. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 30:569.
tegic sequence data.9 Such labs often can identify a coliform 6. HOLMES, B. & M. COSTAS. 1992. Identification of Enterobacteriaceae
species based on the sequence of the first 500 base pairs in its by computerized methods. In Identification Methods in Applied and
16S rRNA gene. A complete 16S rRNA gene sequence is more Environmental Microbiology. Blackwell Scientific Publ., Oxford,
accurate, but much more expensive. Typically, the commercial England.
lab will process the culture, sequence its genes, and put together 7. O’HARA, C.M. 2005. Manual and automated instrumentation for
identification of Enterobacteriaceae and other aerobic gram-negative
an identification report with technical details and a figure show-
bacilli. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 18:147.
ing the position of the submitted culture in relation to reference 8. CARROLL, K.C. & M.P. WEINSTEIN. 2007. Manual and automated
strains in the database. The per-test cost may depend on the total systems for the detection and identification of microorganisms. In
number of strains submitted and the “turnaround time” re- Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 9th ed., Chapter 15. Amer. Soc.
quested. Microbiol., Washington, DC.
The advantage of 16S rRNA gene sequencing is that it con- 9. WOO, P.C., K.H. NG, S.K. LAU, K.T. YIP, A.M. FUNG, K.W. LEUNG,
siders all Enterobacteriaceae, not just those found in human D.M. TAM, T.L. QUE & K.Y. YUEN. 2003. Usefulness of the MicroSeq
clinical species. When a definitive identification is required (e.g., 500 16S ribosomal DNA-based bacterial identification system for
in a judicial proceeding), this may be the best option. identification of clinically significant bacterial isolates with ambigu-
ous biochemical profiles. J. Clin. Microbiol. 41:1996.

5. References
1. BRENNER, D.J. & J.J. FARMER, III. 2005. Family 1. Enterobacteri- 6. Bibliography
aceae. In Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd ed., Vol.
2: The Proteobacteria, Part B: The Gammaproteobacteria. Springer, IVERSEN, C., L. LANCASHIRE, M. WADDINGTON, S. FORSYTHE & G. BALL.
Secaucus, N.J. 2006. Identification of Enterobacter sakazakii from closely related
2. FARMER, J.J. III, K.D. BOATWRIGHT & J.M. JANDA. 2007. Enterobac- species: the use of artificial neural networks in the analysis of
teriaceae: Introduction and Identification. In Manual of Clinical biochemical and 16sDNA data. BMC Microbiol. 6:28.

9225 D. Media, Reagents, and Procedures

In routine testing of drinking and waste waters, identification Colindale3,4 is based on a different set of media and methods (the
down to the species or strain is not a common practice. However, Colindale methods).
many laboratories are concerned with bacterial identification. The following are traditionally used media and methods; how-
There is no “standard method” for identifying Enterobacteri- ever, there is no biochemical data matrix or “coliform identifi-
aceae (coliform differentiation); all of the existing identification cation schema” that accompanies them. Use commercial media
methods simply evolved over 100 years. Likewise, the commer- and reagents to improve media consistency, reduce labor costs,
cial media and reagents available are also changing or being and increase quality. Include negative and positive controls using
modified, so keep the following in mind when choosing media, known stock cultures to ensure continued accuracy and reliabil-
reagents, and procedures. ity. Follow the QC guidance in Section 9020B for media prep-
If identifying coliform cultures via biochemical tests in tubes, aration, handling, and storage conditions.
remember that there are many variables involved. When possi-
ble, use the media and methods that accompany the chosen 1. Lactose, Sorbitol, and Cellobiose Fermentation Tests
“biochemical data matrix” or “identification schema.” For ex-
ample, one reference1 notes the reactions of more than 10 000 Suspend 16 g phenol red broth base and 5 g of the selected
strains of Enterobacteriaceae tested at CDC in specific media carbohydrate (lactose, sorbitol, or cellabiose) in 1 L reagent-
using specific test conditions described in a second reference.2 grade water, and stir to dissolve completely. Dispense in tubes,
On the other hand, the Enterobacteriaceae biochemical data filling each tube to one-third its length. Then place a small
matrix generated by England’s national reference laboratories at inverted vial (Durham tube) in the tube to determine gas pro-

DIFFERENTIATION OF COLIFORM BACTERIA (9225)/Media, Reagents, and Procedures

duction. Close tubes and sterilize at 121°C for 12 to 15 min. 5. Methyl Red Test
Store tubes in the dark (refrigeration preferred), and discard if
medium becomes discolored or evaporation exceeds 10% of The methyl red test measures organisms’ ability to produce
volume. stable acid end products via glucose fermentation.
To conduct a test, inoculate a tube with a loopful of growth a. Reagents:
from a well-isolated colony or slant and incubate for 24 to 48 h 1) Medium: Use buffered glucose broth. Dissolve 7.0 g pro-
at 35 ⫾ 0.5°C. Carbohydrate fermentation (acid production) will teose peptone or equivalent peptone, 5.0 g glucose, and 5.0 g
lower pH, causing the phenol red pH indicator to change from dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) in 1 L reagent-grade
red-orange to yellow (pH ⬍6.6). Alternatively, for lactose fer- water. Dispense in 5-mL portions in test tubes, and sterilize by
mentation, lauryl tryptose broth (Section 9221B.2a) may be autoclaving at 121°C for 12 to 15 min, making sure that total
used. heat-exposure time is no longer than 30 min.
2) Indicator solution: Dissolve 0.1 g methyl red in 300 mL
95% ethyl alcohol and dilute to 500 mL with reagent-grade
2. Ortho-nitrophenyl-␤-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG) water. CAUTION: Ethyl alcohol is flammable.
Hydrolysis b. Procedure: Inoculate 10-mL portions of medium from a
pure culture. Incubate at 35 ⫾ 0.5°C for 5 d. Then, add 5 drops
This test looks for the ␤-galactopyranosidase enzyme by hy- methyl red indicator solution to 5 mL of the culture and read
drolyzing the substrate o-nitrophenyl-␤-D-galactopyranoside. immediately.
Use one of the numerous commercial test kits and disks avail- A 48-h incubation period is adequate for most cultures, but do
able, or an ONPG-containing medium (Section 9223). not incubate for less than 48 h. If test results are equivocal at
To conduct the test, inoculate 10 mL ONPG broth with a 48 h, repeat with cultures incubated for 4 or 5 d. In such cases,
heavy loopful of growth from a slant and incubate at 35 ⫾ 0.5°C incubate duplicate cultures at 22 to 25°C. Testing culture por-
for up to 24 h. If the medium develops a yellow color— tions at 2, 3, 4, and 5 d may provide positive results sooner.
compared to an uninoculated tube or (preferably) a tube inocu- Results are positive if the sample is distinctly red, negative if
lated with an ONPG-negative culture—results are positive. In- it is distinctly yellow, and questionable if the color is a mixed
terpret tests of yellow-pigmented organisms with caution. shade.

6. Voges-Proskauer Test
3. Other Chromogenic Assays for ␤-galactopyranosidase
The Voges-Proskauer test measures organisms’ ability to pro-
The chlorophenol red-␤-D-galactopyranoside (CPRG) hydro-
duce a neutral product (acetoin or acetyl methylcarbinol) via
lysis test is similar to the ONPG test, except the color of a
glucose fermentation.
positive result is red to magenta. Similarly, X-Gal (5-bromo-4-
a. Reagents:
chloro-3-indolyl-␤-D-galactopyranodise) is hydrolyzed by ␤-ga-
1) Medium: See 9225D.4a1).
lactopyranosidase to yield a blue product.
2) Naphthol solution: Dissolve 5 g purified ␣-naphthol (melt-
ing point 92.5°C or higher) in 100 mL absolute ethyl alcohol.
When stored at 5 to 10°C, this solution is stable for 2 weeks.
4. Indole Test
CAUTION: Ethyl alcohol is flammable.
3) Potassium hydroxide, 7N: Dissolve 40 g KOH in 100 mL
Indole is a product of tryptophan metabolism.
reagent-grade water.
a. Reagents:
b. Procedure: Inoculate 5 mL medium and incubate for 48 h
1) Medium: Use tryptophan broth. Dissolve 10.0 g tryptone or
at 35 ⫾ 0.5°C. To 1 mL of culture, add 0.6 mL naphthol solution
trypticase per L reagent-grade water. Dispense medium in 5-mL
and 0.2 mL KOH solution. Shake well after adding each reagent.
portions in test tubes, and sterilize.
Results are positive if a pink to crimson color develops at the
2) Kovac’s reagent: Dissolve 5 g p-dimethylaminobenzalde-
surface within 5 min. Do not read after 10 min. Disregard tubes
hyde in 75 mL isoamyl (or normal amyl) alcohol, ACS grade,
developing a copper color as this represents a negative result.
and add 25 mL conc HCl. CAUTION: Reagents are both flam-
mable and corrosive. The reagent should be yellow.
The amyl alcohol solution’s pH should be less than 6.0. 7. Simmons’ Citrate Test
Purchase both amyl alcohol and benzaldehyde in amounts as
small as consistent with the volume of work to be done. The citrate test measures a bacterium’s ability to use citrate as
b. Procedure: Inoculate 5-mL portions of tryptophan broth the sole carbon source, using bromothymol blue as the pH
medium from a pure culture and incubate at 35 ⫾ 0.5°C for 24 indicator.
⫾ 2 h. Add 0.2 to 0.3 mL Kovac’s test reagent and gently shake. a. Medium: Use Simmons’ citrate agar. To make Simmons’
Let stand for about 10 min, and observe results. citrate agar, add 0.2 g MgSO4 䡠 7H2O, 1.0 g ammonium dihy-
Results are positive if the amyl alcohol surface layer is a dark drogen phosphate (NH4H2PO4), 1.0 g K2HPO4, 2.0 g sodium
red color; results are negative if the layer remains yellow. An citrate dihydrate, 5.0 g NaCl, 15.0 g agar, and 0.08 g bromthy-
orange color probably indicates the presence of skatole (a break- mol blue to 1 L reagent-grade water. Autoclave at 121°C for 12
down product of tryptophan), but it is not indole. Record as a to 15 minutes and cool tubes at an angle to form an agar slant.
variable result. Final pH after sterilization is 6.8 ⫾ 0.2.

DIFFERENTIATION OF COLIFORM BACTERIA (9225)/Media, Reagents, and Procedures

b. Procedure: Inoculate agar medium via the streak technique from yellow to violet or reddish-violet, weakly positive if the
using a light inoculum. color changes to bluish gray, and negative if the color remains
Incubate 48 h at 35 ⫾ 0.5°C. Uninoculated medium is green in yellow (unchanged). For a weakly positive culture, a drop of
color. Results are positive when the medium develops a blue bromocresol purple can be added. If the color does not change,
color; this indicates the metabolism of citrate and production of this is considered a negative test.
alkaline byproducts. Results are negative if there is no color
change. 10. Oxidase Test
The oxidase test determines the presence of oxidase enzymes.
8. Motility Test
Coliform bacteria are oxidase-negative.
a. Reagents:
The motility test measures whether an organism is motile in a 1) Media: Use either nutrient agar or tryptic soy agar plates to
semi-solid medium. streak cultures and produce isolated colonies. From these, obtain
a. Medium: Add 3.0 g beef extract, 10.0 g peptone, 5.0 g NaCl, the inoculum for oxidase testing on impregnated filter paper.
and 4.0 g agar to 1 L reagent-grade water. Adjust pH to 7.4, Cultures should be less than 24 h old. Do not use any medium
dispense in 3-mL portions in 13- ⫻ 100-mm tubes or 8-mL that includes a carbohydrate in its formulation. Use only tryptic
portions in 16- ⫻ 125-mm tubes, and sterilize. soy agar if reagent is dropped on colonies.
b. Procedure: Inoculate by stabbing an inoculating needle Tryptic soy agar:
5 mm deep into the center of the medium. Incubate for 1 to 2 d at
35°C. If results are negative, incubate another 5 d at 22 to 25°C. Tryptone......................................................................................15.0 g
Results are positive if there is diffuse growth through the Soytone .........................................................................................5.0 g
medium from the inoculation point. Results are negative if Sodium chloride, NaCl.................................................................5.0 g
growth is visible only along the stab line, and the surrounding Agar ............................................................................................15.0 g
medium remains clear. Reagent-grade water.....................................................................1.0 L
Alternatively, prepare the medium without agar and examine
pH should be 7.3 ⫾ 0.2 after sterilization.
a young culture via the hanging drop slide technique for motile
2) Tetramethyl p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride, 1%
organisms. Examine the wet-mount slide immediately; do not let
aqueous solution, freshly prepared or refrigerated for no longer
it dry.
than 1 week. Impregnate a filter paper strip* with this solution.
Alternatively, prepare a 1% solution of dimethyl p-phenylene-
9. Lysine and Ornithine Decarboxylase Tests diamine hydrochloride. Commercially available, single-use re-
agent ampules are convenient and economical, but use them with
This procedure tests bacteria’s ability to metabolize (decar- caution. This reagent is also available in little dropper bottles, with
boxylate) the amino acids lysine and ornithine. Use of commer- which analysts can add 1 to 2 drops to filter paper. Use tryptic soy
cially prepared medium is preferred for QC purposes. agar when the reagent will be dropped directly on colonies, because
a. Reagents: nutrient agar plates give inconsistent results; when smearing a
1) Media: Use a basal medium made according to the Moeller portion of a picked colony on reagent-impregnated filter paper, do
or Falkow methods. The Moeller method involves dissolving not transfer any medium with the culture material.
5.0 g peptone (Orthana special, thiotone, or equivalent), 5.0 g b. Procedure: Remove some of a colony from agar plate with a
beef extract, 0.625 mL bromcresol purple (l.6%), 2.5 mL cresol platinum wire, a wooden or plastic applicator stick, or a glass rod,
red (0.2%), 0.5 g glucose, and 5.0 mg pyridoxal in 1 L reagent- and smear on the test strip. Do not use iron or other reactive wire
grade water and adjusting to pH 6.0 to 6.5. The Falkow method because it will cause false positive reactions. Results are positive if
involves dissolving 5.0 g peptone, 3.0 g yeast extract, 1.0 g a dark purple color develops within 10 s. Test positive and negative
glucose, and 1.0 mL bromcresol purple (1.6%) in 1 L reagent- cultures concurrently. If liquid reagent is used, drop it on colonies
grade water and adjusting to pH 6.7 to 6.8. on the culture plate. Oxidase-positive colonies develop a pink color
For either decarboxylase test, divide into three portions: make that successively becomes maroon, dark red, and finally, black.
no addition to the first portion (the control), add enough L-lysine
dihydrochloride to the second portion to make a 1% solution, and
11. Yellow Pigment
add enough L-ornithine dihydrochloride to the third to make a
1% solution (for the Falkow method, add only 0.5% of the Observe isolated colonies on tryptic soy agar slants or plates
L-amino acid). After adding ornithine, readjust the medium’s pH (nutrient agar may be an acceptable substitute) incubated at 25 ⫾
to 6.0 ⫾ 0.2. Dispense in 3- to 4-mL portions in screw-capped 0.5°C for up to 48 h. Pigmentation often intensifies as incubation
test tubes and sterilize via autoclaving at 121°C for 10 min. A time proceeds.
floccular precipitate in the ornithine medium does not interfere
with its use.
12. References
2) Mineral oil: Use mineral oil sterilized via autoclaving at
121°C for 30 to 60 min, depending on container size. 1. FARMER, J.J., III, K.D. BOATWRIGHT & J.M. JANDA. 2007. Enterobac-
b. Procedure: Lightly inoculate each medium, add an approx- teriaceae: Introduction and Identification. In Manual of Clinical
imately 10-mm-thick layer of mineral oil to promote fermenta-
tion, tighten caps, and incubate at 35 to 37°C for up to 4 d.
Examine tubes daily. Results are positive if the color changes * Whatman No. 1 or equivalent.


Microbiology, 9th ed., Chapter 42. Amer. Soc. Microbiol. Press, 13. Bibliography
Washington, DC.
2. FARMER, J.J., III, M.A. ASBURY, E.W. HICKMAN, D.J. BRENNER & THE O’HARA, C.M. 2005. Manual and automated instrumentation for iden-
ENTEROBACTERIACEAE STUDY GROUP. 1980. Enterobacter sakazakii: A tification of Enterobacteriaceae and other aerobic Gram-negative
new species of “Enterobacteriaceae” isolated from clinical speci- bacilli. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 18:147.
mens. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 30:569. HEALTH PROTECTION AGENCY. 2007. Identification of Enterobacteriaceae.
3. LAPAGE, S.P., S. BASCOMB, W.R. WILLCOX & M.A. CURTIS. 1973. National Standard Method BSOP ID 16:2.
Identification of bacteria by computer: general aspects and perspec- MURRAY, P.R., ed. 2007. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. Amer. Soc.
tives. J. Gen. Microbiol. 77:273. Microbiol. Press, Washington, D.C.
4. HOLMES, B. & M. COSTAS. 1992. Identification of Enterobacteriaceae HEALTH PROTECTION AGENCY. 2010. Identification of Enterobacteriaceae,
by computerized methods. In Identification Methods in Applied and National Standard Method BSOP ID 16:3. http://www.hpastandard
Environmental Microbiology. Blackwell Scientific Publ., Oxford, Accessed
England. September 2011.

9225 E. Reporting Results

Precisely worded reports are essential because of the identifi- These are all typical and defining characteristics of Klebsiella
cation methods’ limitations. Specify the method(s) used and species.
provide comments. Note that careful wording of results will not
help an unqualified test. Below are some possibilities, with 3. Identification: Klebsiella oxytoca
less-precise identifications given first.
Comment: “High likelihood identification” based on biochem-
1. Identification: Klebsiella–Raoultella complex ical test profile determined by the ABC commercial identifica-
tion system (21 biochemical tests).
Klebsiella sp. identification is difficult. The two species of NOTE: This system is not sensitive and specific for differenti-
Raoultella were formerly identified as Klebsiella sp. ating all species in the genus Klebsiella.
Comment: This culture gave a “possible identification” based
on its biochemical test profile determined by the XYZ commer- 4. Identification: Klebsiella varicola
cial identification system (47 biochemical tests). Further testing
would be required for a definitive identification; please contact Comment: This was a “probable identification” based on a
the laboratory if this is needed. biochemical test profile determined via the CDE commercial
identification system (95 biochemical tests). It was later con-
2. Identification: Klebsiella species firmed by a partial 16S rRNA gene sequence (451 base) done by
a commercial laboratory (report attached).
Comment: Identification was based on the following screen-
ing-test results: 5. Identification: Klebsiella terrigena
• grew as large, pink, mucoid colonies on MacConkey agar
plus 30 ␮g per mL ampicillin; Comment: This identification is based on a PCR test our
• was a gram-negative rod with large capsules around the cells; laboratory developed based on a sequence of the rpoB gene. This
and research test is sensitive, specific for Klebsiella terrigena, and
• was non-motile, lysine decarboxylase-positive, arginine di- differentiates other Klebsiella species. These methods and results
hydrolase-negative, and ornithine decarboxylase-negative. will be published. Technical details are attached to this report.

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