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Hisror of tl1c T al»1~t)

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History of the Talmu

Volumes 1 & 2

Translated by Michael L. Rodkinson

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First published 1918

R published 2008 by Forgotten Books www·

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vi 11

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," " vii



"This is the introduction to Rodkinsons' translation. A history of the Talmud, starti g with its five hundred years of composition from the first to fifth centuries [AD], and its bitter persecution from antiquity, through the Reformation u to the 19th Century. Includes biographies of the dozens of a uthors who rote the Ta Imud, a nd a d eta iled bibliograp hy th rough 1900."

(Quote from

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TIME 115






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History of the Talmud

THE ancient authors used 0 begin the prefaces to their works with the proverb "5ephe r be 0 Ha kda mha kegn ph be Lo necha ma ha." which means "A book wit out a preface is similar to a body without a sou I"; a nd, indeed, th is prove b rema i ns foreve r true. At the time we began our translation of the Tal ud, we were aware that to the study of it a clea r preface wh ich shou Id ex la i nits natu re a nd the cha racter of th e sages mentioned in it was nece sary, as without it there would be great difficulty for students in catching the real meaning, and in some places the reader would be confused, not bing aware of its history and of the names mentioned--who these were and when they existed.

With this in mind, we had alre dy prepared the present work in 1897, when only a few volumes of our translation had been issued. Although we gave a brief general introduction to the first volume of the translation, and also some prefaces and introdu ions in the succeeding volumes, they do not suffice for the student who esires to have a clear idea of all that he is studying.

However, the translation has taken up so much of our time that it has hitherto been impossible for u to look up everything pertinent to our purpose that has been written a d to submit it in presentable form. Now, after the completion, with the Divine help of the two large sections, containing twenty-seven tracts, and in response to many inquiries from the reading public for some explana ions, we find that now is the time to put forth this work; and, instead of a ding two more volumes to the translation of the Talmud in the current y ar, we have decided to furnish the two volumes which form our "History of the Talmud."

It may be inferred that what wa written several years ago has had to be thoroughly revised and correct d, according to the literature which has a ppea red si nce that time. The e is a n old witticism, "Koshe Atika Me Chadtha"; i.e., "It is more diffic It to correct an old thing than to write a new one"; and, as a matter of fac , it has taken a great deal ohime to make the necessary changes and corre tions in what we had written. As a natural

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consequence, t e work is enlarged, and many chapters have been added since the issue f ou r prospectus. All th is conce rns the fi rst vol u me of th is work, as it rela es to the history of the Talmud only, as to which there has been little new information. True there have been some new dissertations on the Ta Imud in Germa ny, but they do not add much to ou r knowledge conce rn ing it, a d may therefore be ignored.

The second vol me, however, we have had to recast and rewrite. In this labor the wo derful work of that western light which was recently extinguished-- e mean the Rev. Dr. Mielziner--"lntrod uction to the Ta 1m ud, II wh ic has rea ched a seco nd ed ition a nd has bee n so favora bly received by all tudents of both continents, was of great service to us. As Dr. Mielziner's ork contains essentially all that concerns the Talmud itself, we resolved to take it as a text for our historical introduction, adding and abating as we eemed necessary. We have done so, also, with the second pa rt, "The Eth i s of the Ta Imud, II wh ich he a rra nged so ad mira bly. He re, also, we have a ded whatever, according to our knowledge, there was left for us to bring t the atte ntion of the reader.

Now, the work being finished, we regard it as a suitable preface to our tra nslation a nd one wh ich will en I ighten the u ndersta nd ing of the reade r in many places. t the same time, it seems to us to be interesting to the general reader who has neither time nor inclination for the study of the Talmud.

This is all we n ed say in the preface, referring the reader for more details to our introduc ion, which follows.


NEW YORK, Se ember, 1903.

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History of the Tal ud


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THE persecutors of the Talmud during the period ranging from the first century B.C., when it began to take form, to the present day, have varied in their character, objects and actions. In one respect, however, they all agreed, namely, in their general wish to destroy its existence. Careful consideration of its many vicissitudes certainly justifies the assertion that the Talmud is one of the wonders of the world. During the twenty centuries of its existence not one of them has passed without great and powerful enemies vying with each other and exhausting every effort to destroy it; still it survived in its entirety, and not only has the power of its foes failed to destroy even a single line, but it has not even been able materially to weaken its influence for any length of time. It still dominates the minds of a whole people, who venerate its contents as divine truth, and countless numbers have sacrificed their lives and their possessions to save it from perishing.

A review of its persecutors, before going into their history would not be amiss. They are the Seleucidae, in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Roman Emperor Nero, Domitian, Hadrian, etc., the Samaritans, the Sadducees, Boethuseans, the followers of Jesus, and all the sects opposed to the Pharisees.

Before the development of the Talmud had been completed, when hardly a single section had been arranged systematically and written down, it having been known merely as oral teaching in the mouths of the sages, and reconsidered and analyzed constantly by their disciples in the colleges, it was violently attacked. But no sooner had the Talmud been completed in Babylonia, and the Saburites had put their seal upon it, so to speak, deciding that nothing was to be added to or subtracted from, when Justinian decreed practically its death; that is to say, what amounted to the same thing, capital punishment to all those who were occupied in its study (550). Then followed the Karaites, in the days ofthe Gaonim, who seriously threatened its existence. Time and time again they triumphed over Talmudic Rabbis and were near making an end of the Talmud and of them. The Rabbis next encountered the Popes. From the time of Pope Innocent 111., the Talmud was burned at the stake in nearly every century from the

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History of the Talmud

11th to the 18th, in Italy, France, erma ny, Spain, and many other countries, and in the 18th, also in oland by the Frankists, by Bishop Dembovski, where copies were dragge through the streets of the city, tied to horses' tails and then delivered to he executioner to be burned at the stake in Kamenetz, Lemberg, Brody an elsewhere. In most places, before it was resolved what was to be don with Talmud, the Israelites were forced to dispute with its enemies, an had to pay heavy fines for arriving late to the dispute, as well as for being anquished in argument, the judges, being their enemies. Still what has be n the result? The Talmud exists today, and not one letter in it is missing. It is true, the persecutions against it are not yet at an end; accusations and alumnies by its enemies, under the new name of anti-Semites, are still di ected against it, while the governme nt of Russia legislates aga inst and re tricts the rights of the nation wh ich adheres to the Talmud. No modern p rsecutions, however, can seriously endanger its existence, and it would appear that the Talmud will also survive them and continue as long as t e sky spans the earth.

A desire to know all that has befalle the Talmud and all its vicissitudes since its inception would require the r ading of all the scattered passages in countless volumes which have been ompiled in various ages, languages, and countries. Its history, however, ha never yet been written by a single author. Treaties on the Talmud itsel, or on certain subjects contained therein, have briefly related part of its history, each according to the subject and the aim of its theme. Such re the works of Zunz and Gratz, the one dea ling with ra bbin ica I I iteratu re, nd the othe r writing con ce rn ing the history of the Jews. Similarly the histo ians of the world, relating in detail the occurrences of every century, h ve briefly made mention of what ha ppened to the Tal mud in each centu . Even in the yea r there a ppea red a pa mph let entitled "An klager u nd Vert eid iger des Ta Imud" (accuse rs and defenders), by Dr. B. Kurrein, of Fran fort-on-the-Main, apparently giving the entire history of the Talmud from ts origin to the present time, but it contains only dates (and not even th se in full) and not occurrences. No mention is made of Karaites, who pers cuted it in the times of the Gaonim, or of the Frankists of the 18th century of its fate during the 15th century; the Pfefferkorn and Reuchlin episode i mentioned only in part, and by no means satisfactory to the reader curio s about the details, not to speak of the Rohling-Bloch, at the end of the 1 h century. It is, indeed, a matter of astonishment that hundreds of books ave been written about the Talmud by exponents of all sects and in all a es, to say nothing of the extensive modern literature dealing with the Tal ud in whole or in part, amounting

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to thousa nd ';. I'ubli-sned in the I

T .almud. 10 pu nrtu ~I.!'mat.i11.!' a nd a .a medern lAngUAge. of tne vli::is!pl'lud'.!"!! !Ot.ulng Ihl.!' ea uses

wrill ng of a volu me e a nd lime would no we will do our du have ra Ice n polin'!! Ilkewl!ioe to n.aml.!' I

n censtra In'.!'d to b I.!'n out of f:l1AD.!'. but i:=id I.!'nt would 1I.!'.ad

i:=on~I.!'ntlou!ply. an nOI on '.!"Itl.!'ry oeca 0 OU' fsees, but on Iy w

written on tn ls topl 'I.!'I.a11 ng to It of Ine Ihl.!' pa mf:lhlet wI.!' h will find .an IIl'Xpla n Ita n'!!lAllon of Ine .a made It as lucid '!! i:=,itli:=ism!p that n.a f:lubllcatlon 1'1 ad fl

I as tne e:w:re n'!!NI.!' I HI.!'rrfl.!'ld. Gtaeu. ion of thl.!' book thl.!'


ne !PAml.!' Ii a fu II introd uetl n, We

avored to n:! ply to ,jod lea ls '!!ince Ih


e 1 I n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I I

_. foraDltom1.noh.lII1 I ·-·TI----

~EW "tORK AUGUST, 1 9 3-

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou




THE na me ·wrinen I Wi' W

Hasiosra.,ha, a nd at

I'~e';." r.:on';.i';tins r.:OIT1

Torah a lone wa';. a.,.,lierJ to th reserved fer the orat ta ide nrir.:al; na me lv, "reach in I' or I' (Oeut .. ;llJlJl:i, 1 9 I, anrJ reach it the that is to ';..jJy that the tea her'';. law-; an rJ ord ina rices until the c we.-e r.:onvel";..jJnt with the by h

what W(J';. 'StylerJ by a 10 ph r

worrJ rJe-sisnared a II the co the Pha risees had begu n t

he meani u y. I' Still. b ren of 1'5

F igu ratjye i nrel']:l.-etation A'S';.e mblv when it'S membe

Sama rita rrs, their invere.-a tancn of the teil:t., wh ich, them, TI'I1!p 'StudV. ho~V'.!' • eom Ih'.!' Sa n ned,in. or frem Ih t of I Ih'.!' tI.!',m AMi'.!'mb II WeI !ppread into eve ry rnlllllg'.!' ne,'.!' gu Ida nee of cong'lIlgatlon • wit ,'.!'I.allng 10 d'.!'.an .and un san. inte'f:I''.!'led tne bibl lea I pa ~!p ea lied - pn.a,is'.!'e,!! .. 11 TI'Ie Sa ('!!'.!'e Af:lf:I .. No .. 1). obJeaed

wh'.!'nlll'lt'.!'r tney tne f:lo , .. A

them bu rned Ine I, Ie rnpl • dev force of .a,m'!! 10 rnndutt tham Pharl!ioe'.!'!p. Inough ne him If In h·

urated i to keel' t em';.el\l , who arJh red to ion of the Phal'"ise i:=ed to

!p .ai:=i:=o,di g 10 Ih i:=ame .a Sad uee'.!'.

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou




re wbir.:n e re iD of the ';.er.:onrj IT1 pie narj be n ',;- h h priest (see AI'I'- .2), and the I' - I.!' ha rl!ioee!io and n disj:lul'.!"!! are Ion 0 tne law_ From hI.!' tlml.!' of A

d p.a!P'SI.!'d from I.!' de!iO:!nda nt'!!

nre Ihl.!' j:lo!P'SI.!'!P'S n of tne Ma ou'!!I.!' of zadok., !!!ga n to d iffI.!" ne To rah, a nd I I.!':t:j:llain Ihl.!' I nded a d I '!!I I nCl !ioeCl. !Otyll.!'d •

- 1'1 tne pha rl!ioe s .and Ihl.!'1 r t'.!'a

all tn nish the fa ily of narj bee a 1'50

I.!" that DD.uh '!!hould n

DD.aln law by 1'1 Tel Imud 1Ogl.!'1 e in!rt Ihl.!' Tel I m ntil tne tlml.!' of Imon ben Sne us ._ (Joha th High P,ie'!!l) , eir 0 s, and tne era I w 'IJI\a!io thl.!' .a e r h leadersn I p of Je 1'1 u.ah b. Pr.a!:h - • ne T .almud w.a Ine n !rtudil.!'d i , Owing 10 1'1

itlon of Ihl.!' ddu!:'.!'e!io. ma n

I.!' Talmud of Ih pha rl!ioel.!'!io, F a Ihl.!'1 r I nt'.!"j:I' tal meaning of

a II Ihl.!' lett'.!'rs

e utelv nl!O:!!P'Sa ry tne undl.!'

I.!"I.!' only 10 add 10 0' su btr.aa lsh n.a WCI'!! nOI '!!I.!'j:la r.are and a y .an!:ienl Ml!ioh as .alre.adv '.!'XI , rhe Pha risees ud ierj the ani

Ding '!!ubj imon D, S eta 1'1 all col '!! of

o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm Boou -.~ob.DI1


adderJ (see pp, 0- 41 to the..." n e;ll:pla i erJ the bi bl~ reil:t';., wa-s e ntitlerJ ral w, 0 ,-shortly,


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou




sen, lsetis, tact that - Polytheis:to; their prie -sase'S- F.-o the mora r

'Wa';. ';till in ei(i'5te nee, to transler th ir 1'1.0111- 10 tne _!pnOP'S_" R.abban Gamall'.!'llh (N.a!pI) '.!'I"!!'.!'i:uted bV Ine m.. and I'll with ma ny '!!ag'.!'!p, Tn us. if R_ Jon.ana petitlon'.!'d e'!!pa! 10 !PPA''.!' tne



e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU


_. foraDltom1.noh.lII1

I I·-·r-----

Tn us hI.!' st dV of tne T m d lou,i'!!hl.!'d Te rnpl • .altn ugh De!:oet - 1'1

hi'!! da • R, J ha D, z.ak d. no doubt,

nl.!'O:! amon

wiln Ihl.!'Ta mud Ihl.!' m rde,I.!'

rmln'.!' Ine y d'.!'emed influl.!'nce n ned,i In J a mn la, on. at ne I, hI.!' d. re'!!tOred uj:! 01 ars In I e j:!1.a!:'.!"!! of

r thl.!' d'.!"!!t'u Ion of tne nd de!; r.are ruggle'!!_ All i'!!j:!UIl.!' IIh Sad UD.!''.!''!! .and t'!! .ako; fer .altn ugh tne!:oe IS frem ne tea nlng of Ine - 1'1 Ihl.!' ha rl!:oe s and Ihl.!'1 r oDIig'.!' 10 inl dU!:e m.anv

l'IJIIitn'!!t ding 1'1 '!! offi!:e of d ad'lll.!' a rlss, w.a!; liege and


itt'.!' n I.a W lI.!'a rn d to ness oj:!in 10 mulll plied.

!Ole,' ehara rs diffl.!'red

r.are ee lege!;, Thu!; V two nie'!!. and s of more I.!"I.!' i'!! no inte,na I

n!:I.!' wll of ee u r'!!e • .a11l.!'1 at heir nead.

I of H II I. bUI a I!PO I.!' of Hi I.!'I''!! had no haC

- htly

!;plillnlo I'IJII f tne Talmud psrm !ned. Ih Ta Imud V e I.!'m a I fe

union. thl.!' w ole f.ab,ic: wi 10 pie!:'.!"!!. a

dimin I 1'1, Tn 'I.!'fore tne sa I.!' of !rtrove not 0 Iv to de!:ide 10 de I.!'I.!' th I thl.!' wo,d!; 0 va I we t all- And what a

beta they '5u~erJec:l1 - ,

10 tne tme Ihl.!' te!:nlng what

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


a II the trcubl


ut In th'.!' long ru hIllY did '!!ui:i:~

I nflueni:'.!' of tn .almud. fer

ppositlon only n II!d to !pInk me

!P dOCl,ine'!! (H.a k a'!!). 1I.!'g'.!'nd'!! ( rst i:'.!'ntu ry it 'IJI\a Ih'.!'m a '!!ub eir 'Stronghold. ev we,'.!' oecu pi

re!ioe nt; it 'IJI\a!P tn I taellt'.!'!p. wn Ich

Ing nd ini:re.a!plng th'.!' rn.a d 1!P'!!'.!'n!plon!p and e Inl tne h'.!'.an!p of th'.!' nd era ls, AI tne '.!'nd '.!'i de'St'ovI!N:I Tem pi'.!'; it wa'!! nd n ignt, II 'IJI\a!P on wh'.!'n Ih'.!' eatam llie!p pol .and Ih'.!' '!!!:an'.!'red eele les of voke of th'.!' Rom ns. 10

e zm DIJ'DIIm Boou





rhe Te m Ie narJ been we.-e rJearJ; tn

sors tn rouSh n of the TelT11:11 d wno tarfeite

causes of the the I:I.-ah i ition by the 0 whe.-ein lone the Je

learnins u IrJ they enie

l:Ienalty rJ been dec

.-el i,giou';. rJy and cbse

them of t ei ... only sou f;:_ Aq iba a';. the fim to towo. inc· ins the 1'S ... aeli ';.

';.(J'l'iou'" 1'S ... ael had ari

therefore that Had rian. cente nt .-ely with the intent a I on the rJe'5t1"U for killi ns a II the 'Sase'S


many of hi I'tins 0 n Iy h i ';. a d e'5ta bli'Shed

it'( by T ... aja n an yea rs n-olT1 tn ese taunrJer; onto us only b u ah. "fi';.n bab tn e ealee .... Hana n ia IlT1urJ. and wn _ h joy at bei

n at thi'S time wa u y of the To ... a h in the ir ncuses ut a'S the dear e IT1 se I ve'5 wit

ibition rJel:lrive by ea ... I(or.:hba rJ n-olT1 town

e th.-ane. wa';. n a I mud, but wa I to find a erete t if any of the 01

r Is.-ae bath shou IrJ be .,ut

ce -shou rJ be d e'Stl"Clyed, be r vins n the T Imud 'WOu IrJ be furs !P nd lu m moty b'.!' oblMtat.'.!'d

I '.!' T .almu '.!':w:is«!d Hili:!''.!' w.a!P I

.and f~ling su ~ In '.!'pt. a live. ne thus tne wr 1'1 of th'.!' '.!'n'.!'my _ I liat'.!' Ih I, vengea nee_· And I I ,~ hu d,I.!'d i,on la ness, 'S tn

'.!' do rinas of tne za k ai and alse f om R, ALlib.a.

th'.!' Blbl'.!' (w pop la rltation of t nly (fo, Ine A royl.!'d a'S '.!'ar wno had b

G,~ k a I!PO i:onuib ted '.!'ry long a'S Ih'.!' Tor.ah as In h'.!' of Ih'.!' tIm'.!' of Etr.a ad R.abba n Ga m.aliel h'.!' EI b.ably '.!'V'.!'n du,ing ne lif

rs Inl'.!'rp~t.'.!'d it. in heir • ALl u II.a tne Pro'S'.!' h'.!' d lsel pI'.!"!! of R_ J ha n.a Blbl'.!' I nto G~'.!'k_ Tn 'S V'.!' Ion




~iDn many lJa'5!platlon Ivtne ma !Pen •• as for x.amj:lle.whi 1'1 tne sta ue·worsn I

ul.!'_ !:II.!' it Ih,'.!'e o:! gl.!' and Ileni:I.!' of d witno t uoubll.!' f

Jesus (M ';.'5ianiml-who IiJlKe '5 --ber.:a U'5e tbei r e';.'5ia it: pi rit 'Wa';. fl Iv rJi'5.-e,ga rtled Rom n • baea U'!!I.!' all IIl'Xpre!P'!!ion!p

DI.!'ltv 'I.!' tra n'!! In a flgu r.aINe

Ihl.!' rd '; -tne glo of tne terd,"

nun~ na ens, w 0 fou nd no vii in it. In eer 'WCI'!! Ihl.!' ole ea '!! of In I.!' de!p eeh of o:! risers T alm d. nd Ih

v. I 'Study n Ihl.!' hi'!!m of Ine Tel 1m ud

.adl.!'r I I.!' !p11y convin d of Ine great u • Fo, no ve r of that j:lI.!"jod I as from lu interna I foe'!! • as If l'.!"!!tifie . (See .above. p. d bUI .a '!! on ''.!''!!j:lite. for

nd on Iy "1'1 much uouble In indui:1 g R_ Simeon D. tillon Ihl.!' !PA' to 'I.!' Ihl.!' Tel Imu • thev effeaed

n- (.a dl.!'m n. ac:c:o,ding to It'.!' of this. d u rl ng tn ls verv I.!'rein J'.!'W!P had I.!' 'Study of tne bo,I.!' Ihl.!' f'uit

e zm FDlJ'Dllm Boou


T~ TH o CE~T
The -satre ,th commen rs of the Talm rJ, d iffere n .jJ'5 to the
el'or.:h w en t e Talmud .sa n to be wrin n rJown. of Spain,
anrJ thei r.:oll asue-s an i';.CiI'Ie';., -sairJ t at it had rderJ from
notes po s rJ since I';. had be,gu n n lsraet, before Ft.
Jehudah lal"';. of F.-a nee, mons tn
a';. writte n till he cornpl
hool ad u
01.51 rs nave lT1arJ a cornp en the-se
that rJurins t first ce
sinnins had t Icen nore
p€I"';.eCU nos arJ at tnei
(see AI'I' No. jill felt tha eir live';. were i
reacnins in crer and r.:onr.:eal it fro
Pnari'5ee s.-a rerJ per ';.ion fer tn i-s (
tor'bidde to S oral law) th n the nu an uscri pt';.
ber.:ame I"'f en f;:- Jenudah t e ~';.i r.:a I''f the seat
of his ta ne.- uthority ( in njoyerJ the
mend-shi of who wa-s in 1'0 J, ve.-erJ tnat
t.-olT1 the mu rees the forest ould net e
the muir ude of the Mi a';. the I'eople h rJ Io'5t -s-
thereto .-e IverJ to pile, selecn ns ut ot all
yeth, anrJ to
lndeed, tavo.-ab Ie to t i';. unde he Talmud
enjoyerJ .511 anrJ he Jewi-sh
follov.r.e of I e Me~ia lIl'!!u!io. billga n .n ual DI'.!'nd wiln
tne fe ,'.!' I ne wno ado d tne new cree flue i:'.!' on tnei,
Dreth,'.!'n who pe!rsl!rted I Ih'.!' old f.aitn ill h met wiln e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


11 ....

of opinion a mons tn s ... a ndfathe ....

Ih'.!' T mud, t e seheel Hill'.!'I' '!!IIII tn de!:,'.!''.!' w '!!

Ine law in aeeerda n of nunv of tne ~'!! 0 wh'.!'n .n v.uian!:'.!' wit. h'.!' 'WCI'!! d'.!'f:lo!iled for '.!' we re .a~'.!'mbled fou iew of thi'!!. a nd it. w.a of Ih'.!' m Ino,ity. shou I t'!! .and tne ~!P of 1'1 I of In Ing'!! conlin ued til 1'1 mighl b'.!' aO::'.!'f:lled 1'1 Ing opln lens, '!!llgnti

n of Ih'.!' de!:i'!!ion.

Tne!ile ond d - I!:ulty w.a!P doarl es a nd I W'S. ·m.anv

10 be nnl!O:!'!! tV or Imf:l of d I, tt .af:lf:lr Ion (fo r

!ileaio '!! of M- hnayoln; Vl.!'n If w

~ r.a I I.!'d. III if '.!'lIe n ene u nd red

Ih'.!'m '!!i:w:l-

h'.!' nu~ of ineongruou l'.!'le. and ethers fou n re bOlh an bbi fou nd '!!ix 1'1 u nd re tn ls n u mbe r ls no llght I.a!pk to ,'.!'du

Tne t

u Iry w.a!P as Ih'.!' !P b] a had been '!!Iud led In diVl.!' in d l.alea 0' I nguag'.!'. II ne Mi n.aVOlh had 10 b'.!' mad

I, d la lea. Ad ed 10 all t ls, h'.!' '!! fo,!:I.!'d 10 elear tn

bV th'.!' Me'!!!pla n l!rt'!!; fo O!ile a Ilia nee witn Ih'.!'l !:ould not have f.ail'.!'d r opinion .and be liefs


R'.!'a'!!o !:omf:l Mi'!!hn yotn e

Wl.!'re p.a~ag'.!"!! in In now i!p it. possible eha h'.!' 1'1 l'!!tory of ,!pr.a'.!'I. an , !:'.!'ntu rlss, '!!nould n '.!'refo,'.!'. !:on!:lude eha any reference to tn e new faith- In this h

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


• for he new beforeha nd tna:t the Mish pon wn i h J udaislT1 anrJ tn e TallT1urJ sbe it 'WOu IrJ be many, ear.:h inrel']:l II 'IJI\a!; dl.!'I.!'med b'.!"St by hlm 10

nt. 10 I.!'at II a'S tnough it. had no '.!'XI

a strong w II. wne n enee ne had 1"e!ioOlved I a II d Iff" llie!; v.anishl.!'d. He wl.!'nt from

n naar. I plaoss wne,I.!' thl.!' g'I.!'.a1 m.a!rte IhlllY .'S uoundl.!'d hlm a'S eeeks of 1:il.!'ln I!; resel lion. .and wllh Ihl.!' hl.!'lf:I of 1'1 I m

PAIn I I.!' hI.!' WeI flna Ilv I.!'nab 1I.!'d to arra ngl.!' in rde

h conde n I.!'d frem hund,I.!'d'S_ Eai:h !P'.!'al

_ ens and Ihl.!' tract'S .a,I.!' a'S foil

ds.» Thl.!' ge!n'.!'r.a I su bJI.!'tt of Ih • hl.!'.aV'.!' offl.!'rlng'S. lithl.!'!;. Ihl.!' 'Sa of Ihis !ioeClion hI.!' f:l1.a!:ed tne t

WI.!"!! to is Ma kl.!'r lIl'Itl.!'ry morn Ing, begl n n 1'1 eh eom I.!'nce'S thl.!' d.aV .ai:i:o,ding to Ihl.!' J

dlll'ltore .a 'SI.!'f:la r.are ltactl • .and I ncidl.!'nt.a , Ihl.!' he I" .a'f!io. a nd of mou rn Ing du,ing In utyof App.


-4. " n of D.a agl.!"!!_" "Tn I!; !ioeClion Ifl.!'.al!; of I.a

'S. 0 I e f:lI.!'n.a1t s whic:n tne eou rt may p'I.!"!!i:,i ram I' nherJrin I' "Penaltie';."

oflhl.!' d inlO

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou II

1 1


1 1

.; but a';. e fi i'S d jyirjed ';. mply d anrj third erhs

S_ ne Sea- n of Sactl.!'d 1'1 I ngs I rstlings (!:Iek 0 and I.!':t'.am In tlon

!p) divided in ne w.aV al u hie red .ani

dll!f Iemenl!P .and pu rlfli:a lens dll!f lemenl f v@!P'SI.!'is (MI ). latlng 10 .a N" ah (

IIh Ihl.!' su JI.!'tt of spscla I to es tne nts (A 1'10101 ). I.!'K: .•

he ar ngl.!'d.all thl.!' rs, a n !:aIled 1'1 I'!!

I.!'llglon and ciwll

na]. LI.!'. I.!'a n Ing

d. II and f:I eba Diy u sha It t'.!'ac: tham na Toh,oh) whicn Ine Mi!pn n I'!! an


men, .and ini:lt'.!'!p

su I.!'ded i imp.aning I nOI ing ls bl.!' .addl.!'d I dl.!' h.Is n

ultimate nd TO'!! f:I netn we,I.!' and wn" 1'1 in m.anv f:l1A nayotn, tnese r.:olle,g ';. bus d them

""- nayotn and with ea h CIt er, rhe cceunted

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


oth by -sayi n8 ttl one ';.p.D another meant a lice

on'.!' and

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I



e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



c IT1lT1entators of intent on IV on e r found, to in conformity witn t e chaff, i,e. to hy of con-side raFt, Hyya and f;:, re others who nayotn anrj the e ,(See AI'I'. No, the Mi'5hna, to CI trace law,;- to i-shna and what se If at d iffe.-e n t

• =-i.. U
'- ..
iI:t';., witnout ador IT1 with eJJaS8e nos- Thousn in the
d the S'J'IiiJn, as the 8a bylon ia n co le,ge';., the.-e we.-e
who .jJ';.'5i';terJ ea nrJ wmlT1ent"; on
eh. Ihl.!' Pa 1I.!'! I Ba bylon in tn ls
in Ihl.!' fo,ml.!'r Ih In tne colll!d..ion of
houl profound , I.!'f:! r me.aning!p .and
on • even in tne !rtudy me,I.!' MI!pn n.a 1'1 a II of whii:n 'IJII.a'!!
nil Ihl.!' manner of st n tne B.ab~n lan eels, Ind'.!'ed. Ihl.!'
re Infe rio, 10 I 10 n la ns in sehe le f:!,ofu nd Iry an d
u I!pned Ihl.!'m!Pe I.!"!! hl.!'rein. exo.!'f:!1 R_
I.!',iod, ThI.!',lI!fo'I.!' •
of Pa 1I.!'!'.!'. seh I.a f Ilttll.!' v.alue • .and
udy of H a la khas fel e dei:ay. se th t na Ily Ihl.!' Hagad.a
c:.aml.!' py tne f:!,inc:lf:!a I I.a hI.!' has h Id ng .a '!!ubo,dinat'.!'
positle d Ilion 10 tn ls, tn Ihl.!'m'!!I.!'ive'!! ee 11I.!'d to givl.!' tneir
Ihl.!' te:w:r I.!' Me'!!!pla n lsts. w e had g'own in
!rtrued tne!Pe Ie Diy 10 en rlstia • and eha III.!'ngl.!'d
d I!ppute wllh Ihl.!' I.!'fore. Ihl.!' '!!ag und Ihl.!'m'!!I.!'ive'!!
tne f:!,II!fl.!"I.!'nc:e I.!' '!!tudV of Ihl.!' !"Jc: If:! 'I.!"!! .and Hagad.a_
ml.!' tne imf:!'I.!'!ps1 gl.!'ne ral 1'1 tnO'!!t important
I.!' '!!tudV of Ine To on H.alak ha. II ls
that Ine sa byl 'I.!'!:e lved as thl.!'
I.!"!!!Pe ntia I pa rt of I Law. whill.!' In I f P.ale'!!tlne hl.!'ld .a
de'!!i:rlbe aecu r of thinking .and
n Ing of thl.!' T .aIm on Iy to one wno
hI.!' !rtudy of hls I !P I.!'.a!pII.!". noweve give .a plau,I.!' of
s' vieW'!! and nOI .a gatne'I.!'d fm H.agad.a_ In tn ls
agad.a of tne Pa I inl a Imud i'!! '!!uf:!I.!'rl r of B.ab~lon.
Dlnh in Pa 1I.!'!'.!'. n !P bouowed I by Ihl.!' Ba bylo·
nlans, , The tatter ca n

I.!' eenrents we,I.!'

I Ihl.!' Tel I mud • .and '!! to thelr va luI.!', as con'!!i!rt of two

n of Ihl.!' thoug ne ltad Ilion. .and

y oshadowed to h ir.:h constitutes

derJ into th.-ee Ir;i dos: "P'shat, I' the

lat'.!', in v.a,iou!p M pe,iod thl.!"I.!' w.a a Ine m and !;Ome

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


';.; ·0 a-sh/, a f e unt am-

i' ." the de 1;:1 bese th re kin

e ia. Hie ronymu'!!. Ch

pas !P in Ihl.!' H Ible In ao::

on it as Ba'!!ili !P of

n rna ny hers wn con'!!! ued

e Hag d.a. Tne era I

cend a nlm'!!I.!'1f tow.a

al wi In I'!! mor I law In .a

!P .a Hagad.a i!p Inll.!'r nn'.!'r a d igre'!!'!!ion !P in'!!I.!'rt.ed In II. Tn

s. rl.!'fe,I.!' eas .anv !ioY'!!II.!' or 0

a n.a and

'!!ubje I.!':w:Ir.a ne

thl.!' T Imud. wh wive


lI.!'ar II or com lied ugh. aeeo Ing Ine '.!'d bV R. J hanan and rJ yeal";. efore the

ud of Pal ine Wa'5

e 1 I n FlllJ'Dllm Boou

II i

ndurJec:I on Iy i ilT1e of A nan, th

ubsrantiarie n,

ma Ini In Pa IlIl'Stine .a

d u ntl It ,'.!'am'.!'d Ine adde 10 tne mud

eence in Cltn aos';.ert- nos to be ~'.!' din th'.!' as not em loved 10 d S~ia. be u'!!'.!' th'.!' st. 1:1 ut in t e lim'.!' of P.aIe!rtIM ( 0 0ppo'!!'.!' eflhilln an Ih'.!' Ilk'.!'. r word'!! 10 '!!tOm.arv '

almud. a r all Ih'.!'

n. a Ib'.!'it il eonta lns In I rtv·!j.@ n. as will _ Thi'!! i'!! ow ng to Ih'.!'

a'.!' • .an Ih'.!'re ls .allry. as re rds th'.!' of .ab~oni.a.

Ite, _ For Ih reasen. sreus, the gh it wa'!! In th'.!' cell g@!P, Th'.!' !pIn!:'.!' th'.!' de.aln of h of Hili'.!'!. ne la'!!t of d to e:w:i'!!t ( 60), Tnl'!! a IlIl'Stine '!! '.!'ad less of Ine a Imud in In of Ra DD (223) lill m (500). - vear'!!. th

to it'!! polill I flowe,I!ppo'!!'.!'d 10 h'.!' JeW'!!. rea'!!on tn '!!tudV of

'.!'a and Pu beditn.a. sands, (Th T .almud !P as 12.0 ,) And se mighl_ R_ '!!hi (355· g, '!!'f!rtema It I ng .and

'.!' of Su r (Matn.a


equa I !PA!:red n fl'.!'.ak of tn ls fu dditlon!p. i!p m u

mara on two a IIl'Xpla I ned) and fragm'.!' et that tne d lse '!!!ioion of t

d. as wa'!! th'.!'n '.!', on ,) T e DU I of tne P.ale'!!tln that of tne aa bylon ets (t rrv- nine in'!!t'.!'.ad eha '.!'r'!! of ether tra Mi'!!h

oV'.!',nm'.!'nt 'ul'.!' bhi • .and tne fl'.!' ls de!:oC:end.anrs. !P alene on'.!' 0

Idely irs b~loni.a WCI'!! b t, '!!in ar b_ R, Ran A hi one rs.ecut'.!'d by In ne EXile we,'.!' d II

'.!', 0 l:I.ab~ni.a_ TI'Ie rom t e lime of Ih'.!' d tne I st of Ih'.!' Amor

• uniting Ih'.!'re u king'!! we,'.!' ill '!!tudie!p, ~ For I !P of Su ra. Na n.a

it'!! !rt d nts !:ounll.!'d bV th

A,ikh !P [Ra DD''!!] l'.!'rtu

ne T .almud bec:.a '.!'.a va '!! a. and !P w.ave!P ro'!!'.!' w

27) !PAW. Ih'.!'refo • that tim'.!' 1'1 d eome fer revl I

nduding It. w '.!'n h'.!' '.!' to ,IIl'StO''.!' th'.!' co

elrihaosia I, wn ir.:h arJ fa II n to de ay on the rJeath

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou II

About this Ft. A f;:a bbi to his tim I;:ICI~e'5';.ion of wi om, tches anrJ Siory He wa-s II~ rich .and 10ng·1 wd_ T e,I.!'fo~. ne un I.!'rtook I ~I.!'mat.i11.!' IWO raers, wnerhl.!'r he ar ngll!d t IhlllY .a,I.!' found In ne M hnaYOln. 0' d- 'I.!'nlly. imj:l'ovil!d them, nOI nown to u!P; b t tn ls • .a traers hI.!' ~vl!Ped wice • .and Ihl.!' sscen lime in first. ) BI.!' tn ls as may. II is a 1'S0 !:e rta I that tne

is nOI that wn I!:h ml.!' om R_ A'!!hi'!p ha d'S. !Pin

of tne college'S 0 'S ~I.!'dll!d 1'1 im n Su ra.

MI.!'~m.a,. Id I DA' bin. a bma n ba r H u a. Tel DyO R.a bDA TO'! Rabin ba r H u na. R.a DAna Je

125'S. a ~ ntle

A'Shi''S II!d Ilion _ rn.aj:l!P

IhlllY did nOI ana son, T .abvomL T e I.a r filled Ine j:I O!!' of h

wi!iodom. Inough 01 in hls b'I.!'.adlh of view. fe PI.!'rO'!l. Ihl.!' son l!:gad' III .• who j:lI.!' I.!'!:uled t e JI.!'W • th

Iho!Pe who eheris ed It. e ,I.!'fo 'I.!' • even If we su I.!' t at hl

~vl!plng Ihl.!' Tel mud, a'S eerrsetiens a ~ fund i it.. vet hI.!' did 01 sueea

10 Ihl.!' j:lI.!'r'!!'.!'Cutlo !P of t e govern rnent, e'Specla I

offiu! long • .and hu!p I I.!' Tel 1m ud has sma In

~!P baea ml.!' a 'I.!' In I Ihl.!' II me!p WI.!' cn.angl

ml.!'n dimin lsh I ng, tnev ga n to fl.!'.a, I would multlj:lly in tne T Imud whicn wo

it'S va luI.!'; ther 'I.!' t V !:on!:luded and

nOlhing shou Id .addl.!' to 11_ Tney a I

mere bl.!' c:.alll.!'d II mota m.· ('Sign~ng Sa bu r.aim (LI.!' .• e j:ll.ain'.!' of tne T .almu 10 Ine WeI'S rnncludl.!'d lIne gl.!' of Rabba n.a JO'!ll.!' (.ab

,'.!'Vision 0' rea rr nglng. In 'I.!'ality. no I.!'r. Ine I.!' !P a

nothing: for. de j:lite I I.!'ir deal.!'I.!'. t Sobu r '.!"!! (a'S a I

I.!'ne mll.!'!p) a'S Wl.!'11 'S tne aenirn, .and Ih rabbis s c:c:ell!d ng t e and I.!'llminated f' m it a d .a1t'.!',1I!d In m ny plaO!!' irs ve ion • as . H. I.!'is!p

has j:I'ovil!d be d d ls ute a nd a 1'S0 !P In eer k • Lake,

Mishj:lat· a nd In Ihl.!' - u rnal • H.ako I· III

fu rrher on. (Se€ pp. fII . 10. I

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou


ne anrJ dec va iled them

, lerJ by

SUl"a, name little - Ie nown, the st doy of t which -sati~ kno dse of

ion harJ but increa-serJ, iIIit'( of minrJ, anrJ the of honor and trust,

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


rJisr.:iple';. in

Gita .and 51.!' making U'!!I.!' va rleus Indpassagss elu Ameralm wa points to Ihl.!'

d Ellul ( rnberl anrJ insrrucnng the m by

r 1:1 - ate 'SturJy- 0 fiji( the laW';., the 'We- herJ; the .-e they we.-e ca lied in tne ,il al, tne !:ivll law. and

mmittlng I.!' Tel 1m ud 10 Wfit.lng.

and 0 n s made 10 .aid Ihl.!' memory bV

nes w re i corpor.ared and Ihl.!' obseu re .addillon • fe evetylhing ma n.ating frem Ine I!; f rm II has r !:hl.!'d us, Tne vowl.!'1 tlml.!' • .a

·Thl.!' n.ame!; b'.!'e n pre'!!e f:lI.!'r'!!I.!'!:ullon and ZOro.aru

of G lza an 5I.!'muna n.ave not , ttad ltion ··fotgOtll.!'n in tne

tn I!; !:I.!'ntu bV t)lun Ch,i!

Ho,m lsdas MagI. wno f:lI.!'r'!!I.!'!:ullon JeW'!! and C Pumbl.!'ditha lime to FI,u

IIl'Xpo'!!I.!'d to I.!' plonagl.!'. and Ine In. who 1'1

Ihl.!' PI.!'r'!! ml.!'n • .and in Ihl.!' college'!! ,'.!'turned f,o it. I!; alse pr 'I.!'pute. w,a!; !:h,onic:II.!"!!_

fatne, _ L'.!'d bV Ine of Ine I, religion bV hi'!! wr.aln uf:lon Ine 11I.!'g_e!; .al Su rei and d (a bout SSI) Ihi'!! 0'. Iney wl.!'re Ie'!!!; whic:n that of Ma rl

Wiln sabra Cho!;ru. wa!; Ma u rill us • .a usurper, pu of Machula,

- it.ed on tne loy I to the nrJ I:Il"CIba Iv

a nee of Ihl.!' I wful ne I, tne In MM. f:I,in!:e

.aid of tne 8y.i!a ntlM I.!'mpe Mr. rsla n f:lI.!'0 Ie. ne dl.!'fl.!'ated tne er l:Ia IT of t e Jewish poputation well.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


The Phari opposed because t





inrJisnatio time of t

d them e i rely; since only

J they Ice '5ilenr.:e anrJ we.-e ined stre gth and became a nd Sa a rita rrs, '50 that in in a II peers, the n theil"

r ble time r revense- I n the

h carried 0 t the T a IlT1urJ in of the Gaon at

arJherent';. they sre ''the I(a raODubtle'5';.

seer lou n ed by Anan (160 U de the nam of I(a raite';.J 01" y in t e rJays of t e TalmurJ, whe.-e - d h rents of t e TeJrt, - 01" once

; in ou r erJitio ,'Vol, V'J !:I- 1451-

e a lT1erJ thi'S ame, havins lost

QU hed, anrJ he wo.-rJ -SarJrJuthe sect callerJ

with the text of

Sr.:ril;ltu.-eJ '5lT1a II nUIT1 '5 ec ret it'S the close 1'1 publi!:1y 0 .a.g,.a i n st 1'1.'S tne~

d '50 Ion8 ';. to outlive even pairJ no a entic n to thelT1- fl'l 10 De heir'.!'r. who ade one leagu'.!' ne eeurse of 700 d'.!'woved il:

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


h ich they ne'V'e r n Iv live in A ustria, u mberins in I to-c:ia'f no more t


By hls 1"(:1'1 well in I

na ughl In whole ra I La ,And wl!pn I ng

Ca lif:lh!p no fl:w:iI!d hI.!' d.a of thl.!'ir fl.!'!Ot.i

I • MpneW of I I.!' e:w:ila 1"(:1'1 Solomo I Hag ad.

I.!':w:pect.'.!'d to I.!' I.!'leail!d as hls su !P'!!O'. but

!Pen in'!!tl.!'.ad. a d ne w.a!P 'I.!'jeail!d eau of

f '!!~f:latny wi In I.!' 'ra Imud_ Tne pu ic:1y

a mud and disu. and bl.!'!:ame t e hl.!'.a of

rs, HI.!' nudl.!' I'!! ne.adqua rtars a J rusa bilged to lea'll Ha bylon la, Tne,I.!' d hlm we,I.!' .a mbll.!'d .a g'I.!'at m • it'!! scholars. .and in pa rtl!:ul.a, ha,

Hi!p fl

as a propnet er a god. but on I .a,i!Pe'.!"!! f:I f\l".!'rted, Of tne '!! fer Ihl.!' Ata D'!! on Iy ne dees nOI danlsm,

1'1 Im!Pe If fro r Ihl.!' fil"!!t _ Tne'.!'!p ne Fe.a!rt of ic:n did not is .addil!d 10 I I.!' ve.a,. ne a Ilowe • n ba rll.!'V ls rlf:l in tne fie lds. Tne

tne JeW'!! • .al V tat'.!'). Ine fou r !P

Ha n u ka (Oed ion I. he a boli';.

rvation of Sa b h rncre bu rden

o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm Boou -.~ob.DI1


e'V'e of Sa bbatn, eve n by a u rins Sa bbath hen mtJoSt la'1H5 he a 1'50 rna

any wllh Jews fo GI.!'ntlllll'!!_

in Ie rpret tne

De '!!plll • .and nOI n du'I.!' (a'!!

III De IIl'Xpla IMd rther on). fer Iho!ioe pas gl.!'!P wn leh

pretll!d IIII.!' Th , O'I.!' hI.!' i::1.aimed nv g'I.!'.a1

dll!(:la red R. rahuda b.

'I.!' '!!ome of Ine

r rstatlens of pas ham "AbAndon II rna Ice you .a ud of my

u 1'1 In 'I.!'.alitv hI.!' k tne 'ule'!!

dera II'!! are cene se • .and can

If nto a lime· kil n. I at II mighl e I IIl'X1'!!te nO!!' _ Tn u!P ne peopll.!' e III.!' hom. Tne a 1m ud lsts .anv holy Ine r.abbi'!!

inte,m.auy witn hem. Thl.!' .a '!!f:lllni ng of l!itCle I Inlo

ingl.!'niou'!! In h i m, that, owi pay more

eeere Ing 10 Ihl.!' a r.aite'!! hI.!' rs, From Ihl.!' co positlons tne Iovl.!' of resl ni::I.!' and as wI.!' ea n not j dgl.!' • as in I'!! known I.!' WeI'!! nOI reting Soc:rlf:llu,I.!'. One good i';. opposition, th T a IIT1 ud ir.: _ n to the 5r.:riptu res anrj rnalrie

es anrJ lea rn

ie'S of the He .-ew 1.51 n ca use ot all th

as e:w:il

pa frem hlm • as neV did

11Il'!!. .a i:o,ding to '!P int.e'f:I

!P. Tney baea a d- inrt!Pea ullin Ine ms

f:lf:I'.!'ned .aft.'.!', t e d'.!'a of Saul. who

A d se a I tnO'!!t IIl'It ry ag spra ng .a MW K r.ait.e '!!

e i:h int.e'f:I''.!'lln Si:,i ure in lu own way. So

ned f:I re!Penlly. It I'!! If·lIl'Itldenl eha .an att'.!'

u d m'.!'.aning of ne!'Jc: lptures WCI'!! Ih'.!' buslness thelr artiw:ity '.!' kno dg'.!' of He bre gr.amm oinlS and pu n atle ma rk'!!. w.a!P diff '!!'.!'d; Ine a I!:O nOI stra g'.!' to some K.ata 1I1Il'!!. !P thev • flnge'.· whii: th'.!'V w u!rt as Ih'.!' olne

w.a!P to conv'.!'rt tne J '.!'W'!! n f:loi:k'.!'lS wiln J wi'!!h go I "I'.!''V pu r '.!'. TI'Ie I fer 1I!p !PAk'.!'. wn lie tn

it tne r g,'.!'.al a 1m 10

O!!'. to direa In I, a r ag.ain!!l It for

a bout, that Ih heu Id b'.!'rnm'.!'

!Pea wn.allll'lt'.!' Ine ou Id fors.ak'.!' e n.a Id get lost. Th'.!'ref ,'.!' th 'St'uggle wiln tn

e pret'.!'ndl.!'d tn.a tne I, r.aditlon!p w'.!'re IT1na nrs of the nation

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU


Ar;. their doctrine-s, ho !(a.-a ites were r;.plit i malrie hearJwa'f asa in';! u ndef'SUnd it... tn.u It h '!! ne

.age!P; d'.!'IIDe r.uion .and elreumstan ess. ls Ih'.!' P "'.!'V'.!'n wh'.!'n tnev !PAV I thou sha It not ,!!W'ef\l".!' Tel 1m ud, that Ine pr.aal

tne tim'.!'. place .and ne r I rc:um'!!ta

c:omb.aned a II lu '.!'ne ml

g 10 th'.!' T.almud. is 'ighl. n of Ih'.!' d'.!'nlon T.almud

Th'.!' c:ontroversle!p bet books, Ka r.aite a nd Tel I oppone nt Sa De n to Ih'.!' found th'.!' historv of th rn.are trl we will re mA,k only th t fro tne d.a Rabbi!p bl.!'gun 10 h '.!' po mii:'!! wll

tne II'.!' III'.!'r.alu''.!' ne Rabbi

tim'.!' u'!!'.!'d In c:onJu n IIh tne

Saad l.ah',!! ml.!'tnod of rmo It I ng tne

tim'.!'. IhlllY shou Id !ioeem as m utu

'!!ui:h m'.!'n wiln infide I" • but hers

them, and ea lied in tn aid f:!hilmo

te:I:U of Ih'.!' HOly Si:,ipt

ea a I!PO be

Th'.!' effl.!'rt of Ine Ka r.a - !P on e Tel 1m tn ls: '!!ince Ih'.!'l r - m'.!' ne tel bbl has ta k'.!'n frem th errer .adOf:!1 tne Ka rai mlght ml'!!take for Ine r tne wnol'.!' mud by '.!'.an_ Tnev ee G'dololh· (G reat H a la k as]. II '111011'1 'd tne !PAk'.!' of th'.!' !rtude I!P. w 0 eou Id wnole Tel I mud, 1:1 ut tn ,ebv Iney of:!

Tel 1m ud ilS'.!'lf. In h.a'!! she

mod Ified In aecordane '!!oon as Ih'.!' Gaon I m n.a

anrJ to fiIt the.." those cni

reach that the-se der.:- ionr;. the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


witnout I'.-aafo;, a re holy r,:irt:u msta nee adderJ fuel I'oint-; of attack The ho pe

Jews witn Ihl.!' II'.!"!! b among tnem!:e Ive!p • .and 'S

T .almud. reviled it .and In

ai. This ve rh m new

o reco die the

Attord Ing 10 M.ak'itl ther from eaeh ether In tnei,

l=II.!'rma neni:I.!'. 'Some rose. saets were fou nd. na med:

LJod'.anim or Jodganlm,

2_ Ma k'M!P 0' M.agile'S_

3_ Akhba rll'.!"!!_

4_ Abn Am ron II'.!"!! or .ffll!p1

Tne 'I.!'.adl.!" will fl nd in HI.!'b,I.!'W. In .I:II!N:I uerath L' a bout whicn tne v.a,iou!p 'S of thl.!'ir 1I.!'.adl.!'f'S.. WI.!' do n!'. We will rnentlen fo

Ihl.!' day of Alon'.!'ml.!'nt on

·Sa DD.Un Sa DD.alha n.· wh-

IhI.!'Y Ita n'Sl.all.!' • .a S.abbath Tn u r'!!day. Thu!P eaeh K.a

diffe renl day!p. fer eaeh ued thl.!'

1=I,I.!'fl.!"I.!'nc:e wlthoul being ''.!''!!I=II.!'tt of thl.!' oD'!!I.!'rvation Sa DD.a1 : fer 'Some ra du,ing Ihl.!' Sa DD.aln tnei, 1=1 . ens, wn 'I.!' Iney did !pIt i

IhI.!'Y eou Id nOI II.!'CIVe whl.!'n eir ne be rs ned

themselveos- In tn i';. we see he r of the Tal ud, ha we.-e in ilT1ical to it or h to a I rse portion ot it Ha

!ge, . .and in thl.!' pa - eu lars I!PO tn

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boo




r such thins';-, important ene ral t ... ad itiDn.

a~ .als en usua l a ong In d nOI been i:U'!!Iom

ud of Ih'.!' ~ag'.!' 'a d theu !P

Ih'.!'V shall b'.!' as f 0 lieU , tne raase H II I had !P.a"

'.!'t'!!. tnev a, f f:I'Of:lh

of Ine r of tn

, Ilglou!p praetlees, wn Ii:h I me'!!. Tn us Pnyl.aae,i'.!"!!.

!ppll'.!' ne lire ral inre rpretatien

d hem for .a '!!ign uf:lon tny " '.!' eve!p. II ([}eUI. w:j. S); '.!' l!pr.a'.!'1 .alone; if tnev .a,'.!' '!! chim); for an'.!'r .all. tne lire r n ~ of that f:la'!!~. th'.!' f:I''.!''!! 10 ; .and tne Tel Imud it.'!!'.!'lf f:I pl. f:I'.!',mittlng it. on Iy 10

It'.!'!p in rpretl.!'d tne f:la'!!!'.!' of f:I illn to Ih'.!' peo pi'.!' alse •

Ine u!ioe sehela rs, Hul w • Ih'.!' Gaon m per I '.!'I r diffe ren '.!' from

ues in'!!'.!' ,'.!' nOI mi ded. mota lilY .a tne m dillon. O'!P btr.attl n

I Ih'.!' Gaonlm '!!hould tory 10 believe fer any

!P a llegorica L "L'.!'.ave 10 1'1 a bout Ih'.!' H.a.g,.ada of r-in-l w 0 Ha I Gaon. 10 WA,d off e Tel I mud g..!'n'.!' who !P ea u 10 '.!'d In it And ind'.!'ed we ne T lud • as R.ab Alf:lha'!!i .and

• as if 10 !Pnow that th'.!' agadas of Ine T .almud

.a mud. mo!!lly 'I!N:I u I,'.!' no 1'1 II'.!' on tne ether n.and. p.ainfully f'.!'l1 in K.ata II'.!' Ih'.!'l r of:lin 10 ns a ~ as f lim'.!' i'!!!pued from th'.!' I'.!'ft Ine I, homes, dw'.!'l1 e'u!P.aI'.!'m. TI'Ie'!! emon '!P bed.· for tne,'.!' .al t'.!'ac:nef'S. for IhI.!'Y .al In '.!':w:il'.!'. '!!ince a te:w:r ea p. In mnlta'!!l wllh th'.!'!ioe. ka Ih 0 Ha balki wno, owins to

1';.0 0 ,;-' 10"'.51 h, p!1"CI'l'icle nee.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


-, ';.0 tna:t the Ka a ites .-el'ulsec:l him a 1';.0. There w alT10

me who bel iev in a lT1aterial orJ ea:tins scmeth n8 of t e rJ enjoyin8 the reea ble flavol" tn 1T1- Suen W(J';. t e eesri 'f ~jll!Cled tr.aditlo

'!! Inough a and m.any tim'.!' tnev Irl u mp ed '.!' following f:lII!(:U i.uitl'.!'!p'.!' I '.!'m 0' (e!ppe! from ne Rabbi!p. wn w'.!'

f:I leusnass a bout e e y wno 'IJIi.a!P not a ie:1'.!'!p of th'.!' ba

~ a I!PO g''.!'.a m'.!'n a d '.!'r Ih'.!' T .aIm di'!!u

'k during Ine eve

rv 'f'.!'.a, • .and In I, on t e Tel 1m

n lu influe nee r d" in I'!!h tne n u

rm of J'!!m.

c: ala rs w'.!'~ y.a oul tn ls su Djea.

ou tilt. that a me th'.!' Jewl!pn trl I.!"!! 0

bla n kingdom. tn ,'.!' we,'.!' 'ra 1m die:

ne JeW'!! of th'.!' an line em pi, . bu

u r su Dj'.!'a.. we III nOI '!!f:I'.!'.ak f nh '.!' ~!ioe nt'.!'r. ( '.!'e App. auh'.!' nd

tal'll.!"!! !PAV eha contr.adict thi _ Gottlob'.!', 1'1

as Inl.!"!!'.!' m.a of th'.!'m • .an tn ls velum'.!'.)

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


~ 622. he Hebrew merJa n i m-fou nderJ who h

th Red th

o a ';.er.:onrJ rJa uShre .... MiDhalT1-

alT10 ns the tri bes Arabia.

the la rse pe n insu la between by the u-saSe-5 ~- ed from rs had peJ';.'5ed witho ma ki ns ';. eople, until Ma hornm a I"CI se, ue with the ';.wo.-rJ a n by the nrJ Ii ke a ';trea m of mill warel"';. ed by a -Sl'irit of wa .... a n fired by n elT1 pire the whole of n rJ thei ... elT1 pire to I frir.:a, on the other, ';. the heart of Ch - endom, tbei ... prophet whe ve ... they

onrJ time, new fa ith be talrien fI"CI

-siJt h u nd red ye a 1"';., JurJa i-sm I'ortion-s. a II who';.e oorJ and the Talmud ic Hasa

rie I. the a nsel, the ir.rine revelation pre !rt of Ihl.!' !:.aint'!! wno n of hls id I.!'.a from Ihl.!' agad.a of

aylng'!!. ltad llion'!! • .an n lstorle mate, i.a I!p '!! I.!' f\I".!'d hi 0' tne gu Ida nee of hi Ine Arabia n sell, as if

ss, .and II!U:I i.a!rth::a I.

ivili1atlon on thl.!' ru I !P of thl.!' liklll'lJlli'!!I.!' k ,!!f:lirll Ian wa'!!

e 1 I n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I I

Jewl'!!n Ar.abia. some of tne!:oe po'WI.!'rful a nd I

,lI!fu!:oed I.!' In Ihl.!' I n'!!f:!ir.alion of ne new f:!,of:! 1'1 • as Ch,i'!!tianiry had do I.!' Defo,I.!'; f:!I.!'r'!! nd e:w:ile we,I.!' w:isit.ed thl.!' ad ne'I.!'n t I.!'ntena IMd Ihl.!' ope of .e,.ain Ing J thl.!'m w.a!P faVOta til I I.!' nd ne e nJoinl.!'d

.ado,I.!'r'!! of OM God, H even w.anll.!'d rna

of Ti!Pn rl (Ihl.!' D.aV

m.akl.!' Je'u!P.a1e m Ihl.!' nul.!' of Ine iig,i

I.!'ro:! - g. noweve,. that nol'lJll- '!!tanding all tn I • ISlA

• hI.!' tu rned tne eMmv f Ihl.!' JeW!; and ea

i'!!ion of Ihl.!' Cow"; .a en f:!1I.!'r in Ihl.!' ':;0 r n).an and tIIloodlhir'!!tine!P'!! as i fide ls, 1:1 ut at 1'1 deat

d 1I.!'d witn 1'1 lm, Ihl.!' I.!'W!; found f:!I.!' an

undl.!" Ihl.!' ipn!io,. .and Ihl.!' Gaon I eou Id erubll'!! Ihl.!'1

In W!P dded in 711 bV Ine Ge

e nsu fer t J '.!"IJII'!!; IhlllY wl.!'re a til I I.!'

alvlry u di'!!tu b • alse 10 ukl.!' .a IA pa rt in tne i:u U re

hien flou i'!!hl.!'d I Sf:!a ln, office'!! ann Ign pests we give

rs, a uthors of lAw a rtic:1 s, eou rt f:!h'f!ioli:- ns an mong thl.!'m_ Togl.!'tne, IIh Ine I, i:ivli: f:! o!Ppe r

dl.!' prog'I.!"!!!P • .and Iney dl.!' g'I.!'.a1 eenerl ution heir ee- religion lsts. R.u Iy WI.!"I.!' IhlllY vi 1II.!'d b 60l a nd at Co,dova. n 1157 • .and tn n tne


o it, It ....," -SUl'l'lantec:l Jewi';.h tho ht altosethe.- arJ n

-sase'S, d he n of the TalmurJ, w - n ~Ilent b ole-s i

Ilins th Tal U J it'S ~...., a nd it'S -Sl'iri

S~ia. F .!.an MorottO. wne reve, I'!!I m doml n.ared. Jewl!p

u 11I.!'!p fIou rl ned, n contrast to tn ls, thl.!'!rtu V of Ine 'rera 1'1

I nia it i:n.anged it'!! place Sp.ain,

1'1 en'llY .and of:!

in tne de rtio seme JI.!'w!; 10 1'!!lAm; a d In I'!! ,!!f:!irll of

t me I.!' by f.akl.!' MI.!'!P'!!iah!p a rlsl freq uenlly. as

Abu Ell.!' in 14 in tne re Ign of thl.!' Call MI.!'rla n. wno

s to the Tal u with a II tbei r misht ( he la'5t aboli';.h all h ,the Tal mud wa-s hen red a-s before-



ha we a';. bea n';. to enrurv Only a s th - unlilT1 it anrJ nd'!!_ F u' sehel I"!! mong h'.!'ir Eu ~id uo '!! !iludV f th'.!' ~d .an Ata til lrate,

.a!P raae ed Ftan mon y for S

f'IlIiso, e L wa'!! ne 11'11

d!pn If:!'!!.. ova.

tne fe !P not ransplr

_ TI'Ie f u' men, nOI vlng tta In'.!'d

n.a -ng b '.!'n eles !ioeV'.!'

nd Ih !ppl,itu.a domin

'.!'d'!! of Imudl


him at h'.!'

.afte, irs foun atien, rought ove r h'.!' J '.!'WI h mind and sea

out a I la nd'!!_


sa n k rom lu '.!'nl ran gta (a Do t.104O). Witn it WCI'!! e:w:ri gui'!! '.!'d Ih tim'.!' ne !:'.!'nt of rl.!'1 leus a vlry r th'.!' - '!! home n n wne n it '!!f:! '.!'ad

In tn rnming!I'.!' _

ame 10 nlm. Fto pe_ Tne nuie'!! as will b

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU







bi n lsrn came 0 t vi~oriDu'5 from

be rJenierJ tna:t in ne respect the la h ir.:h the T a IlT1u ir.: '5l'irit of the coil

ti me on the mi '5 of the nation of ';. e-thi'S spi ritu I rJOIT1 inion wa ned S i'5tibly decl in in spite of all efto ';. n lilr;e SoiJad ia h the Gaon, rhe '5l'i it

usgle i I(a rai'SIT1, it IT1l'hed, T e unlilT1ited Su ra a d Pu mberJitna in gene a in all I'lar.:e';.

Iv- rhe ry of these

he co ry, even of a

inve';tis t on anrJ free

e reli '5 teachings e '5turJ'f of

t e Scril'tu.-e, cause, the

ntinued '5OlT1e ti

er; it P t forth it'S Ia';t

h';. we il:tin,gu i';.ned,

of 8abylon Ie blazes up riil:on three e fa:ther-inIhl.!' fll.!'k:I of

re the lisht-; Slory and .-el" ieus and ';.piritua

m the re to no or 5i:Ia in; anrJ as tn I eJrtin,gu ished, ,S enra b. Hanina, ai hi'S son, and Sa u tn latte, (960·10 ,Tne .aaivlry of t ic: I I.!'ratu,I.!' psrslsts nd exe,!:isl.!' thl.!'ir i fI

e zm n DfZ(I!Im Boou

I I I i I I

T a I mud ic srud ies too much a bo'V'e all etne

rieds, fro usand ~ nderfulty Iy by mea .anitn (Se,

anr.;:€ with the 'S!,irit of Sa

ra n k of 'Stud ies anrJ a - i

i:omml.!'nll ng on In I.!' T.a 1'1 offl.!"I.!'d to Ihl.!' '!!tude nt'!! um, R_ Shl.!'rlra w.a tne first wno fl.!'.a,Ie'!!'!!IV

of In I.!' Gaon 1m req u I,I.!' no de mon'!!tr.alio aeislens, rebl.!'!'!! a a In!rt God .and bl.!'ltay'!l H ha rlm_· (!'Jc:roll of Y'Stl.!'rle!p). whii:n wa'!! un r.alic: ,!!f:lirlt. i'!! 10 . 1:1 ut, on thl.!' ether DAn • hI.!' has

fragml.!'nt wn Ii:h lighre ns us .al prsserrt, Ing thl.!'

1'1 litera ry and thl.!' 1'1 l'!!tOry _ Tn ls ls tne I , hI.!'

ion of K.airu DAn. rmed· R. Sne rlra '!P Epl'!!tl wn Ii:h

f Ihl.!' T .almud .and f tne Gaon I m .and i'!! Ine

nl'!!tOry of I.!' h. From Ihi'!! lettl.!'r on

ermatlen fo, arra ging Ihl.!' nl!rtOry frem Ih - mI.!'. Witnout tn I eeeu me nt m.anv an d i

I.!' of Ine MattaD !P to thO!ioe of tne G.aoni rama I n 10 u!P 0 scu re and un known_ Thl.!' In 'I.!'!ppea to ch nology • .and i'!! free from

nd of othl.!" com ilion'!! of tn ls class • as Ihl.!' '!!It'!!). Sedl.!" Ola m (Orde, of tne Wo,Id). I • logethl.!'r witn I.!' rernna nts of info,m.a n of R_ sa bylonian (g56) on!:e rn Ing tne college'!! at S ra .and

method!p of stu y at Ine I, tlml.!'. ea n In edem

"I'.!'ry nei:'.!"!!!P.ary to Ine un

rJie-s. iah the I ';.pirit ud, AI ne only nt .and

indeed more incl. ed IOwa rds tne '!!i:ieni:'.!"!! f lenl in Ar.abii: Ie.a ning_ Nor wa'!! hI.!' avI.!'r'!!I.!' I

po'!!I.!'d him'!!I.!'1f wi 1'1 .all hls mlghr .ag.ain'!!t!P ul.alion

of religion. In Ih leglea I .and Tel Imudi!:al k lI.!'dge.

hls rnlll.!'Ague!p a d '!!tOod a Ion'.!' in hls a polin. whitne r spa ks of T .almud le litera ry .a I nd lI.!'d. c:.aml.!' 10 im q u '.!"!!lion'!! in g'I.!'.a1 nu bii: or In Heb,'.!'W; Ihl.!' ,!!f:lirll of rei:oni:ili,uion logV i'!! in a ll hls n'!!W'.!'f'S. H ls li!rt of HI.!'D

Mi'!!hna • .and eem o!pruon!p e:w:a ml n Ing !'Jc:rlf:ll I.!':w:i'!!t

n on Iy n-as..,enp; T a l..,urJir.: j u risprude nee. ';. law';. ot

oath'S. etc., wh h he attempted to me

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I




';.erverJ- So a ';.0 i';. a';.Crib rJ to h m ell' (Mo.-a lity Ft€aoson) rv e lie (I'UI']:IO'5€, ai, conee ptlo J, a Ibe form. At all w nts this . Ha I. .a mud le sehela ewn at Ih - day. a

n ators .and all tnO'SI.!' who dI.!'Cld

m e titled uSht-;, aner, ca n not xrcte th '5tyIe !rt of tne Gaon 1m is Ine ,fo

n lAw. Sa mul.!'l _ Hopnnl. h Id of I I.!' ame of:!inl ns as h • DU I n his e:rllic:1 m of tne Si:, ptu res ha a II 1'1 ls ee agul.!'!p.. f 1'1 I n Iv fragml.!'n !P (wn Ii:h 0 r Ina Ily

HI.!'b,I.!'W ,) of his co me nta rles

a bout Ha l.ak as .and '.!"!!!ioe

Tne i:ity . u bAn had .a gtl.!'at 'I.!'f:!u

imf:!ured disi:ipll.!' of R. a.adi.ah Ihl.!'

i:ity of g'I.!' I agss." As, is nown. on'.!' Ihl.!' R_ Hu!pn lel, no with his e lI.!'ague'!! had bl.!'I.!'n

Ihl.!' i:olll.!' Su ra. 'IJIi.a!P e st Ihitne, _ A I fou r

a II plaoss h vl'!!it.ed_ R. ana net thl.!' on of R_ ushiel, su i:'.!'edl.!'d

f:!o!pllion (I 050) and su dom .and In I.!'n'.!' "1- He

bl!N:l ue.alh 10 us fragm nts of ee ml.!'nr.a ie'!! on Serif:! u,'.!"!!.an Ine

T .almud. i h we,I.!' of g at hl.!'lf:! to ne st V n tne con Ilion'!!

lime. wn n T .almudic: .a I\rlry WeI'!! ffu'!!I.!'d a ng Je

i:onre mpo.a • Nisim D. J.a eb.'!! re!pld d I Kai'uba youth of t e Pale';tinjan T I mud, whit: had b n nesler.:ted the latter tribute to b OS a bout th s, He 1';.0 i';.'5ued th

'I.!'ne Eosl'er.:ia Iv d irJ boolc· al'h

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


corrsspo den conttibu d 10 g,'.!'.n e tn.n g''.!'

in it he cast ""1'.51 rins the

will !P ow IhlllY d d lffu!Ped hls '.!'n Ihl.!"!!'.!' I'IJIIO m rhs I, la rg'.!' a I'uba n. wno zbla h. h'.!'ld in


Sf:lain. ilne r

of tne!Pe arn Inl'.!'II'.!'rtu I arti -

co '.!'gl.!"!! .and th'.!' Jewl 1'1 III'.!'r.alu''.!' in _ An 'Ih'.!' dl!O:!a'!!'.!'

'!! u b je rt'.!' ab';traru The 1.51 irJ; anrJ r€liSi

aenim '!!hoW'!! '.!' tim'.!' of th'.!' u DJea i:hiefly Ii:h h'.!'l ped 10

i'!!h I'.!'.a,ni g ,'.!'moved 10 b m'.!' '!! III Into many eontrl ull.!'d, an Ih'.!' tne !rtud I'.!'!p of ~'!!'.!'.a i:hl.!"!!'.!' 10 ee i:luded. we,'.!'

rles a nd a Dr d i to !ioY!rt'.!'matli:

the J ish fa ith waos

en t eated by the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


... .... '", •
';.ublimely i ';.l'ir€rJ SP'i'nish poets, A b
the Talmu wa-s a 1';.0 the r€';.U It of the i
the cause tn i';. intellet:tual ac:tiiffly
wiln tne .aM!P I.!'nha nD.!'d It. and m.a
ra ken up bV tne JI.!'ws. It
!PO I.!'ven nen beeh Atab-s .and K.a
allogerhl.!'r hls !ppl, aw.akening ea !j.'.!'de
l!!'lire Ie. frem whic:n .altnMt a II I fe ha
aw.ake to '.!"IJII lifl.!' _ Even Ihl.!' sma II mmu
d been quit'.!' fol'gOt't.'.!'n. ea m 10 I
book of • Joshua" of Ihl.!' marl ns. tne •
" (.a 1'1 lstorlea I Ire.aII'!!I.!' of tn !Pel.!' t'!!). Ihl.!'
reuch, and Ihl.!' Ar.abi!:: ve Ion of ne Saipt
tn ls timl.!', AI!ioO fr.agme nts , mpmillo
• but their va luI.!' i'!! sma II a d tne
t tho ught, On Ihl.!' n'.!"IJII Je lsh Ii marhan '!!'.!'rt
.anv impre'!!'!!ion; but thl.!' I II.!'I I of Ihl.!' '.!"IJII!P
e Ihl.!' re mn.anl of tne s..a arlla 1I!p
in thl.!' II me of tne Gaon I m
Ihl.!' Talmu ra n ked In I.!'m'!!I.!'ive'!! to ba
to notl!::I.!' thl.!' Sa m,a,!p,
V this f:lI.!'rlod su rp.a
hI.!' Gaonim • .and frem
!P u CO!!'!io'!! 0 rs I n truth. thl.!'!Pe men we re only
shoulders gla nts fer had tney not '!!to d on I e '!!houlde
IhI.!'Y rnuld ot n.ave inve'!!tlg.all.!'d d'.!'e ply all rho '!!ubJea!p
of Ihl.!' Ga im no attenlion bel.!'n id, F • in !pplt'.!'
ve ml.!'ntlon'.!'d. " Ine u of Ihl.!' Ga
en." tnev did not D.!'a'!!I.!' to gl
n tne I, ref:llie!p 10 q ue!rtlon'.!'
!::h in Ihl.!' T .almud. bV com ,ing
tne idl.!'.a!p of thelr lim In a Ihl.!' an - nt
Halakha'!!. us In!::'I.!'.a!plng Ihl.!' praetlea II portA .and giltl gto
Ihl.!' 'rerah INI ng Inll.!'re'!!t_ Thl.!' Sp.ani!Ph and F k up helr
uil.!'d II on. ~nding it .all lI.!'ni:=e ,
I.!',I.!'fo,I.!'. att.ained it'!! 1'1 Igne I thls f:I
has bl.!'I.!'n rmed tne "golden agl.!' of J arnlng,· T e plie'!! 0 Ine
wer€ the ba-sis of tnei.- su erstru Ur€,1"ea hen in Iler.:- e zm FDlJ'Dllm Boou




'HCI the ba n k-; of

f m praetlca I nd Ihl.!' in t thelr tim

k n.a wl.!'~ 0 IWO kind . I.!' 1'1 , InO'SI.!' Indu!::I.!'d by

wn I!::h h d I.!' given 10 qUl.!'Mn ne a n.aIy!pI!p of thl.!' tne has neld

t e billgin n ing of Ihl.!' I ors of Iho!ioe ~ plie!p

n is IIII.!'r.alu'I.!' of Ihl.!'

fll.!'ld for '!!!::ie lifi!::~!ioe re es In IIt'.!'ta ry 1'1 l!>tOry in

• a nd of in Ileau.a1 p _ I n a II tnei, ~ plie'!!

thelr .aim is nowll.!' • n t ulnorltatlvenl.!"!!!p as

ie'!!t'!! 0' I.!'V'.!' of Gaon I _ 0 tneir dec:I!plon IhlllY r dl.!' no 1I.!'.a'n'.!'d 0'

e an'!!wers wi

IVlI.!"!!. TI.!'!!Ia who qu'.!"!!t-

n witnout.a e d lseusslens

SI.!'rmon'!!. Dlvorce_ p.a!io'!!agl.!"!! in Mi!pn n.a nlv 10 in!::~.a!ioe and of lI.!'a rn Ing.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm 00


Alth usn the i tthe W 01

by 0 ... rs ot S


is fer his ee- ~Iigion lsts and

MI.!' a hem b. 5,' ru k and Dun!io ugh thl.!'ir pelsrnles a bout Ine I.!' HI.!'b,I.!'W la ng .age. we ~ Invl'll.!'d bV R_ HI udy of eb, w_ JI.!'n ud b. [}.avid Chilveg. W'.!'~ I I.!' d I 1f:lIe!io of Mena ne m and J I.!'n u of Du . Th I.!' men by tnei, controve

d f:lI.!'rfeaed Ihl.!' !rtudy. J 0 0!Pe. fer 1'1 I.!' eempesad se n whii:n .UI.!' f:I'I.!"!!I.!'f'\I".!'d to Ine

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boo I



SalT1 wei nasicl ( nrJ the ~a'5i E bn f'fasd il h, 99

Jewi'5h I mins in SpeJin, '5 E bn 5i:Iurt ha autber of twenty- boo. but not even tv. EVI.!'n om his ~at b ok "intreduetle portion I p~'!!I.!'rv • but n ls l'.!"!!tifie'!! to .and tne utenas of his I I I.!'I I I.!'tt. Witn a II

by Ine lofty poet Solo lion hls and

unk w wh Ie book'!! a bout

ign in I e eou rt of King of all '.!"IJIIish Ie.a,ning. n uth II (C,own Ine D.ann'.!'r'!! 0

'IJI\a!P alse a p.auo lattar's ~!:I.!'lved V .all '!!tudie!p • .a d a 1!iO tne prll.!' tne assl

Ch,i!!l" n f:I,i'.!"!!t!p. se Ih il wa!plate

!P Gon ".allo (1150).an a lse I 10 Heb,I.!' ehs n n I Abud.alu (a n .a orute Jew)_ Tn I" 'IJI\a!P a 1t'.!',I.!'d 10 Ab I trol 'Abitab n

B.ahayi b. J essph • judge in Sata

aueher of hI.!' won I.!'rful k ·Thl.!' DUty of

Ata ble. w I!:h has '.!'e n tr !plated by S.amu

.a!:i:e pt'.!'d as a gu - e In Ilf by l!iotae I I.!'V'.!'ry I.!"I.!'

Del.!'n Ita '!!I.ared .a 0 inm GI.!'rman by He r reacher ehayi a sorbec imse If wholly i the almurJ an S ve it

preferen to Ara it: o.-G ian !,!,h'f' Hi'S ob ct in this, hi'S

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou




tne [an. I.!'1"e ne

R_ Only 1'1 I'!! fa me e b. B.uui:h Abuda Iv

'10 lph AI Man d_ Tne un llie'!! n hi'!! demai • SlIl'Itille.

1'1 !P in h - book "Ku 1'1 H.a,u·

01 rnmf:llet . 5_ Tne no ea me f m Nortn fo, Ihl.!' stu Y of Ine in _ Alf:lha'!!!p 'IJI\a!P tne neD.!'!io'!!.aty .a!.ak has, pinion'!!. an bV this of mlsfertu I.!'. wne n

,ie'!!_ HI'!! deci!plon!p. e attef:lle for.all II Ita n'!!!.ale I!!':Il"t.en'!!l well as :3:

II.!' nunv ee ml.!'nU· Ha rlph." 1'1 VI.!' been .abii: a nd In I II 'IJI\a!P ''.!'e 1:1:' I H.a!.ak has witn .a n lse lated into H b,I.!'W • as _ (On'.!' '!! 'I!O:!nlly ubll!pned

1'1 Sp.ani'!! ubjeCl!P nl the Tel

!rtrove I hi'!!

!.aw .and judg,menl; 0 reasons, ba-sec:l UIJOD sou d lOS • we.-e 'St

ma n ne r, I n the ';.iJ1T1 'f, he a ';.0 eJt:pl i

In n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


- He, AI.,ha ';oj, rJirJ nat oftne



his eonre m ';oJ but to

to these tn i .-.;. not to

rb, At hls dea 1'1 R_ rahudah for him tn s:

rahuda 1'1 en Blla n (107 ) .anv of Iho!ioe ic: were h - d 1!ioC:lflle'!!. A alse l!io.a c: b aa rueh I 11.a. me ntl nll!d .above_ ne greate!rt

r, '!! JO'!l'.!' 1'1 bn Mlg.un D., (1 6·1141). who u

1'1 I!; flO!; ion in 1'1 I!;!: II .and Inh rlt'.!'d 1'1 I!; g atnsss In e wl'!!dom_

HI'!! ne ee rlbulio '!! Tel Imudi!: udy. ea II by him "Millgil t Soetha rim II

{Tne - on of Id '.!'n Sc,oll!; and tne Ll ,ie!;.a nd .an c:olleCl'.!'d k u nd r e tille of Que!rtlon!; nd Re plie!; of b Miga'!!h.· ng'.!'nuity. I ftln'.!'!P'!! of irlt and gl.!'nl n !P'!!_ (Thl.!"!!'.!' h'.!' saeend 1m'.!' by u!; i 1870. In Wa a • witn eer n tn I!; II!d II n i'!! .alre.adv n a Iy oul and we re 'Mitten n rabie .and n In H'.!'b,I.!'W for I et tne'.!'

on Ih'.!' ta et!; of IhV 1'1 art,

a placed are nd Inee_

10 '!!tand

remalns vowll!d 10 .a

i ne till Holy lanrJ, .jJ rJ

iffir.:u It to ca rry cut, ut cou IrJ fi d no 81'"C1UnrJ

in from und the



Ebn Mis sh found for he undo bt€d Iv W(J';. • 8uilty asain'St

Ma ny I.!' tne disi:iple Ebn Miga h' fool!rte

thelr aa· ;tv in hls spir . ng tn '!!e 'IJI\a!P hi!p wno su

in his llegl.!'. Of n ls Ie por.a ie'!!. wno . I ngu I'!!h

f:lhilO'!!of:l I.!'r'!! 0' poets. 1'1 I rope, 0 mentle DDI JO'!!I.!'

Co,dov.a (1070.1 Ug). u n r of· la m K.u.a f:lhilO'!!of:l V In whic:n h ls f hI.!' 0 inion ('!!I.!'I.!' know hi !Pelf in order n to I I.!' knowle a. J !Pef:lh D. J f:lf:I. 0.12.) In ; Ab ham D. H

ra n rulerls co u rt. WeI'!! fou r boo '!! on astrene Ihl.!' [,an • (T' u r.alh H ,

Ihl.!' tn I, • only Ine I V w.a!P prlnle .

tim.· (Thl.!' Ti

we,I.!' bl.!'are diffu'!!ing it'!! ide.a!p and su perfl u us to I.!' 0

f:lI.!'r'!!on. nd • as m.anv I.!'poc:n'!!. I.!' ea n not 'I.!'f as fa r as neV bl.!'.a, on n

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou


J wa'5 0 ne of the rnc '!NO de rfu IJhenome'5 on the Bi ble, hi'S IJ 1T1';. and ri a I poe rns, e eonre mporary scho a rs u nd i imlJo';.'5ible ea n medern sehetars f the tne ,

I.!' f.nhl.!'r of poet!P. b O'I.!' nom none lived whl.!'tne, .afte, him a n on II Ice 1'1 m will 11ve_ I.!':w:a IIII!d spi it e rv 'I.!' de, of hi'!!

I.!' T Imud n hls book d I'!! pre!Penll.!'d nd w Ii:h 10 Ihl.!' kind, (A lengtny

raha m b. H.ale I (ED na u who d III!d dll!d Ine T.almud in h" be k -Em na in 1'1 ls gre.a work "Ha kaba l.a- (Th Tta Ilion). n whic:n hI.!' in'!!t a II tne dl.!'nie rs of ttad 11- n • .a d sh !P thl.!'m in hls I .argu me nts bV hi ,i!:al f.aa'!!. ,ow:ing thl.!'

Ine timl.!' of Mo'!!I.!' 10 I me_ In 1'1 I'!!

hI.!' i'!! se luit.ared tn.a ne



k " aehazaka." no, a re I si ila r

NI.!' uehirn," wn Ii:h hI.!' WfOIl.!' in tn eve ing of !Pel.!' a dlll'ltl.!'1 f:lmenl of hi'!! ide.a! erdi g 10 I '!! an kn wllI!dgl.!' it I'!! nOI Uul.!' as som aftl' that cn.ang'.!' In loin 10 s, We .ave m.adl.!' it lIl'Itidenl. long ago. i

I'Phy:laaeri n Ft" hat hi'S decisions in h i'S 1'''( ad ach laical'

101".51 h, I' de n with cse in hi'S comment ry 0 the

.aboul hls tne Life of

ev are nOI that of hls

eer book


Hagad.a!p. e n that, In hi!p f:lin I n. IhlllY o, that on Iv tela , men In!ioenll!d Ihl.!'

whateve, p r I.!' it mlghr have bee

ago • .and II thl.!' prob.abillry

So also, a

.af:lOlogv adva nD.!'d ls wo,k ·MI!pnn.a T r

know tne e

Ihing!p 0 pposll!d 10 is t tnO'SI.!' who eou Id n ad Ing Ihl.!' '!!f:lu,iou'!! ni:I.!' as 10 Ine 'ra 1m ls fou nd in that sea, t 1'1." Ihl.!'rl.!' I'!! no pr e Iv '!!ougnt Ihl.!' rea I go

detail all hi!p

';. in the I'Mo in truth, thi';. t a ';tanrj ';till - b. :w::w::w:iL 71_ "

D.!'!P in Ine ra mud whic:n I rea ms. I.!'K:.. ot onlv bl.!'!:a

I"!!tllion'!!.a foil I'.!"!!. fer

10 omit tne • In '!!f:lire of e T .almud of H la kha'!! .and m nOI ag'I.!'I.!'; b I hi'!! molive I bl.!'I.!'n fou nd i Ine mud, o,ding to tn ir own Idl.!'a'!!.

_ WI.!'i'!!!P 1'1 as in in U.alll!d Ihi'!! I that way_)

a y fo, tne wo

• ne chosen Ihi'!! I h. and thl.!'n hls work. hI.!'

r '!!hould bl.!'.a u b'!!titute fer logy MlI!dfuL '.!"Itl.!'n if hI.!' m much had be n '!!uf:ll.!'r.addl.!' I.!' opinion • no wonde, - ingui'!!h bet I.!'n Ihl.!' good s, 10 wn Ii:h ney wou Id att If. Afte, hI.!' .ad '!!ift'.!'d II. I.!'n voluml.!'

rlling!p. e pl!rtl • pelsrnles II!:a .and erielea I f -msntle n d wo,ks_ We

wn Ii:h Ma I on ldes d ct. As, tne!rt y of Ihl.!'. Tel I Ine eentra ry. thl.!'V who d'.!"!!"

to 'Study Y IT1Or€ prefou

zm n FlllJ'Dllm OOU 1

mlT1e ra '5 decisio '5 of

o lIn [) FDfZ(I!Im Boo _. foraDltm1.noh.DI1

i I I II .-.r-----




NOIrrH Ft~ F

f'fCE, AND ue.

e lu rtress a u nd t liJr.:e';. ott -strengtn ins. Lilrie t Jewi';.n

e pros.-e'5';., inary of the eTa IlT1urJ, in a'S thoush almud, but Johanan b.

exi lei' in Ge any, wno constr hi'S sreat _ rJolT1--wn ich W(J';. ca non lea I. d wn ir.:h not only a 1';.0 to pre nt a II it';. arJ here ri lalrilriai to riy, wnen he 'Sa t at tee rJ a pproached lou nderJ by h i';. de nothins co IrJ ru in, anrJ by ';..jJ _ "fanlT1ia a nd it';. ~e';., ';..jJverJ tn Ge.-.;.non b. ehurJa h who ca

hi'S proh ibit n, wn ir.:h he lT1arJ tsrael (in E rol'el nailerJ thi'S I he'5itation, i';. I'l'"CIhibition, and

He 'Saw an a mons who rJivo~ i'S proh i exist Ions, . tney p€.-.;.i';t to I' it t elT1 e their 1iJW";., nd, a'S he had not t e the Tora h pre'S';.iy, he ';trove thereby he made h i'S ce-re lis shou IrJ be a Ie to live 'Side by ';.i

He decree , on pain of Qua lifir.:atio , that l'oly,gaIT1Y b 13). a nd on monoga my 'Shou it. I!; f:I,ohib II!d 10 add to har .a Tnerebv. In !:onrent hi

rJ a mo Ch _ ian nations, ';.in, will not r.:cord ins to W(J';. ......,itrerJ in e a U'Se'5 lea ins to rJivo~; and ilrie the C ri';tia ';. that tney

anrJ wit out vor.:ation or every I';.r lite ( ee App. No. n a'S long a Ih'.!' fi wif'.!' live!;. f:lac:irV 0 wif'.!' eeneubine. reme d. bu ne did not t added tne,'.!' 0 .a de!:,'.!''.!'

e I n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


l-lfi,tory of 111111' ~llI1ud • =-i.. '5&
'- ..
opposed to the P€nta u rce cannot
assent of the d iva ~rJ w· anrJ his - find it i mpos';.i-
ble to live tasethe .... th n e hu-sband can
d IvoI"O!!' ne r. Wne,'.!'.a!P. till t on Ih'.!' will of
har 1'1 usba nd. fer good 0' p.ui.u'.!' on Ih'.!'
con'!!l!N:I ue nees of th'.!' mui:h uliliry
tnev n.ave b'.!'e n to see I In king rna n
u ndef'St..and tn ls,
Add'.!'d 10 Ine'!!'.!' ns. h'.!' pe mined J'.!'
penile nt, 10 ,I.!'tu rn 10 .aitn • .and a se prohlbi
n lcatlen, to ope n a st , .and read
tne pe rsen to whom it .a
HI'!! '.!'n'.!'rgV. g,'.!'.al wi and d'.!'ep
'St,ong wl'!!h 10 en!pu re !P l!Oleni:'.!'. ea n !Pe'.!' f
we do not find made V rabbis of hi'!! predei: d h'.!' w.a!P ju'Stly
c:.all'.!'d • .afterwa rds. • mln.ary of I '.!' Exile: .a in.all.!'d In truth
tne lIlY'.!"!! of a II I'!!rae I nd gav'.!' Ih'.!'m .a H'.!' compo'!l'.!'d
comme nta rles 0 n !Pe'lte as of Ih'.!' almud. who di'!!tingui'!!hl.!'d
In hls ag'.!'. and tne ee we .a,'.!' gol ng
to msntlon] borrowed
R. Maen I,. 1'1 ls brother
.a T .almud le dirtlona ry. '!!w'.!'re al n G'.!'rm.anv and
Nonne rn F ranea, as lam boa, KI lnmus. R. . isaae, D. Abun
of May'.!'nc:e. wno lam nl Ih'.!' miser '!! of thelr In rltua I poe m'!!
.and pr.a'f'.!'B fer m'.!'rc:y (SII hoth), bUI '.!'ir wo,k i V of tne Tor.ah
'IJIi.a!P !pm.all; .and only in and M.a'f'.!' c:e In Ge, Rh'.!'lm'!!. tel ret.
In Nortne,n F r.ani:'.!' .a d rbenne, ontpelli'.!'r
FranD.!' we re ma ny seh !.a wnO'S'.!' aet Oi:CUp.a1 cnra I aaivity In
tne fi'.!'ld of Ih'.!' Tel Imud mllege of .almud In 'IJIi.a!P '.!'n:!c:t'.!'d by
R. wno had .a ,iv frem B.ab Ionia 10 Fr n in Ih'.!' '!!'.!'rnnd
n.alf of th'.!' '.!'I'.!'ventn thls eel !Pe!P H.ada rshen.
i'!! om. and'.!'
lleal.!'d in On'.!'
u 11!p. of Le mans].
who ha-s erJiterJ anrJ ulatiDn-s of the
T a 111"1 ud, a 1i'5t of the T a o lBIB FDlJ'Dllm Boou -.~ob.DI1


and Ft, Elijah the Elde r, rJid not approach tncse

What is wonhv of netl that wne'I.!'a'!! Ihl.!' sehela e f:l0wers .and disf:ll.aved hl.!'1 T .almud. thl.!' sehetars of e, a Hagad.a!p a nd Mid rash 1m '!! gu I!pned eornpllers of M- ra h Tou louse, R_ Simeon • .aul or of • of wisdom. mota I'!! and H a rr.anged Ine m accord I ng to cempreh I.!'n'!!Ne 'I.!'fe'I.!'n b Ihl.!' Ag.adic: compilation • Elil.!'.!I.!'r. hi!p eon Ie mpor.a

WI.!' will !pklf:l over anum a nd we will eeme to ou r 10 eompre nend Ine T alm b. isaac of Tr.a'f'.!"!!. ea lied bV Ihl.!' first wno gAve .a co pi T .almud_ He i!p OM of I f:lI.!'!P on!:e In Ihou!

no one f:I'I.!"!!ume!p 10 'Stud Jewl!pn 'Studl.!'nt'!! has ml.!'t su D-s1!N:I ue nt to Ra'!!hi Saiptu ra], ls, "EXpla I

no .a,0!Pe .ml.!" him Ihl.!' 0' on OD-si:U re pa

Hi!p eompre nen!p1\te inle I Ihl.!' whole v.a!rt provlni: i:omml.!'nr.a,il.!"!! ne has i va'St'.!"!!t .and f:I,ofound i:omml.!'nr.aty. a IInough m ny di Ihl.!' defic:lI.!'nc:y. givl.!"!! u!P m.a V undl.!'r'!!ta nd Ihl.!' rea I me.a ';.OmetilT1e-5 even by 0 n

ri g Ine va rio us ee u nuie'!! .al a n ('!!el.!' App, No_ 14) e:w:I.!' d tnei, lI.!'dge in coll'.!'Cting H.a kha'!! of d voted tne m'!!I.!'I\te!P wnol rio us eem pliers '0!Pe, _ Mo!Pe'!! of N.a,bonM. R_ JI.!'n u da mplled

o!pllion or d l!ioCOntenl_ T e geM

• p.arsn.andatn.a· (a pr f:lI.!'r na W_· Ju!rtiy w.a!P hI.!' !:aIle thus: In a lilly to !pned highl on tn 1f:lIU'I.!',

d migluv .and et

Mlogli:a I litetatu re of

mmon !Pe n'!!I.!' into Ih s, The 'Study of Ihl.!' Ita I other men ha'lll.!' atte in .and mui:h IMU Die. Ii wI.!' co at Ra'!!hi I.!'luc:ldate!p in a fI.!'W word • or

rJ to the text before us, haos be

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I




Thl.!' I of Ra'!!hi has t.el.!'n w' n bV ma n sehelars, w

lI.!'ngI hi'!! rnmml.!'n r.uie'!!. II.!' I dl.!'i:I'!!ion'!!. nd , We lss in tne pe,iod lea I "8 1'1 T .almu d· nd in !Pef:la r II.!' tn Ink tne'I.!'fore '!!uf:ll.!'rfluou 10 ref:ll.!'.al t em • as Ihi'!! I n We 1'1 VI.!' to rama rk, nowlll'lt r, on !PeW r I polnts 'I.!'1.a in ne,I.!'. n wn Ich Iho!Pe sehel rs n.ave someth Ing fe e:w:a mi aelon of aashi's com I.!'nu,ie!p 0 tne 'ra Imud 0 lI.!'ga I ei:i'!!ion!p In hls " es," a nd !PO alse hls rltu I t ev diffl.!'r In tne I, n CIIu I.!' totAlly_ In 1'1 I'!! eommen

wn Ich g4?n'.!'ta I i:rltii:I'!!m a Dove hi!p ther wrlti

wry e utleus 10 decldl.!' .anv ala kn.a • .and to d f,o

tne T Imud defln lie eenelusl

nterJ upon by others n lT1any Ia rieus line'S t anrJ the 'SilT1IJIe mea n i of the T a I ud.

d.a'f!io." as wI.!' find on m.anv 0 slens In I

''TO'!!f:I ath." a nd we n.avl.!' 10 g.ago she in ou r wo, a

(f:I- 2 . that hI.!' has inre rp I.!' 0 u'I.!' passa con laion 10 Ine eustom and H.a la kh attef:lll.!'d baea u I.!' • .ai:i:o,ding 10 hi'!! m In ed. It ls t e pla In mea

(!Pel.!' t e,I.!'. p. 30). EVI.!'rylJllhl.!' hI.!' t.ew.a, !P of d la lI.!'ttli: •

tlens '.!'tween seme p.a!io'!!ag tha su JI.!'tt of tne f:la'!!~ a of Agadoth hI.!' alse IIII.!'r.a11y wilhoul .anv ,

stern In hi'!! whole ee

UUf:lll.!'d. ne correal.!'d rofo u nd knowledge ry. 'I.!'moved thl.!' old

provl d Ihl.!' 'I.!'.al ml.!'.aning

resort ng 10 fO'i:I.!'d and fa r-

H I'!! co ml.!'nury on Ihl.!' BI bll.!' nowew r, i'!! iffe renl • as acee I ng to Ihl.!'; I I.!". as tne '!! gl.!"!! had '.!'X passa I.!"!! in tne T .almud and ldrashirn, w heut 'eg,.a,d 10 lite ral ea n I ng of Ihl.!' blblica 11I.!':w:t'!! often ees nOI bl.!'.a, OU ricns. Often he 'Wa';. not a rse to inte pret the te T a 111'1 U ir.: i rrrerpreration, e n whe n it"; lT1ean ins i';.

II t e rule of lansu - H i-s obje~ in thi'S i'S un kne

red that h d irJ not lilrie tnat eTa IlT1urJi imerpretariens a

ne fereas I tn'!!I.!'lf in 1'1 ls com


ne endea \Ie!"!!I.!' 10 'igor. nge .and I.!'anlng of us.

rs a Iw.aVS to Inll.!' ,I.!'t thl.!' I.!"I.!' hI.!' alse .avoid'!! d l.alea-

centrlc 'I.!'a'!!oning • but i'!!

I.!' law • .and to Inl rpret II est of hls dei:i'!!i ns are ne re that c:1I.!'.a,n !io'!! of whicn hI.!' d lspla !P in hi'!! plie'!! of Ine G.a nim .and

ut hI.!' did nOI I .ad in In

ls own of:li Ion; this we wlln !P In hi!p b d as a g'I.!' I a utho,iry for a II esklm d

eem menl ry on a II Ihl.!' tract itn i:I.!'rtllu I.!' that Ihl.!' i:omme

hI.!" ets, eritlei m I'!! eeu Dt'ful wh

De Ih t tnev gOI !j.'.!' h mmmenl

nli:h 'l'!/ we,I.!' har f:luf:lil'!! 10i:kl.!'d frem a II f:I i:'.!"!! of tn arrh br.all.!'d se olars of Lorr.ain'.!'; 'pe rn.a !P hI.!' Ie mf:ll'.!'ted I'!! eem menta ry on Ine who T .aIm I.!' i:omml.!' a ry on Ihl.!' l:Iible. , Iho!ioe tne

s. zra. a !'lie nemia • a nd .a pa rt of

'!! I.!'kie .and J b h.ave not r..!pued from hls pe . tnough

• fer h'l'!/ re I.!'a ily d l!rtlngu ! frem hi!p \Ie ion In

n'.!' 0 hi!p sma k'!! on Iml.!' tnev lalrina J and

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


ioterpola:red iot t e 'WOrd-s it is 'lie ry rJ i It..

to -selJa ra:re the..., from h i';. own of osha rp critir.:is..."

Modem c:rltic:l!p of th'.!' i:ommenl

I'.!'ttu res wn Ii:h M ldrash • .and f' c:omme nta ry w.a

l'Stael that if nerus .ai:ld !P

I R.a!pn I (I!io.aac:idl.!"!!) billga n hi!p laber 1'1 WeI'S ee mposl.!'d gr.adua Ily. bV th'.!' e nts. An'.!'r Ihi'!! ne IU rn I.!'d 10 th'.!' 'S of Si:rl ptu,'.!' _ And as !:OOn a'S hls an ei:ho 'Soundl.!'d in Ine c:.aml=! of .and upon It to invl!!"!!tigat'.!' .and 10 n'.!'gI~d a'S It!p brother. Ih'.!' rs. that .afte, .a shon lime. seme

f R,a!Pn I 'S1=!'ung up. wn Ii:h '.!':w:a min'.!' l"OD.!'I.!'ded from him; .and the lasr, nOI inc:orrea wne n ne 'Sa Id Inn I'S of RO!Pe!P"]. that evety d,ol=! of ink ls n'.!'edfu I to !Pit !PeW n d.alf'!! and 10

fifty eemmanra rl

n 1i:'.!'ly '.!"It'.!'ry wo K.abba li'!!t. R, Sa

Thu!P wn II'.!' Alpn !P'!! III u anether 'Sun. R.a I. '0!Pe on Ine T .almud •. 'S .a!.ak In !PO fa r that

hi!p '.!'Iuc:ldatlon!p of tne Ha la kha'S • !pned Vet mere Ilgnt. 10 i:ommenl An d Ih'.!' !.an'.!'r had mere sueesss. i:'.!'pted in all Ih'.!' wo,1d (a mong

chola'S de Lyr.a. 'Some IWO hund,'.!'d rlgnt u ndersunding of tne word'S i''S eemmanra ry has 1I.!'d him) by O!!' superle r 10 Sp.ain. though rah. '.!"lIe n frem tne .ani:lenl times.

n.a '.!':w:i'!!tl.!'d 'f'.!'l. and .afte, tneir f.all.

IIt'.!'r.alu''.!' of rsrael, tnei, !ioc:ho la rs utlng, But in Fta nee. !plnO!!' Ra'Shi''S I '.!' di'!!!Penll.!'d from In'.!' un re .al v.a,iani:'.!' with nlm. did nOI u'!!tly due 10 nlm. and '.!'n d'.!'.avo,'.!'d ls, For I'IJIIO hund,I.!'d 'f'.!'a rs eontlII.!"!! we re d Ilig'.!'nt at Ine holy work d .a cerreet u ndersunding of th'.!' d tnei, labors onlv "Addltion'S'.!'!O'l'.!'d tne m'!!'.!'ive!p to Ih'.!'m to add

ye.ars .aft'.!', Ra'Sh 's '.!'c:e 'S'.!'. .and 'Simpl'.!' mea I g of Ih un a'S!Penl_ A d tn ,'.!' tne latt'.!'r has b'.!' n !rtud I wn II'.!' Ih'.!' rnlllllg .a!P'!!um'.!'d I=!,'.!'·'.!'m n

eou Id neve, ag' c:omme nta ry b'.!'

.a1=!1=!'ova I. .and t withhold tne gt

to rei:oni:il'.!' thelr n

n uou'Sly • .an'.!', sh ''S de

of !ppread Ing tne dy

g,'.!'.al work of 1'1 I, (TO'!!l=!holh). i,e '. 1'1 I, In

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou II



';. .51'5 hi';. two '50 yin-law,

a nand the ';.On'5 the fi

1.51 rs of F ranee a nd Germany assu med S that a II I';.rael in he M idd I Age';. ecce cou rse of time th n u rnbe of their rJi'5 _

to the hi'5torian, but who

w whic:h we deem necessa for cur we

n, f;:_ SoiJlT1uel b.


e in d ireet con ithout any op i';. cornmenrarv I to thin k that e

irion to the trad itio cw..-rJins to the dee n the t ad itional i e Hasad , however, le,genrJ';., he 01'1'0';.e';. st the ir ont"-arJi~io enta roy on th cries anrJ al atner took



ilion'!! ~ '!! of Ihl.!' rna g.ave hu



';. a nd it beca me the ir main

t, ceb, !Otyled • Ra benu Tel m.. II de of Ine T I ud eh lI.!'fly • .and hI.!' bl.!'!:am Ih i:I.!'nte, of Ihl.!' him floi:ked me n witn Llu

!P .as an eraele, ju!Ot.lV wI.!' V I.!'ntille 1'1 I m Ihl.!'

t to Ine dl.!'ptn'!! of thl.!' !Pe.a of I I.!' T .almud • .and i:oni:ill.!' .aj:lj:la re nt centra "ttl !P the'I.!'1 n. HI.!' j:llI.!'d te:I:U In thl.!' T .almu d. heu h of hlm II has n the pa In of exmm mu n le tle not 10 .aml.!'nd in ma ny plaoss hI.!' di!Nlgtl.!' 1'1 i'!! gta ndfa· nOI at one's own conJI.!'ttu

ra '!!tudie!p. .and Dun!p D, La in hls " d hi'!! a Dllity fer j:lOl.!'lry_

on .an

I.!' to rem k that in l.are ge naratlens Ihl.!' '!!'.!'COnd pair of

j:liet ut on anl.!'r Ihl.!' j:ltayl.!'r. ha b n ~1I.!'d ml.!"

of I'IJIIO or I ''.!'e wo,d!p whii:n hI.!' win i'!! ee mme nta ry

passa I Tr.aa MI.!'n.a'notn In op - Ion 10 R.ashi''!!

aceou t a n.air·!ppllnl ng di'!!i:u!io'!!ion in I.!' I.angUAge of

ugn hI.!' n.a neve, tne I nt'.!'nlion 10 dei:- Ihl.!'

.among one boo

yl.aae rles are ea lied anl.!'r

!Ped Vet as pnyl.a!:te rles, as I.!'!P Ihl.!' g'I.!'.aI'.!"!!t

011'1. R, isaac thl.!' Eldl.!'r (a'!! tn I ls e:W:j:ll.ained in

I'Hasanl' rounrJ in

wnom Pa'!!hi had in Ihl.!' .al T'OV it I'!!

ph b. Simeon Ka r.a wno 1Il'Itl.!'.aled 10 u!P

, and R_ JO'!!I.!'j:lh aeho r Sho 'IJII.a'!! a disel pll.!'

I.!'d a eemmanra ry on th lat'.!'ui:h in thl.!'

ashba I.!' othl.!" rnmml.!'n I.al0rs on ij:l u re .among Ihl.!'

espha had tne I, di'!!i:iple!p. noweve • a Ihl.!' a uther of rden I mme nta ry on the PentiJte en, wbir.:n i';. to be

iffe re lens, anrJ ';.Ome 1T10re c IT1 enta ries by Ft-

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boo I


noah, Ft- l'SiJa Ha Ie , de not clins to th prinr.:.,1e M ir.:islT1- Fta';on i '';0 rnrnen ary hers of TO!Ppn 1'1 In In f:!I.!'. d !:aIled R_ tsa e tnl.!' E der, on Eic:n.ana n. E le:N! r b s..a II (Book of Ih God.

Ine r, Sim! Cn.ant

lite ral imerpreta i ';0, however, the i of from 1167 til m D.amf:!ire rs. tn I.!'I (. Ra mil) of Me ). tsaae b_ Abr.a a). 1'1 ls great !.abo a rls, ea IIII!d SI,

Ft- Jacob n, but of el. The 300 were:

• has a 1!iO bl.!' n ml.!'n 140). bV tne n me R_ isaac- -ba Iy i'!!

i Mo!Pe'S of Cd u • a uthor of th,iu! (Be r.akhol 14b. 43a. e wnom n.ave bel.!' atttibu red d we eeu tilt wnet r tsaae of ru.a· (Diffu'SlI!d Lig In 'rosphoth ('SI.!'I.!' ae- -slm ply • as n ed in TO'!!f:!holn.

ch to ,'.!"!!to,I.!' Ihl.!' udy of tne

rme, !ppll.!'ndo In hi'!! da • wne n in Sf:!a In It 'S a Imo!rt

long wllh It m ny O!!" me s, a'S f:!h~al.!'rll.!' • Melutotn

ic:n were nOI en In 1'1 !P Ii I n any pa rt of Sf:! n or otne r

ceu tr g 10 Ihl.!' 0 ppre ion of Ine ne r re ligion!p by I dom Ina nt

'I.!'I 10 • ne I!p I.!'IIII.!"!! bl.!'ga n bll.!'nd wit I.!' nations, and t

Ihl.!' br.a!:e o'!!ten'Sl bly Ihl.!' oml n.a t reli ion • .and 'Some

liou Iy .avlng de!pp.aired of I e fer I.!" I.!' of l!!'I. Mo

Ihl.!' dl.!'vo II!d nlm!Pelf 10 I'S wor .and r.avelll.!'d frem !:Itv I

fro d to tne 'Study of I

IIII.!' ne fl r'!!t wno req u

om co·'I.!'Ii_gloni'!!t!p.

ould I nd aC!:I.!'!: I.!'m by d rea ms

n.a tn I look place .al 1'1 hI.!' w.amed Ine

'Sign from hl.!'ave n. rology. to areu

to I.!' !rtudV of In its comma nd

f in hls book II.!' In hi'!! !.all.!'r

h Gadol- ( anrJlT1erw;l wh

sg." Afte.- w

eenselenof Cou!:V c:1ry • .and T.almudlc: nelf:! for d Ihat hi!p

d natural Mpll.!' that hI.!' f:!Mf:!1e ts, As, ne 'f!io (1288). title i';o


o BIB FlllJ'Dllm Boou -.~ob.lII1


r 49951 afte.- crearie ize. AnrJ in the yea.-

, God 'Strengthened a

th'.!' rurs .and '.!'~ nd d I'll


';. in SlJa in IJ.-ear.:hin 'f JeW";. anrJ Gentile';.' rea rns, rr:y to me, .and I '.!' '.!'.anh made. nles of

'.!'1"1J ... ards in other u ntli'.!"!!.

'!! a'!!k'.!'d fe r a comme on!:'.!' a nd ~a In re such in th'.!' !ppl,it of tne .almud.

m posl.!'d "5@f:lh'.!'r H.a ru rna n II Lighl" (0, zarua) hic:n a II ru I'.!'!p of Ine Tel 1m u • wn I!:h a nd a rouse th'.!' n lion 10 d Ma Imon ldes '.!'!:om'.!' vlol'.!'nt f:I'.!'r'!!'.!'!:utlo '!! th'.!'n n u mbe r of Ih'.!' !rtu '.!'nl!l_ II alse th'.!' !pm.all boo II Qu '.!"!!.


pi'.!' it'!! hOf:l'.!' WeI nOI Vet

are 'lten'.!'r.all.!'d • .and a re a II

n frem tne eon Ie n of th'.!'

n !ppe!! In !:a'!!e of R_ tsaae red: • NOI in .an 01 ma n I'!! cove n.anl I sha II f Ifll wlln progta mme made V Sh'.!'m of Aifa'!!i m.aV '!!ub . ute th'.!'

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou I I I I

men on faitn nrJ .-elisionbecome great n nUlT1ber an he ';tf"O'Vle to co vert his fellc wratn tha

rtI ins the hover the rJis.,

in u ins through ry of all Ihll'!!'.!'

dis uta nts. th'.!' topl of th'.!' d lspu ud. would 'I!N:I u ,'.!' a 'ltolu me

Ih'.!'refo~ conI'.!' t ou l"!!'.!'lw!p 1'1 a

lion Ing on Iv Ih'.!' ,'.!'.al'.!'r hlsterl a I centro I"!! su bJ'.!'a m.atte, tne disj:lu s as we d '.!'

any,god'S be';.irJ

rJi';.p!ute';. arne often a';. 1.51 rse a

AI, ady In tne flNit Je lsh en rtsrlans .an !pi'll

ntury we 1'1 Ine I, b''.!'ln ~ ne T.almud a rnmj:l'.!'llI.!'d Bul In th'.!' '!! j:I_ No. 10) h

!Peen eha ne di!ioj:lu '.!'!P t '.!'II'.!'V'.!' I Jll'!!u n mes of any

di!pputa lens h rd i:'.!'nt rlss, n erubl ned.

dis uratiens (!j.'.!''.!' A

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou




y:lDn ia, '5'5 1';.0 in IT1 ny ethe r I'la

known U'5 by sre the bouse of A bi

bia n i, nd that ~it1 ... a pi re lares that

nlthl.!' • 0' to fu n lsh !iouffh::ie n axpla n.nion

lieve I at, to '!! ve '!!in n lation!io wiln .a u derwe I Ihl.!' d

ull'!! of I I.!'!ioe di'!!j:lulI.!"!!. ut In Ihl.!' '!!Drtn D.!' ID.!" of K ng ilj:l,ic:n. f ,i:='.!'d 10 a eon

1'1 rlstla n hI.!' .aTveIV re lied ne

mpelle order

'IJI\a!io.a I.!'liotCI d • as in I.!' 'I.!'ign

fl.!'. Jud h. hene '.!'d Ihl.!' J W'!!.!iO m eh 1,·d.aV f m Satu day to S nd.av·· m.a V haa r I e Rab till .and Ih sehelars ltings f philo nd m Jew sh sehel rs Ihl.!' i i'!!com

ngl.!' for tnei, ml.!'tolhl.!''!!~

ng Ihl.!'m I.!'.ad wllh j:lle.a u Ihl.!'

I.!' Go'!!j:lI.!' and Ilkl.!'wi'!!I.!' II.!' 'n'.!'d Sc,iptu • as Rha DAnu!io M u rus Ible.

s, thl.!' M.a I.!' a'!!i:=e ec:I JeW";. 0 a rsue with Jesus ha become the

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU


the law anrJ prophers. But tnese rJis., es tho of the last fou.- ce nturieos of the M irJ nu ber of Jewi';.h a postares increase J W

'I.!'!ppon'!!ibll.!' .and f:juni!pned_ Tn us I

a f:jled J!iM and ,id h::uled Ine C

Ihl.!' Moha rulers In Sp,ain 10 10 ews .and Mu'!!!pU lmans, a nd not I 1 5. in tne ,eign of He n ry II,. wtOIl.!' a pam for r rn·'I.!'llglonim thus: - Fool'!! rea Ihl.!' Go '!P na me. 'I a m God. wilnout eha ng ,'H 0 ON n Iry undl.!'l"IJIII.!'nt .anv !::n.angejl'" Tne Iml oul urst of wratn and f:jl.!'Be!::ullon dire '.!'d

en rlstla ns did nOI !::on!pldl.!" Ihl.!' fa nOlne r, from .anv mOINI.!''.!'lle

r eo- religion lsts and hls affl,m a red that tne !ppl,it. of S .. ne !PAml.!' lime tnev gave ctl.!'dit. i.anizl.!'d JeW'!! and gta nted Ihl.!'m 0

d I!ppule with thl.!'m_ For tn ls all d g I of

wiln 'I.!"!!uirtion of rlgnts. confi'S!:: tle

nee ls ,'.!'COrded of thl.!' conversion In I.!'nrv I L. of tne g'I.!'.a1 IJomlnii:=a i!iM. who adopted Ihl.!' n.aml.!' of Ha

ee .and Sp,al n we re a I'SO Ine!ioe f g trles during tne Midd II.!' Agl.!"!!. ina nt re ligion but fe r a short f:jl.!'rlo

Ch i'!!ti.aniry

I.!' more prornl nenl !::onuoV'.!'rsll.!"!! of bbi H a u pn II.!'I. on'.!' of Ihl.!' w'-To photh II (Ta.aniln IX,. Ihl.!' 'rosphoth beg

a ng GI.!'nlill.!"!! as N.alha n Offic:la I. hI.!'

.,e t:t u rider the Art:h bi';.hop of Ce nos, the close of the twelfth century, with

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou




el'och t e status of the prosl' rity, and . ~atha n anrJ his c

cow IT The blsho atte mprerJ to I' ag'.!'." tn.n th'.!' T,in Ity is m r 'WCI'!!: • Boe o,'.!' ~I=!lying to I

con ning mys f_ You .u'.!' aw,a,

me n· nll!d bl!t:.a !i.e Ih'.!' Jews

anrJ rJa:t nin

e ,'.!'turn to m'.!'

Inflitt on m'.!' .a f less wll ~l=!lie : ·You m y without dou . .and ao::o,ding

enlitl d 10 add II cempensa De!pld'.!'!p. sl nO!!' 0

you, roperry?" "If that is se." gta nt God I .al I'.!'a'!!t as ju'!!t

d men w In '.!' .a~i'!!ta nO!!' tne oth'.!', IWO

emes II I t ne deda,'.!'!p. III de!rtroy ma n

frem ne face of tne ea rtn?' [Ge L 71. wilhoul fl

Pers.o '!! of tne 'in ltv? Tney a I ,'.!' '.!'ntltled 10

man, 0 n aneeh r OCCCI'!!ion. De I !pked wny Ine J

to WOB II=! M.ary. Ih'.!' m I '.!', of God. R_ N.a n.a e a ~!PO a rnad, wneth'.!'r I e q ue!rtlon MV'.!'

w,a!P possl bl'.!' at tne Id'.!'.a of r'!!hippl ng Ih'.!'

J'.!'ws' mlnd'!!.aft'.!' thev b'.!'en ne~'.!'!io,. '!!honly

.and enders of Ih'.!' EI'.!'rn.aL an'.!' tn u nde rs .an Tne blsh p ''.!'I=!II'.!'d: "rrua g,'.!'.al I=!mblem re me." • Bul I .a Nath n. witn hid en I,onv. "Th'.!' tne fl '.!' 'WCI'!! ma e Inlo a ea If • .a c: olned it'!!'.!' in Ihis p~c:iou Gno bl!'.!' In a rn.are in .a wo

10 give Ine I'Stae lite!p I

U shall n

!paw th'.!' hI.!'Y doubtll!d n ru~ bUI you

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


Tne'SJe d lsputes. howe

usual followed thes n tne Sa I nt, prot.eClII!d tne ra kl \Ie ng'.!'.ani:'.!' fer Bi!;no Bodo j:I'.!'l"O:!i prohi It'.!'d .altogethe

dl! p.a!io'!!II!d. and

we,'.!' and I POj:l'.!' di'!!i:ip IeClu' di'!!j:lu

while a J'.!'w had

ga In!rt J uda I!; '.!'. ne wenl to - Ou!; '!!ayl ng'!! .a

Saipt res bV lu I nt'.!',

bl.a!;p e med_ H'.!' fu G'.!'nlil of thelr pro

su m f hi'!! libel. whi

nling tne j:I,ie!rt'!! f,o O!ioe given Dove, Wne red bVtn e hat'.!'d

ne aCJ:u!ioe I"!! .an hI.!'Y we,'.!'. and.

For Ih'.!'ir gt'.!'at In

ra In opl n lens of Ih

own. neV broughr d I'.!'rrlb IIle!;, Th oj:lin I n .among th'.!' nide'!!_ Ma ny Rabbi!; hi'!! e lIapn; and Ih cciles ues anrJ d isci pi

';.jJy1 "8eholrJ, the

, f"eOSO

.-e a m OS us heret c;. an inficle I';.,

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


From Ih'.!' tnem!:oe Iv'.!' I'.!'arnlng} w or sehetar with tneir drinking of than. eeul u'!!I.!'d fer In being fll.!'d bin

You wn deal" yo I" community of a rp.eleos. p_ 3 l, Tney aos';.entec:i -slarJly. anrJ the t e ru ke n Paris a rJ Montp.elliersards hat lion of l!pr.a'.!'1 (lhlllY In '!!i:ieni:'.!' .and ng'.!'.ani: .a.g,.ain'!!t n o,din.ary

oj:lin lens in .anv d ree at v.a,ia nO!!'

Ih bV uylng.a n.andk'.!"i:n let 0'

opl n Ion ls .a.g,.ain th'.!' law, Who. of e:W:i:O m u n lea on. whii:n IhlllY m every huma n any wno drank we nt mad, l:Iul rwa rd ''.!'!:e Iv'.!'d who had be'.!'n

r breth'.!'rn • .and !pneej:l fer th'.!'

Thu!P on Ih to tne 'ov I dl!pputed w 1'1 .a!pked bV hi ne believe

240. Ih'.!' co , J'.!'i:n leL • bl! • be'.!'n '.!' al.!'d h

thls .alon'.!'

wrlne n in I Ihl.!"!!'.!' ls R, J'.!'i:n ie '.!'plied. d 'fear'!! old b I more that th'.!' e

ud WeI'!! b ougnt bV Donin of Ine et that ne d of tne d lsputanrs, wa'!! nole a '.!'mbly. wneth'.!', ks. now me re fou'

d'I.!"!!!p1 tne king: "au' .an flfle n 1'1 u nd red. and i'!! sa Id in .aj:lo!Ot.Ul.!"!! an d '!! eenrents and known 10 all as

'!!'.!''.!'k!p eer IiV'.!""!!. r 11ve!p. bUI nOI

e Icing waos not Oonin, To tn i';.

zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


the rabbi a ns red that the mora I anrJ lesa d held sacred, u that full credence neerJ n be

shou IrJ not Icen too litera 1Iy, '5ince it i'5

Ra mba n g.a xp~~ion to a li~ of:lin Ion.

quOIl.!' him I.!'n I I.!'. To tne ether attu'!!Cllion!p Ihl.!' followers 0 J'.!"!!u!P Cn rl!rt • Minim· (Infide !p). it a Ilows III· u a I.!' of peopll.!' of otne r natle IiI T .almud ther - no me ntion of Je'!!u!p (JI.!'!pu) hri

(JI.!'!Pn u.a) wno !P .a di'!!!:iple of R. Jo!Pn ua b.

vea rs Defo,I.!' rl!rt.: that Ihl.!' tsrm 'Minim'

dl.!'ny Ine 0 law; II gr.anrs I.!'qua l;tv idol.alOr'!! In!:1 ed. and eomma nes vl'!!ltatl n thelr poor • .a d inte, menl of Ine I, dl.!'ad eve I

f:I,oved a ,ding to Ihl.!' Tel I mud, th

among Idol.a 0 • '!!ince thl.!' prehibhlen .a'!! to di~ClI.!'d on I l'!!!'1 and has nOI bl.!'I.!'n [o Ine Ch,!p .abho, Idola

!:ounred a JeW'!! bV Ihl.!' (See App. No

n tne m. Tne,I.!' ls no distin ina I of a II !:lvlll.!I.!'d la .)

em!Peive!p I.!'n tham a d Ihl.!' 'ralm d.

f:la'!!!Ped In d I!pputlng witn by a di'!!!:ipll.!' .and collea

Ha m''.!''' ze.alot). On tne Ihird day. R JI.!'

f:I,ohiDIt'.!'d f' nolding Inll.!'l"Olu r'!!I.!' wllh R. Je

ea lied to tne d sputa. and whl.!'n hi'!! .a'!!!Pe Iho!Pe of R_ JI.!' lel, Ihl.!' !:onuoversy ea me 10 n

lI.!'r n a eek, "Jese d.ah _ [}.a'lli • n.a'lling D n

ie I t e fil"!!t d.aV'!!.

ure wn Ich m ust bl.!' nored Pa ble Ch,ist- n in July. 1263. wllh tne 0 of tne f:I''.!''Itio '!! di'!!f:lull.!'. In that thl.!' flm eha Je'!!u!p .and C, lans, whill.!' Ihi'!! d I!ppute e

T .almud it'!! I.!' I hI.!' Me~i.ah!pn I p of J '.!"!!u!P; ab

!:onr.ainl.!'d m n !puch p.a~ag'.!"!!_ R.abbi Mm !Pelll!Ct.'.!'d as d uta nt. Tn ls conuoversy alse aa reslena • .a d I.a!rted fou r d.aV'!!- Tne f:I,in!:1

Whl.!'lne r tne '.!"!!!pla 1'1 had .al~ady a ppe.a~ or

hI.!' would .af:l r as .a WeI rrlor, 10 'I.!'!rtO'I.!' I I.!'

God'';. '50n, a J ';.U'5- The pCJ';.'5ase, -the '5~

until 5h iloh me- (wh ir.:h the Jew';. al'5o un

d tne .af:lO

p.ain Thi'!! as tne ~'IIe Imud IIh d'.!"!!f:li'!!i 10 f:I 'lie frem t e I ng Ihl.!' be k ma n I R.amba n) !P In Ine oV.a1 pa lace in fer d- !:u~ion wI.!' II '.!'X ClI.!'d; whl.!'1

rrios to a

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


Temple rerJ tha:t

po'!l!i@~ I mplic:h:1y f:lI.!'n'!!abll.!'

we ea II ed to by da." hI.!' flaion . .a I neld by rnlng 10 T.almud. Ian. wny nlm. as n.ave nk fer it'!! d e Md .af't.'.!',

creed. I.!' world·

d_' l:Iul ma n kl • jU'!!tiu!. ot yet bl.!'COme th ru ling r not ';..jJtisfierJ the ad he re

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I



'", ~~.

, a ma ord i a ry 1'.51 re mud nh::h yo

Il'!!!pla !plu on '!P ,ig

God I.!'isl.!' co Id not Ih

st be, acwrrJins usr e -Sl'runs a r.:hild e. ~a J the I'a-s~ in ring I Mil'!! la hship of Jasus, am on hls 1'.!"I1 ' 'ShoW'!! hlm not .afte

ounl 0 tne fa r she n tne MIl'!!!pla h. ' wou Id .ave k 0 hi a'S Di'II'lniry and first place. Tne at Ihl.!' Me!P'!!i.ah eed tne Ihl.!' nope of a 'Saw thl.!' liglu of In 'Sf:lire of h ls dl.!'mf:llion, And

I.!'med Ihl.!' world lst. Woml.!'n stlll tne grou nd De hic:n. accord Ing I sln. As, to Ine

eem .rror I.!' rest," !P it. I aeeoun stran I.!' f:lI.!'of:l a n If • a'S f

weve,. be 1O.a replied tommp hl.!'n

od'.!"!!t q e'!!llon.· • Ihl.!'n. sheu

ut nrJ to h IrJ fa

f:lI.!'r'!!on in God,

Trln· i!P!PO d'.!'e P a

n N.aL':n rna n I had i'!!I.!' tnem!Pe 1v'.!'!P e€l'alT1'f'5l€ryr a nse 'WOrd-s: -I

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


rfu Ily rJerenrJec:I, I' fIIevertne';. comempera ry ecr.:le-sia';tir.:a I WoiJ';. eil:l;:latriarerJ tn rough the 1e'St1 na. wh 11::1'1. Inn ls opl n Ion.

rr Ih'.!'~ '!!honly .afte, J '.!'ru'!!a I'.!'m

ngols Tne ~ ne continull!d his la bors h co m'.!' on tne !:Iibl'.!' _ To his ne sa Id. on tneir .a!pklng of her's grave 'StOM would b'.!'

wnom Juda m giv'.!'n binn d I!pnono~d nd lu '.!'plta ph ~fllaO!!' rnunleatad 1'1

to no !P.alisf.aaory ~'!!ult'!!.. .and w:in o:!d by tne a rgum'.!'nl of • no d his taerles and Imfl'.!'am'.!'d ,'.!' POfl'.!' lem'.!'nl IV. I ng it. .abu!Ped and blasne P fl'.!' a ppol nt'.!'d a committ'.!''.!' 10

d Be flon Ine obnexleus p.a!P'!!age'!! as d .awn In rough Ine flag'.!'!p of Ih'.!'

or Ih first lim'.!' it. w.a!P su bJ'.!'i:=ted 10

d neu r~ni::'.!' of hi'Sto,ic: '.!'V'.!'nrs I

w'.!'~ aga In rnn'!!igMd to Ih'.!' ba li'!!tic: f.anatii:: Solomon PI.!'tIl; imen. Ih'.!' g,'.!'at'.!'!rt think'.!" 10 usa nd vea rs. 'IJIi.a!P !'.!'fu Ily wo,d!p; "H'.!','.!' ,'.!'m .an exmm"

'!!ufl'.!'rvision eighl sessle s, en rlstla n se ol.a

rta n c:e WI.!' '.!' th '.!'.a a k plaO!!' ofl'.!' !:I'.!'ned ng Defo

• and tne

'!! on Juda lsm .and Ine T .almud In Ih'.!' • in. A r.ago n. In 14 13. und'.!', th'.!' wh 1'1 ~Llui,1I!d no I'.!'!P'!! !pIJIIV" tne J'.!'W!P had ne Id pol'.!'mic:'!! wllh

ewl!pn I Ie .aIU In dll!f'.!'n!Pe of Ih'.!' fa Ith whii::n

n u ry. nd wn Ii::h I ndudll!d a lse .anai::k'!!

b m, Raymond Ma rtln. a Domin lea n e T alm d .aflflointed bV Ih'.!' Pope. who I'.!'n Ie i::V. wrote .aga I nst J!pm I'IJIIO Ig ous aue'· (D.agge r of F.ailn) .and

'.!','.!'In .a in favor of Ch,i!!li.aniry we,'.!'

re and binir.:al writiOS'S- The';.e beele'S

it: tha n n-olT1 their eil:hibitien

of proto rJ schol Adereth, a polen.,-

fou rt.e'.!'nl i:'.!'ntu wtOI'.!' a nu

forme r lglon, 10 whom isaac u

peem A!P ~II a'S Toi"de'Sill.a di!pput'.!' VAlladolld a nd 'So

nownerJ Tal e apostate 1T1, at the of eentre , ,'.!'plil.!'d wi wo,k, In 1 I Avilla wllh

han," nimto found i:urred

any. to part of fold of dbya

have gon ,'.!'llgloni'!!t a doubt,

'.!' man r year'!! hi'!! ee'i:'.!'1y

nlmo. at tne

di'!!j:lul'.!' in 'renosa.

H'.!'nl.!'d lei III,. on'.!' had A pol ic:u la r Inl

no w'.!'re Ih '!!I,ivl ng 0' d

_ Tn ls pope h d De'.!'n d pos r, and had d a I'Ol'e, and f

elf un iYel";.iJlly n ized,



nacy of the Je IrJ be a great triu se motive';. he

nrJ eftet:ti I'h fo ... the ch willin,gly I'e scholars to

miMnt .af:lf:l rru ptlon!p. f' onimo. tne hI.!' followl

inally nei ... rth, an ta ... itterJ lri;ins thael leal

\tier. tnen .a
'!!u in'!! hI.!' JIIl"IJIIS In heir unbl.!'III.!'f_ n
.af:lf:l .a 'I.!' d in Ihl.!' I.!'!P'!!ion n.all n tne fil"!!t day •
bll.!' .pr'.!' Idl.!'d , bV tne po (wno 'IJIi.a!P f:lo ou!ply a rr.a'f'.!'
n ele .alll!d I 'OM). m.u:le pon thl.!'m .an 0 hl.!'lmlngim
I'll !Pe If 0 ned thl.!' ssien wiln an dd,I.!'!ps. whl.!'
hasls on tn f.att that Ih question now !P nOI as 10
r Cnrl ian Iry; J udai ones had bl.!'I.!' rue. but WeI n. Thl.!' else '!!!plon mu!rt tu,n Iy on tne f:I
tothl.!' almud, J'.!"!!u ls tne f:I,omi!Ped sslah or n
Ge nlm dl.!'11ve II!d .a lI.!'ngthV pee!:h. wn I!:h hI.!' ndudll!d wll
ye I.!'wll Ing .an obey. ve '!!h II tne good
.and 'I.!'bl.!' .ve!P II be dl.!'vo II!d bV Ihl.!' '!!WO • In hi'!! 'I.!'pl
Ben nl f:l1.a!: 's wicked nass in !P true Ilgnt.
ne ad Ih I.!'.a I I.!'n rd bl.!'fo,I.!' .anv f:I of for or aga I
bro ghl_ n Ihl.!' ubsequent slons. GI.!'ron 1m !:ited pas
II.!'!P'!! f.aml ar, fro Ihl.!' T.almu a nd Mid rash, I prove to Ih
tn.a Ine almud 1I!Pe1f. wnen ighlly undl.!'l"!!too att'.!'!rt'.!'d Je
'!!hi . aut a'!! tn re pre!Pe ntat !P of Ihl.!' JI.!'WS :w:pl.ained Ih
rdln 10 Inel 'I.!'.al meanl a nd .at Ihl.!' IIl'Xpl tlon of !p1:w:ry
evl !:1I!d ot tne !pllgnt'.!'!rt in!: Inatlon 10 bl.!' ee rted. Ge,o mo. a thl.!'
po '!P bl ding. arne fonh a impl.!'.a!:hl.!'r of th ing I at II
lne bl.a!pp mles .and a mlnatlo ns of a I kind!p .and m Ihl.!" o 'I.!'
itlona V condemn e wickedly Igno ntly
many a'!!'!!agl.!'!p.. Th 0' '.!':!(,ampll.!'. rela - nlO
e '!!miteth 1'1 I f.alne r 0' hi'!! Iner hall
ut to de.atn.' that ne on ls guiltv of deatn no wound'!! p.are tby
bea In&: om Ih· GI.!'ronlmo I reuI.!'d Ine T mud allow!P1 beatl of
pa rrts. he Hal kha a 1'50 tea hes in reference bla'Sl'hem'f
wn blas heme God by hi'S name of four 1 I"';. (Jenovah e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou II

_. foraDltom1.noh.lII1

II .-.,.-----

d mud p.erm it';.

IN';. IT1 a y brea Ir; it'( the praye.- 1'1C0 ~id f"€-. EVery ne at a I fa milia.- with

Ih t it is for forg- nass fer Ine n n·fulfil ml.!'nl of vows n'!!i:lou'!!ly or bre I.!'n tn rough fo IIl'tfuln ss, and ls but of tne Tel Imud' '!!i:,ul=lulou'!!n !P in In!P matt'.!', _ Tne ndl.!'d Ihl.!'m!Oe1'U' • il is true, 111'1 sklll aga In!rt tne!Oe

fina Ily !PO ha rd l=I'I.!"!!!Oed In.n I.!'V d Idl.!'d inlO IWO

In.n Ine l=Ia'!!!P.a '!! of Ihl.!' a bre nt fol"lJlla rd bV

.aul orlty; wne'I.!'a'!! n Vld.all:len nisti an tne re ligiou'!!

ph be ded.a'I.!'d eha tne '!! neld bV them as of

I.!'d lire a d tne n judged_ At all

did nOI '!!ui:i:'.!'ed in u!ioing '.!'lIe n 0 I.!' of tn dl.!'leg,.are'!! to

hI.!' hOI=ll.!'d -fer nera I i:onV'.!'f'S1 n of In JeW'!!, o,ive n

hI.!' dismi~d t m In avery u frll.!'nd m.anM'. and .a bull In whii:n e I nt'.!',dirt'.!'d e 'I.!'.ad ng 0' '!!tudV of dl.!' fe !:Ol=Iie!P of tne n d'.!"!!t,oV'.!'d_ He .a I !PO direal.!'d hat in p.ain Ihl.!' J'.!'W!P

.all.!' from tne Ch,ist- ns, fill no offii: al ruf n. l=lfartl!:e no I.!' Ih m!Oel'U'I.!"!! to ml.!'d 1M _ Fortu n.a Iy tne o!rtillry of Ine a Thl.!' Couni:11 0 Co!rtn lit del=l !Oed hi ; his forme, Fe r nde and Eml=ll.!' r SIgI!pmu nd. renou n d hls ea U'!!I.!'.

F lag late rand l=I'I.!'ac: er, Vince nt FI.!' rer, 1=1' aml.!'d ope n Iy

as t ls 1=10 pe de'!!I.!'rve 10 De 1=II.!'f'Sei: d 10 t e ulmo!rt and

C 1'1 rlstla n. II illed wllh r at In i~ue of tne

agAin tne Tel I mud, d 10 hI.!' bl'!!hol=l'ie. W'!!.an J ud.aism_ To 'I.!' f,I.!'I.!' as to rel=lly witnout JO'!!I.!'pn AI • Ibn Lobi. and own i:reed a d win ing a rrow'!! at es l.all.!'r Ine JeW'!! f Sj:Ia I n wl.!'re fi!rt. not wllh pirlfua wea pons, but

wi odV 1=II.!'r'!!I.!'i:ut ns till flna Ily. In Ine

10 JI.!'WS we,I.!' ee pelle 10 eml=llV Ine


e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


o liY€rJ in the

e wa-s ignorant werlclly lrinow-

aintanr.:e witn Je - h I ire rature, He

pe nalt'( ten- a th - Tne OOIT1 in~n

rate r, the jurJse the Inl',;lui'5ition,

h great honol". H chstrarer wa-s a e wno bore the ame of Jew- H i-s Artn u rin G.-acia rh i';. latter narJ r 1(.51 rben-sky (1504 ,C, I, the task of

tn i';. palT1 ph let tea urhor brin,g-s eOl'Ie, the respo ';.ibility fer wn ir.:h bu lcus cnalKe';. Jewi';.n pe I"j€CUn the poorest a d most crilT1inal

to all manne'- of na.-rJ';.n il'';. rather concludes witn hese we rd-s: • All

urce of all e'l'il. an whir.:n the JeW'S ';. of GorJ-· The cr, and a-slrierJ a rn u n~l'iesel· nrJ of tn e J ewi-sh

to i nt I"CI rJ u c e C I"i'5t ia n ity a IT1 0 n,g ri';tia n worlcl tn the JeW";. de not

ew';. unto destru s, Alons witn t the rJe-sire (a n k'.!' th'.!' Tel Imud

ion; to.-, he -sa irJ, e pretence-s of in this he wa-s fo,!:'.!' from th'.!' en rlstla ns." !:.aid .u'.!' not eem, tne !:e',mon!p;.a d tn I'd. baea u'!!'.!'

e In n FDlJ'Dllm Boou I I


they honor t Tah ... iu _. The fcre he appea

the u lers to move t e fim cau';.e';.; a';.

talr;e th Tah ... , rJ fre m the Je not wh Ily su ~u I. bl! und !"'!!tood t I dl.!'prl Ing Ih Jews of thl.!' bl.!'n fit... - IIV. of I.!' Do inica ns: fer thl.!' Ihl.!' qui!pllio. posses d Ihl.!' owe, of dl.!'i:la In of turning n m to ti ha'!!t ned 10 I

lisiDn isrs and

• e arJ'IIi';.erJ the aut even thi';. d Ii'll.!' f:lI.!'Of:lle Inure to tne tne Judge!P of ha rmtsss .and re pfll!ffe rkorn n r I.!':t:f:I'I.!"!!!plon!p. 0' Cn rlstla n ltv p.amf:lhll.!'t... on n In n ls first

I.!'I.!'d to kill or

n n'.!'ed ot need or 0 V I 'Sa ld, II 0 ask f:lI.!',mi'!!!p1 n ~ I tne H Ible.· .a

'.!'X n'SI.!' of I whi hI.!' 'I.!'only iI'f to b thin to be rJ

Ifl.!'.a u ref'S. from wh m V did not dl.!"!!i to I.!'mbtace C rl di'!!11 ked JI.!'Wi'!! a

fer Ih greate' J dw:ice rem De Ing ea !P'!!I.!'ne! that I ev we,I.!' con'lll n

rer • .a d that i!p !poII.!' objeCl pfll!ffe rkorn Wfitt'.!'n prevl u!P a';. eithe..- to ei( a II the copies

r€vi';.erJ and oiJnrJ Germa n, I10ml n lea ns .a

rJ rendered the period. , of tne Emf:!

Prln!::!l'!!!; Kun nde. wno

Thl.!'V bl.!'gged har to Inll.!' dl.!' wiln leE

Thl.!'V eulogl d pfl.!'ffl.!'rkor • 1I.!'lling ne

of hi!; good eha r.aae r, .a d urged

pe!rsu.adl.!'d 1'1 , to give.a py of 1'1 I'!!

tnen at w.a, i Ita Iv with I once !ioe1 oul for lIa Iv. a de!::,'.!'e In at II tne JeW!; (Preffl.!'rko,n). to De 'I.!'w:i'!! d bV him; "f ne s ou Id find In relating to C ,i'!!ti.anity. it. hould be d

tne f:!0W'.!', to II 10 1'1 I!; .a ru lers, Thl.!' J con '0' in bl.!'n.a knowledge 0 nflde in hi


pfll!ffe rkorn a d hi'!! pa rtv f inq u 1!;lto city dwell tel bls who we I.!' 'I.!'nown

.altnough Ih '!l'!!onl.!'d

lite r.arv trsas 'I.!'!;··even In tne ndate. w.a!; '!!uuI.!'nde r hi'!! ntl'I.!'!rtOre


ror's deal.!' m.adl.!' hlm pr !PeCOIO'. wi JI.!'w!; or tne f:! Of:!Ie. in d I'!! .ag.ain'!!t Ine la _ HI.!' eou ns

m.andate to nfo,m wi e,k

Colosne arJ i';.erJ him to find st h i mself in the matter rh i';.

!::uIO' In on

• would De g I a'!!k thl.!' I.!'mf:! ,agtl.!'I.!'d to

Ihl.!' ulrJ

lBI B FDlJ'Dllm Boou -"~ob.DI1



U 1.51 r anrJ I'"e'5lJet:t€ set a lette ... from Ft


RI.!'Ui:nlln. la r; In .addil i:1.a11y 10 Ine I pic:k de M i.e.. Jewl!pn my !!IHI.!' ''.!'VII, HI.!' for at t e Cou rt of F of ne la nguage; seh la I"!!. a nd arta be whl.!"I.!'ln hI.!'

ign ranee of HI.!' !Pig Ifli:a nt Heb,I.!' erh r br.ani:h of I

Ne nhl.!'II.!'!io'S. Re of I e Jewi!pn fa I of is domin lens

wa'!! tnev a 1e!P. and tn.a i'!! t ue l.are r fu

lin 'IJIi.a!P not I.!'ntl, Iy f,'.!'e f I n .a l'.!'tt.e, to.a kn nt who Cn rlstla n Irv. ne w ore that

re di'!! belll.!'V'.!'f'S. 0 did n I U'I.!' fo, Cn rl

hIllY hl.!'1d in g..!'n'.!'r I eentem I a II Ch,i - n!p; a ref:ll.!'nted of ha'lll g wrlne n Ihi'!! Iene r, '!! wi

Tne Domin lea ns III.!'d on Re ueh lin. knowing

the oogn Iy acqua the rulers of Ger ny, Out Ft€uchlin ma .... altnoush he commended t e proje


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boo




- He a 1';.0 ca lied Pfufterlriom''S attention

nOI '!! U ring t e wish'.!'d·fo, l'.!"!!timony. pfll!ffe rkorn sue ing tn e mpe'o igno,'.!' Ih'.!' f:lI.!'tllion'!! of th'.!' JI.!'W!P an .and give him t e f:lowe, to def:l,N'.!' th'.!' Jews of Ine I, b re'.!'. w lie ha rsh '.!'f:I,ow:ing tham to r f.alling to ruittly e lim'.!' lee mpe r eomrnisslened Areh bl'!!hof:l U rl'.!'l 10 ea ry Oul _ H'.!'.a e o,d'.!' d him 10 '!!e'.!'k • .and 10 follow Ine ad'ltiu! of tne n iversll '!! of Col na. May'.!'nce. Erfu rt and H'.!'idelb'.!'rg • .a d alse 111'1 R'.!'ui: II • vlao, Ka rbe n'!!ky .and Hoc:n'!!'.!'r (.a hough

'!! Ily igno n of H'.!'b'I.!'W)_ u,je I comma nded tne dire 0' of

'.!',ma n He'!!!p. to 'ltl'!!it all th'.!' i:itl'.!'!p of Ge ma ny.

I h books, He'!!'!! did so, He ltelve lied rough

'.!'ff'.!'rko'n; .and in Fr.ankton .alone ifte'.!'n

k'.!'n aw.av (f:I,inted book'!! we re .a'!! ye r.a , '.!')_ torch, l:Iitgin. La muve n. Ma'f'.!'ni:'.!' and nertz.

• 10 '!!ave tneir lire r.arv treasu re'!!., red 10

did not ea re 10 '!!'.!'II hi'!! seul .and Ine re did

• did nOI O!!'a'!!'.!' in Ine I, effon!p to f:I''.!'ve stlmen la I'!! frem th'.!' mere prornl nenl mitt'.!''.!' 10 Ine em pe'o, to petition im 10

I, re ligion, Tney add uesd proofs 10 she

aga In!rt Ch,i! i:ommunille!p, ThI.!'Y b ughl d 10 th'.!'m bV to rme, '.!'mpe rors .and

'.!'m to i, God witnout Ih'.!' Inl'.!'rfe,'.!'nce of tne

ne'!!'.!' ers se 'It tel bly impre,!!!ioed Ine emf:l'.!"o, 1'1 eem-

.al a II ne book !P ou Id be ''.!'IU rned 10 th'.!'ir owners, Tne joy of

n I'.!'a r Ing of thi ei:''.!''.!' c:.annol b'.!' dl.!"!!aibl.!'d. '!!ince the,

IhI.!'Y g nted f:lo !P'!!ion of Ine I, book'!!. but .a f:I'.!'.ai:I.!'ful 'I.!"!!

,dl.!'d Ih'.!'m_

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

memenra ry. as bOlh Ine IJomlni!:a Ih'.!'ir m.alevol'.!'nl .aal'ltlrv_ To .add '.!'nt bl.!'f'.!'11 whic:n In'.!'!p

the ir wa ITa re a,gain'5t the faithful, with brins about the larre r' 'S destructien.

vessels and wh result, a I Ihl.!' sam Ch,islia


10 Ine j:lI.!"O' Maxi

'I.!'llglon_ T ls pa mph II.!'I .a fu II we n 10 tne arti -

nun Ku should should

I.!'mj:ll.!'M a a Dove· I.!' tle ned Ge,m RI.!'UL~hll. a rbe n'Skv .an

I.!'mj:ll.!'M). 'So that hI.!' , not Ihl.!'

TalmurJ h uld be desr

lBI B FDfZ(I!Im Boou -.~ob.DI1


~Iigio ." bUI tne!ioe ~ Ih rscerd ) and tham Ive!p p penal Il'!! upo 'Stat.'.!'d

with notnl

"I tne j:lo!P'SI.!'!P'Sion On'.!' ve ntu ring ass of books m u

when, afte ... th ree month';. e e mpe rc r, it wa'5 rounrJ to e d iYirJed Jewish lite ... ature

ows: (1) poetly. f.abll.!' .and nd pr.a'f'.!'f'S; (4) j:lhilo!iOpny _ "In tne fir'S! class, - 'Sa Id y 0' c:rllic:lte tne Ch,i'!! of hi!p own knowll.!'dgl.!' • .and

e I ni:I.!' of wn Ii:h we n.avl.!' no

howeve,. tne R.abbi'!! JeW'!! and tn ~aten !ioeve ~ m, -It ls 'SI.!'If·evldl.!'nt." hI.!'

that IhI.!'Y not on Iy i:onr.ain ntr.arv. Iney .a,I.!' of g'I.!'.a1 any GI.!'ntlle !ioCho la rs. ee u Id

'S I.!' ing of Ihl.!' Bibll.!'. b'.!'!ioe of

1'1 i'!! I ul.!' " hI.!' 'Sa ld, -that seh'S

f In I.!'wi'!!h eemmanra rles, a'S we

omj:la ~d Ihll'!!I.!' !PAml.!' to .a r, 'Sin!:e tne ba'Si'!! fer 'ighl of Ihl.!' orlglna I l.angu,ag'.!'

.a nJu!rtli:I.!' to dl.!'j:I,Ne Ihl.!' Jews rors .and POj:lll'!! tne j:I,ivill.!'g'.!'

class in Luin. il I 10 me a !ioe.aled n II have a'S Ilnle 1I!p. hi'!!torv,: nlll'lt .all that it. eental s, I e n

d on .an equa I fooll ng wiln rman, But of tne Tel I mud I t i'!! evldl.!'nt that Iho!ioe who of II a'S I, ThI.!'Y n.ave no idea I.!'Y tAlk as if IhI.!'Y knI.!'W .and Iv rnmj:la ~ !pum j:lI.!'Oj:lle 10 ill.!' tnev a ~ Ignor.anl !PSoed that Ihl.!' T .almud mighl wllh!!la nd tne j:I,ook in its rea Ily were .51'5 barJ a';. they re rei i,giou';. than we, we u IrJ

e zn n FDfZ(I!Im Boou I I IT

...... v ,


Ine, of

I fseu Iry of M.a o:! 'I.!'pli

a II tel lea I books fu ll ef!ioehoo

testify (t e far.:ulty themse es con Talmu nd He brewl. but nat the

ave put an enrJ rkorn and Sr.:nw

lT1ativ • shoulc not be ,go !rtudy h T .almud we wOu

10 1'101 i In stlll greate' 'I.!'

I.!' latte, d 1'S00Ltl.!' d in il !P ated Ka bD.aII'!!lIc: hI.!' l'SteleIM!P of gl g a knighl 10 e

ad'lll'!!e e Ge rulers no wI.!'

Ch,i'!!t- n IY. to I.!'rn bli!pn in all Ihl.!' vea rs. e a Irs fer tne '!!Iud of Ihl.!' ha'lll n.a orough knowled f:I,ook f' m thelr own !:Iibl Ihl.!' a at'.!'!p (ne f:ll.ain Iv ,

him). e 'Sa Id: "Of what 1'1 rough jl.!'.alou'SV.

n love of pll.!'.a!pu a !P Dea r Ihl.!' n.aml.!'

lu,ie'S a nd 'Should bl.!' f:I'OI Ihl.!'m ne rl.!'1ic:'!!. f 'Iney a II me .ant'.!'o:!de I to Ihl.!'


from er arJ -';.jJble. the hins be

r on poi n of Christian docrri fere, tnat t e books be .-evised nd centra to en ri'Stia n belief it

UnM:! I"!! unse lied in likl.!'

H Idl.!'1 t.erg ad isl.!'d thl.!' em '0' 10 '!!I.!'II.!'tt a com

all Ihl.!' un Ive llie'!! of G rma ny to Judge I" r.rtu rs, a nd let tnei, dei: ion t.e


as hls du 10


hls a n'!!wer undl.!" saal 10 A I"(: 1'1

rded 1I!p ntsnts!' kno n to

f:lI.!'ror. Wh n hI.!' and tne Ooml!p re I.!'rtu rt.ed_ Tn y wen:! .aw.a,I.!' of tn e!rtel.!' !P hl.!'ld by lee mpe'o,. nd Ihl.!' welghl his a n we, tn latt.'.!". an 'I.!'!iOlved I do !iOmething to I.!'.ake .an r on tn em pe,o, an Ine pu bhe, (In thl.!'ir n.a!rte tn V did nOI enslder Ine I!pk 10 Ine m'!!I.!'lw!p In m.ak I

re it. reae ed tne I.!'mf:l ror.] A parnphler !P lssu

"H nd'!!f:lil.!'gl.!'i. in Preffl.!'rk n's na me, eeuehad i flowl

p ml neni:I.!' a II Ihl.!' wl.!'.a polnts in RI.!'uc:n lin',!!

Ig oranee, a b '!!ing 1'1 I man ,id lculing hls IhM

tn common I.!'Of:lle- Thl.!' mf:lhlet 'Stated tha RI.!'ui:

notn Ing of Ine Heb I.!'W lAngUAge. and 1'1 I rlnl.!'n by e hl.!'r n.and!p; Ine refore Ihl.!'V

thl.!' em pe' , in m.alters of whic: hI.!' 1'1 I that RI.!'ui:n n's dI.!'Cla r.alion that I I.!' JI.!' !P tne uttl.!' a D'!!u,dity of hls wh t.e Ju!rtly sus ClI.!'d hI.!' did nOI do this fer not Ing. T co tl.!'nlion. Ih V f:lubll!pned .a Iene r wn Ii:h RI.!'ui:h In him

kn gh I filtl.!' ye rs Defore. a c:.alll.!'d uf:l0n Reui:hl n 10 d

tn lett.'.!', tn tne JeW!; ndl.!'r en rlstla n I~; i!p ,I.!'f

Iv mi!pII.!'.ad thl.!' I.!'mf:ll.!'

et of RI.!'uc:n lin 's re n n .a

a vial m 10 Ine I, ill.!'!p.

d Reui:hll n with n.a -ng.a

for dl.!'fl.!'nding Ine slne

Iy .a'!! hl.!',I.!'t1 s, HI.!' also eha rgl.!'d

.aboul tn ls !P ml.!'nllo ned In RI.!'u

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boo


A-; f;:eu hlin

I'a rnph I marJ

to lea of wn jargon. parnphl

II Ir;nown oiJnrJ IT1 ueb .-e motion, and tn e l'eol'le r,:hli n wa-s eccused, A-; it fa I, days 10 Fr.ankfon·o rkern, R'.!'ui:hlln nlm!ioelf

kern's n • .and a n n~d at Ine im

Ih'.!'refo '.!' eem lAin 10 tne e mpsror _ Th'.!' la

Preff'.!', rn. pr m _ R'.!'uc:n lin h'.!' wou I

'lIl'Itision of Ih'.!' books to th'.!' !:lis nop of

b'.!'l ng.a II ply oi:i:uf:!ied wllh matt'.!'

Ih'.!' mo . M'.!'a nwn II'.!' .a '!!'.!'i:ond

diruibure th'.!' re m.ain I f:!oint in th'.!' conte!rt WeI'!! from .a re ligiou'!! bl.!'COme a wrore a wo,k '.!'ntilled • _!Ph a postat'.!' shou Id e nde ow Preff'.!'rko'n had co d'.!"!!f:! mea ns h'.!' De emf:!e,o,. !PO as to De .ab d tne,'.!' we re tn I rlh'.!',. ne ha d nOI 10 latte, m'.!',ited th'.!' !ioe

e JeW'!!. He dew red tne

• a f .aI'S'.!' OM • .addui:ing m rkorn me rely inre nded '.!'If wrllte n th'.!' H '.!'b 1'.!'.a'Md H'.!'b,I.!'W f,o

01 rbld en rlstla ns from ha'lll

la I as this WeI'!! on'.!'n prod u

0f:!'.!' of his

Now. I

f.air • .an w.a!P '!! b'.!'IIIIl'It'.!'. g''.!'edl Ih'.!' f:!'.!' f:!1e. A

while .ading

'.!':I(Clal d Inat

bisho Mayen , all a rch bis op to

'.!'rko'n',!! pam ph I'.!'l. Re u la rg'.!' qua ntill'.!'!p to tne nt tne work a nd did tnei '.!','.!'d Pet'.!'r May'.!'r. II n '!P pa mph let In tne t 10 b'.!' bu rned at Ine ru aye nO!!'. ne f:!,ohibit'.!'d _ to Fteucn lin, at their he prohibition oiJnrJ he co

';. written in th ne ·Main to pu !P aston I!pned .a !.alion on his 1'1 f. a ngrv .al tne '.!'nuu!!l Ih'.!' tas '!!butg.: but Ih'.!'

f '!!tat'.!'. tn ls .affa I as neld .al Fta n p.amf:!hll.!'t'!! a aeh I.!'d. R'.!'ui:hlln '.!'r'!! ene, to u g'.!'n'!!f:!ieg'.!'I.· In 0' to de!rtroy th to 1'1 1m • .a !Ok I

gta mmar _ To ma In .a Jew. ne ref:!· d that d'.!'.all ng'!! wllh. 0' I arning '.!' of good In In

I '!P 'IJIi.a!P d l!rtrlbul f:!1e. Th'.!' JeW'!! it Imo!rt to '!!f:!,'.!'ad f F r.ankfort·on·t

e zm DIJ'DIIm Boou II

psror '!! for rt. and ng tne olvl.!'d •



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