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Finally, an easy, affordable breath test for

Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)!

A double-blind randomised study abdominal pain, and diarrhoea.
revealed that 84% IBS patients Hydrogen breath testing is
exhibited bacterial overgrowth recognized by the American College
based on lactulose breath testing* of Gastroenterology as a non-invasive
SIBO is caused by overgrowth of method of diagnosing SIBO.
bacteria in the normally sterile Bacterial infections of the small
environment of the small intestine. intestine can be easily assessed by
These bacteria cause symptoms testing for the presence of hydrogen
such as bloating, constipation, and methane in exhaled air.

Hydrogen/Methane breath


testing from

is a fast, reliable tool for
identifying SIBO!
Graphical Representation
Trace Gas Values in PPM

• We make it easy for you and our patient
easy to use, do-at-home test kits that the
patient orders online via
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • Quick results – usually sent to the
Hydrogen 4 5 7 19 59 82 84 75 33 59
Methane 8 10 10 12 11 14 13 16 9 15 practitioner within a few days of receiving
Combined 12 15 17 31 70 96 97 91 42 74
the sample.
• Free cutting-edge natural treatment
The detailed report you will receive includes
SIBO Positive Result
• In the first 30 minutes: Hydrogen or methane gas rise of 12 ppm over lowest preceding level.
Dr Nirala Jacobi’s cutting-edge natural and
• In the first two hours
protocols along with the results.
• Glucose: any rise in hydrogen or methane is considered positive
conventional treatment protocols that you can
• Free educational resources for you and
•Hydrogen: rise of 20ppm over lowest preceding level
put to use immediately.
•Methane: rise of 12ppm over lowest preceding level your patient— free online quiz, short
•Combined: rise of 15ppm over lowest preceding level

SIBO Possible Positive Result
video to educate your patients about SIBO,
and a free practitioner resource section.
SIBO Practitioners Referral Network
• Rise of Hydrogen or Methane in the 3rd hour:
•A late rise of hydrogen of 20ppm over lowest preceding level or methane of 12ppm over lowest preceding 
level can indicate SIBO in the distal ileum.  It  can also indicate a normal rise in these gasses as lactulose 
passes in the large intestine. Consider patient history and clinical presentation.

Be listed today! Register at

© SIBOTest  
Page 2
We are a practitioner-owned company located in Brisbane, Australia.
We have extensive clinical experience treating SIBO. Our Lab
Director Dr Nirala Jacobi ND (USA) is considered Australia’s leading
natural health expert on SIBO.  Dr Jacobi has worked in the natural
health care industry in the United States and Australia for 20 years,
has been in clinical practice for over 15 years and has lectured
internationally to both lay and professional audiences. In January
2014 she was an expert Delphi panelist at the inaugural SIBO
Symposium in Portland Oregon USA. Copyright 2014 SIBOtest

*(Am J Gastroenterol. 2003 Feb;98(2):412-9. Normalization of lactulose breath testing correlates with symptom improvement in irritable bowel syndrome. a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Pimentel M, Chow EJ, Lin HC.)

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