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Earth and Us !!

The returning sand tsunamis, unprecedented storms, earthquakes that hit the north of Indian
subcontinent have made headlines. Hawaiian eruption, Indonesian volcanic activity and appearances
of large cracks on different parts on the globe have grabbed attention. Sounds like a wonted
performance of nature, something we are used to, right? On the other hand, reports of young
people contracting old-age diseases, dying of sudden heart attacks and enduring unexplainable
physiological changes and we can continue to blame it on lifestyle, pollution, population et al, till we
completely toss over the edge as a civilization. Now let us fathom an even more incredible and
inconceivable probability – Is the global and personal linked to each other? Everyone else, except
those who work on ‘Energy’, would shun such a thought. ‘Energy’ of Tesla and ‘Energy’ of the
practitioners of Internal and External Martial Arts forms, like Advanced Yoga, Tai chi, Qigong,
Neigong, Kung fu, both of whom understood the world in terms of ‘Energy’. ‘Energy’ upon the
understanding of which our “age-old” cultural systems and ancient lifestyle was based. The one
phenomenon which led to life, evolution, and which manifests as ‘Adaptation’ to the ‘Environment’
– microcosmic and macrocosmic.

In terms of Energy, a ‘Macrocosmic Environment’, is simply collective ‘Microcosmic’ playing

together. The latter is a Single Energy Matrix weaved consciously by a Being, uniquely vibrating at its
own frequency creating a micro environment. Energy interacts with itself within the Microcosm, that
is, within the body, thus creating matter, the physical body, while it simultaneously interacts with
the Macrocosm, creating and contributing to the making of the Macrocosmic Environment. Thus
collectively, Beings create the Macrocosm with their contributing energy matrix. All the inhabitants
of Earth contribute to create the planet’s “Macrocosmic Environment”. That is why a butterfly which
flips its wings in one continent affects the climatic conditions of another at the other side of the
planet. That is why every species’ existence matters. What we call as “Environment” and consent
ourselves to be a subset of, is reversely a collectively consciously created Energy Matrix by us
contributed to, by every Being’s choice of flow of energy, its exchange, vibration and frequency
made through its individual or collective species’ decision with respect to Actions, Thoughts,
Perception, Lifestyle on a moment to moment basis. Thus Jung talks of “Collective Conscious”.
‘Adaptation’ is achieving a harmony with the energy flow which we call Environment. It may be
achieving harmony with the negative or involutionary energy flow or may be achieving harmony
with the positive or evolutionary energy flow. Thus individual as well as civilizational habits/
lifestyle/ perception/ actions/ thought process create the macrocosmic environment and determine

The flow of energy within the microcosmic and macrocosmic environment assures ‘Nourishment’
which is simply exchange of energy. It is like water, it flows from higher to lower level, from
abundance to lack. Nourishment to the individual, the collective and Earth and it’s exchange in
between them happens through energy channels, which exist at every scale. We assume Earth to be
an unintelligible mass of lifeless land on which life exists. We do not realize that as a global
civilization which has adopted concretization and aversion to soil and dirt, we are cutting off the
energy channels and the flow, the exchange of energy with Earth and each other. Ironically, any
lifeless mass cannot support life. Earth is very much alive. The hard ground on which we stand is
breathing. It has its pulse, its heartbeat. This is slowly but surely being killed and thus earthlings are
suffering. This is both the cause of the disturbance in macrocosmic environment and the cause of
diseases and sudden stoppage of flow of energy at the microcosmic ‘individual’ level too. Think for
example of a thin wire and loads of current running through it. Unless an “earthing” wire is
connected to it and the thin wire made a thick one, which absorbs the extra energy, the wire will get
shot. This is what is happening to humans right now. Overstimulation at the upper end of the human
energy matrix due to a lot of brain activity coupled with the presence of extra waves surrounding us
and blockage of flow at the base end due to no contact with Earth and Water element results in
accumulation of energy in the upper middle, the heart area which when remains the same for a
longer period of time results in physical, psychological, perceptive imbalances and also sudden
deaths. Once the flow of energy in the microcosmic environment gets balanced the above
imbalances recover. Simply by sitting in wet mud on ground balances us out.

By understanding ourselves as Energy Beings, we develop the understanding of the flow, cultivation,
balance of Energy within the microcosm that we are and the macrocosm which we all together
create. So connect with Earth and Water, physically and energetically immediately, to save the
planet and you. It is a lie that the world is beyond repair and it is but natural for global catastrophes
to happen. They are only a reflection of our disconnection with Earth and Earth’s inanition and
snivelling that she is expressing by cracking up, bursting, squalling and quavering. She is asking us to
connect with her via her elements of soil and water, that unsurprisingly govern the energy roots of
our microcosmic matrix. All we need to do now is bathe in water and soil, embrace her and connect
with her, and this pandemonium will stop as she relaxes, rebalances and unwinds in our warm

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