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Background of the Study

Everything in life can be explained by mathematics.

Mathematics is everywhere; it is used in everyday life, no

matter which filed or profession we belong to, it is useful,

but is more than useful. Mathematics is important because it

determines our future and how we choose to live. That is why

it is necessary to have a good understanding of the subject.

Problem solving is a heart in the study of mathematics. A

primary goal of Mathematics teaching and learning is to

develop the ability to solve a wide variety of complex

mathematical problems (James W. Wilson, Maria L. Fernandez,

and Nelda Hadaway (1993). Problem solving is the very heart of

understanding mathematics. It is very important as children

need to apply and transfer their learning of how to solve

calculations into everyday situations. Thus the researcher

deem it necessary and relevant to conduct a study on the

effect of problem solving ability on the achievement in

mathematics of high school students.

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Theoretical Framework

Mathematical problem solving has been the problem of most

students. Teachers today develop concerns in order to improve

the problem solving ability of the students in relation to a

higher achievement in mathematics. This study will be given

clearer framework and platform through this theory:

Bloom’s Learning Theory

According to the study of the educators and

psychologists, students will have an effective problem solving

skills or not depends on Bloom’s learning theory. The theory

revealed that there were factors influencing achievement

including cognitive domain (namely students’ own background

knowledge and skills), effective domain (such as attitude on

the subject, school and learning processes, interest,

motivation, self-efficacy, and self-esteem) and teaching

quality factors (namely, instruction acknowledgement,

participation in class activities, teacher’s sanction system

and giving feedbacks). (Tayraukham, 2009)

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Conceptual Framework

The study was modeled by a conceptual framework which

depicted a representation of dependent and independent

variables and the relationships between them as shown by

arrows in Figure 1.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Level of Problem Mathematics

Solving Ability Achievement

Assessed by In terms of:

Problem Solving
Ability Test 1. Previous
o Low grade
o Average 2. Previous
o High examination

As illustrated in Figure 1, the study will focus on how

the level of problem solving ability affects the mathematics

achievement of the high school students.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to determine the effect of

problem solving ability on the achievement in mathematics of

high school students. Specifically, it aimed to answer the

following questions:

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1. What is the level of problem solving ability of the

respondents (low, average, high) assessed by Problem

Solving Ability Test?

2. What is the mathematics achievement of the high school

students in terms of:

a. previous periodic grade

b. previous examination grade

3. Is there any significant difference between the level of

problem solving ability and achievement in mathematics of

the high school students?

4. Is there any significant relationship/effect between the

level of problem solving ability and achievement in

mathematics of the high school students?

Significance of the Study

The result of the study would be relevant and beneficial

to the following:

Department of Education (DepEd) and Private Schools. The

DepEd and private schools would gain insights on the effect of

problem solving ability on the achievement in mathematics of

high school students towards the formulation of sound,

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realistic and viable programs for the improvement of their


Faculty. Results of this study can motivate the teachers

to continuously upgrade their standards of teaching with

further trainings or seminars which they can use for better

instruction to their students.

Parents. Findings of this study can serve as guide to

parents to continue encouraging, motivating and monitoring the

learning development of their children as they pursue their

chosen career.

Students. Data from this study will serve as challenging

information to them to seriously study to pursue their goals

and become competent in coping with modern society and the

competitive economy.

Future Researchers. The information derived from this

study would be used by other researchers who are interested to

conduct research relative to the effect of problem solving

ability on the achievement in mathematics of high school


Definition of terms

To facilitate and ensure better understanding, the

following terms are defined operationally:

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Problem solving ability. The ability to understand what

the goal of the problem is and what rules could be applied to

represent the key to solving the problem.

Mathematics. Mathematics is a part of science. It has the

four fundamental operations of addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division. In the secondary school level,

mathematics education is very useful to develop the creative

thinking and self-confident habit of students and it also

helps to develop the problem solving habits.

Achievement. Being used here to mean competence or

ability or performance score.

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This chapter provides the outline of the related

literature and studies which the researcher referred to during

the course of the study. Topics on Problem solving ability and

mathematics achievement are presented with the purpose of

enriching the discussion of the study.

1. Effect of problem solving ability on the achievement in

mathematics of high school students

2. Effect of problem solving ability on academic achievement

of high school students: A comparative study

3. Effects of Problem-solving approach on mathematics

achievement of diploma in basic education distance

learners at University of Cape Coast, Ghana

4. Mathematics achievements among high school students in


5. A study on problem solving ability in mathematics of IX

standard students in Dingul district

6. Improving mathematical problem solving ability through

problem-based learning and authentic assessment for the

students of Bali State Polytechnic

7. A review of the research relating problem solving and

mathematics achievement to psychological variables and

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relating these variables to methods involving or

compatible with self-correcting manipulative mathematics


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