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symbol freq = w0 'define frequency in binary

symbol ch = b2 'define first counter as byte (channel)

symbol mask = w2 'bit mask is a word
symbol m = b3 'define counter (multiple use) as a byte
symbol bit = w4 'variable to use for the bit
symbol volt = w5 'voltage reading
symbol voltsum = w3 'voltage running total

main: pause 500 'stabilize power supply 1/2 sec

low 1 'initialize
low 2 'initialize
low 4 'initialize
pause 500 'stabilize 1/2 sec

freq = %0100000011011000 'center of UHF channel 14

loop1: for ch=14 to 69 'scan UHF TV channels

high 1 'raise tuner program enable

pause 10 'enable stabilize

gosub datal 'set 1st bit zero for UHF

gosub datal 'set 2nd bit zero for UHF

gosub datal 'set 3rd bit zero for UHF

gosub datal 'set 4th bit zero for UHF

mask=%0100000000000000 'define mask, start with 15th bit

loop2: for m=1 to 15
bit = freq & mask
if bit=0 then datal2 'bit was low, hence send low
goto datah2 'otherwise send a high
loop3: mask = mask / %10 'divide by 2 to get mask for next lower bit
next m 'loop the program

gosub datah 'set 20th bit one (spacer bit)

gosub datal 'set 21st bit zero

gosub datal 'set 22nd bit zero

gosub datal 'set 23rd bit zero

gosub datah 'set 24th bit one

gosub datal 'set 25th bit zero

gosub datah 'set 26th bit one

gosub datal 'set 27th bit zero, note last pin4 is low

pause 10 'pause to stabilize

low 1 'lower program enable to take voltage reading
pause 1000 'pause to stabilize
input 4 'make pin 4 an input...important!
pause 1000 'pause to stabilize

voltsum = 0 'initialize voltage average

for m=1 to 10 'loop to perform averaging
readadc10 4, volt 'read the voltage on DATA pin 4
voltsum=voltsum + volt 'running total for the loop
pause 100 'time average over 1 second
next m 'keep looping to take average
volt = voltsum / 10 'math to take average

output 4 'make pin 4 an output...important!

serout 0, n2400,(#ch,32,#volt,13,10) 'output channel and voltage

freq = freq + %11000000 'increment UHF channel by 6 MHZ

low 4 'make sure pin 4 returns low

next ch 'loop the program for next channel

'Housekeeping stuff for ending the program

low 4 'end with DATA in a known state
low 2 'end with CLOCK in a known state
low 1 'end with ENABLE in a known state
pause 10 'pause to stabilize
end 'end the program

datah: 'subroutine
high 2 'raise clock
pause 10
high 4 'sub to transmit high bit
pause 10
low 2
pause 10
return 'required for subroutines

datal: 'subroutine
high 2 'raise clock
pause 10
low 4 'sub to transmit low bit
pause 10
low 2
pause 10
return 'required for subroutines

datah2: 'program jump

high 2 'raise clock
pause 10
high 4 'code to transmit high bit
pause 10
low 2
pause 10
goto loop3

datal2: 'program jump

high 2 'raise clock
pause 10
low 4 'code to transmit low bit
pause 10
low 2
pause 10
goto loop3

'pin 1 is enable, pin 2 is clock, pin 4 is data and voltage read

'w0 is the tune frequency in binary

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