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Sarah Walsh S00204509 EDFX343 | Task 2A

Criteria Outstanding Proficient Achieving Further Developing Working Towards

Details about the natural Sophisticated levels of Detailed level of Included relevant Minimal information used, Does not answer
disaster and research information, answering all information answering all information which answers some questions; questions, lack of
questions to a high level; questions answered all questions; few sources used to back information; limited
comprehensive use of comprehensively; high sound use of research to up information research used to back
research to back up use of research to back back up information up information
information up information

Script for newscast and Highly detailed script Detailed script used for Appropriate script used Adequate script used for Script not completed;
newscast presentation used for newscast; very newscast; engaging for newscast; newscast; presentation presentation is not
engaging presentation presentation with presentation engaged somewhat engaging; engaging; no eye
with audience in mind; audience in mind; audience; read from read from script with contact with audience
spoke without referring to occasionally used palm palm cards minimal eye contact when speaking
script cards

Creative use of ICT Highly original, shows Original use of ICT being Appropriate use of ICT Adequate use of ICT Inappropriate use of ICT
imaginative use of used effectively with used effectively with used to engage used; no evidence of
technology and some sound effects to minimal additional audience at times; does student learning
resources, extending its engage students; effects use to engage not synthesise student
ability to engage synthesises most student students; synthesises learning
students; synthesises all learning some student learning
student learning

Collaborative group skills Always works Frequently works Works collaboratively in Sometimes works Rarely works
collaboratively in small collaboratively in small small group with some collaboratively in small collaboratively in small
group; all opinions and group with minimal guidance from teacher; group with guidance group, requiring constant
ideas shared; equal teacher assistance; ideas some ideas shared with from teacher; some ideas guidance from teacher;
contribution to task. are shared; equal some equal contribution shared ideas not shared and not
contribution. equal

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